BMPT "Terminator": a successful failure? Combat vehicle "Terminator" BMPT: description, technical characteristics and reviews The BMPT Terminator has been adopted for service.

23.06.2020 Style and fashion

The Russian "astalabista baby" will soon join the troops...

There is a fundamental decision to adopt the newest tank support combat vehicle “Terminator-2” into service by the Russian army, a source in the military-industrial complex said.
The documents should be signed in the near future, a source told RIA Novosti.>

Let us remind you that the newest tank support combat vehicle BMPT-72 (“Terminator-2”), which are issued by the corporation"Uralvagonzavod" in Nizhny Tagil, was seen in footage taken during Syrian President Bashar Assad’s visit to the Russian Aerospace Forces Khmeimim air base.

Terminator-2 is armed with two 30-mm 2A42 automatic cannons, two launchers with Ataka-T supersonic anti-tank missiles, two AG-17D automatic grenade launchers and a 7.62-mm machine gun.

The fire control system of the vehicle's main armament allows recognize small targets at long ranges day and night and in difficult weather conditions. The presence of three operators in the BMPT gives it the ability to quickly detect and hit three at once various purposes in a 360 degree sector.

BMPT "Terminator" is designed for actions within tank formations with the aim of destroying tank-hazardous weapons the enemy, primarily for covering tanks from enemy infantry; to destroy enemy firing points, fortifications, and infantry using grenade launchers and anti-tank systems. " Can work against both ground and low-flying air targets." (we translate into Russian - it can also be used to fight tanks and other armored vehicles of the enemy, as well as to repel attacks from helicopters, drones and potentially even low-flying aircraft.)

- it’s normal... and against infantry, and armored vehicles, and even helicopters with UAVs... This really is some kind of terminator.)))

This is truly a killer vehicle, formally to support infantry, but in fact it is already a new level in a similar class of vehicles, which our army personnel have been actively testing in Syria since last year:

The promising Russian tank support combat vehicle BMPT-72 "Terminator-2" was first spotted in Syria. It was demonstrated to Bashar al-Assad by the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Valery Gerasimov, during the Syrian president’s visit to the Khmeimim airbase. In the photo that went viral social networks and the media, a BMPT of the latest modification in sand camouflage, partially covered with a camouflage net, was captured. Apparently, this vehicle is part of the forces engaged in the defense of the Russian base along with the T-90 tanks.

The Syrian combat mission was the first for Terminator 2. Its predecessor was created back in 2001 and was known at that time under the designation “Object 199 “Frame”. The BMPT is a vehicle with unique characteristics and a very difficult fate. For many years, the Russian Ministry of Defense, under various pretexts, refused to accept it into service. Nevertheless Many experts believe that the appearance of a tank support combat vehicle in Syria may become a test of its professional suitability and relevance in the army. The further future of the Terminator depends on how it shows itself in the war.

Land destroyer

The experience of the war in Afghanistan and two Chechen campaigns has shown that the greatest danger to armored vehicles in combat conditions in the city and on rough terrain is posed by enemy grenade launchers and operators of anti-tank missile systems (ATGM). The BMPT was specially developed at Uralvagonzavod as a mobile and universal means of protecting armored vehicles from infantry. According to the designers, these vehicles were supposed to advance together with tanks in the same battle formation and attack any target that posed a danger to their charges.

BMPT "Terminator" produced by JSC NPK "Uralvagonzavod" at the International Arms Exhibition IDEX-2013 in Abu Dhabi

For this purpose, the BMPT was literally stuffed with a variety of weapons systems. The modern BMPT-72 in this regard is more reminiscent of a land destroyer rather than a combat vehicle. Its main armament is a twin 30-mm 2A42 automatic cannon (they are also installed on BMP-2, BTR-90 and combat helicopters) with an ammunition load of 900 rounds. In addition to the guns, the turret is equipped with a 7.62 mm PKT machine gun. On the sides of the turret there are two armored casings, inside of which are placed transport and launch containers with guided anti-tank missiles 9M120-1 or 9M120-1F/4, capable of hitting targets at distances of up to six kilometers. In addition, two AG-17D course automatic grenade launchers are mounted in the front part of the hull for firing fragmentation ammunition at infantry. This entire arsenal is installed on the chassis of the T-72 tank. The first Terminators were operated by crews of five.

Tank support combat vehicle BMPT-72 at the international military-technical forum "Army-2016"

Initially, it was planned to fully equip one company of the Ground Forces with early versions of the BMPT by 2010, but then the vehicle was not accepted for service. Between 2011 and 2013, a batch of 10 Terminators was delivered to Kazakhstan. Nevertheless, the Ministry of Defense was in no hurry to completely abandon the BMPT and in 2013 carried out special lesson, dedicated to its combat use, for teachers of the Ryazan Higher Airborne School. One of the main complaints of the military against the BMPT then was that the crew was too large. However, in BMPT-72 (Terminator 2) it was possible to reduce it to three people.

Review problem

However, the Ministry of Defense had other complaints about this machine. According to a member of the Expert Council of the Board of the Military-Industrial Commission of Russia, Colonel of the Reserve Tank Forces Viktor Murakhovsky, the BMPT in the Ground Forces until recently was simply not in demand.

“The main concern of a tank on the battlefield is to see the target,” the expert told RIA Novosti. “If he sees it, he will destroy it, be it a long-term firing point, an ATGM crew, an armored vehicle, a fighter with a grenade launcher. All this is hit by the tank within the line of sight range That is, he has enough firepower. If we look at the surveillance systems and sighting systems on the Terminators and on the main battle tanks, we will notice that they are absolutely identical. That is, the BMPT crew will see no more on the battlefield than the T-crew. " .

Viktor Murakhovsky emphasized that the appearance of Terminator 2 in Syria is quite natural. He recalled: at the beginning of 2017, the Ministry of Defense reported that 160 types of weapons, including those that had not yet passed military acceptance, were being tested in combat operations in this country. According to the expert, the BMPT-72 captured in the photograph is the only example of Terminator 2 that exists “in metal.” And the desire of the military to test it in conditions, in particular, of combat in urban areas, is completely justified. Without such exploitation, all talk about its effectiveness or ineffectiveness is only theoretical speculation.

President of the Syrian Arab Republic Bashar al-Assad visited the Russian Aerospace Forces air base Khmeimim

"We have experience combat use equipment with rapid-fire cannon weapons in various military conflicts,” said Murakhovsky. — We are talking about the Shilka and Tunguska anti-aircraft systems. But we must understand that small-caliber weapons, as the military says, do not destroy the target, but suppress it with fire. In some cases this is useful. However, many doubt that the BMPT will be able to replace covering infantry in the battle formations of armored vehicles. The motorized rifleman always sees more than the tanker and can react faster to any threat to the tank.

In general, from the experience of my many years of service in the Ground Forces, I can say that the role of covering heavy armored vehicles is best played by artillery. We practiced tank offensive tactics under the umbrella of fragmentation shell explosions.
They exploded at a height of 25-30 meters above the tank chain, covering a wide area with destructive elements. No grenade launcher would stick his head out of a trench under such a barrage. But shrapnel posed no danger to tank armor.”

The expert emphasized that one can argue as much as one wants about whether the army needs the Terminator or not, but the most important indicator is combat experience. The war will put everything in its place, he concluded.

"Terminator 3"

Whether the BMPT-72 will be accepted into service based on the results of the Syrian exam or not is an open question. But it is known for sure that the developments obtained during the creation of this technology can be used in a fundamentally new tank support combat vehicle.

Back in 2016 CEO Uralvagonzavod Oleg Sienko told RIA Novosti that his corporation has developed a concept for the development of vehicles based on the latest Armata platform, which consists of 28 units of promising types of weapons, including air defense and heavy armored vehicles. These include the BMPT. Little is known about the future car. But it was reported, in particular, that instead of 30 mm guns, a more powerful 57 mm gun could be installed on it, as well as the latest sighting systems, protection systems, communications equipment and much more.

And the fact that the Ministry of Defense ultimately decided to purchase the vehicles may indicate that the Terminator performed very well in combat conditions... Below are more details about the parameters of the formidable combat vehicle:

“Terminator” is exactly what the creators of this weapon called their brainchild, JSC “Research and Production Corporation “Uralvagonzavod”. Terminator-2 BMPT capable of effectively solving fire support missions on a single or integrated modern battlefield. As you know, when fighting a tank, the main threat is posed by infantrymen armed with portable anti-tank weapons. The Terminator was created to destroy them; this is the name given to it by the creators of this machine. In any climatic conditions, at any time of the day, against any enemy.

Tank support combat vehicle BMPT-72 Terminator-2 top photo, bottom photo shows the first modification of the Terminator

Nothing like this has currently been created in any country in the world. In order not to spoil the brain, I will describe the most interesting moments, so to speak, without unnecessary water. If something is not clear, look more carefully at the photo; who is too lazy to read the text during the description, watch the video.

photo 30 mm automatic grenade launcher AG-17D (remote) with an enlarged barrel for better cooling, absent on Terminator 2, due to it there was a reduction in the crew and made it possible to increase the armor angles.

Terminator-2 tank support combat vehicle BMPT-72 photo

  • The combat vehicle is built on the chassis of the T-72 tank, which allowed for almost complete unification with the T-90 tank.

  • The same multi-fuel engine with a power of 1000 hp, a power reserve of 500 km, a fuel tank capacity of 1100 liters.

SLA, a complex of high-precision automatic weapons. Equipped with a new digital fire control system.

  • The crew of the Terminator combat vehicle consists of 5 people,

  • Moreover, in the original version the number of crew members was 7.

  • But the new modification Terminator 2 is only out of three; the crew reduction was due to the abandonment of 2 course automatic grenade launcher systems. If you look closely at the photo of the second modification, you will not see them.

  • To be fair, I will say that both the first and second modifications are released simultaneously, so the ability to choose is the customer’s privilege.

The photo shows the fourth part of the BMPT Terminator ammunition load

The Russian Terminator, due to its mobility, high security, fire and striking power, is irreplaceable as a tank support vehicle during offensive and defensive operations, against enemy troops highly saturated with armored vehicles, in the difficult conditions of the modern battlefield when exposed to a variety of weapons.
Almost complete unification with the T-90 tank. The height of the wall to be overcome is about 1 meter. Easily crosses water obstacles.

For the first time in Russia, an uninhabited tower was implemented...


    • 30 mm automatic grenade launcher AG-17D (remote), with an enlarged barrel, 600 fragmentation grenades.

    • 30 mm cannon with variable rate of fire of 8 or 22 rounds (in 2 seconds of fire). Each of the two 30 mm cannons fires a different type of ammunition. High-explosive fragmentation or armor-piercing type of projectile. Guaranteed to hit lightly armored vehicles such as armored personnel carriers or infantry fighting vehicles at ranges of up to 2.5 km. High-explosive fragmentation shells operate at ranges up to 4500 meters.

    • Missile weapons, a complex of 4 Ataka-T missiles, are guided by a laser beam, unlike those installed on helicopters where a radio command channel is used. 4 guided missiles are capable of hitting both air and ground targets. Difference from the first model, missile system received protective armor against the damaging effects of shrapnel and small-caliber bullets.

    • Coaxial 7.62 machine gun with a single belt that does not require reloading for 2000 rounds.

remote supply of ammunition

Coaxial 7.62 machine gun with a single belt that does not require reloading for 2000 shots photo

All weapons are controlled remotely. A remote supply of ammunition has been carried out; interestingly, the ammunition is located below the turret shoulder strap. The result is an uninhabited tower with weapons.

During the tests, the full ammunition carried on the Terminator was fired at the same pace, continuously and more than once. And this is several tons of ammunition, about the loads on different kinds trunks and it’s scary to imagine.

shooting from all barrels

photo Terminator shot, missile exiting the Ataka-T complex, guided by a laser beam

and Terminator shooting in slow motion...

The Ground Forces have finally adopted the BMPT, a tank support combat vehicle. This is the first in history modern Russia a case of adoption of armored vehicles of a completely new level, which has no analogues abroad.

The event is virtually equivalent to the announcement of adoption. With the significant difference that we have tanks all over the world. But the BMPT is not.

The machine, which has no equal in the world in terms of firepower in close combat, is called the “Terminator”. Naturally, it is associated with the formidable cyborg character of the famous Hollywood blockbuster. In Latin, according to dictionaries, one of the meanings of the word terminare is “to stop/end.” And this fully corresponds to the purpose of the BMPT. Anyone who intends to destroy the tanks they cover or manpower, upon contact with the Terminators, they themselves inevitably cease to exist.

Here are just the main features and advantages of this miracle machine. The crew is five people. Four optical observation and aiming channels, a 360-degree panorama, and a high turret rotation speed ensure guaranteed destruction of three targets simultaneously at a distance of up to 1000 m. And this is a 100% defeat. The actual firing range of cannons is up to four kilometers, and with missiles up to five.

In terms of firepower, this vehicle, as experts have calculated, is superior to two motorized rifle platoons. The elevation angle of the missile armament and two 30 mm 2A42 cannons at 45 degrees allows for effective fighting in mountainous areas and in populated areas. The vehicle is capable of hitting targets in the basements of buildings and on floors.

The Ataka anti-tank guided missile complex with four semi-automatic laser-guided missiles having a supersonic flight speed with a range of 5 km and armor penetration up to 1000 mm of homogeneous armor leaves no chance for heavy enemy armored vehicles if they appear on the battlefield. And the 9M120-1F high-explosive fragmentation missile is guaranteed to hit manpower and various engineering structures. Her shooting accuracy is sniper-like. In the future, the BMPT will have many systems capable of determining the exact location of objects potentially dangerous to tanks and infantry, and then transmitting their data to the fire control system. But even today “Terminator” sees almost everything.

BMPT turret on the T-90 tank chassis

The vehicle, excellent in all respects and very necessary for the ground forces, could not reach these troops for almost 10 years. And objectively speaking, then all 25, since it should have appeared already in 1992. Partly, the name itself played against it - a tank support combat vehicle. Not everyone in the leadership of the Ministry of Defense understood why the tank needed additional support. And it's strange.

After all, it’s still the Second World War showed that tanks, when separated from infantry, become very vulnerable. And in all the warring armies they began to use tank landings - small units of soldiers who sat on the armor,, if necessary, dismounted and cleared places where tank destroyers could be located. Special brackets on the turrets, which were still on the Soviet T-62, were precisely intended for the soldiers accompanying the armored vehicles to hold on to.

There are photographs showing modern American Abrams moving across Iraq, surrounded by infantrymen.

Surprisingly, until the beginning of the 21st century, nowhere in the world had they figured out how, other than people, they could reliably protect tanks from those armed with hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers. And grenade launchers are one of the biggest threats to combat armored vehicles. Invented and made in Russia.

There is an interesting military paradox. Tanks seem to be vulnerable. But if, suppose, there are several tanks in an army motorized rifle column, everyone feels more confident. Tanks were required to support all military or humanitarian convoys in Afghanistan or, more recently, in Chechnya.

As those who have gone through the hot spots of past decades say, the best anti-sniper weapon is, again, a tank. It has excellent surveillance devices and powerful armor protection. A well-trained crew will always find a sniper's nest at a distance of several kilometers and destroy it.

It is no coincidence in Afghanistan, when Soviet troops We entered there and the hunt for tanks immediately began. There they were effectively covered by Shilka anti-aircraft guns. Their quadruple 23 mm cannons literally demolished the duvals and mowed down the “green stuff” along with the dushmans who had settled there. But the “shaitan-arba,” as the Islamist militants called “Shilka,” had significant shortcomings. It was anti-aircraft gun, which means, by definition, expensive. Moreover, there were few of them in Afghanistan. And the armor protection turned out to be symbolic - it was penetrated by an AK-47.

Tank fire support combat vehicle (BMPT) "Terminator"

The initiator of the start of work on the creation of a specialized combat vehicle to support tanks and infantry during operations in the mountains and populated areas was Sergei Aleksandrovich Mayev. From 1985 to 1987, he served as deputy commander for armaments of the 40th Army fighting in Afghanistan. At the same time he was the head of armaments of the Turkestan Military District.

It was he who put forward the idea of ​​​​creating a vehicle that had better armor protection than a tank, but was armed with small-caliber weapons, making it possible to provide hurricane-force firepower within a radius of up to two kilometers. He came up with the name - tank support combat vehicle, although he later regretted it. Now he says that it would be more accurate to call it a fire support vehicle. Military scientists reacted with understanding to the general’s idea.

The 38th Scientific Research Institute of the USSR Ministry of Defense formulated the main directions for the creation of BMPT. In 1987, the lead executor of the work was determined to be the special design bureau of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. The project received the code “Frame”. Already in 1989, we conducted research tests of three versions of the machine and chose the optimal one. In 1992, the BMPT could be ready for state testing. But... The Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant went bankrupt, and a series of changes of owners began. Was there a defense theme before?

The project was saved by the fact that Colonel General Sergei Mayev became the head of the Main Armored Directorate in 1996. His authority and perseverance made it possible to transfer the work to Nizhny Tagil, to Uralvagonzavod. There, in 2002, they produced a prototype of a combat vehicle, which was subsequently significantly improved. In 2006, the BMPT successfully passed state tests.

Tank fire support combat vehicle (BMPT) "Terminator-3"

The car was recommended in as soon as possible take into service. In 2010, the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, Army General Alexei Maslov, announced the readiness of the troops to accept the first batch of BMPTs. But in the same year, the higher leadership of the Ministry of Defense stopped all work on the BMPT. The former Chief of the General Staff, Nikolai Makarov, played a very negative role in the fate of the vehicle. Surprisingly, he himself is a tanker by military education, he did not understand the essence of the, without exaggeration, unique combat vehicle created in Russia. And he did everything to prevent the BMPT from joining the troops. The argument is that tanks do not need support, they themselves are designed to provide support. Staff intrigues began.

Further development of the BMPT was carried out at the expense of Uralvagonzavod. And, probably, the presentation played a decisive role new version BMPT - “Terminator-2” at the military-technical exhibition in Nizhny Tagil RAE-2013. Nothing like this has been done in domestic military exhibition practice. It was convincingly shown that Russia has created a combat vehicle that has no analogues in the world. The ideologist of the unique show was Deputy General Director of UVZ Alexey Zharich. The presentation was also watched by those people who have the right to make decisions. They appreciated her.

Besides, intrigues are intrigues, and war is war. Events in Syria have shown all the advantages of Russian T-72 and T-90 tanks, even in urban battles. But once again it became clear that a well-protected vehicle was needed for their fire support.

Even before the start of hostilities in Syria, Uralvagonzavod specialists began to develop the idea of ​​a fire support vehicle in several directions. In particular, a concept design for the BKM, a combat counter-terrorism vehicle, was proposed. It does not have guided missile weapons; its protection and machine gun and cannon weapons are even more enhanced. It is designed to destroy mobile, well-armed terrorist groups.

The classic BMPT with five crew members has been simplified and made cheaper. The T-72, subject to major renovation, proposed to remove the turret with the cannon and replace it with a missile and gun module. The crew is like a tank - three people. The car was called "Terminator 2". Photographs have appeared in the public domain in which this BMPT can be seen at the Russian Khmeimim base in Syria.

Most likely, all variations of BMPT and BKM will find their place in the troops and will receive their further development. It is significant that in the USA, Western Europe and China they are now hastily trying to create analogues of the BMPT. But no one will take away the palm from us.

BMPT, even earlier Russian army, was purchased by the army of Kazakhstan, and they are very happy with this machine. And Rosoboronexport receives one application after another from countries wanting to purchase large quantities of Russian Terminators almost tomorrow.

1. Introduction

The main difference between the proposed alternative BMPT-72A and the existing BMPT “Terminator” and the new BMPT-72 “Terminator-2” is the weapon system. The sketch of the alternative BMPT-72A is drawn on the basis of the projections of the T-72MP tank.

It would probably be right to start the article with a question “Why do we need an alternative BMPT if we already have the new BMPT-72?”

Let's try to find the answer to this question by comparing the new BMPT-72 with other tank support vehicles (including their prototypes) according to several separate criteria relevant for BMPT:

number of simultaneously hit targets;

availability of auxiliary anti-personnel weapons;

effectiveness of main artillery weapons.

1.1. Number of simultaneously hit targets

BMPT "Terminator" ( ) . There is enough information on the Internet about the advantages and disadvantages of the first production BMPT created on the basis of the T-90 tank on the topic “Frame-99”, which you can familiarize yourself with and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of this vehicle. It is obvious that the main idea of ​​the BMPT "Frame-99" was precisely the crew of 5 people, 4 of which observe the battlefield through individual observation devices and are capable of striking independently of each other 3 different goals simultaneously. This layout solution allows (according to official information) one such BMPT to effectively replace several infantry fighting vehicles on the battlefield. During the operation and testing of this vehicle, various shortcomings of its armament and layout with a crew of 5 people were identified. The weight of the vehicle is 48 tons. An important advantage of this BMPT is the small radius of sweeping around the barrels, which ensures 360-degree rotation of the turret even in cramped city streets, which allows you to fire almost point-blank at the enemy located in buildings.

BMPT-72 "Terminator 2" ( ) - a new (2013), simpler and more budget-friendly vehicle, designed for the mass conversion of old models of T-72 tanks into modern BMPTs. The crew of the new vehicle is a standard tank one, 3 people. The BMPT-72 weapon system is similar to the previous BMPT "Frame-99", but with some changes - two AGS-17D automatic grenade launchers were excluded. As a result, the new machine is capable of hitting only 1 goal. It is difficult to say how critical this “reduction” in armament is since the vehicle has only just appeared. The weight of the new BMPT has decreased to 44 tons, which expands the range of modernization of old T-72 tanks with engines of 780 and 840 hp. Also, the BMPT-72 outperforms its predecessor in terms of the area of ​​weakened zones in the upper projection of the hull - this area has noticeably decreased (there are no longer three hatches in the front part of the hull, not covered by the turret dimensions, which are vulnerable to RPG shots from above).

BMPT prototypes developed in the 1980s ( ):

Option #1.Base - T-72 tank. Armament – ​​2 automatic 30-mm cannons 2A72 with synchronized guidance + 2 side launchers 2 x 6 NAR S-8 (80 mm cumulative fragmentation missile). Crew – 3 people.


Option #2.Base – chassis based on the T-72. Armament – ​​2 independent automatic 30-mm cannons 2A72 + coaxial 7.62 mm machine guns, 2 automatic 40-mm grenade launchers, 2 PU ATGMs, 2 x 12.7 mm independent machine gun mounts NSVT. Crew – 7 people.

Number of simultaneously hit targets – 6.

Option #3. Base – chassis based on the T-72. Armament - twin 100 mm 2A70 cannon +30 mm 2A72 cannon +7.62 mm PKT machine gun, 2 independent 40 mm automatic grenade launchers coaxial with 7.62 mm machine guns, 2 autonomous machine gun mounts with 7.62 mm machine guns on the sides of the hull and one installation with a 40-mm grenade launcher on the turret. Crew – 5+2 people.

Number of simultaneously hit targets – 6.

Main battle tanks –MBT.

Most modern tanks have a remotely controlled machine gun mount (controlled by the commander), which allows the tank to simultaneously fire at2 goals.

Perhaps the number of simultaneously hit targets is not so significant for a modern BMPT, but given the declared versatility of this vehicle, this criterion should not be the last.

1.2. Availability of auxiliary anti-personnel weapons

The BMPT is a tank support vehicle, that is, this vehicle must reliably hit targets that are difficult for a tank to hit - infantry, ATGM crews, highly maneuverable light vehicles and low-flying air targets. Consequently, the main emphasis of BMPT armament should be on anti-personnel and partly anti-aircraft weapons.

Fig.1. BMPT "Terminator". Armament – ​​2x30-mm 2A42 cannons, 1x7.62-mm machine gun, 2 independent AG-17D grenade launchers, 4 Ataka-T ATGM launchers.

The armament of the Terminator BMPT includes 2 independent 30-mm AGS-17D grenade launchers. Two of the three experimental BMPT prototypes created back in the 1980s also had automatic anti-personnel grenade launchers (2 and 3 grenade launchers).

The BMPT prototype, which did not have a grenade launcher, was armed with two launchers with 12 S-8 aircraft missiles, each such missile has a cumulative fragmentation warhead (armor penetration 400 mm + 500 ready-made fragments).

The presence of two grenade launchers in the Terminator BMPT, as is known, has caused many conflicting opinions. Obviously, the problem is not in the grenade launchers themselves, but in the rather limited angles of their guidance on this BMPT and the lack of stabilization systems. Additionally, the impracticality of using vehicles with a non-standard crew of 5 people (3 standard crew members + 2 grenade launcher operators) was identified.

The armament of the new BMPT-72, as noted above, does not include AGS-17 automatic grenade launchers, which limits its combat capabilities compared to other BMPTs.

Fig.2. Prototype BMPT option 2. Armament - 2x30-mm 2A72 cannons, 2x7.62-mm PKT machine guns, 2x40-mm automatic grenade launchers, 2x12.7-mm NSVT machine guns, 2 PU ATGMs.

Fig.3. BMPT-72 (2013). Armament – ​​2x30-mm 2A42 cannons, 1x7.62-mm machine gun, 4 Ataka-T ATGM launchers.

It turns out that it is logical that the presence of an anti-personnel automatic grenade launcher of 30 or 40 mm caliber is desirable for a modern BMPT.

1.3. Effectiveness of main artillery weapons

The artillery armament of all of the above BMPTs includes a 30-mm 2A42 automatic cannon (two or one). There is a lot of different information and opinions on the topic of the effectiveness of this gun as part of the BMPT armament complex, which, for the most part, argue for the low effectiveness of using a gun of this caliber on a modern BMPT.

Let's look at this question from the other side: “What are the armament advantages of the BMPT-72 over a tank with an auxiliary 30 mm automatic cannon?”

For comparison, let's take the Slovak T-72M2 Moderna-2 tank.

Fig.4. Slovak tank T-72M2 "Moderna 2". On the right rear part of the turret there is a 30-mm 2A42 automatic cannon.





Main gun


Automatic cannon

Number of simultaneous shooters

30 mm guns

Ammo kit, 30mm rounds

Coaxial machine gun


Automatic grenade launcher

ATGM launchers

ATGM ammunition

Number of simultaneously hit targets

The above comparative information shows that the BMPT-72 does not have significant advantages in armament over the T-72 Moderna-2 tank. The main advantages of the BMPT-72A in armament:

minimum radius of sweeping trunks;

the ability to switch the type of projectile, thanks to the two-belt power supply of the guns(Modern-2 has single-belt power for the 30 mm gun);

larger transportable ammunition of 30 mm rounds (850 pcs);

larger vertical pointing angle of guns (45 (60) degrees versus 35 degrees);

larger ammunition capacity of 7.62 mm cartridges (2500 pcs);

ATGM "Attack" is superior to TUR in terms of armor penetration and launch range.

A comparison of these two vehicles, which are fundamentally different in purpose, is not objective, but at first glance, the modernization of T-72 tanks into BMPT tanks like the Moderna-2 looks simpler and cheaper than converting them into BMPT-72, which does not have significant advantages in armament over the T-72 Moderna-2.

Fig.5. Tank T-64E. In order to eliminate the weakened zone of the turret to the right of the gun (in the area where the coaxial machine gun was installed on previous modifications of the T-64), the coaxial machine gun was moved to the left rear part of the tank's turret. An automatic 23-mm GSh-23 cannon is installed behind the tank commander's hatch.

The situation is similar with the modernized T-64E tank. If this tank is re-equipped with a 30-mm cannon (instead of the rotating 23-mm GSh-23 cannon mounted on its turret), it also becomes a BMPT tank, also capable of hitting two goals simultaneously.

Obviously, a modern BMPT should have noticeable advantages over a tank when fighting a “tank-dangerous” enemy, since this is its main task.

The priority artillery system for the BMPT may be an anti-aircraft gun. It is known that the ZSU-2-57, the Shilka ZSU and the Tunguska ZSU were effectively used in various conflicts specifically to destroy ground targets, but it was impossible to use them fully as BMPTs due to weak armor protection.

The main anti-aircraft guns developed in the USSR, which can be used for BMPT:

23 mmanti-aircraft quad gun (ZSU "Shilka"),rate of fire –850 shots/min. on the trunk;

30mmdouble-barreled gun 2A38 (ZSU "Tunguska"),rate of fire –2500 shots/min.

37 mmanti-aircraft machine gun 2A11 (experimental ZSU "Yenisei"),rate of fire –524 shots/min. on the trunk;

57 mmanti-aircraft gun S-60 (ZSU-2-57, PT-76B with Burevestnik BM),rate of fire –120 rounds/min per barrel.

The feasibility of using guns:

23–30 mm guns are considered insufficiently powerful for BMPTs; it is problematic to equip cartridges of this caliber with remote fuses.

The 37-mm machine gun has a belt feed and a rate of fire that is practically not inferior to the rate of fire of the 30-mm 2A42 cannon, it can be equipped with shells with a remote fuse, however, 37-mm shells are practically not used by troops, and have a relatively small advantage in armor penetration over 30-mm projectile

The 57-mm gun is the most promising for BMPT - high ballistics, long firing range, powerful projectile, wide range of shots. One of important issues is an automatic loader for this gun, which should provide a rate of fire of 100-120 rounds/minute, the required amount of transportable ammunition and quick switching of the type of shells (the number of which in the ammunition rack can be 3-5 pieces or more).

Fig.6. ZSU-57-2. Armament: 2x57 mm S-60 cannon. Rate of fire – 240 rounds/minute. Full ammunition - 300 rounds. The ZSU has effectively proven itself in various conflicts and wars as a powerful means of destroying various ground targets.


The sketch model of the BMPT-72A was made taking into account the above justifications for the choice of a weapon system, which is arranged on the basis of the three described in section 1 criteria:

Number of simultaneously hit targets - simultaneously2 different goals;

Availability of auxiliary anti-personnel weapons –automatic grenade launcher;

Efficiency of main artillery weapons –57 mmS-60 anti-aircraft gun.

Fig.7. Alternative BMPT-72A. The sketch was made based on the projections of the T-72MP tank.

Brief description of the machine:

BMPT-72A is a tank support vehicle based on the T-72 tank. The tank hull remains unchanged when converted into a BMPT. The tank's turret undergoes changes - the embrasure is modified to accommodate the installation of a 57-mm S-60 cannon and a coaxial 7.62-mm PKT machine gun. An armored container with an automatic ammunition rack for 76 rounds is attached to the rear of the turret. On the right side of the container there is a remote-controlled unit armed with a 30-mm automatic grenade launcher and two mortars for smoke or illumination grenades. On the sides of the turret there are retractable Ataka-T ATGM launchers, which in the stowed position are protected by an armored screen with hinged dynamic protection.

Fig.8. BMPT-72A in a combat position. Before launch, blocks with ATGMs are raised up. If necessary, Ataka-T ATGM launchers can be replaced with NAR S-8 launchers of 80 mm caliber.

Depending on the task at hand, the BMPT-72A weapon system can vary in various weapon combinations. All BMPT weapon modules are unified in terms of mountings and guidance systems, which allows the vehicles to be re-equipped with various weapons by their crews practically in the field.

Range of auxiliary weapons:

Remote control with a 30-mm grenade launcher AGS-17D;

Remote control with a 12.7 mm NSVT machine gun;

Remote control with a 7.62 mm PKT machine gun;

Remote control with a 23-mm GSh-23 cannon (alternative configuration);

Remote control with a 40-mm UAG-40 grenade launcher (alternative configuration).

Remote controlled installation (RC) controlled by the BMPT commander and has independent stabilization in 2 planes. Ammunition (grenades, cartridges or shells) is located in the lower part of the installation (cabinet). The ammunition belt is twisted like a snail, the shots in it are in a vertical position, they occupy almost the entire volume of the cabinet. At the bottom of the feeder there is a special transition of the belt with shots from a vertical position to a horizontal one. The electric drive, which rotates the entire remote installation in a horizontal plane 360 ​​degrees, is located in the gap between the container with 57-mm rounds, the right Ataka-T ATGM launcher and the rear right part of the turret.

The remote installation is universal; to change the type of weapon, you only need to change the machine gun, grenade launcher or cannon itself, without changing the “stand”.

Range of launchers:

2 x 2 PU ATGM “Ataka-T”;

2 x 6 PU NAR S-8 (AR-8);

2 x 2 PU MANPADS “Igla-S/Igla-V” (alternative configuration);

combinations of the above complexes.

Launchers (PU) in the stowed position they are hidden in special niches on the sides of the tower. The niches are protected by armored screens with hinged dynamic protection. Before firing, blocks with launchers rise up and to the required vertical aiming angle in the range from 0 to 30 degrees. It is possible to equip the launcher with a stabilization system in the vertical plane for firing S-8 (AR-8) unguided missiles on the move.

Several configuration options for the BMPT-72A remote module:

Fig.9. BMPT-72A weapon options.

3. Comparative characteristics of BMPT







Basic data

Combat weight

~47 tons

44 tons





T-72 turret


Engine power

Power density

Maximum speed on hard surface

Reverse speed

Cruising range on hard surfaces


Number of simultaneously hit targets

Automatic cannon, brand

Quantity and caliber

General ammunition

Of these in the automatic loader

Number of types of ammunition used

in the automatic loader

Vertical pointing angles

Coaxial machine gun

Quantity and caliber


Automatic grenade launcher



Quantity and caliber

Ammunition and number of belts

Firing range

Vertical pointing angles

Horizontal pointing angles

Stabilization of the grenade launcher


Optional weapons

Guided weapon




Rocket caliber

Launch range







Armor penetration


ATGM protection from bullets and shrapnel


armored screen




Radius of sweeping the barrel/barrels

at 1600 mm

less than

near the T-72 tank

Armor protection of BMPT-72A:

Armor protection of an alternative BMPT, in in this case, is at the level of protection of the T-72MP tank. The sides of the turret are additionally protected by armored screens, 20 mm thick, with hinged remote protection. The blocks with launchers located inside create an additional barrier to a cumulative jet or kinetic ammunition.

Thus, the dimensions of the side armor of the tower are: DZ + 20 mm + 400...800 mm (compartment with launcher and launcher drives) + 80 mm main armor + turret lining.

The rear part of the turret is additionally protected by a container with automatic ammunition storage and an anti-cumulative lattice. The container is sealed and has a lockable gateway for feeding shots into the weapon. If the container is damaged, there are covers in its upper part to allow the explosion energy to escape. Also, this container makes the standard T-72 turret more balanced.

The dimensions of the rear part of the tower are: Lattice + 400 mm (boxes with spare parts) + 650 mm (container size) + 60 mm main armor + lining.

Additionally, all rack tanks were removed from the BO and control compartment, they were replaced with safer protected fuel tanks. External fuel tanks are on fenders, similar to those on the T-72MP tank.

The installation of an auxiliary diesel generator (in the rear of the left fender) and air conditioning is provided.

The OPVT equipment is standard on the T-72 tank, the ford depth is up to 5 meters. The OPVT pipe (not shown in the sketch) is supposed to be mounted on top of the container with shots in horizontal position, perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the BMPT.

4. Comparative characteristics of automatic guns.




Basic data

Gun caliber

Barrel length

Shot length (shell with case)

Cannon carriers


Initial projectile speed

Cannon rate of fire



Projectile mass

Possibility of using projectiles

with remote detonation

Cannon power


or clips



Firing range against ground targets

Slant firing range in air. goals

Target engagement height

Armor penetration mm/ 60 hail

Projectile brand

At a distance of 100 m

No data

At a distance of 300 m

No data

At a distance of 500 m

At a distance of 1000 m

At a distance of 1500 m

At a distance of 2000 m

It is absolutely obvious that the comparison of these two artillery systems cannot be fair - the 30-mm cannon is not a competitor to the 57-mm in terms of projectile power and firing range, respectively - the 57-mm is inferior to the 30-mm in rate of fire and the amount of ammunition carried.

It was not possible to install two guns at once (57 mm and 30 mm) into the rather limited ammunition of the T-72 tank. Accordingly, the choice was made in favor of the S-60 anti-aircraft gun, which has a wider range of targets to be hit than the 30 mm gun:

Fig. 10. Targets hit by BMPT-72A

An important advantage of 57-mm guns is the ability to use remotely detonated HE and fragmentation shells, and the use of new anti-aircraft and cumulative shells.

Sketch angles of vertical guidance of the gun -5...+60 degrees. The cannon and machine gun are stabilized in two planes. It is planned to install modernized sights for the gunner and commander, ensuring that the gun can be aimed at the target in a vertical range of -5...+60 degrees.

The gun's ammunition consists of 182 rounds located in the automatic loader and additional compartments.

5. Automatic loader for the 57 mm BMPT-72A cannon

Fig. 11. BMPT-72A automatic loader

Figure 11 shows one of the possible options for an automatic loader for 57 mm rounds. One of the main limitations when modeling an automatic loader is the height of the T-72 fighting compartment (if you look at photographs of the PT-76B with the Burevestnik BM - its turret is higher than the standard PT-76 turret with a 76-mm cannon), since the breech of the gun is C -60 is quite large and it is necessary to provide for its normal lowering down at the maximum gun elevation angle. Shown in blue shot locator– it is rigidly fixed in the turret and ensures transportation of the shot to the gun in any vertical position. Given the increased number of loading operations for the gun, its rate of fire is expected to drop to 100 rounds per minute.

Comparative characteristics of automatic loaders:




Basic data

Anti-aircraft S-60

Gun rate of fire, rds/min

Type of automatic loader



at 20 shots


machine on

54 shots +


machine on

Full ammunition, rds.

Of these in the automatic loader, rds.

Maximum continuous queue length

guns (technical), shots

Maximum continuous length

queue (actual), shots

Shooting modes



2-5 shots each,




2, 3, 5 and 7



Replenishing the automatic loader

(70 shots)

(52 shots)





The BMPT-72A automatic loader consists of 2 parts:

1) Carousel mechanism, with a capacity of 54 shots;

2) Container with a chain mechanism for 76 shots.

Operating principle of the carousel mechanism:

Fully equipped carousel (54 shots) scrolls one full turn to automatically identify shots using a special reading device (shown in the diagram). Data on the number of shots of each type and their sequence are entered into the computer control system.

After the gunner selects the type of shot and the firing mode (let’s look at the example of a burst of 3 shots), the carousel scrolls to the required shot, which is pushed out of it (inside) into the lifting mechanism , after ejection shot #1 the carousel fails shot #2 (same type) and waits for the lifting mechanism to be released.

The gun is loaded in any vertical position within the range of pointing angles -5...+60 degrees.Orientatorshot (shown in blue in Figure 11) takes shot #1 from the lifting mechanism, turns it to the desired angle and feeds it into the cannon. At this moment, from the carousel comes shot #2 into the lifting mechanism, then the carousel leads to the lift shot #3 and stops in standby mode.

Volley. Sleeve No. 1 thrown out through a hole near the coaxial machine gun. At this moment the feed occurs shot #2 into the shot orientation and loading the gun. Parallel, shot #3 is pushed out of the carousel into the lifting mechanism and follows shot #2 .

It is obvious that this carousel machine is an order of magnitude more complex than the automatic loader for the Burevestnik combat module for the PT-76B, provides for a greater number of electric drives and has a greater number of operations. This is due to the impossibility (at least in the scale sketch) of placing a conveyor with shots (as on the Burevestnik) rigidly connected to the gun, since the T-72 tank initially has a weapon limited in volume and height + large angles gun pointing -5...+60 degrees.

Previously, the carousel automatic loader has the following drives:

– reversible electric drive that rotates the carousel;

– electromechanical shot ejector from the carousel;

– electromechanical shot lift;

– electromechanical drive of the shot orientator.

All drives are electromechanical, which reduces the fire hazard of the BMPT as a whole.

Automatic replenishment of the carousel mechanism:

The gunner turns on the mode "carousel replenishment" and sets the type of shot required. The chain rewinds until it is found the right type shot, which, with the helppusherfed into the tower in a special cassettefeeder. After feeding, the chain moves one shot and waits for the cassette to be released.

The carousel rotates and brings the empty cell under the feeder cassette. The feeder moves down 90 degrees, the bottom of the cartridge opens, and the shot slides down into the empty cell.

The carousel brings the next empty cell, and the whole cycle repeats.

After the carousel is filled with shots, it scrolls one full revolution to identify shots and enter new data into the control system.

Chain feed mechanism works independently of the carousel. It has its own shot identification device. Damage, detonation or jamming of the chain feeding mechanism does not affect the performance of the control system and the carousel autoloader. In some way, the container with a chain feeder additionally protects the rear of the turret from RPGs and ATGMs, since its dimensions are approximately 650 mm.

The chain feeding mechanism includes three main drives:

Reversible electric drive with a gearbox that rewinds a chain with shots;

Electromechanical shot pusher;

Cassette tipper drive.

Replenishing a carousel machine gun from a manual ammunition stowage (52 shots):

The gunner or commander turns on the mode "manual replenishment" , in this mode, the carousel automatically brings empty cells to the gunner or commander (depending on who turned on the manual replenishment mode).

The loader (this can be either the commander or the gunner) manually removes the rounds from the ammunition rack and places them vertically in the empty cells of the carousel. After which, the carousel brings up the next empty cell.

After completing the entire operation and turning off the mode "manual replenishment" – the carousel makes a full revolution to identify shots and transmit this information to the fire control system.

Loading a gun in manual “emergency” mode:

In the event of failure or damage to any mechanism of the carousel automatic loader, a mode is provided "manual loading" .

In manual mode, only the gunner can load the gun. INorientator shots, there is a special gateway for manual loading, the entrance to which is accessible at the extreme vertical declination angle of the gun - (minus) 5 degrees.

After the gunner switches on the mode "manual loading" . The gun reaches the loading line - 5 degrees. The gunner places the desired shot into the opened window of the loading chamber.

The cycle repeats.

Disadvantages of the alternative BMPT-72A:

large barrel sweep radius 57-mm gun, which extends beyond the dimensions of the hull when the turret is rotated 360 degrees, which makes it almost impossible to turn the turret on a very cramped city street - the result of a purely tank layout of the BMPT-72A (however, its barrel is shorter than the standard 125-mm gun by about 1600 mm );

large mass of BMPT-72A– 47 tons, which significantly reduces the specific power and mobility of the vehicle, in the case of conversion of outdated T-72 tanks with engines of 780 and 840 hp. Thus, when converting old tanks into BMPTs, it is also necessary to install new engines (with a power of 1000 hp or more), which will increase the cost of an alternative BMPT;

quite a complex automatic loader, consisting of two separate loading mechanisms, reducing the rate of fire (approximately) to 100 rounds per minute;

for emergency transfer of the driver to the BO he needs to get 4-5 shots from the carousel (the problem is similar for tanks like T-64 and T-80, only in the BMPT-72A the driver himself can get shots). Spare hatch - in the bottom of the hull behind the driver's seat;

this “tank” layout does not allow the vertical elevation angle of the S-60 gun to exceed +55...60 degrees.

P. S. The proposed alternative BMPT-72A is only a sketch of the author's work, which does not claim any exact technical correspondence.

The newest tank support combat vehicle (BMPT) “Terminator-3” will be created on the basis of the “Armata” universal combat platform. Oleg Sienko, General Director of the Uralvagonzavod company, spoke about this in an interview with RIA Novosti.

Will do]. And on "Armata" too. We have a concept for the development of vehicles based on the Armata platform. It consists of 28 units of promising types of weapons. They must be integrated on one platform: for air defense, heavy armored vehicles.
According to Oleg Sienko, a common platform will help bring uniformity to the repair kit, spare tools and accessories. This, according to Sienko, will make it possible to quickly change various components and assemblies of combat vehicles. He also said that it is planned to install a 57 mm caliber naval cannon with a range of 16 km on the new platform.
“The militants have nothing to do against such a machine. Yes, they are expensive, but how effective are they? Therefore, we believe that there are prospects,” concluded the General Director of Uralvagonzavod.
Now there are already BMPTs, which bear the unofficial names “Terminator” and “Terminator-2”. According to data from the Uralvagonzavod website, the Terminator is designed to suppress enemy tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, destroy lightly armored targets, as well as to combat helicopters and low-flying low-speed aircraft. Both BMPTs are developed on the T-72 tank chassis.

Tank support combat vehicle BMPT-72 "Terminator-2"

The main difference between the BMPT-72 and its predecessor is the base chassis. In the early stages of the project, the previous BMPT vehicle was supposed to be built on the basis of the T-72 tank chassis, but later the modified T-90 tank chassis was taken as the basis for it. The new version of the tank support combat vehicle is based on the hull and chassis of the T-72 tank. It is expected that this feature of the project will help promote new cars on the international market. T-72 tanks are operated in dozens of countries and each of them may show interest in the new Russian BMPT-72.

According to official data, the Terminator 2, built or converted from a tank, has a combat weight of 44 tons. When using an engine with a power of 840 or 1000 horsepower (depending on the modification of the base tank), the BMPT-72 is capable of accelerating on the highway up to 60 km/h and covering off-road routes at speeds of up to 35-45 km/h. Fuel range is 700 kilometers. The mobility characteristics allow the new BMPT to move and fight in the same formation with all modern Russian-made main tanks. In addition, the use of the T-72 tank chassis greatly facilitates and simplifies maintenance and the supply of spare parts.

The BMPT-72 is heavier than the base tank due to the installation of an original turret with weapons and additional protection modules. The frontal and side parts of the hull are additionally covered with dynamic protection system modules. The engine and transmission compartment is proposed to be additionally protected with cumulative grilles. In addition, to counter anti-tank weapons using optical-electronic systems, the BMPT-72 vehicle has smoke grenade launchers.

In order to simplify the production or re-equipment of finished vehicles, the new Terminator-2 has several noticeable differences from the BMPT of the previous model. Thus, the crew was reduced to three people: only the driver, commander and gunner-weapon operator remained. The two grenade launchers, as well as their weapons, have been removed. Obviously, this change in the composition of the crew and the weapon system made it possible to simplify the work on re-equipping the finished tank chassis due to the absence of the need for major changes to the front part of the hull. In addition, the removal of grenade launchers from the crew made it possible to reduce the number of people in the vehicle to a “tank” level. In other words, the crew of the T-72 tank and the BMPT at its base consists of three people. In the future, this may help facilitate crew retraining.

All weapons of the updated tank support combat vehicle are mounted on the turret. The unit itself, in turn, is mounted on a standard T-72 tank shoulder strap without any modifications to the hull. The complex of turret weapons and equipment of the BMPT-72 vehicle is similar to the corresponding equipment of the Terminator vehicle. At the same time, some technical solutions were applied to increase the combat effectiveness and survivability of both the vehicle as a whole and individual systems. First of all, the bulletproof armor of almost all units located on the turret is noticeably developed. Two 30 mm 2A42 automatic guns are partially covered by an armored casing. The BMPT-72 ammunition stowage can accommodate up to 850 rounds for both guns. All available 30 mm caliber shells of the domestic standard are suitable for firing from 2A42 cannons. Firing is carried out in two modes: at a high rate at 550 rounds per minute and at a low rate, no more than 250-300 rounds per minute. Above the guns, in its own casing, is a PKTM machine gun with 2,100 rounds of ammunition.

The authors of the BMPT-72 project solved the problem of protecting guided weapons, which caused a lot of complaints about the tank support vehicle of the first model. On the sides of the Terminator-2 turret there are two armored casings, inside of which transport and launch containers with 9M120-1 or 9M120-1F/4 guided missiles are mounted. The missiles are capable of hitting armored targets at a range of up to 6 kilometers. To control the missiles, a set of B07S1 means is used.

The updated fire control system of the BMPT-72 vehicle includes gunner and commander sights, laser rangefinders, a ballistic computer and a weapon stabilizer. The vehicle commander has a combined panoramic sight with television and thermal imaging channels. The field of view of the sight is stabilized in two planes. The commander's sight is also equipped laser rangefinder. The vehicle's gunner uses a sight with optical and thermal imaging channels. This sighting device has a field of view stabilized in two planes, and is also equipped with a laser rangefinder and laser system control for anti-tank missiles.

The sighting equipment used when using a television channel allows the commander of a combat vehicle to recognize enemy tanks at a range of about 5 kilometers. At night, when using a thermal imaging system, the recognition range is reduced to 3.5 km. The sighting and thermal imaging channels of the gunner's sight provide target detection and recognition at approximately the same distances - 5 and 3.5 km, respectively.

Shortly after the BMPT-72 Terminator 2 was first shown, several defense industry officials made statements about its prospects. They all believe that the updated tank support combat vehicle should be of interest to potential customers. One of the main advantages that can attract interest from the Russian or any foreign army is the basic vehicle. T-72 tanks are used in many countries, which is why the conversion of obsolete equipment of this type into new BMPT-72 can have a beneficial effect on the capabilities of the customer’s ground forces.

An interesting feature of the BMPT-72 project is the fact that it was initially created taking into account not only the construction of new vehicles, but also the re-equipment of existing equipment. According to official information, the Russian enterprise Uralvagonzavod can supply the customer with ready-made tank support vehicles or transfer sets of equipment for re-equipping existing tanks by the customer.

The level of protection and firepower of the new infantry fighting vehicle in comparison with the original “Terminator” remained at approximately the same level. Perhaps the refusal of automatic grenade launchers may have a bad effect on combat qualities. However, this decision was made due to the simplification of design and production. Probably, the absence of two grenade launchers will not discourage potential customers. It is worth recalling that in numerous discussions of the BMPT vehicle, doubts were often expressed about the advisability of installing two automatic grenade launchers, which should be controlled by individual crew members. Claims from specialists and people interested in military equipment, concerned both the quantitative aspects of the crew and the combat effectiveness of grenade launchers with limited aiming angles.

The firing capabilities of the BMPT-72's barreled and guided weapons roughly correspond to these parameters of the first Terminator. This can be explained by the fact that when creating a new tank support vehicle, the authors of the project sought to unify it with the T-72 tank, as well as remove the main shortcomings of the previous design. As a result, it became possible to relatively easily convert the tank into a tank support vehicle with fairly high performance.

So far, potential customers have not spoken about their intentions to buy new BMPT-72 vehicles or make them from existing tanks. The first demonstration of the new combat vehicle took place several weeks ago and therefore it is too early to talk about possible purchases. Potential operators of this equipment have only recently had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the new proposal of the Russian defense industry. Reports of contract negotiations could begin within the coming months.

On September 26, 2013, at the Russia Arms Expo-2013 exhibition in Nizhny Tagil, NPK Uralvagonzavod and Kazakhstan Engineering signed an agreement to create a joint venture. This agreement was signed as a development of previous agreements on the Terminator tank support combat vehicle, which are being supplied to this country. The agreement provides for the creation of a special technical center in Kazakhstan, which will begin operating next year. It will be created as a joint venture on a parity basis. However, when talking about the assembly of BMPT in Kazakhstan, they mean a completely different vehicle - the BMPT-72 “Terminator-2”. The appearance of the “second series” of the “Terminator” is associated with the implementation of the wishes of the Kazakh side and with the elimination of comments received during the trial operation of the vehicle in the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan.

Meeting the customer's wishes, the design and manufacturing technology of the BMPT-72 were optimized for the conditions of conversion of T-72 tanks being decommissioned at the customer's repair facilities using modernization kits supplied by Uralvagonzavod. The Kazakhs put forward a completely sensible and logical demand to reduce the cost of BMPTs by abandoning course grenade launchers and, accordingly, two “extra” crew members. Thus, the crew of the BMPT-72 will be brought into line with the standard personnel of tank units. As you can see, the UKBTM ideas reflected in the BKM-2 project were taken as a basis, more precisely, only in that part of it that concerned the modification of the chassis. The Kazakhs did not want to simplify the control system; on the contrary, a requirement was put forward to introduce a thermal imaging channel into the commander’s panoramic sight. Now, instead of the B07K1 panoramic sight with a low-level television channel and a laser rangefinder, a panoramic sight is installed, similar to the sight of the modernized T-90MS tank, which has seriously expanded the search, observation and targeting capabilities of the control system.

Another drawback eliminated in the “sequel” of the BMPT concerned the protection of missile launchers from bullets and shrapnel. Now transport and launch containers with missiles are equipped with armored casings. Here it is appropriate to say a few words about the overall design of the vehicle: the BMPT-72 looks very unusual, indeed, like some kind of “terminator” that materialized from the future or, at least, stepped out of the screen of a science fiction film. And this is no coincidence! On the one hand, Ural designers have recently begun to pay more attention to technical aesthetics, making their combat vehicles more attractive. On the other hand, behind the design of the BMPT-72 lies a simple engineering calculation. Having abandoned course grenade launchers when using the hull of a converted tank with minimal alterations, it was necessary to abandon the armored boxes that were located on the fenders and shielded the turret hull. To maintain the level of protection of the tower from the side projections, screens with dynamic protection elements and additional spare parts boxes were used. It was also possible to ensure protection for ATGMs only if the design of the launchers was changed. At the same time, the shape and installation angles of screens, casings (including guns) and boxes are designed not so much for the external effect as for reducing the EPR from front angles.

Thus, the design of the BMPT-72 partially implements stealth technology. Unfortunately, lattice screens work the other way around in terms of reflecting the radar beam, but without them it is impossible to protect the stern projections from RPGs. Therefore, the BMPT-2 becomes a full “self-propelled vehicle” only when using radio-absorbing material placed over the grilles. Unlike the BMPT, when purchasing a BMPT-72, the customer is offered several options to choose from:
- choice of power plant: 12-cylinder V-shaped four-stroke multi-fuel diesel engine with liquid cooling and supercharging from a V-84MS centrifugal supercharger with a power of 840 hp. (cheaper basic version) or a similar turbodiesel V-92S2 with a power of 1000 hp. In the first case, the mobility level of the base tank is maintained, in the second, the specific power increases by 19% and reaches a value of 22.73 hp, exceeding that of the T-90S tank;
- choice of motion control system: levers and manual gearbox (cheap basic option) or steering wheel control and automatic gear shift;
- choice of communication means: in the basic version, the BMPT-72 is equipped with the R-168-25UE-2 radio station with the AVSKU-E hardware and software complex, however, at the customer’s request, any other communication means can be installed;
- selection of an auxiliary diesel generator set: in the armored compartment on the left fender, generators DGU5-P27.5-VM1 with an electrical power of 5 kW (as on the basic version of the BMPT) or DGU8-P27.5-VM1 with a power of 8 kW can be installed;
- additional equipment with a KMT-8 mine trawl with an EMT electromagnetic attachment or a TBS-86 bulldozer;
- additional equipment for suppressing radio land mines.

Contrary to the BKM concept, the BMPT-72 refused not only to simplify the control system and replace the ATGM with a NURS, but also to reduce the fuel supply, resulting in a maximum range of 700 km. This is especially important in conditions of long-term autonomous operation in mountains, steppes and deserts, isolated from supply bases. And even in urban battles, the supply of fuel is often difficult or simply impossible. The BMPT-72 also retains standard weapons protection equipment. mass destruction: here it is worth remembering a very recent case chemical attacks against government troops and civilians by Syrian insurgents. But the fire-fighting equipment has been modernized and replaced with faster-acting ones. The survivability of the crew is also increased due to the use of anti-fragmentation screens inside the fighting compartment made of Armotex aramid fabric of the Kevlar type, which protect against the flow of secondary fragments and splashes of a cumulative jet.

BPMT-72 provides effective destruction of lightly armored vehicles and manpower. The weapon system, controlled remotely, is located in an armored superstructure located outside the habitable compartment on a low-profile turret. It is possible to hit targets with guided missiles with cumulative and high-explosive concrete-piercing warheads at a range of up to 6000 m, with automatic cannons - up to 4000 m, with a machine gun - up to 1500 m. Large vertical guidance angles - up to 45", the ability to quickly maneuver fire in narrow urban conditions streets (since when the turret rotates, the weapons do not protrude beyond the hull), 30-mm automatic cannons are constantly ready to fire to kill (providing minimal reaction time in a changing combat situation - readiness to open fire up to 8 s), high-precision guidance of guns (as consequence of reducing collateral destruction of urban areas), large ammunition capacity (the ability to destroy several dozen small-sized targets) - all this guarantees the effective use of the BMPT-72 in dense urban areas, in mountainous and wooded areas. For its firepower, similar to its predecessor, which it received. nicknamed "Terminator", BMPT-72 was called "Terminator-2".

Rosoboronexport believes that the new modification of the BMPT-72 Terminator-2 tank support combat vehicle has good export prospects. Indeed, the BMPT-72 “Terminator-2” is a very interesting and promising combat vehicle from the point of view of market promotion. The range of its applications is very wide and diverse. According to experts and specialists, as well as according to a number of UKBTM employees, Terminator-2 is not just a fire support vehicle. This is exactly what, in their opinion, a tank should look like, corresponding to modern realities of combat. It is not for nothing that the BMPT-72 is considered by many not as a “conversion” of the T-72 tank, i.e. literally in the language of divine Latin, “change”, the transformation of one thing into another, which is what the BMPT-72 de facto is, and as “modernization” - “updating”, “modernizing” the tank itself.

The big advantage of the BMPT-72 is that, created on the platform of the T-72 tank, it provides a unique opportunity to extend the life cycle of vehicles, quickly and at minimal cost to raise the combat capability of the Ground Forces to a new level. At the same time, the modularity of the design and placement of weapons allows, if necessary, to change its composition depending on the needs of each specific customer. Analyzing the development of design ideas based on the developments demonstrated by various enterprises included in the special equipment division of the Uralvagonzavod corporation, the development of the situation in the world, the nature of modern armed struggle, as well as some criticism and complaints about the design of the BMPT combat module, it is not at all difficult to determine the direction of further improvement and development of a machine of this class.

A completely logical step would be to design an BMPT based on a convertible tank of the T-72 type with the installation of one of the variants of the AU-220M combat module developed by the Burevestnik Central Research Institute with a 57-mm BM-57 automatic cannon. At the RAE-2013 exhibition, this module was demonstrated on the basis of the ATOM heavy wheeled infantry fighting vehicle, a joint Russian-French development. Of course, when installed on a BMPT, the AU-220M combat module must undergo appropriate modifications in terms of improving the control system (installation of a commander’s panoramic sight), weapons (additional equipment with at least four Kornet-M ATGMs, a remote-controlled 12.7 mm machine gun) and 30-40 mm automatic grenade launcher) and protection (armor ceramic panels, dynamic protection). One way or another the BMPT will develop - time will tell. In the meantime, we can hope that Terminator 2 will find its consumer not only in Asia or Africa, but will also be adopted by the Russian Armed Forces.

Technical characteristics of BMPT-72 “Terminator-2”
Combat weight, 44
Crew, people 3
Overall dimensions, mm:
- body length along mud flaps and lattice screens 7200
- width 3600
- height 3330
Automatic gun: quantity, caliber, brand 2x30mm, 2A42
Types of ammunition - Fragmentation-tracer, high-explosive fragmentation, Incendiary, Armor-piercing tracer, armor-piercing sub-caliber
Ammunition, cartridges 860
Guided weapon system: B07S1, provides firing of a guided missile from a standstill and on the move, day at night at a range of up to 6000 m
Types of missiles/ammunition used, pcs. - Supersonic ATGM "Ataka-T" / 9M120-1 (with a tandem cumulative warhead), 9M120-1F (with a high-explosive concrete-piercing warhead of a volumetric detonating composition) / 4
Defense guided missile launchers, pcs. 2
Auxiliary weapons:
- Machine gun 7.62mm/PKTM (6P7K) with UDP (T05BV-1)/ 2100 rounds
Fire control system:
- Gunner's sight - Multi-channel with sighting and thermal imaging channels, laser rangefinder, built-in laser missile control channel and independent 2-plane vision stabilization
Tank target recognition range, m:
- During the day through the sighting channel - 5000
- At night through the thermal insulation channel - Not less than 3500
- Max, range measured by rangefinder, m. 7500
- Commander's sight - Combined panoramic with television and TV channels, laser rangefinder and independent 2-plane field of view stabilization
Ballistic computer - Electronic digital with a set of sensors for meteorological and topographic conditions
Weapon stabilizer - 2-plane with electromechanical drives in horizontal and vertical planes
Radio equipment - Digital, with secure (cryptographic) and noise-resistant radio communication modes
Hull - Welded, with modular dynamic protection, with DZ side screens and lattice screens to protect the side and stern projections
Tower - Welded, with combined frontal projection protection, built-in dynamic protection and anti-fragmentation screens on the internal surfaces
Armor protection, type - Multilayer combined
Dynamic protection, type, brand. - Universal in modular design, “Relic”
Lattice screens - On the stern and side projections
Curtain deployment system - Automatic, optical-electronic, provides indication and deployment of an aerosol curtain in the event of a threat of use of anti-tank weapons
WMD protection system - Collective
Fire protection equipment - Automatic, fast-acting, double action
Protection of the crew, equipment and ammunition from the secondary flow of fragments - Anti-fragmentation screens made of aramid fabric in the turret

Mobility and permeability
Average speed on a dirt road, km/h. 35-45
Maximum speed on the highway, km/h. 60
Maximum range on highway, km. 700
Maximum elevation angle, degrees. thirty
Maximum roll angle, degrees. 25
Overcoming ditch, m. 2.6-2.8
Climbable wall, m. 0.85
Fording depth (from preliminary preparation), m. 1.2 (1.8)
Depth of surmountable water obstacle with OPVT, m. 5
Engine, typ. V-84MS or V-92S2, four-stroke multi-fuel diesel with monitoring station or turbocharged
Maximum power, kW (hp). 618 (840) or 736 (1000)