How to dilute vodka up to 30 degrees with water. Drinking alcohol: how to breed yourself at home.

30.10.2018 House and life

You can cook anything at home (within reason, of course), even vodka. To do this, you simply need to dilute alcohol with water. It is about how to dilute alcohol in order to get a drink of a certain strength, today I want to talk.

In order to understand how much alcohol must be poured into water in order to get a drink of one degree or another, you should know that the alcohol strength is 96%. Depending on the degree of purification, it can be higher or lower by several tenths.

Before diluting alcohol, it is necessary to prepare water of appropriate quality. Tap water is considered the worst option; for such a procedure, it is better to take distilled or well-filtered water.

So, now let's move on to the main thing - to the proportions.

How to dilute a liter of 96% alcohol

If you wish to receive 40 degree vodka, by diluting alcohol, then you should mix a liter of alcohol with 1440 ml of water.

Not so strong drinks are often required, for example, 30% or 35% . To obtain them, a liter of alcohol will need to be combined with 2240 and 1785 ml, respectively.

If you pour 1175 ml of water into a liter of 96% alcohol, you will end up with an alcoholic drink with a strength of 45% .

Achieve a fortress 50% You can mix a liter of alcohol and 960 grams of water.

When 780 ml of water is added to a liter of alcohol, an alcoholic drink with a strength of 55% .

To get a drink with a strength 60 degrees, you need 1000 ml pure alcohol combine with 630 ml of water.

What strength do you think the drink will turn out as a result of mixing a liter of alcohol with half a liter of water? Right, 65% .

By diluting a liter of pure alcohol with 390 ml of water, we get a drink with a strength 70% .

Stronger concentrations, namely 75% , 80% , 85% And 90% obtained by mixing a liter of alcohol with 295 ml, 209 ml, 135 ml and 65 ml of water, respectively.

Obviously, as a result of the manipulations listed above, it is often possible to obtain a rather large volume of an alcoholic beverage, which may turn out to be superfluous. We believe that in this case it would be appropriate to tell you in what proportions water and alcohol should be combined in order to get a liter of drink (plus / minus 50 ml).

How to dilute 96% alcohol to get a liter of vodka

Liter of real 40 degree vodka can be obtained by mixing 421 ml of alcohol and 607 ml of water.

When you combine 632 ml of alcohol and 397 ml of water, you get a little more than a liter 60% -drink.

By mixing 474 ml of alcohol and 556 ml of water, you can get 1030 ml 45% - drink.

Well, now in order ....

Dilution of 316 ml of alcohol with 707 ml of water will make a low-alcohol drink ( 30% ).

Drink by strength 35% obtained by mixing 368 ml of alcohol with 658 ml of water.

Create drinks with strength 50% And 55% , you can combine 526 ml and 579 ml of alcohol with 504 and 451 ml of water, respectively.

By diluting 684 ml of 96% alcohol with 343 ml of water, you can get an alcoholic drink with a strength 65% .

Liter, more precisely a little more, 70% -nogo drink is easy to get if you mix 737 ml of alcohol and 288 ml of water.

The strongest concentrations ( 75%, 80%, 85% and 90%) are obtained by mixing 789 ml of alcohol with 233 ml of water, 852 ml of alcohol with 176 ml of water, 895 ml of alcohol with 119 ml of water and 947 ml of alcohol with 61 ml of water, respectively.

Alcohol ... How to breed it yourself at home? This question is of particular interest to those people who have set themselves the goal not to purchase a vodka product in a store, but to make it at home.

It should be noted that such a “chemical” problem is quite simple, but some knowledge of this science will still be useful to solve it. Indeed, in order to dilute alcohol to 40 degrees, it must not only be mixed with ordinary drinking water (as a result, the total volume of the mixture will decrease), but it must be done in the right and correct proportions. Otherwise, arbitrary mixing will lead to an arbitrary result, which may adversely affect human health while drinking the resulting drink. In addition, the safety of the final alcoholic product depends not only on the ratio of liquids, but also on the quality of the ingredients themselves.

Alcohol: how to breed at home

Necessary utensils and ingredients:

It should be especially noted that for self cooking vodka product, you must purchase only high-quality drinking alcohol. How to breed it, consider a little lower. By the way, in order to choose such an ingredient correctly, you should definitely remember that, depending on the degree of purification, alcohol is divided into:

  • extra, or 96.5%;
  • the highest purification, or 96.2%;
  • first grade, or 96%;
  • luxury, 69.3%;
  • medical.

How to dilute alcohol with water

Pour 1.25 liters of 96% alcohol into a glass container (it is better to take a clean three-liter jar). It is desirable to do this through a large funnel. Next, you need to add 40 ml of 40% to the liquid. It can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. Then, 1 small spoon must be poured into the mixture. After that, a three-liter jar should be filled with ordinary drinking water. However, it should be noted that such a liquid should be very soft and contain a minimum of salts. Spring water is ideal for diluting alcohol. But if you don’t have one, then you can also use tap water, which has been filtered through cleaning devices.

Alcohol: how to breed to get vodka

To get a good alcoholic drink and improve its taste, it is recommended to add additional ingredients to the diluted alcohol, which will make the product softer. These additives include the following:

  • fresh liquid honey;
  • citric acid;
  • granulated sugar;
  • any fruit juice (for example, orange);
  • fresh milk.

Surprisingly, some people add various oils to this drink. However, we do not recommend doing this, because after drinking such a vodka product, a person may experience severe headaches, nausea and vomiting.

After drinking alcohol is diluted with water, it must be infused for some time (2-3 days). If this time is not available, then the mixture is recommended to shake well and cool.

Alcohol is a hard drink: even when treating wounds and rubbing with undiluted alcohol, you can get burns, but in some situations it can be very useful. For example, on a hike, in nature - where, in addition to alcohol, you also need to carry a backpack with all sorts of things. And the natural desire of everyone to reduce the weight that you have to carry with you. In such situations, alcohol is just perfect. Alcohol is also used not only for direct dilution and drinking in this form, but for the preparation of vodka, tinctures and liquors at home.

However, getting forty percent alcohol is not so difficult (as, indeed, any other concentration). The main thing is to do it right.

How to dilute alcohol

It would seem that it could be easier than diluting alcohol - mixed it with water - and you're done. But no. There are many nuances here.

Firstly, alcohols are different and with different strengths (first-class - 96%, with the highest purification - 96.2%, "extra" - 96.5%, "luxury" - 96.3%, medical and dry (anhydrous) ). The degree of purification of alcohol directly depends on the type. And the diversity of species is related to what exactly alcohol is obtained from (from which grain).

Secondly, the water for breeding should be taken the purest, completely transparent, so to speak - without color, taste and smell. In addition, it will be better if there are no salts in it. In addition, this water must be further purified, filtered and softened. The finished version is usually referred to as “corrected water”. At home, for diluting alcohol, it is best to purchase distilled water at a pharmacy, but in no case should you take regular water from the tap in the kitchen.

How should alcohol be diluted with water?

Several points are important here:

First moment. When you dilute alcohol, then it is worth pouring it into prepared water. Never do the opposite!

Second moment. Do not try to mix alcohol and water "by eye" - you will just get swill. The ideal proportion was brought out by Mendeleev, the “father” and creator of the periodic table chemical elements and vodka as such. He brought out the ideal proportion - 2:3. thus you need to take 96% alcohol in "sizes" of two parts and water - in "sizes" of three. These "dimensions" are best determined not by volume (two hundred milliliters to three hundred), but by weight (200 grams to 300 grams).

Third moment. Shake the mixture of alcohol with water (other liquids) in the closed state, preferably turning the container upside down.

Fourth moment. It is advisable to keep the diluted alcohol for about a day in the refrigerator.

How to dilute alcohol to 40 degrees?

The ideal proportions for diluting alcohol are indicated above, but if you need to get alcohol with a specific and exact strength - 40, 45 or 55 degrees, then the situation is somewhat more complicated.

The whole problem is that when alcohol and water interact, the resulting volume of the mixture is less than the volumes of both liquids separately. That is, by mixing 2 glasses of alcohol and three glasses of water you will not get five glasses of their mixture. The volume will be smaller.

However, this problem is also completely solvable. To obtain alcohol of the desired strength during breeding, you just need to use the Fertman table. This is a special table that contains all the necessary proportions for the most accurate dilution of alcohol.

How to quickly dilute alcohol

Sometimes there is a situation when there is simply no time for mandatory settling of vodka made from alcohol. Then come to the rescue quick recipe dilution of alcohol, and the mixture obtained as a result will be quite pleasant to the taste (in any case, not disgusting).

To do this, you will need everything - nothing: freshly squeezed juice from half an orange or lemon, 96% alcohol - 200 grams and water - 300 grams (you can take a 2: 3 ratio in milliliters). Preparation is elementary - the listed components are mixed, vigorously shaken and cooled well. Citrus juice will kill the alcohol taste, and the vitamin C contained in it will help prevent morning hangovers and headaches from drinking.

To all of the above, you can only add that alcohol can be diluted not only with water. For this purpose, everyone can use recipes to their liking. As "diluents" can be, for example:

  • 10% glucose solution in a 1:1 ratio
  • juice of citrus fruits, cherries, raspberries, apples, cranberries, tea or coffee, lemonades or tonics (proportions 2:3, as with water)
  • beer and champagne - all components 1: 1: 1 (the mixture, I think, is not for the faint of heart, but it’s better to keep silent about the morning)

Among the options for how to dilute alcohol we did not indicate quite extreme ones, such as a mixture of alcohol with condensed milk and other products that, in our opinion, are poorly compatible with alcohol.

In principle, drinking alcohol is not harmful, and you can experiment with it endlessly, you just have to remember about the acceptable doses in which the body can perceive it.

At the end of the second distillation, a ready-made high-strength moonshine is obtained. Drinking 70-90% alcohol is not very enjoyable, so it must be diluted to an acceptable degree. Usually they reduce the degree to 40 to get vodka, or to 25 degrees to get a tincture. It would seem that it is easier to mix two liquids? But many questions arise: how to dilute, how to dilute, how, without using a calculator, dilute the drink to the desired degree, how soon after dilution can it be consumed? We will try to find answers to them.

What is the best way to dilute moonshine?

You need to dilute moonshine with water, to which special requirements are imposed, since the taste of the final product depends on its quality. The dilution water must be:

Understanding in more detail, we can say that tap water is not suitable for reducing the percentage of alcohol even after boiling. This can ruin your drink. Moonshine, diluted with boiled water, becomes cloudy and acquires a sharp smell of alcohol. Such a process is possible due to the increased hardness of water or the high content of fusel oils in alcohol.

Clouding of the drink can be dealt with by repeated filtration or purification with charcoal.

The best choice would be spring or artesian water. Before using it, it is advisable to perform a chemical analysis to determine the composition of the liquid. This service can be obtained at the SES for a small fee. If the water is too hard, it must be filtered through a regular filter.

The use of bottled water is also possible, but do not forget about the amount of mineral salts in the product. Please note when purchasing attention to the packaging in the composition field. It is better to give preference to water with the least amount of additives. If necessary, you can soften it by the same procedure for passing through the filter.

If none of the above types of water can be obtained, you can resort to tap water, but it must be filtered or distilled with high quality.

Moonshine dilution technology

It is necessary to dilute moonshine in two situations:

  1. Preparation for the use of the finished product.
  2. Reducing the strength of the raw material before the start of the second distillation.

In the first case, it is necessary to carry out the dilution process after the final settling of the product. In order not to harm the taste of alcohol, you need to pour alcohol into water, and not vice versa. With the reverse sequence, you can get the same cloudy color or hard-tasting drink. The water temperature must be cold enough to use warm liquid there is an unpleasant alcohol smell and taste.

Alcohol is diluted for consumption to a strength of 40%. Before the second distillation, on the contrary, a high strength is not needed. It is necessary to change the composition of the drink to 20-35%. A higher degree of liquid should not be left for two reasons:

  • during the second distillation, strong alcohol vapors may ignite;
  • the stronger the drink, the more caustic the chemical bonds of the alcohol molecule with fusel oils, and the second distillation process will not give the desired result. And the result of this procedure should be the most purified and stronger alcohol.

The procedure for diluting the original drink itself remains the same: pour alcohol into cold water.

Proportion Calculator

After the second distillation, moonshine can be diluted by eye - pour-measure, pour-measure, etc. to the desired degree. But it is more convenient to dilute once with maximum accuracy. To properly dilute the drink, you can use the following options:

  • a special table that indicates the proportions of dilution

Using this table, without having a calculator at hand, you can calculate that, having a drink with a strength of 60% before the second distillation, to reduce its degree by 30%, you need to add 1017 ml of water. If the strength of the product is 85%, and we want to get 40%, then add 1172 ml.

  • Formulas

(A / B) * C - C= amount of water.

A is the strength of alcohol

B - the necessary fortress

Making alcohol at home has always been a sensitive topic, but every respectful person should know how to dilute alcohol with water to make vodka. You never know what life situation you will find yourself in and what exactly will be at hand, so it is better to acquire useful skills in advance. And the manufacturing process itself is quite interesting, such a “weekend hobby”.

Production of alcohol in terms of the law

It should be understood that from the point of view of the law, making alcoholic drinks, you're not breaking anything. There is no article for "moonshine" in any of the codes. And here attempt to sell finished products- it's a completely different matter.

Therefore, if you want to start making liquor and vodka, cook mash:

  • Feel free to talk about it to anyone.
  • Use the finished product only for personal purposes, not for sale.
  • There is nothing criminal in treating someone with the result of their labors.

It just doesn't hurt to keep in mind that:

  1. Alcohol addiction is one of the most terrible problems of the XXI century.
  2. Women's alcoholism is even worse, because it is not treatable.
  3. Nessesary to use only high quality raw materials.
  4. Methyl alcohol, even in small doses, can deprive of vision and even kill.

You can devote some free time to a new hobby, but it is important " don't bend the stick". The reaction of others, a sharp disapproval of any actions on their part, can serve as a kind of indicator.

How to dilute alcohol?

To make good vodka, you need two simple ingredients:



Only bottled, from the nearest supermarket will do.

Care should be taken in advance of high-quality raw materials.

The lower its rigidity, the better the taste of the finished product.

Suitable alcohol of the first grade, ethyl and medical.

In no case do not boil water, otherwise the whole point will be lost.

It is best to use 95% or 95% alcohol.

Make sure that there are no salt impurities in the water. They will interfere with the normal dissolution of alcohol.

In no case do not use methyl alcohol, it is toxic and even 50 grams can make a person disabled.

Now it is important to remember one very simple rule that will help not to spoil the whole simple process of making vodka. Should be added alcohol to water, no other way. If you accidentally confuse and dilute alcohol with water, the solution will immediately begin to turn white. Consume this mixture Not recommended .

Dilution ratio: 2 parts alcohol / 3 parts water.

If you don’t remember or are not sure how it’s right, try it on small volumes, although you don’t want to waste even 100 ml of high-quality alcohol.

How to dilute alcohol 95% to 40%

If you remember the mathematics course at school, you can try to calculate:

  • In 1 liter of 95% alcohol there should be 950 ml of alcohol itself and 50 ml of water or other impurities.
  • In the final product, 1 liter of vodka should contain only 400 ml of alcohol.
  • Since the degree must be reduced by 2.4 times, it means that you need to add something about one and a half liters of water.
  • After sitting a little with a calculator, you can come to the conclusion that for every liter of 95% alcohol, 1400 ml of water will be needed.

And with the help of elementary mathematics, we calculated the required volume and we can make sure that the calculations are absolutely correct. Chemistry is a complex science, it is also necessary to take into account the temperature of liquids and the rate of chemical reactions. That's why slight error may be present.

In order not to repeat a school or university course in chemistry, surrounded by textbooks to the very head, you can use the most convenient tables. They were compiled for us by chemists of the past, in each such table there is a column in which the initial strength of the product is indicated and the top row, in which the final one is indicated.

It is enough to find the numbers that are indicated at the intersection of these indicators.

There is 95% alcohol, but do you need 40% vodka? We are looking for the number 95 on one side, and 40 on the other. Swipe our finger and find the treasured number - 1440 ml. As a result, the difference is 40 ml per thousand, something in the region of 0.4%.

In this video, Stanislav Fotenko will tell and show how to dilute alcohol to get high-quality vodka, what products can be added there to improve the taste:

How to dilute alcohol with water for drinking?

When we have prepared bottled water and medical alcohol in the required proportions, you can proceed to the most step by step mixing process:

  1. Any container will do, the main thing to remember is that you will have to use it later.
  2. Pour all the water into the pre-prepared dishes at once.
  3. Do not let it settle, mix or perform other manipulations.
  4. Take out the alcohol, measure out the required volume with measuring utensils and pour into the dishes.
  5. Slowly add 95% alcohol while constantly stirring the mixture.
  6. Stir it again.

Now the resulting liquid must be poured somewhere in order to be stored in the future. Bottles to be filled fully and close them as tightly as possible. The fact is that when in contact with air:

  • The alcohol evaporates.
  • Acetic acid is formed on the surface itself.

It is not even clear which is worse - losing some of the vodka or “enjoying” the taste of vinegar.

Now it is better to move the vodka to the refrigerator and set the temperature to 4 degrees Celsius. Regarding the timing of upholding, opinions are divided, on average they talk about 3-4 days.

And a few words about filtration- at the bottom of the bottle you can throw a couple of tablets activated carbon, acting as an absorbent, it will cope with various small impurities. After that, it is enough to strain the entire volume through cheesecloth or any other artificial filter.

How to improve the taste of vodka?

Some people like vodka with additives, so after settling, you can give the drink a unique taste:

  1. Most often, glucose is used for these purposes, 10-15 ml will be enough per liter.
  2. Honey is ideal, it will need 2-2.5 times more than glucose.
  3. Milk is a more specific component, here you should already be guided by your taste and previous cooking experience.
  4. Adding spices will soften the taste of vodka, or rather the alcohol itself.

You can get much more pleasure from drinking a drink with such inclusions, especially if the process is more interesting than the end result. Drink go faster and better.

As a result of the course of chemical processes, contraction will occur, the volume of mixed water and alcohol decrease due to chemical reactions.

At the very beginning, we thought that 1400 ml of water was needed, according to all the rules of mathematics. But in fact, 1440. These very 40 ml are “compressed”, getting lost in the process. Not the biggest loss, but it is better to know this at the beginning of your journey of making alcohol.

The process of making vodka

There is nothing easier than making quality vodka:

  • Take 1440 ml of bottled water by buying it from a nearby store.
  • Pour them into a large container.
  • Find 1 liter of quality medical alcohol.
  • Pour into prepared bowl and stir.
  • Vodka is ready, it remains only to insist, filter and add additives. But it's to your taste.

No need to cook anything, wait for months, prepare the ingredients in advance. The whole process will take a couple of minutes, except that you will have to tinker a bit with filtering.

If you know what to do with alcohol to make vodka, you will not be lost in any situation. The main thing to remember is that everything should be in moderation and that alcohol will not make you happy, even if at first it seems otherwise.

Video lesson: make vodka, dilute alcohol

In this video, Vyacheslav Tronev will tell you how and in what proportions you need to dilute alcohol to get 40% vodka: