Anatoly's name day in Orthodoxy. When does Anatoly celebrate Angel Day?

07.09.2019 Trips

The name Anatoly came to us from Greece, the words “anatolikos” and “anatole” that form it mean “eastern” and “sunrise”, respectively. Consequently, the name Anatoly is interpreted as “morning, clear.”

This name gained the greatest popularity after the 20s of the last century. They started calling boys Anatoly less often in the sixties.

How to choose a name day

Many people celebrate name days in addition to their birthdays. Anatoly celebrates when the day of veneration of one of the saints with this name comes. By the way, there are a lot of them. Therefore, Anatoly can celebrate this day several times a year.

Anatoly's Angel Day church calendar celebrates January 23, in February (7th and 19th), May 6th. Those born in summer can choose from the following dates: July 16 and 19 or August 6, 11, 12. And in the fall, Anatoly, who celebrates Angel Day, may prefer November days: the 3rd, 13th and 19th. Plus another 3 and 23 last month of the year.

Which saints are remembered these days?

Anatoly of Constantinople

He is considered the most revered patron born in Alexandria. He studied philosophy, took an active part in the construction and arrangement of churches, and after being ordained he served as a deacon during the time of Cyril of Alexandria.

During his lifetime, this saint zealously fought for the purity of Orthodoxy and tried to eradicate various false teachings. In books on worship you can find poems by this saint.

Anatoly Nikeisky

This great martyr, due to his merchant origin, is the patron saint of merchants. Prayers to this saint increase trade turnover, and the icon must be owned by those men who lack confidence and prudence - qualities so necessary for a successful career and creating a strong family.

Anatoly the warrior

The story of this holy martyr is connected with St. George the Victorious, whose torment he observed and was struck by the saint’s fortitude. Anatoly witnessed how God's grace capable of keeping a person unharmed. What he saw made him believe in the Son of God, which he announced, for which he was immediately beheaded.

Anatoly Optinsky (senior)

This saint lived in the nineteenth century. Raised in an ordinary family, Anatoly graduated from theological seminary and began working as a civil servant in the treasury chamber on the financial side. Layman Alexey Moiseevich accepted after the Lord saved him from consumption, which was incurable at that time. This is how the future venerable elder appeared in the Optina Desert.

He had an amazing ability to calm worries, relieve pain, and prepare for upcoming trials. He could spiritually prepare a person for approaching death. The Lord gifted him with insight and the gift of healing.

The most difficult test for the saint himself was the death of his spiritual mentor, which he could not come to terms with.

Anatoly Optinsky (Potapov)

The monk was called a comforter for his sensitive heart. He was endowed with the gift of healing and insight.

In the post-revolutionary years, when persecution fell on the clergy, the disciples persuaded the elder to leave Optina Pustyn, but he did not agree to leave the holy monastery. When they were going to arrest him, he convinced the security officers to give him time to prepare. Early in the morning he said a prayer and even before they came for him, he died.

Characteristic features of Anatoliev

When exactly Anatoly celebrates Angel Day, on what date, is usually determined by the date of birth of a man with this name. The name days closest to this moment are selected.

But all Anatolias have common features. These are smart men who can easily find mutual language With different people. They make good leaders, because thanks to their personality, they will deservedly encourage and tactfully point out people’s shortcomings and mistakes.

Regardless of when Anatoly celebrates Angel Day, a man with this name is a creative person and knows how to make money, has an excellent imagination and developed intuition.

In marriage, Anatoly prefers his wife to dominate and experiences difficulties in raising children. Often the bearers of this name have a great sexual experience, but carefully hide their inner world from numerous partners. It is simply vital for them to feel wanted and needed.

Memory of the mu-che-ni-kov Ana-to-lia and Pro-to-leo-na from-me-cha-et-sya on the same day with the holy great-ness -kom Ge-or-gi-em and tsar-ri-tsei Alek-san-droy. Seeing the faith and courage of St. Ge-or-gia, these vo-i-ns believed in Christ and openly declared it. They were immediately de-glazed.

Great Martyr George the Victorious, martyrs Anatoly and Protoleon of Nicomedia and others

Holy ve-li-ko-mu-che-nik Ge-or-giy Po-be-do-no-sets, originally from Cap-pa-do-kii (region in Asia Minor) , grew up in a deeply Christian family. His father mistook the man's death for Christ, when Georgy was still a child. The mother, who owned the name in Pa-le-sti-ne, moved with her son to the birth and re-pi-ta-la him in strict good honour.

Having entered the service in the Roman army, Saint George, handsome, courageous and brave in battle yah, was noticed by him-per-ra-tor Dio-kli-ti-a-n (284-305) and accepted into his guard with the call of co-mi- she is one of the senior military leaders.

Im-per-a-tor-pagan, who has done a lot for the revival of Roman power and clarity-but-no-mav- shy, what danger does the celebration of the Fifth Spa-si-te pose for the pagan civilization, in the last years of the government, the government especially intensified the persecution of Christianity. At the co-ve-te se-na-ta in Ni-ko-mi-dia, Dio-kli-ti-an granted all the rulers complete freedom in the race right over Christ-a-na-mi and promised his all-measure help.

Saint George, having learned about the decision of him-per-ra-to-ra, gave his inheritance to the poor, and let him go freely. bov and appeared in Se-nat. A courageous warrior of Christ, you stepped out from the open against their idea, and gave christened himself and called on everyone to recognize the true faith in Christ: “I am a servant of Christ, my God, and , trusting in Him, he appeared among you of his own free will, in order to testify about the Truth.” "What is Is-ti-na?" - one of the sa-nov-niks repeated Pi-la-ta’s question. “Is-ti-na is Christ Himself, my God,” said the saint.

Stunned by the impudent speech of the do-flattering vo-i-na, im-per-ra-tor, who loved and cared for you - shal Ge-or-giya, tried to persuade him not to ruin his youth, fame and honor, but to-not , according to the custom of the Romans, a sacrifice to the gods. To this there was a decisive and decisive answer: “Nothing in this unsettled life has been weakened.” bit I want to serve God." Then, at the request of the once-wrath-van-no-go, the oru-nos-tsy began to drink-to-talk about the connection -that Ge-or-gia from the meeting hall, to take her to that place. But the deadly steel itself became soft and bent as soon as the spears touched the saint’s body, and did he get hurt. In the meantime, mu-che-ni-ku for-bi-li-gi-gi-ki in the block-ki and pri-da-vi-li-chest with a heavy stone.

The next day, before-pro-se, dejected, but strong in spirit, Saint George again answered them. ru: “Right now, you can’t, tormenting me, aren’t I, tormenting you.” That's when Dio-kli-ti-an ordered Ge-or-gy to be subjected to the most sophisticated torture. Lead-to-mu-any-what-is-to-the-to-a-le-su, under-which-the-eye-are-the-boards-with-iron-were-arranged -mi sharp-i-mi. When the wheel rotates, the sharp blades cut around the holy body. At first the stranger called loudly to the Lord, but soon became quiet, without uttering a single groan. Dio-kli-ti-an decided that the one who had died for him had already died, and decided to remove the worn-out body from the co-le -sa, from-go-to the ca-pi-sche to offer a blessed sacrifice. At that moment, thunder roared all around in the dark, and a voice was heard: “Don’t be afraid, Georgy, I’m with you.” Then a wondrous light arose, and the Angel of God appeared at the ko-le-sa in the guise of a bright-nosed young man. shi. And as soon as he laid his hand on the man, he said to him: “Rejoice!” - how Saint George rose again and became whole. When they took him to the ca-pi-sche, where the em-per-ra-tor was, he did not believe his eyes and thought that in front of him there is another person or a ghost. In disbelief and horror, the pagans looked at St. George and were convinced that the real -but a miracle happened. Many then believed in the Living God of Christ. Two noble sa-nov-ni-ka, saints Ana-to-liy and Pro-to-le-on, secret chris-sti-a-ne, immediately openly used Is it Christ? They were immediately beheaded with a sword, without trial, on their orders. I know-la is-ti-nu and tsa-ri-tsa Alek-sandra, su-pru-ga Dio-kli-ti-a-na, na-ho-div-sha-ya-sya in ka-pi - more. She also tried to glorify Christ, but one of his servants held her and took her to the palace.

Im-per-ra-tor was even more a-a-hundred. Not losing hope of breaking Saint George, he submitted him to new terrible tortures. Throwing it into a deep ditch, the holy mu-che-ni-ka for not-ha-ha-she-newness. Three days later they sent him away, but they found him happy and unharmed. The saint was shod in iron sa-po-gis with ras-ka-len-ny nails and with po-bo-i-mi-driven before -ni-tsy. In the morning, when he was brought to pre-questioning, cheerfully, with healthy legs, he told them that he liked sa-po-gi. His life beat so much that his body and blood mixed with the earth, but the courageous sufferer, sub- strengthened by the power of God, he remained unbowed.

Deciding that magic was holy, the im-per-tor called the sorcerer Afa-na-siya, so that he could -sew holy miraculous power or poisoned him. The sorcerer presented Saint George with two bowls of sleep-before-beats, one of which should have made him root, and the other - to die. But the potions did not work - the saint still talked about pagan superstitions and praised the Is-tin-no-go God.

In response to their question, what kind of si-la po-mo-ga-et mu-che-ni-ku, Saint George answered: “Don’t think that the torment doesn’t harm me blah-da-by-any effort - I’m saved only by the prizes -with-no-Christ and His power. He who believes in Him counts torment at nothing and is able to create. deeds that Christ created" (). Dio-kli-ti-an asked how you are Christ-sto-you. - “Illuminate the blind, cleanse the wives, give the lame a walk, the deaf hear, get rid of the demons , to resurrect the dead."

Knowing that never before had either magic or the gods known to him been able to resurrect the dead, im-per-ra-tor , in order to disgrace the saint’s trust, he ordered him to resurrect the dead one before his eyes. To this the saint said: “You are looking for me, but for the sake of spa-se-niya on-ro-da, who will see de-lo Hri- Honest, my God is creating this sign.” And when Saint George was led to the tomb, he called out: “Lord! that You are the One God throughout the whole earth, so that they may know You, the All-Powerful Lord.” And the earth shook, the tomb opened, the dead man came to life and came out of it.

Having seen with their own eyes the manifestation of the all-mighty power of Christ, the people sobbed and glorified the True God. The sorcerer Afa-na-siy, falling at the feet of St. George, recognized Christ as the All-Powerful God and asked for more strength -for sins committed in ignorance. One-on-one for the braid in dishonor to them-per-ra-tor did not lie: he enragedly ordered to decapitate the -ro-vav-she-go Afa-na-siya, and also the resurrection of a man, and St. George again for something -chil in the dark. People, who are burdened with no-du-ha-mi, once-with-us-with-ba-mi began to pro-get in the dark and there in the middle -whether from the saint there is healing and help. A certain landman Gly-keriy turned to him in grief, whose ox had fallen. The saint consoled him with a smile and assured him that God would bring him back to life. Seeing the ox come to life at home, the villager throughout the city began to glorify the God of Christ. At the order of im-per-ra-to-ra, Saint Gly-keriy was captured and beheaded.

Move-gi and chu-de-sa ve-li-ko-mu-che-ni-ka Ge-or-gia smart-zha-li number of Christians, that’s why Dio- Kli-ti-an decided to make the last attempt to force the saint to sacrifice to the idols. Is it time to su-di-li-sche with Apollo’s ka-pi-sche. On the last night, the holy martyr prayed diligently, and when he fell asleep, he saw the Lord Himself, Ko- he picked him up with His hand, hugged him and kissed him. The Savior placed a crown on the head and said: “Don’t be afraid, but dare and be willing.” I mean, reign with Me."

In the morning, in su-di-li-sche, im-pe-ra-tor proposed a new test to St. George - he presented -gal him to become his co-principal. The holy martyr, with feigned readiness, told that he not to torment him, but to show him the kind of mercy he wanted, and at the same time he expressed his desire to immediately go to Ka- Apollo's food. Dio-kli-ti-an decided that the mu-che-nik would accept his proposal, and followed him to the ca-pi-sche in co-pro-vozh-de-nii sv-you and na-ro-da. Everyone was waiting for Saint George to make a sacrifice to the gods. When he got to the place of worship, he made the sign of the cross and approached him as if he were a living person. : “Do you want to accept a sacrifice from me like God?” The demon that lived in the idol shouted: “I am not God and none of those like me is God. There is only one God, the one who you know. We, from among the angels serving Him, have stepped aside, and, overcome by our I delight and flatter people." “How dare you be here when I, a servant of the Is-tin-god, came here?” - asked the saint. Noise and crying were heard, idols fell and were crushed.

All-general confusion has risen. The priests and many of the crowd attacked the holy man in a frenzy, tied him up, began to beat him and demand immediate execution.

The holy queen Aleksandra was quick to respond to the noise and screams. Walking through the crowd, she screamed: “God Ge-or-gi-ev, help me, since You are the One All-Powerful One.” At the feet of the holy queen of the glory of Christ, destroying idols and worshiping them.

Dio-kli-ti-an in a frenzy of no-slow-lens-but-you-carried out a death sentence to Ge-or- gyu and the holy queen Alek-san-dre, who is paradise without co-op-tiv-le-nie after the holy Ge-or-gi- I eat for execution. On the way, she leaned against the wall out of she-couldn't and senseless. Everyone decided that the queen had died. Saint George praised God and prayed that his path would end well. At the place of the execution of the saint, in a hot prayer, the Lord asked the Lord to forgive the mu-chi-te-lei, not knowing what they do, and brought them to the knowledge of the Truth. Calmly and courageously, the holy leader Ge-or-giy bowed his head under the sword. It was April 23, 303.

In dismay, look at your Po-be-di-te-la pa-la-chi and judges. In bloody agony and meaningless me-ta-ni-yahs, the era of paganism ended. Only ten years have passed - and the holy equal of Kon-stan-tin, one of the successors of Dio-kli-ti-a-na, came to Rome - the pre-sto-le, can-draw on the banners the Cross and the covenant, sealed with the blood of the Ve-li-to-mu- Che-ni-ka and Po-be-do-nos-tsa Ge-or-gia and you-thousands of not-ve-do-my mu-che-ni-kovs: “Sim po-be-di-shi.”

Of the many miracles accomplished by the great saint Ge-or-gi-em, the most famous for -pe-chat-le-but in iko-no-graphy. At the birth of the saint, in the city of Bei-ru, there were many idol-clones. Near the city, near the Livan mountains, there was a large lake, in which lived a huge snake. Coming out of the lake, he ate people, and the inhabitants could not do anything, because from one of his breathing for the air.

According to the teachings of the demons who lived in idols, the king made the following decision: every day the inhabitants would have to live according to lot to give away his children to the snake, and when the turn comes to him, he promised to give away his only daughter. Time passed, and the king, dressing her in the best clothes, went to the lake. Bitterly pla-ka-la de-vush-ka, waiting for the hour of death. Unexpectedly, Ge-or-giy came up to her in a co-led manner with a spear in his hand. The girl asked him not to stay with her, so as not to die. But the saint, seeing the serpent, made the sign of the cross and with the words “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” -ha" rushed towards him. Vel-li-ko-mu-che-nik Ge-or-giy pierced the throat of the snake with a spear and trampled him on his horse. Then he ordered the de-vush-ka to tie the snake in his own way and, like a dog, to lead him to the city. They lived in fear once, but the saint stopped them with the words: “Do not be afraid, but trust in the Lord.” Yes, Jesus Christ and believe in Him, for it was He who sent me to you to save you.” Then the saint killed the snake with a sword, and the villagers burned it outside the city. Twenty-five thousand people, not counting women and children, were baptized then, and a church was built in the name of Most Holy Bo-go-ro-di-tsy and great Ge-or-gia.

Saint George could become a talented half-co-vod and surprise the world with in-ski-mi moves. He died when he was not even 30 years old. Hastening to unite with the host of the Heavenly, he entered the history of the Church as a Po-be-do-no-sets. With this name he became famous from the very beginning of Christianity and in Holy Russia.

Saint Ge-or-giy Po-be-do-no-sets was an An-ge-lom and the creator of several great buildings Russian state government and Russian military power. The son of the holy equal of Vladimir, Yaro-slav the Wise, in Holy Baptism George († 1054) , contributed a lot to the sacredness in the Russian Church. He built the city of Yuryev, founded the Yuryev Monastery in Novgorod, erected the temple of St. George Po-be -do-nos-tsa in Ki-e-ve. Day of consecration of the Ki-ev-sko-go Ge-or-gi-ev-sko-go temple, finally November 26, 1051 of the saint -te-lem, mit-ro-li-that of Ki-ev-skiy and all Ru-si, for all-time entered into the-li-tour-gi-che-s-with-krovish-ni -tsu Church as a special church holiday, St. George’s Day, beloved by the Russian people, “autumn Ge-or-gy.”

The name of St. Ge-or-gy no-sil os-no-va-tel Moscow Yuri Dol-go-ru-kiy († 1157), co-creator of many Ge-or-gi -ev-sky temples, build-and-tel of the city of Yurye-va-Pol-skogo. In 1238, the heroic struggle of the Russian nation with the Mongolian or-da-mi was led by the great Prince of Vladimir Yuri (Ge-or-giy) Vse-vo-lo-do-vich († 1238; commemoration 4 February), slo-living go-lo-wu in the battle on the City. The memory of him, as of His Brave, who defended his native land, was reflected in Russian spiritual verses and would -li-nah. The first great prince of Moscow, in the period when Moscow became the center of the co-bi-ra-tion of the land of Rus- skaya, was Yuri Da-ni-lovich († 1325) - the son of St. Da-ni-i-la of Moscow, grandson of St. Alexander Nev-sko- th. From that time on, Saint Ge-or-giy Po-be-do-no-sets - the horseman who killed the serpent - became the coat of arms of Moscow and uh-ble-my Russian state. And this strengthened even more deeply the ties between the Christian peoples and especially with the united-faithful Ive-ri (Gru-zi- to her - the country of Ge-or-gia).

When is Anatoly’s name day according to the church calendar?: July 16 – Anatoly of Constantinople, Patriarch; November 3 - Anatoly of Nicea, martyr, July 16 - Anatoly of Pechersky, recluse.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Anatoly:

From ancient Greek language- resident of Anatolia. Anatoly - east, sunrise. A fidget in childhood, an aggressor in youth, an absorbent sponge in adulthood, a sage in old age. These people often, after thirty, acquire the ability to clairvoyance and predictions. His inquisitive mind constantly craves new knowledge and impressions, mainly in order to bring his inner world into harmony with the external realities of life.

Answering some questions, they are tormented by others. Temperament is choleric, explosive. They are physically strong and prolific inventors. They love to do crafts, wood carving – anything that requires painstaking work. Sexuality decreases in proportion to the years lived.

Congratulations on Anatoly’s name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Anatoly's name day and congratulate Anatoly on his angel's day.

The doors to your house of happiness are open,

And we had a feast,

We wanted to congratulate you on this day,

You, our dear Anatoly!

Our first toast is master, listen!

For the best friend in the world!

The second is for a true husband,

And there will be a third for health!

And the rest of congratulations,

For achieving your goals!

And believe me, we have no doubts

That you will prove everything in practice!

Tolya, Tolik, Anatoly,

You are our unbridled one,

Temperamental, beautiful,

And a little funny!

Drink wine on your name day,

Enjoy life with confidence

And conduct business skillfully!

May you be happy and loved,

We will never win!

Elder Anatoly (Zertsalov) ended up in Optina Pustyn in 1853. He became a disciple of St. Macarius and Ambrose of Optina. In holy baptism, the elder was named Alexei, in honor of Alexei, the man of God. Not only he himself dreamed of monasticism, but his parents also saw him as a monk, and therefore gave him spiritual education. After graduating from the seminary, Alexey fell ill with tuberculosis, knowing that the disease was incurable, he made a vow to the Lord, if he recovered, he would become a monk. And so it happened.
The young novice’s first mentor was Elder Macarius, who first of all began to teach him the Jesus Prayer. After the death of his spiritual leader, Alexei began to be cared for by Ambrose Optinsky. Alexey was given the name Anatoly only 10 years later when he was tonsured into the mantle. Despite his very poor health, the Monk Anatoly carried out difficult obedience in the kitchen. Then Elder Ambrose blessed the saint to visit the mourners in the monastery hotel. The monk was ordained to the rank of hieromonk only in 1870. At that time he was 46 years old. A year later, he was appointed head of the monastery, and with all his heart he began to take care of the brethren. Later the monk began to minister to Shamordino convent. The sisters of the monastery addressed him as a father. They walked with all the temptations and sorrows.
The death of St. Ambrose greatly affected the elder’s health. The Monk Anatoly’s legs began to swell, he could not walk, but this was necessary. In 1893, he accepted the schema, but only those closest to him knew about it. This was done in secret. He rested peacefully while reading the funeral. In 2000 he was canonized as a saint.

The Holy Martyr Anatoly of Nicaea is the patron of sellers, as he came from a wealthy merchant family. In commercial matters, the icon of the saint helps to increase sales. For men for whom the martyr Anatoly of Nicea is a patron, the image of the saint will give confidence in any difficulties, and will also endow them with prudence, which will help build a successful career and create a strong family. The icon will protect you from betrayal.

Anatoly of Constantinople, Patriarch

Order an icon

Saint Anatoly lived in the 4th century and was a patriarch in Constantinople. He was born into a noble family in Alexandria, his parents professed Christianity and gave their son a good education. The head of the local church personally received young man and appointed him a deacon. In 431, the III Ecumenical Council, during which Anatoly was appointed the new Patriarch of Constantinople.

All his life he was faithful to the canons of the Orthodox Church. Thanks to his tireless work, he raised the authority of the Constantinople see. In addition to the fight against false teachings, Anatoly contributed to the construction of new churches and transported the relics of saints to the capital. He also abandoned his literary works. He created stichera for Sundays, holidays, and the days of holy martyrs. In the books they are called "Anatolievs".

Icon (prosper) of St. Anatoly of Constantinople
Moscow. 1970

Anatoly of Nicomedia, martyr

Order an icon

Remembrance day set Orthodox Church April 23/May 6.

Anatoly Optinsky (Zertsalov) From a historical point of view, this saint is practically our contemporary; he was born in 1824. He was brought up in a simple pious family. After graduating from theological seminary, the future reverend elder first got a job in the government service - in the Treasury Chamber, and worked in finance. Having become seriously ill with consumption, and this disease in those days was considered incurable, he fervently prayed to the Lord for recovery, vowing to take monastic vows in case of healing. His prayer was heard and, fulfilling his vow, Alexei Moiseevich Zertsalov took monastic vows with the name Anatoly in the Optina Desert.

The Monk Anatoly had an unusually merciful and compassionate character. With a few words, he knew how to console a suffering soul, ease the pain, prepare for future trials and near death. For his holy life, the Lord awarded him the gift of insight and healing. His teacher spoke about the power of the prayer of the Monk Anatoly: “He was given such prayer and grace as is given to one in a thousand.”

The Monk Anatoly could not survive the grief of losing his beloved teacher. Immediately after the death of St. Ambrose, St. Anatoly began to fade away. Humbly enduring the illness, two years later he secretly accepted the schema, and a year later (January 25/February 7, 1894) he quietly rested.

Anatoly Optinsky (Potapov), reverend The Monk Anatoly of Optina (Potapov) was known for his “merciful heart,” therefore he was known among the people as Anatoly the Comforter. The Monk Anatoly possessed the gifts of healing and clairvoyance, which he kept secretly.

After 1917, during the persecution of the Church, the spiritual children of Elder Anatoly called on him to leave Optina, but he answered: “If they persecute me, then I will leave the holy monastery when there is no one there. I’ll go out last and pray, and venerate the remains of the holy elders, then I’ll go.”

The Chekists wanted to arrest him, but he, having asked for a day to prepare, early in the morning of July 30, 1922, before they came for him, after prayers, he rested by the grace of God, who did not allow His faithful ascetic to be violated.

Anatoly Pechersky, recluse, in the Near (Antoniev) caves

Order an icon

Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on July 3/16.

The Monk Anatoly of Pechersk, a recluse (in the Near Caves), labored in the 12th century in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and was buried in the Near Caves. The memory of the Monk Anatoly (Near Caves) was also celebrated on October 31, together with the memory of the Monks Nicodemus and Spyridon, prosphora bearers of Pechersk. In the service to the reverend fathers (September 28), buried in the Near Caves, it is said: “Spiridon, the gentleman of the krin, and Nicodemus the victorious, both holy prosphora... Anatoly is also counted among these, and they are also called by everyone.”

The detailed life of the monk has not been established, since his reclusive life was hidden from the people, however, there are enough later iconographic images and prayer requests to him, together with another Anatoly the recluse, in the Far (Fedosievsky) caves.

Anatoly Pechersky, recluse, in the Far (Feodosiev) caves

Order an icon

Remembrance Day was established by the Orthodox Church on July 3/16.

The Monk Anatoly of Pechersk, a recluse (in the Far Caves), labored in the 13th century in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and was buried in the Far Caves. A detailed life of the monk has not been established, since his reclusive life was hidden from the people, however, there are enough later iconographic images and prayer appeals to him along with another Anatoly the recluse, in the Near (Antoniev) caves.