How to earn astral diamonds through gaming? Game classes Neverwinter Online. Companions Neverwinter Online

24.07.2019 Trips

Many people spend days sitting with their beloved online game, but few of them realize that they are playing MMORPG where you can earn real money, in this article I will tell you about some MMORPG with real money. My choice fell on the game Neverwinter online. But also a great place where you can earn money while playing are slot machines, for example, this is an interesting slot whose theme is aimed at the fair sex, but of course, hone Anyone can master the game and earn real money in it, even without registration.

The whole point is that we will need to save up a decent amount play money(in our case, these are Astral Diamonds) and then sell them to other players or sites for real currency.

First, let's figure out what we need to get MMORPG money:

  1. The actual account on the project;
  2. A well-pumped character or a TOP (you can use less powerful characters, but then the efficiency of farming drops sharply);
  3. Stock up on tea and patience as there is a lot of work to be done.

Well, our journey so that we can make money in MMORPG has begun. Our entire farming of Astral Diamonds (hereinafter referred to as AB) will be achieved in several simple ways:

  • The simplest, but most reliable way to get MMORPG money is to resell things at auction (so-called bargaining). This method assumes that you already have good starting capital for trading. It will allow us, with good trading, to earn somewhere between 150,000 - 200,000 and more AB per day;
  • The second way is to complete Epic instances, for completing which they give us the AB we need, the number of which depends on the character level and the complexity of the dungeon, as well as good things that players will happily buy from us. The price of things on High Levels can range from 100,000 AB and above;
  • The third way is to upgrade your craft, namely leadership. At the last 20th level of pumping, leadership brings about 1600 AB every 12 hours, but with pumped-up mercenaries (Hero) the time can be reduced down to 4-6 years. Let's take, for example, that we will have 5 characters on the same or different accounts with level 20. We will receive approximately 8,000 AB leadership every 5 years. That is, on the day of passive income for leadership in the amount we will receive 32,000 - 35,000 AB.

I will not indicate the exact amount of earnings, since it depends on each individual person. For example, the last price for 1 million AB when I played was approximately 550 rubles. In a month having a character level 45. I managed to earn 1,500 rubles with the help of an auction and leadership. which equals approximately 1,400,000 AB.

Companions in Neverwinter Online play an important role in the game and you need to choose them correctly

Almost every MMO-RPG has its own satellite system. These are certain NPCs that help your character in battle. Neverwinter Online couldn't do without them either. The choice here is very large, and you want to take some companions solely for their appearance or title. Or - for both. Most of the companions here are quite classic - these are humanoids of various races (people, elves, dwarves and others) and all sorts of animals like the Wolf or the Boar. But there are also more exotic options - for example, the Frost Mimic (an evil tanking chest), or the Laughing Skull (another fun tank, a reference to the game Planescape: Torment).

But how much use are there from satellites? It all depends on whether you chose the right “accompany” for yourself, and also whether you took the trouble to upgrade and equip him. Of course, in any case, this companion will not replace another player for you, but it will be useful. But, before we talk about which companion is needed for what, let's understand the basics.

Key features of the companion system in Neverwinter Online

The first companion is given as part of a quest at level 16 in the Protectorate and is summoned from the inventory

First and most importantly, all companions are available to all characters, regardless of race or class. There are no restrictions here, as in many other MMO-RPGs. Although this does not mean that all satellites will be available to you “here and immediately”. To begin with, you will need to level up your character to level 16. After this, you will receive a quest from Sergeant Knox to get a companion. This quest is called “Companion”, and you will receive it in the Protectorate, during the main storyline, so you won’t pass it by.

So you passed the task, received your first companion, and now you are deciding - what to do next? So, the call is carried out through the inventory, and it can be made at any time, with the exception of combat. A companion looks like an item in your inventory, and all its characteristics are listed there - convenient when you need to decide who will accompany you today. Each of your teammates has their own active bonus that strengthens you. In order for this bonus to work, you must place a companion in the active slot - it is not necessary to summon it. There can be five such slots in total, new slots open as you level up (the last one is at level 60), and all companions placed in them give you their buffs, which add up. By the way, you cannot have two identical partners in your assets.
Another thing you should definitely know about companions is that they only work in PvE. Solo leveling? As much as you like. Running dungeons? If you want, please. And in PvP you can forget about companions. Here they cannot be summoned, and their active bonuses also do not work.

Upgrading and acquiring satellites

Your companions level up with you, but they need to be periodically sent for training to raise their rank

Your teammates are not fixed in level - they develop along with you. Ranks do not increase automatically - after you gain enough experience, you will need to send your companion for “retraining”. Click on the “start training” button (it will appear, rest assured) and... just wait. It takes a certain amount of time to increase your rank, and the longer the higher the rank. You can speed up your training by spending a certain amount of Astral Diamonds, although this is not necessary, especially if you are not in a hurry.

The maximum rank of a companion depends on its quality. Varies from rank 15 for a white quality companion, and rank 35 for a legendary one. The quality of companions can be upgraded, but it will cost you several hundred thousand astral diamonds for each upgrade.

Your companions also have upgrade slots. There are three of them in total; you can insert a runestone into each, which will give one or another bonus, depending on the type of slot. But, first, you will have to level up your companion - only one slot is available at the first rank. The second opens at 10, and the third at 15.

There are many ways to obtain satellites. You can purchase some at Big market, the Zen Market and various merchants (like the Dragon Scale Merchant). To do this, you will still need to collect the required currency - gold, Zen, silver dragon scales, astral diamonds, or anything else that the seller requires. You can also receive companions as rewards for completing tasks, as well as various events, like the Winter Festival.

How to choose a companion

Companions have five classes: damage dealer, tank, healer, buffer and controller. Choose your companions wisely

And finally, we’ll talk about how to choose your companions. The task seems simple, but many beginners make many mistakes at this stage. In total, companions have five classes - Attacker (aka damage dealer), Defender (aka tank), Overlord (aka controller), Leader (aka healer) and Amplifier (non-combat buffer). The first thing you must do is decide who will best complement your class's abilities. For a damage dealer, for example, an Overlord may be a good choice, as he will control mobs and make it easier to destroy them. For a healer, a Defender is best, and for a tank, a Leader or Striker is best. In addition, do not forget about active bonuses. There are a lot of them, and you need to choose them based on the needs of your character. Again, for example, a tank does not need a critical hit chance (unlike a damage dealer), but he will need lifesteal or parry. In conclusion, I will only say that the correct use of companions greatly simplifies the game and makes leveling up an easier and more fun experience. So, good luck in choosing your companions!

Video guide to companions in Neverwinter Online

Today, all virtual gaming counters are filled with a huge amount frankly low-grade localizations of simple Asian games. In this regard, the appearance of the Russian version of Neverwinter Online became a significant event for many fans of MMORPG games. Since domestic gamers do not welcome English localization, from now on they can fully enjoy high-quality foreign content. The long-awaited savior appeared at the right time in the form of Neverwinter Online, a review of which is presented in our article.

Neverwinter, unlike its counterparts, is distinguished by its truly exciting atmosphere. The development team managed to bring to reality the most difficult task - to make a fascinating story out of the game. After all, it is not clear why in most cases developers try to lead the main character by the hand from mission to mission, stuffing it all with boring dialogues. In Neverwinter Online, the player may be struck by the non-linearity of all events. The game was equipped with full-fledged characters with an individual history, behavior, and interesting character. The non-target system and unique quests (which will be discussed below) can surprise even experienced players, and for beginners Neverwinter will become an exemplary MMORPG, where players go on raids together, robber on trade routes and complain about the hardships of life in clan chat.

For his full development, the main character needs to complete tasks, during which the player can get a lot of fun. Neverwinter Online has a well-developed battle system. Thanks to this approach, Neverwinter is more reminiscent of a brilliant action game, rather than a monotonous MMORPG. All new players should be patient and find faithful partners in order to confidently discover the unexplored expanses of the game area, which the treasure map will show them.

Neverwinter will amaze all newcomers from the first minutes. This first-person action game needs to be controlled with the WASD keys, which is completely unconventional for an MMORPG. All tactical delights are offset by the highest dynamics of the battle. The thickness of the armor is not at all important here; a tactical retreat and a sudden change of position will be much more useful. However, what is important is that the game does not turn into an all-out slasher or meat grinder, because in order to survive, the characters must competently use their abilities and skills, alternating, combining, or even inventing something new in the middle of the battle.

The developers decided to remove the tediousness in the form of studying the intricacies of mechanics. Even when choosing a character, you don’t have to bother and choose ready-made template. Fans of quests can feel the whole atmosphere of the plot, and more practical players will be entertained by ultimate goal shimmering path. There is no need to plunge into the game headlong; it is much more important to enjoy the little things. Thinking through careful development, planning builds, etc. – why do all this? It is much more interesting to take part in adventures, which Neverwinter does not skimp on. The developers took this ideology as a basis, which won thousands of loyal fans around the world.

You have to run along numerous corridors, destroying a lot of evil spirits on your way. Sometimes you will have to solve mysterious riddles and avoid traps. All this will be the initial stage in adventures through the world of Neverwinter online. In the future, the gameplay of the game will change greatly. The player will have the opportunity to visit events, dungeons, and PvP arenas, where it will be necessary to capture and control several points to win. An overview of the game will allow you to choose certain tactics in order to boldly enter into battle with dangerous monsters or insidious opponents. As you level up, you gain access to unique skills. You should choose your skills wisely, as some of them may be more useful in PvE mode than in PvP. The game also features many raid bosses, which require you to use wits and cunning tricks rather than brute force to kill them. An excellent example is this video:


There are quite a lot of different currencies in Neverwinter online. By selling noob items to a junk dealer, or knocking the soul out of monsters, you can get silver and gold, but this currency will be useful only in the initial stages of the game. Of course, you can use them to buy various health jars and other consumables, or to untie pebbles from your equipment, but you won’t be able to cook much porridge.

Astral crystals are recognized as the main currency. With their help, you can purchase powerful equipment, speed up any process, including crafting, or facilitate the training of your tireless companion. Diamonds are obtained by completing numerous daily quests, but they can also be purchased for real money. If we’re talking about donations, no, it’s not at all necessary to pour thousands of rubles into the gameplay. All, absolutely all equipment can be obtained through play, but this process will take a little longer.

Neverwinter Online classes and races

As in any MMORPG, the start of the adventure begins with the creation of the main character. This is where you will have to pay attention, because there are an impressive number of races available. Freely available:

  • half-orcs, halflings and half-elves;
  • tieflings;
  • People;
  • drow;
  • dwarves;
  • Menzoberranzin renegades;
  • sun, forest and moon elves;
  • draconians.

Each race has its own individual bonus, which affects certain characteristics of the character. It is for this reason that before choosing a hero you need to think carefully about who is better to give your preference. An important factor is the selection of the correct “race-class” combination. In the future, this criterion will be responsible for how high the chances of breaking into the “people” in the gaming community will be.

Online Neverwinter offers a classic set of classes:

  • The trickster is a master of mischief and stealth, masterful with daggers and almost never misses a chance to kill someone from behind;
  • Cleric. His task is to heal surrounding allies, but if necessary, he is able to take care of his own integrity;
  • Mag. His trump card is considered to be control over enemies with further incineration;
  • The hunter is a professional in long-distance combat;
  • Warrior is a classic fighter with two-handed weapon. Acts as a melee specialist, as well as a fan of breaking through the skulls of enemies;
  • The guard is a skilled defender. This class plays the role of a tank.

Once the appearance is completed, the hero's backstory is revealed. This includes place of birth and even religious reasons! This stage does not in any way affect the further passage of Neverwinter, but it helps to create a fun atmosphere. However, this may also be missed by those players who want vibrant dynamics rather than complete immersion. Interestingly, in the game, in addition to all the listed features, there is even such a concept as Foundry, or a level editor. This is truly something unique, because in what other game can you not only step away from the storyline, but also go complete a quest that was invented by the most ordinary player, who, perhaps, five minutes ago ran past you. Not only the author’s descriptions, but also reviews of gamers who have completed these tasks will help you choose successful quests. This cultural diversity broadens the scope of the game, allowing you to participate in its improvement.

  1. In most cases, you need to level up your character by doing various quests. Compared to other MOORPGs, there is no tedious grind here. Each quest is designed in the form interesting story, at the end of which the player receives a sufficient amount of experience and gold. There is also a chance of receiving a treasure map.
  2. You should competently develop your companion. Companions include various animals that help well in your travels. Like main character, they increase in level and wear equipment.
  3. Companions can improve your strengths while compensating for your weaknesses. It is worth carefully understanding your priorities and identifying weak sides so that the pet can block them.
  4. The creation of items and weapons in Neverwinter is done in an unusual style. In order to do less routine work that will bear fruit, it is enough to send special workers for such tasks who will do this. All that remains for you to do is wait for the final result.

System requirements

Neverwinter Online is a very interesting and exciting MMORPG game that has established itself as an excellent multiplayer action game. Minimum system requirements modest enough for anyone to try it:

  • Processor no lower than Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz;
  • Video card – Nvidia GeForce 6600 or similar from AMD Radeon;
  • RAM – 1.5 GB;
  • Free space – 20 GB;
  • Operating system – Windows XP/Vista/7 and higher.

To play at maximum settings you will need the following configuration:

  • Processor – Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz;
  • Video card – Nvidia GeForce 8800GT or AMD Radeon 8350;
  • RAM – 4 GB;
  • Free space – 30 GB.

To start playing Neverwinter Online you need to register on the official website. At the selected registration point, you will need to enter your email address, which will become your login. Then you should write your game nickname, 3-16 characters long. Then all you have to do is come up with a password and then confirm it, and you can start downloading Neverwinter. After you receive a notification that registration has been completed, you can download the game client. Once the installation is complete, you can safely start conquering game world Neverwinter Online.

There are 3 main types of currency:

1) Gold - serves as a currency for exchange with NPC traders and exchange between players.

Gold drops from monsters and chests. Also, NPC traders will be happy to buy unnecessary junk from us for a couple of coins. Moreover, even if the same merchant sold you an item for Astral Diamonds, he will only accept it back for gold (sleight of hand and no fraud, gentlemen).

2) ZEN is the currency of the game store. We buy ZEN with our own hard-earned money, or we can exchange it for Astral Diamonds at a certain exchange rate.

3) Astral diamonds are the most mysterious, but, nevertheless, everyone needs currency. True, why it was invented, and why it was impossible to simply make two currencies: gold (game) and ZEN (donation) and arrange the conversion of one into the other without unnecessary frills remains a mystery.

This currency is needed primarily for trading at auctions, but it cannot definitely be called an exchange currency between players, since when exchanging from hand to hand, players can only use gold, and there are also NPCs selling average lousy items, as well as some rare consumables for these same diamonds.

If everything is relatively simple and clear with the first two currencies, then how and where to get astral diamonds remains a painful question for many players.

But this elf knows how to earn Astral Diamonds

In this article we will analyze all the methods for extracting this currency.

So, the easiest way: DONATE - buy ZEN for real money and exchange it for Diamonds on the exchange. True, even in this method, difficulties are possible - it is not a fact that at the time you need, there will be an offer suitable for you in terms of price and quantity on the exchange. Another option is to put up your ZEN at the desired price and in the required quantity, and then wait a long and tedious time for someone to buy them.

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

Astral Diamond Exchange

Well, now let’s look at ways to obtain Astral Diamonds (hereinafter referred to as Diamonds) through play:

There is only one way to directly get Diamonds through gaming - trading at an auction: everything is simple here - go to the dungeon, get hold of blue or even purple trinkets that are useless to your class, or you have them, or even better, already have them - feel free to take everything to the auction and hand it over to the commission agent. If you haven’t gone too far with the price, then most likely there will be a buyer for your product.

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

A successful trip to the "epic" and almost daily norm Diamonds guaranteed!

In all other cases, we will receive Astral Diamonds (hereinafter simply Diamonds), which we can “process” into Astral Diamonds. But here a small catch awaits us: we can only process 24,000 Diamonds into Diamonds per day. It is impossible to say that such a restriction would benefit the developers and encourage players to invest money, since if players have few Diamonds, then no one will want to exchange them for ZEN, but rather the opposite. And due to the fact that there is no automatic exchange of diamonds for ZEN, and the Diamond exchange is built on the principle “in order to buy something, someone needs to want to sell it,” this will lead to a decline in demand for ZEN, and accordingly the likelihood of that someone will invest real money in the game. And this, in turn, is not beneficial for developers.

Rather, this restriction was introduced so that the game does not seem completely simple, and so that at least something in it is obtained with difficulty, sweat and blood, and not simply by completing a quest or running on Instagram...

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

Processing Diamonds

Well, now, let's look at ways to obtain Diamonds in the game:

Method #1: Complete daily tasks.

Near the “Market of the Seven Suns” there is an NPC Rix, which distributes daily tasks to everyone, for completing which we will receive from 1000 to 5000 Diamonds. Depending on the character's level, the number of tasks and the reward for them increases.

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Monsieur Rix. Always ready to offer dirty work to wanderers for a handful of Diamonds. It's between the Market of the Seven Suns and the Auction, if that's the case.

Method number 2: Service to the Crown. (The fattest daily quest)

Upon reaching level 60 and completing the quest “An Audience with the Lord Protector,” His Highness offers to serve the Crown, and begins to issue quests every day. One task is given per day. The task is random: take part in the battle of Gontulgim, fight in the Arena, go through dungeons.

In principle, the essence is the same as in the case of Ricks, the only difference is that His Highness donates as many as 8,000 Diamonds from his master’s shoulder!

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

And you too, Your Majesty...

Method No. 3: Going through “battles” during the corresponding periodic event in the game.

For each successful completion of the battle during the event, we will receive an additional 1000 Diamonds from the chest at the end.

Method number 4: Prayer to the gods.

Once an hour you can appeal to your deity and get something useful for it. But the gods, they are capricious creatures: sometimes, when the mood is good, they can pour in a whole bag of potions, a mountain of gold, experience and 3000 Diamonds, and sometimes they just hit you on the head, giving out only some kind of blessing for an hour...

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

This time my deity was generous with Diamonds...

Method No. 5: Leveling up the “Leadership” profession.

Merchants and clerics are willing to pay experienced mercenaries for help from 100 to 1200 Diamonds, although your mercenaries will have to run after these comrades for about 8 hours, well, if the mercenaries are experienced and efficient (green, blue, or purple) they can handle it a little faster.

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

And here is the schedule for today. There are no outfits for liquor stores!

Method number 6: “Spraying” unnecessary epic items.

At the Market of the Seven Suns there is one suspicious old man and an equally strange halfling who offer wanderers to get rid of “extra” (or maybe stolen?) epic items for level 60. And he gives a good amount of money for it in Diamonds. True, like any buyer, he is not interested in how hard it was for you to get this thing - the valuation is done “on the gas”. So I advise this old man to sell only stolen goods and things that are not accepted at auction (things with the “upon receipt” link).

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

Here he is that same old man! The hat, apparently, was stolen from Gandalf and had not yet been sprayed.

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

And he’s also in cahoots with this dwarf, the Lord Protector’s advisor, by the way!

Method #7: Play the mini-game “Adventure on the Coast of Swords.”

This mini-game also periodically hosts an event, during which you will receive an additional reward in the form of Diamonds. Also, in some tests, Diamonds are found as a “standard” reward.

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

The same "Diamond" event in "Adventures on the Sword Coast"

Method No. 8: Do good and interesting quests in the “Workshop”.

Another way to earn Astral Diamonds in their pure form is to complete a high-quality and interesting adventure in the “Workshop”. For this, other players who liked your creation can give you from 50 to 500 Diamonds as gratitude.

Once upon a time, by the way, the developers promised to personally sponsor especially talented creators with awards in the form of AB.

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

Earning astral diamonds (by hook or by crook)

Here is an opportunity to thank the worthy author financially. Suggested along with writing a review after completing the "Workshop" task.

And some alchemists mutter something about the fact that they, supposedly, also found a way to transform stones into Diamonds or even Diamonds, but is this really so or are they drunk on their failed potions and are now talking all sorts of nonsense, I don’t know yet failed to check.

For now, that’s all I have and once again I wish you good luck, wanderer. Stop by sometimes and maybe I’ll tell you something new.

Multi-user role-playing game Neverwinter online contains a large number of a wide variety of content and features that can get confusing even for an experienced player, not to mention beginners. Especially for gamers visiting the world of Neverwinter for the first time, we have created a guide that will help you get a little more comfortable with the game.

Neverwinter online race selection

The game features eight races, and representatives of each of them not only differ from the others in appearance, but also have some unique abilities:

— Humans are one of the most adaptable races, coping equally well with cold and heat. Therefore, human settlements can be found almost everywhere in the game world. In much the same way, people are unpretentious in their choice of lifestyle: they can become thieves and adherents of the clergy with equal success. Representatives of the human race receive:

+2 points to any Ability
+3% to Defense
+5 Heroic Feat points.

— Half-elves are a race that arose as a result of the union of humans and elves. Brave travelers and adventurers, half-elves do not stay long in one place, preferring to roam the world. Each half-elf receives:

+2 to the Constitution
+2 to Wisdom or Charisma (optional)
1% each to Find Gold, Critical Hit, Evasion
+1 bonus to the Abilities of another class.

— Wood elves are protectors of the forest, living in harmony with nature. Wood elves devote their entire lives to serving nature. They make good archers. Features of this race:

+2 to Dexterity
+2 to Wisdom or Intelligence (optional)
+1% to Critical Strike
10% resistance to slowing effects.

— Dark Elves or Drow– representatives of this race live in underground cities, where they worship the evil deity Lolth (Queen of Spiders). Drow receive as a starting bonus:

+2 to Dexterity
+2 to Charisma
Trance ability - accelerates the recovery of vitality and energy outside of combat.

— Tieflings are the descendants of people who made a deal with demons, the founders of an empire that once enslaved half the world and is now destroyed, tieflings are forced to wander the lands of Neverwinter, earning their livelihood through deception and deceit. Therefore, tieflings make good thieves, as well as magicians - thanks to an ancient connection with demons. These creatures receive:

+2 Charisma
+2 to Intelligence or Constitution (your choice)
Blood Hunt skills (increasing damage by 5% to targets with less than 50% health remaining)
Infernal Wrath (10% chance to reduce enemy power by 5% for 5 seconds).

— Halflings are short creatures, distinguished by courage and great strength. Halflings love to have fun in big company, make new friends, travel the seas in search of adventure. Representatives of this race receive:

+2 to Dexterity
+2 to Constitution or Charisma
3% chance to avoid enemy attacks
additional 10% to resistance to control effects.

— Half-orcs are a race that combines the agility of humans and the strength of orcs. A half-orc will make an excellent warrior, able to cope even with superior enemy forces thanks to the Furious Assault ability, which increases damage from critical hits by 5%. This race also receives:

+2 to Dexterity
+2 to Strength or Constitution
additional 10% to running speed for 3 seconds at the beginning of the battle.

— Dwarves are a mountain people who honor the gods and have sworn to protect the world from the creatures of evil. Dwarves are equally good at using melee weapons and magic spells. This race receives:

+2 to the Constitution
+2 to Wisdom or Strength
are able to reflect negative effects for some time and gain increased resistance to damage.

Which race should you choose? There is no definite answer here; each gamer can be guided by personal preferences. Naturally, a player focused on close combat should choose a race that has high Strength and Constitution values, magicians can focus on Wisdom, and shooters and thieves can focus on Dexterity and Charisma.

Classes Neverwinter online

There are five classes in the game, and each of them is designed for a specific role in the battle. Some people feel better surrounded by a crowd of enemies, some feel safer operating at a distance, and some prefer to remain unnoticed. Let's take a closer look at the Neverwinter online game classes:

— Fearless Warrior– a hero who chooses this class knows no fear and confidently heads towards any danger with a two-handed sword in his hands. A fearless warrior does not use a shield - his survivability allows him to survive even with serious wounds. This character uses skills that can turn the outcome of the battle in his favor: Steel Avalanche attacks a group of enemies at once, Concussion slows down the enemy, Roar throws back enemy warriors, Cry of Courage gives the hero additional protection, and Throw allows you to get closer to the enemy in one fell swoop. This character is an ideal choice for those who like to fight in crowds.

— The Guardian Warrior is a heavily armored fighter designed to distract enemies while his allies attack them. The Guardian Warrior fights with a sword and shield, and uses skills that force opponents to attack him. For example, Forced Hatred draws the enemy's attention to the hero, Steel Defense gives immunity to damage for several seconds, and Blade Stroke helps to stun the enemy and quickly attack him.

— Wizard Overlord- a hero who commands the elements, relying only on magic. He does not have strong armor, so you should keep him away from enemies. However, even if the wizard is attacked by an enemy, he can quickly build a teleport and avoid the attack. This character skillfully handles fire and ice, uses spells that deal area damage and last for some time.

— Devout Cleric– a character who devotes all his strength to supporting his allies. At the same time, he can also attack the enemy, which makes him a truly universal hero. Depending on the player's preferences, the Cleric can focus on control, attack, and support spells. For example, using the Astral Seal, a hero can subjugate an enemy to his will, using the Spear of Faith will kill him, and by choosing the Light of Consolation skill, he will restore his health and the health of an ally.

— The Trickster is an adventurer who prefers to sneak up on the enemy unnoticed and deliver fatal blows with sharp blades. The Dodger's defense is unfortunately not as effective as his attack, but he makes up for this deficiency with a large arsenal of counterattacking and defensive skills. For example, using an Agile Strike, the hero will instantly move behind the enemy and attack him from behind, and using the Knives of Hate, he will knock the enemy down and stab him with daggers. The Trickster is suitable for gamers who like to take risks: the need to be in close proximity to the enemy and weak defense makes the game for this hero very tense.

Professions Neverwinter online

In addition to participating in battles, in Neverwinter online you need to devote time to professions, thanks to which the player can create new items. There are only five professions here:

Leadership – gaining experience and money for using hired labor;
Blacksmith - creating weapons;
Weaving chain mail;
Leatherworking - creating class armor.

To use professions, you need to hire workers and give them tasks to increase the level of professions, after which additional opportunities for creating items will open up.

Companions Neverwinter online

The game allows you to select companions who will accompany the hero on his travels around the world. Some companions are given as a reward for completing tasks, some are purchased from merchants. The resulting companion is placed in the inventory and can be summoned at any time. The appearance of the companion can vary from humanoid to animal. Class companions are divided into Warriors, Defenders, Controllers, Leaders and Non-Combat. There is also a division by color, which indicates maximum level companion: White – 15, Green – 20, Blue – 25, Purple – 30. The companion can be equipped with runes and equipment - this will increase its characteristics. You cannot communicate with your companions; death for them is not final - by the end of the battle, a fallen partner will most likely rise to his feet on his own.

Mounts Neverwinter online

Mounts or mounts will be a good help for travelers in Neverwinter online. The mount can be obtained at level 20 after completing the "Giddy Up" quest. Mountable pets can be purchased for game currency, while the types of pets that are purchased with Zen and Astral Diamonds currency are the rarest. You can also get a mount for participating in game events, PvP achievements, and in special cases, mounts are given to those players who create custom missions.

Each pet has three levels that affect speed, appearance, and the amount of damage the character can receive before being thrown off the mount. Levels increase through training, which can be purchased with Astral Diamonds.

Of course, this guide cannot be considered complete guide– Neverwinter online contains too many features to describe them in one guide. But still, this information will be enough for beginners who want to quickly get used to the game, and everything else can be found out on their own.