Church calendar with names by month. What do you name a boy born in July? Choosing beautiful and sonorous names

23.11.2018 Relationship

Every parent wants to reward their baby with a beautiful and sonorous name that will endow him with excellent qualities. Many believe that the word a child is given will determine his future fate: victories and even failures. If your baby was born in a hot summer, this is just great - after all, from the very beginning of his existence, he is surrounded by warmth and the gentle sun. What to name a boy born in July so that he becomes the happiest person on Earth?

Summer is a great time to be born

It has been noticed that children born in the warm months, as a rule, differ from others in their flexibility in relationships with people, but it is difficult to call them fighters. However, they are endowed with the gift of leading people, attracting attention with their sharp mind and ingenuity. And if you want a real tireless fighter against life’s circumstances to grow up in your family, choose names with more consonant sounds. Psychologists say that this will give a person a sense of self-confidence. “Summer” children are very energetic, radiate inner warmth and infect with their optimism.

There is a choice!

The baby was born and you don’t know what name will suit him? What do you name a boy born in July? The most best options, which are suitable for a summer and “sunny” child born at the beginning of the month are:

  • Artem, Anton, Anatoly, Andrey, Arseny, Alexey.
  • Svyatoslav, Rostislav, Vyacheslav, Izyaslav.
  • Leonid, Leonty, Sofron, Semyon.

But these names are suitable for absolutely all boys born in July:

  • Alexander, Mark, Philip, Kirill, Maxim.
  • Stepan, Roman, Ivan, Innocent, Galaktion, Konstantin.
  • Demid, Sophron, Nikodim, Thomas, Tikhon, Kuzma.
  • Vladimir, Gury, Vasily, Emelyan, Denis, German, Terenty, Yevsey, Yakov.

The name of a boy born in July reflects him and talks about the contradictions in his character: he is brave, shy, and kind, but has difficulty forgiving insults, is ready to communicate, but sometimes prefers complete loneliness.

The main advantage is deep emotionality

Birthday people in the summer month of July are very emotional people, their inner world is filled with feelings and experiences. They are receptive to everything that happens, constantly analyzing the world and people. These natures change their mood very quickly: one minute they were laughing, but they are already sad and crying. Internal contradictions are what determine their entire life. They are romantic and open to new relationships, adore their friends and are endlessly attached to their family. But when they fall in love, the whole world ceases to exist for them! What to name a boy born in July so that he is less vulnerable and sensual? The following names are suitable: Jean, Gleb, Ruslan, Arthur, David, Georgy, Gregory. The fact is that summer babies are very often endowed with feminine energy and gentleness, and such names will help a boy become more courageous and decisive.

How to raise a baby

Parents who have a “July” child should know some secrets that can help them find the key to his heart. Such boys absolutely cannot stand pressure and get very upset if they are not listened to and their opinion is not taken into account. Become a true friend for your child, let him feel that his deep experiences are important to you. However, if you ignore his feelings, the boy may develop all sorts of complexes. Teach your child to engage in some interesting hobby, but under no circumstances force him! It will be great if your child can share his secrets and experiences with you.

Thanks to their sharp mind and quick wit, “July” boys are prone to exact sciences and love to make crafts with their own hands. Therefore, try to captivate them with the most interesting toys or games of intelligence.

Attracting good luck

Many parents believe that a name can bring good luck into the life of their child. And indeed, our ancestors thought that it was possible to make a child a “darling” of fate at the very beginning of life, giving him a special name. Here's how to name a boy born in July and provide him with a decent life:

  • Nikita.
  • Boris.
  • Afanasy.
  • Evgrafiy.
  • Alexander.

Dear parents, when choosing names for boys in July, remember - these are special children who come into this world to give us warmth and love, warming our hearts like the hot sun.

July boys are distinguished by a very deep and sensual nature; they will take everything to heart, although they try not to show it to others. All their decisions will be well thought out and balanced, they rarely act rashly. Boys born in July remain curious pranksters in childhood: they want to know everything, and simply asking adults about it is not enough for them. They will want to touch things, spy on other children, learn how things work. Names for July boys should be chosen that are calm and harmonious in order to highlight their touchiness. Read some advice from astrologers on this matter.

What to name a boy born in July - astrology

There are a number of names that are favorable for July boys, based on the zodiac sign, as well as the position of the planets. Pay attention to these names:

  • Leonty,
  • Ivan,
  • Gleb,
  • Julius,
  • Svyatoslav,
  • Alexei,
  • Novel.

This will balance their inner world, give them peace and determination. The names Mikhail, Yakov, David, Denis, Pavel, Sergey, Andrey, Valentin, Vasily will be a good pledge creative development a child, and Konstantin, Anatoly, Philip, Matvey, Foma, Kuzma, Tikhon, Timur - for a logical mindset in the future. Avoid the names Ruslan, Ipatiy, Imanuil, Galaktion, Evsey or Yaroslav, as they will make the July boy too sentimental.
Boys born under the constellation Cancer always strive to do everything their own way, which is why it is so important to carefully choose his name so that the child’s stubbornness and directness in the future does not interfere with his internal balance.

What to name a boy born in July - church calendar

Choosing the name of a church Saint on the specified date will give the child additional protection and guardianship throughout his life. Take a look at some lists of baby boy names for July.

  • July 1.
    Alexander, Leonty, Vasily, Sergey, Marat, Martin, Felix, Ian, Yuri, Peter.
  • July 7
    Anton, Ivan, Artyom, Lukyan, Nikita, Felix, Ian, Mikhail.
  • July 8.
    Peter, Vyacheslav, Nikon, Nikolay, Anatoly, Albert, Demyan, Konstantin, Denis, Prokop, Ilya, Fedor.
  • the 14 th of July.
    Alexey, Arkady, Peter, Nikolay, Kuzma, Ivan, Vasya, Leonty, Konstantin, Pavel, Felix, Demyan, Johan.
  • July 15.
    Nikon, Peter, Tikhon, Photius, Vasily, Jacob, David, Ignatius, Mark, George, Felix.

You can find out the full list on specialized portals dedicated to this or that branch of Christianity or another faith. Each date corresponds to its own set of names.

How to name a boy born in July in honor of great people

Each month is famous for its list of the most prominent personalities. Naming your son after one or another scientist, poet, or activist is an excellent choice for an unborn child. For example:

  • On July 1, Soviet military leader Sergei Sokolov and track and field athlete Carl Lewis were born.
  • On July 4, you can pay attention to the name Alexander, in honor of the artist Alexander Pirogov, or Yuri, in honor of the Olympic champion.
  • July 10th celebrates birthday great person- Nikola Tesla, which in Russian meaning will be Nikolai.
  • July 12 can be dedicated to the name Yuri, since the little-known, but no less significant director Yuri Zavadsky was born. And also actor Pyotr Aleinikov.
  • On July 29, pay attention to the name Ivan, in honor of the marine painter Ivan Aivazovsky. Perhaps the boy will develop a craving for art.
  • On July 30, the spiritual leader of the Seraphim Church was born. You can also find this name in church calendar names, his full name- Seraphim of Sarov.
  • And on July 31, the Russian athlete Sergei set a world record for jumping. This will draw the child’s attention to sports and his achievements.

Choosing the name of a scientist, poet or other famous person, you there or in some other way draw the boy’s attention to this area of ​​science. You can always find a complete list on Wikipedia or specialized portals. In addition, the date of birth of the scientist and the child does not necessarily coincide, because a boy can be named in honor of a worthy person at any moment of birth.

It is equally important to choose suitable name under the baby’s last and patronymic name, since some original names may simply stand out from the child’s full name in the future, which may look somewhat ridiculous. If your surname is purely Russian, like “Ivanov, Petrov,” then the best solution would be a euphonious Slavic or Latin name: Alexander or, for example, Yaroslav. In case of disagreement, you can give the child a double name, which will be recorded in his passport, and later the boy himself will choose one of the two, or leave both names given to him at birth.

The baby is still just “in the project”, and parents, especially young ones, are already looking for a name that will suit only their unique child. They listen to numerous pieces of advice, leaf through calendars and surf the Internet. Everyone clearly knows that it should be happy, attract good luck to its wearer, and also beautiful and, perhaps, unusual. What should you name someone born in July so that good luck accompanies him all his life?

Traits of July boys

Psychologists believe that children born in the summer have a soft and flexible character and know how to make concessions. Despite their receptivity and emotionality, “July” people are very reserved and know how not to demonstrate their feelings to others. Therefore, in order to give this a certain balance, it is necessary to give the newborn a more “hard” name.

There is an opinion that a person’s name is a talisman for him, as well as an indicator of certain character traits and a certain “life program.” It’s not for nothing that many parents deliberately give their children the name of one of their ancestors who were successful or showed themselves to be outstanding personalities, or even simply talented people. Another thing is that talent and fate may be “out of phase,” as, say, with Vladimir Mayakovsky, who was born in July.

But for reference and objectivity, we provide examples of July “stars”: the most talented marine painter Ivan Aivazovsky, the first man to set foot on the moon, Neil Armstrong, the popular Soviet poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko, boxer athlete Vitaly Klitschko, bright actors Alexander Domogarov, Dmitry Pevtsov, two Toms - Cruise and Hanks, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Perhaps these names will bring worldwide fame to your baby.

How can you name it by your zodiac sign?

Some families adhere Christian traditions and pay attention to the names - Catholic and Orthodox, which will fall on the expected date of birth of the new citizen.

Others consider themselves more advanced and “consult” some with psychologists - the name “sets the program for the future”, some with the stars: after all, it is known that a person’s fate can depend on their location at the time of birth, and therefore one should choose based on this.

Most of the month of July belongs to the constellation Cancer, and only from the 22nd the baton is taken over by Leo. These zodiac signs belong to completely opposite elements - water and fire, which leaves an imprint on the characters of those born under these signs.

If Cancers are calm and secretive, constant and sometimes even conservative in their decisions, then Leos are characterized by authority, passion, and determination. These are self-confident leaders who are able not only to lead, but also to look after the weaker and bestow their care on them. But for both, consistency is important, whether it concerns family, work or hobbies. They value stability in relationships and security.

When thinking about a name for your son, it is worth keeping in mind that children at the beginning of the month may be curious, frivolous, impressionable and touchy. In order to somehow neutralize the capriciousness of their character, a certain firmness in naming is needed - a clear and bright masculine name.

The same is suitable for sensitive and restless kids in mid-July - for the development of masculinity, and for brave “lion cubs” - it will further enhance the traits of brave defenders in them.

For the “zodiac” option of choosing names for the July fire “lion cubs”, those that have the sounds “a” and “r” are suitable: Alexander, Andrey, Arkady, Arnold, Artem, Arthur, Valery, Vladimir, German, Zakhar, Kirill, Mark , Roman, Rostislav, Ruslan, Eldar.

For babies born under the sign, names containing the sounds “o”, “ya”, as well as soft “l” and “t” are recommended.: Anatoly, Anton, Valentin, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Gleb, Ilya, Innocent, Konstantin, Lev, Leonty and Leonid, Oleg, Philip, Julius/Julian.

What name should I give according to the church calendar?

In the old days, people didn’t worry too much about a name for their child. They simply came to church to baptize the baby, and the priest offered them several names of saints whose day the baby’s birth coincided. It could happen that the parents did not like any of them, then one could look at the names of the saints honored on the day of baptism and those following it.

Those who want to name their son in this way today can turn to, where the names of the future patron saints of the baby are presented. Among these Orthodox names, many are quite popular even today. There are also very rare, but undeservedly forgotten names that have special meaning and content.

It is known that one name can appear on different days of the month, this is because different saints could bear the same names.

Choosing a name is often associated with various questions that expectant mothers tend to listen to. One of them says that Under no circumstances should a boy be called the same as his dad. This, they say, will confuse the guardian angel, who has the same name, and will not allow him to fully protect two namesakes in the same house, and this is fraught with complex relationships between them.

According to another sign, You should not name your child after a deceased relative- in his honor, since then the child will inherit the fate of the deceased.

To believe or not to believe such things is everyone’s business. There is such a recommendation: give the baby any name you like, and baptize it with the one that bestows the protection of heavenly powers.

What name should I give to a boy born in July? What names are suitable for summer children? Boys born in summer are proud, active, courageous and persistent in achieving their goals. At the same time, such boys are impressionable and like to take risks. Due to their gentle nature, most July boys are easily influenced.

As a rule, in the second month of summer, modest and shy boys are born, but they are more prone to worries and introspection. Many July boys are characterized by increased emotionality, they are romantic to the point of self-sacrifice, this feeling develops in their youth and remains until old age. Although boys born in July do not particularly show their feelings, they still feel very strongly about everything that happens around them, but they will never show it, they will even pretend that everything is fine with them. For July boys, home and family play a very important role; even as they grow up, they remain very domestic. And if suddenly things don’t work out for a man born in July family life, then he will lose the meaning of life. They are extremely vulnerable, and family for them is powerful protection, support and consolation. For a July boy, stability and security in all areas of life play an important role. Boys born in July never get involved in gambling or make hasty decisions. They don't like changes in life, so they don't want to change jobs, even if new life promises wealth and comfort.

Another character trait of the July boy that will interfere with his career advancement is deep emotional experiences. At the same time, he can worry about any reason, even about something insignificant. But the positive qualities of July boys enable them to successfully develop in exact science, because they are distinguished by their extraordinary intelligence, accuracy, punctuality, diligence and non-conflict. They are easy to work with, and especially to manage.

To enhance these positive character traits, choose names for boys born in July that are sonorous, strong, preferably with the meanings strong, courageous, strong-willed. So, you can influence the child’s character, and therefore his fate. Soft, gentle names will make your son even more vulnerable and weak.

Names of boys born in July:











Lucky names for boys born in July will be:




