Name day Anfisa according to the Orthodox calendar. Meaning of the name Anfisa

07.09.2019 Cell phones

The icon of the Holy Martyr Anfisa of Rome is a personalized icon of women named Anfisa. Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on December 21.

The icon of St. Anfisa protects the strength of cordial relationships, family ties, and family and loved ones from unkind thoughts and bad intentions from the outside.

The legend about the life of Saint Anfisa of Rome is associated with the element of fire, therefore, in front of the icon of Saint Anfisa of Rome, it is customary to ask for protection from fires and other natural disasters.

The icon of St. Anfisa of Rome, when parents pray in front of it for their daughter, especially if she was named by this name at Holy Baptism, helps to instill in childhood love of learning, respect for elders - that is, to develop those traits that Saint Anfisa herself possessed. Girls and adult women turn to her for help in successfully choosing a life partner, in achieving success in the professional sphere, and so on.

At Anfisa, all girls in Rus' were supposed to do handicrafts: spinning, weaving, sewing, embroidering. It was advisable to do this alone, and if it was not possible or you did not want to be alone, special rituals against damage were performed.“The girl sews for Anfisa, but an extra eye while sewing is an evil eye.”, - our ancestors said and advised young needlewomen to wrap a silk thread around their wrists so as not to prick their fingers with a needle. The same ritual protected against yawning and hiccups.

When the image of Saint Anfisa became known in Rus', which adopted Christianity, then, as happened in Russian Orthodoxy, where many holidays inherit the national features of the pre-Christian period, for example, Maslenitsa, Honey and Apple Spas, etc., the December “Anfisa” became “Anfisa the Needlewoman” " She was considered an assistant to girls in crafting their own destiny, and “Anfisa” is all about unmarried girls they spun, weaved, sewed, embroidered, but this was supposed to be done after the saint’s prayer and in complete solitude.

The name Anfisa is Greek and translates as “blooming”, “colorful”, “flower”. There is a misconception that such a name does not exist in Orthodox calendar However, during the year we celebrate the feast days of four saints with this name.

The holy martyr Anfisa of Rome lived at the end of the 4th - beginning of the 5th century. Even in her early youth she was combined marriage om with a noble Roman nobleman. This was the time when Constantine the Great put an end to the persecution of Christians, but this was replaced by distortions in the faith - heresies - in the Christian environment. The largest of the first heresies was the Arian, named after its founder, the priest Arius from Alexandria. The essence heretical teaching Arianism consisted in the fact that those who professed it believed that Christ was not the Son of God, that he was created, like everyone else. Thus, by depriving Christ of the Sonship, they deprived all Christians of the most important meaning of Christianity for humanity, which is with the Nativity of Christ - the coming of the Savior into the world, with the eventincarnationreceived the opportunity of deification - unity with God the Father, with the Holy Spirit, with the entire Holy Trinity through God the Son. We have become children of God, brothers and sisters in Christ.

In order to put an end to this heresy, in 325 Constantine the Great convened the First Ecumenical Council, at which Saints Spyridon of Trimythous and Nicholas of Myra disgraced the Arians, and the doctrine of the “Trinity Consubstantial and Indivisible” was adopted, as we now sing at services. However, the spread of Arianism did not stop there and ended only in 381, when Emperor Theodosius I, a staunch opponent of Arianism, turned to the Church demanding the convening of a new Ecumenical Council in Constantinople, where Arianism was finally condemned. Arius was expelled from the Church.

In 340, in Gaul, a son, Ambrose, was born into the family of the Roman governor, who remained in the history of Christianity as Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan. According to legend, even in infancy the saint was especially marked by God's will: one day bees suddenly flew down on the face of a sleeping child, then flew up without causing him any harm, but left drops of honey on his tongue. It was as if God was indicating that he was to become not only a faithful servant of the Lord in the rank of bishop, but also a brilliant preacher. When the father passed away, the family returned to Rome, where Ambrose and his brother Satyr received an excellent education in Roman law. Around 370, Ambrose was appointed governor of the provinces of Liguria and Emilia, but chose Mediolan as his place of residence, of which he was elected bishop some time later.

He became a bishop under very curious circumstances. When the former bishop of Mediolanus, Auxentius, died in 374, serious discord began in the churches between true Christians and Arian heretics, leading to mass riots. The reason is clear - each side wanted to see its chosen one as bishop. Prefect Ambrose also went to one of these “ardent” meetings. Calling all those arguing to order, he spoke passionately and convincingly, as he preached, and suddenly a child’s voice was heard from the crowd: “Ambrose is a bishop!” The people took up this cry. Thus, through the mouth of the baby, God’s will was expressed. Ambrose did not agree, tried in every way to refuse this election, even tried to flee the city. But he had to obey the order of Emperor Valentinian the Elder. He received Holy Baptism from a Christian priest, in seven days he went through all the levels of the church hierarchy and entered the rank of bishop.

Immediately after this, he distributed all his wealth, house and property for the construction and decoration of churches, for the maintenance and food of widows and orphans, and began the harsh life of a Christian ascetic, about whom it was known that he possessed the gift of miracles - there are known cases of healing and even resurrection by him of people. Leading a harsh life of fasting and prayer, Saint Ambrose devoted a lot of energy to uniting the church and fighting heresies, including the largest one - the Arian one. His students became his followers, and Saint Anfisa of Rome became one such pupil. Therefore, being a noble Roman, but brought up in the spirit of the true faith and accepted baptism, she opposed the Arian heresy, which supporters of the Arians tried in every possible way to introduce.

A certain Sunilda, the wife of one of the Roman mayors, an ardent supporter of Arianism, tried in every possible way to force Anfisa to accept this heresy. But spiritually strengthened by Saint Ambrose, Saint Anfisa remained adamant, saying that she was baptized “with holy water and the Holy Spirit.” Then Sunilda slandered the saint, and following her denunciation, the saint was burned.

Troparion to the Holy Martyr Anfisa:

Your Lamb, Jesus, Anfisa calls with a great voice: I love You, my Bridegroom, and seeking You I suffer and am crucified, and I am buried in Your baptism, and I suffer for Your sake, so that I reign in You, and I die for You, and I live with You ; but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, offering myself to You with love. Through prayers, as the Merciful, save our souls.

Christmas post.

Memory today: app. from 70 Sosthenes, Apollos (Apelius), Cephas, Tychicus, Epaphroditus, Caesar and Onesiphorus; mts. Anfisa of Rome, martyr. 62 priests and 300 laity, in Africa suffered from the Arians in the 5th century; St. Patapia of Thebes, 7th century; St. Kirill of Chelmogorsky of the 14th century;

Sschmch. Sergius Orlov, presbyter killed in 1937.

Congratulations to the birthday people on Angel's Day.

Brothers and sisters, today we will remember a number of saints. Firstly, the martyr Anfisa. She suffered for Christ in Rome in the 5th century. The martyr Anfisa, the wife of a Roman dignitary, was baptized by Saint Ambrose of Milan. The holy martyr was burned after she refused the offer of the mayor's wife Sunilda to accept Arian baptism. Secondly, many martyrs suffered under the ruler of the Vandal kingdom in North Africa, Guneric, from 474 to 491 (at that time Emperor Zeno ruled in Byzantium). Huneric, with the complicity of the Arian bishops, initiated a cruel persecution of the Orthodox. When believers gathered in one of the churches and secretly celebrated the Divine Liturgy, barbarian troops broke into the church. Some of those praying fled, and 300 people, the most firm in the true faith, voluntarily gave themselves up to torture and were beheaded. Of the 62 priests, two were burned, the rest had their tongues cut out.

Brothers and sisters, centuries pass, but schisms and wars periodically occur between Christian believers, when Christians begin to put each other to death. This was the case during the Arian Troubles, and during the Monophysite heresy, and iconoclasm. This happened during the Crusades, when Constantinople was sacked. Protestants and Catholics fought in Europe. Not only Catholics and Orthodox Christians fought in Rus', but Orthodox princes also went to war against their own Orthodox brothers.

There are also many examples of such bloodshed in the 20th century. So because renovation schism was repressed at the beginning of the 20th century great amount Orthodox clergy. Very recent political events have shown the same thing; examples can be given endlessly. The Apostle Paul was already concerned about all this in the first century:

I beseech you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same spirit and in the same thoughts. For from the household of Chloe it became known to me about you, my brethren, that there are disputes among you. I mean what you say: “I am Pavlov”; “I am Apollosov”; “I am Kifin”; “And I am Christ’s.” Was Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were you baptized in the name of Paul?(1 Cor. 1:10-13).

Why is all this happening? The answer is simple. All this happens because the name “Christian” does not make a person such in itself. And even if a quarrel occurs between two Christians, it means that at least one of them has departed from Christ and needs to repent. But more often than not, both sides are far from ideal, and the conflict that has begun grows and inflames more intensely. The Lord said: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.” But why are there so few of them? Because pride stands its ground and always strives to ruin good undertakings. Each side of the conflict is confident that by defending its position, it is achieving good goals. How do you know which side to take? And is there this Right side? Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov), explaining the teaching of the Monk Silouan, wrote that in distinguishing between good and evil, the sure sign is not so much a goal that is holy and lofty in its formulation as the means chosen to achieve this goal.

According to Father Sophrony, in the practical life of a person, absolute good is unattainable; In every human endeavor there is some degree of imperfection. This makes distinguishing good from evil very difficult. We are confused by the inevitable presence of good intentions and pretexts in evil and at the same time the imperfection of human goodness. But for real saints everything was very simple. For example, the Monk Silouan explained all our troubles so simply:

“People do not learn humility, and for their pride they cannot accept the grace of the Holy Spirit, and therefore the whole world suffers. And if people knew the Lord, how merciful, humble and meek He is, then “in one hour” the face of the whole world would change, and everyone would have great joy and love. The Merciful Lord gave us repentance, and with repentance everything is corrected. By repentance we receive forgiveness of sins; for repentance comes the grace of the Holy Spirit, and this is how we know God. If anyone has lost peace and is suffering, let him repent, and the Lord will give him His peace. If any nation or state suffers, then everyone must repent, and then everything will be corrected by God.” Brothers and sisters, let us pray and sincerely repent. And may our heavenly intercessors help us in this.

Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.

Deacon Mikhail Kudryavtsev

New article: Anfisa Roman prayer on the website - in all the details and details from the many sources that we were able to find.

The name Anfisa has Greek roots. The patron saint of all who bear this name is the holy martyr Anfisa Novaya. She was the daughter of pious Christian parents living in Phenicia. Anfisa, baptized in infancy, was accused under Emperor Diocletian of preaching the faith among her friends.

For her adherence to Christianity and refusal to make a pagan sacrifice to idols, she was sentenced to severe beating. At that moment, when she was exhausted and fell, she was considered dead and thrown out of the city. At night, she was miraculously healed by an angel and appeared again to the ruler, who again condemned her to death. But through the prayer of Saint Anfisa, her death followed before her execution.

Fate: Ambitious and energetic, Anfisa combines wit, agility, wonderful imagination and emotional depth in her character.

The Saints: Anfisa the Abbess (name day August 9), Anfisa Novaya (name day September 9), Anfisa Rimskaya (name day December 21).

Angel Anfisa Day

The name Anfisa is Greek name, derived from “anfos” - “flower”. The name Anfisa can sound like Anfusa or Antuza, for example, in Romania and Moldova. Exists male name Anfim (Antim), formed from the same root. In Christianity, several martyrs and saints bearing the name Anfisa are mentioned. Anfisa's Catholic name days are July 27, August 22, August 27, the remaining dates indicated are Orthodox name days Anfisa.

Anfisa has a capricious and somewhat mannered character. However, this may not be noticeable at first glance. When meeting Anfisa for the first time, they usually note that she is a calm, quiet and independent woman. Only upon closer acquaintance do people often note her complacency, stubbornness and conflict. Sometimes she is overly proud and capricious.

Anfisa is ready to go head-to-head towards her goal, not being shy about methods. This woman endures any failure very painfully. On the other hand, Anfisa is very practical and efficient. She is distinguished by cold energy. Over the years, a woman becomes softer and calmer. Anfisa is characterized by healthy skepticism, which will help her more than once in her work. Anfisa usually chooses a professional field for herself that does not require much effort.

Often she becomes a librarian or salesperson, secretary or museum worker. Perhaps she will become a cosmetologist. A girl named Anfisa is beautiful. She loves the company of men, but chooses them very selectively. Only with age will Anfisa discover the ability to be kind, faithful and sincere. She will learn to criticize others, doing it reasonedly and harmlessly for the interlocutor. This quality will have a positive impact on her family relationships.

TO family relations Anfisa walks for a long time. In her youth, a girl with this name enjoys the attention of men, but cannot find a loved one among them. Unrequited love is very dangerous for Anfisa. The girl experiences such feelings very hard, she may even commit suicide. If Anfisa manages to marry her beloved, then she becomes a good wife and mother. But even in this case, Anfisa’s feelings cannot withstand time, and after a decade she cools off towards her husband and begins to demand the impossible from him.

Living with such a woman is very difficult, so her marriage often breaks up. Anfisa's hidden qualities can have a very negative impact on her personal life. Since childhood, Anfisa has dreamed of wealth, and having achieved this, she is immensely proud of her money. This Anfisa will behave defiantly, but if necessary, she will stand up for herself. In fact, Anfisa does not like noise and crowds. She is sensual and emotional. In communication, she likes to insist on her own, and can be cunning and vindictive. Anfisa spends money irrationally, but at home she is a good housewife. Anfisa willingly receives guests and knows how to keep them busy.


Blooming, colorful, floral - this is how the name Anfisa is translated from Greek. Many people mistakenly believe that such a name is not in the Saints of the Russian Orthodox Church. Four saints in the history of Christianity were named Anfisa. One of them was born in Rome (therefore, in the Monthly Book she is indicated as Anfisa Rimskaya). In her youth, she married a very noble nobleman. However, after she heard the sermons of Saint Ambrose of Milan, the woman believed in the Lord and accepted Holy Baptism. At the beginning of the 5th century, the entire government of the Roman Empire converted to Arianism. But Saint Anfisa refused to do this, for which she was burned.

Several centuries later (8th century) in Asia Minor, or rather in Mantinea of ​​Paphlagon, the venerable ascetic Anfisa Mantineiskaya. She lived in the mountains, where there was not a single soul nearby. Only she and prayer. The holy virgin accepted monasticism from Hieromonk Sisinius. Over time, other sisters began to settle next to the Monk Anfisa, who, like her, sought solitude and prayer. Slowly, a community was formed, and then a monastery was built. During this period, Emperor Constantine Copronymus ruled the country. He forced Saint Anfisa to change her faith, renounce Christ, and not venerate icons. Because she did not carry out his orders, the saint was tortured for a long time. This was observed by powerful nobles, among whom was the emperor’s wife. Saint Anfisa, when she saw her, predicted the birth of two children (a girl and a boy). Soon the prophecy was fulfilled, and then the Monk Anfisa was released. She returned to her monastery and went to the Lord already as an old woman.

In Russia she is also canonized as a saint. Anfisa Sysoeva, in the world Alexandra Matveevna. She accepted monasticism in 1878 and until 1921 she worked at the Holy Cross Monastery in the city of Belev. After its closure, she was arrested. She was accused of being one of the participants in the creation of an underground monastery in one of the city’s churches. After the trial, she was sentenced to three years in prison. Confessor Anfisa went into exile in Kazakhstan. In 1934, she was released and returned to her hometown. Three years later, arrest followed again. Saint Anfisa was sentenced to death. Thus ended the earthly life of Saint Anfisa (Sysoeva). In 2002, she was canonized among the host of new martyrs and confessors of Russia.

Holy women named Anfisa in Russian life Orthodox Church not very many, but they all stood in the faith of Christ until the very end of their earthly life. Whoever you choose as your heavenly patroness, trust in her help. Yes, the Lord God will help you through the prayers of our saints.

Below we provide a list of holy women named Anfisa. Memorial dates are indicated according to the new style.

Orthodox calendar December 21. Martyr Anfisa of Rome.

The holy martyr Anfisa lived in the fourth century. In Greek, her name means “blooming.” On all icons she is depicted as a beautiful young woman. After all, Anfisa was the wife of a prominent Roman dignitary. She believed in Christ and was baptized thanks to the preaching of St. Ambrose of Milan. At this time, the Arian heresy spread widely throughout the empire. The founder of this heresy, Presbyter Arius, believed that Jesus Christ was only a mediator between God and the created world, and not the Son of God. This heresy was condemned by the First Ecumenical Council, but nevertheless acquired both its patrons and followers. The mayor's wife Sunilda was a supporter of Arius. She invited Anfisa to be baptized in this heresy. The woman opposed this, and her husband, fearing the consequences of refusal, changed his faith. Saint Anfisa was executed. But heavenly punishment fell on both the unfaithful husband and Sunilda.

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The wife of a Roman dignitary, she was baptized by Saint Ambrose of Milan. She refused the offer of Sunilda, the wife of the Roman mayor, to accept Arian baptism and was burned.

The husband of the holy martyr fell into fear and was voluntarily baptized with Aryan baptism. But soon God sent him punishment - he was burned by lightning from heaven when he was opposite the city church.

Anfisa Rimskaya

Wife of a Roman official.

Lived in Rome. She refused the offer of the wife of the Roman mayor to accept Arianism (a heresy whose dogmas, unlike canonical Christianity, affirm inequality in the Holy Trinity of God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit) and was burned.

Anfisa of Rome was baptized by Saint Ambrose of Milan.

The husband of Anfisa of Rome, having seen the execution of the martyr, accepted the Arian heresy, but soon, according to the life of the saint, he was struck by lightning.

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Anfisa Roman prayer

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  • Anfisa of Rome Holy Martyr. Icon on canvas.

The icon of the Holy Martyr Anfisa of Rome is a personal icon of women named Anfisa. Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on December 21.

The icon of St. Anfisa protects the strength of cordial relationships, family ties, and family and loved ones - from unkind thoughts and bad intentions from the outside.

The icon of Saint Anfisa of Rome, when parents pray in front of it for their daughter, especially if she is named by this name at Holy Baptism, helps to instill in childhood a love of learning and respect for elders - that is, to develop those traits that Saint Anfisa herself possessed. Girls and adult women turn to her for help in successfully choosing a life partner, in achieving success in the professional sphere, and so on.

The name Anfisa is Greek and translates as “blooming”, “colorful”, “flower”. There is a misconception that such a name is not in the Orthodox calendar, but each year we celebrate the days of remembrance of four saints with this name.

Troparion to the Holy Martyr Anfisa:

Your Lamb, Jesus, Anfisa calls with a great voice: I love You, my Bridegroom, and seeking You I suffer and am crucified, and I am buried in Your baptism, and I suffer for Your sake, so that I reign in You, and I die for You, and I live with You ; but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me, offering myself to You with love. Through prayers, as the Merciful, save our souls.

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21 December. Venerable Patapius. Venerable Kirill of Chelmogorsk.

St. Kirill of Chelmogorsky (1367). App. from 70 Sosthenes, Apollos, Cephas, Tychicus, Epaphroditus, Caesar and Onesiphorus (I). Mchch. 62 priests and 300 laity, in Africa suffered from the Arians (477) Mts. Anfisa in Rome (V).

Sschmch. Sergius Orlov presbyter (1937).

In you, father, it is known that I was saved in the image:/ for you accepted the Cross, you followed Christ,/ and taught you to despise the flesh, for it passes away,/ to be diligent about the souls, things more immortal,// Likewise, the angels will rejoice, reverend Patapie, your spirit.

Your temple, holy one, people have found spiritual healing, / they come to it with diligence, / they ask you to accept the healing of ailments, / you have appeared as a representative for the lives of sinners, / for you have appeared as a representative for all those who are in need ́,// Reverend Patapia.

A proud person, as it were, repeats the sin of Dennitsa - that angel who became Satan. He didn’t want to be next to God, he wanted to be in God’s place. So a proud person expels God from the central place in his life, and this place is occupied by his own “I”, which he worships, which he extols and at the same time subjects to enormous trials. After all, if a person is selfish, selfish, then any attempt by other people to say something that does not correspond to his thoughts, or to take actions that in any way infringe on his “I” leads to dire consequences, and often such people, as if offended by others , show anger. When a person suffers from pride, he becomes very vulnerable and weak. Most often, pride penetrates the consciousness of smart, educated, and successful people. But by expelling God from his life and putting himself in this place, such a person becomes very vulnerable.

Apostle Sosthenes Before the adoption of Christianity, he was the head of the Jewish synagogue in Corinth. During the rebellion against the Apostle Paul, he was beaten. Subsequently, he was converted by the apostle himself to faith in Christ and became a bishop in Colophon. Apollos came from Alexandria and was a brilliantly educated man. The main place of his ministry was Corinth. There he labored for a long time and converted many to the faith of Christ. At the end of his life he preached on Krota and was bishop of Caesarea. Apostle Cephas was a bishop in Colophon.

Apostle Epaphroditus, one of the closest collaborators and associates of the holy Apostle Paul, was the bishop of the city of Adriaki in Thracia.

Apostle Caesar preached and was the bishop of Dyrrachia, a region in Central Greece.

All these apostles reposed peacefully before God (second memory: March 30). Together with them the Church remembers and Apostle Onesiphorus(September 7).

Martyrs (62 priests and 300 laity). Under Emperor Zeno (474–491), the ruler of the Vandal kingdom in North Africa, Huneric, with the complicity of the Arian bishops, launched a severe persecution of the Orthodox. When believers gathered in one of the churches and secretly celebrated the Divine Liturgy, barbarian troops broke into the church. Some of those praying fled, and 300 people, the most firm in the true faith, voluntarily gave themselves up to torture and were beheaded. Of the 62 priests, two were burned, the rest had their tongues cut out. But by the miraculous power of God they continued to preach and refute the Arian false teaching.

Anfisa Roman prayer

God bless! Powerful words. During sorrowful circumstances, when the heart is surrounded by thoughts of doubt, cowardice, displeasure, and murmuring, one must force oneself to frequent, unhurried, attentive repetition of the words: Glory to God! Bishop Ignatius (Brianchaninov)

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The Holy Martyr Anfisa of Rome suffered for Christ in Rome in the 5th century. She was baptized by Saint Ambrose of Milan.

Holy Martyr Anfisa of Rome suffered for Christ in Rome in the 5th century. She was baptized by Saint Ambrose of Milan.

Saint Anfisa was the wife of a Roman dignitary. She refused the offer of the mayor's wife Sunilda to accept Arian "baptism" and was burned.

Thy lamb, Jesus, Anfisa, / calls with a great voice: / I love Thee, my bridegroom, / and I suffer in seeking Thee, / and I am crucified and buried in Thy baptism, / and I suffer for Thy sake, / for I reign in Thee, and I die for You, / yes, and I live with You: / but as an immaculate sacrifice, accept me with love, sacrificed to You. / Through prayers, / as you are merciful, save our souls.

21 December. Martyr Anfisa of Rome

Memory today: app. from 70 Sosthenes, Apollos (Apelius), Cephas, Tychicus, Epaphroditus, Caesar and Onesiphorus; mts. Anfisa of Rome, martyr. 62 priests and 300 laity, in Africa suffered from the Arians in the 5th century; St. Patapia of Thebes, 7th century; St. Kirill of Chelmogorsky of the 14th century;

Sschmch. Sergius Orlov, presbyter killed in 1937.

Congratulations to the birthday people on Angel's Day.

Brothers and sisters, today we will remember a number of saints. Firstly, the martyr Anfisa. She suffered for Christ in Rome in the 5th century. The martyr Anfisa, the wife of a Roman dignitary, was baptized by Saint Ambrose of Milan. The holy martyr was burned after she refused the offer of the mayor's wife Sunilda to accept Arian baptism. Secondly, many martyrs suffered under the ruler of the Vandal kingdom in North Africa, Guneric, from 474 to 491 (at that time Emperor Zeno ruled in Byzantium). Huneric, with the complicity of the Arian bishops, initiated a cruel persecution of the Orthodox. When believers gathered in one of the churches and secretly celebrated the Divine Liturgy, barbarian troops broke into the church. Some of those praying fled, and 300 people, the most firm in the true faith, voluntarily gave themselves up to torture and were beheaded. Of the 62 priests, two were burned, the rest had their tongues cut out.

Brothers and sisters, centuries pass, but schisms and wars periodically occur between Christian believers, when Christians begin to put each other to death. This was the case during the Arian Troubles, and during the Monophysite heresy, and iconoclasm. This happened during the Crusades, when Constantinople was sacked. Protestants and Catholics fought in Europe. Not only Catholics and Orthodox Christians fought in Rus', but Orthodox princes also went to war against their own Orthodox brothers.

There are also many examples of such bloodshed in the 20th century. Thus, due to the Renovationist schism at the beginning of the 20th century, a huge number of Orthodox clergy were repressed. Very recent political events have shown the same thing; examples can be given endlessly. The Apostle Paul was already concerned about all this in the first century:

I beseech you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same spirit and in the same thoughts. For from the household of Chloe it became known to me about you, my brethren, that there are disputes among you. I mean what you say: “I am Pavlov”; “I am Apollosov”; “I am Kifin”; “And I am Christ’s.” Was Christ divided? was Paul crucified for you? or were you baptized in the name of Paul?(1 Cor. 1:10-13).

Why is all this happening? The answer is simple. All this happens because the name “Christian” does not make a person such in itself. And even if a quarrel occurs between two Christians, it means that at least one of them has departed from Christ and needs to repent. But more often than not, both sides are far from ideal, and the conflict that has begun grows and inflames more intensely. The Lord said: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.” But why are there so few of them? Because pride stands its ground and always strives to ruin good undertakings. Each side of the conflict is confident that by defending its position, it is achieving good goals. How do you know which side to take? And is there this right side? Archimandrite Sophrony (Sakharov), explaining the teaching of the Monk Silouan, wrote that in distinguishing between good and evil, the sure sign is not so much a goal that is holy and lofty in its formulation as the means chosen to achieve this goal.

According to Father Sophrony, in the practical life of a person, absolute good is unattainable; In every human endeavor there is some degree of imperfection. This makes distinguishing good from evil very difficult. We are confused by the inevitable presence of good intentions and pretexts in evil and at the same time the imperfection of human goodness. But for real saints everything was very simple. For example, the Monk Silouan explained all our troubles so simply:

“People do not learn humility, and for their pride they cannot accept the grace of the Holy Spirit, and therefore the whole world suffers. And if people knew the Lord, how merciful, humble and meek He is, then “in one hour” the face of the whole world would change, and everyone would have great joy and love. The Merciful Lord gave us repentance, and with repentance everything is corrected. By repentance we receive forgiveness of sins; for repentance comes the grace of the Holy Spirit, and this is how we know God. If anyone has lost peace and is suffering, let him repent, and the Lord will give him His peace. If any nation or state suffers, then everyone must repent, and then everything will be corrected by God.” Brothers and sisters, let us pray and sincerely repent. And may our heavenly intercessors help us in this.

Holy martyrs, pray to God for us.

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We read the Apostle. February 2. If those who did not listen to Him who spoke on earth did not escape punishment, then much less will we escape if we turn away from Him who speaks from heaven

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What is mental peace?

- What is spiritual peace? What are its properties? – Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Gospel of John in the 13th chapter says something very important for everyone.

A person striving for spiritual peace must become indifferent to everything around him?

- Is it possible to say that a person who strives for spiritual peace seems to become indifferent to everything around him? From the outside it may seem like such a person.

How not to cross the line between Christian humility and active citizenship?

- – How to tell the difference and not cross the line between Christian humility and active citizenship Orthodox man V modern society? - Apparently, you.

The name Anfisa is Greek and translates as “blooming”, “colorful”, “flower”. There is a misconception that such a name is not in the Orthodox calendar, but each year we celebrate the days of remembrance of four saints with this name.

The Holy Martyr Anfisa of Rome lived at the end of the 4th - beginning of the 5th century. Even in her early youth, she married a noble Roman nobleman. This was the time when Constantine the Great put an end to the persecution of Christians, but this was replaced by distortions in the faith - heresies - in the Christian environment. The largest of the first heresies was the Arian, named after its founder, the priest Arius from Alexandria. The essence of the heretical teaching of Arianism was that those who professed it believed that Christ was not the Son of God, that he was created, like everyone else. Thus, by depriving Christ of the Sonship, they deprived all Christians of the most important meaning of Christianity for humanity, which is with the Nativity of Christ - the coming of the Savior into the world, with the event incarnation received the opportunity of deification - unity with God the Father, with the Holy Spirit, with the entire Holy Trinity through God the Son. We have become children of God, brothers and sisters in Christ.

In order to put an end to this heresy, in 325 Constantine the Great convened the First Ecumenical Council, at which Saints Spyridon of Trimythous and Nicholas of Myra disgraced the Arians, and the doctrine of the “Trinity Consubstantial and Indivisible” was adopted, as we now sing at services. However, the spread of Arianism did not stop there and ended only in 381, when Emperor Theodosius I, a staunch opponent of Arianism, turned to the Church demanding the convening of a new Ecumenical Council in Constantinople, where Arianism was finally condemned. Arius was expelled from the Church.

In 340, in Gaul, a son, Ambrose, was born into the family of the Roman governor, who remained in the history of Christianity as Saint Ambrose, Bishop of Milan. According to legend, even in infancy the saint was especially marked by God's will: one day bees suddenly flew down on the face of a sleeping child, then flew up without causing him any harm, but left drops of honey on his tongue. It was as if God was indicating that he was to become not only a faithful servant of the Lord in the rank of bishop, but also a brilliant preacher. When the father passed away, the family returned to Rome, where Ambrose and his brother Satyr received an excellent education in Roman law. Around 370, Ambrose was appointed governor of the provinces of Liguria and Emilia, but chose Mediolan as his place of residence, of which he was elected bishop some time later.

He became a bishop under very curious circumstances. When the former bishop of Mediolanus, Auxentius, died in 374, serious discord began in the churches between true Christians and Arian heretics, leading to mass riots. The reason is clear - each side wanted to see its chosen one as bishop. Prefect Ambrose also went to one of these “ardent” meetings. Calling all those arguing to order, he spoke passionately and convincingly, as he preached, and suddenly a child’s voice was heard from the crowd: “Ambrose is a bishop!” The people took up this cry. Thus, through the mouth of the baby, God’s will was expressed. Ambrose did not agree, tried in every way to refuse this election, even tried to flee the city. But he had to obey the order of Emperor Valentinian the Elder. He received Holy Baptism from a Christian priest, in seven days he went through all the levels of the church hierarchy and entered the rank of bishop.

Immediately after this, he distributed all his wealth, house and property for the construction and decoration of churches, for the maintenance and food of widows and orphans, and began the harsh life of a Christian ascetic, about whom it was known that he possessed the gift of miracles - there are known cases of healing and even resurrection by him of people. Leading a harsh life of fasting and prayer, Saint Ambrose devoted much energy to uniting the church and fighting heresies, including the largest one - the Arian one. His students became his followers, and Saint Anfisa of Rome became one such pupil. Therefore, being a noble Roman, but brought up in the spirit of the true faith and accepted baptism, she opposed the Arian heresy, which supporters of the Arians tried in every possible way to introduce.

A certain Sunilda, the wife of one of the Roman mayors, an ardent supporter of Arianism, tried in every possible way to force Anfisa to accept this heresy. But spiritually strengthened by Saint Ambrose, Saint Anfisa remained adamant, saying that she was baptized “with holy water and the Holy Spirit.” Then Sunilda slandered the saint, and following her denunciation, the saint was burned.

What a miracle happened

Faith and the feeling of the direct presence of God in your life work miracles. And the exploits of Christian martyrs are a true miracle in our eyes, if we understand the meaning of these sacrifices, similar to Christ’s sacrifice. They, and Saint Anfisa with them, did not repel with their lives, as one might logically assume, but attracted people to accept Christianity, showing examples of highly moral fidelity to something higher and more valuable than material existence.

Yes, by nature man is weak. He is often tormented by a variety of fears, and the fear of death is the strongest of them, since the strongest instinct is the instinct of self-preservation. But those who have God alive in their souls, the main Giver of Life, the Savior of our souls, acquire a different strength when it comes to choosing life with Him - eternal life, in the light of His truth or without Him. We glorify those who overcome the fear of death as heroes, it seems to us a miracle, but in the eyes of God and, most importantly, themselves, these great ascetics, such a rebirth of the soul is not, in fact, a miracle, if in the soul that received a particle at baptism The Holy Spirit, the Lord God Himself lives. A person, when faced with such a radical choice - with or without God - knows that he who believes in Him “will not perish, but will have eternal life” (John 3:15). It will not perish - this is not about the physical body, which is only a temporary container for our soul, but it is, first of all, ourselves. The death of the soul before the body is real death. There is no God in the soul - and all the fears of the world take possession of it, it is impossible to live in the middle: if you are not with God, then you are already in the power of a completely different force, and there is no third option...

This is what happened to the husband of Saint Anfisa. Frightened by her painful death, having previously been baptized into the Christian faith, her husband converted to Arianism. Some time later he went out on horseback. And when he drove past the city church, a lightning strike fell on him from a clear sky. He fell from his horse and died in the flames, like his wife, only with the difference that her death was full of high spiritual meaning, it was a feat, and his death became ridiculous and inglorious. But there was a meaning in it too - as St. Dmitry of Rostov writes: “So the judgment of God was carried out on him before the future, eternal flame Gehenish."

The meaning of the icon

Due to the fact that the origins of the feat of Saint Anfisa of Rome begin precisely with the mentoring of Saint Ambrose of Milan, who prepared her for Holy Baptism and baptized her, I would like to make one important remark. Initially, in Christianity, baptism was possible only at a fairly adult age - 33 years old, the age of Christ, when the person being baptized took a conscious part in the sacrament of the rite, understood why and for what purpose he was doing it. This fundamental event in the life of a person who decided to live with God, to change his internal spiritual image, which inevitably influenced the external, worldly way of life, was preceded by a period of preparation - a conversation with a priest, who at that time became the spiritual mentor of the person being baptized, and he became his student.

The tradition of performing the rite of the sacrament of Holy Baptism in adulthood has today been lost almost everywhere. Newborns are baptized, as they say, without asking their will. After all, it is known that often in families where they decide to baptize a baby, they do not live a church life, which is supposed to be the life of a layman - they go to church on major holidays, but about teaching the baptized child important spiritual principles: the law of God, the main milestones of earthly life the life of Jesus and the Mother of God, an explanation accessible to him of the meaning of the event - why he was baptized, why one must believe in God, what the salvation of the soul is, what Orthodoxy is in the history of the Motherland, there is no question of that.

It’s good if parents and relatives from childhood take the child to church, when he grows up, take him to Sunday school, which, fortunately, is becoming more and more numerous, and read spiritual literature for children with him. But such mentors should be, first of all, his godmothers and the father is also a later invention of mankind, when children began to be baptized after birth, and the successors were supposed to become his spiritual mentors in the world to help the priest, and in the old days they were chosen very carefully. Godfather and mother are not just another one or two acquired loving relatives. By participating in the sacrament of baptism as a godfather or godmother, we take on enormous responsibility for the spiritual education of the future Christian. In the old days it was believed that godfathers and the godson had to obey his mother almost more than his blood parents - they raised the child’s soul to save it, and such mentoring was their primary duty.

The story presented in such detail about the personality of St. Ambrose of Milan is necessary here as an example of such mentoring, since he took a serious part in the spiritual education of St. Anfisa of Rome, his goddaughter. One can only imagine how exceptional this mentoring was for Saint Anfisa, how fruitful! The young woman, at the moment of the hardest choice for every person between life and death in their usual understanding, discovered such loyalty to the true faith and strength of spirit that they did not allow her to renounce her spiritual beliefs. For God's sake and eternal life with Him she gave away what is considered the most valuable - her human life, full of small and big earthly joys.

Therefore, when you take into your home the icon of St. Anfisa of Rome, read her biography, which is so closely connected with the life of another Christian ascetic - St. Ambrose of Milan. And if this icon appears in your home in connection with the birth of a girl who was baptized in this wonderful name in the autumn period and before December 21 according to the new style, remember and tell everyone how important it is that youth the children had a wise and kind mentor in matters of faith. Then, turning to her saint for help, knowing her story, she will speak to her in an informal language - in the language of the heart, which is always heard by the Lord and all His saints.

All about religion and faith - “prayer to Saint Anfisa” with detailed description and photographs.

The name Anfisa has Greek roots. The patron saint of all who bear this name is the holy martyr Anfisa Novaya. She was the daughter of pious Christian parents living in Phenicia. Anfisa, baptized in infancy, was accused under Emperor Diocletian of preaching the faith among her friends.

For her adherence to Christianity and refusal to make a pagan sacrifice to idols, she was sentenced to severe beating. At that moment, when she was exhausted and fell, she was considered dead and thrown out of the city. At night, she was miraculously healed by an angel and appeared again to the ruler, who again condemned her to death. But through the prayer of Saint Anfisa, her death followed before her execution.

Fate: Ambitious and energetic, Anfisa combines wit, agility, wonderful imagination and emotional depth in her character.

The Saints: Anfisa the Abbess (name day August 9), Anfisa Novaya (name day September 9), Anfisa Rimskaya (name day December 21).

Angel Anfisa Day

The name Anfisa is a Greek name derived from “anthos” - “flower”. The name Anfisa can sound like Anfusa or Antuza, for example, in Romania and Moldova. There is a male name Anfim (Antim), formed from the same root. In Christianity, several martyrs and saints bearing the name Anfisa are mentioned. Anfisa's Catholic name days are July 27, August 22, August 27, the remaining dates indicated are Anfisa's Orthodox name days.

Anfisa has a capricious and somewhat mannered character. However, this may not be noticeable at first glance. When meeting Anfisa for the first time, they usually note that she is a calm, quiet and independent woman. Only upon closer acquaintance do people often note her complacency, stubbornness and conflict. Sometimes she is overly proud and capricious.

Anfisa is ready to go head-to-head towards her goal, not being shy about methods. This woman endures any failure very painfully. On the other hand, Anfisa is very practical and efficient. She is distinguished by cold energy. Over the years, a woman becomes softer and calmer. Anfisa is characterized by healthy skepticism, which will help her more than once in her work. Anfisa usually chooses a professional field for herself that does not require much effort.

Often she becomes a librarian or salesperson, secretary or museum worker. Perhaps she will become a cosmetologist. A girl named Anfisa is beautiful. She loves the company of men, but chooses them very selectively. Only with age will Anfisa discover the ability to be kind, faithful and sincere. She will learn to criticize others, doing it reasonedly and harmlessly for the interlocutor. This quality will have a positive impact on her family relationships.

Anfisa takes a long time to find family relationships. In her youth, a girl with this name enjoys the attention of men, but cannot find a loved one among them. Unrequited love is very dangerous for Anfisa. The girl experiences such feelings very hard, she may even commit suicide. If Anfisa manages to marry her beloved, then she becomes a good wife and mother. But even in this case, Anfisa’s feelings cannot withstand time, and after a decade she cools off towards her husband and begins to demand the impossible from him.

Living with such a woman is very difficult, so her marriage often breaks up. Anfisa's hidden qualities can have a very negative impact on her personal life. Since childhood, Anfisa has dreamed of wealth, and having achieved this, she is immensely proud of her money. This Anfisa will behave defiantly, but if necessary, she will stand up for herself. In fact, Anfisa does not like noise and crowds. She is sensual and emotional. In communication, she likes to insist on her own, and can be cunning and vindictive. Anfisa spends money irrationally, but at home she is a good housewife. Anfisa willingly receives guests and knows how to keep them busy.

The meaning of the name Anfisa

The meaning of the name Anfisa

“blooming” (Greek)

Today the name Anfisa is much more common on the pages of novels than in real life, and this is not surprising - in last decades In Russia, there was a massive fascination with Western culture, and therefore many of the previously widespread Russian names began to go out of fashion. Now, however, a directly opposite trend has begun to emerge, and it is quite possible that soon the forgotten names will again become widespread.

Whether this is true or not, these days this name looks somewhat old-fashioned, which will most likely affect Anfisa’s pride. It is possible that she will feel the need for self-affirmation and, it should be noted, the strength inherent in her energy can greatly help her along this path. Indeed, the ambitious and energetic Anfisa combines in her character a penchant for wit, mobility, wonderful imagination and emotional depth. She knows how to attract attention to herself, and at the right moment, stand up for herself. To the point that it can even be branded as an “ulcer” and a mocker.

She has a fairly quick mind, allowing her to grasp everything on the fly, and excellent intuition. In addition, for all her emotional mobility, Anfisa also knows much deeper feelings, which she prefers not to talk about too much. She is a dreamer, and this triples her strength in the desire to achieve her life goals, but it would be desirable to make sure that these goals turn out to be truly worthwhile. Here a lot depends on her upbringing, on the interests that were instilled in her in childhood. Nevertheless, Anfisa has quite a lot of chances to achieve her goal.

IN family life her energy often gives her a leadership position. But the main thing that Anfisa should be wary of is that over the long years lived together, the feeling of love becomes dull, and here some patience and poise are needed so that her sensuality does not provoke a break in the relationship.

It is very difficult for Anfisa to turn away from the path or even just to out-argue, but she is often powerless in the face of balanced calm and slightly mocking self-confident male firmness. She herself is ready to go to the ends of the earth for such a person.

Zodiac sign of the name: Virgo.

Planet named: Mercury.

Name color: lilac.

Favorable name tree: lilac.

Treasured plant of the name: lilac flowers.

Patron name: owl.

Stone - talisman of the name: amethyst.

August 9 (July 27) - Anfisa of Mantinea, confessor, abbess. The Monk Anfisa lived in Mantinea of ​​Paphlagon in Asia Minor in the 8th century. Leaving the world early, Saint Anfisa labored in the mountains in complete solitude. Having received monastic tonsure from Hieromonk Sisinius, she became abbess in the monastery, where 90 sisters gathered. The Venerable Anfisa suffered during the reign of Emperor Constantine Copronymus, who forced the saint to renounce the veneration of holy icons. For failure to comply with the emperor's orders, the Monk Anfisa was subjected to torture. The emperor's wife was present at the torture, to whom the saint predicted the birth of a boy and a girl. When the prophecy of the martyr was fulfilled, she was released to her monastery, where she died in old age. The girl born to the emperor's wife was named Anfisa. Having lived a godly life, she was accepted by the Lord as a saint.

December 21 (8) - Anfisa of Rome, martyr. She suffered for Christ in Rome in the 5th century. She was burned for not accepting Arian baptism.

August 9 (July 27) - Day of remembrance of the great martyr and healer Pentleimon, who relieves almost all ailments, especially diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Prayers to the Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

O great servant of Christ and glorious healer, Great Martyr Panteleimon! With your soul in Heaven stand before the Throne of God and enjoy His Trinitarian glory, rest in your body and holy face on earth in Divine churches and pour out various miracles from the grace given to you from above, look with your merciful eye on the people ahead, more honorable than your icon, tenderly praying and asking for healing from you help and intercession: extend your warm prayers to the Lord our God and ask our souls for forgiveness of sins. Behold, we, for our iniquity, do not dare to raise our hair to the heights of heaven, lower to raise the voice of prayer to His unapproachable glory in the Divine, with a contrite heart and a humble spirit for you, a merciful intercessor to the Lady and a prayer book for us sinners, we call upon you, as you have received Thou art the grace from Him to drive away illnesses and heal passions. We therefore ask you: do not despise us, unworthy, who pray to you and demand your help. Be a comforter to us in our sorrows, a physician to the ill-severely afflicted, a quick patron to those who are sick, a giver of insight to those who are ill, a ready intercessor and healer for those who are sick and infants in sorrows: intercede for everyone everything that is useful for salvation, as through your prayers to the Lord God you have received grace and mercy, let us glorify all the good Source and Giver of God, the One in the Trinity of Holy Ones, the glorified Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

O glorious martyr and good warrior of the Heavenly King, the all-blessed Panteleimon, the merciful imitator of God, who boldly confessed Christ on earth, and endured manifold torments for Him, unfadingly received a crown in Heaven, where you enjoyed eternal bliss, and with boldness to the Throne of the Trisolar Divinity are coming ! All of us sinners resort to your Christ-like compassion for God, and we all diligently pray to you, our warm intercessor and representative: do not cease to look upon us who are in need and sorrowful circumstances, and with your prayerful help and healing power, always deliver us from cruel evils and all-destructiveness and all sorts of other troubles and illnesses. For you, holy one, have received the boundless grace of healing from our Savior Jesus Christ for your firm faith in Him, with a pure and immaculate life, sealed by martyrdom and your many-victorious death, in which, by the grace given by you, you were named by Christ Panteleimon, the same-named of mercy, having mercy on all those who come to you in sorrow and illness. For this reason, since you are a merciful helper and healer in everything, we call on you with faith: hear us and through your God-pleasing intercession give us everything useful in this life and necessary for eternal salvation. With your martyrdom, beg the merciful God to have mercy on us, sinners and unworthy, according to His great mercy, and deliver us from cowardice, flood, fire, sword and all righteous anger and reproach, prompting us in good time to cleansing and propitiatory repentance for our sins, for the sake of the multitude of His bounty, may He give us all a comfortable, quiet and God-pleasing life, and may His Angel protect us all from all enemies, visible and invisible, with His grace and invincible militia, in whose image we are protected and instructed, may we live in this world in repentance, purity and in doing godly deeds; May we be worthy, through your warm intercession, to achieve a Christian death that is painless, peaceful, and shameless, to get rid of the machinations of the airy princes of darkness and from eternal torment, and to be heirs of the endless, all-blessed Kingdom. Hey, servant of God! Do not cease to pray for us sinners, and through your intercession of temporary and eternal troubles, deliverance, we magnify you, our intercessor and prayer book, and we eternally glorify our common Master and Lord Jesus Christ, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship with His Beginning Father and the Most Holy Spirit , now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

The third prayer of the Right Reverend Jeremiah (the Hermit)

Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon! Pray to God for us and do not allow those illnesses that hurt us in soul and body to remain in us any longer! Heal those ulcers and scabs that have been caused to us by our passions. We suffer from laziness and relaxation - we are healed. We are sick with attraction and addiction to earthly objects - we are healed. We are sick, O Saint Panteleimon! We suffer from forgetfulness: about the matter of salvation, about our sins and weaknesses, about our responsibilities - heal us. We are sick with resentment, anger, hatred - heal, O healer of Holy Athos and the world. We are sick with envy, pride, arrogance, exaltation, despite all the poverty and lewdness - we are healed. We suffer from many different attacks of carnality: gluttony, intemperance, gluttony, lust - we are healed. We are sick with drowsiness, verbosity, idle talk, judgmentalism - heal us, O Saint Panteleimon! Our eyes hurt from sinful views, our ears hurt from listening to idle talk, slander, slander - heal us. Our hands hurt because we are disinclined to pray and give alms - heal us. Our legs hurt from the reluctance to hastily go to the temple of the Lord and the desire to walk through the haystacks and visit the houses of the world - heal us. Our tongue hurts, our lips hurt greatly: through idle talk, idle talk, slander, turning away from prayers and praises, or pronouncing them carelessly, absent-mindedly, without attention, without understanding - heal us, oh mercy! We hurt from head to toe: our minds hurt with lack of understanding, unreasonableness and madness; Our will hurts, turning away from holy pursuits and striving for deeds that are harmful and ungodly; Our memory hurts, forgetting our sins and never losing sight of the sins and insults of our neighbors; Our imagination hurts, unable and unwilling to vividly imagine to us our death, the eternal torment of sinners, the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven, God's wrath, Christ's suffering on the cross, His crucifixion - heal us, O Saint Panteleimon! Everything in us hurts. Our entire soul, with all its strengths and abilities, is also weak. Our whole body with all its members is also weak. Heal us, O Saint Panteleimon, unmerciful and loving Healer, servant of the Most Holy Theotokos, and do not leave our repentance in the great ailments and in the great infirmities: may you be healed by your grace, I will glorify the Most Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and Holy Mother of God, sending you to serve the sick, and I will thank you, O Saint Panteleimon, for your wholesome shrine forever. Amen.

Prayer four (in private on behalf of the sick man)

O great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and merciful physician, Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, propitiate the heavenly, supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may He grant me healing from the illness that oppresses me. Accept the unworthy prayer of the most sinful man above all. Visit me with a gracious visit. Do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint me with the oil of your mercy and heal me: yes, healthy in soul and body, I can spend the rest of my days, by the grace of God, in repentance and pleasing God and will be worthy to receive the good end of my life. Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that through your intercession he may grant me health to my body and salvation to my soul. Amen.

Fifth prayer (thanksgiving, after healing from illness)

Holy Great Martyr, Healer and Wonderworker Panteleimon, all-round servant of God and constant prayer book of Orthodox Christians! You are worthily named Panteleimon, the all-merciful hedgehog, for having received from God the grace to pray for us and to heal illnesses, you richly give to everyone who comes to you, various healings and everything needed for temporary life and salvation: for this reason we are not worthy, having been granted Your mercy, again, before your holy icon, we resort to you, and glorifying you, as a sincere saint of God, our faithful prayer book and healer, we fervently thank you and the giver of all the good things of the Lord our God for the great blessings that you have given us from Him. Therefore, mercifully accept this small prayerful thanksgiving of ours, before imams will give you anything other than what is due, and for the rest of our life, do not deprive us, weak and sinners, of your help and prayerful intercession with the Lord our God, to Him belongs all glory, thanksgiving and worship. , Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Holy great martyr and healer Panteleimon, merciful imitator of God! Look with mercy and hear us, sinners, praying earnestly before your holy icon. Ask us from the Lord God, who stands before Him with the Angels in heaven, for the forgiveness of our sins and transgressions. Heal the mental and physical illnesses of the servants of God, now remembered, those present here, and all Orthodox Christians who flow to your intercession. Behold, because of our fierce sin, we are possessed by many ailments and are not imams of help and consolation, but we resort to you, as you have given the grace to pray for us and heal every ailment and every illness. Grant therefore to all of us through your holy prayers health and well-being of souls and bodies, advancement of faith and piety and everything necessary for temporary life and salvation. For, having been granted great and rich mercies by you, let us glorify you and the giver of all blessings, marvelous among the saints, our God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

August 9 (July 27) - Panteleimon the Healer. Grandmothers - herbalists - go for herbs to protected hollows, eels, clearings, and swamp regions. They tear up the grass, thinking with love about loved ones, wishing for health. They lament over one grass, remain silent over another, and tear up a third with persuasion. It is a sin to transport bread and hay to Panteleimon.

On Nikolai the cabbage forks curl into heads of cabbage.

Birds are the first to feast on rowan berries.

Winter will be merciful to the peasant if there are a lot of berries left on the rowan tree.

There were a lot of rowan trees - for the wet autumn and harsh winter.

“A large rowan harvest means frost.”

“There are a lot of rowan trees in the forest - autumn is rainy and not very dry.”

December 21 (8) - Anfisa the Needlewoman. On this day, a red silken scurry across a silver field, and a torch crackles in the lights.

The girl sews for Anfisa, but the extra eye while sewing is a threat to the evil eye, so on these evenings they dissuade the beauty girl from being damaged.

On this day, a silk thread should be wrapped around the wrist so that the girl does not prick her fingers, so that yawns and hiccups do not become attached to her.

A talented writer never chooses the name of his hero at random and very often correctly guesses the character inherent in the name, another confirmation of this is the fact that in a number of famous literary works the image of the fatal Anfisa appears, a bright and beautiful woman, passions around whom are boiling. This is, for example, Anfisa in Boris Bedny’s story “Girls”, in Sholokhov’s novel “Quiet Don”, as well as in Shishkov’s “Gloomy River”.

“Gloomy River” is one of the author’s most famous works, largely due to the intriguing atmosphere surrounding the main character of the book, Anfisa. This beauty, with whom almost half the village, including married people, are in love, in the first chapters of the book appears before the reader in the form of a kind of easily accessible girl - she behaves so defiantly independently. However, gradually, behind the external relaxedness, weakness and defenselessness begin to be discerned, “freedom in behavior” turns into the strictest chastity, and as a result, the very image of the “cheerful beauty” turns out to be only a temporary mask, behind which hides a bright, pure nature, waiting for its one and only .

Having fallen in love with Prokhor, Anfisa is ready to give him everything, become his wife, girlfriend, lover, go even to the ends of the earth. In the rapture of a new feeling, she completely forgets about caution, and danger comes from the direction from which it should have been expected. Prokhor's father, who openly sought the beauty's love, realizing that his own insulted son had become his rival, tells him that Anfisa was his mistress and is currently expecting his child. In a fit of jealousy, Prokhor kills Anfisa, and at the same time (according to the author) his own soul, turning in just one nightmarish night from a young man with noble impulses into a cruel egoist who terrorizes his neighbors, who married for convenience and betrayed his best friend.


Blooming, colorful, floral - this is how the name Anfisa is translated from Greek. Many people mistakenly believe that such a name is not in the Saints of the Russian Orthodox Church. Four saints in the history of Christianity were named Anfisa. One of them was born in Rome (therefore, in the Monthly Book she is indicated as Anfisa Rimskaya). In her youth, she married a very noble nobleman. However, after she heard the sermons of Saint Ambrose of Milan, the woman believed in the Lord and received Holy Baptism. At the beginning of the 5th century, the entire government of the Roman Empire converted to Arianism. But Saint Anfisa refused to do this, for which she was burned.

Several centuries later (8th century) in Asia Minor, or rather in Mantinea of ​​Paphlagon, the venerable ascetic Anfisa Mantineiskaya. She lived in the mountains, where there was not a single soul nearby. Only she and prayer. The holy virgin accepted monasticism from Hieromonk Sisinius. Over time, other sisters began to settle next to the Monk Anfisa, who, like her, sought solitude and prayer. Slowly, a community was formed, and then a monastery was built. During this period, Emperor Constantine Copronymus ruled the country. He forced Saint Anfisa to change her faith, renounce Christ, and not venerate icons. Because she did not carry out his orders, the saint was tortured for a long time. This was observed by powerful nobles, among whom was the emperor’s wife. Saint Anfisa, when she saw her, predicted the birth of two children (a girl and a boy). Soon the prophecy was fulfilled, and then the Monk Anfisa was released. She returned to her monastery and went to the Lord already as an old woman.

In Russia she is also canonized as a saint. Anfisa Sysoeva, in the world Alexandra Matveevna. She accepted monasticism in 1878 and until 1921 she worked at the Holy Cross Monastery in the city of Belev. After its closure, she was arrested. She was accused of being one of the participants in the creation of an underground monastery in one of the city’s churches. After the trial, she was sentenced to three years in prison. Confessor Anfisa went into exile in Kazakhstan. In 1934, she was released and returned to her hometown. Three years later, arrest followed again. Saint Anfisa was sentenced to death. Thus ended the earthly life of Saint Anfisa (Sysoeva). In 2002, she was canonized among the host of new martyrs and confessors of Russia.

There are not very many holy women bearing the name Anfisa in the life of the Russian Orthodox Church, but they all stood in the faith of Christ until the very end of their earthly life. Whoever you choose as your heavenly patroness, trust in her help. Yes, the Lord God will help you through the prayers of our saints.

Below we provide a list of holy women named Anfisa. Memorial dates are indicated according to the new style.