Sign up for facebook without email. How to register on facebook

01.04.2018 Internet

I am glad to welcome you on the pages of our blog. Last time we figured out how it can be useful for business. Today we will talk about how to register on Facebook, fill in personal data, set goals for further actions after registration. And finally, the most interesting thing - we will discuss how and why you need to collect likes for your posts.

This article will be relevant and useful not only for those who do not yet have an account, but also for those who have registered recently.

Where is your phone now? In the pocket? In a bag? In hand?
I bet he's somewhere in close proximity to you.

Are you in a public place? What do you see around? Do people around you have mobile phones? What are these people doing? Playing games or updating personal account statuses? Add photos? Viewing the feed?

I ask all these questions and I am ready to receive an affirmative answer to them because with the trend modern world can not argue. More than half of social media users networks enters them at least once a day. Social media influences how we meet and break up, how we keep in touch with our family, and how we look for work.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions during registration

Based on the information you provided during registration and based on your preferences, Facebook builds an image of you. Let's continue our acquaintance with this social network, which has gained millions of popularity all over the world, and proceed to the registration process.

To quickly register, go to the site Facebook, which can also be accessed via a short link The registration window looks like this.

By the time you fill out the registration form, prepare a valid address Email. If you don't have an email account yet, you need to create one. You will receive a link to the specified address to confirm your registration.

Now let's take a step-by-step look at our next steps.

Step 1. Looking for friends.

Probably many of your friends are already on Facebook. If you wish, you can find them by importing contacts from your mailbox. To do this, select your mail service, enter your email address and password, click "Find friends".

In addition, to enter the site with just one click without entering a login and password, you can simply click on the photo.

You should also add a photo to your profile by uploading it from your computer or taking it with your webcam.

The third item in the same window you can find friends at the place of study or work, as well as by name.

Step 2 On the left under the profile photo there is a form for filling in information about you.

This preview window will appear.

Further windows will appear one after another as you press the button. "Save", you must consistently answer the following questions: where do you work, what is your position, what university did you study at, what city are you from, what school did you study at?

After filling in the data, you can observe them in the tab "Information" and make changes if necessary.

Step 3 Filling in the information "About Me", which will be available for viewing by all users.

Step 4 Choose a profile photo.

If you missed this step, then upload your photo now.

Your profile picture must meet a minimum size of 180 x 180 pixels. When adding a photo, it is better to opt for your real photo, without glasses, with a friendly expression on your face.

Well, now you can be congratulated on achieving an excellent result! You have created an official account (profile) on Facebook.

We also talked about how to organize the profile design process and select interesting graphic materials: an avatar, cover photo and images for publications in a separate article about Facebook design (the link will be later).

Main mistakes during registration

It also happens that some people cannot register on FB, they get the error “Sorry, we can’t register you”.

This is possible for the following reasons:

In these cases, you need to enter the correct data in the registration form or try again a little later.

Opportunities with Facebook

Now you have the best advertising platform in the world in your hands. Let's briefly list the benefits that are now open to you:

  1. Access to materials and publications from over 800 million people.
  2. Open communication with friends and colleagues around the world.
  3. Ability to promote your business and customize ads.
  4. Ability to share useful information with friends and followers.
  5. View and comment on photo and video content.
  6. Use of mobile applications.
  7. Invitation to interesting events.
  8. View and create live broadcasts.

Now it is very important to determine the direction in which you want to move. According to statistics, most users use mobile version site and often for entertainment purposes.

However, Facebook was originally created as a business platform. It is for this reason that it has a well-thought-out functionality of business pages that cannot be ignored. After all, thousands of roads are now open to you.

Facebook goodies

  • The number of likes, reposts and comments under the post indicates how interesting and competent you select the material, remember this.

Most a large number of Likes are usually collected by photos. Under text articles and publications, people like to leave comments. Sharing links also makes a lot of sense, as they lead the user somewhere - to your resource or page.

  • After your identification, the moment comes for the complex collection of information about you, which you yourself provide. Properly fill in all fields with personal information.

For example, in the tab "About Me" it is useful to indicate the scope of your activity with detailed description. Then Facebook will automatically generate more news from people from this area or similar to it.

Users of the application share the pictures taken instantly. There is a function of automatic identification of the one who is depicted in the photo.


Summing up, we note that today we managed to achieve success in completing the registration procedure on Facebook. Continue to be persistent, purposeful, confident in your result, and we will be happy to help you with this.

We wish you success and see you soon.

And so, in order to register on Facebook, you need to go to the address in your browser
After that, a Facebook page will open in your browser, in which we will be able to start registration in social network Facebook.
To start registering on Facebook, we need to fill in the necessary information about ourselves.
And so in the line "Name" we indicate our name.
In the line "Last name" indicate your last name.
In the field "Email. address or mobile phone number” you need to specify your mailbox (e-mail).
Note: your Facebook login will be your e-mail.
If you don't have a mailbox yet, and you don't know how to create a mailbox, then you can view the instructions on how to

Then in the line "Re-enter your email. address or phone number”, you need to enter your mailbox again.
In line " New Password» You need to enter your password to enter your Facebook page.
Note: the more complex the password you come up with, the more secure you will be; in order for the password to be strong, you need to specify not only numbers, but also small, capital letters of the Latin alphabet.
Write down your invented password in a text notebook on your computer.
Next, in the line "Birthday" indicate your date, month and year of birth.
Then check the box of your gender opposite the “Gender” item.
After you enter all the necessary information, you need to click on the "Register" button.

When you click on the "Register" button, a page with two steps to register your profile will open on your computer.
And so, in the first step of registration, uncheck the box “Invite all contacts or add them as friends” and follow the link “Skip this step”.
How to find and add friends on Facebook I will tell you in

When you click on the “Skip this step” link, a window will open on your computer with a message asking if you really want to skip searching for your friends, since we will be looking for our friends a little later, then we just have to click on the “Skip” button.

When you click on the "Skip" button, you will proceed to the next registration step.
In the second step of registering on Facebook, you will be asked to add your photo, but we will not do this and will skip this registration step, how to add a main profile photo, I will tell you in

And so in our mailbox we open the incoming letter from the Facebook service. To confirm and continue your Facebook registration, you will need to click on the "Verify your account" button.

When you click on the "Verify your account" button, a window will open on your computer in which you will see your profile, in order to continue and verify your email address, you will need to click on the "Next" button.

When you click on the "Next" button, your email will be confirmed and a small window will open on your computer stating that your email account has been verified and you will now be able to use the Facebook social network, to complete our registration, click on the button OK.

My time to register on Facebook came in the recent 2010, a couple of years ago. And by the way, in contacts I have as many as six friends! Why so few? No, not because I'm a bad friend. I normal person. In fact, I've just never been a regular user of the social network Facebook. I go there once a year and twice at Easter, which is why I have almost no friends there.

Long time ago register on facebook I was interested, but apparently I didn’t find anything interesting there and stopped going in. Okay, enough lyrical introductions, it's time to go directly to the topic of the lesson - how to register on Facebook, quickly and easily. My site is for novice computer users, so this article must be in the collection of materials.

Facebook registration

Of course, we need to open the official website in any browser and first of all, fill in the important fields for registration: first name, last name, email address, create a password, indicate the date of birth and gender. I will enter fictitious data, since I will not use this page in the future, you enter your real ones. After all the fields are filled in, you will need to click the green button " Registration".

Oh, how fast. Facebook registration completed, it remains to specify some additional data.

First step. We may be offered to look for friends using, skype or all the same vkontakte. At the moment, we are not particularly interested in this, we want to finally see our page, so we press the button " Skip this step».

Second step. Here we also press “ Skip”, as we can fill in this information later, like a school or hometown.

Third step. But this step is the most interesting, here you can upload a photo for your profile, which we will do now. Select a photo from your computer, or take a photo directly from your webcam. Facebook friends will recognize you.

It took us about 5 minutes to register on Facebook. Here is our page.

By the way, you need to remember to confirm your email address, as indicated by the hint at the very top of the page.

We open the mail and find a letter from Facebook there, then opening it, we follow the specified link in the form of a button " Verify account».

Great, you can edit your profile.

Facebook registration is complete. Finally, I want to say a few words.

  1. Come up with a harder password. It must contain both letters and numbers. In this case, the risk of hacking when selecting a password with special programs converges to zero.
  2. So that in the future there will be no situations that you can’t log into your Facebook account, do not lose access to the mail that was linked to your account. Since when we try to recover the password, if we suddenly forget it, all the data will be sent to our email address. If you do not have mail yet, then I recommend creating it by reading the lesson:.

This is where my story on how to register on Facebook comes to an end. Now it's up to you: go through all the registration steps, add photos, find friends, join interest groups, start chatting, and so on. In general, hang out in another social network, just be careful not to sit there all your life. Know the measure.

I wish you good luck and good mood. As usual, I look forward to your comments, and do not forget to return to the site, because right now I will start writing a new lesson, and you will find out which one later.

03.09.2016 7904

Probably, every Internet user has heard of such a well-known social network as Facebook. This social network appeared much earlier than in contact, but among the Russian-speaking population it gained popularity not so long ago. Many users ask questions, what to choose Facebook or VK?

An unequivocal answer to this question no, but among the Russian-speaking population, VKontakte is the most popular. Let's figure out how to register on Facebook, and what advantages this social network has. Do VKontakte and Facebook really have minimal differences?

Facebook registration

In order to register on Facebook and follow the link Before us is the main page on which registration is performed. The registration field is on the right side of the page - and we need to fill it out.

How to add friends on facebook?

Go to the "Friends" tab and select "Find Friends". A special search menu will appear in front of you. You can search for friends on Facebook by name, city, school, university and place of work.

As you can see, it takes a couple of minutes to register with Facebook. Main - enter your details and email address correctly. Adding information occurs in almost the same way as VK. Good luck communicating and finding friends on Facebook.

Do you want to be smarter than others? Earn more? Read more:

  • . And then all of a sudden, no one knew.
  • . We do it ourselves.
  • . Definition methods.

is the largest international social network. Her date of birth is 2004, and her founding father is an American programmer Mark Zuckenburg.

To date Facebook has more than a billion registered users in various parts of the globe and is the most popular Internet portal in the world.

Free registration on Facebook

The image above shows the fields in which you need to enter your personal data to create.

Enter your real first and last name. Your email address or number mobile phone- this data will not be available to all users. Confirm the number or mail by entering it again.

It is better to automatically generate a password on special services or come up with it yourself. It is important that it is not very simple. Enter both letters and numbers, you can also insert any of the symbols that are on the computer keyboard.

Select your date of birth from the drop-down lists and indicate your gender (female/male).

After all the fields have been filled in, click on the green "Register" button.

ID confirmation

Click on the "Continue" button and go to your mail that you entered in the appropriate field. Opening the letter Final stage registration on Facebook” and confirm the created profile.

We pass a security check in the form of a captcha (character set).

If you entered during registration, then you will need to confirm not only your E-mail, but also indicate your mobile phone number.

Below we will describe in more detail about the passage of this stage.

Please complete a security check

It should be noted right away that the phone number that you want to link to the page you are creating should not have other profiles listed. Using one number, you can only verify one account. And if you lost control on the page, then you can resume it only if mobile number will be active.

Number confirmation

After selecting the country (if it is not automatically determined) to which your operator belongs, enter the number in the appropriate field and click the "Next" button.

Within 1-5 minutes you will receive a special, six-digit code that you will need to enter in the appropriate field. After that, enter the characters again and continue the registration process. If the SMS did not arrive, but more than 5 minutes have passed, order a resend.

It will be shown in your settings. Other users will not be able to see it unless you open it yourself. You can show it in your timeline both for a specific person and for a group of people.

Immediately, after the code has been entered, you can specify with whom you want to share your number: “Friends”, “Available to everyone”, “Only me”. We do not recommend choosing the “Available to everyone” option, as unscrupulous people can use this data for their own purposes (sending advertising via SMS, spam, subscribe to a paid subscription, and much more).

Completion of registration

After the registration process has been completed, let's move on to your profile settings.

On the main page of your account, under the name, click the "Edit profile" button and enter as much information about yourself as possible. Tell your friends about the place of work, where you studied and what you graduated from, what countries you are proud of and where you visited, what important events happened in your life or share about your family and relationships.

The main purpose of Facebook is to communicate with friends. It is for this reason that you are offered immediately with whom you already communicate in other social networks. networks - Vkontakte,, Skype. If you find familiar faces, use the button "Add as Friend". If you have not seen your acquaintances or want to postpone this procedure for a while, just click "Skip this step".

If you have entered places of study and work, the system will present you with a list of potential friends with whom you may study or work. You can choose to add them as friends right away or go to the next step by clicking the "Skip" button.

Next, you will be prompted to subscribe to the pages of well-known companies. If you want to be the first to know their news, just click on the icons of the brands you are interested in and click "Save and continue." If this desire does not appear, feel free to skip this step.

The system will prompt you to add profile photo (avatar). You can choose from your "photo collection" ("Upload photo") or take a photo "in live”, i.e. using a webcam (“Take a picture”).

The final stage is confirmation of your desire to register on a social network. To do this, the system sent a letter to the e-mail you specified.

Registering with Facebook is free, fast and easy. The whole procedure will take you no more than 7 minutes, after which you will become a full user of the world's largest social network.

Video instruction

Have a good time! If you have left and we will be happy to answer them!

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