Anna short meaning of the name. The name Anna in different languages

02.07.2019 Home and life

According to available statistics, today the most popular name around the world is Anna, which is proudly worn by about 100 million women. This name is characterized by the presence of many derivatives: Ganna, Ann, Hannah, Annette, etc. The name Anna is present even in Japanese and Chinese, the pronunciation of which is similar to European. In India there is even a male form of the name Anna.

It should also be noted that the meaning of the name Anna in different countries various. However, there is not a single language in the world, except Russian, where this name is distinguished by so many diminutive derivatives: Nyusya, Nyura, Annushka, Anechka, Anyuta - this list goes on and on.

History of the name Anna

The name Anna was first mentioned in Old Testament, accordingly characterized by Hebrew roots. The name owes its origin to the Hebrew word “Hannah,” which means “grace,” or God’s mercy.” Anna was the name given to the mother of the Blessed Virgin, who, after a long period of infertility, gave birth to a daughter, Mary.

In turn, Mary is known in history as the Most Holy Theotokos, who became the mother of Jesus Christ. The bulk modern women has no idea that in those distant times, not only women, but also men were called by the name Anna. In Rus', the name Anna gained its popularity only after the completion of the process of accepting Christianity. It was this name that was called the wife of Prince Vladimir of Kyiv, who was the baptist of Rus'.

If we talk about not so distant history, the meaning of the name Anna is noble, which was worn by royalty. This name was given to the daughter of the great Prince Yaroslav the Wise; the Romanov family also includes several Annas, the most famous of which is Anna Ioannovna. In France there was Queen Anne of Brittany, and the wife of King Louis the Thirteenth was Anne of Austria.

Our time is also distinguished by the presence of famous writers, actresses, athletes, and simply beautiful women bearing this name. Kournikova, German, Pavlova, Akhmatova are extraordinary personalities who are world famous.

Characteristics of the name

The name Anna is a euphonious name that can evoke only positive emotions, create a feeling of something bright, gentle, and kind. Any woman with this name is characterized by a calm, open character. The main quality that distinguishes all Anna women is kindness.

Along with attentiveness, as well as compassion for others, this quality makes Ann very sensitive, pleasant women. They are not at all burdened if they have to take care of someone else besides themselves. If someone is suffering or crying next to her, she will never pass by. For this reason, people often abuse Ann’s selflessness and kindness, however, even in such situations, women with this name put the interests of other people above their own.

A woman named Anna will never forget the birthday of a colleague with whom she worked many years ago, or her second cousin, she will definitely buy groceries for her elderly neighbor, she will take her from kindergarten your friend's child. Moreover, these actions are performed by her from the bottom of her heart, without demanding anything for herself in return.

However, is the meaning of the name Anna really so perfect? Despite their lack of conflict and complaisance, women bearing this name are distinguished by independence and determination, helping to cope with any difficulties in life. Anna's women have a habit of relying solely on themselves, while rarely listening to outside opinions.

However, women with a name like Anna are not able to defend themselves, for this reason, when faced with rudeness and rudeness, they simply try to “swallow” the insult rather than openly conflict. The woman Anna has a hard time dealing with betrayal, and almost always tries to find the reason only in herself. As for the character of Ann’s women, they are introverts, i.e. are not at all susceptible to the opinions of others. Women with this name have highly developed intuition, a domineering, and sometimes even demanding character.

He has an excellent memory and an analytical mind. She has good taste, an amazing sense of style - she always looks great and is well-groomed. A woman named Anna will never appear in an old robe or worn-out slippers. On a subconscious level, he has a negative attitude towards uncleanliness and sloppiness.

Anna's childhood

As a child, Anna is a charming child who does not cause her parents much trouble. In general, the meaning of the name Anya is varied. The only thing that a child with that name can be slightly scolded for are the picked puppies, abandoned kittens, and injured birds, which she regularly brings home. Annushki refuses to help anyone - neither animals nor people.

Since childhood, these people have been characterized by prudence, obedience, diligence and accuracy - well, just a godsend for parents. Girls become independent early, and will rely only on themselves for the rest of their lives. Ani is a very artistic person, she reads fairy tales and poems with great expression and easily learns them by heart.

Girls can easily master both humanities and exact sciences. She has many friends at school, and the character trait of striving for justice will make her a respected person. Anya persistently defends her own opinion, even if this entails a conflict with the teacher or peers.

Parents who are interested in the meaning of the name Anna for a girl should pay close attention to her talents, since she has excellent hearing, voice, draws well, and also moves. It should be noted that the character of a girl depends on the time of birth. If a child was born in winter, she is characterized by prudence and intelligence, and when she becomes an adult, she will be a fair but tough leader.

Woman Anna, born in spring - self-loving, romantic, a little capricious. She requires an admiring audience that constantly extols her virtues. If a child was born in the summer, she can be compared to an angel; her character is modest, sympathetic, kind, and a little reserved. Anya autumn has a calm, even character. She is respected by both colleagues and loved ones, is able to find a compromise, and also listens to the opinions of others.

Anna's Growing Up

Usually the transition from childhood to adulthood is accompanied by certain difficulties. A growing woman, Anna, may not listen to the advice of her parents; for her there are no authorities, and other people's advice only causes a feeling of irritation.

A teenager bearing this name specifically chooses difficult paths and takes on any business with considerable enthusiasm, but as soon as he sees that things are going well, he loses interest in continuing and looks for new difficulties. The Anna woman is already a rational nature, guided mainly not by feelings, but by reason, even despite her subtle spiritual nature.

As before, just as in childhood, he is sensitive to the injustice of others, but in the process of growing up he learns to hide (mask) feelings without exposing them. He prefers to keep his grievances to himself. For this reason, the meaning of the name Anna for a girl, when she already becomes an adult woman, prevents her from fully enjoying the gifts of fate, which leads to periodic depression and nervous breakdowns.

Anna's sexuality

Usually Anechka begins to have a sexual life quite early - while still a teenager. Becoming a woman, she is not distinguished by any strict moral principles, but rather, on the contrary, she simply adapts to the circumstances that life presents to her. A woman bearing the name Anechka is capable of having both a husband and a lover at the same time, while maintaining the confidence that she is faithful to both - this does not in any way conflict with her principles.

A woman with this name attaches an important place in her life to intimate relationships, but only with her beloved partner. When having sex, she can become completely liberated, feeling aroused even after several days. She is not satisfied with ordinary, quick sex, her principle is to engage in liberated, uninhibited, and most importantly, for a long time.

Marriage, Anna's compatibility

It should be noted that the meaning of the name Anna, whose character and fate are described in this article, puts the first marriage in first place, which, however, usually ends unsuccessfully. It happens that a woman, Anna, marries out of pity, and not at all out of love. Innate caring and gentleness makes her choose as her husband a man in need of care, usually a man addicted to bad habits, and also weak-willed.

However, the woman Annushka usually carries the entire burden of responsibility for the family on her shoulders until the last moment, while pretending that everything is fine, i.e. does not wash dirty linen in public. This woman perceives the divorce process as a disaster. When faced with a spouse’s betrayal or difficulties in a relationship, she patiently waits for a better time to come. And even after becoming a victim of domestic violence, she is capable of becoming a submissive victim, blaming only herself, and sometimes her name.

In general, the name Anna, the origin and meaning of which is considered, is successfully compatible with men with the names Evgeny, Rodion, Zakhar, Stepan, Konstantin, Alexey. You must beware of connecting your life with Vadim, Georgy, Stanislav, Sergey, Alexander, Leo.

The origin of the name Anna indicates that she will be a wonderful mother. For her children, she will become more of a friend, able to always support and help. She can completely forget about her career, personal happiness, and devote all her time to her children. Woman Anna, in addition to her husband and children, will take care of her parents, as well as her husband’s parents. Usually she is a wonderful daughter-in-law, and subsequently a good mother-in-law or mother-in-law.


To summarize this article, we can say with complete confidence that the name Anna, the meaning of the name and whose fate was examined in detail, is usually worn by a kind, sympathetic, purposeful, patient and caring woman. She is always ready to provide any help not only to her family and friends, but also to very distant relatives or just acquaintances.

She not only loves her family, but also makes every effort to preserve it, even if this results in unpleasant problems, humiliation, and sometimes beatings for her personally. When choosing a future name for your child, you need to remember that the woman Annushka will live happily, because she will make every effort, aspiration, and health to achieve this.

A person's name is of great importance. It is a definite guideline in everyone's life. After all, his future life depends on what parents name their baby. This article will discuss the name Anna: origin and meaning.


You need to start from the very beginning. That is why we should consider the origin female name Anna. So, originally it sounded like Hannah. It has Hebrew roots and means “merciful” or “grace.” It is also worth mentioning that such girls have two patroness and celebrate their name days several times a year:

  1. This could be the name day of Anna, who is the mother of the Virgin Mary. These days are celebrated on August 7, September 21 and December 21.
  2. You can also celebrate the name day of Anna the Prophetess, who is the mother of the prophet Samuel.

Note: Name days should be celebrated once a year. The date closest to (after) your birthday is selected.

Let us further consider the name Anna, its origin and meaning. If we talk about Rus', then it came to us in the distant 10th century along with other Christian names. And since the princes were the first to be baptized, this name was initially considered an aristocratic one. And only over time it passed to the people. If speak about church calendar, then you can see that there are 30 saints who bore this name. A little later, already in the 18th century, it was so popular that it competed with the name Evdokia. At the beginning of the twentieth century, this name gradually went out of fashion, as it was considered too simple. However, around the 50s, a turning point occurred, and babies began to be called Anyami again more and more often. Today this name is in the top five most popular female names.


What is the meaning of the name Anna for a girl? This is a question many parents ask. So, it is worth saying that babies with this name have been distinguished by their prudence and even some toughness since childhood. But this, rather, can be considered as a positive quality; such girls will never deceive or be dishonest with others.

But still, despite this, Annushka grows up to be very kind and generous people. From a very young age they try to help everyone. Their attention is distributed not only to people, but also to animals. Anya can bring home a poor stray kitten without fear of her parents’ reaction and possible illnesses.

Girls with this name always try to help adults. They are confident that their help will only benefit others. What else is the meaning of the name Anna for a child? So, it assumes that such babies will be calm, quiet, they will not cause much trouble to their parents. Since childhood, they have been aristocratically reserved and love everything beautiful. Little Anechka is also prone to handicrafts. If these skills are developed from early childhood, it can even become the meaning of their life and bring not only joy, but also material benefit.

Positive Character Traits

What else does Anna (the meaning of the name) hide within herself? The character of such girls is not simple, it has the following features:

  1. Pity. Anya always treats everyone with pity. They can help a stranger even to their own detriment. Moreover, they will never demand payment for their actions. Although they also do not refuse remuneration.
  2. Caring. As has already become clear, Anna can help anyone. And family members are no exception. However, there is also a downside: often this concern becomes too intrusive, it tires others.
  3. Mercy. Even in bad person Anna is able to find the positive side. She can try to justify even a notorious scoundrel. That is why Annushkas often marry not-so-good guys, trying to re-educate them and make them better.
  4. Loyalty. What else can you say about a girl whose name is Anna? The meaning of the name also suggests that they are faithful to their chosen one. Cheating is alien to Anya. Moreover, these women are able to forgive infidelity to their loved ones, justifying their dishonest act.

Negative character traits

So, Anna. The meaning of the name has many positive aspects. But still, girls with this name also have negative character traits.

  1. Pride. Ani does not need other people's advice. They can listen to the interlocutor, but they will act as they see fit. Because of this, they often quarrel with loved ones and relatives. However, there is also a positive side: they are not subject to outside influence.
  2. Moodiness. Annushki knows her worth. That is why sometimes they allow themselves to be capricious.
  3. Demandingness. Girls with this name are demanding not only of themselves, but also of those around them. They try to bring everyone up to the level they themselves strive for.
  4. Vindictiveness. If you offend Anya herself or a person dear to her, she will definitely take revenge. This may not happen immediately, but much later, because such girls do not forgive insults. Their revenge is often exquisite and even beautiful in some ways.


What else can be said when considering the meaning of the name Anna? The fate of girls often turns out well. They can be happy in life if they make the right choice. However, a huge disadvantage is their pity. Ani often marries men whom they do not love, but simply feel sorry for. More often than not, this turns out to be the biggest mistake.

It is also worth saying that Ani are often so ready to sacrifice themselves that they find themselves in situations that are dangerous to health and life. If you look at the statistics, many women with this name are nurses, work in hospices and volunteer in hot spots.


  1. Scoliosis.
  2. Bronchitis.
  3. Problems with the cardiovascular system often arise.
  4. The gastrointestinal tract is extremely often affected.
  5. An's metabolism is often disturbed.

That is why these girls should be advised to get plenty of rest, as well as take care of their nerves and watch their diet. As children, Anh may have vision problems, so they need to take careful care of their eyes by seeing a specialist. It should also be clarified that girls with this name have very fragile bones, so they need to try to avoid injury.

Career and work activity

What else is different about Anna? The meaning of the name directly indicates the career path of such women. As mentioned above, they are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. And since they strive to take care of everyone around them, Anechki often become nurses, workers in rehabilitation centers, hospices, and social workers. In addition, girls with this name make excellent teachers and educators. Mathematics is not alien to them, so Anna can also be an economist, engineer, or programmer.

But I still want to say that Anyam is best at working with people; this will bring much more pleasure to such women. It is important to note: women with this name can achieve great success. They easily occupy leadership positions and “make” money extremely easily.

Talents and hobbies

Having previously considered the meaning of the name Anna (for a girl), we have already said that such babies are excellent needlewomen. They enjoy sewing, embroidering, and knitting. Often this becomes the work of their whole life. An makes good seamstresses. In addition, girls with this name have great taste and can become designers without any problems. Since Ani loves animals, they are also happy to breed all kinds of animals. And since these ladies have excellent intuition, they can interpret dreams and foretell the future a little.

Love and family

Let us consider further the meaning of the name Anna. In poetry, such girls look like languid beauties who are waiting for their lover. And that's true. After all, if Anya fell in love, it is forever. She will not be able to even imagine that it is possible to love someone else. Dear person Such girls can wait for years. They are loyal and faithful. It is also worth saying that girls with this name know their worth, so they never find themselves easily accessible. Anya needs to be won over, and sometimes it takes a lot of time. But, having received his prey, the man understands that such a girl must be protected. She will not tolerate a disdainful attitude towards herself.

Since Anya has great amount fans, she ties the knot quite early. A phlegmatic man would be perfect for such a woman. Girls with this name are good housewives and faithful wives. It is also worth saying that Anya will decide to give birth to a baby only if she is sure that she can provide for his future. Such women spoil their children, sometimes even unnecessarily.

Name compatibility

If we consider the meaning of the name Anna, compatibility is what you should also focus on. What kind of men are suitable for such a woman?

  1. A successful alliance will be with Alexei, Evgeniy, Mikhail, Semyon, Boris.
  2. There will be mediocre relationships with Vladimir, Nikolai and Alexander.
  3. The alliance will be unsuccessful with Gregory, Fedor, Ruslan, Peter.

Intimate relationships

How will Anna behave in sex? The meaning of the name can also tell about this. It is worth saying that these girls are very fond of sex and devote quite a lot of time to this area of ​​​​life. They don't need a lot of sex, but it must be of high quality. It is also important that Anya tries to give more pleasure to her chosen one than to receive it herself. In addition, these girls love beautiful underwear and do not spare money on it.

Anya and the season

It is worth saying that the character of girls with this name will also vary somewhat depending on the time of year when they were born.

  1. "Winter" Anna. She always turns out to be a leader. May be too hard or callous. Doesn't like deception. Forgives, but never forgets insults.
  2. "Spring" Anya. She is romantic and dreamy. However, he always gets his way. It gets better and more beautiful over time. Knows his worth.
  3. "Summer" Anna. She is soft, compliant, affectionate. Often reminds me of Madonna. At the same time, she can be a little withdrawn and distant.
  4. "Autumn" Anya. Complaisant, restrained. Loves truth and honesty. Moderately strict and cold. Treats others with caution.

Combination with patronymic

I would also like to consider the meaning of the name Anna Alexandrovna. Such women are often unhappy in life. And all because this patronymic correlates disharmoniously with their name. However, it is also important to take into account the woman’s last name. She can somewhat “soften” her fate. The following patronymics are especially successful: Vladimirovna, Borisovna, Artemovna, Stanislavovna. But the patronymics Alexandrovna, Lvovna, Sergeevna and Petrovna for girls named Anna will be unfavorable.

Helpful information

Annushki will also find the following information useful:

  1. The planet of women with the same name is Proserpina.
  2. Color - red.
  3. A lucky plant that can become a talisman is the pink aster.
  4. Their talisman stone is ruby.
  5. Helper tree - rowan.
  6. The best zodiac sign is Virgo.
  7. Lucky numbers: 7, 22.
  8. Lucky day: Wednesday.
  9. Good time of year: summer. It softens Anya’s strict disposition.

Pet names

What else can you call Anna? So, there is a simple list of diminutive names that are suitable for a girl with this name: Anya, Anechka, Anyutka, Annushka, Anka, Nyura, Nusya, Anyuta, Annetta, Neta, Asya.

Great women

What great women bore this beautiful old name?

  1. Anna Yaroslavna is the daughter of Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise.
  2. Anna Akhmatova is a great poetess.
  3. Anne de Stael is a famous French baroness and writer.
  4. Anna Maria Tussaud (Madame Tussaud) is a famous sculptor, founder of the Madame Tussauds wax museum.

Famous women of our time, our compatriots: Anna Sedokova, Anna Semenovich, Anna Kournikova, etc.

Origin and meaning: The origin of the name Anna is Hebrew, it means “graceful”, “lovely”, “good”, “merciful”.
Church form of the name: Anna
Diminutive forms: Anechka, Anyuta, Annushka, Anyutka, Nyusha, Nyura, Anusya, Asya, Annetta, Nyushenka, Anya, nana, Nyuta
Name synonyms: Ann, Ganna, Anita, Annette, Hana, Annette
Anna in English: Anna, Ann

How the name Anna affects fate and character

The meaning of the name Anna

The life views and character of a girl named Anya are influenced by the time of year in which she was born.

  • The main features inherent in winter Anna are a clear mind, practicality, prudence, and fairness. At times she is overly straightforward and does not tolerate criticism, which prevents her from making friends.
  • Anyuta, born in autumn, easy to find mutual language with others, takes into account other people's opinions and easily makes compromises.
  • Summer Anna is distinguished by her excessive kindness, which often complicates her life, since those around her take advantage of her dependability.
  • Anna, born in the spring season, is distinguished by her romantic nature and capricious character. Spring Anya likes everyone's attention and admiration, so she chooses a public line of work for her work.

1. Positive aspects of character

The main advantages of the fairer sex with the name Anna are a sharp mind, remarkable memory, kindness, caring, a sense of duty and willpower. She has good intuition, believes in herself and is able to solve difficulties that arise. Anna has creative abilities and achieves success in any business. In everyday life, she shows herself as a neat housewife.

2. Negative aspects of character

Anna's main shortcomings are excessive power, cynicism and excessive seriousness. She tries to solve the backlog of things at the same time, which leads to nervous breakdowns. If a woman named Anya was unable to realize herself in life, then she becomes overly demanding of her own children.

Characteristics of the name Anna

3. For a child

Little Anya has a very kind heart and does not give her parents any trouble. She does not refuse help to anyone and does not require any gratitude for it. Such concern for others often contributes to the fact that a girl forgets to take time for herself. In addition, people can use Anna's kindness for selfish purposes. The child experiences any betrayal very long and hard; she looks for the cause of the problem in her actions.

By nature, little Annushka is very obedient, calm and reasonable, striving for order in everything. At school she is equally good at the humanities and exact sciences. Classmates love Anya for her responsiveness and willingness to help if necessary. At the same time, from an early age, a girl has her own opinion on everything, which she adheres to when making decisions.

Anechka’s main disadvantage is her frequent mood swings, which can turn a kind and cheerful girl into a capricious child in a few minutes.

4. For a girl

As a teenager, Anna does not tolerate injustice, which can lead to conflicts with teachers and peers. Often the owner of this name defends her opinion too harshly, which becomes the cause of conflicts. At the same time, both teachers and classmates recognize her leadership abilities.

Anna devotes a lot of time to her appearance and follows fashion trends. Her original and bright image evokes the admiration of the opposite sex. In it, Anya harmoniously combines femininity, coquetry, elegance and sexuality.

Annushka is not very picky about choosing a guy, which often leads to disappointment. She makes every effort to make her chosen one ideal, however, when she fails in her attempts, she still remains with him.

By nature, a girl named Anna is a modest, selfless and trusting person. In addition, she is a devoted friend who can be relied on in any situation. Anya will not tolerate betrayal and rudeness towards her person.

5. Character of an adult woman

Adult Anya is a rational representative of the fairer sex, who in life is guided not by emotions, but by reason. She also does not tolerate injustice, but with age she learns to hide her real feelings. Anna experiences grievances alone, which can make her withdraw into herself.

Anya expresses her opinion without hysterics to a person’s face, and does not retreat from offenders. She has a lot of internal energy, but she is not very patient - she wants to get what she wants immediately, which often provokes increased irritability.

Anna's main drawback is her overly serious attitude towards life. This prevents her from truly enjoying each pleasant moment, leads to depression and nervous breakdowns. A strong character helps Anya quickly cope with stressful situations.

Thanks to her beauty, sociability and innate charm, the owner of this name has no shortage of admirers.

The influence of the name Anna on future fate

6. Health

Since childhood, Anyuta has been in poor health. Frequent problems are scoliosis, bronchitis, deterioration of stomach functionality and fractures. Anna needs to lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid stressful situations, eat right and get more rest, since her nervous and cardiovascular systems are weakened. Ladies named Anya tend to be overweight, so they are advised to adhere to an individually designed diet.

7. Family relationships

Despite the lack of strict morality, Anna knows how to truly love. She will be with her lover in sorrow and joy. Anya demands loyalty and reciprocal love from her chosen one. In a relationship, a girl is not looking for benefits; her support will help the guy achieve his goals.

Anna does not forgive betrayal, but she will try to save the marriage to the last. To create a happy unit of society, the owner of this name should pay attention to a man with a sense of humor who knows how to sincerely enjoy life. Such a chosen one will teach Anya to look at life more simply. An overly correct and responsible representative of the stronger sex, on the contrary, will strengthen the girl’s serious attitude towards what is happening around her.

IN family life Anna proves herself to be a good housewife and an exemplary mother. She does not talk about the problems happening at home to relatives and friends; she tries to solve everything on her own.

8. Career growth and business

Anna has a sharp analytical mind, she knows how to make decisions quickly and copes well with leadership positions. She expresses her point of view with reasoning, which earns respect from her colleagues. This also helps Anya advance in her career.

Despite her mental abilities, a girl with this name often avoids boring and monotonous analytical work. Anna strives to help people, so she chooses positions such as teacher, doctor, social worker, veterinarian or educator.
Anna has artistry, so she can achieve success in the creative field. She likes writing, acting or journalism. At any job, Anyuta behaves like a conscientious, attentive and responsible employee.

9. Hobbies and interests

Anna's hobbies are related to her family. She loves to organize holidays for loved ones and introduce new family traditions. On her holidays she loves to travel.

Horoscope named after Anna


Anna-Aries is an impulsive, disorganized and irresponsible person. She is impulsive, which contributes to the commission of rash actions, which becomes the main cause of problems in the family and at work. The girl is extremely amorous; even having a husband will not be an obstacle to the emergence of a new hobby.


The distinctive features of Anna, born under the constellation Taurus, are poise, patience and self-confidence. Before making a decision, a woman with this name thinks through her actions in detail, thanks to which she rarely makes mistakes. Anna-Taurus strives for stable and serious relationship, she is faithful to her beloved.


Anna-Gemini is flighty by nature, hot-tempered and irresponsible. Her complex character often brings her a lot of troubles in life, which Anya, surprisingly, copes with without much effort. She does not tolerate monotonous work and regularly strives for change. Anna-Gemini, prefers professions associated with frequent business trips and communication with people. In marriage, the owner of this name is fickle and can cheat on her spouse.


Anna-Cancer's traits are gentleness, sincerity, willpower. She has remarkable patience, so she is capable of becoming a good boss who will be respected by her subordinates. To my loving husband, who will regularly support her, she can forgive a lot.

a lion

Anna, born under the zodiac sign of Leo, is a domineering and self-centered lady who demands complete submission from those around her. To earn the favor of such a woman, you need to admire her regularly. Anya-Leo will choose as her wife a man who can idolize and regularly surprise her.


Anna with the zodiac sign Virgo is lucky in all her endeavors. In all life situations, she is guided by reason, not emotions. Anna's inherent traits are restraint and patience. Expects support, trust and respect from the chosen one.


Anna, born under the constellation Libra, is distinguished by her neatness and flexible character. Thanks to her sociability and responsiveness, she easily makes new friends. This is a romantic person looking for himself ideal man However, having not met a worthy person, she may thoughtlessly get married, become unhappy, but never decide to divorce.


Anna-Scorpio is a vain person, accustomed to being a leader. He flaunts his successes and demands praise, but ignores the successes of his colleagues. She will be happy with a representative of the stronger sex who can surprise her every day. If she gets bored, she will quickly find a replacement for her chosen one.


The main features of Anna-Sagittarius are excessive gambling, impulsiveness and a thirst for adventure. He does not admit his mistakes to others, but he knows how to analyze mistakes. Anya is capable of sincere love and is ready to give her all her time.


Anna with the sign of Capricorn is a neat, decent, taciturn and self-contained person. She feels confident and calm only when she is with her family and tries to avoid noisy companies. Anna-Capricorn gladly gives all her tenderness, care and attention to her husband and children.


Anna-Aquarius is a lady with an extraordinary outlook on life. She does not impose her views on others, because she is not interested in other people's opinions. Representatives of the stronger sex pay attention to her, but often do not last long because of Anna’s original worldview.


Anna, born under the constellation Pisces, is a true dreamer and romantic person. She chooses creative professions, and men adore her for her tenderness and innate femininity.

Compatibility of the name Anna with male names

Anna's birthday

Anna has certain numbers for her name day every month:

  • January – 4, 11;
  • February – 3, 16, 17, 23, 26;
  • March – 2, 11, 14, 20;
  • April – 8, 13;
  • May – 11;
  • June – 25, 26;
  • July – 18, 26;
  • August – 3, 5, 7, 13, 29;
  • September – 10, 22, 23;
  • October – 11, 15;
  • November – 1, 4, 10, 11, 16, 23, 27;
  • December – 3, 11, 21, 22, 23.

Astrology named after Anna

Season Summer
Metal Copper
Favorable day of the week Wednesday
Totem animal Hare, lynx
Tree Rowan
Plant Blueberry, pink aster
Stone Opal, ruby
Planet Proserpina
Astrological sign Virgo
Element Fire
Color Red, blue, brown

Numerology of the name Anna

Anna's lucky number is 5.

This name is of Hebrew origin, its main meaning is the mercy of God. It appears frequently in the Bible. The girl, who was given the name Anya, truly becomes a real gift from heaven, a blessing for her parents: as a rule, she is kind, neat, serious, attentive and very hardworking. Anna is single-minded and always respects other people's opinions and rarely enters into conflicts.

This ancient name is widespread throughout the world: it is found in all European languages. Its sound is very similar: for example, the British call “the grace of God” Anne or Nancy, the Italians, Germans, Poles - Anna, in Romanian and Bulgarian this name sounds like Ana. The Baltic peoples use the name Anne, the Dutch and Israelis use the name Hannah. IN Italian There are beautiful diminutive forms of the name - Annetta and, in Czech - Ancha or Anina, in Armenian - Anush.

Name options in Russian

The shortened version of the name sounds affectionate and beautiful: Anya, Nyusha, Anyuta. There are diminutive forms that sound more energetic: for example, Anka, Nyura, Nyurka. All these forms of the name retain its original character, but have some nuances. This means that the girl who was called Nyura from childhood will differ in energy from the girl who was most often named Anyuta or Anechka.


Almost all girls named Anya have a very strong will, even if at first glance they look like gentle dolls. The external image can be anything (although most often exemplary positive), but Anna’s inner core will always be very serious. She will always know what she needs from life, what she wants to achieve and will achieve it.

It cannot be said that for the sake of this she is ready to “go over her head”: not at all, Annas are most often very compassionate and almost always take into account other people’s interests. But she will never forget what she needs in life, will not get confused, will not lose her individuality and will not submit to the opinions of others. She has a clearly built line of her own, and she will stick to it without losing respect for the opinions of other people.

For Anna, the key concept is a sense of duty. She is incredibly altruistic and is ready to do a lot for her friends. The main negative traits are some hysteria, sacrifice, anguish, constant dissatisfaction with others and oneself, and the search for difficult paths.

Annushka will always be a good housewife, everything in her house will be clean and tidy. It’s the same in business - Anna will be able to rise to the highest levels of her career if she so desires.


Unfortunately, the fate of a girl named Anya is not often very happy. Anyuta would deliberately choose a more difficult path in life in order to test her character, her will, how strong it is.

Alas, a heightened sense of duty sometimes makes her fate rather tortuous: Anya strives to help all her relatives and friends, fights injustice, sometimes forgetting about herself. At the same time, she will never listen to the advice of friends, even the most reasonable ones; she will always act in her own way. However, during the period of life’s difficulties, she never loses optimism: it seems that for her, the more difficult it is, the more interesting it is.

additional characteristics

The name corresponds to pink-beige and blue colors, his totem animals are the hare and the lynx. The planet that patronizes the name is Proserpina, a small mysterious celestial body located beyond the orbit of Pluto. A talisman from the world of minerals and precious stones is a ruby.

Anna's name day is celebrated quite often - this happens because throughout the history of Christianity there were many great saints named Anna, and the day of memory of each saint is celebrated separately. You can choose a patron saint from an extensive list and celebrate your name day in any month of the year.

Anushka is best suited for a husband named . , . Experts believe that male names Leo and our heroine do not match in their energy.

Famous personalities named Anna

There are many girls named Anna famous personalities: for example, athletes, businesswomen, actresses. Determination helps to achieve success in sports: tennis player Anna Kournikova is widely known. Among modern actresses and top models, Anna Semenovich Anne Hathaway shines, among singers - Annie Lenox and Anna Sedokova. Herman, poetess Anna Akhmatova.

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Anna is graceful, grace-bearing, merciful. The two letters involved in the name determine the qualitative characteristics of its bearer: A – in any language, the alphabet begins, which means that leadership abilities will prevail; N – gentle, reliable.

Origin of the name

The first mention of the woman Anna is found in Hebrew biblical legends (martyr Anna of Seleucia). This consonance is one of the ten popular names on the planet.

general characteristics

Anechka begins to show her artistry and ability to charm from the cradle. Her narrowed eyes and ear-to-ear smile do not leave those around her indifferent; everyone tries to give this girl maximum warmth and attention. Anyuta responds to the care of adults with sincere kindness and love; her gentle disposition and optimism charge even the most desperate realists and pragmatists with positivity.

Anya is a clear altruist, capable of compassion and sacrifice for the benefit of others. Its purpose is to bring goodness and moral principles to the masses, giving people warmth. She is very loyal and responsive, easily forgives insults inflicted on her and justifies the weaknesses of others.

Positive character traits

If among your friends or family there is someone named Anna, consider yourself lucky. This person will become your faithful support, supporting and approving you in any endeavor, helping you in everything and never judging you. In addition, she has a certain mystical insight, akin to clairvoyance, and is able to predict in advance the development of upcoming events.

A career is not at all a priority for Anna, although she sometimes works extremely hard, completely forgetting about herself and not thinking about material gain. Any profession related to communication will be suitable for Anya: from a saleswoman in a supermarket to a theater and film actress.

Negative character traits

Anechka’s excessive sacrifice attracts people with bad intentions to her (psychopaths, gigolos and ordinary losers), but if Annushka loves, then no one has the power to convince her that her choice is wrong. In response to rudeness and abuse, she will show patience and meekness, and until the last she will believe that her loved one will change.

A woman sacredly honors the foundations and traditions of marriage, therefore she prefers to silently endure humiliation than to file a divorce.

Anna's reluctance to weigh the burden of her problems on others can cause conflicts and quarrels based on misunderstandings, since colleagues and friends may consider her proud, arrogant and arrogant. Anya should learn to trust her loved ones and be able to share her secrets, reciprocating their trust.

Zodiac sign

Anna's gentleness and loyalty are due to her name belonging to the constellation Virgo, and her patron Proserpina develops in her such traits as rationalism and practicality, thriftiness and efficiency.

The colors of the name are red, pale pink, pale blue. Talisman stone: ruby.


Over the millennia, the name has acquired many versions of endearment, for example: Anya, Anyutka, Annushka, Nyusha, Nyuta, Nyutochka.

Name options

There is also diversity in the world nominal dictionary: Nyura, Annette, Anetta, Anita, Anifa, Jana, Dzhanet.

Historical figures:

  • Daughter of the Russian prince Yaroslav - Anna (1025 - 1075 (or later))
  • Mother Holy Mother of God– Anna the Righteous (1st century BC)
  • Lyricist poet Anna Akhmatova (1889-1966)
  • Singer Anna German (1936-1982), Anne Veski (born 1956)
  • Actress: Anna Samokhina (1963-2010)