Global wars and the construction of a family estate. Chronicles of Elyria – medieval sandbox with dynasties

05.07.2019 Computers

Based on numerous surveys of gamers conducted by various companies, a list of the most expected computer games , scheduled for release in 2019. Many of them, of course, will be released not only for computers, but also for the most popular game consoles.

So, let's start looking at the most anticipated games of 2019, which, by the way, is just around the corner.

And the game “Final Fantasy 7 Remake” opens the list. At one time, the game “Final Fantasy 7,” released back in the late nineties, created a real sensation among fans of classic Japanese RPGs, and not only among them.

Today the number of fans of the most popular Japanese series role playing games It didn't get much smaller. That is why the game “Final Fantasy 7 Remake” was included in the list of the most anticipated ones.

The title of the game, which is a kind of gift to ardent fans of the series, apparently has nothing original. Everything here is concise and clear. This game will be a re-release of the same seventh part of “Final Fantasy”, which was released about 20 years ago.

Of course, numerous changes are expected in terms of graphics, music, gameplay, plot, etc. But for now it is difficult to say anything specifically, since the creators of this diva have so far presented only a couple of trailers to the waiting fans, in which they promised a real brain explosion.

Rumor has it that it will be something incredibly huge in scale. Each episode of this re-released game will be much larger than its 20-year-old original.

In 2019 To the delight of all fans of the first two parts of the Westland series, the long-awaited third part will finally be released. However, the creators themselves state that they will focus on entertainment, and therefore the plot here will fade into the background. Therefore, he is unlikely to be able to surprise.

However, entertainment in the game is also an expensive pleasure. Most likely, gamers eager to play the third part will have to update the video card of their hardware.

Westeland 3 will feature some serious battles on the snow-covered plains of Colorado.

The gaming industry giant Electronic Arts has again postponed the release of the Anthem game. This time it is promised to be released early next year. The release of the game was delayed because Electronic Arts employees want gamers to first play enough of another game they recently released, called Red Dead Redemption 2.

As for the future “Anthem”, its concept will be significantly changed. The game will have a more branched plot. And the open hub may disappear altogether. In any case, one thing can be said with 100% confidence - traveling through vast fantastic locations in Javelina costumes will be very interesting.

From now on, fans of the world-famous Bayonetta can also rejoice. After all, in the coming year the third part of the computer game series of the same name is finally expected to be released. However, you will have to wait best case scenario another year, since the game is scheduled for release in the second half of 2019. However, long waits are not a reason to be discouraged. After all, the longer the wait, the more pleasant it will be to meet your favorite heroine, and at the same time with some of her new or old enemies.

Fans of the series of games about a witch named Bayonetta, having learned that the long-awaited sequel will soon be released, everyone possible ways began to look for at least some features of the plot, trying to at least slightly lift the veil of secrecy. But the developers, knowing full well how expensive even one ridiculous spoiler can cost them, confidently remain silent, thereby escalating the situation. Most likely, they have no doubt that their new creation will become another real masterpiece, as it was with the first two parts of this series.

Today it is known that even owners of a Nintendo console will be able to play the threequel about the witch Bayonetta.

Another long-awaited sequel, the release of which was also delayed for a very long time, is also planned to be released next year. We are talking about the game “Psychonauts”, or rather its second part.

The developers didn't release a Psychonauts sequel for a long time because they simply didn't have enough Money, which, by the way, were collected by the whole world through crowdfunding. But then, when investors helped raise funds, contributing a total of almost $10 million, conversations began about the exact release date new game.

The key character of the second part will be Raz, one of the graduates of the psychonautics camp. The main character will have a new opportunity. He will now learn to float in the air, as well as use telekinesis and pyrokinesis. Therefore, the player in front of the monitor will certainly not be bored. The most avid gamers are guaranteed long nights without sleep.

Another sequel, the release of which scheduled for 2019– “Beyond Good and Evil 2.” This game will appeal to all fans of heated battles in the depths of endless outer space, as well as those who like to shoot all sorts of evil spirits in the most modern and popular first-person shooters.

It is already known that the new game will feature new characters with amazing abilities.

The creators said that detailed worlds await players. We can only hope that the scheduled release date will no longer be postponed. After all, its announcement took place 10 years ago. And now, finally, the time will soon come to make sure that the long waits of a whole decade were not in vain.

“Cyberpunk 2077” is another game that was announced a long time ago. It was announced four years ago. And now, fortunately, even despite the fact that the developers working on the new game have numerous difficulties, including financial ones, “Cyberpunk 2077” will soon be able to be launched on a computer.

According to the main developer of this game, its plot will be based on board game"Cyberpunk 2020". However, characters from The Witcher 3 will be present here. In general, this is a pretty loud statement. But there is no reason not to believe him.

Among the most expected games 2019 refers to a new story about samurai. The game, called “Ghost of Tsushima,” will be dedicated to the events that took place in the Land of the Rising Sun almost a thousand years ago, namely in the 13th century. At that time, the Japanese were forced to wage war with Mongolia, fighting for the island of Tsushima. When the war was almost over, and the entire population of the island had already surrendered to the insidious conquerors, a hero appeared, determined to take revenge for his native land and for all the murdered people. This hero's name is Zen. And now the player, who has taken on the role of a Japanese samurai patriot named Zen, will have to fight the Mongol invaders, traveling throughout the entire territory of the island of Tsushima.

A distinctive feature of this game will be that the battles here are in many ways close to real ones. In particular, the main character will clearly not be able to resist the enemy army alone for long.

Among the companies involved in the development of computer games, there is one that always creates something brilliant. We are talking about the company Nintendo. This time she plans to release the game "Metroid Prime 4". However, nothing has been said about the plot yet, except that it will connect the events of the three previously released parts.

There are also rumors that a re-release of the legendary story “Resident Evil 2” will be released in 2019. However, there is no exact information about this. Let us remember that Capcom itself promised to release a remake of the second part four years ago. The “remade” Resident Evil 2, according to the company’s promises, was supposed to appear in 2019.

There is currently no art or trailer for the game. It is not known whether they even produce it. Therefore, gamers can only wait, hoping for the speedy release of a new masterpiece from Capcom.

“System Shock 3” is a game that should shock gamers, if only because Warren Spector worked on its creation - the one with whom light hand Games like Deus Ex and Thief were born.

The third part of “System Shock” is eagerly awaited by every gamer who has played one of the first two parts, or both parts, at least once in their life. The game is scheduled to be released on the second half of 2019. The development company is currently experiencing some financial difficulties. Therefore, we can only guess whether the new game will be released on time or whether the wait will continue.

True connoisseurs of cinema will agree that in last years the vector of popular motifs has sharply shifted towards film adaptations. Thanks to the rapid development of technology, directors are now able to implement projects rich in special effects and very complex characters. We propose to consider the rating of the most anticipated films of 2019, which perfectly demonstrate how far genres such as fantasy, science fiction, and action have come due to the growing popularity of superhero cinema. In addition, let's talk about promising franchises and remakes that are already “exciting the blood” of film fans. Ready?

Rating of the most anticipated films of 2019


In the center of the storyline of David Sandberg's film is a boy who acquires amazing abilities - he is able to turn into a superhero in moments of danger. To gain powerful power, he only needs to say the word “Shazam.” It is possible that the adult hero will be played by Rock Johnson. This project opens the Top 10 expected films of 2019, also because the powerful character is one of the most powerful images of the Justice League. In DC comics, he is as common as Red Tornado, Aquaman, and Cyborg.

Surely, many have already heard that in the last part of the Avengers the leading role will be given to this hero – Captain Marvel. Who is she? Of course, detailed information we will get during the release of this promising film, but based on the comics, certain information is already available:

  • we are talking about a heroine who can become the most powerful character in the Avengers Universe;
  • The main role in the film will be played by a girl (Brie Larson);
  • She gained powers as a result of receiving alien DNA.

Unfortunately, we don’t yet know about all the heroine’s abilities – we can only wait for the release.

Speaking about the most anticipated films of 2019, we cannot fail to mention Gambit, in which Channing Tatum wants to play the main role. We are already familiar with this X-Men hero from the adventures of Wolverine. Gambit is a martial artist who has the ability to charge objects with energy. As a result, he wields very dangerous cards. However, he could choose any type of weapon, but he is a passionate player. We'll get to know the detailed story of this amazing character on June 6th. There is reason to believe that mass adaptation of many images of mutants will soon begin.

If this isn't the most anticipated comic book adaptation, it is one of them! In the new part we will see the same heroes as in the previous one, including Wonder Woman, Superman, Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg. It is possible that Shazam will join the squad of the strongest meta-humans. This time they will fight one of the most... dangerous villains DC comics. We're talking about Darkseid. It is difficult to imagine what budget will have to be spent on the implementation of this project. Let us remind you that $300,000,000 was spent on filming the first part of Justice League. Box office receipts amounted to $650 million.

There is reason to believe that this is one of the most anticipated film adaptations of 2019, due to the success of the previous part of the film. In the Russian Federation alone, the film managed to collect 2 billion rubles, which is far from the limit. Many experts believe that this project can enter the top of the richest projects in terms of box office receipts. In the new part of the film we will see even more new heroes. There is reason to believe that the action will unfold around Captain Marvel, to whom Fury managed to send a message at the end of the previous film. Apparently this is the “trump card” of the SHIELD agency, which the producers saved for the most important moment. And it will come soon!

Finally, fans of one of the most successful animated series of all time have waited for the presentation of a full-length film about Pokemon. Already on May 9, manga fans will be able to find out what Pikachu looks like in the movies. The plot is based on the investigation of a guy and his yellow friend - young detectives deal with crimes in the world of Pokemon. On their way they will come across various villains and their Pokémon with unique abilities - the ability to control the elements. Thanks to the development of special effects, we will definitely get a very spectacular film. Previously, it was not possible to film the cartoon precisely because there were no suitable technologies.

It's done! All that remains is to wait for the premiere of the film about one of the bravest heroes of the Jungle. There's hardly any need for a plot summary. Everyone already knows that the main character is little lion cub who lost his father. He will become the king of all animals. But to achieve his goal, Shinbo must enlist the support of brave friends who will help him defeat evil. The film will be directed by renowned director Jon Favreau. The main character will be played by Donald Glover (famous actor and musician).

Honestly, it’s difficult to predict what this project will hold, but the fact that Minecraft is one of the most anticipated movies is undeniable! At this time, it is impossible to even guess what kind of story Rob McElhenney's work will be based on. In principle, almost any story can be used as a scenario: from war to the creation of an empire. The main feature and calculation is the success of the game. Naturally, the target audience of the film, as in the case of Warcraft, are gamers. The difference is that the highly anticipated Minecraft movie doesn't boast the same level of special effects.

) about popular and increasingly popular projects. Today I will introduce you to a list of 10 online games that fans of this genre are waiting for.

We all want something new, especially the Russian-speaking community, which doesn’t really have to choose what to play. I really hope that next year will give us many unforgettable gaming emotions.

It is important to understand that this top expresses solely my opinion, which may not coincide with yours. Most likely not all of these Online Games will be released in MBT in 2018, but most of will definitely go into the active phases of PTA.

We bring to your attention the top most anticipated MMORPGs in 2018. You can express your opinion by leaving a comment below this post.

10. New World

Official site:
Release date: Alpha test ~ 4th quarter 2018
Development model: One-time purchase

9. Chronicles of Elyria (CoE)

Official site: (Friend Code: F47779)
Release date: Alpha test ~ 4th quarter 2018
Development model: Subscription

8. Crowfall

Official site:
Release date in Russia: Alpha test ~ winter 2018
Development model: One-time purchase

7. Age of Wushu 2

Official site:
Release date: CBT in China ~ 4th quarter 2018
Development model: Free

6. Bless Rebuild (Steam)

Official site:
Release date: Early access on Steam 05/28/2018
Development model: One-time purchase

5. A:IR (Ascent: Infinite Realm)

Official site:
Release date: CBT ~ 3rd quarter 2018
Development model: Free

Apparently, the game will initially be released in its homeland (Korea) from the developers themselves from Bluehole Studio, then in Europe (partially) + North America on behalf of Kakao Games, then in Japan from the famous GameOn. As for the release of the game in Russia, there is still no official information. It is worth noting that the developers have already established contacts with Russian companies (PUBG) and Destiny (Tera).

4. Ashes of Creation (AoC)

Official site:
Release date in Russia: (Alpha One) ~ 10.2018
Development model: Subscription

3. World of Warcraft: Classic

Official site: (website will come later)
Release date: CBT ~ 2019
Development model: Subscription

2. Lost Ark

Official site:
Release date: CBT in Russia ~ summer 2019
Development model: Free

1. Project TL (Lineage Eternal)

Official site:
Release date: CBT#1 ~ 2019
Development model: Subscription

Well, dear lovers of good video games. The fireworks have already died down, the champagne has been drunk, 2017 with all its events and releases is a thing of the past - but now it’s time to look into the future.

And if you take just one glance at the approximate list of releases in 2018, you can already say that there is at least a 50% chance that this year will go down in the history of the video game industry for many reasons.

We hope not by an increase in the number of scandals related to loot boxes in single player. Our special TOP 10 will tell you which projects you should definitely expect in 2018.


The epic long-term construction, announced back in 2015, keeps crawling and crawling towards release - but it just can’t get there. It's actually a pity, because the setting and story here are extremely interesting - will tell gamers the story of Kara, a female android who came off the assembly line into a world in which people like her are actively used in everyday life as tools.

In this strange new world, androids carry people across the road, wash dishes, clean apartments - in general, they do everything that living people are too lazy to do, and in every possible way serve these same people in everyday life.

There are futuristic landscapes, transhumanist themes and questions about what it means to be human and how to become one.

The developers are constantly postponing the release date of this interesting story, but the last approximate date mentioned is 2018, which still gives hope for a possible release. If not, then you will want to ask the above questions to the developers themselves.


Do we know what madness is? Apparently, still not - Far Cry 5, even before its release, managed to turn up the heat and make several social groups immediately imbued with righteous rage - just by its existence.

That's all - you just had to move the scene to a typical American outback without communication with the outside world, and voila! - scandals cannot be avoided. Here you have attacks that the game supposedly laughs at freedom of religion, at feminism, at politics and, in particular, at Donald Trump...

But that's not what we're talking about now. We're just waiting for a moderately crazy, excellent (V in this case- in an open village) with everything that makes us love the Far Cry series.

The release date of this scandalous masterpiece is scheduled for March 27, 2018, and the game should appear immediately on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.


If in Brothers: The Tale of Two Sons it was possible to play with a friend, or not to play, controlling two characters alone at the same time, then A Way Out clearly directed its focus on co-op playthrough. However, it is still known that it will occur only within the local network.

A Way Out is a future creation from the creators of the aforementioned Brothers, which explains the focus on the game with two characters at once - well, the developers like this concept.

All that is known about the plot is that the main characters will have to, by joining forces, escape from prison, and then... And then they’ll just be waiting for them . Which ones exactly are a mystery.

Two heads have always been better than one - that's why in A Way Out, two friends who start the passage will find puzzles and stealth puzzles focused on player interaction.

The approximate release period is 2018, no one has named a specific day yet, but it is known that both console owners and PC users will be able to enjoy the game.


Most likely, Anthem is an attempt at rehabilitation after loud in every sense .

Judging by the available trailers and materials, this attempt is doomed to success - the setting here is an open world, filled with both living nature and mechanical structures.

As a fighter dressed in a super-suit, players will be asked to fly back and forth across an open colorful map, fighting monsters and aliens, as well as completing tasks aimed at protecting their native Earth.

Of course, everything could turn out completely differently, but for now Anthem, with its bright world and design, gives only positive emotions. We'll find out how it actually plays in the fall of 2018 on all available platforms.


It is worth admitting that Shenmue III is one of the “dark horses” of the coming year, since everything that is known about the game is the same main characters, the same terrain, graphics , but looks the same. All. There are no interesting details about the plot, only one thing is known - it seems to be a prequel to the main story.

Shenmue III had a very difficult fate - they began to develop it, then abandoned it, then caught fire again and abandoned it again. But in the end, the game was sponsored by a company on Kickstarter, and therefore Shenmue III will be! Presumably in the second quarter of 2018 on various platforms.


The most important feature of the future , known to everyone - now Kratos has a little son. With which, wow, you can even interact. Thus, Kratos is now not so much a bloodthirsty god, but a caring father and a character with whom you can humanly empathize.

The plot revolves around our family duo - Kratos, who has taken sufficient revenge on the gods of Olympus for all the previous games in the series, must now live and survive in the world of Scandinavian mythology - and in order to survive well, he will have to master many new skills, types of weapons, and even teach all this inquisitive son.

The familiar mechanics for the new game have been redesigned from scratch - now God of War is in conditionally open world than before. You will have to upgrade not only the main character, but also his little son - this is what the whole plot is based on.

Everyone can fully enjoy family survival in the lap of nature side by side with Scandinavian creatures , starting March 22, 2018.


Remember Mor Utopia? In which it was still necessary to make a choice - to remain human and interrupt the suffering of the agonizing patient, or to steal all the best from his boarded-up house?

Moral choices of approximately the same rank will be provided to us , only, as the name suggests, you will have to decide about “cure or drink.”

The main character is the doctor Jonathan Reed, who, as luck would have it, during the general plague of vampirism, he himself is sick with it, not knowing at all who exactly infected him.

As a result, he constantly has to balance between treating the sick and feeding himself, while still trying to remain a doctor and not a bloodthirsty beast.

Drinking blood, nevertheless, beckons - by digging into the necks of his victims, Jonathan will be able to restore strength and acquire new vampire abilities.

The environment contributes to the Gothic style - it’s 1918, all around is cramped London washed by the rain of blood. You will be able to take a stroll around London and find out the secret of the appearance of vampires in the city in the spring of 2018, on all available platforms.


Ever wanted to play as a cute mutating furry? will more than provide this opportunity. According to the plot of the game, main character- an unknown character who can be customized through various mutations.

All around is a post-apocalypse, open world (after all, the game is from the creators Just Cause) and a thousand enemies, which you can deal with not only with fire and sword, but also different styles kung Fu.

Here and there in the world of Biomutant live masters of various fighting styles, from whom the hero can learn wushu, kung fu, taekwondo and other scary words.

In addition, it is also known that psi abilities such as telekinesis, levitation and pyrokinesis will be available in the game. Players will be able to start exploring the mutating world together with a fluffy who practices kung fu in the coming 2018 - exact date release has not yet been determined.


The motto of the sequel to The Last of Us is “familiar faces”, because the main characters are Joel and Ellie again, the composer is again Gustavo Santaolalla, and the same people are responsible for the heartbreaking script.

And all of the above means that gamers can expect a sequel, worked out to the smallest detail, of an adult, tear-squeezing series with amazing music and moral growth of the characters. Of course, not one iota is revealed about the plot of the sequel, so as not to spoil everything for the people.

The picture has been tweaked to advantage, the action-adventure gameplay is still in place. All that remains is to wait for the release, which will definitely happen in the coming year.

1. Red Dead Redemption 2 (most anticipated)

Oh, Rockstar. Truly, a company capable of collecting billions of dollars with its games in the first days of release, and about the same amount over the entire existence of their games in principle.

Rockstar games are a cultural phenomenon, an information source, works that even those who don’t particularly like video games are familiar with. Apparently, the continuation of the legendary Red Dead Redemption will face the same fate.

It's still good old in the open world with new history and old faces in the main roles - frankly speaking, there are not so many changes since the first part. And why change anything if the cult formula already works?

Unfortunately, the list of available platforms has not been expanded - everything, just like the original source, will be the privilege of only console players.

A massive new Wild West adventure filled with memories and a great soundtrack, coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in Spring 2018.

Video: Red Dead Redemption 2 trailer

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The next year will give movie lovers many interesting new products, including sequels of already favorite films and completely new films. In this material, we have prepared a list of the ten most anticipated films of 2019, but it’s up to you to decide what exactly to watch.

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In 2019, the world will learn the detailed story of Gotham City's most dangerous criminal - the elusive Joker. The main role in the film will be played by Joaquin Phoenix. The first footage from the set has already begun to appear online, showing the actor in the image of Batman’s archenemy.

Stills from the filming of the film "Joker", Joaquin Phoenix

Warner Bros., DC Comics and DC Entertainment collaborated on the film, which tells the story of the development of a villain in the criminal underworld of Gotham City. Fans of superhero comics are looking forward to seeing a real masterpiece, so it is not surprising that “Joker” ranks first in the ranking of the most anticipated films of 2019.

2. Hellboy: Rebirth bloody queen

There is good news for those who have missed the big red guy. In 2019, a sequel to the film “Hellboy”, called “Rebirth of the Blood Queen,” will be released. The role of the queen herself will be played by the unsurpassed Milla Jovovich. In addition to her, viewers will also see Ian McShane, David Harbour, Sasha Lane, Daniel Dae Kim and other famous actors in the film.

The film is slated to premiere on April 12, so fans will still have to wait a little longer after enduring the winter. Let's hope that the film will live up to all expectations, especially since director Neil Marshall, who took part in the creation of Game of Thrones, worked on it.

3. Glass

The sequel to the films “Split” and “Unbreakable” from director M. Night Shyamalan has not yet been released, but has already managed to make a splash. The cast of the film is especially delightful. The main roles will be played by James McAvoy, the unsurpassed Samuel L. Jackson, American Horror Story star Sarah Paulson and Die Hard Bruce Willis.

The film "Glass" is scheduled for release on January 17, but you can already enjoy its official trailer.

4. Alita: Battle Angel

The action of the film "Alita: Battle Angel" takes place in the 26th century AD. A large-scale war occurred, after which the world was divided into two parts - the Heavenly and Lower Cities. The elite live at the top, and the scum at the bottom. It is here that Dr. Ido finds the remains of a robot girl, which he decides to fix. Alita does not remember anything from her past, so she is trying to find out who she was before her death and what class she belonged to.

The film, with a fabulous budget of $200 million, will hit the big screens in February this year. The premiere of the film worldwide is scheduled for February 13, in Russia and the USA it will take place a day later.

5. Avengers 4

“The Avengers” is so beloved by the audience that Marvel simply cannot help but please them with the continuation of the legendary story. In May 2019, fans of the universe will see the film “Avengers 4,” which promises to bring many unexpected surprises. Among them - the appearance of a long-forgotten hero and the birth of a child to another!

Poster for the film "Avengers 4"

In June, a poster for the continuation of the superhero series circulated online, on which you can see the composition of the future team. Some unusual details include the Hulk in a new suit, the absence of the Wasp, and the appearance of several new characters - Ant-Man, Captain Marvel and Hawkeye.

6. Untitled Terminator movie

In the continuation of the cult franchise, which has the working title “Terminator 3,” the Terminator and Sarah Conor will meet again. The release of the action movie is scheduled for November 2019, so fans will have to wait a little.

Not long ago, on his page on Imstagram, Arnold Schwarzenegger shared a photo with Linda Hamilton from the filming of the first and last parts of “Terminator.” Celebrity fans were so happy to see this photo that they simply flooded the stars with likes and comments. Let's hope the film itself turns out as brilliant as its main characters in this photo.

7. John Wick 3: Parabellum

“John Wick 3: Parabellum” will tell the story of a former assassin who is now forced to hide from his “colleagues” and go on the run. The main role in it, as before, will be played by Keanu Reeves. The film will premiere in May.

The first shot of the future action film has appeared online, depicting Halle Berry in the “company” of two watchdogs. It is still unknown what role the actress will get, but judging by the surroundings, she will be one hell of a badass.

8. How to Train Your Dragon 3

2019 will delight you not only with action films, thrillers and science fiction. The kids are anxiously awaiting the release of the third part of the animated film “How to Train Your Dragon,” which will delight viewers during the New Year holidays. The tentative presentation date is scheduled for January 3.

Above you can see the trailer for the new part of the beloved cartoon.

9. I am a legend

More than 12 years later, the world will see the continuation of the science-fiction film “I Am Legend,” which tells about the survival of the only survivor of the virus attack, Robert Neville. It is assumed that in the new part of the film the man will have to fight the mutants surrounding him. The film will take place on the empty streets of New York.

The exact release date of the film is still unknown, but fans do not lose hope that they will see it next year. The main role in I Am Legend 2, as in the first part, will be played by the inimitable Will Smith.

10. Robocalypse

The plot of the film “Robocalypse” is something that the leading minds of mankind have been talking about for many years now. In the future, artificial intelligence will be able to surpass humans in its capabilities so much that it will simply want to oust them from the planet. This is what happens in the film Robocalypse, directed by Michael Bay and produced by Mark Surian and Steven Spielberg.

The sci-fi thriller is scheduled for release in 2019, but the exact premiere date is still unknown.