What exercises to do to remove belly and sides in the gym. Solving the problem of millions: how to remove fat from a man’s sides

20.10.2017 Sport

The most dangerous fat deposits accumulate in the abdomen and sides. This problem is becoming more and more urgent among men, as they lead a passive lifestyle and do not monitor their diet. As a result, the appearance of a tummy and fat on the sides. Now you won’t be able to wear a T-shirt or tank top, because your fat will show through your jeans or shorts. But why do you need it, because with some effort you can get rid of it! How exactly? Find out now!

How to remove a man’s sides at home: tips

Does fat around the waist bother you even though it doesn’t look very manly? Okay, let's forget about the aesthetic side and talk about your health. Studies show that fat deposits on the abdomen and sides provoke the occurrence of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. It turns out that excess weight shortens your life expectancy!

On many sites you can see training programs designed specifically for burning fat on the sides. Unfortunately, there are no exercises that actually help you burn fat in any given area of ​​the body, so you have to take a holistic approach.

How to remove a man’s sides as quickly as possible at home:

  • Cardio loads. You need to opt not for strength training in in this case, and on cardio. Well, after you lose fat, you can already sign up for the gym. Or you can alternate - for example, cardio one day, strength training the second. Try to do cardio exercises 3-4 times a week at least (biking, running, jumping rope, etc.) This type of physical activity has an excellent effect on excess weight in general, including the waist. The duration of one workout is at least 30 minutes.
  • Exercise in moderation. Many men mistakenly believe that the more weight they lift, the faster they will lose weight. On the contrary, you need to reduce your training weights to a minimum, otherwise your waist will become even wider due to both fat and muscle mass.
  • Create a calorie deficit. To do this, you will have to limit your diet and eat much less than before. You need to count how many calories you usually consume per day, then reduce this number by 500 calories every week. Ultimately, you should consume no more than 2,000 calories per day.
  • Proper nutrition. Fools are those who work out in the gym for hours and do not change their diet. It is not surprising that the fat remains where it was before. Nutrition is the key to success! Forget about all the harmful things, eat only natural food and don’t forget to count calories.

  • Fat burners. In any store with sports nutrition you can buy a fat burner. Do not rejoice ahead of time - the remedy works only with regular physical activity and a predominance of protein foods in the diet. When used correctly, a fat burner provides energy, increases your strength and endurance, and speeds up the fat burning process.
  • Limit your alcohol intake. You can’t even imagine how many calories are in alcoholic drinks! And even a snack... As a result, it is these calories that are deposited on your waist.
  • Plank exercise. With its help, you will pump up both the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles, it all depends on which exercise you choose. For the sides, we recommend choosing the side plank.

How to do the plank exercise, you will find in our article

  • Swimming. It would also be a good idea for you to visit the pool at least 1-2 times a week for half an hour. Exercises in the pool have a positive effect on both the whole body and the abdominal area. In just a couple of weeks you will notice good results, but it is important not to forget about other types of training.
  • Healthy fats. Many people begin to limit their fat intake. But your body needs healthy fats, they are found in avocados, unrefined vegetable oil, fish, meat and nuts, seeds. By consuming them in small quantities, you will speed up your metabolism and weight loss.
  • More water. Forget about sweet soda, tea and coffee with sugar. Include as much plain water as possible in your diet; it will reduce swelling, remove toxins and speed up weight loss.

How to remove sides for a man: exercises

Without sports, you will not be able to get rid of inches on your waist, so do not forget to exercise regularly. Below we will present you with exercises that are aimed at working out the problem area (in this case, the waist and sides). Combine them with exercises for other parts of the body, perform the complex at the end of the workout. Why at the end? It is at this time that metabolism is accelerated to its maximum and the fat burning process is launched.

Men's online magazine website

All overweight men want to have a strong torso. Even those who never talk about it and even claim the opposite want this. After all, among other things, a strong torso instinctively attracts the attention of women. Gaining weight is easy, but losing it will be long and difficult.

To eliminate extra pounds, you should not look on the Internet for miraculous methods and pills. Only training, a balanced diet and lifestyle changes can give good results without harm to health, which is sometimes very difficult.

Exercises to burn fat in the sides and abdomen

Let's figure it out how to remove belly and sides for a man?

To lose weight in these parts of the body, the main attention should be paid to the oblique muscles of the abdomen, abs and lower back. It is these muscle groups that are actively used throughout the day while walking, lifting things, bending and similar movements. To keep them in good shape, you should sign up for a gym; if possible, training should be done under the supervision of a trainer. But even without it, thanks to the many mirrors installed in the halls, monitoring the correct execution will not be difficult.

The following exercises will be most effective:

  • Press crunches;
  • Running in place while lying down (the exercise is called “climber”);
  • Crunches on a fitness ball;
  • Raising legs while hanging on the crossbar and parallel bars;
  • Lateral hold;
  • Lifting the body while lying on your back (you need to touch your feet);
  • Dumbbell press.

All these exercises must be repeated 10-20 times and do 3 approaches for each of them. In addition, do not forget about warming up. A very good addition to these workouts would be running, swimming and cycling.

However, if we are talking about a very obese person, starting intensive training is highly not recommended. It is better to leave running and the gym for a later time, but first you need to change your diet and start walking. You need to walk at least 1-2 kilometers every day, starting with 20 minutes a day and within 10 days increase your walking time to 1-2 hours.

Not only women, but also many men want to get rid of their hated sides. Fat deposits in the waist area do not look aesthetically pleasing and spoil the overall silhouette of the figure. The answer to the question of how to remove sides for a man will usually be complex and will include both dietary restrictions and physical activity.

The peculiarity of the male body is that, along with lack of activity, poor diet and excessive passion for beer, the reason for gaining excess weight can be one of its own - a decrease in the level of the male sex hormone testosterone in the body. Due to this, the level of estrogen, a female hormone, increases, which can directly cause the accumulation of adipose tissue. But you can deal with the problem in any case. The main thing is the right set of measures.

Before you figure out how to remove fat from a man’s sides, you need to understand why it appears. First of all, we note that most of us today work in sedentary jobs, and prefer to relax on the sofa watching TV. Lack of physical activity– a very favorable condition for gaining extra pounds. Poor nutrition and overeating- also a direct road to this. Another factor is bad habits and stress, causing excessive food consumption and metabolic disorders.

You need to understand that excess deposits around the waist are not only unsightly, but also dangerous. If a man's waist circumference exceeds 88-94 centimeters, this can become a prerequisite for the development of heart and vascular diseases, diabetes and even oncology.

Abdominal fat (concentrated around the waist and sides) is a concentrate of the stress hormone cortisol. Also note that it may be accompanied by visceral obesity, in which internal organs covered with fat, and this provokes serious disruptions in the functioning of the body and deterioration of health. Therefore, it is worth taking care of your figure not only for the sake of appearance, but also for the sake of maintaining health.

How to remove sides for a man: the basics of proper nutrition

To remove sides for a man at home, you need to initially adjust your diet. Sticking to strict diets is quite stupid, and not very effective, so the best option is proper, nutritious and balanced nutrition. This is not only a great way to keep fit without putting stress on the body, but also an excellent preventive measure for numerous diseases and health problems.

Based proper nutrition on the following key factors:

  • You need to eat often and in small portions - 5-6 times a day. This helps improve metabolism, prevent overeating and painful hunger.
  • Portions should be small - 200-300 grams.
  • Drink enough water - don't less than 1.5-2 liters per day. This helps maintain the normal functioning of the body, saturates the tissues with moisture, and makes it possible to control appetite.
  • Choose the right products. About it we'll talk below.

There are foods that actively provoke fat gain in the flank area. These are mainly fatty, fried, sweet, baked goods, smoked foods, pickles, fast food, various sauces, as well as sweet carbonated drinks and alcohol. Those who plan to start fighting for a slim figure are advised to abandon them and replace them with more useful ones. You should build your diet on the following products, which will have an extremely beneficial effect on the figure:

  • lean types of meat, poultry, fish;
  • dairy and fermented milk products with a low fat content;
  • various seafood;
  • chicken eggs;
  • legumes;
  • cereals;
  • fruits and vegetables;
  • vegetable oils;
  • For sweets, you can eat honey, dried fruits, marshmallows - in moderation.

Please pay attention Special attention healthy complex carbohydrates in the diet. They provide long-lasting energy and help improve endurance. Useful cereals, such as oatmeal and buckwheat, brown rice, wheat bran, which contain a lot of zinc, necessary for the synthesis of the male hormone testosterone. Also useful is grain bread, which is recommended to completely replace white bread.

By reducing the caloric content of your diet by just 1000 kilocalories per week, you can lose 1-1.5 kg of excess weight, including the belly and sides.

How to remove a man's sides with physical activity

To remove fat from the sides, a man will have to love sports. You can exercise at home or go to the gym – it’s all up to you. Initially, consider the following recommendations:

  • Love cardio exercises. If you specifically want to burn fat, they are even more important for you than strength training. You need to devote them at least 3-4 times a week and practice for at least thirty minutes. You can choose what you like: running, cycling, jumping rope and so on.
  • Don't get carried away with heavy weights. If you devote your training only to strength exercises, your waist may become even wider, although at the expense of muscle mass. Remember that your first task is to burn fat, and only then you need to work on muscles.
  • Include static load in your training. The plank exercise is especially useful for the sides, as it pumps up the abdominal muscles and helps fight fat.
  • Swimming will be useful. By going to the pool at least a couple of times a week, you will soon be able to see your body changing for the better. But don't forget about other types of training.

Simple exercises will help a man remove his sides, which can be performed both at home and in gym. Don't put too much strain on yourself in one approach. It is better to do more sessions, but the number of repetitions in them should be acceptable for you. The optimal break between approaches is 20-30 seconds. Increase the load gradually. For example, you can add one approach every week.

Let's look at the best side exercises for men, which are divided into two groups - with and without weight.

Exercises without additional equipment(they can be done at home daily).


We already mentioned this most effective exercise, which helps remove fat from the sides of men. It's quite simple to do. You need to take an emphasis lying down, leaning on your feet and palms. Keep your feet together. The elbows should be clearly under the shoulder joints. Do not round or arch your lower back. Stay in this position for as long as you can - this time should be increased regularly. You can alternate between different plank options: side plank, elbow plank, and so on.

Raising the body

Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, bend your knees. Raise your body, touching your chest to your hips. Repeat maximum amount once.

Body flexion

Lie on your back, straighten your legs, arms should be along your body. Place your palms on the floor. Raise your legs to your shoulders. When lifting, you can bend them a little, but do not spread your knees, but keep them pressed against each other.


Lie on the floor, hands should be behind your head, legs bent at the knees. Use your legs to perform movements that imitate riding a bicycle. Try to touch your opposite knee with your elbows.

Side exercises for men with additional equipment, which are ideally recommended to be done in the gym under the supervision of a specialist.

Press push with dumbbells

Stand straight, bend your legs. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Bend your elbows and press them toward your torso so that the dumbbells are at shoulder level. Using a push, straighten your legs and arms, twisting your torso to the side. Then return to the starting position and do the same on the other side.

Weighted one-arm plank row

It is done in a special simulator. The V-shaped handle needs to be attached to the lower block of the simulator, stand in a plank position, leaning on your elbows. Take the handle in one hand, pull it towards your hips, straighten it in front of you. Hold this position while tightening your core muscles. The same must be repeated for the other hand. In total, it is recommended to do at least three approaches with at least 5-10 repetitions in each.

Roll-out exercise

Get on your knees, placing them hip-width apart. Take the roller handle in your hands, place your shoulder joints above your hands. Tighten your stomach, push the roller forward and slightly to the right, as far as possible, but without arching your lower back. In this case, you need to keep your arms and legs straight. Return to the starting position and repeat the same. It is recommended to do three sets of ten repetitions in both directions.

Side exercise with dumbbells

You need to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand. Bend to the side while bending your opposite arm at the elbow. Do the same for the other side. You can also perform this exercise by straightening your arm completely while bending and moving it behind your head.

Another simple way to remove a man’s sides with exercises is this bodyflex, which is available anywhere and anytime. Bodyflex - a variety breathing exercises, which does not require much effort, but is very effective. You can start from the very beginning simple option. Stand up straight, exhale slowly through your mouth, then inhale strongly through your nose, inflating your stomach as much as possible. Now exhale actively and sharply through your mouth, inhale. In this case, the stomach should be pulled towards the ribs. Stay in this position for as long as you can, at least ten seconds will be enough to start. Repeat at least three times. To enhance fat burning, you can perform certain exercises, such as twisting or bending, while holding your breath. Bodyflex can also be performed in a lying or sitting position.

Now you know how to remove sides from men. It's not that difficult, you just need to reconsider your lifestyle, include physical activity in it and slightly adjust your diet.

Video exercises from the sides for men

Despite the fact that the male body is much less susceptible to fat deposits, representatives of the stronger sex are no strangers to the problems of excess weight and “overhanging” sides. It is much more difficult for a man to lose fat than for a woman, and only comprehensive measures can help here.

If you want to remove the sides, first of all, review the food items included in your daily diet. Adjust your menu for healthier foods and reduce as much as possible, or better yet completely eliminate the consumption of sweets, food additives, soda, ketchup, mayonnaise and, of course, fast food. Drink plenty of plain water. The liquid will help you get rid of unnecessary fat deposits. Follow the separate power supply regime, calculate daily norm calories and remove all the excess that you eat now. But to quickly reduce body fat, one proper nutrition

If you don’t have free time to run or walk uphill, simple physical exercises that you can do at home will come to your aid. Yoga exercises are very useful. Here's one of them: sit on a chair and pull your stomach in as much as possible. While inhaling deeply, tense all your abdominal muscles and hold in this state for 20-25 seconds, exhale and relax. Just a few minutes a day devoted to this exercise will allow you to soon see its amazing effectiveness. Hindu squats are also very good for men to get rid of excessive sides. You need to do this exercise every day for three minutes. Before starting the exercise, stand straight, lower your arms along your body. Start squatting smoothly. After your fingertips touch the floor, rise sharply to the starting position.

In addition to the above exercises, all those exercises that are recommended to do to pump up the abdominal muscles are perfect for shaping your figure. You can find out a broader description and recommendations for such activities on our website. To do this, simply go to.

Summarizing the above, a simple and logical conclusion suggests itself that the main thing in the struggle for a good figure is a combination of everyday physical activity and proper separate nutrition. By following this simple rule, you can easily get rid of your flabby figure and turn into an attractive, slender man.