The best name for a girl born in September. Names of girls born in September

28.06.2019 Home and life

Since ancient times, it has been believed that a name has a certain effect on the human psyche. The name changes the state, character, then the choices and actions performed by the person change. Which leads to a change in the line of fate.

In order for a name to be guaranteed to have a powerful positive effect on the development and life of a girl, in ancient times the name was selected to suit the individuality of a particular child, her strengths and weaknesses, the task of life, and the structure of her character.

The month of birth September is interpreted by astrology as Libra and Virgo, and by numerology as the number 9, and supposedly this gives some general properties in the girl’s character.

Popular astrology identifies a planet, a color, a mineral. More advanced astrology goes further into understanding the essence of the signs of the month, and very professional astrology says that zodiacs are different by year, month, element and other details. Moreover, they are so different that very little remains of the common property of Libra and Virgo.

The higher the level of a specialist, the more he understands that everyone’s character structure is different. Even the “twins” Libra and Virgo, born certainly under the same stars, will have different destinies and characters. But this knowledge is lost for most systems and specialists.

Therefore, it would be a big mistake to single out some common characteristic for all girls born in September, and to argue that for this one property you need to select a name with a positive effect on the destinies of different children. And even more so, giving a general list of 7-10 names to children with different characters, destinies, parents and life goals is completely doubtful. Even from the point of view of astrology and numerology, which are practically dead sciences.

What name is suitable for a girl in September - what to look for

The general interpretation of the characters of children born in September (which is impossible even in astrology based only on the month of birth) does not contain the necessary completeness of information for choosing a name, and therefore is not applicable for highly accurate choice of name with a guaranteed effect on the development and life of a particular child.

The Internet is flooded with empty and false information about the best, suitable, popular names, which actually does not provide any real benefit. And it does not give parents knowledge about the effectiveness of the influence of names on their child.

And all these lists do not bear any responsibility for the harm caused to the character and subsequent life of the child. Because they essentially work at random, and mislead people into believing that the name was chosen correctly.

Therefore, in order for a name to be suitable, that is, to benefit a person, the principle of individuality must be observed. And based on the assigned tasks, the goals that you want to strengthen and remove in a person’s individuality, select the ideal name.

It would also be erroneous to use the degree of hardness/softness of the sound of the name and the supposed hardness/softness of the daughter’s character, taking into account the “general background energy of September.”

Some fathers want their daughter’s name to “combine” with her middle name. The consonance of names is a very relative concept; also, the name must be selected according to the individuality, goals of development and life of the child, and not to the name of the father. Who, moreover, often does not know about the details of the effectiveness of the influence of his name on his already quite mature and settled life.

It is especially important not to name your child after relatives and friends. All people have different personalities and life goals, and even if the vibration-information code of the name made the fate of a successful woman in September easier, this does not mean that the fate of your daughter, with a different character structure, problems and tasks in life, will also make it easier and help her to open up and achieve well-being.

How to choose the right name for a girl born in September

If you have a specific request, for example, to improve health, protect against generic problems that you know about, then a specialist (the one who is responsible, has the qualities, knowledge and experience necessary for choosing a name) chooses a name, which is pronounced in relation to its owner enhances selected qualities.

If you rely on professionalism and purity, then the specialist independently looks at the aura of the child and parents or the aura of an adult for his weak and strong sides and selects a name that really “covers” weak sides and protects against external negative influences and potential problems. It is important that when choosing a name, the person’s purpose and place of residence are taken into account.

The main goal that should be set when choosing a name is how to make a person’s life the most harmonious, protect him from perceived problems and help him really reach his potential.

Give your daughter a good name. With a powerful positive influence on its development and destiny. Don’t, like 95% of people, put a burden on your child’s shoulders in the form of a wrong name.

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Choosing a name for a child is a responsible and often difficult process. Parents need to choose one from numerous options - a name with which the baby will live his whole life. They are especially sensitive to the choice of names for daughters, because a woman should be beautiful and memorable in all respects.

And we, as always, want to help future parents. Let's consider suitable names for girls who will just be born in September. And we’ll leave the choice of the best to mom and dad.

For some families, warm and bright September brings a special gift - a daughter who is as light and pure as this month. September girls love cleanliness and order, they are very neat to the point of being pedantic.

Sometimes they can be unpredictable and hot-tempered, like autumn weather, but they move away quickly enough and are not supporters of conflicts.

When they grow up, they love and know how to cook, love to experiment, and understand little things and details. TO negative qualities Girls born in September can only be attributed to their excessive accuracy and thoroughness, which can cause discomfort and irritate others.

What to choose from: names for girls born in September

It happens that the name of the future baby “comes” to the parents by itself even before the baby is born, and sometimes even before the onset of pregnancy. But most often people think about choosing a name when they find out the gender of the child and the expected date of birth. And then everyone uses their own approaches to this issue.

Choosing a name according to the church calendar

Parents look at the calendar to see which saint name is venerated on a certain day, and choose a similar name or a more modern version of it.

When choosing a name for a baby in this way, it can be difficult to finally decide in advance, because often the preliminary date of birth does not coincide with the actual one, or there are no female saints on the “right” day.

In such cases, you can consider the options of a few days before or after the desired date, or change the male name into an analogue of the female one, for example: Andrey - Andriana, Pavel - Pavlina or Paula.

According to the calendar in September, parents of girls can choose a name for their baby from the following options:

  • Alexandra,
  • Angelina,
  • Anna,
  • Vasilisa,
  • Faith,
  • Evgenia,
  • Catherine,
  • Elizabeth,
  • Irina,
  • Ksenia,
  • Love,
  • Lyudmila,
  • Marfa,
  • Hope,
  • Natalia,
  • Oksana,
  • Raisa,
  • Sofia,
  • Tatiana.

From the ancient ones, which today will sound exotic:

  • Adeline,
  • Anfisa,
  • Ariadne,
  • Blast furnace,
  • Hermione,
  • Callista,
  • Cornelia,
  • Mitrodora,
  • Nimodora,
  • Thekla,
  • Feodotia,
  • Thebe.

Choosing a name according to the zodiac horoscope

Future parents want to meet and get to know their baby as soon as possible. But since the wait, regardless of the strength of desire, still takes 9 months, mothers and fathers strive to at least predict the character of their child. Often they are helped in this by horoscopes, which describe the main qualities and characteristics of people born in a certain period.

September babies are born under the sign of either Virgo or Libra. The former are very purposeful, diligent and conscientious, while the latter are very sweet and attractive, and a little capricious.

Although these zodiac signs are completely different, astrologers believe that best options The names for them are simple and euphonious:

  • Anna,
  • Faith,
  • Evgenia,
  • Elizabeth,
  • Caroline,
  • Love,
  • Lyudmila,
  • Sofia.

Select by date of birth and number of name

Those parents who believe in numbers and numerology “calculate” the name from the child’s date of birth. Some people resort to simple publicly available formulas for independent calculations, others take advantage of the opportunity to calculate a name online, and others turn directly to a numerologist.

This approach does not indicate a specific name suitable for the child, but allows us to determine how suitable the option chosen by the parents is for the baby and corresponds to his date of birth. But you can find out after the birth of the child.

Therefore, with this approach to choosing a name, you will either have to postpone it until the child is born, or use it “after the fact” only to find out whether you managed to choose the ideal name for your daughter.

Choosing a trending name

And there is a fashion for names. At one time, many children are called with unusual foreign names, at another - on the contrary - the simplest and most traditional ones, since they are already becoming rare.

Often the fashion in choosing names is influenced by the popularity and success of certain people, significant events or someone's anniversaries. In 2018, the main trends are a move away from pretentious or invented names and a focus on traditional national names.

For girls born in September 2018, here are the top 30 popular names:

  1. Alexandra.
  2. Alyona.
  3. Alice.
  4. Allah.
  5. Antonina.
  6. Faith.
  7. Veronica.
  8. Galina.
  9. Daria.
  10. Diana.
  11. Elizabeth.
  12. Zhanna.
  13. Karina.
  14. Kira.
  15. Christina.
  16. Ksenia.
  17. Larisa.
  18. Lydia.
  19. Lika.
  20. Margarita.
  21. Marina.
  22. Natalia.
  23. Nina.
  24. Olesya.
  25. Pauline.
  26. Regina.
  27. Taisiya.
  28. Tamara.

Some of the more unusual and less traditional names include: Velina, Yesenia, Irida, Lukerya, Marianna, Tata.

More choices

In addition to the above approaches to choosing a name for a child of any gender, future parents can be guided by:

  • personal preferences;
  • name a child after one of your relatives;
  • family traditions (for example, all girls are called with the letter “A”);
  • or other motives and ideas.

But all of them will no longer be related to the month in which the child was born.

The perfect name for a girl born in September

The ability to approach the issue of choosing a name for a child in different ways opens up a lot of different options for parents. Even if we choose one of the approaches, each of them still involves providing a certain list of names for selection.

And the names for girls are all so beautiful. How to choose the one, the only thing?

  1. The perfect combination. It is not common practice in all countries to address a person by their patronymic name. But, as is quite natural for us, when choosing a name for a daughter, parents also pay attention to how this or that option combines (sounds) with the father’s name. As a rule, simple ones are selected for complex and long middle names. short names, but for simple patronymics you can choose more interesting and complex variants of names. You should also think about the combination of “semantic” and national. After all, if Daniella Alexandrovna sounds much more or less tolerable, then Daniella Ivanovna sounds rather funny and absurd;
  2. Finding a common denominator. If parents do not have any special preferences, it is difficult to choose one approach and the middle name does not limit the choice, then you can try to find in the list of all available and recommended names from each approach those that appear in each of them. For example, names Anna, Evgeniya, Elizaveta suitable for girls born in September, both according to the calendar and according to the zodiac sign and fashionable trend in choosing a name in 2018. And you can already settle on one of them using numerology techniques;
  3. Meaning of the name. Most names are of ancient or foreign origin, each of them has a certain meaning and meaning. Often it is the meaning and possible influence of the name on the child’s character that is decisive for parents when choosing a name for their daughter. Some parents, therefore, want to instill in their child certain qualities and a successful destiny. For example, Evgenia translated as “noble”, and Daria– as “strong, victorious”;
  4. Autumn selection. Well, if the parents cannot come to a common opinion, or there is no sympathy for any of the names, then you can decide on the month of your daughter’s birth and name her September, which means “serious” - both original and autumnal.


Choosing a name for a child, especially a daughter, is a big responsibility that can have an impact on the child’s entire life. Parents cannot transfer it to anyone else.

Therefore, all that remains for them is to treat this issue with all seriousness and love for their child. Weigh all the options, evaluate them impartially, and maybe even feel what the child himself wants. Put all your love and care into the baby's name, and it will certainly suit her and provide for the child good fortune.

Are you planning to give birth to a baby girl in September, but still can’t decide on a name for her? Yes, it's very difficult moment in the life of every mother. After all, you really want to call a girl gentle and beautiful name to highlight the beauty and charm of the baby. And there are either too many such names, or none at all come to mind. We will try to help you choose a beautiful, unusual name for your daughter. So, when choosing a girl's name, pay attention not only to the meaning of the name, but also to its sound.

Names of girls born in September, by sound

When choosing names for girls born in September, remember to choose simple names. The girl's first name must be combined with her middle name and last name. Very often, Russian girls have a long middle name, for example, Konstantinovna, Valentinovna, Vladimirovna; short names need to be selected for such middle names. For example, Vera, Anna, Maria, Sophia.

And, conversely, with a short middle name Petrovna, Lvovna, it is better to choose long names: Elizaveta, Evgenia.

Names of girls born in September, by meaning

Girls born in September very often have a hot temper, but they have such qualities as diligence, determination, conscientiousness and pedantry. In addition, September girls are selfless and non-conflict. Choose names for September girls based on their character traits.

Never give girls born in September such complex names as Aksinya, Alevtina. The names of girls born in September should be simple and euphonious, such as Milena, Sofia, Anna, Lisa, Vera.

September girls are born either under the sign of Virgo or under the sign of Libra. Libras are distinguished by attractiveness, charm, kindness and a certain eccentricity.

The innate qualities of Libra are well emphasized by names such as:




Names of girls born in September according to Saints:

According to the Saints, a girl’s name is given mainly by religious families. There is an opinion that the Saint, after whom the girl is named, will guard and protect her everywhere. All the Saints of September are listed in the church calendar. And if there is no patron saint on your baby’s birthday, then you can name your daughter in honor of the Shrine of the next days from birth.

As you can see for yourself, the choice of name for a girl born in September is huge. The main thing is to choose a name that will evoke positive and joyful associations.

What kind of character do people born in September have?

Let's consider the character of people born in September. At this time, people are born who are quick-tempered, emotional and purposeful. They love to give gifts, but are not too generous; they will not waste even a penny. They try to look like spenders in the eyes of others, but they rarely do this without taking their interests into account. Very calculating. Proud. Women worry more about themselves than about their spouse, while men know how to provide for their family, but they will never offend themselves. They don’t mind losing a large sum, but if their wife buys an expensive dress without his knowledge, they will definitely blame her for excessive spending.

People born in September love friendly company, but will never miss their benefits, even if it is to the detriment of their closest friends. They have difficulty paying off debts and often simply forget about them. They do not tolerate scenes of jealousy; in such cases they will do everything out of spite. They themselves are very jealous. Women are impatient and very independent. In the morning they like to sleep long and are systematically late for work. However, they are wonderful housewives, everything in their house sparkles. They love and know how to cook delicious food. Men are too amorous, but very careful when choosing a wife.

Are you expecting a new addition to your family? Have you already bought a bunch of bows, sundresses, skirts and children's dresses? First of all, congratulations! Your wonderful daughter will be born in September! You are looking forward to her and everything seems to be ready, but... you don’t know what to name your future princess? Don't panic! Of course there are a lot of options. Let's figure it out.

What is the best name for a girl born in September?

The first option for parents in choosing a name for their daughter is called: “I’ll name it as I want.” And this is a completely reasonable decision. Many will say: “How can this be?!” Yes, because mom feels with her heart! Moreover! Many girls, while still at a young age, have long discussed with their friends what name their child will have. But young mothers and fathers should not forget that you are giving a name to a living person. He can live with it, study, work and communicate with other people. As Nekrasov clearly noted: “Whatever you call the ship, that’s how it will sail.” Remember that your beloved child should be comfortable with this name. It will largely determine his fate and the attitude of those around him.

Don't come up with a funny or very complicated name. Firstly, the child may simply not appreciate your joke, and secondly, ridicule or teasing from other children is possible. Try to choose a name for the baby that is similar to her middle name. For example, names such as Alexandrovna go well with the patronymic Elizaveta, Yulia, Anna, Olga or Natalya. Do not forget that a name consonant with the patronymic can influence the formation of a girl’s character at the beginning of her life. labor activity and in adult life, when others, when addressing a girl, begin to add a middle name to her name.

How to name a September girl according to the church calendar

Another option that will help you decide on a name for a girl born in September could be church calendar. It connects the date of birth of the child and the day of remembrance of the saint. The parents name the child in his honor. It is advisable that it be as soon as possible after the baby’s birthday. This day is called name day. For girls born in early September, names such as Martha, Ariadne, Elsa, Regina, Maria, Anfisa, Lilia; in the middle - Elizaveta, Rufina, Vasilisa, Elena, Raisa; in the end of the month - Anna, Evdokia, Arina, Vera or Sofia. It is believed that it is this saint who will provide the baby with protection and spiritual protection.

How to name a girl born in September according to the horoscope

Well, the third option for choosing the name of the September baby could be a horoscope. September is the month of Libra and Virgo. Girls born in September are attractive, kind, and pretty, but they are eccentric and slightly capricious. Names such as: Anna, Sophia or Nadezhda.

September is the first step towards the onset of cold and rainy climate. Unpredictability and sharp variability in the weather are similar to the character of girls born during this period.

Girls born in September are very hot-tempered and emotional, but quickly adaptable. They love order and stability in everything. If you entrust such a girl with some task or ask for something, then everything will be done to perfection. top level, well, in return, don’t be stingy with compliments or even encouragement, otherwise ingratitude will be perceived as an insult. The most ideal job for them, which will definitely be done responsibly and diligently, is work that requires perseverance, consistency and attentiveness. Sometimes being too picky about little things can be very annoying. They are able to perceive any criticism normally, listen to comments and try to improve. The girls of this month are adherents of everything extraordinary, which sometimes amazes others. Well, this originality is their highlight. It consists both in their appearance, and in habits, habits and everything else. For example, they are able to please you with an unusual way of presenting a gift that you will remember for a long time, and giving gifts is one of their favorite habits. The sociability of these girls knows no bounds; they find it both with their peers and with adults. The reason for this is the trust that they can earn in the first minutes of communication with a person.

In the future, such girls grow into women who are very devoted to their families. They always build strong and reliable relationships, adore children and have a special love for pets.

When giving a name to such a girl, you should remember her love for order in everything, so the name should be in perfect harmony with the patronymic.

Names for girls born in September according to numbers

  • Thekla - from ancient Greek. "theos" - "God" and "kleos" - "glory", that is, as "God's glory."
  • Adeline - from the name Adela, which in turn comes from the word adal - “noble”.
  • Eulalia - from Greek. "Eloquent."
  • Theodora - from the Greek words "theos" - "God" and "doro" - "gift", that is, "gift of God."
  • Rose - literally means “rose”, less often “red flower”, “queen of flowers”.
  • Varvara - (from Latin) - “cruel”, “rude”; (from Greek) - “foreigner”.
  • Kira - from Greek name Kiriya, which is the female form male name Kiros, which are translated as “lord”, “lady”, “lord”.
  • Sandra is a form of the feminine name Alexandra, meaning “protector of people.”
  • Regina - from Latin the name means “queen”, “queen”.
  • Svetlana - Slavic origin- from the word “light”.
  • Anfisa - from Greek. "anfos" - "flower".
  • Seraphim - from the Hebrew “fiery”.
  • Angelina - from the male name Angelus, which comes from the Greek “angelos” - “messenger, angel”.
  • Eugenia - from ancient Greek means “noble”, “high-born”, “descendant of a noble family”.
  • Elizabeth - from the Hebrew “I swear by God.”
  • Milena - Slavic name, means "sweetheart".
  • Praskovya - from the Greek “Friday”.
  • Victoria - from Latin. "victory".
  • Natalia - from the Latin “natalis”, which means “native”.
  • Tatyana - means “organizer”, “mistress”, “set”, “appointed”.
  • Margarita - from Greek “pearl”, “pearl”.
  • Domna - from Latin. “dominus”, which means “owner”, so the name Domna is “owner”, “mistress”.
  • Ksenia - from Greek “hospitable”.
  • Rufina - from the Latin "rufus" - "golden yellow, red."
  • Karina is the “steerer of the ship.”
  • Vasilisa - goes back to ancient Greek. “wife of the basileus, ruler”, “queen”.
  • Cornelia - from the Latin "cornus" - "dogwood", also "spear of dogwood tree."
  • Elena - of Greek origin, “chosen one”, “bright one”.
  • Elizabeth - from the Hebrew “God is my oath, I swear by God.”
  • Louise is French for “famous battle.”
  • Irma - from ancient Germanic. "peace", "justice".
  • Susanna, Suzanna - from Hebrew. " White Lily"or simply - "lily".
  • Ekaterina - female Russian personal name from ancient Greek "eternally pure"
  • Agafya, Agata - from Greek “kind”, “good”.
  • Caecilia - from the Latin word "caecus" - "blind, unseeing."
  • Anna - from Hebrew “favor” of people and God. Alternative - “graceful, pretty.”
  • Lada - on behalf of Slavic goddess beauty and love of Lada.
  • Tatyana - means “organizer”, “mistress”, “set”, “appointed”.
  • Raisa - from the ancient Greek “main”, “light”, “carefree”.
  • Iraida - from the ancient Greek “heroine” or “daughter of a hero”, a possible translation is “from the family of Hera”.
  • Ilona - from the name Elena “bright”.
  • Ellina - from French. "hazelnut".
  • Emilia, Emily - from Latin “diligent”, “strong”, “strong”.
  • Oia - from Greek. "violet".
  • Ustinya - from Latin “fair”.
  • Lyudmila is a Slavic name.
  • Mary - Hebrew origin "bitter", "desired", "serene".
  • Madeleine is the French pronunciation of the name Magdalena, "from Magdala."
  • Lyudmila is a Slavic name.
  • Alina - from Latin “other”, “stranger”.
  • Alexandra - from the Greek “protector of people”, “courageous”, “courageous protection”.
  • Faith - literally translated from Greek language means “faith”, “service to God”.
  • Love is from the Old Church Slavonic language, where it appeared as a tracing paper from the Greek word meaning love.
  • Nadezhda is a female Russian personal name of Old Church Slavonic origin.
  • Sophia, Sophia - of ancient Greek origin “wisdom”, “wisdom”, “wise”.
  • Irina - with ancient Greek language means "peace, tranquility."