Review of the game mass effect 3. From Mass Effect to Jade Empire: the best BioWare games - in our subjective opinion

29.07.2019 Psychology

Holy shit! Here's my first word after I started to feel like I had just beaten ME3. I came to my senses after the credits, thanks and everything else that is usually written there after the end of any game ended. Gradually he put his jaw back into place, which had been lying around somewhere because of what he had seen, and felt himself: I don’t think I’m sleeping.

My arms and legs are all in place, I am looking at the monitor, I feel the mouse in my right hand.

What was that just now, damn it, how is it possible, did I really fight all three parts of the game so that it would all end like THIS!

I brought myself to my senses as best I could, believe me, it was not easy to do. I started the mission again and went through it again, the same thing, the same sensations. I got ahead of myself a little, let's go back to the beginning of the game.

Mass Effect 3

First of all, you will have to choose whether to import a character from the second part or not. If you don’t import, then you choose to play as a man or as a woman. Next you will have to choose one of:

  1. Action
  2. Role-playing
  3. Story

I'll tell you a little about this choice. “Action” means that you won’t make any choices at all in the dialogues, the game will be a brutal, real action game, without unnecessary snot and thoughts about what to say to whom. The whole game is designed for combat. Apart from this, you are unlikely to be able to have an affair and enjoy the singing of birds or change some other parameters. You cannot change the appearance of the character or choose what class of soldier you will have, they give you you do not choose. The only thing I found was a couple of key decisions in the game I chose and that’s it.

If you select Role-playing, you will be given a choice of character appearance; you can change almost everything. After that, choose the soldier class. You can play:

  • Scout
  • Soldier
  • Stormtrooper
  • Guardian
  • Adept
  • Engineer

Each has their own skills and characteristics. Whatever abilities you like, take them.

Then you need to choose a bonus and a Psychological profile for yourself, when you choose losses in battle, it is better to leave a partner with the opposite sex alive, you can then start an affair with him, unless of course you shoot him.

The third version of the game “History” implies everything that was in “Role Playing” plus the easiest difficulty level in the game. I didn’t choose all this crap, I immediately chose the Female gender and “Action”, I was tired of their empty chatter in the 1st part. I didn't import the character. I was literally catapulted from the ship to the point.

We fight or we die

When the game began, the first thing that catches your eye is, of course, the enormity and comprehensiveness of what is happening. The real apogee is in the very first minutes of the game. No one in this universe will remain aloof from what is happening, it will affect everyone. With their first attack, the reapers literally take the ground from under your feet. A spark runs through your body as the reaper stomps in your direction, another second and he destroys half of the city, those who were near you not long ago have already become his victim. There is nowhere to hide, nowhere to run, the only choice is to Fight or die, as Shepard himself said. Soldiers fight and die, knowing that there is no hope against such an enemy. On everyone's lips is this Shepard, who is the light of a candle in the pitch darkness of boundless space. There is life and death, reapers and Shepard, hope and despair and nothing else.

There is destruction, chaos and death everywhere, wherever you cannot fly, there are already huge machines sowing death and destruction. When you finally come to your senses and start looking around, you see the beauty of the world that the developers conveyed in the game. While fighting on a planet's satellite, you see the destruction taking place on the planet itself. The Reapers are fighting with huge warships. While you are shooting back, for a long time a huge ship is fighting with the reaper and suddenly you notice that the ship is no longer there, scroll back and see how it was destroyed. Battle after battle we will trample half of the universe, starting from captured planets that are completely in ruins and ending with battles in office buildings, where there is a beautiful landscape, a beautiful sea and there are no reapers yet. The world around you is constantly changing, you have to come into contact with different races on their home planets, etc. The game has beautiful mountain landscapes, beautiful skies, a beautifully crafted mysterious horizon line. Those who have played the rest of the game will be incredibly happy to play the last part of the trilogy, finally it will all unwind and we will find out what’s what. Those who haven’t played the other parts will also not be left out, since the game will change their understanding of games.

I'll rest after death

For those in the tank.) The game Mass Effect 3 takes us to the future, where people have long been crossing space with the help of ancient inventions called repeaters. In an era of space battles and interracial connections, someone named Shepard, accidentally approaching a discovery 50,000 years ago, sees the future that supposedly awaits everyone. The future is clearly not joyful, there is no booze, chicken and chicks, there is death, destruction and the complete extermination of intelligent life forms in the universe. Shepard warns everyone about the impending disaster, but no one wants to believe in such an end, and only at the end of the 2nd part of the game does Shepard manage to convince all races to prepare for the invasion of death weapons called Reapers. About 50,000 years ago, the Prothean civilization completely disappeared. The Reapers destroyed everyone. The same fate now awaits people and everyone else. The Reapers are ruthless machines that come every 50,000 years and will destroy all intelligent races in the universe. Why they don’t know this, little consolation was the ending of the 2nd part of the game, where it turned out that the reapers use bio forms as fuel.

The invasion of machines begins and of course they begin with Mother Earth. Shepard has no choice but to try to unite all races against the machines. Many people think that the reapers can be controlled, from this crazy idea a powerful organization called “Cerberus” appears, which wants to take and put the reapers on a leash, commanding “Sit!” or "Voice". Cerberus plays an important role in the game, this is especially noticeable at the end of the game. You have to recruit a team, unite everyone around you and challenge a great enemy, bearing responsibility for the entire galaxy.

The developers approached the image of the hero very subtly and created a very character who really has a soul. Shepard has nightmares, he is greatly depressed by the fact that he cannot help everyone. Since Shepard from Chelyabinsk The plot of the game is quite harsh, you have to make a choice, for which your conscience will really begin to torment you. There are moments in the game when there are snot and tears. The drama in the picture is off the charts. Many dramatic details of the world will be revealed throughout the game. I do not recommend playing for pregnant women or the faint of heart.

I wish I could settle by the river

In general, the gameplay in the game has not changed much since the second part of the game. A bunch of new ideas perfectly complement the gameplay familiar from the 2nd part. The game consists of running from cover to cover, simultaneously shooting all enemies using your skills and special techniques. In addition to Shepard himself, there are 2 more permanent companions. You cannot directly control your partners, but you can use their skills. ME3 is a very balanced RPG shooter with a stunning, unforgettable world. The experience gained can be spent on various skills. Each of your companions has their own skills, so you can create the optimal team that will effectively complete the task. If you play on a difficult level, you have to play using all the helpers, because they kill instantly.

The evolution from the second part of the game is visible in all details. Weapons have become larger and more varied, and there are many ways of development. New bombs have appeared for weapons, etc. It’s nice and easy to play; you don’t need to have a third hand to use some skill or jump into a trench.


From the first minutes it becomes clear that this will be something grandiose. The characters in the game are drawn in the game before the smallest details. Sprinting, walking, facial expressions, weapons and everything else evoke only sincere admiration. In Shepard's conversation, micro facial movements can be detected. Everything is just amazing. Of particular note are the many cutscenes between missions. If you add up all these videos you get a good movie ala star wars. Collisions between space fleets, attacks by reapers, destruction of entire planets. All the scenes are breathtaking.

Various locations, space views, everything is done perfectly. There is simply nothing better at the moment. I especially liked the planets that were attacked by the reapers; the view from space is simply inspiring. The global apocalypse is made as tragic, spectacular and large-scale as possible. The attack by the reapers becomes a real incident. You begin to believe in what is happening. Despite the fact that this is a shooter that you play for more than 20 hours, the game does not get boring or boring at all.


There are the following types of weapons:

  • Machine
  • Gun
  • Shotgun
  • Sniper rifle
  • Semi-machine gun pistol

Each weapon has its own weight. The more weight you carry, the slower Shep runs and recovers skills. Also, different classes can carry different numbers of weapons. You can carry one example of this weapon with you at a time. Each species has several varieties. Pistols differ from each other not only in appearance or damage caused. Each weapon is excellent in its own way, and its correct use is the key to quick victory. The weapon is radically different from its other analogues. If you take a machine gun, there are about ten completely different models. Weapons can be graded, you can also install new gadgets, a silencer, a sight, etc. I really liked it new gun Scorpion, an excellent weapon against hidden targets.

I'll show you...

Great music accompanies all key moments in the game. I really liked the dramatic nature of the music; they clearly didn’t spare any money on the sound. The sounds of war, constantly firing artillery, machine guns around, reapers attacking the groans of soldiers, chaos and despair, everything is done grandiosely. During scenes between actions there is dramatic and mesmerizing music. The music is especially good at the end of the game, when the fate of the galaxy begins to be decided. People who worked on dubbing and music don’t eat their bread in vain; a job well done is a real pleasure.


there is a lot of humor in this world of despair. It’s not immediately noticeable, but if you look closely, the Normandy team is constantly on fire. Especially the two engineers among themselves, “The world is falling apart, and we are forced to guard the door through which the same people walk,” and the two pilots are not far behind. Shepard is not lost and also often makes inappropriate jokes.

They ask:

Will they not notice us when we land?

Unless we sing the Russian anthem in chorus.

Killed like a Prothean mocking Asari

Azari - Our goddess protected us with her shield. Prothean - Yeah, of course, we shot down that asteroid so that your race wouldn’t die out

Azari - Our goddess gives us strength. Prothean - Yeah, of course, your bio abilities are the result of our years of testing, so that other races don’t immediately break you. etc.

Take Garrus to your team, he'll be on fire the entire game. There are a lot of such moments in the game.


Sex is the engine of civilizations and Shepard will never miss a chance to have hard sex with one of his companions. Communicate with the opposite sex and make him feel for you something more than just an attitude towards the commander and you will get several minutes of wonderful, pure and virtual sex.

There was some homosexuality here too. The shuttle pilot (male) whines that his husband died under the feet of the reapers. If you try, Shepard himself could become a victim of same-sex love. In my opinion, whether it is good or bad is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Personally, I don't like this idea.

What in my opinion is missing from the game?

I played all the parts I liked everything about the game but my opinion in the game is missing:

Big and powerful Bosses who need to shoot something, then something else, and everything like that.

Extraordinary partners, like in ME2

Opportunities to have a normal conversation with the reapers. Understand their essence of thinking. Understand their method of solving the current problem.

ME3 ending

As I said at the beginning of the game, the end will leave you in a daze. Whether the ending is good or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves, but believe me, the ending will not leave you behind.

Many gamers have gathered to submit an official petition to change the ending in the next patch, since the current ending is completely unsuitable for this game.

There are three types of endings in the game, but almost everyone will meet the one from which I personally am still impressed.

After the riot of disgruntled fans, the developers began making additions to the game in order to calm the serfs and give them some fresh meat. Thus, we received several good additions to the game.



One of the first additions to the game will return us to the same planet where we met the world of Mass Effect in the first part of the game. If you remember, there was a Prothean relay, this time there will be something much tastier in the form of a real live Prothean. The unfortunate Prothean lived in a stasis capsule for 50,000 years. Without booze, chicken and chicks, living in a frozen state was really difficult (probably). Thus, this addition gives us a more detailed understanding of the Protheans and their way of life.

The Prothean will tell us a lot about how they were destroyed, what kind of legacy they left, as well as about the bioskills that are in the game. The history of the Azari race will open in a new, scientific form. We will also see footage of the reapers attacking them 50,000 years ago. The addition is interesting, but very short; in my opinion, it could have been added to the original game and not made DLC out of it.


In this DLC, the developers closed the holes that were in the world of Mass effect. In particular, everything related to the reapers will be revealed in a new light.

Leviathan begins with a message from a certain doctor on the citadel, who asks Shepard to come to him. Allegedly, he has information about some unknown Reaper who destroyed several other Reapers. The Doctor named it the Reaper Slayer "Leviathan". Upon Shepard's arrival, strange things happen that lead to a series of incidents. Shepard will have to unravel this whole story and find out who this Leviathan is.

I must say that this is the best addition to the game. If you are a fan of the game, then you should play it. In general, you can spend 5-6 hours on this add-on. There are no monotonous old corridors or stupid machilov. This add-on contains further narration about the universe of the game. It's a little breathtaking at the end because you realize that this is really what needed to be added to this game. I’ll probably also say that a couple of new guns and a few new goodies have appeared.


Everyone who played Mass effect 2 to its fullest extent remembers the formidable Azari Aria T'loak. Yes, yes - this is the same asari who has a competent ass, especially if you play on a cool computer. Asari was the queen of the local Samalian space pirates and mercenaries. It so happened that Cerberus attacked her den called Omega and took possession of all her cheap whores. Aria herself escaped from Omega and moved temporarily to the citadel as a refugee. Naturally, Aria wants to return Omega Station and rule in her pirate nest for several hundred more years. This is where she remembers that Shepard was passing by here in the last part of the game and writes him a text message.

The valiant knight in shining armor Shepard runs towards Aria's perfect ass. Beautiful Aria asks to help her bring Omega back, especially since they have a common enemy, Cerberus.

Positive aspects of this supplement. It's nice to remember the old locations of the second part of the game. It's nice to play together with Aria. Several new opponents have been added, as well as another result of Cerberus’s terrible experiments. The game has dark locations, a small fragment of horror is present. In this expansion, Turian will finally appear (until now there have only been male Turians in the game.) Whether Turian Narin is good or not, decide for yourself. Also, this expansion will not include any of Shepard's old companions. Omega will have to play with new companions for several hours. Added several new guns.

Negative sides. First of all, of course, the monotonous corridors of Omega. Omega's release has absolutely no effect on the entire universe. The addition did not bring anything new to the game's plot. Bonny shootout and machilovo throughout the story. The characters are quickly forgotten, they fought and that’s it, adios.

Extended cut

All endings were slightly reworked and expanded so that players would get some answers and stop complaining. I must say, just a bone for a hungry dog

Bottom line

What else can I say, if you are a gamer who has not played ME3, then you are not a gamer at all.

Here are the critics' ratings:

Eurogamer – 10/10

Vox Games – 10/10

PlayStation Lifestyle – 10/10

Eurogamer Germany – 10/10

GameInformer – 10/10

Planet Xbox 360 – 10/10

Atomic Gamer – 10/10

Eurogamer Italy – 10/10

OPM UK – 10/10

GameReactor – 10/10

OXM UK – 10/10

GameHunters – 4/4

The Guardian – 5/5

Gaming Trend – 99/100

Gamerzines – 98/100

Xbox 360 Achievements – 96/100

Gaming XP – PC and PS3 – 95/100

Inside Gaming Daily – 9.5/10

PC Gamer – 93/100 – 92/100

GamesRadar – 9/10

Gamespot – 9/10

IncGamers – 9/10

GameArena – 9/10

Gamestar – 90/100

Cheat Code Central – 4.6/5

Destructoid – 8.5/10

VideoGamer – 8/10

GiantBomb – 4/5

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Assessing the work done by Bioware, you understand that the six-month delay in release Mass Effect 3 was necessary. Thanks to her, the game turned out to be so rich. And although some of the features were not fully realized, it is still worth playing, because the answers to most questions can only be found here. And of course, the battle with the Reapers will be more than exciting.


The advertised slogan “Save the Earth” is nothing more than a marketing enticement. The game just lacks epicness. Why, in the second part the player felt like he was part of something bigger than just the Normandy team, but in the third - alas, no, he is a loner, problem solver alien races to save our own. The in-game videos are impressive, but still Shepard doesn’t do anything supernatural, “saving the Earth,” more often with diplomatic skills rather than firing in all directions.

All game missions are very dynamic and well thought out. They are not of the “kill and fetch” type, and in each of them there will be many decisions that will significantly affect the entire game.

As for the plot, it is fully revealed and leaves very few questions after passing. Since the writers decided to disband Shepard's team from the second part, in the sequel we will rely on a couple of assistants from the first part and one new character. Of course, we will see old acquaintances, but these will only be short-term alliances for the duration of the quest.

One of the plot innovations is background dialogues that can be heard on the Normandy or in the Citadel. We will have to listen carefully, since we are given the opportunity to support one of the disputing parties (which can also affect the game as a whole). With his enormous charisma and influence, Shepard can motivate people to overcome difficulties rather than run away in fear. The secondary quests that you can get in this case will be more than boring - fly to the other end of the galaxy and bring something. Willy-nilly, you will have to explore the entire galaxy, and it’s good if this interests you.

If you remember, in Mass Effect 1/2 There were many different star systems available to us to study. In the third part there will not be such an abundance, although star systems are scattered throughout the galaxy at once. At the same time, some of them have already been captured by the Reapers, and the closer to the end, the worse the situation on the fronts will become. But there is no need to rush, and before the final battle begins, the player will (hopefully) assemble an army sufficient to defeat the Reapers.

The characteristics of the protagonist have not gone away (if you import a character from ME1 and ME2) and they are more than enough for the most difficult situations. The “difficulty of passing” promised by the developers will only torment you for the first couple of missions until you buy a more powerful gun, after which it will be much easier to play. For each talent he has, the Commander will receive a couple of new abilities that can be fully unlocked during the game. And speaking of innovations, throwing grenades and a strong melee strike are definitely something that was missing before.


If you look at it from all sides, the gameplay of the third part is different from that of the second and you will have to get used to it. It has become more difficult to control the protagonist, since he does not “cling” to all surfaces behind which, as it seems, he can hide. It's a shame, because it would put Commander Shepard in the crossfire at the most unexpected moment.

The possibility of rolling is also poorly implemented: now, instead of normal movement, Shepard will somersault in all possible directions, but will not move where he should. Perhaps this is a problem only with the initial version, but who knows whether Bioware will improve this point.

As before, we are provided with a wide selection of weapons and armor, as well as improvements for them. There is no wide customization in a single-player company: two improvement cells and a meager set of upgrades themselves (if you buy really valuable and useful things) - that’s all. The promised features have sunk into multiplayer mode.

Since Shepard is now deprived of Cerberus's funding, he has to purchase weapons and armor himself, so choose your ammunition carefully: weapons that are familiar to you from the second part can dramatically change their tactical and technical characteristics.

And in general, the design of all menus and windows Mass Effect 3 differs from the first two parts for the worse. Why was it necessary to redraw an excellent interface and reinvent the wheel? Moreover, it will take time to get used to it, which you want to devote directly to the game.

Graphics and level design

New version of the engine Unreal Engine significantly expanded the capabilities of developers. Locations have become much larger and more contrasting, often having several “vertical levels” where you can climb and use the resulting tactical advantage to defeat your opponents. In order to somehow diversify the game, stationary turrets were added to the map, the use of which is especially recommended.

Graphically the game looks a little worse Mass Effect 2, but overall the picture is acceptable. the main problem- these are low-resolution textures, strange lighting and shadows, as well as weak anti-aliasing and filtering. All other effects are performed at a high level.

Impressions: Extended Cut

The denouement that everyone was waiting for in the Extended Cut, as well as the original ending, will satisfy a small part of the players. Yes, they showed a whole bunch of new cards and screensavers. Admiral Hackett made a pathetic speech, as is expected in such cases. But BioWare only slightly lifted the veil of secrecy over “the very ending” that fans were waiting for.

Looks like we'll need to buy a bunch of DLC for ME 3 and Mass Effect 4 to find out how things went with our friends from the first three parts. And of course, no one doubts that Shepard will return to the game one way or another.


What BioWare has pleased us with is the multiplayer, which, although it consists of one mode (fight off a wave of enemies), is executed with dignity and will force the player to test his combat skills... especially on the Platinum difficulty. A large number of cards, more larger number game characters and a bunch of weapons, armor and ammunition will please the most “nerdy nerd”.

For each mission we receive in-game money, which we will spend on purchasing in-game items. Don’t rush to spend money right away, it’s better to save up a few hundred thousand and buy an elite set - you’ll immediately unlock new characters and great weapons. Of course, it will be difficult to achieve glorious victories in the first available class, but over time you can understand the principles game mechanics and successfully participate in difficult battles. Well, don’t forget that active participation in multiplayer battles increases the readiness index of the galaxy, which ultimately increases the chances of a correct ending.

One ending in different colors

What's the end result? Commander Shepard is officially alive, the “final part of the trilogy” has become a new continuation of the series, and players are sending rays of diarrhea to the developers for the dull, same-type endings. But is that what people play Mass Effect for? Excellent sci-fi space RPG, great gameplay, excellent connection throughout the three parts of the series. This is exactly what we need to remember when looking at, frankly speaking, weak game endings.

P For almost three years, players around the world eagerly caught any rumors, watched grandiose cinematic trailers and admired concept art. In general, we selected everything that was in any way related to the final part of the adventures of the commander, famous in certain circles Shepard. Mass Effect 3 is already on sale ( best gift by March 8th), EA sold 900,000 copies of it on the first day, and everyone else, one way or another, can save the universe in single player mode and in . Well, what are the first sensations you might get from the third part of one of the best fantasy game series of our time? And they can be very different.

Here, by the way, I would like to say a few words about , but I don’t want to reveal it in advance, but a lot in it depends both on the player’s actions in the game itself, and on the actions in previous parts Mass Effect, if you lovingly nurture your game avatar from part to part, and transferred the save from Mass Effect 2(and there from the first part).
It’s possible that many people have had time to get acquainted with the demo version and have learned the plot, but it’s still worth mentioning.

Sh epard arrives on Earth, having been under house arrest for 6 years due to the events of the previous game, where he is to be tried by a military tribunal, but it all comes down to the fact that the commander gives a small speech about what the resistance should look like To the Reapers. Who screwed up humanity in a big way, suddenly attacking the Earth and starting to do all sorts of indecent things to it: they shake skyscrapers, don’t allow stunned earthlings to evacuate, spoil crops and sprinkle fields with cybernetic salt, code-named " husky"(these are zombie robots, robot zombies).

Epic planet takeover

If you create a new character, you will be given the choice of who died in the first part Mass Effect, and on Earth you will be met either by someone who has grown her butt and breasts (well, also hair) Ashley, or becoming much more metrosexual Kayden. Also, when creating a character, you will go through all the standard procedures of previous games: choosing a place of birth, an event for which the commander is famous, choosing the feeling of losses in battle (who died due to the fault of the player in previous games), as well as the preferred class player: using the entire arsenal of weapons Soldier, specialist in camouflage and sniper fire Scout, risky Stormtrooper, master of biotics Adept, technologically savvy Engineer and easily taking on enemy fire, the Guardian. And, most importantly, you can now choose your play style: Action (shooter), Roleplaying(standard game) And Story (kintso).

WITH From the very beginning it is clear that the developers have made a big step towards the shooter: Shepard moves very dynamically in battle, firefights have become more interesting, you can jump over cover on the fly, and you can also use weapons regardless of class. Overall, as a shooter, the game is very enjoyable and interesting to play. About RPG-they haven’t forgotten the component either - the player can improve weapons and improve the character thanks to an extensive tree of skills. Fans of tactics will also not be bored. Not every enemy will succeed in a pounce. Owners Kinect They can at the same time shout at their virtual companions, and, if they wish, raise their voice to the courageous hoarseness of a typical savior of the galaxy.

WITH the first mission the question arises: " A thousand devils, where is the inventory!? ". And it is only available on the ship (there you can also configure appearance) or after finding a firearm, as well as in rare workshops. Dubious innovation. Then another comes: “But who is this Herod who so disfigured the Normadia, so much so that you would at least gouge out your eyes so as not to stare at this squalor?” . ...They also don't allow male characters into the women's restroom in the living quarters. Who will check to see if an enemy geth is hiding in the shower stall? Of course, design is a purely personal matter, but dividing the ship into several parts and the stupid blue check frame are superfluous. This is inconvenient. Very uncomfortable. It’s just as inconvenient as when all game actions (except for the group screen and shooting) are performed by pressing ONE button. You try to immediately attack the enemy, you run towards him with a shotgun at the ready, ready for a quick disassembly, you press the button to jump over the boxes... But the camera is turned a little wrong, and the hero, crouched, hides behind a box, and a little later he rake from an enemy friend who came from behind. Sometimes, instead of ducking, the character rolls. Console, as it is.

ABOUT By the way, the game also got graphics from the console, which, in my opinion, looks a little outdated.
Those who have had enough of it MW3, will be pleased with the new reason for ridicule, both at the graphics and at the tailoring of the game to the audience.
In addition, (although this is probably purely my complaint about the game) the commander runs like an orangutan holding a watermelon between his legs (or his panties are pinching), and behind cover he moves sideways, like a chimpanzee crab suffering from sciatica and scoliosis. And the characters themselves look slightly bloated. But these, again, are personal impressions. I don’t want to discuss the graphical component of the game for a long time. Whether she is bad or good - there is no friend according to taste and color. Still, the game's appearance could have been better, and the same goes for the animation.

P the elaboration is truly amazing game world. There is so much impression in the random dialogues that the short scenes are more captivating than the plot. The Codex is often replenished from the surrounding world, and not from faceless records already dead people.
The role-playing has reached its logical conclusion. The player can choose: 1) Evil option. Bottom, right; 2) Kind. Top, right; 3) Neutral. Middle, left side.
There is no alternation, everything is outrageously simple. Choose the one you need and enjoy the movie. Sometimes the speech given by the commander does not closely match the selected option on the disc. And so... Heroes on top, evildoers below. At the forks in the plot, it is also more or less clear what to choose, since there are a lot of hints (the player is warned). You will have to choose carefully only in one case, when communicating with Keidan, if you don't want to witness a homosexual scene involving men. Experience DA 2 went Bioware to the benefit, there are few gay characters in the game, one per Shepard And . Why one at a time? Yes, because the composition of the group following the player is very modest. Garrus, Liara, Tali, Ashley/Keidan, Miranda etc. Some characters will only be in the group for the duration of a specific mission. And some characters can only be saved by saving from Mass Effect 2.

AND a couple more words about the shortcomings.
  • First, these are locations. They are not impressive in size; on the contrary, they are very small. And there are small notebooks scattered throughout them, where you can find interesting (to someone) notes and gain a little experience (observation in the game is encouraged). Some will say that this only benefits the elaboration of the surroundings, but such dimensions are more often characteristic of apartments in mass-produced buildings of the 60s. The citadel is small, the land is poorly developed and boring. The largest locations are in dreams Shepard.
  • The second thing I would say is the lack of quests in the codex.
  • Third, plot points in the worst traditions of “Hollywood blockbusters.” The story can be epic, large-scale (the whole game is imbued with scale), what is happening can be a magnificent fantastic action movie, but this will not make outright blunders any less noticeable.
    It’s also a little annoying when the dialogue of companions or ordinary people is interrupted mid-sentence when you activate the next trigger, even if it’s a simple activation of the elevator.
    Small roles for specially protected characters from previous parts (although the history of the Legion is very entertaining).
    Phew, that's it.

    A now what fans have been hoping for; what caused such a stir around the game; what was advertised all over the Internet is the main “feature” of the game. Multiplayer.(cm. ). This gray shooting of a computer enemy with friends, with not even really friends, more like buddies or just strangers. No difference. But of course there is a chance to play together with a girl you don’t know from Facebook"oh, what if she likes your style of play, and you will have sex, and then children... In addition to the type of your partner, you can choose a class. Well, and most importantly for idealists, it’s difficult to get perfect ending to the game, unless your friends in the co-op help you. Bye Shepard saves the galaxy, you save planets, just like in a real war. The enemy is not important, he is equally stupid everywhere, the controls are inconvenient, and the scenery is monotonous.

    And what about the game as a whole?
    Overall, the game delighted my bloodthirsty soul. This is war. These are constant battles, a hellish mess, crowds of enemy combat units mixed with bosses, spaceships, battle fleets, the epic nature and scope of the game, the constant death of characters, difficult choices (especially when playing a “good guy”). This excellent mixture of a shoot-em-up game and an RPG like DA 2 will receive its share of praise, both from the bulk of players and from more elite groups of players who may call the game the nasty but meaningful word “casual”. Although... the ending will give many a couple of minutes of cognitive dissonance. And for some it will lead to an exceptionally strong negative reaction.

    FINAL GRADE: 9.4 /10

    It's hard to appreciate a game like this. It's worth just playing it. Or, if not playing, then spend time with friends outside. Or alone, but not behind a console or computer monitor. And I'm still in Baldur's Gate I'll play...


    Somewhere far away, behind the starry veil, in the depths of uncharted space, a great evil has been dormant for fifty thousand years. An armada of intelligent ships sleeps and dreams of destroying all intelligent life in the galaxy. Their first messengers and agents had already been here, and the heroic Captain Shepard and his team helped defeat them. But what to do if the Great Reapers soon wake up and all their deadly power falls on the stars and planets? What to do when a new destruction cycle begins?

    Evil is back. Will the Earth survive? It depends on whether we muster enough strength to protect it.


    Mass Effect 3- the final part of the fantasy trilogy from BioWare, which tells about the adventures of the captain of the ship "Normandy". As befits the space opera genre made famous by the Star Trek television series, the hero and his team fly from planet to planet, visit space stations and fight evil. Where the power of persuasion does not help, big guns, the magic of force gravitational fields and “electronic warfare” are used. Along the way, Shepard (or “woman-shepard”, if the player prefers a female hero) has intimate conversations or romances with his comrades.

    From a story perspective, Mass Effect is role-playing game, but the rules of battle in it are strongly biased towards an action movie with shootouts, shelters and all sorts of running around. In the final part of the trilogy - especially, and the reasons for this are quite convincing: if dormant evil has awakened and is doing all kinds of horror, it must be stopped at any cost.

    Our new enemy has been appointed by our former employers - the secret organization Cerberus and its mysterious head - the Phantom. From the final bosses, the reaper ships became "level bosses". We will now bomb this one from orbit.

    As you remember, in the first part, Shepard fought mainly with an army of cybernetic enemies and their leader Saren, whose mind was possessed by the reaper - a gigantic, intelligent and very evil ship, the first harbinger of a future invasion. IN Mass Effect 2 The main enemies were the “collectors” - a race of human kidnappers artificially bred by the reapers.

    The third part immediately raises the stakes - the reapers have appeared en masse, and before our eyes, ships descending from the sky are destroying earthly civilization. Other races, friendly and hostile, also have a hard time. A catastrophe is unfolding throughout the galaxy. The batarians living on the outskirts have already been destroyed, the militaristic turians with their most powerful fleet are suffering complete defeat, refugees are filling the capital of the galaxy - the five-kilometer Citadel station.

    Shepard's team is in full force. Don't look at the guy in the beret, he's piloting a landing craft.

    This is the beginning of the cycle of destruction of intelligent life by the reapers. This is an apocalypse that no one seems able to stop. The last weak hope of civilizations remains only the drawings of the “wunderwaffe” - an absolute weapon that can stop the invasion. But to build and apply it, you need to combine the forces of all races. This is what the crew of the Normandy ship, led by Shepard, will do.

    The Protheans will come to life - for ten bucks

    As often happens lately, the opinion of reviewers differed from the opinion of the players. In the case of Mass Effect 3, this resulted in a real riot in the forums.

    Every whim for your money. Even a real live Prothean.

    The game was blamed for a weak ending, plot holes, deteriorating animation, muddy textures on PC and male homosexual romances on all platforms.

    In addition, real anger was caused by the fact that along with the game (and directly on discs) a “day one add-on” was released, in which for $9.99 you could, contrary to canon, have a real live Prothean on your team (who, by the way, , you can activate it by simply digging through the game files - video instructions have already appeared on the Internet). This, of course, the publisher did without thinking, because steps of this kind are the most easy way convince players of bad intentions to profit from them and not care about everyone’s favorite universe.

    Boy and darkness

    The general tone has changed a lot. If before he was optimistic, now completely different notes have emerged in him - an atmosphere of doom reigns throughout the entire galaxy. The new writers turned out to be very bloodthirsty - entire worlds are dying left and right, almost in the spirit "Hyperion" by Dan Simmons. Gloom and pessimism are intensified by standard techniques - gloomy music, dying comrades, difficult dreams with dead children. The artists add color to the overall picture: chaos and devastation are everywhere, and even on the Normandy you cannot escape this atmosphere: on the living deck of the ship there is a memorial to the dead crew members, and the lighting of the corridors is dominated by red and orange colors.

    The stereotyped autistic boy from Shepard's dreams is the personification of his feelings of guilt.

    The gameplay remains the same for the most part. Hacker puzzles have completely disappeared from the game, and they are unlikely to be missed - they only slowed down the action. The developers have also removed the boring hunt for resources. True, they left behind the no less tedious hunt for artifacts, with periodic escaping from the reaper ships that flew into the system. It’s good that you no longer need to search for side quests on the planets - they are given in dialogues, and all the signs immediately appear on the map.

    The hero development system has been redesigned again. As before, we have several skills at our disposal into which we can invest the points we receive with levels. However, the set of skills and classes is simply unrecognizable, and the choice of two options is given not once, but three times. In addition to level growth, research results found on terminals can strengthen the hero. After having a heart-to-heart talk with our subordinates, we will have the opportunity to choose one of the additional skills that can be changed to suit our tastes - however, only on the Normandy, before the battle.

    Don't think, but shake

    Zero has become quite an adult - her hair is already growing. Almost all the surviving heroes of the first two parts will meet us in the third.

    Battles have become tougher - in them you have to run frantically through cover much more often, “biting off” a strip of armor from well-protected and very dangerous brats with desperate fire. Grenades have returned to battle, and so have the associated skills. The possibilities for close combat have been increased - here you have both class skills and bayonets, which can be screwed onto weapons if desired. The gun attachments from the first Mass Effect have returned, and this is good news - it’s good when you can increase the clip of a sniper rifle, and increase the accuracy of an assault rifle.

    Unfortunately, the heavy weapon class has disappeared - only a couple of times in the story they allow you to use a flamethrower or rocket launcher. But the set of pistols, submachine guns, machine guns, shotguns and sniper rifles has become much more diverse. Some varieties are so unusual that they only roughly fit into their category: there is, for example, a special anti-droid pistol and a machine gun that fires mini-grenades that bounce off walls and floors.

    Walking combat vehicles"Cerberus" will teach anyone to hide.

    As for biotic and tech skills, the former have become much stronger, while the latter have lost ground a little. Biotics are great at dealing with crowds of enemies: they can spin enemy fighters around a miniature black hole or stick them into a stasis bubble. Techies have it worse, since there are almost no droid enemies in the game. True, this is partly compensated for by enhanced protective drones and the ability to overheat and disable the weapons of enemy heavy walkers.

    At the same time, the main character of any class has access to all types of weapons. But it’s unlikely that a biotic will want to load himself with guns - new system The “weight” that each barrel now has will slow down reloading for owners of large arsenals. The restrictions for companions remained straightforward - not everyone can brandish machine guns and sniper rifles.

    Tali"Zora Vas Photostock

    The mystery of the true appearance of the quarian Tali has tormented players since the first Mass Effect. In the second part, Shepard had the opportunity to have an affair with a mysterious girl, and in the bed scene, Tali took off her mask - but the camera showed her from the back and in full clothing. In Mass Effect 3, Tali takes off her mask again - and again not for us.

    Here it is - the face of the quarian Tali. And everything would be fine if you don’t know that BioWare artists have nothing to do with it.

    Nevertheless, the developers still showed us a portrait of Tali - a portrait standing in Shepard's captain's cabin. The citizen turned out to be very pretty and quite humanoid. And everything would be fine, but vigilant players soon discovered that Tali’s portrait was not drawn by BioWare artists, but was taken from photographic stocks and only slightly retouched. Not punishable - but very offensive for devoted connoisseurs of the universe. For fans of all things quarian, many of whom drew their own versions of Tali's appearance, such a hacky approach to one of the main secrets of the game was a big disappointment.

    Kiss of Garrus

    Companions on the Normandy, as before, help Shepard not only in battle, but also in personal life. Considering that in Mass Effect 3 we meet all our old acquaintances (plus a few new ones), it is clear that one can get confused in old and new passions. Although our combat team is now small, both ex-Normans and “conditional companions” are suitable as subjects for a novel - such as the pilot of the landing craft Cortez, the nimble on-board journalist with impudent eyes, or the new first mate.

    It is worth admitting, however, that the developers worked best on the new romance with Liara: only in the scene with her there is what can be called nudity. No, we do not demand that Garrus be undressed (kissing him is already a sight that many will want to erase from memory), but for what merit is only Liara allowed to flaunt her blue charms?

    In addition, a romance parallel to ours is developing on board: the pilot Joker is wooing a robot girl shining with metal. Unfortunately, there are no bed scenes, but there are comic scenes, with discussion possible problems and pelvic fractures - as many as you like.

    The young journalist is not averse to flirting with the famous captain. Who knows how this might end. The bed scene with Liara is the only one in which our partner is naked. This “iron lady” also has an affair - though not with Shepard, but with one of his old friends.

    * * *

    Despite the flaws in animation and textures (their resolution was reduced on PC), Mass Effect 3 confidently holds the bar in the story, and in battles, and in graphics, and in voice acting, and, of course, in music, which often pulls out even the most strong scenes. And although some will miss the free rides around the planet from the first part, and some will miss the heavy weapons from the second, evolution is inevitable, and it has happened.

    Mass Effect 3 is a story about love, friendship and death. Here the planets are burning in the flames of war. Here it is no longer the world that needs to be saved, but thousands of worlds. Here, even Shepard, under incredible pressure, sometimes loses his peace of mind when his best friends die before his eyes. This is the captain's last adventure, and it is a success.

    A gloomy world, fierce battles, new and old novels - with all this baggage, Mass Effect 3 turned out to be a very worthy conclusion to the trilogy. Of course, the ending could have been better, but in fact the ending is the whole game, because in it we remember past adventures, meet all the old friends and lose many again.

    SITE RATING: 8.5