Righteous Paladin in Neverwinter build 11. Guide to the new class Righteous Paladin in Newerwinter Online

23.06.2019 Style and fashion

A short excursion into module 6 of Neverwinter, installed on the Lurker test server, introduces paladins.

The class turned out to be quite interesting. There is no need to be afraid that paladins will supplant tanks and healers in the game. The mechanics of the class are completely different. He can heal himself and everyone nearby (that is, they are caught in a glowing circle that appears around the paladin by Shift), and also cast auras.

Paladins have very good melee damage. And a number of daily skills allow you to kill mobs in dungeons with the first hit.

The Paladin's main stat is stamina, with two additional stats being wisdom and charm. The mechanics of the game, as well as the story missions, have not changed up to level 60 in the updated Neverwinter.

Neverwinter won't surprise you with anything new until level 60

Every ten character levels, the character receives points for characteristics; at level 30, the path of the ideal is chosen. With each up, points for skills and abilities appear.

There are two development options, like other classes: Oath of Protection and Oath of Service. However, in both cases, paladins can cast all kinds of enhancing auras on others and, as already mentioned, heal those who are nearby.

It’s probably too early to talk about specific Paladin builds. At the leveling stage, in general, hero points up to level 30 can be distributed in the standard way. Let's say take strong build to increase maximum health and weapon ownership for crits. For damage, Furious Strikes are suitable.

Paladins are armed with huge shields and maces

It will allow you to increase the distance of auras Overwhelming presence, and speed up energy recovery for divine summoning (class skill is usually tied to Tab) - Passionate plea. Willpower, in addition, slightly increases crit, for this, however, do not forget to throw points into charm.

To explore the paths of the ideals, the Oath of Service option is selected. Then you can move along one of three ideal paths. Justice is the way paladins “stop their enemies from fighting.” Stronghold - protection of comrades. Light - healing and restoration of strength of comrades.

What’s interesting is that in all three paths there is no ideal of skills for increasing damage, with rare exceptions - this class is still not quite a damage dealer.

Oath of Service, Paladins protect, heal, and empower in Neverwinter

But skills are available to reduce the recovery periods of skills, increase resistance to damage, absorb damage, impose certain auras on those being healed, etc. However, I would still like to note that the paladins’ damage output is quite good.

By Shift, paladins activate healing mode. Everyone who is inside the circle is treated, including Companions

Impact of radiation A paladin hits enemies like a warrior, a valiant strike is a shield strike that deals damage to all enemies at once. A very interesting skill: Scorching Light deals little damage and at the same time blocks a strong blow from the enemy (that is, a blow that causes a red area to appear on the ground). The ability to Defeat Evil, in addition to damage upon impact, also sets the enemy on fire - he burns for 15 seconds. Daily skill Divine Justice deals damage to a group of enemies, and Heroism doubles the number of hit points for 5 seconds and provides immunity to damage.

Various paladin skills up to level 30 are shown in a short video.

Paladins can rush towards the enemy and quickly cover distances of several meters, are quite resistant to blows, deal damage to a group of enemies with a shield at once and, of course, use Shift for healing. Finally, a couple of thoughts about which companion to choose for paladins. Since they have healing skills in their arsenal, it is perhaps preferable to take an attacking companion, for example, a dog or a wizard. Such a companion will help you defeat your opponents faster.

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What happens if you cross a tank and a healer? The result will be an impenetrable killing machine that is capable of self-healing. Greetings to all lovers role playing games, today we are discussing the Neverwinter paladin guide.

Of course, it is impossible to say that a Righteous Paladin can displace a Guardian Warrior and a Devoted Cleric, because they are good in their own areas, and if everything is more or less clear with them, then our case requires careful preparation and a correctly chosen development strategy.

Even when creating a character, be sure to pay attention to, because this is one of the first steps to creating a cool fighter. By correctly assembling your hero at the initial stage, in the future you will feel a more comfortable game.

Healer or tank?

Despite the fact that the Paladin wears heavy armor, he can hide behind a shield and use different auras healing, you still have to choose a priority direction.

We will choose it upon reaching level 30, when the ideal skill becomes available to us. There are only two paths of the ideal - these are the oaths of Service and Protection, they contain special skills that determine your abilities in battle, either you are a healer or a tank.

Oath of Service is a decent choice for healers, adds 100% to your loved one's healing and increases allies' stats by 5% if you heal their wounds.

Oath of Protection - speaks for itself, you get bonuses from damage resistance by 10% and some other goodies in the form of increased hatred and power.

In addition to bonuses, you will discover the ideal skills of your chosen path, which over time will make you a strong defender or an unparalleled healer.

Skill tree

But the ideal path is only part of the overall picture. The game also has a skill system, which also affects the hero and allows you to pump him up in one of three directions, thereby strengthening any aspect of him.

  1. Justice - sharpening for damage. It may be far from an ideal DD class, but it will still be useful for tanking paladins.
  2. The stronghold is team support. Every now and then you will apply buffs to your allies, increasing their performance.
  3. Light - healing allies. The effects of healing spells will be more effective if you have the skills of this branch.

It is worth noting that the distribution of points across branches does not tie you to a specific path, and you can choose the skills you need that are available at the time of leveling them up; of course, it would be a good idea to be guided by the style of play that suits you.

For example, if you are a healer, then download restorative skills and enhancing effects for the team; if you are a tank, then it may be worth focusing on increasing damage, crits and control.

Build for PvP

Build for PvE


The Righteous Paladin is an interesting and self-sufficient class; with the right build-up, you can easily visit labyrinths and dungeons alone, because you are your own tank and healer, and the damage for PvE is quite tolerable.

As for PvP, remember not only about yourself, but also about your allies, because your presence in the arena means that in addition to swinging your sword, you will also help the team.

Thank you for reading to the end, I hope you get the essence of the potential of Paladins and make an excellent warrior who will blow off the heads of your enemies.

Guide to the Righteous Paladin Neverwinter Online

In Neverwinter Online there is no such thing as an uninteresting or unnecessary class. Everything is very balanced, there are neither the strongest nor the weakest classes. There is, perhaps, a correct and incorrect use of this or that type of character. And of course, some classes are more difficult to master than others. Although for a righteous paladin there is no such thing as difficulty to master. On the contrary, this class is recommended for beginners. He is capable of healing, tanking, and even deals damage, although very small.

As you might guess, this class wears heavy plate armor. In combination with a sword and shield, you get a classic tank, whose level of protection can only be rivaled by a warrior-guard. And the ability to self-heal makes him simply incredibly tenacious. One of the main features of the class is the presence of auras. They act in a certain radius around the character, strengthening allies or weakening enemies. But enough general phrases, let's look at all the features of the class separately.

Who is a paladin?

The Righteous Paladin has two oaths: Protection (tank) and Service (healing)

Paladins are defenders of the light, the personification of goodness, and so on. What does it mean that his main specialization is defense, in one form or another? Translated into MMO language, he is a tank or a healer. He has two paths, two oaths:

Oath of Protection is the foundation of a tank build. It increases damage resistance by 10 percent, and in addition, the amount of generated hatred (that is, aggro) increases by 500%.

The second oath, the oath of service, is for the healer. It's simple - all healing coming from the paladin is increased by 100% (that is, doubled), in addition, each healed ally receives a +5% increase to all their characteristics, although not for long.

Paladins have their own type of energy - divine summoning. It accumulates both on its own, simply being restored over time, and in those moments when our hero uses his combat abilities. In total, you can accumulate up to three summon charges. Moreover, they can be used without activating any of the oaths - but in oath mode, the Divine Summon works much more powerfully. In normal mode, it slightly heals all allies within a certain radius, and in addition, provokes all enemies to attack. In the Oath of Service, all subsequent healings will be 50% more powerful for 10 seconds. Well, the Defense paladin receives, also for 10 seconds, +10% damage resistance, and +5% damage reflection on the opponents themselves. As you can see, the bonuses are quite good, and you need to use them wisely. But let's take a closer look at the two main builds that are used when playing this class.

Healer or Tank?

Righteous Paladin - Tank

So first we'll look at the tank build. The Oath of Protection must work for you all the time, it is mandatory. On groups of opponents, constantly use the already mentioned Divine Summon. Another ability that forces enemies to attack you is Oath of Binding. Opponents attack you for 2 seconds without causing damage. But be careful - after 2 seconds you will take half the damage taken, so it is important that you have enough health left. The second half of the damage will be distributed among all enemies standing next to you. In the event that you urgently need to cover an ally, use Absolution. This is a shield that absorbs a certain amount of damage before it is destroyed. You can defend yourself and one of your allies at the same time. One of best options– constant cover for your healer.

Among the daily abilities for a tank, Shield of Faith and Divine Protector will be especially useful for covering allies, and Heroism for increasing your own survivability. It also makes sense to develop all area-of-effect abilities, since for a defensive paladin they either give a very large increase in hatred or force all affected enemies to attack him. And don’t forget about auras, in particular the Aura of Protection, which reduces all damage taken by allies, and the Aura of Truth, which reduces the damage done by enemies.

Paladin - healer not only deals damage to enemies, but also heals allies

Now let's move on to the paladin healer. In his case, Divine Summon is needed to quickly heal the entire group. Also, don't forget to use Bond of Valor, which increases all incoming healing by 20%. If you need to heal a specific ally, use Heal Wounds. For increased healing and additional defense, use Absorb, which reduces incoming damage to your teammate and increases all incoming healing. It is best to cover the tank this way. To remove any crowd control effects, use Cleansing Touch - which, by the way, works for a tank paladin as well. Can be used both on yourself and on allies. In an emergency, use Lay on Hands from your daily abilities - it restores 100% of the target's health. Also useful will be the daily ability Healing Spring, which affects all your allies.

If possible, don't hesitate to use your offensive abilities. For a Servant Paladin, they not only deal damage to enemies, but also heal or buff allies, such as Searing Light or Slay Evil. The most useful auras for you will be Reviving Aura, which increases all healing from spells, and Divine Aura, which constantly restores the health of all allies in the radius. To quickly resurrect allies, use the Aura of Life.

How to level up the Righteous Paladin

Upgrading the Righteous Paladin in Neverwinter Online

A paladin in a tank build can level up fairly quickly in solo.

The tactic is to gather a crowd of opponents around you and destroy it with area attacks.

Self-healing and powerful protection will be very useful in this case.

You can, of course, use this tactic for a paladin who specializes in healing - but it deals slightly less damage.

In any case, a paladin is easy to level up in a group, since both tanks and heals are always very necessary for completing dungeons.

Tip for tanks - a paladin is quite capable of soloing some dungeons. Gain experience and try it - then leveling up won’t take you much time.

Good luck in the game, and do not forget that the builds described are only the basis for creating your own character!

Video: Righteous Paladin PvP Build

Video: Righteous Paladin Build PvE