Information about parents for the portfolio. Primary and high school student's portfolio: ready-made title page and sheet templates for boys and girls. Useful self-presentation skills.

08.08.2018 Documentation

How to fill out a student's portfolio primary classes? A portfolio template can be filled out using graphic editors, and then completely finished pages with photographs and text content are printed. To do this, you need to know how to: crop (insert, change) the size of a picture (photo) and enter the necessary text on the portfolio page, save (without damaging the template). If you have at least basic knowledge of special programs, then this may be one of the options.

Skills portfolio. Students must be guided so that they can progress in the development of their personal instruments. When a student begins their portfolio at the start of their studies, at the end of their studies they will be able to fully observe how their education has shaped them and recognize the skills they have developed.

The portfolio is divided into areas of capacity. Students insert documents into different sections that demonstrate the development of specific skills and abilities. Portfolio for developing personal study plans or life stories. Typically, when they graduate, students do not notice the skills they have developed. They receive a document with their academic history, showing courses taken and grades earned. They know the extracurricular activities in which they have participated, but they cannot translate this information into needs that will be found in their professional lives.

Only here you need to take into account that you print out the portfolio, collect it in a folder and give it to school (including the sheets that have not yet been completed), where the portfolio will be collected gradually and the children, together with the teachers, will make changes and additions to it. All this, accordingly, is done by hand. And for this purpose, ready-made templates have a blank template design; you can write on it by hand or fill it out using graphic programs. Nowadays, most portfolios for schoolchildren are made according to this principle - they are printed out according to a template with a colorful design, and the children fill them out with their answers and notes. And in order to fill out a portfolio manually, it is better to take a gel pen so that there is no excessive pressure on the paper.
But which filling method is closer to you is up to you to choose. Who likes which one better? Ideally, it would be excellent if the child himself took part in filling it out, because the idea of ​​the portfolio itself is the development and identification of individual creativity child.
The empty template in the portfolio is specially designed so that it can be filled in either in a graphic editor or manually. The color and tone of the template and pictures were specially selected for this purpose.

A portfolio helps students identify the skills they have developed and the learning they have created and how they can use them; Recognize those that are significant and in the future allow them to display them in an orderly manner when applying for employment in the working world.

Main rules of creation

A complete portfolio may include numerous school records: personal journal, surveys, examples of school work; Personal study plan, including courses taken and their results in assignment or performance, which are compared with grades obtained during the course; evidence of their academic ability, for example including a letter of recommendation from a teacher, etc. the portfolio can be organized in the same way as it will represent the documents facing the labor market.

The second question is what to fill it with?…

To do this, you need to know what a portfolio is.

A portfolio is a way of recording, accumulating and assessing a student’s individual achievements during a certain period of his education. The portfolio allows you to take into account the results achieved by the student in various types activities (educational, creative, social communicative, etc.) and is an important element of a practice-oriented approach to education.
The purpose of the portfolio is to serve as an individual cumulative assessment and, along with exam results, to determine the ranking of secondary school graduates.

The sections that divide portfolios are topics in which subjects are divided so that students can keep in mind how they structure their learning. With the support of the instructor, students will be able to determine what materials and activities should be included in the portfolios.

They encourage students to take responsibility for their learning. They provide valuable information about the learning process. Teachers can explore their skills. They can be tailored to suit the different needs, interests and abilities of each student.

They promote self-assessment and learning control. They allow students to choose special programs. They allow for a broader and deeper understanding of what the student knows and can do. They allow you to have an alternative for standardized tests and assessments.

One of the main tasks of training and education in primary school is to identify and develop the child’s individual creative abilities.

The motto for working with a primary school student’s portfolio is “Everyday creative process the student must be recorded."

From all of the above it follows that the portfolio is like a piggy bank of the child’s achievements in the learning process. According to teachers, the main emphasis should be placed not on a portfolio of documents, but on a portfolio of creative works. In other words, the “CREATIVE WORKS” section should become the main and main thing, the “Official Documents” section should fade into the background and be used only as an appendix!

They provide a durable structure. They transfer responsibility for demonstrating understanding of concepts to the student. This requires a lot of time for both teacher and student. They require clarification of the assessment process. The generalizability of the results is limited.

They are not suitable for measuring knowledge and should be used in combination with other types of assessment tools. He may be susceptible to various dishonest student practices that will be developed outside the classroom. Choose content and structure. Decide how to manage and maintain the portfolio.

An approximate version of how and what to fill your portfolio with!


Contains basic information (last name, first name and patronymic; educational institution, class), contact information and photo of the student.

It is important to let your child choose a photo for himself. title page. You should not put pressure on him and persuade him to choose a strict portrait. Give him the opportunity to show himself as he sees himself and wants to present himself to others.

"My achievements" section

Set evaluation criteria and rate the content. Share these results with your students. It is essential to schedule time for assessment. Students need clear explanations to develop their portfolios. This requires the use of a rubric or rating scale as supporting methods.

What should portfolios include? Portfolios are a means to an end, not an end in themselves. It is important to define the purpose of the portfolio, this depends on effective valuation. As a teacher, there are a few questions you can ask yourself to help define your goal: What is my vision of achievement for my students? What should be included in a portfolio? How should this be seen? What questions should the student answer regarding the selected units? What questions should the student ask? What questions should the teacher ask? Who else should be involved in evaluating the portfolio: other students, other teachers, some experts?


Here you can place any information that is interesting and important for the child. Possible sheet headers:
· “My name” - information about what the name means can be written about famous people who bore and bear this name. If your child has a rare or interesting last name, you can find information about what it means.
· “My Family” - here you can talk about each family member or write a short story about your family.
· “My City” - a story about his hometown (village, hamlet), about his interesting places. Here you can also place a diagram of the route from home to school drawn together with your child. It is important that it is marked dangerous places(road intersections, traffic lights).
· “My friends” - photos of friends, information about their interests and hobbies.
· “My Hobbies” - a short story about what a child is interested in. Here you can write about classes at sports section, studying at a music school or other educational institutions of additional education.
· “My School” - a story about the school and the teachers.
· “My favorite school subjects” - short notes about your favorite school subjects, built on the principle “I like... because...”. Also a good option is the one called “School Subjects”. At the same time, the child can speak out about each subject, finding in it something important and necessary for himself.
“My zodiac sign” Here you can tell what a zodiac sign is and what abilities and personal qualities people born under this sign have.

The answer to these questions can define the goal. Each piece of evidence must be organized to demonstrate its evolution in relation to its proposed purpose. The types of evidence may be as follows. Scope: documents normal work in groups, from classrooms to workplaces.

Made on my own initiative. Reproductions: Include events that are not usually collected, such as a guest post or an expert in the field. Feedback: Documents of a student's work prepared by others, such as comments made by people involved in the student's learning process.


In this section, the worksheet headings are dedicated to a specific school subject. The student fills this section with well-written tests, interesting projects, reviews of books read, graphs of reading speed growth, creative works, essays and dictations

Literary reading - Literature
Here the child writes the authors and names of the books he has read. This section can also be supplemented brief description read and a short “review”.

The documents should be accompanied by a brief statement explaining what they are, why they were added, and what evidence they provide. Evidence of conceptual change. Identifying changes in student concepts regarding ideas that have been observed in class. When did the changes take place? What do you attribute to these changes? What did you do to make this happen?

Evidence of growth or development. It is a series of works that are arranged in such a way that they can observe the sequence of learning. What have you learned? The student can ask a series of questions: how are they similar or different? How has my perception changed? How has my understanding changed?

Russian language
Section for written essays, literary works, dictations, etc.

Section for written works in mathematics

Foreign language
This section is filled with works on learning a foreign language.

The world
In a first-grader’s portfolio, this section is filled with works on the subject “the world around us.”

Evidence of decision making. An example is given that demonstrates the student’s ability to notice factors that influence the decisions he makes. What factors did you discuss or think about? What else do you need to know to make different decisions? What information do you need to support the ones you've already made?

Evidence of personal growth and understanding where the student wonders. Why? Briefcase Type Display: Contains limited evidence. For example, show better work, improve work, worse work, work is preferable. Applications can be assignments, exams, creative work.

Computer science
Here are printouts of work done on the computer.

This section can be supplemented with photographs or originals of work completed during the labor lesson.

Physical culture - Physical education
This section notes the results of the child’s sports development

Fine arts - Fine Arts
This section can be supplemented with photographs or originals of works completed in the fine arts lesson

The student chooses between several tasks to be completed. For example, instead of asking for 12 problems in each subsection, a student can replace some problems for papers in which he has completed analysis or testimony reports, etc. they can also be exams and tests.

Example: A student was asked to document his portfolio with ten well-worked problems, two summaries made on specific criteria, one article, two reports, two exams in which he could attach his reflections. Open format portfolios: they allow you to notice the level of exploitation; May contain what students consider evidence of learning. They can add reports on museums, movies according to the topic, etc. Problems or tasks the student has done, analysis of the need for a park in their community, analysis of presidential candidates' projects, etc. they are more difficult to develop and evaluate.

This section celebrates the student’s musical successes


All activities that are carried out outside the framework of educational activities can be classified as social work - assignments. Maybe the child played a role in a school play, or read poetry at a formal assembly, or designed a wall newspaper for a holiday, or performed at a matinee... There are a lot of options. It is advisable to design this section using photographs and short messages on the topic of.

Example of evaluation criteria. Qualification by criteria: For example, each section of evidence will be classified according to the following scale. Score 0 = no evidence. Score 1 = weak evidence. Score 2 = sufficient evidence. Check-out is possible between 17:00 and 18:00. Meals are optional, except on outdoor days. On Wednesdays it is impossible to benefit from food alone. To meet the needs of families who have limited working hours. This is done in conjunction with teachers and school staff who receive children in class in the morning or after school.


In this section the child places his creative works: drawings, fairy tales, poems. If you have completed a large piece of work - a craft - you need to place a photo of it. Parents need to give their child complete freedom when filling out this section!

Important! If the work took part in an exhibition or participated in a competition, it is also necessary to provide information about this event: name, when, where and by whom it was held.

My social work

Parents can pick up their children at the end of class at 4 p.m. These are playful educational times that allow the child to end the school day in relaxation. Giuseppe Bertagna has developed, on behalf of the Ministry itself, the National Guidelines for Personalized Curricula in Primary Schools, prescriptive documents accompanied by its Recommendations, of purely indicative value. These documents were used as guidance primarily by the 251 schools involved in reform trials and now by all school-level schools involved in the first phase of reform implementation.

It would be nice to supplement this message with a photo. If the event was covered in the media or on the Internet, you need to find this information. If carried out by an Internet portal, print out the thematic page


In elementary school, children take an active part in excursion and educational programs, go to the theater, to exhibitions, and visit museums. At the end of the excursion or hike, it is necessary to offer the child a creative activity. homework, performing which, he will not only remember the content of the excursion, but will also have the opportunity to express his impressions. If this is not practiced at school, it makes sense for parents to come to the teacher’s aid and develop and reproduce a standard “Creative Assignment” form. At the end school year presentation possible creative tasks with obligatory award best works in several categories.

As part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

The portfolio must contain. The Primary School Portfolio is compiled and updated by the teacher educator in collaboration with all teachers who are responsible for the education and learning of each student, family and student. The portfolio has a dual function: the materials selected by the teacher give the student an overall sense of his course in relation to learning objectives, and the materials selected by the student allow the teacher to understand how the student perceives his own performance and progress. Family involvement is to complete the documentation of the growth path , providing information about those aspects that are not found in the school context.


Certificates, certificates, diplomas, letters of gratitude, as well as final attestation sheets are posted here. Moreover, in elementary school one should not separate in importance academic success - a certificate of merit and success, for example, in sports - a diploma. It is better to choose the arrangement not in order of importance, but, for example, in chronological order.

The Italian experience turned out to be avant-garde, because in no other country European Union No portfolio is used for the age group. The research has been extended to non-European countries and as a result the portfolio experience has long been present at all school levels in American and Australian schools and has recently been included in a Canadian primary school. From the National Guidelines for Personalized Curricula in Primary Schools.

The portfolio of individual competencies includes a section on assessment and “other retained” orientation. The first is based on general guidelines for the assessment of students and the recognition of student loans and debts. For this reason, compiling the portfolio, as well as the direct participation of the child, requires mutual cooperation between family and school.


This section is not often included in an elementary school student’s portfolio. It's a pity! Nothing increases a child’s self-esteem more than a teacher’s positive assessment of his efforts. Unfortunately, schoolchildren’s diaries are replete with either impartial remarks like “Not ready for the lesson!”, or unreflective praise like “Well done!” What if instead of the same “Well done!” give a little feedback in your portfolio? For example: “Took an active part in preparing for extracurricular activity"The Price of Victory". I learned and recited the poem superbly. I prepared the wall newspaper myself, and involved my comrades in the design.”

Critical reflection on these materials is "an opportunity to improve teaching practice, to encourage students to" self-esteem and self-knowledge, to build a personal life project and, finally, co-responsible parents in the educational process. The Portfolio of Individual Skills in Primary School instills in one brought by children from school childhood and accompanies the child during the transition to the secondary school level. O. and clarify, based on critical reflection on past experiences, as well as their professional understanding skills and pedagogical judgment and self-report of their practice.

I think it is important to add a sheet of feedback, as well as a form - a blank template where teachers can express their recommendations and wishes, for example, based on the results of the school year.


At the beginning of the new academic year, it is necessary to carefully study the portfolio and analyze the material collected in it. When moving to a senior class, the contents of all sections must be completely updated.
Less significant works and documents are extracted (can be placed in a separate folder), and those that are of greater value are placed in a special section. It could be titled “WORKS THAT I’M PROUD OF”

And this is not the limit, since no one limits us here and you can come up with many more pages that will help you discover your child’s abilities and knowledge!

July 30, 2016.

How to make every page beautiful 1st grade student portfolio, what information is posted there and what sections can be included in the portfolio? In this article, we will tell you in detail how to properly design and compile a first-grader’s portfolio, and to make your work easier, we have placed 1st-grade student portfolio templates (for a first-grader boy and a 1st-grade girl, you can download them for free below).

Compiling a first-grader's portfolio with a personality profile and a description of his hobbies - an opportunity to spend time with the child, because this process will captivate him no less than the parents. In the first grade, you need to lay the foundation for the ability to independently organize time and objectively assess your abilities, find motives for successful study and development of talents.

Nowadays, portfolios are no longer considered a prop for creative people. At school, it makes it possible to evaluate the success and development of a 1st grade student. Such a resume is a necessary attribute for a child who began studying in a certain direction (profile) from the first grade.

  • For a first-grader, a portfolio is a book of personal success. In it the child sees his development and personal growth. The main purpose of such a portfolio folder is to show achievements little man in different directions: the ability to find mutual language with other people, adaptation in society, revealing the creative talent of a first-grader, the ability to learn and comprehend science.
  • The child has a desire to move forward and develop, he takes into account own mistakes and tries not to repeat them again. Then the child strives to be better, to get the highest grades.
  • Children put all their work and successes in a first-grader’s portfolio folder. This includes various drawings, applications, and photos of crafts (they can be carefully attached to portfolio templates with information). If a student additionally attends any club, plays music or sports, then all the results are recorded in a separate section of the portfolio, which describes hobbies.
  • The first page of a 1st grade student’s portfolio is simple to design: paste a photo of the child, under which a brief summary of the child’s information is provided. On the following pages, the first grader will tell about himself, friends, interests, family. On our website you will download a portfolio with special inserts that will help highlight sections and add color to the folder. When a short biography has been written, you can begin posting certificates, diplomas and various works of the student. Adults will help the new student with this.

The work of classmates outside of school helps in the formation of personality, the development of children in all directions, the discovery of new talents, the children begin to be friends and support each other, which leads to victories in collective competitions.