What a newbie needs to know about WWII. Various quest objectives

24.07.2019 Business
  1. There is the original WoW. This is World of Warcraft Classic
  2. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
  3. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
  4. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
  5. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria

Now let's take a closer look at each add-on.

1. In classic WoW

  • 60 levels
  • 8 races, 4 for each faction (we'll talk about races and factions later)
  • 9 classes (read about classes below). You can play for the Paladin class only for the Alliance, for the Shaman class only for the Horde

2. World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade

  • 70 levels
  • 10 races (added Blood Elves and Draenei), 5 per faction
  • 9 classes. In this add-on, you can create both a Paladin and a Shaman for both factions.

3. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King

  • 80 levels
  • 10 races, 5 per faction
  • 10 classes, added Death Knight (you can create a Death Knight only when you have a character level 55 or higher)

4. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

  • 85 levels
  • 12 races (added Worgens and Goblins), 6 per faction
  • 10 classes

5. World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria

  • 90 levels
  • 13 races (Panda race added)
  • 11 classes (added Monk class)

II. The second is the choice of the Faction for which you will play.

There are two factions in WoW - the Alliance and the Horde.

(!!!IMPORTANT!!! Please note that some races are missing in different add-ons!!!)

For the Alliance you can choose the following races:

  • Human
  • Dwarf
  • Night elf
  • Dwarf
  • Draenei
  • Worgen
  • Undead
  • Tauren
  • Troll
  • Elf of blood
  • Goblin

There is also a separate race - Panda. After reaching level 10, playing as Panda, you will have to choose a Faction. It's up to you to decide which Faction you want to play for.

III. After you have chosen your expansion, faction and race, you need to choose a class and role.

1 class

There are 11 classes in WoW, these are:

  • Mage - wears fabric armor and acts as a ranged fighter.
  • Warlock - just like the Mage, wears fabric armor and plays the role of a ranged fighter.
  • Priest - wears fabric armor and serves as a healer and ranged fighter.
  • Monk - can wear fabric and leather armor, serves as a tank, healer, and melee fighter.
  • R robber - can wear fabric and leather armor, serves as a melee fighter.
  • Hunter - can wear fabric, leather, chain mail (after level 40) armor, serves as a ranged fighter.
  • Shaman - wears fabric, leather, chain mail armor, serves as a healer, melee and ranged fighter.
  • Druid - wears fabric and leather armor, serves as a tank, healer, melee and ranged fighter.
  • Paladin - can wear all types of armor, serves as a healer, tank, and melee fighter.
  • Warrior - like Paladin, can wear all types of armor, serves as a tank, melee fighter.
  • Death Knight - can wear all types of armor, serves as a tank, melee fighter.

2. Role

All roles are very important!!! There are 4 roles in WoW:

  • Melee fighter. Task -apply as much as possible more damage. (In the slang of WoW players - dd)
  • Ranged fighter. Task- deal as much damage as possible (In the slang of WoW players - rdd)
  • Tank. The task of the tank is that the tank must withstand all the enemy’s attacks on itself, thereby preventing the healer and fighter from dying.
  • Healer. The task is clear from the name itself; it is, of course, to heal the group and not let anyone die.(In the slang of WoW players - hill)

After choosing a class, start leveling up. You can level up by completing quests or going through dungeons.

IV. Another very important part is the mounts. Mounts

Mounts can be purchased at the starting location of your race. In the BC expansion, a mount that increases movement speed by 60% can be purchased after reaching level 30, and by 100% after level 60.
On the WotLK expansion, the mount is 60% after level 20, 100% after level 40.

V. Addons

I will tell you about addons - modification (change) of the game interface. When I first started playing, I used addons such as:

  • X-Perl ( XPerl) - changes the appearance of the usual life panel, making it more understandable. I think this is a very important addon.
  • OneBag - changes the look of a standard bag, making it much more convenient. For example, standard bags each open individually. OneBag places all bags in one window.
  • QuestHelper - a very important addon if you play the BC expansion or WoW Classic.
  • QH helps with assignments. He indicates on the map where to run, and, for example, who to kill in order to knock out the necessary thing.

All these Addons can be easily found on the Internet.

VI. And the most important thing is the abbreviations and slang in WoW.

Whatever the usual message in the chat looks like this for you: “什麼是不明確的寫在這裡”, you just need to read this paragraph!!! Next, words will be written in a language you don’t understand, which are used by cool WoBers, and next to them there will be words that will be clear to you.

  • NPC, or NPC, is a peaceful character who is controlled by a computer
  • A mob is not a friendly character, it is a computer-controlled monster
  • Hit - blow
  • Crit - critical hit
  • BG, BattleGround, BG – battlefield
  • Arathi - Arathi Basin, battlefield
  • Varsong - Warsong Gorge, battlefield
  • Alterac – Alterac Valley, battlefield
  • Island – Island of Conquest, battlefield
  • HP, HP, HealtPoint – health points
  • MP, MP – mana points
  • XP – experience points
  • Persian - character
  • ACC – account
  • Password - password
  • LVL, Level, lvl, level – level
  • Golda, Gold - gold
  • Profa – profession
  • Agila - agility
  • Stamina - endurance
  • Inta - intelligence
  • AP – attack power
  • Stun - stun
  • Ability - ability
  • Blink – teleportation over a short distance
  • TP – teleportation
  • Orgri, Ogri - the city of Orgrimmar, which is the capital of the Horde
  • Storm - the city of Stormwind, the capital of the Alliance
  • Quest - task
  • Noob - newbie
  • Min – minute
  • Sec – second
  • AFK – absence (for example, a person writes: “AFK 5 minutes” - this means that he will be absent for 5 minutes)
  • Party group
  • GI - guild
  • Elite – elite mob
  • Inst, dungeon - dungeon with elite MOBs and bosses
  • Item - subject
  • Craft - creation
  • Lags - a delay in the game due to a poor Internet connection to the server
  • Serv – server
  • Priest - Priest
  • Dru – Druid
  • Pal – Paladin
  • Var – Warrior
  • Horns – Rogue
  • Mage – Mage
  • Locke - Warlock
  • DK - Death Knight
  • Sham – Shaman
  • Hunt – Hunter
  • Pet - pet
  • Invite - invitation

I hope this article helped you!!!

Hello man! Have you decided to play something new and your eyes fell on World of Warcraft? Well, whether you chose this game yourself or they did it for you, this is one of the best MMORPGs. And MMORPG, as you probably know, is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, that's it. But let's not make it so difficult. Roughly speaking, World of Warcraft is one of those games where you are in the same world with players from all over the globe. Still here? Then listen further...

Let's learn a little about the history of this game, shall we? World of Warcraft, or “WoW” as it is often called, is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. The game takes place in the Warcraft universe, which is already over 15 years old! The game itself was released on November 23, 2004, so it's also quite old by gaming standards. But don’t be alarmed, Blizzard regularly releases small updates, and sometimes entire additions; there have only been two of these in history (the third is on the way). Each of them added a lot of new things to the game, for example a new continent, two new races, new class, each of them “pulled up” the graphics engine. To fully play you will need to buy each of them separately, you can do this as you level up. At levels 60 and 70. This will open up new locations, quests, weapons and uniforms for you. In addition, you will have to pay a subscription fee for the game every month. It will cost about 360 rubles for a Russian account or 500 rubles if you want to play with foreigners.

Let `s start? First you will need to create an account, you can do this absolutely free and even play for 10 days. Come here, fill out the required fields. Filled it out? Great, now an account has been created for you on the Blizzard servers, with which you can log into the game! For now, of course, this is a trial recording, only for 10 days, but we don’t need more for now. Your next step will be to download the client. You can read more about this step. Have you downloaded it? Okay, now take your time, your next step will be to create a character. This matter should be approached responsibly, because it is quite possible that you will spend a lot of time with him.

So, in World of Warcraft there are ten races that you can play as. Humans, Dwarves, Dwarves, Night Elves, Draenei, Orcs, Trolls, Undead, Taurens and finally Blood Elves.

First you need to decide which side you will play for. You see, in World of Warcraft, there is a war going on, a war between the Alliance and the Horde. Each has its own heroes, its own traitors and villains. But better look here: .

Having chosen a race, create and start playing!

The first thing I would advise you to do is find a friend for X3 training. I'll explain what it is.

Blizzard has a Refer a Friend program. If you were invited to the game by another person and you paid for your account, then he will receive gifts - a month free game and mount. But this is not the main thing for you, it is important for you to know that by swinging with him you and your friend will receive three times more experience. There is no particular need to rush to level up, but sometimes it is very nice to have such a bonus.

The second option is possible, another person will invite you to the game, the benefits for him are obvious. And in return, he will help you in the initial stages of the game with bags, gold, and advice. This will also not be superfluous.

The third option is to start playing with your boyfriend/girlfriend/wife. In this case, it makes sense for one person to register and invite the other.

Now let's move on to the technical details. Before you do anything, read the note to the end to understand the essence of the issue.

Registering an account on Battle.net and creating a trial account

Blizzard has introduced a single account for all its games - Battle.net. If you already have an account on Battlenet, then you do not need to register a new one. If you don’t have an account, go to the battlenet website and register.

Be careful when filling out the fields and information about yourself, and provide accurate information. This information is important because... will be used to recover your password or return your account in case of theft. The forms are not complicated, you'll figure it out quickly.

After confirming the soap, you can log in and open the World of Warcraft trial period. This is a free 10 days game. This is what it looks like:

If you want to start playing at the invitation of a friend, then it’s a little different. A friend will send an invitation via e-mail. There will be a key in the letter, you need to enter it in Games - Attaching/converting a game:

In the field, enter the key sent by a friend and that’s it, the game appears in your account (this rule applies to any Blizzard game, you simply add it to your existing Battlenet account.

If you have a slow connection, it is better to first download the client and only then open the trial period. Just click “Download games” and download the client first.

That's it, after installing the client and opening the trial period, you can launch the client, log in with your soap/password to the battlenet and play.

But here I was lying and forgot to tell one important detail.

Account Types

Blizzard divided the game worlds into regions, for example:

— US is the best USA. You can only play on US servers. There are practically no Russians there. Subscription and key costs are high.

— Europe EU — European game worlds, including Russian ones. It is this account that is created from the battlenet account. You can play on Russian-language game worlds, but the subscription cost is higher than that of the RU region.

— Russia RU — the region was created specifically for Russian-speaking players. With such an account you can only play on Russian-language servers. There is no access to the world arena tournament. But there is a very discounted subscription price and the ability to pay for your account via Webmoney. If you don’t really care about the European gaming worlds, you are planning to play on Russian-language servers and the arena tournament doesn’t bother you - feel free to choose this option.

Please note that if during registration you indicated a country other than Russia, then you will be created a trial account for the EU region. This can be treated by registering an account on BattleNet from the offsite (banner on the right). After you click on the banner, you will have the Russian region indicated:

Accordingly, a trial record will be created for the RU region.

World of Warcraft addons
This is also where many people get confused, and a lot of questions arise.

You have created a Classic-WoW trial account. You can level up to lvl 60 and explore worlds designed for lvl 1-60 until the end of the trial period.

Now it would be nice to make our trial account permanent. After transferring your account to a permanent one, you will be able to pay for your subscription and play. To do this you need a CD key for World of Warcraft: Classic.

Note! Keys for different regions have different prices and are not universal. For example, a key for the RU region will not work for the EU and vice versa.

You can buy keys in the Blizzard electronic store or in Plati.ru. I'll add links later.

After purchasing in your Battlenet account, on the game management page, select the desired option for conversion:

After one or two months of playing, you will reach lvl 60, and then you will need the Burning Crusade add-on. After upgrading to this add-on, you can level up to lvl 70 and new locations.

A similar situation is lvl 70-80, here you need the Wrath of the Lich King add-on.

From lvl 80 to 85 you need the latest addition - World of Warcraft: Cataclysm.

If you want to create a character for New Races, you will have to pay for all the add-ons:
If you want to start playing as Drinea or Blood Elves, you need Burning Crusade.
If you want to play as Worgen or Goblins, you need World of Warcraft: Cataclysm

Account upgrade is one-time only.

Subscription fee

World of Warcraft is a game with a monthly subscription fee. As long as your subscription is valid, you can play.

You can extend the validity period of your account in the game management of your Battlenet account. You can pay for the renewal with a plastic card, Webmoney (only for the RU region) and a time card.

And how much is the total cost?

Let's do the math.

On the official website you can buy keys to all versions for 1,319 rubles.

Subscription fee 360 ​​rub. per month.

In general, it’s not expensive, it’s just that the topic with addons is very confusing. You can't create a full account right away)

1. At the initial stage of the game, it is very important to find a guild with a good guild bank that will help with finances and reagents for leveling up the profession, and you also need to find adequate people who will help with complex group quests and leveling up. But good guilds often do not accept characters of low levels into their ranks, so level up to at least lvl 10 and watch for announcements in the chat regarding admission to the guild.

2. During the period of leveling up your character, try to complete the quests indicated in the quest log yellow. "Red" and "orange" quests can be difficult to complete alone, and "green" quests give less experience.

3. Going to dungeons will help you replenish your gold supply and gain valuable experience, which will be useful at high levels. Campaigns to battlefields are available from level 10 - they bring the player honor points and experience in PvP.

4. When leaving the game, try to be in cities or at least taverns at this time. This way you get double experience per rest. Always pay attention to bottom panel: When the experience bar is purple, you get normal experience, and when it’s blue, you get double experience. In general, the more rest you get, the more experienced you will become.

5. While the character leveling process is underway, there is no need to invest in expensive equipment. Better wait for the drop good items equipment while completing dungeons and completing quests. Or wait for higher levels.

6. Collect gold. You need it to learn a profession that will help you accumulate capital, as well as purchase a mount that will help you move around faster. gaming world(available from level 20).

7. Once in the cemetery, it is better not to be resurrected by the Healer of Souls - this is fraught with wasting time waiting for restoration full specifications character, as well as a loss of 25% of equipment durability. It is better to turn to the services of a Healer in a hopeless situation, and in order to resurrect, try to get to your body yourself.

8. Be sure to visit the capital of your race. In it you can learn a profession, attend an auction, buy bags and learn the spells of your trainer. There you can visit the bank and put there the necessary things for which there is not enough space in your bags.

9. Raids are very similar to dungeon crawls, but the challenges are more severe. The area to explore is much larger, the monsters are stronger, and it takes about 10-20 players to complete it all. Completing a raid will take more time than exploring a dungeon, but the most valuable and powerful artifacts can be found in raids.

10. The battlefield is where both factions constantly fight for control of special strategic points. In battle against each other, both teams must complete a series of difficult and simple objectives, such as capturing the enemy flag or breaking into the enemy stronghold. By taking part in battles, you can get strong armor and powerful weapons.

But the features of PvP in the Arena are slightly different. Here everything is subject to formal rules, teams of 2, 3 or 5 players fight for honor and glory, and there is only one goal - to kill all opponents. Teams that compete in the arena are ranked and can receive unique equipment created specifically for PvP.

Use the tips and never lose.

Race too - the character is created. What's next? This material is designed for both beginners and old-timers who have decided to return to the game after a long break. The material consists of three parts. The first tells what you can do in WoW, the second tells where to do it, and the third tells what your character can do.

So, let's go.

What to do in WoW?

First, a few words about the game's content:

  • It has long been the custom that the content of the game is divided into two parts. One is called endgame, that is, a game at the highest level this moment level (levelcap). The second is called differently, in this material I will call it “level” and it concerns all the content that precedes the highest level.
  • There is an old stereotype that the game begins “on the level cap,” that is, in the endgame. It is not true. Getting to the level cap (highest level) of quest content is exciting in itself. If you are a beginner, then you shouldn’t jump through the levels like a mountain sheep. Miss a lot of interesting things.
  • content is divided into solo and group. Solo content is mainly quests and monsters in " open world" You can go through them alone. Group content includes group quests, scenarios, dungeons and raids. Playing alone may result in your character being killed.
  • group content is designed for 3 (scenarios), 5 (dungeons) and 10-30 people (raids of LFR difficulty, normal and heroic). Raids of mythic difficulty, which require strictly 20 people, stand out.

Now about the classes. There are plenty of things to do in WoW, but basically they boil down to the following things:

  • character development;
  • study of the surrounding world;
  • collecting;
  • competition;
  • professions and trade.

Let's take a closer look at these aspects.

Character development

A character in WoW develops in several directions. The first and most obvious are levels. Completing quests and killing monsters gives experience, “exp”, which is converted into levels. As levels increase, the character's characteristics increase. Every fifteen levels, the character gets the opportunity to choose one of three talents. Everything is simple here.

Further, appearance character. Standing out from the general background is a natural desire of any person. You can stand out from the crowd through the selection of armor, weapons, mount, as well as the title that is next to your name. In the Cataclysm expansion, a thing called transmog appeared, which made it possible to give armor and weapons the appearance of other armor and weapons. That is, if you don’t like a super-duper bow with powerful characteristics, then you can “transmog” it, giving it the appearance of an item that you have in your bags or personal bank.

Mounts, or as they are also called here, mounts, are a separate topic for discussion. Except purely external characteristics, great importance has the rarity of the mount. The more difficult it is to obtain, the more valuable the mount.

Actually high level character development moves to a different plane - characteristics begin to increase depending on armor and weapons. Almost the entire endgame is about increasing characteristics due to body kit. The scheme here is simple: the character regularly goes on raids, knocking out weapons and armor from the bosses in order to be ready for the next raid. And so on until the next addition.

The developers tried to change this scheme several times. A so-called Path of the Titans was planned for the Cataclysm expansion, but it was cancelled. In the Warlords of Draenor expansion, Blizzard decided to introduce garrisons. The composition of the garrison's buildings influenced the character's characteristics and abilities. In the upcoming Legion add-on they plan to introduce, which will also allow you to make a character in a unique way customizing the artifact he uses.

Exploring the world around us

Levels 80-85 (locations in Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms)

The third addition to the game was Cataclysm. One not-so-great day, the dragon Deathwing left the Elemental Plane and returned to Azeroth. The flight over the planet led to some problems - in some places, Deathwing literally ripped open the earth's surface, caused a number of earthquakes and earthquakes, and also burned several cities.

A special feature of the Cataclysm content is that its locations are not concentrated in one place. They are scattered across Azeroth and were once closed places. For example, but it was closed to visitors. Also in the Cataclysm content there is a unique underwater location - Vay'shir. At one time, Blizzard planned a “naval addition”, where most of The action takes place underwater. However, they decided to conduct an experiment and created one such location. This experiment did not cause optimism among many players.

Cataclysm was not a very successful addition, but I strongly recommend that you complete all the quests. The addition actively used phasing and you will see how Hyjal turns from a burning, devastated forest into a flourishing place. It's really interesting to watch how the location changes according to the plot. If you liked the Stadium, then it’s worth visiting and visiting the Fiery Front. By the way, there is also phasing, but it will take several weeks to open all phases.

Levels 85-90 (Pandaria)

After the experimental Cataclysm, Blizzard decided to return to the classic scheme and not spread locations around the world. As a result, we got a new continent - Pandaria. You can get to Pandaria by taking a quest (the game itself will tell you which one).

The Mists of Pandaria addition was remembered not only for its unexpected plot development (before that, in the history of the world there were only fragmentary information about Pandaria). The game has radically expanded the range of entertainment. The following attractions have appeared:

  • combat pets;
  • arena "Massacre";
  • PvE scenarios, which became an alternative to five-person instances, since they required only three people;
  • “funny farm”: after completing a simple chain of quests you get your own garden bed, where you can grow all sorts of healthy fruits and vegetables;
  • test modes of the same instances for five people: a complicated mode of instances, in which the mobs were thicker and hit harder than in normal mode;
  • challenge arena: the player must defeat several waves of monsters attacking him;
  • There are even more rare mobs, although they begin to spawn more often;

In addition to these experiments, the developers introduced several additional locations located on the islands.

  • Island of Giants: a location where large dinosaurs roam; by killing them you can farm a bunch of bones, for which you can buy all sorts of trinkets from a local merchant;
  • Isle of Thunder: a massive quest hub similar to the Arena and the Fiery Front;
  • Timeless Island: an experimental location with a minimum of quests, but with a bunch of elite mobs and rare animals.

What is a must-do in Pandaria? Read below:

  • complete the Klaxxi quest line in the Dread Wastes - the story of the Mantid Swarm is very interesting;
  • complete the quest line “Operation Barrier” or “Army of Conquerors”;
  • fly around everything historical places and thereby improve your reputation with the Keepers of History in order to get a mount - a flying saucer;
  • improve your reputation with the Order of the Cloud Serpent, buy a couple of mounts from them and take part in races under the clouds;
  • hunt Zandalari conquerors and scouts - they drop reputation tokens, as well as nice mounts;
  • visit the Island of Thunder and the Timeless Island;
  • start a vegetable garden in the Valley of the Four Winds - you will learn the true meaning of the word “farm”;
Levels 90-100 (planet Draenor)

The current addition is Warlords of Draenor. At one time, when it was announced at Blizzcon 2013, many players' jaws dropped slightly - how could such a thing even be invented? Without going into details, the gist is this. The invasion of the Iron Horde begins from the Dark Portal. As you know, the portal previously connected Azeroth with Outland, that is, what remained of Draenor. Now the portal is not green, but dark red, and it connects not just Azeroth with Draenor, but with the past of alternative Draenor... In general, . In short, we need to go to the other side and attack everyone there in the Iron Horde.

The action takes place in Draenor as it was before it fell to pieces. Everything awaits us here as before - quests, dungeons, raids and PvP, but there is one serious innovation on which the entire gameplay is tied. In order to cope with the Iron Horde you will need a squad of warriors. These warriors are called “followers” ​​in the game and can carry out various missions related to the liberation of Draenor. As a result, followers are pumped up, and you receive gold and other goodies. Your warriors are based in a garrison - it's like your personal fortress. The garrison consists of buildings that not only perform certain functions, but also give the character additional abilities.

Things to do in Draenor:

  • upgrade the garrison to level 3 (you still can’t avoid this);
  • visit Shattrath and see how magnificent this city was;
  • complete the meta-achievement to get ;
  • visit the Tanaan Jungle - an analogue of quest zones such as the Grounds, the Fiery Front and the Isle of Thunder;
  • make several trips back in time, visiting old five-person dungeons (your character level will be reduced to the levels of these dungeons);

Of course, the listed activities are not all that you can do in WoW, but, in my opinion, this is quite enough. Now let's move on to the last chapter, which will tell you how to quickly level up in WoW.

How to level up in WoW

The following activities provide experience in World of Warcraft:

  • quests;
  • killing monsters;
  • gathering professions such as mining and herbalism;
  • archaeological excavations (secondary profession - archaeology);
  • battle pet battles;

How to quickly level up in WoW - read below:

If you are a new player who does not have gold and connections, then accelerated leveling looks like this:

  • pay 40 conventional units and get a level 90 character;
  • level up to level 15 and start rallying through instances for five people;
  • Before leaving the game, go to the city or tavern. While resting, you receive so-called “blue experience” - the longer you rest, the longer your experience from killing monsters and completing quests will be doubled;
  • as soon as you farm enough money, be sure to buy the so-called inherited items, which have bonuses to experience;
  • continue the rally across the five-person instance;

If you have returned after a long break and want to level up a new character, then the sequence is as follows:

  • buy inheritances with bonuses for experience (if you still lack something). After patch 6.1, they can be purchased and upgraded for gold, not for badges;
  • Place main in the Eerie Wasteland near the border with the Valley of the Four Winds (coordinates approximately 75, 20) and wait there for Krol Blade, kill him. With some chance it will drop Elixir of Ancient Knowledge. The tincture increases experience gained by 300% within an hour. The item is tied to your account, so you can send it to your alt by mail;
  • alt goes to 5ppl, takes quests there, drinks a bottle and off he goes. Levels are growing by leaps and bounds. However, remember that if you are killed, the effect will wear off;
  • ...; profit!
  • Draenor;

Actually, that's all you need to know about fast pumping.