Slavic names for girls in April. Beautiful names for girls born in April

09.08.2019 Career and Work

A person's fate depends on character, and character largely depends on name. Let's talk about babies born in the most fun month of spring.

What is the best name for a girl born in April so that the name brings her good luck?

Psychologists advise

Experts say that spring babies often grow into indecisive people who are afraid of change and tend to hesitate. Therefore, it’s nice if the name is ringing, energetic, and gives confidence: Alexandra, Arina, Valeria, Victoria, Wanda, Varvara, Daria, Evgenia, Kira, Christina, Larisa, Margarita, Maria, Maryana, Regina, Sofia, Tamara.

Flower names are also perfect for girls born “in the young month of April”: Azalea, Oia (violet), Lily, Rose.

What is the best name for an April girl according to the church calendar?

Smart assistant - saints. In the church calendar there is always a holy righteous woman who is honored on the days when your baby was born. By naming a child according to church custom, you attract a specific heavenly patron to take care of him. Orthodox calendar For April they offer the following options for girls: Anna, Anastasia, Vasilisa, Galina, Irina, Claudia, Lydia, Nika, Svetlana, Susanna, Ulyana, Yulia, as well as ancient, rare - Anatoly, Afanasia, Evdokia, Domna, Martha, Melania, Praskovya, Fedora.

Astrologers do not object that April natives are indecisive, but they argue that this does not prevent girls born under the sign of Aries from being selfish. A name can soften a line Eva, Zhanna, Katerina or Tatiana. But for those who appeared under the shadow of Taurus and are distinguished by thriftiness and homeliness, names are better suited Angelica, Lada, Isabella, Zinaida, Nina.

Reasoning sensibly

When looking through the options, do not forget about the middle name and last name: they should be harmoniously combined with the daughter’s name, be a beautiful chord.

Of course, find out the etymology of the chosen name: where it came from, what outstanding people it means. Were they happy? Or maybe the name is not very lucky and, therefore, it’s not worth the risk?

The same advice applies to the case when they want to name a girl in honor of one of the relatives. This in itself is very commendable: unfortunately, the tradition of giving names to great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers has come to naught, but in this case the ancestors feed their energy, wisdom, and strength into the very young heirs of the family. However, if the relative whose name you want suffered a lot, was sick, died prematurely... It is better to abandon the idea.

Say the name out loud - both full and diminutives. What associations does it evoke? Will the child find it easy and comfortable with it, because it is luggage for life.

When a girl is born, people say that her mother’s assistant and her father’s pride appeared. These are the words that instill in a girl from childhood such qualities as thriftiness, responsiveness, complaisance, determination and, of course, self-confidence. And a correctly chosen name will help multiply these positive qualities of a girl. That is, if the ship’s path is determined by its name, then the child’s life attitude is determined by its name.

Character for those born in April

April- April people have a stronger character than March people. They are persistent in achieving their goals, courageous and decisive. And this despite the fact that they do not always manage to fully realize themselves. They are practical and reasonable. The material side of life worries them most of all. They get promoted easily, they know what they want. Lucky enough, but overly ambitious. Marriage relies more on reason than on feelings. It is difficult to give up the usual way of life. For a man, the main thing is stability and material well-being. He would rather agree to tolerate an unloved wife and live in a family where no one needs him than to destroy a marriage and exchange material wealth for love. But the “April” woman has a slightly different attitude towards family life. She treasures good relations with her husband, material security comes in the background for her. “April” women are cheerful, witty, and can find a reason for fun in every little thing.

Names of girls born in April

You need to choose a girl’s name carefully, approaching this issue with all responsibility. Therefore, slowly look through all the possible options, choose a name that will combine the expected qualities and character traits, and it should also be harmonious. The time of birth of the baby also plays an important role, that is, children at different times of the year are born with different abilities and characters, even if they are given the same names. Spring babies can be indecisive; they think about each step several times.

Due to the fact that girls born in April are afraid of sudden changes, the process of development of events proceeds slowly, everything is hampered by the fear of something new. In addition, April babies can be selfish, stubborn and, to some extent, selfish. That is why the names of girls born in April should be somewhat tough, and then confidence and determination will be added to their characters. But this does not mean that names should be purely masculine. The names of girls born in April can be Regina, Kira, Christina, Feodora, Victoria.

But even if you gave your daughter, born in April, a soft, gentle name, you can give her severity by coming up with its derivative. For example, you named your daughter Margarita, instead of Ritochka, you’d better call her Margot. In general, psychologists advise giving a child several derivative names from the main one, and then the child’s character traits will be more diverse and richer.

It is better to give April girls names: Alexandra, Lydia, Daria, Maria, Karina, Sabina.

Popular names for girls born in April:















If you want to give your baby an exotic name, you can contact a Muslim name book. For spring girls born in April, names such as:

Azalea (similar to azalea flower)

Alsou (beautiful, pink-faced)

Gulnara (pomegranate flower)

Gulya (flower)

Daria (large deep river)

Lily (tulip)

Laysan (first spring rain)

Nazira (blooming)

Rabia (snowdrop)

Ravilya (like the spring sun)

Yasmina (similar to jasmine flower) and others.

The birth of a child is always a real miracle. As he grows up, he will acquire various character traits that may disappear over time. In many ways, it is the parents who determine who their child will become in the future by choosing the appropriate name for him. You can choose a name for a boy or girl with a name day in April on your own or with the help of a church minister.

Names for boys

Before choosing what to name a boy born in April, it is worth remembering the saints who were born on this day or are its patrons. The patron will protect the child from misfortunes and give him good luck in everything he undertakes.

The church calendar for the most part contains Old Slavonic names, which are not currently used. In this case, you need to contact a church minister so that he can help you choose a consonant name and surround the birthday person with the reliable protection of a guardian angel.

Some male names in April they have several patrons at once, so it becomes easier for parents to name their baby. The most popular options for naming a boy born in April.

Popular male names

Dmitriy. Patient and reserved. Those around him believe that he looks at everything with a sober head and is absolutely calm in life, however, this is not so: inside him there is a real hurricane of passions and emotions that are hidden behind a thick curtain and cannot come out. If angered, he can be very impulsive and even prone to aggression.

Tries to be nice to everyone and is unable to hold a grudge for long. He makes contact easily, but is too touchy and overly suspicious. Doesn't know how to trust and has a hard time parting with secrets.

  • Dates of birth: April 1, 23, 26.
  • Strengths: poise, independence, friendliness.

Ivan. One of the most popular names since Ancient Rus'. Very vulnerable and touchy, however, not angry and friendly. He strives to be the first in everything and hates losing. He takes any defeat personally and takes it too close to his heart.

He knows how to make the right contacts and use people to his advantage. Often suffers from an inferiority complex and self-dissatisfaction. Very picky and capricious.

A strong personality, capable of proving his superiority to others, but does not strive to brag about his position. He loves to earn money and knows how to accumulate it, and is well versed in finance.

  • Dates of birth: April 1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 21, 24, 27, 30.
  • Advantages : calm, sociable, natural leader.

Basil. Good-natured and open to new acquaintances. Vasya is always ready to help his loved ones and will definitely not leave a friend in trouble. However, sometimes his kindness does not come from a pure heart, but from a cold mind: Vasily is very calculating and is not used to throwing his actions around left and right. He cannot be called an egoist, he is simply accustomed to living according to a plan and is not going to leave it.

He knows how to have fun and attracts people with his simplicity. He does not like to quarrel and skillfully avoids any conflicts.

  • Dates: April 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 25.
  • Strengths: ability to plan, good nature, love of life.

Sergey. He is not drawn to leadership and is quite satisfied with his position in life. Therefore, he is not vain and gets along with people easily. He combines inner softness and natural hardness, which makes Sergei a reliable protector and a good friend. With age, he can waste some of his kindness and become more aggressive, but at the same time he will always be sociable and surrounded by the company of true friends.

  • Dates: April 2, 5.
  • Advantages: non-conflict, does not know how to manipulate people, active, friendly.

Fedor. An ordinary guy who is not used to showing off himself, but he certainly won’t be a gray mouse either. He studies well, science and languages ​​are easy for him.

He quickly makes friends and begins to trust them. To strangers may seem too reserved and closed, but for those close to him he is the real life of the party.

He may go overboard, giving advice left and right, but he tries to act sincerely and kindly.

  • Dates of birth: April 28, 30.
  • Best qualities: reliability, accuracy, activity.

Peter. He can be overly narcissistic and arrogant, but at the same time he is kind and decent. He is very vulnerable and gentle by nature, loves affection and kindness. He often hides behind masks, and only shows his real face to close friends. When alone, he can completely withdraw into himself, and it will be very difficult to get him out of this state.

  • Dates: April 20, 24.
  • Strengths: Creative, versatile, direct.

Stepan. He loves and knows how to joke well, sometimes he is too arrogant and likes to put himself above others. He does not know how to concentrate on one thing and often gives up what he started. Lazy, although nature rewarded him with a good mind.

He quickly achieves his goals and is not afraid of difficulties, perceiving them as another adventure.

  • Name days: April 5, 6, 8, 10.
  • Advantages: knows his worth, sense of humor, learns easily.

Vadim. He likes to think and is often thoughtful. Those around him may consider him strange, but in fact the boy is unusually smart and talented. Sometimes breakdowns happen, but Vadim quickly copes with them and continues to skillfully overcome obstacles.

He often becomes dependent on others, but he himself does not know how to manipulate and use others for his own purposes.

  • Dates: April 22.
  • Advantages: quickly achieves balance, unforgiving.

Zakhar. Possesses natural hardness and tenacity. Negative emotions seem to not affect him at all and bypass him - Zakhar is so positive and optimistic. For him there are no difficulties or obstacles that cannot be overcome. But at the same time he is very strong and is always ready for difficulties. Could become truly great.

He likes to joke and does it quite well. Suffers from hero syndrome and always rushes to the rescue of loved ones, often to the detriment of himself. He doesn't know how to refuse. It is important for him to understand that sometimes his own problems and needs come before everything else.

  • Dates: April 12.
  • Advantages: willpower, determination, kindness.

Rare male names

Many parents want to name their child this way so that he is different from others and stands out from the crowd. In this case they choose rare name, which almost never occurs nowadays.

One of these names is Savva(April 15). Boys named so appear more and more often and carry the best qualities: they are unusually strong both spiritually and physically, those around them are in awe of the determination emanating from them. In fact, boys with this name are very emotional and can explode at any moment.

Another name - Benjamin. Just like Arthur, George, Abraham has long passed from the category of ancient ones, but still does not occur so often. Veniamin is very flexible and skillfully adapts to any life situation. He studiously avoids conflict and is unusually intelligent.

Some of the best qualities Makara- restraint and simplicity. He reacts poorly to external stimuli and relies only on himself. Sometimes he seems too cold and withdrawn, this is due to the fact that he is used to acting and not talking, and therefore does not make false promises and always goes to the end.

Names for girls

With names for girls, everything is much more serious, because parents want to give their little princess all the best. Hence the fashion for vintage Orthodox names that seemed long forgotten: Feodosia (April 16), Pelageya, Agafya, Fedora (April 18). And if there are options for boys’ name days in April church calendar quite a lot, then girls have limited choice.

Popular female names

Saints of women's names in April:

Sofia. Knowledge is not given to her as easily as it is to her peers, however, it is for her that it is of the greatest value.

A very impulsive and explosive nature, skillfully masks weaknesses and convinces people of his genius. Diligence and perseverance were instilled in her from childhood; Sofia, born on the 4th, is very hardworking and loves to do housework.

He can chat with his friends for hours about nothing, loves gossip and fresh stories. It’s hard for her to keep her feelings inside her, and if she doesn’t give them a way out, she can explode at the most inopportune moment.

Anastasia. A real mystery that is almost impossible to solve. Her greatest strength is her studies. Nastya will always study excellently and will certainly become the favorite of half the teachers. Often she will be considered too boring and boring, but the real Anastasia is a bright and unpredictable person.

She is used to relying on logic and always acts according to plan. She tries to look quiet and not stick her head out too much, but this only applies to unfamiliar companies, where April Anastasia has not yet revealed her best qualities. A good housewife who will become a reliable support for the family and raise wonderful children.

Anna. Her advantage is patience and the ability to wait. Thanks to this, the girl knows how to appreciate what she has and in every possible way resists the consumerist attitude towards other people. A very soft and vulnerable nature, which can be taken advantage of by others, but at the same time - tough and serious.

She’s used to relying only on herself, but without people she feels abandoned and unnecessary. Suffers from self-doubt and excessively low self-esteem. She is very altruistic and considers helping others her duty.

Maria. A complex nature, in which the most contradictory qualities can be combined at the same time: passion, calmness, cordiality. Because of this, she suffers from frequent mood swings, and it can be difficult to communicate with her.

By nature, Masha is a cheerful and cheerful person. She can be too strict with herself and often demands the impossible. Very sensual and vulnerable, she quickly falls in love and also quickly cools down. Being the only child in the family, she can be capricious and selfish, putting her own interests above all else.

Irina. Firm and uncompromising towards enemies, she is not used to sitting still and always looks to the future. Nothing is impossible for Irina, and she conquers new heights over and over again.

Nevertheless, she is distinguished by enviable constancy and brings everything she starts to the end. He can do what he loves all his life. The same applies to personal life, with whom Ira is fine.

When making a decision, she most often relies on logic, but emotions also have a great impact on her. She is smart, energetic and always ready to sacrifice her time and interests in favor of something greater.

Rare female names

Vasilisa (April 29). Antique Russian name. Thanks to fairy tales, she is associated with beauty and extraordinary intelligence, however, Vasilisa perfectly combines these qualities. She is very cheerful and talented, knows how to stroke her pride and often engages in self-irony. The girl with the male abbreviation of the name “Vasya” is very hardworking and easily takes on new things, however, most often she brings them to their logical conclusion. Birthday girl April 28th.

Taisiya. Those around her immediately notice the inner core in her, which stubbornly leads the girl past failures, straight to happiness and success. She can be affectionate and tender at the same time and at the same time ready to let out her claws and grab the throat of anyone who dares to offend her or her loved ones.

She is very independent and considers freedom above all else. She is not used to advertising her feelings and may seem too secretive and withdrawn to others. Sometimes he forgives people more than they deserve, however, his cup of patience runs out too quickly. Taisiya’s name day according to the church calendar is April 4.

Lydia. Very active and sociable, sometimes too much. For her, social status and position in society do not play a significant role; she tries to be on an equal footing with everyone. It often seems “out of this world” to strangers; Lydia is unusually simple and not picky about people.

She has a strong character, and she can easily stand up for herself and protect what is dear to her. Skillfully avoids conflicts and rarely violates established boundaries, does not like aggression and any of its manifestations. She is often lazy, but at the same time she always tries to achieve her goals.

Choosing a name for a child whose birthday falls in April or May is not so difficult. The main thing is to do it with soul and, of course, love.

The birth of a child is one of the most joyful and memorable moments in the life of parents. Undoubtedly, almost every couple wants their child to remain at such an early age as long as possible.

But no one has canceled the laws of nature, and the baby will soon begin to grow inexorably quickly, revealing himself and his character.

And as it seemed to the baby’s parents before that such a carefully chosen name would undoubtedly suit their child, but still, as children grow older, they change.

It’s not just age that changes appearance, but the child’s character and behavior may also change. Therefore, when choosing a name for a child, relying only on the behavior of the baby at a given moment in time, many parents make a big mistake.

Before you finally decide on the choice of name that the child will go with throughout his life, you should carefully study how he will grow up, the future character of the baby, and the compatibility of the name with the zodiac sign under which he was born.

First of all, the name should clearly suit the baby’s character type. But in order to make the right decision, you need to find out what kind of character the girl will have.

Children born in April are very brave and witty, determined and purposeful. But still they do not always manage to fully reveal and realize their potential to the fullest.

The character of April children is more solid than those born in March, and accordingly their names should be radically different.

Most often they will be concerned about the financial and material components of life. Because of this, they will often reach the top of the career ladder. Luck will always be on their side.

Kids are smart and thoughtful. And therefore, before making the right decision, they will weigh the pros and cons, and only then begin to solve the problem.

They find it difficult to perceive everything new and any changes in their lives. It is difficult for them to give up the old way of life in order to introduce new colors into it.

Such people will prefer to stay in the old, gray and routine life. Since it is more familiar and familiar to them than the new and unknown one.

April girls will always come first family life, and only after it comes material security.

But still, despite how much they value their family, emotions in personal relationships are pushed into the background and they rely only on reason and logic.

Such children are not very dreamy; they always know what they want. And they always achieve their goals by any means.

Despite all the advantages of April children, they also have disadvantages.

They are selfish and stubborn. And to achieve their goals they do not always use honest methods.

To soften such a strong character, girls should choose soft and feminine names. They will emphasize all the femininity in the baby, and therefore the character will not seem so firm and unwavering.

Names for girls born in April

When choosing a name, you should consider not only your preferences. Imagine that the chosen name became yours for a moment. What will others think about such a name, and will the baby be comfortable with it in adulthood?

For girls born in April, you should choose the following names:

The following names are considered lucky for girls born in April:

  • Sabina
  • Lydia
  • Svetlana
  • Galina
  • Irina
  • Karina
  • Larisa
  • Lydia
  • Alexandra
  • Daria
  • Maria
  • Anastasia
  • Claudia

Names for girls in April for every day

In addition to character, you should take into account what day the baby was born. After all, for every day there is lucky names. They will attract good luck to the girl throughout her life.

Lucky names for girls born in April for every day:

April 2: Alexandra, Efrasia, Claudia, Maria, Efimia, Matrona, Feodosia, Juliana, Anatolia, Ulyana, Praskovya, Domnina, Svetlana;

Names for girls in April according to the horoscope

In April, girls are born under such zodiac signs as Aries and Taurus. Their characters are similar, but there are still differences.

Aries are more cheerful, agile and energetic. They are straightforward, enthusiastic and stubborn. Girls prefer to achieve whatever they want by any means necessary. The names of such babies should be strong and brave.

Names for girls born under the zodiac sign Aries:

  • Evgeniya
  • Zhanna
  • Rimma
  • Karina
  • Kaleria
  • Margarita
  • Marina
  • Roxana
  • Martha

Taurus girls, in turn, are distinguished by optimism, hard work and leadership qualities. They can be called gourmets in life. They are kind and sympathetic, they can sacrifice everything for their loved ones. The names of such girls should be soft and brave.

Names for girls born under the zodiac sign Taurus:

  • Zinaida;
  • Lydia;
  • Isabel;
  • Wanda;
  • Tatiana;
  • Lada;
  • Irma;
  • Nina;
  • Lucia;

Names of girls in April according to the church calendar

Choosing a name for a child has always been a difficult process. But still, sometimes parents cannot choose Orthodox names for a girl born in April. In this case, you can contact the church. It may contain the names of the saint on whose day the baby was born.

There is a belief that it is not in vain that people are born on these days, as God shows what name should be chosen for the child.

It’s not for nothing that they say that if you name a saint on whose day a baby was born, then he will keep and protect the person all his life.

If the parents still could not decide on church name in April for a girl, you can give this choice to the priest. He will choose the name of the Saint according to the calendar compiled in the church.

Girl's name in April according to the Orthodox calendar

If the parent still decides to name the girl according to the calendar in April, they should take the calendar from the church to which they belong.

It will indicate all the Saints, whose names, and on what day it is advisable to name your baby.

Orthodox names for girls born in April according to the calendar:

  • April 1: Daria, Vassa, Sofia, Matrona, Illaria, Maria, Matryona;
  • April 2: Claudia, Praskovya, Fedora, Svetlana, Anatolia, Juliana, Ulyana, Alexandra, Julia, Matrona, Maria, Feodosia, Olesya, Domna, Euphemia, Feodosia;
  • April 4: Taisiya, Daria, Polina, Vasilisa, Agnata;
  • April 5: Anastasia, Feodosia, Lydia, Pelageya, Varvara, Maria;
  • April 8: Alla, Praskovya, Larisa, Anna;
  • April 9: Matrona, Maria;
  • April 11: Vassa;
  • April 13: Anna, Miroslava;
  • April 14: Maria;
  • April 16: Feodosia;
  • April 17: Maria;
  • April 18: Fedora;
  • April 20: Evdokia;
  • April 21: Maria;
  • April 22: Martha, Martha, Maria;
  • April 25: Maria, Athanasia;
  • April 26: Marta, Marfa, Alina;
  • April 28: Vasilisa, Anastasia;
  • April 29: Irina, Fedora, Vasilisa, Arina, Nika, Galina, Susanna, Victoria, Tamara, Maria, Karina, Anna, Marfa, Agnatia;
  • April 30: Zhanna, Yana, Joanna, Martha, Tamara, Lilia, Susanna, Maria, Martha;

You need to choose your daughter's name wisely. After all, it should emphasize the strength of character, but at the same time smooth it out a little, and show all the femininity of the girl.

Video: important rules for choosing a name for a girl

Girls born in April are characterized by increased energy and cheerfulness. They are quite restless people with a hot temperament. Always ready to support any idea or participate in any undertaking. In addition, they are desperately fighting for justice.

These are the little people who can laugh out loud, be loudly indignant and defend their point of view to the last.

They are overly emotional and will not do what seems wrong to them, no matter how much they are persuaded. Also, spring girls do not like it when outsiders interfere in their affairs, because they are able to cope with everything on their own. Despite their eccentricity, April girls can be quite shy. The kids are very kind, often capable of providing help even to their own detriment, just so as not to give a person a reason for disappointment.

They are naturally endowed with good intuitive qualities, determination and courage. They are quite jealous and do not like to share “their” person with someone else. Sometimes their jealousy is the cause of a bad mood, which actively spreads to others. A bad mood also forces girls to lash out at loved ones, which they later regret very much. Unfortunately, the impulsiveness of “April girls” gives rise to aggression, which often leads to similar conflict situations.

If older girls are able to control their emotions, become more calculating, reasonable and cold, they will definitely achieve great success.

Negative factors are stubbornness, emotionality, and in some cases even arrogance - they easily add problems, dampen the accumulated advantages and recreate life’s obstacles.

Important! Negative traits can be turned into positive ones. The strength of April's stubbornness allows them to rise through the social and career ranks so quickly that others cannot stop being surprised and sighing enviously. Well, emotionality will be the key to success in creative areas.

Lucky female names of saints

The name is fraught with many mysteries; for one it brings many victories, and for another an endless streak of failures. What to name a baby born in this spring month so as not to miscalculate and enhance its positive qualities? In fact, not everything is as complicated as it might seem. The only important aspect will be that this does not go by chance, but becomes a responsible step and a final firm choice.

Here are the most favorable female names for those born in April:

Name days according to the calendar (church calendar)

The table below will help you decide and simplify the task significantly. Simple orientation by dates will give you the opportunity to concentrate and focus on one thing.

Month\date Names Values Patron (name day)
April 1


Illaria of Rome Holy Martyr (1.04)

God's gift

Daria of Rome, martyr (1.04; 4.04)


noble woman

Matrona Alekseeva, martyr, nun (1.04; 2.04; 9.04)


Sofia Slutskaya, princess (1.04)


Human protector

Alexandra of Amisia (Pontus), venerable martyr (2.04)


God given

Theodosia of Amisia (Pontus), martyr (2.04; 5.04; 16.04)

Claudia of Amisia (Pontus), holy martyr (2.04)


Bright, clean

Photina/Photinia (Svetlana) Samaritan, Roman, venerable martyr (2.04)

Belonging to Julius

Juliana of Amisia (Pontus), venerable martyr (2.04)

Matron noble woman Matrona of Amisia (Pontus), martyr (1.04; 2.04; 9.04)

Shiny, bright

Aglaida, martyr (4.04)

Daria, holy martyr (1.04; 4.04)

Taisiya, martyr (4.04)

Vasilisa Queen Vasilissa, martyr (4.04; 28.04; 29.04)
5th of April Feodosia God given Theodosia, martyr (2.04; 5.04; 16.04)


Lydia of Illyria, martyr, nun (5.04)


Varvara Konkina, Venerable Martyr (5.04)



Anastasia, Venerable Martyr (5.04; 28.04)


Anna Gotfskaya, holy martyr (8.04., 13.04)


Alla Gotfskaya, holy martyr (8.04)

Larisa Gull Larisa Gotfskaya, martyr (8.04)
April 9 Matrona/Matryona noble woman Matrona of Thessalonica (Thessalonian), venerable martyr 1.04; 2.04; 9.04)
April 13 Anna Grace Anna, the righteous (8.04., 13.04)
14th of April Maria Bitter, stubborn Mary of Egypt, Venerable (14.04; 25.04)
April 16 Feodosia God given Theodosia of Tire, Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr (2.04; 5.04; 16.04)
April 17 Maria Bitter, stubborn Maria Lelyanova, nun, martyr (14.04; 25.04)

good will

Evdokia Pavlova, martyr, novice (20.04)

Akulina Like an eagle Aquilina the Younger, martyr (20.04)

Mistress, mentor

Martha of Bethany, martyr (25.04)

Maria Bitter, stubborn Mary of Bethany, venerable martyr (14.04; 25.04)
26 April Marfa Noble girl Martha Testova, Venerable Martyr (25.04; 26.04)


Vasilissa of Rome, martyr (4.04; 28.04; 29.04)

Anastasia Resurrected Anastasia of Rome, martyr (5.04; 28.04)


Attractive, loves the world

Irene of Corinth, holy martyr; Irina Aquileiskaya, holy martyr (29.04)


Galina of Corinth, martyr (29.04)

Victorious, bringing victory

Nike of Corinth, martyr (29.04)


Vasilissa of Corinth, martyr (4.04; 28.04; 29.04)

Alina/Alice/Evelina Another, someone else's Alevtina of Caesarea, martyr (29.04)

There is a world great amount names and each has its own spirit helpers and protectors. They will never leave a person alone, walking with him throughout his entire life. Guardians diligently carry out their own work: protect from troubles, help cope with difficulties, overcome fears, reduce heartache. Take this seriously and respectfully, honor the saints, instill love for the invisible Angel of the Savior, and your child will always be under the supervision of the highest powers of God.