The longest river in the world is the river. The longest river in the world (full-flowing, long)

19.06.2020 Business

For many countries and cities, rivers are very great importance, in particular, they are used as the main source drinking water, as irrigation systems, transport routes, etc. It is important that the waters and river basins are home to a large number of diverse animals. And we decided to compile a list of the top 10 most long rivers in the world, which can be found below.

Amur - 4444 km

The Amur River originates in the mountains of western Manchuria, at the confluence of its two main tributaries, the Shilka River and the Argun River. It flows on the border of Russia and China. It flows into the Amur Estuary of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The length of the river is 4444 km. The largest fish species that lives in the Amur is Kaluga, which can reach a length of 5.6 meters and weigh up to 1 ton.

Congo River - 4700 km

The Congo River is the largest river in central Africa, flowing throughout the Democratic Republic of the Congo and partly along the border with Angola. It is the most full-flowing river in the world with measured depths of over 220 m. The length of the Congo River is 4700 km, which makes it the ninth longest river in the world.

Parana – 4880 km

The Parana is a river in South America that flows through Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. It flows into the Gulf of La Plata in the Atlantic Ocean. This is the second longest river on the mainland, after the Amazon. The length of Parana is 4880 km. Most of The river is navigable and is used as an important waterway connecting the inland cities of Argentina and Paraguay.

Ob - 5410 km

The Ob is a large river in Western Siberia, Russia. The seventh longest river in the world is 5410 km long. It forms the longest mouth in the world - the Ob Bay, which flows into the Kara Sea. The main tributary is the Irtysh. The river is used mainly for irrigation and as drinking water. More than 50 species of fish live in the Ob River.

Huang He - 5464 km

Huang He translated from Chinese " Yellow River"- the third longest river in Asia, after the Yangtze and Yenisei rivers and the sixth in the world, which is 5464 km. The Yellow River passes through nine Chinese provinces, and flows into the Bohai Bay of the Yellow Sea near the city of Dongying in Shandong Province. The river has been called the "cradle of Chinese civilization" because its basin was home to ancient Chinese civilization and was considered the most prosperous region in early Chinese history.

Yenisei - 5539 km

The Yenisei is a large river flowing through the Republic of Khakassia and the city of Krasnoyarsk through Siberia. It is a natural border between Western and Eastern Siberia. The river flows into the Kara Sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean. The maximum depth of the Yenisei is 24 meters, and the average is 14 meters. It is considered an important waterway of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The length of the river is 5539 km.

Mississippi - 6275 km

The Mississippi is a river that flows exclusively through the territory of the United States of America, and ranks fourth in the list of the longest rivers in the world. It is the main and largest river system in North America. It flows through states such as Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi and Louisiana. The Mississippi is 6275 km long.

Yangtze - 6300 km

The Yangtze is the longest river in Eurasia, as well as the third longest and deepest in the world. The Yangtze is 6300 km long, flows through almost the entire territory of China and plays a very important role in the history, culture and economy of the state. The Yangtze River basin occupies about a fifth of the entire territory of the People's Republic of China, which is home to a third of the country's population.

Amazon - 6400 km

The Amazon is a river in South America. It is the largest river in the world in terms of basin size (occupies about 40% of the mainland, with an area of ​​about 7,050,000 square kilometers) and full flow. Falls into Atlantic Ocean. In the Amazon, as well as in the forests growing along it, lives a large number of dangerous animals. The length of the river is 6400 km, which makes it the second longest river in the world. Although there have been disputes for many years about which river the Nile or the Amazon is the longest.

Nile - 6650 km

The Nile is the longest river in the world, flowing through Africa. It is considered an "international" river, since its water resources are divided into eleven countries, namely Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Congo-Kinshasa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritria, South Sudan, Sudan and Egypt. In particular, the Nile is the main source of water for Egypt and Sudan. The river originates in the East African plateau and flows into the Mediterranean Sea. It has two main tributaries - the White and Blue Nile. The length of the river is 6650 km.

There are many wonderful things in the world long rivers, but which one is longest river in the world? And this is a complex issue that causes a lot of controversy and controversy. Scientists have been discussing this issue for a long time, arguing about the exact length of the rivers, because for this it is necessary to know exactly where the river begins and where it ends, there are still disputes about whether it is necessary to take into account the tributaries of the rivers. And the most famous dispute between scientists is which river is longer than the Nile or the Amazon, they changed places several times. But today, scientists seem to agree, although not completely ... This is what10 longest rivers in the world.

10. Congo River - 4,700 km

The water system is the Atlantic Ocean. The deepest and second longest (after the Nile) river in Africa. The only river that crosses the equator twice. A major navigable artery and source of fishing. It is famous for the seven-step Stanley Falls and the cascade of Livingston Falls. The novels of J. Conrad "Heart of Darkness" and M. Crichton "Congo" are dedicated to the river.

9. Amur River - 5,052 km

Ranked ninth in the top 10 longest rivers in the world, Amur, which flows through the territories of Russia, China and Mongolia. The water system is the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The Chinese call it the Black Dragon River, which, according to legend, lives in its waters. It has an unusually rich ichthyofauna. There are up to 139 subspecies of fish here. The richest salmon river in Eurasia.

8. Lena River - 5,100 km

It flows into the Laptev Sea. The name of the river is not associated with the popular female name, and with the Evenki word "Yelyu-Yene" - "big river". It differs from other Russian rivers in its ice regime and powerful ice jams, which causes global floods. The banks of the Lena are poorly populated.

7. The Ob River with the Irtysh - 5,410 km

It flows into the Kara Sea. The area of ​​the water basin is 2,990 thousand sq. km. The third most water-bearing river in Russia after the Yenisei and Lena. In the southern part of the Ob, the Novosibirsk Reservoir was built - a reservoir of water reserves and a popular recreation area.

6. Yellow River - 5,464 km

"Yellow River". The name is justified by the color of the water, which is caused by the abundance of river sediment. It flows into the Yellow Sea. The average flow of water in the river is 2000 cubic meters per second. In 11 AD The Yellow River made a breakthrough into a new direction, which caused a tremendous environmental and humanitarian catastrophe and led to the fall of the Xin Dynasty. In 1938, the Kuomintang troops organized the largest flood of the Yellow River in order to stop the advance of the Japanese troops. It is the second largest river in China.

5. Yenisei River - 5,539 km

Ranked fifth in the top 10 longest rivers in the world, Yenisei. The name comes from the Evenk "Ionessi" - " big water". Siberians affectionately call her Yenisei-father. It flows into the Kara Sea. The confluence of the Big and Small Yenisei in Kyzyl is the geographical center of Asia. The ill-conceived construction of hydroelectric power plants on the river and a mining and chemical plant in Krasnoyarsk led to climate change and other serious environmental consequences in this area.

4. Mississippi - 6,275 km

It originates in Lake Ithaca in Minnesota and flows into the Gulf of Mexico. It is divided into the Upper and Lower Mississippi. The most full-flowing tributary is the Ohio River. The longest tributary is the Missouri River. It is famous for the grandiose bridges built across it. It was a source of inspiration for many writers and musicians, such as M. Twain, W. Faulkner, J. Cash.

3. Yangtze River - 6,300 km


longest I and the high-water river of Eurasia. The cradle of Chinese civilization and the main waterway of this country. There are two endangered species of animals in the river - the Chinese allegator and the Chinese paddlefish. On July 16, 1966, the Great Mao swam 15 km in 65 minutes on the river, which made an indelible impression on the locals and signaled the start of the Cultural Revolution.

The longest river in the world formed by the confluence of the Maranion and Ucayali rivers. It flows through the territories of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia. It flows into the Atlantic Ocean. At a depth of 4,000 kilometers, a unidirectional underground river, the Hamza, flows under it. In 2011 recognized as one of the natural wonders of the world. Nourishes the ecosystem of the Amazonian selva. It is also considered the most dangerous river in the world. But still it is the greatest river.

Thanks to the rivers, melt or rain water is returned back to the ocean. Therefore, these watercourses can be safely called main part the water cycle on the planet. Each river system has a separate character, which depends on the climate, the relief of a particular area.

River length

When compiling the characteristics of rivers, the following factors are taken into account: length, water regime, flow, water content, width, and also the depth of the channel. First, the source is found, then the final place where it flows into the ocean or sea is determined, after which research is carried out throughout. In order to understand which river is the longest, it is necessary to correctly measure its size, which is sometimes not very easy. Determining the length between the mouth and the source is difficult due to the lack of accurate maps. Therefore, the measurements will directly depend on the scales used. The most objective would be the option of measuring the length on a small map, so it will be possible to show not only its size, but also the width of the stream. Despite the difficulties, scientists were still able to compile a list of the 5 longest rivers. However, after new expeditions, the results may change.

Yenisei - the fifth position in the list

One of the largest rivers in Russia is the Yenisei. It is approximately 5500 km long and 70 meters deep. It rightfully occupies the fifth position in the world list of "The longest river on the planet." Thanks to her, the development of lands in the north of the country began several centuries ago. It is impossible not to note its importance for the state: the largest ports are located on the banks of the Yenisei, and the river itself is the navigable artery of the country. It flows in almost all geographical and climatic regions, serves as a border for Eastern and Western Siberia. The river is replenishing different ways but mostly due to snowmelt. High water is typical in the spring season. Also, due to the formation of ice "plugs", the size of the river in some areas increases many times over. It should be noted that about 40 species of fish are found in the Yenisei: from crucian carp to sturgeon. It is not uncommon to see some birds nesting on the river. A serious problem for the Yenisei is the hydroelectric power station, after the construction of which the channels of the water flow have greatly decreased, as a result of which there is a significant threat to the flora and fauna of the river.

Longest river - Mississippi

Fourth place went to the river, which originates in the United States. Its significance for the world is very difficult to overestimate, it is rightfully the greatest in the world. The area of ​​the Mississippi is slightly more than 3,000 km, and together with the Missouri (the main tributary), this figure becomes twice as large - 6,000 km. The Mississippi is almost the longest river on the continent, second only to the Amazon. Food varied: rain, mixed and snow. However, it is impossible to name the exact method of replenishing water for the entire river, since each region has different climatic conditions. It is characterized by high water in spring and summer. Also, often due to the melting of snow, severe floods form, which leads to floods. The Mississippi is a major and also the most important transportation artery of the United States of America, which paves the way from the mainland to the Gulf of Mexico. Small water streams flow into the river, which originate in the mountains and rocks. Another interesting fact is that the distance from the Great Lakes to the nearest bay is the Mississippi basin. Tributaries from right side are in a dry climate, because of this, it is impossible to call the river full-flowing (even at the confluence with the Missouri). It becomes a major river only at the point of connection with the Ohio.

Third place on the list - Yangtze

In third place is the longest river in Eurasia - the Yangtze. Its total area is 6300 km. It, being a high-water river, flows throughout the territory of the Republic of China. Its waters are often used to irrigate fields. It should be noted that the Yangtze is the main highway of China. The stream is replenished with rainwater. Top part The river is fed by the melting of glaciers and snow. The river is also rich in fish. Its main inhabitants are carp, grass carp (black and white) and silver carp. The Yangtze is practically not covered with ice in the winter season. Only those areas that are the most calm and are located only in the upper reaches are subject to freezing. An interesting fact is that in different regions the river is called differently. For example, in the Himalayas - Dangku, and in Tibet - Jichu. The Yangtze originates in the Himalayan ice and flows through their gorges. Surprisingly, in a small area, the river drops sharply from a height of 5000 m to 1000 m. This makes it appearance the most attractive. In some areas, the Yangtze is expanding due to the many tributaries of lakes and rivers. It also built the world's largest hydroelectric power station, the Three Gorges.

African River Nile

In second place was the "blue vein" of Africa - the Nile. The longest river on Earth until the beginning of the 20th century. Its total length is 6800 km. The Nile has a sufficient number of tributaries, but the last 4 km before confluence with mediterranean sea the river flows without them. It should be noted that the river has no analogues in the world in terms of its functional purpose. The inhabitants of Africa call this river sacred, a temple was erected in her honor and a holiday was arranged. The Nile is the longest river in the country, it is still worshiped by the Greeks, Arabs, Egyptians. Until the 19th century, this water flow completely determined the life of peoples. Due to certain factors, the level of the river could rise sharply many times over, flooding the valleys. After the decision to build dams, a human-controlled irrigation system appeared. Today, the Nile fully meets the needs of the country. It flows through different climatic zones, is divided into several branches and irrigates massifs (the so-called "black earth", formed several centuries ago). On the banks of the river you can always see tourists, fishermen, peasants and merchants.

The longest river on earth is the Amazon

The first place and absolute leadership belongs to the Amazon. It is located in South America, is the largest not only in length, but also in terms of the size of the basin, as well as in terms of full flow. The river is fed mainly by rain and groundwater. Snow and glacier nutrition is absent. In 2011, she entered the list of wonders of the world. It is surrounded on all sides by forests. various types: white, black and dry. Since the Amazon is the longest river, you can find many different fish and reptiles in it: piranhas, crocodiles, archers, caimans, mammals, fish, rays, etc. Its characteristic feature is that it often rises several meters, flooding large territories. The flora is quite rich, with more than 3,000 species.

Disputes of hydrologists

Deciding which is the longest river in the world , scientists are in constant dispute. Until the beginning of the 20th century, many were convinced that Neil was the leader. However, after discovering the starting point of the Amazon in the south of Peru (previously it was believed that the source is located in the north of the country), Brazilian scientists found that the total length of the Nile is 100-150 m less. During the study, special lighthouses were installed, which made it possible to carry out additional calculations . The final result was announced in 2015 and confirmed the accuracy of the preliminary findings. And if we take into account all the ramifications of the Amazon tributaries, then its length will reach about 7000 km. It is rightfully called the most full-flowing and longest river.

Water flows are extremely variable. IN different years, and even seasons, their length and volume of water change. The debate about which river is the longest in the world has not subsided so far. However, the TOP-10 remains unchanged, only the places change.

South America is an amazing continent where the longest river in the world, the Amazon, is located. It flows through several countries - Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. The area of ​​​​its basin is approximately 7.05 million km², which is almost the territory of Australia.

The name of the longest river in the world comes from the legendary Amazon tribes that inhabited its banks, with whom the discoverers of the mainland, the conquistadors, had to fight. Another curious fact: in the past, the Amazon has repeatedly changed the direction of its flow, until it “stopped” at final version- from west to east, crossing the entire mainland.

Nile (6,700 km)

long time It was believed that the Nile was the longest river in the world until a new tributary of the Amazon was discovered. The origins of the Nile are in Rwanda, but in total it passes through 10 African countries. For Egypt, whose territory accounts for a significant part of the river, it is of inestimable importance. It is along its banks that more than 95% of the population of the state lives.

Missouri-Mississippi (6,275 km)

Many Americans are still convinced that the Mississippi is the longest river in the world. No wonder, because it is almost entirely located in the United States. In fact, its length is “only” 3,734 km. And if the Missouri had not turned from a full-fledged river into a tributary of the Mississippi, she would not have seen the top 10 as her ears.

Yangtze (5,800 km)

Translated from Chinese, the name means "long river". It is the longest in Eurasia, located in China. The waters of the Yangtze are home to many rare and endangered species, including alligators, sturgeon and river dolphins.

Huang He (5,464 km)

The name of this river, also located in China, is translated as "yellow". It owes this to clay sediments that are washed from its banks and give the water a yellowish-muddy tint. Moreover, the same name was given to the sea into which the Huang He flows.

Ob (5,410 km)

The longest river in Russia, located in Western Siberia. It has not many tributaries and is filled mainly due to snowmelt. The name, most likely, came from the translation of the word "snow", in the language of the Komi people.

Lena (5,100 km)

The largest of the rivers located entirely on the territory of the Russian Federation, in Eastern Siberia. For most of the year, Lena is under a thick layer of ice, so navigation is rather poorly developed, and the coast is practically uninhabited.

Amur (5,052 km)

The next of the top 10 longest rivers in the world is also located, for the most part, in Russia. It also flows through China and Mongolia. Interestingly, the unofficial name in Chinese sounds like "Heilongjiang" - the Black Dragon River.

Congo (4,700 km)

In terms of full flow, this river is second only to the Amazon. In some places, its depth exceeds 250 meters. Most of the reservoir is located on the territory of the Republic of the Congo. The river crosses the equator twice and flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

Mackenzie (4,240 km)

Canada, it turns out, is not only a country of lakes. On its territory is the last of the 10 longest rivers in the world. Interestingly, it was originally called " Disappointment” - a disappointment, but later it was renamed in honor of the discoverer, Alexander Mackenzie.