Patron of construction in the Orthodox Church. Flower growers and gardeners

14.08.2019 Business

The icon will help you find a job, build a decent career, give you advice correct solution when running a business or household.

Orthodox patron of entrepreneurship and management. He was talented not only in church ministry and theology, but also in business. Saint Joseph founded a monastery in Volokolamsk, which quickly achieved economic prosperity. This was the credo St. Joseph. He believed that the Church should expand its economic and material capabilities in order to use them for good purposes.

One of the most revered saints protects against problems at work and in business. Prayer to him will help you cope with all the difficulties that you may encounter in the field of employment and work.

The icon helps in poverty and need, in business, trade. Such an icon will be a wonderful gift for managers and politicians at all levels, as well as people who are starting their own business and experiencing financial difficulties.

People turn to the icon in any, even the most desperate situations.

The Icon of the Mother of God "" ("Housebuilder") is an icon of material well-being, helps to survive crises and difficult times. She also patronizes the acquisition, construction and repair of housing, putting things in order in the house and household.

Helps you gain well-being and material wealth. It will save if one of the family members lost their job, was left without a livelihood, or lost confidence in the future. During a crisis, prayers before the Bread Icon of the Mother of God help to get through difficult times.

The Icon of the Mother of God "" helps with everyday needs and affairs, and protects against crop failure.

The merciful Yurovichi Icon of the Mother of God helps resolve material issues in difficult everyday situations.

Protect your home from thieves and evil people, from witchcraft.

Ipatiy the Gangra miracle worker helps in purchasing housing and solving family problems.

Helps in fair trade for the glory of God. In front of his icon they pray that any financial problems will pass and that there will always be the necessary financial minimum, which would allow them to live without fear for the future.

Protects from ill-wishers, evil people, sorcerers and black magic.

Relieves worries and fears, from enemies, helps to find a job, heals ailments.

Helps with all requests that are addressed to her, including financial difficulties.

The icon will help you find a job and keep your job.

A home from thieves and enemies.

Gives prosperity, protects from enemies.

The icon helps with everyday needs.

Helps when starting a new business.

The needy, the disadvantaged, relieves poverty.

True faith and sincere prayer addressed to the Patron Saints and their miraculous icons can help find the right solution in the most difficult situation, help to survive difficult times, difficult periods in life.

Most often, the day of remembrance of a saint is the day of his earthly death, i.e. transition to eternity, meeting with God, to join Whom the ascetic sought.

How to determine the name day

In the church calendar there are several days of commemoration of the same saint, and many saints also bear the same name. Therefore, it is necessary to find in the church calendar the day of remembrance of the saint of the same name as you, closest to your birthday. These will be your name days, and the saint whose memory is remembered on this day will be your heavenly patron. If he has other days of memory, then for you these dates will become “small name days”.

If we want to name a child strictly according to church tradition, then it will be the name of a saint, whose memory is celebrated on the 8th day after the child’s birth. Cm.

When determining a name day, the date of canonization of a saint does not matter, because it only records a fait accompli. In addition, as a rule, it is performed dozens of years after the saint’s transition to the heavenly abodes.

The name received by a person at baptism not only remains unchanged throughout his life (the only exception is the case of accepting monasticism), but also remains after death and passes with him into eternity. In prayers for the deceased, he also remembers their names given in baptism.

Name day and Angel Day

Sometimes name days are called Angel Day. This name day name recalls the fact that in the old days heavenly patrons were sometimes called the Angels of their earthly namesakes; It is incorrect, however, to confuse saints with angels. Name day is the day of remembrance of the saint after whom a person is named, and Angel Day is the day of baptism, when a person is assigned by God. Each baptized person has his own Guardian Angel, but we do not know his name.

Veneration and imitation of one's patron saint

The saint wrote about the prayerful help of the saints: “The saints, in the Holy Spirit, see our lives and our deeds. They know our sorrows and hear our fervent prayers... The saints do not forget us and pray for us... They also see the suffering of people on earth. The Lord gave them such great grace that they embrace the whole world with love. They see and know how exhausted we are from sorrows, how our souls have dried up, how despondency has bound them, and, without ceasing, they intercede for us before God.”

Veneration of a saint consists not only of praying to him, but also of imitating his feat and his faith. “Let your life be according to your name,” said the monk. After all, the saint whose name a person bears is not just his patron and prayer book, he is also a role model.

But how can we imitate our saint, how can we at least follow his example in some way? To do this you need:

  • First, know about his life and exploits. Without this, we cannot truly love our saint.
  • Secondly, we need to turn to them in prayer more often, know the troparion for him and always remember that we have a protector and helper in heaven.
  • Thirdly, of course, we must always think about how we could follow the example of our saint in one case or another.

According to the nature of Christian deeds, saints are traditionally divided into faces (categories): prophets, apostles, saints, martyrs, confessors, saints, righteous, holy fools, saints, etc. (see).
The person named confessor or martyr, may well fearlessly profess his faith, act as a Christian always and in everything, without looking back at dangers or inconveniences, in everything he pleases, first of all, God, and not people, regardless of ridicule, threats and even oppression.
Those named after saints, can try to imitate them, exposing errors and vices, spreading the light of Orthodoxy, helping their neighbors find the path to salvation both by word and by their own example.
Reverend(i.e. monks) can be imitated in detachment, independence from worldly pleasures, maintaining purity of thoughts, feelings and actions.
Imitate holy fool- means, first of all, to humble yourself, cultivate selflessness, and not get carried away by acquiring earthly riches. The continuation should be the education of will and patience, the ability to endure the difficulties of life, the fight against pride and vanity. You also need the habit of meekly enduring all insults, but at the same time not being shy about exposing obvious vices, telling the truth to everyone who needs admonition.

Names in honor of Angels

A person can also be named in honor of (Michael, Gabriel, etc.). People named after the archangels celebrate their name day on November 21 (November 8, Old Style), on the day of the Celebration of the Council of the Archangel Michael and others Heavenly Powers ethereal.

If the name is not in the calendar

If the name you were given is not in the calendar, then at baptism the name that is closest in sound is chosen. For example, Dina - Evdokia, Lilia - Leah, Angelica - Angelina, Zhanna - Ioanna, Milana - Militsa. According to tradition, Alice receives the name Alexandra in baptism, in honor of St. passion-bearer Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova, who before accepting Orthodoxy bore the name Alice. Some names in the church tradition have a different sound, for example, Svetlana is Photinia (from the Greek photos - light), and Victoria is Nike, both names mean “victory” in Latin and Greek.
Only the names given at baptism are written.

How to celebrate a name day

Orthodox Christians on their name days visit the temple and, having prepared in advance, visit the Holy Mysteries of Christ.
The days of “small name days” are not so solemn for the birthday person, but it is advisable to visit the temple on this day.
After communion, you need to keep yourself from all fuss so as not to lose your festive joy. In the evening, you can invite your loved ones for a meal. It should be remembered that if the name day falls on a fast day, then the holiday treat should be fast. IN Lent Name days that happen on a weekday are moved to the next Saturday or Sunday.
Cm. Natalya Sukhinina

What to give for name day

In celebration of the memory of the patron saint the best gift there will be something that contributes to his spiritual growth: an icon, a vessel for prayer, beautiful candles for prayer, books, audio and video CDs with spiritual content.

Prayer to your saint

We should remember the saint in whose honor we receive a name not only on name day. There is a prayer to the saint in our daily morning and evening prayers, and we can also turn to him at any time and in any need. The most simple prayer to the saint:
Pray to God for me, holy servant of God (name), as I diligently resort to you, a quick helper and prayer book for my soul.

Your saint also needs to know.

In addition to the icons of the Savior - the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Mother of God, it is advisable to have your own saint. It may happen that you are wearing some rare name, and the icon of your heavenly patron will be difficult to find. In this case, you can buy an icon of All Saints, which symbolically depicts all the saints glorified by the Orthodox Church.
Some .

Patristic sayings about name days

“We began to choose names not according to God. According to God, this is how it should be. Choose a name according to the calendar: either on what day the child will be born, or on what day he will be baptized, or within three days after baptism. Here the matter will be without any human considerations, but as God wills, for birthdays are in the hands of God.

History and symbolism of the name day celebration

Like many other religious traditions, the celebration of name days was forgotten in Soviet times, moreover, in the 20-30s of the twentieth century it was subject to official persecution. True, it turned out to be difficult to eradicate age-old folk habits: they still congratulate the birthday boy on his birthday, and if the hero of the occasion is very young, they sing a song: “how on ... the name day we baked a loaf.” Meanwhile, name day is a special holiday, which could be called a day of spiritual birth, since it is associated primarily with the sacrament of Baptism and with the names that our heavenly patrons bear.

The tradition of celebrating name days has been known in Rus' since the 17th century. Usually on the eve of the holiday, the birthday boy’s family brewed beer and baked birthday rolls, pies and loaves. On the day of the holiday itself, the birthday boy and his family went to church for mass, ordered a prayer service for health, lit candles and venerated the icon with the face of his heavenly patron. During the day, birthday pies were distributed to friends and relatives, and often the filling and size of the pie had a special meaning, determined by the nature of the relationship between the birthday person and his loved ones. In the evening a festive dinner was held.

The royal name day (Name Day), which was considered a public holiday, was celebrated especially magnificently. On this day, boyars and courtiers came to the royal court to present gifts and take part in a festive feast, during which they sang for many years. Sometimes the king himself distributed the pies. Huge birthday rolls were distributed to the people. Later, other traditions appeared: military parades, fireworks, illuminations, shields with imperial monograms.

After the revolution, a serious and systematic ideological struggle began with name days: the rite of baptism was recognized as counter-revolutionary, and they tried to replace it with “Oktyabriny” and “Zvezdiny”. A ritual was developed in detail, in which the newborn was congratulated in strict sequence by an October child, a pioneer, a Komsomol member, a communist, “honorary parents”, sometimes the baby was symbolically enrolled in a trade union, etc. The fight against “remnants” reached anecdotal extremes: for example, in the 20s, censorship banned K. Chukovsky’s “Tsokotukha Fly” for “name day propaganda.”

Traditionally, name days are attributed to the day of remembrance of the named (namesake) saint, which immediately follows the birthday, although there is also a tradition of celebrating name days on the day of memory of the most famous named saint, for example, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Apostle Peter, St. Alexander Nevsky, etc. d. In the past, name days were considered a more important holiday than the day of “physical” birth, in addition, in many cases these holidays practically coincided, since traditionally a child was baptized on the eighth day after birth: the eighth day is a symbol of the Kingdom of Heaven. , to which the baptized person joins, while the number seven is an ancient symbolic number denoting the created earthly world. Baptismal names were chosen according to the church calendar (saints). According to the old custom, the choice of name was limited to the names of the saints whose memory was celebrated on the day of baptism. Later (especially in urban society) they moved away from this strict custom and began to choose names based on personal taste and other considerations - in honor of relatives, for example.
Name days turn us to one of our hypostases - to our personal name.

Perhaps to the ancient motto “Know thyself” we should add: “Know thy name.” Of course, a name primarily serves to distinguish people. In the past, a name could be a social sign, indicating a place in society - now, perhaps, only monastic (monastic) names stand out sharply from the Russian name book. But there is also a now almost forgotten, mystical meaning of the name.
In ancient times, people attached much more importance to a name than it does now. The name was considered a significant part of a person. The content of the name was correlated with the inner meaning of a person; it was, as it were, put inside him. The name controlled fate (" good namegood sign"). A well-chosen name became a source of strength and prosperity. Naming was considered a high act of creation, guessing the human essence, invoking grace.
In primitive society, a name was treated as a part of the body, like eyes, teeth, etc. The unity of the soul and the name seemed undeniable; moreover, it was sometimes believed that as many names as there were, there were as many souls, so in some tribes before to kill an enemy, it was supposed to find out his name in order to use him in his native tribe. Often names were hidden to prevent weapons from being given to the enemy. Harm and trouble were expected from mistreatment of the name. In some tribes it was strictly forbidden to pronounce (taboo) the name of the leader. In others, the custom was practiced of assigning new names to elders, which gave new strength. It was believed that a sick child was given strength by the name of his father, who was shouted in his ear or even called by his father’s (mother’s) name, believing that part of the parents’ vital energy would help defeat the disease. If the child cried especially a lot, it means the name was chosen incorrectly. Different nationalities have long maintained the tradition of naming “deceptive”, false names: the true name was not pronounced in the hope that death and evil spirits, perhaps, would not find the baby. There was another version of protective names - unattractive, ugly, frightening names (for example, Nekras, Nelyuba and even Dead), which averted adversity and misfortune.

IN Ancient Egypt personal name was carefully guarded. The Egyptians had a “small” name, known to everyone, and a “big” one, which was considered true: it was kept secret and pronounced only during important rituals. The names of the pharaohs were especially respected - in the texts they were highlighted with a special cartouche. The Egyptians treated the names of the dead with great respect - mishandling them caused irreparable harm to the otherworldly existence. The name and its bearer were one whole: an Egyptian myth is typical, according to which the god Ra hid his name, but the goddess Isis managed to find him out by opening his chest - the name literally turned out to be inside the body!

For a long time, a change in name corresponded to a change in human essence. New names were given to adolescents upon initiation, that is, upon joining adult members of the community. In China, there are still children's "milk" names, which are abandoned with maturity. In ancient Greece, newly-minted priests, renouncing their old names, carved them on metal tablets and drowned them in the sea. Echoes of these ideas can be seen in Christian tradition naming with monastic names, when someone who has taken monastic vows leaves the world and his worldly name.

Many nations have taboo names pagan gods and spirits. It was especially dangerous to call evil spirits (“cursing”): in this way one could call out the “evil force.” The ancient Jews did not dare to call the Name of God: Yahweh (in Old Testament is the “ineffable Name,” the sacred tetragram, which can be translated as “I am who I am.” According to the Bible, the act of naming often becomes God's work: the Lord gave names to Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Ishmael, Solomon, and renamed Jacob Israel. The special religious gift of the Jewish people manifested itself in a variety of names, which are called theophoric - they contain God’s “ineffable Name”: thus, through his personal name, a person connected with God.

Christianity, as the highest religious experience of mankind, takes personal names very seriously. A person’s name reflects the mystery of a unique, precious personality; it presupposes personal communication with God. At the sacrament of Baptism, the Christian Church, accepting into its bosom new soul, connects it through a personal name with the name of God. As Fr. wrote. Sergius Bulgakov, “human naming and name-incarnation exists in the image and likeness of divine incarnation and naming... every person is an embodied word, a realized name, for the Lord himself is the incarnate Name and Word.”

The purpose of Christians is considered to be holiness. By naming a baby the name of a canonized saint, the Church tries to guide him on the true path: after all, this name has already been “realized” in life as a saint. Wearer holy name always keeps within himself the exalting image of his heavenly patron, “helper”, “prayer book”. On the other hand, the commonality of names unites Christians into one body of the Church, into one “chosen people.”

Reverence for the names of the Savior and the Mother of God has long been expressed in the fact that in the Orthodox tradition it is not customary to give names in memory of the Mother of God and Christ. Previously, the name of the Mother of God was even distinguished by a different emphasis - Mary, while other holy wives had the name Maria (Marya). The rare monastic (schema) name Jesus was assigned in memory not of Jesus Christ, but of the righteous Joshua.

The Russian Christian name book has evolved over centuries. The first extensive layer of Russian names arose in the pre-Christian era. The reasons for the emergence of a particular name could be very different: in addition to religious motives, the circumstances of birth, appearance, character, etc. played a role. Later, after the Baptism of Rus', these names, sometimes difficult to distinguish from nicknames, coexisted with Christian calendar names ( up to the 17th century). Even priests sometimes had nicknames. It happened that one person could have as many as three personal names: a “nickname” name and two baptismal names (one obvious, the other hidden, known only to the confessor). When the Christian name book completely replaced the pre-Christian “nickname” names, they did not leave us forever, moving into another class of names - in surnames (for example, Nekrasov, Zhdanov, Naydenov). Some pre-Christian names of canonized Russian saints subsequently became calendar ones (for example, Yaroslav, Vyacheslav, Vladimir).
With the adoption of Christianity, Rus' was enriched with the names of the entire human civilization: with the Byzantine calendar, Greek, Jewish, Roman and other names came to us. Sometimes images of more ancient religions and cultures were hidden under the Christian name. Over time, these names became Russified, so much so that the Hebrew names themselves became Russian - Ivan and Marya. At the same time, one should keep in mind the lofty thought of Fr. Pavel Florensky: “there are no names, neither Jewish, nor Greek, nor Latin, nor Russian - there are only universal names, the common heritage of mankind.”

The post-revolutionary history of Russian names developed dramatically: a massive campaign of “de-Christianization” of the name book was carried out. The revolutionary obscurantism of some sections of society, combined with tough government policies, was aimed at restructuring, and therefore at renaming the world. Along with the renaming of the country, its cities and streets, the people were renamed. “Red calendars” were compiled, new, “revolutionary” names were invented, many of which now sound simply like curiosities (for example, Malentro, i.e. Marx, Lenin, Trotsky; Dazdraperma, i.e. Long live May Day, etc. .). The process of revolutionary name-making, characteristic of ideological revolutions in general (it was known in France at the end of the 18th century, and in Republican Spain, and in the countries of the former “socialist camp”) did not last long in Soviet Russia, about a decade (20-30s ). Soon these names became part of history - here it is appropriate to recall another thought about. Pavel Florensky: “you can’t think of names,” in the sense that they are “the most stable fact of culture and the most important of its foundations.”

The change in the Russian name also went along the line of borrowing from other cultures - Western European (for example, Albert, Victoria, Zhanna) and common Slavic Christian names (for example, Stanislav, Bronislava), names from Greek and Roman mythology and history (for example, Aurelius, Aphrodite , Venus), etc. With time Russian society again returned to calendar names, but “de-Christianization” and a break in tradition led to an extraordinary impoverishment of the modern name book, which now consists of only a few dozen names (the general property “ popular cultures"—the desire for averaging, standardization).

Hieromonk Macarius (Markish):
Since ancient times, the custom has been established to give a newly accepted member of the Church the name of a saint. This creates a special new connection between earth and Heaven, between a person living in this world and one of those who worthily walked their life’s path, whose holiness the Church has witnessed and glorified with its collective wisdom. Therefore, every Orthodox Christian must remember the saint in whose honor he is named, know the basic facts of his life, and, if possible, remember at least some elements of the service in his honor.
But the same name, especially the common ones (Peter, Nicholas, Mary, Helen), was borne by many saints of different times and peoples; therefore, we have to find out in honor of which particular saint who wore given name, the baby will be named. This can be done using detailed church calendar, which contains an alphabetical list of saints revered by our Church with the dates of celebration of their memory. The choice is made taking into account the date of birth or baptism of the child, the circumstances of the saints’ life feats, family traditions, and your personal sympathies.
In addition, many famous saints have several days of remembrance throughout the year: this could be the day of death, the day of the discovery or transfer of relics, the day of glorification - canonization. You have to choose which of these days will become the holiday (name day, name day) of your child. It is often called Angel Day. In fact, we ask the Lord to give the newly baptized his Guardian Angel; but this Angel must under no circumstances be confused with the saint after whom the child is named.
Sometimes some difficulties arise when naming a name. There are many Orthodox saints known in history, but not included in our calendars. Among them are the saints of Western Europe, who lived and were glorified even before the fall of Rome from Orthodoxy (until 1054, the Roman Church was not severed from Orthodoxy, and we also recognize the saints revered in it by that time as saints), whose names were acquired from us popularity in last decades(Victoria, Eduard, etc.), but are sometimes listed as “non-Orthodox”. There are also the opposite situations, when the usual Slavic name does not belong to any of the Orthodox saints (for example, Stanislav). Finally, there are also frequent formal misunderstandings related to the spelling of the name (Elena - Alena, Ksenia - Oksana, John - Ivan) or its sound in English. different languages(in Slavic - Svetlana and Zlata, in Greek - Photinia and Chrysa).
If necessary, the child can be given a baptismal name different from the one recorded on the birth certificate, choosing it, for example, according to consonance (Stanislav - Stakhy, Carolina - Kaleria, Elina - Elena). There is nothing flawed in this: among the Serbs, for example, almost everyone has one name in everyday life and another in baptism. Note that in the Russian Church, unlike some other Orthodox Churches, the beloved name Maria is never given in honor of Holy Mother of God, but only in honor of other saints who bore this name. You should also know that since 2000, our Church has canonized many of our countrymen and fellow citizens - new martyrs and confessors of the 20th century - and calls on believers to name their children in their honor and memory.


(by profession).

Everyone has problems at work from time to time. But sometimes it’s so pressing that you don’t know who to pray to, who to ask for help. We hope that our tips will help you out in difficult times.


Anyone involved in trade, sellers, commercial directors and sales managers can ask for help Archbishop Nicholas of Myra.

(Nicholas the Wonderworker)

And that's why.

When a great famine occurred in Lycia, Archbishop Nicholas, in order to save the starving, performed a miracle - he sent a merchant who had loaded a large load of bread with him. a strange dream. The merchant saw in a dream an old man who ordered him to deliver bread to Lycia, for he buys the entire cargo from him and gives him three gold coins as a deposit. Waking up, the merchant found three gold coins in his hand and realized that this was a command from above. He brought bread to Lycia, and the starving people were saved. When the merchant told the townspeople about the old man he had seen in a dream, they recognized him as their archbishop by his description.


Archbishop Nikolai Mirlikiysky also patronizes sailors. One day, a ship sailing from Egypt to Lycia was caught in a severe storm. The sails were torn off, the masts were broken, the waves were ready to swallow the ship, doomed to inevitable death and no force could prevent it. The dying sailors began to pray fervently, and Saint Nicholas appeared at the stern at the helm, began to steer the ship and brought it safely to the harbor.



Their patron is Archangel Gabriel- a heavenly messenger whom God sends to tell people about his plans. So, the Archangel Gabriel appeared righteous Anna, who suffered from infertility for many years, and said that her prayers were heard by God, and soon she would give birth to a blessed daughter, Mary, through whom the world would receive salvation.

He told the Virgin Mary that she would be the mother of the son of God. Later, God's representative explained to the angry Joseph that the conception of the Son of God came from the Holy Spirit, and his beloved Mary remained innocent. Why not a diplomat...




...took him under his wing Apostle John the Theologian, beloved disciple of Christ. John created his own version of the Gospel, and at the same time the Apocalypse. And he performed many miracles: he raised two hundred people from the dead, drove out a demon from a pagan castle, and turned salty sea water into drinking water. He was such an amazing man that even the dust from his grave was fragrant and whole year healed the sick.

And they are also patronized Saint Luke.


Evangelista Luke asked when studying icon painting, Saint Luke in Orthodoxy is considered the first icon painter and is the Heavenly patron of icon painters and painters; Doctors and farmers also receive special help from him.



Reverend Roman, nicknamed “ Sweet singer”, was a Greek by origin and diligently helped during divine services, although he was not distinguished by either his voice or hearing. At one of the pre-Christmas services, ill-wishers pushed Roman onto the church pulpit and forced him to sing. In the presence of the emperor and the court retinue, embarrassed and frightened, he publicly disgraced himself with his trembling voice and indistinct singing. Arriving home completely depressed, Saint Roman prayed long and intensely in front of the icon at night. Mother of God, pouring out his sorrow. The Mother of God appeared to him, handed him a paper scroll and ordered him to eat it. And then a miracle happened: Roman received a beautiful, melodic voice and at the same time a poetic gift.

The next day, Saint Roman came to the church for the all-night vigil on the Nativity of Christ. He insisted that he be allowed to sing on the pulpit again, and this time he sang the hymn he composed, “Virgin of the Day,” so beautifully that he aroused general delight. The emperor and patriarch thanked Saint Roman, and the people called him the Sweet Singer. Since then, Saint Romanus has adorned divine services with his wondrous singing and inspired prayers.

Beloved by everyone, Saint Romanus became a singing teacher in Constantinople and raised his splendor high Orthodox services. For his poetic gift he took place of honor among church hymn writers. More than a thousand prayers and hymns for various holidays are attributed to him. Particularly famous is the akathist to the Annunciation of the Mother of God, which is sung on the fifth Saturday of Great Lent. Other akathists were compiled based on his model. The Monk Roman died in 556.


those associated with dance and choreography are protected Holy Martyr Vitus. (Boy 7-12 years old).

According to legend, he went to Rome, where he cast out demons from Emperor Diocletian. But when Vitus refused to pray to the Roman gods, he was arrested again and thrown to the lions, who did not touch the righteous man. Then Vitus was thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil.

For unknown reasons, in the 16th century in Germany there was a belief that one could gain health by dancing in front of the statue of St. Vitus on his name day.


considered their assistant Saint Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow, on whose initiative the first stone buildings of the Kremlin were built.


Patrons of realtors Reverends Alexander of Kushtsky and Evfimy of Syangzhemsky.

Having met in a deep forest, the monks rejoiced at each other and, for the sake of even greater silence, decided to exchange deserts: Euthymy remained on the banks of the Syangema River, in Alexander’s cell, and Alexander went to Kushta, settling in the monastery of Euthymy. Both saints were distinguished by amazing patience and humility - qualities necessary for any city dweller who wanted to solve the housing problem.


They are patronized Holy Great Martyr Barbara of Iliopolis. Her father, the pagan Dioscorus, upon learning that his daughter had become a Christian, became indescribably furious. He drew his sword and chased the girl, intending to kill the disobedient girl. But their path was blocked by a mountain, which parted and hid the saint in a chasm, on the other side of which there was an exit upward.


Bankers, accountants, financiers, workers tax inspectorates and the treasury can be considered their patron Saint Matthew the Apostle, who is usually depicted with an abacus or a bag of gold. By his profession, Matthew was a tax collector, but when he heard the voice of Christ: “Follow Me,” he threw the collected taxes into the dust and lightly followed the Savior.

MOTORISTS, DRIVERS AND everyone whose activities involve carrying heavy loads ,

patronizes Saint Christopher. This name was given to the hermit Oferro, who lived near the river crossing. Once he had a chance to carry in his arms across the river little boy who turned out to be Jesus himself. In gratitude, Jesus baptized Oferro, giving him the name Christopher, which means “bearer of Christ.”


Your patron saints - Cyril and Methodius. Saint Cyril, having received an excellent education, perfectly comprehended all the sciences of his time and many languages. With the help of his brother Methodius and his students, he compiled the Slavic alphabet and translated the Gospel and Psalter into Slavic.


Your patron - Venerable Sergius Radonezh. They pray to him for help in difficult teaching. At the age of seven, Sergius was sent to learn to read and write, but science was not given to him, and the boy suffered terribly because of this. One day in the field he met a monk. I approached him and told him about my trouble. After listening to the boy, the elder gave him some of the prosphora and ordered him to eat it. At that very moment, grace descended on the youth. The Lord gave him memory and understanding, and he began to easily assimilate book wisdom.

Martyr Tatiana considered a patroness due to historical coincidence. It was on January 25 (Tatyana’s day) that Empress Elizabeth approved the project of Moscow University. And the Great Martyr Tatiana was named his patroness.


Physicians have not one, but four patron saints. Healer Panteleimon, who dedicated his life to the suffering, the sick and the poor, treated everyone who turned to him free of charge. Soon the rumor about the gracious doctor spread everywhere. Leaving other doctors, people began to turn only to Saint Panteleimon.

Saint Luke

Evangelist Luke- Christian saint, revered as the author of one of the four Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. He was a doctor, perhaps a ship's doctor, and they asked him to heal eye diseases.

Ipatiy Tselebnik

He also devoted himself to serving the sick and for this he received from God the gift of healing people by the simple laying on of hands.

Brothers Kosma and Damian

could heal any disease, even the most terrible ones. The blind, the lame, and the possessed went to the miracle workers in droves, and they refused to help anyone. On the contrary, in order to be more accessible to the sick, they themselves looked for them, moving from city to city. And they did it absolutely free of charge, for which the people called them unmercenary.


Not only people were healed Cosma and Damian, but also our smaller brothers. Grateful animals knew their benefactors, and therefore sometimes followed on their heels.


In general, all military people are under the reliable protection of St. George, who is called the Victorious for his courage and spiritual victory over his tormentors, who were never able to force him to renounce Christianity. St. George the Victorious He also became famous for his miraculous help to people in mortal danger.

As well as the military, armed forces under the tutelage of the Reverend

Ilya Muromets Pechersky.

Patron saints of military branches:

Internal Troops (MVD)

Vladimir, Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince.


Apostle Andrew the First-Called,

Holy righteous Theodore Ushakov.

Airborne troops

Elijah, prophet.

Special Forces

Alexander Nevskiy.

Tank forces

The Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, whose memory is celebrated on August 9, is one of the most revered saints: there is hardly a temple where there would not be an icon of this saint. When the head of the great martyr was brought from the holy Mount Athos to Moscow, believers stood in lines for many hours to venerate the relics, thank them for the healing, or ask the saint for help and intercession.

Saint Panteleimon lived in the 3rd-4th centuries in the city of Nicomedia (in Asia Minor). The parents named the boy Panteleon, which means “like a lion” (only later, at baptism, the boy was named Panteleimon, which means “all-merciful,” for his mercy, generosity, mercy).

One day, returning from the teacher, the young man saw lying on the road dead child, bitten by an echidna, which wriggled right next to it. Filled with compassion and pity, Panteleon began to ask the Lord to resurrect the deceased and kill the poisonous reptile. He firmly decided that if his prayer was fulfilled, he would become a Christian and accept holy baptism. And by the action of Divine grace the child came to life, and the echidna scattered into pieces before the eyes of the surprised Panteleon.

Having accepted the name Panteleimon at baptism, he devoted his entire life to serving the sick, the poor and the poor.

Panteleimon visited prisons and treated prisoners, among whom were many Christians who were subjected to severe persecution at that time. Following a denunciation, the healer was also arrested and tortured for his Christian faith. But, according to legend, the most cruel tortures did not bring any harm to the martyr. Wild animals, to which Panteleimon was thrown to be torn to pieces, they licked his feet and pushed each other apart in order to touch the saint’s hand. When the martyr's head was cut off, milk flowed from the wound.

And after his martyrdom, the healer Panteleimon helped and continues to help the suffering. Believers testify to numerous cases of healing from various ailments through prayers to the saint. Particles of the saint’s relics are found in many churches around the world. Its head is kept in the Russian Panteleimon Monastery on Mount Athos.
Among Western Christians, Saint Panteleimon is considered the patron saint of doctors. In the Russian Orthodox Church, the Great Martyr Panteleimon is revered not only as the patron of the sick and healer, but also as a formidable saint, the patron of warriors.

The veneration of Saint Panteleimon in Rus' has been known since the 12th century. Prince Izyaslav wore the image of a martyr on his helmet. On the day of memory of St. Panteleimon, Russian troops won two major naval victories over the Swedes (in 1714 at Gangut and in 1720 at Grengam).

The name of the holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon is invoked in the Russian Orthodox Church when performing the sacrament of the Blessing of Unction, the blessing of water and in prayer for the weak.

On April 26, 1997, the Order “For Mercy and Healing” was established in Russia. The founder of this award is the “Russian Medical Society”; in accordance with the regulations on it, the order is awarded for special services to national healthcare; The award of the order occurs only with the blessing of the Russian Hierarchy Orthodox Church. The order is an eight-pointed star, in which the patron of doctors and the all-merciful healer, Panteleimon, is imprinted in enamel on the medallion.

In Madrid, in the royal monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord, one of the most famous and revered shrines of the Christian world is kept: the blood of the holy great martyr Panteleimon. Throughout the year, blood remains in a solid state, and only on July 27 (after Gregorian calendar), without any human intervention, it takes on a liquid state. This has happened every year since the vial of St. Panteleimon’s blood was brought to the monastery in 1616. During the First World War from 1914 to 1918 and in 1936 when it began Civil War in Spain, this miracle was not repeated.

After Saint Panteleimon was beheaded, a Christian collected particles of his blood and other remains. The blood was kept in a glass vial. Somehow, the shrine apparently ended up in the reliquary of the popes, since at the beginning of the 17th century it was presented by Pope Paul V (1605-1621) to John Zuniga, Viceroy of Spain in Naples. The wife of John Zuniga donated the shrine to the royal monastery of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Madrid, since her only daughter Aldonsa entered this monastery in 1611.

Every year, believers come there to honor the shrine, and the curious come there to see this unusual phenomenon. Since 1993, it has been prohibited to venerate the shrine; the miracle can be observed through the television system. These measures became necessary to preserve the relic.

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The 21st century has truly become a real test for culture Orthodox people, and for Christian families themselves, because this crisis has one spiritual nature. A spiritually depleted culture negatively affects people, and the generation that grows up outside its traditions pushes away the national value of culture. Therefore, to revive customs, family celebrations began to appear more and more, where it is customary not only to give gifts, but also to glorify the defenders of the marriage, but what icon is the patron saint of the family, how it helps, when days of remembrance are held and what prayers need to be said - you can find out from the one below articles.

Orthodox patrons of family and marriage

In the Christian religion there is a custom of special veneration of the great martyrs, whose exploits, miracles and lives earned them the gift of help and special intercession before the Almighty in illnesses, needs and other various pious deeds.

So the spouses have special divine benefactors who themselves have gained holiness family life. WITH God's help they provide assistance in the Orthodox marriage to all those who offer and need help..

Below is a list that shows which patron saints of families are the most revered, to whom you can offer your prayers for the creation of a good, and, importantly, strong family, and also learn valuable lessons in the process of creating it:

  • Elizabeth and Zechariah,
  • Abraham and Sarah
  • family of Basil the Great,
  • Natalya and Adrian,
  • Anna and Joachim
  • Peter and Fevronia.

Great Martyrs Elizabeth and Zechariah

Father and mother of the blessed prophet John the Baptist and Baptist. A sinless husband and wife suffered from infertility, which in the Old Testament period was considered part of the terrible retribution of the Lord. An angel predicted the birth of a child to his elderly wife, which Zechariah doubted and was punished with weakness.

When Saint Elizabeth gave birth to a son, she announced that she would name the child John, and asking the pious Zechariah, he also wrote this name on the tablet and at that moment the gift of speech returned to him. Memorial Day falls on September 18th.

Abraham and Sarah

These are the patron saints of family and marriage. Their story is similar to the previous one. For quite a long period, Sarah could not give birth to a baby, and this continued until the Almighty appeared to Abraham in the form of three travelers with a prophecy about the imminent birth of his wife’s son Isaac. Every year, Remembrance Day is held on October 22.

Family of the Righteous Great Basil

The mother of the righteous, Emilia was the daughter of the great martyr, she loved her husband warmly and raised her ten children in righteousness. The father of the righteous man, Vasily, was a renowned Christian eloquent, jurist, and also a lawyer. His mother and father were also subject to martyrdom during the period of Diocletian's persecution.

Useful articles:

It is worth noting that five of Basil’s descendants became clergy and are deeply revered by the Orthodox Church - these are Saint Basil himself, Peter of Sebastia and Gregory of Nyssa - his brothers, as well as sisters Theozva and Macrina. Memorial Day – January 14th.

Great Martyrs Natalia and Adrian

The patron saints of the family lived under the emperor Maximian (305-311) in Bithynia Nicodemus. Adrian was a pagan and served as head of the imperial court, and his wife Natalya was secretly Orthodox. Adrian, admiring the courage of the Orthodox who suffered for their faith, truly believed.

After imprisonment, during which Natalya supported him all the time, Andrian, as well as other sufferers, were subjected to terrible torture and then killed. Great Martyr Natalya died on the tombstone of her lover.

Godfathers Anna and Joachim

These Orthodox patrons families are the main defenders of married life, since with their hope in the Almighty and piety they filled the cup and served Him so much that they were awarded the honor of becoming the parents of the greatest in Orthodoxy - the Ever-Virgin Mary and the Mother of God.

Anna Joachim lived a sinless life, performed good deeds, but people expressed contempt for them because of their poor life, which among the Israeli people was considered a punishment for sinfulness. When I was old, the Almighty sent them a baby, and sent the Archangel Anna to notify Gabriel that she would give birth to a girl. The pious couple named their daughter Mary, as God’s messenger commanded them.

The celebration of the Nativity of the Queen of Heaven is considered a great consolation for couples without children. Remembrance Day is held annually on September 22.

Peter and Fevronia - patrons of family and marriage

They are the most famous in Christianity. When Peter learned that the boyars were trying to separate him from his beloved wife, he immediately renounced princely power, and the married couple themselves went into exile. However, soon there was turmoil in Murom and the boyars sent messengers to bring the couple back. Upon their return, the princely couple ruled happily and for a long time, and having reached old age, they took haircuts in different monasteries with the names Euphrosyne and David.

The couple passed away on the same day, at the same hour, in different churches. Despite the last request of the deceased, their bodies were placed in different monasteries, but a miracle happened, and the next day they were united again.

The icon of the patrons of family and marriage is the most popular in Orthodox religion. It depicts Saints in monastic robes, although marriage and monasticism are in Orthodox traditions are considered incompatible concepts, but in the miraculous image this only emphasizes the deep commitment of the spouses to the Christian faith.

As follows:

« O saints of God, blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, we come running to you and pray to you with strong hope: offer up your holy prayers for us sinners (names) to the Lord God and ask His goodness for all that is useful to our souls and bodies: faith right, good hope, unfeigned love, unshakable piety, success in good deeds. Petition us from the Heavenly King for a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Hey, holy wonderworkers! Do not despise our prayers, but wake up in your dreams to intercede with the Lord, and with your help make us worthy to receive eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, so that we glorify the ineffable love for mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity we worship God forever and ever.”

The Lord is always with you!