Homemade rolls recipes. Making your own rolls at home

20.10.2019 Trips

What is most interesting, despite all the strictness Japanese traditions and etiquette, sushi and rolls can be successfully prepared at home, with your own hands. And it is not at all necessary to strictly adhere to any specific recipes; there is room to expand your imagination. It is important to understand the principle of preparation, how to properly wrap the rolls or in what order, how to assemble sushi. If you learn this, then you can experiment with different ingredients yourself, and this may not only be fish and seafood. We turn on our brains and understand that sushi and rolls can be meat, sausage, vegetable and fruit. Yes it is. And this has already been adopted by many restaurants and bars serving Japanese and Korean cuisine.

Rolls and sushi, what's the difference between them? Both are prepared from rice, which is prepared using a special technology with the addition of rice vinegar (). But of course there are differences and here are what they are.

Sushi is a small cutlet or ball made from rice, and a thinly sliced ​​piece of fish or some kind of seafood is placed on top of it. This can be wrapped with a thin strip of nuri leaf. Sushi contains more rice. This dish is served cold.

In the article you will find:

Rolls are rice rolls that are wrapped in nuri sheet. The amount of rice is relatively small, and often there is more filling, which, as mentioned above, can be different. This dish is not only served cold, the rolls can be baked and this is also delicious.

Making delicious sushi or rolls so that they look beautiful, like in the picture, is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Of course, here you need to practice a little and understand what's what. If your hands grow from the right place and did at least some motor skills exercises as a child (for example, modeling with plasticine), then you will succeed with ease. And if everything is so bad with your hands, there is a reason to train them. Forward.

Mini rolls step by step recipe with photos

To prepare any rolls, you will need a bamboo mat, plastic wrap, and nori leaves—thin compressed seaweed. All this can now be easily bought at any hypermarket.

1. Prepare a bamboo mat. It is better if it consists of round sticks, but flat ones are also suitable. We wrap the mat in cellophane, completely and quite tightly. Japanese chefs, of course, don’t do this, but I would recommend it. The rice won’t stick to the board that way, and for hygiene purposes, it won’t hurt.

2. So - like we have mini-rolls, take a sheet of nori and cut it in half, this can be done with a knife or scissors..

3. Place a sheet of nori with the rough side up, respectively smooth, on the mat, retreating 1 - 1.5 centimeters from the beginning of the board.

4. With hands dipped in water and lemon, spread the specially prepared rice in a thin layer on a sheet. We distribute the rice in such a way that the top of the nori sheet remains uncovered, about one centimeter, and from the bottom, the same centimeter of rice should protrude beyond the sheet. Let's look at the photo.

5. We compact the rice tightly, remove the excess, and make it beautiful, because we need to get a beautiful final product.

6. Lay out your filling, what you have prepared: a piece good fish, fresh or pickled cucumber, avocado, of course it’s all cut into pieces. Place the pieces approximately at the intersection of rice and nori, closer to the beginning of the rice.

Now, the wrapping itself is approximately done in 3 - 4 stages.

Don't forget to wet your fingers in lemon water.

7. We take the mat, our task now is to cover and wrap the filling with the initial layer of rice, which does not lie on the nori. Carefully fold the rice and press it in. (I hope I described it clearly...)

You can unroll the mat and it should look like the photo below; the filling is wrapped and the nori sheet is still left.

9. Unroll again, leave a small strip of nori unwrapped, moisten it with water and finally seal the roll tightly.

10. You should get a beautiful sausage. Now you can cut it into portions with a knife. Wet the knife with water.

What did we get? What we got was a neatly rolled mini-roll, standard, which is sold in all sushi bars. As you can see, there is nothing complicated.

If you master and understand the very principle of wrapping, then everything will go on like clockwork. Let's move on in ascending order.

How to properly wrap rolls - large and upside down

Min rolls are good, but I want to feel a richer and more varied taste. This can be achieved by putting more filling in the roll. You can wrap a large roll in a classic way, that is, the rice with the filling will be wrapped in a sheet of nori, or you can turn the dish inside out. I won’t describe the first option in detail, since it is similar to the mini method, but with an inverted roll there are some nuances. But there is nothing complicated.

1. For a large roll, take a large sheet of nori, whole. We place it on a bamboo board, as in the first option, with the rough side up, moving away from the edge of the mat.

2. Lay out the rice as with the option above, compact it and add the filling you chose.

I specifically do not give here exact, classic recipes, such as “California”, “Philadelphia”, “Miami”, etc. etc., because they imply cooking them using only a certain set of ingredients. But this is not always affordable; it is not always possible to purchase it in a store. Again, using your imagination, you can get by with more affordable products for making delicious, homemade rolls.

3. Wrap the roll again in three stages; cover the filling with rice, compact it, wrap the rice completely, leaving a small strip of nori, moisten it and finally wrap it, forming a tight, rectangular or round roll.

We cut the finished product with a knife and everything should turn out something like this:

Ingredients used here: Fish, cheese, fresh cucumber, green onions. This roll can be baked in the oven, after pouring the sauce on top. Delicious! And I’ll give you the recipe below.

Let's start forming the so-called inverted roll. here only the beginning of the process is different, but the wrapping is still the same.

1. Cut about a quarter from a sheet of nori and place it on the mat.

2. Here we apply the rice differently. If we take the view from ourselves, then we will leave a centimeter of the leaf at first, and transfer the excess rice to the mat at the end (I hope it’s clear, the photo will help...).

3. We tamped the rice tightly (involuntarily the association arose with the word “tamped”, but for you...) and with a slight movement of the hand, we turn this molded product over, like this;

5. The principle of folding such a roll is slightly different, but not critical. Here, the first step is to hold the filling with your fingers and try to wrap the dangling end of the nori sheet.

It should turn out that here the filling has completely gone under the sheet and now all that remains is to cover it with rice.

6. Twist the roll to the end, compacting it and giving it a certain shape.

The roll is ready, but somehow it doesn’t look very good. It must be decorated according to the classic designs. You can sprinkle sesame seeds on top, you can put caviar, a leaf of green salad will also work. I suggest garnishing with pieces of lightly salted trout.

And this is everything that was considered as recipes, only in portions, it looks quite attractive and appetizing.

If we say that it is easier to prepare rolls or sushi, then the latter will of course be simpler, but no less tasty and a variety of fillings can be used.

Making delicious sushi at home

Before preparing sushi, cut a thick sheet of nori with scissors into thin strips of half a centimeter and thick strips of 4 - 5 cm. The rice is already cooked and is awaiting its fate.

Follow. Make sure the rice isn't particularly hot, it will impart an unpleasant warmth to the fish, and it's not too cold, it won't stick together well. The temperature of the prepared rice should correspond to your body temperature.

1. Wet your hands in slightly acidified water and roll the rice into a small, oblong lump, shape it and compact it a little.

2. Place fish or vegetables, fruits on top of it and tie it with a thin strip of nori, lightly moistening its ends with water.

3. Grease with sauce, lightly sprinkle with sesame seeds. Ready!

Why did we need to cut off a wide strip of nuri leaf? Sushi with filling - it can be caviar, seafood, minced fish with various sauces.

1. Form a small ball of rice.

2. Wrap it in a wide strip of nori, moistening the ends and fixing it.

3. Place the filling inside the sushi; you can decorate the top with herbs or sauce or cheese.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. As a filling, again, you can use whatever you want.

Hot rolls with cheese baked in the oven (video)

Having considered the basic principles of how to wrap rolls and how to prepare sushi, you can safely begin preparing them and treat your family and friends. At home, among friends, you probably don’t have to worry about Japanese traditions and etiquette. But suddenly you have to either receive Japanese guests or visit the Land of the Rising Sun yourself, the tips that I will now outline may come in handy.

How to eat sushi rolls correctly

Mastering the subtle science of eating the delights of oriental cuisine is not easy. But since Japanese dishes are spreading everywhere, and no one has canceled the rules of good manners and respect for traditions, you need to know the acceptable moments for consuming a tasty dish.

A little about the rules of decency and etiquette.

Once you touch food with chopsticks, you need to eat it. Remember to wipe your hands with a warm, damp towel before starting a meal - this is a Japanese tradition. It can also be used during and after meals. Inequalities between women and men in Asia persist. Men can eat sushi (rolls) with their hands, but women cannot. Rolls and sushi cannot be bitten off. If the pieces are large, they are divided into smaller parts on a plate and then eaten.

In Japanese establishments it is considered rude to eat a lot of ginger. Although some Russians enjoy its taste, ginger is not a snack. The role of ginger is to neutralize the taste of the previous roll in order to appreciate the next one.

You should not dip sushi rice in soy sauce. Only the top ingredient (fish) touches the sauce. You also need to put the roll in your mouth with the fish on your tongue, rice side up. Sushi is usually served with green tea, warm alcoholic drink Japanese - sake. Eating sushi or rolls with beer has become common. Where there is fish, there is a foaming favorite drink.

Special eating technique Japanese chopsticks(Hashi), and even more difficult - thin Korean ones are not easy to master. You need to know the rules for using traditional oriental eating utensils. You should not pick up the sticks and wave them as if you were sitting at a drum set. And even more so, if you are in a restaurant, well, don’t knock them on empty dishes, as if attracting the attention of the waiters. In principle, many Japanese now eat sushi and rolls using a fork. But traditions exist and if you stick to them, things won’t get any worse.

I hope my recipes were useful? Good luck and all the best!

Sushi is a Japanese dish that is now experiencing the peak of its popularity, especially in Russia. You can find all the ingredients on supermarket shelves, and use these step-by-step recipes to prepare sushi at home. In fact, it is not at all difficult, the result will exceed all expectations, and the dish will cost much less.

Sushi at home - general principles of preparation

Not all varieties of rice are suitable for sushi. You can buy special Japanese rice, there is a mark on the package. But it is not always on sale or the price is unreasonably high. That is why more and more often recipes simply indicate round or Krasnodar rice. In terms of composition, grain size and other characteristics, it is excellent.

What else do you need to make sushi:

Rice vinegar;

Salt, sugar;

Nori sheets;

Soy sauce, ginger and wasabi for serving.

Of course, there is no sushi without filling. Here you can show all your imagination and choose your favorite products. Usually fish and seafood are used, fresh vegetables, avocado, crab sticks. For the combination, you can take known recipes as a basis or come up with something of your own.

A special mat is used to roll sushi. In order not to stain anything and everything works out, the mat is wrapped in cling film. Sushi is prepared in small quantities, since storing the Japanese dish is not recommended.

How to cook sushi rice at home: step-by-step recipe

Good rice is the basis of the dish. And it is very important to prepare it correctly. Sushi without rice can be found, but most often in some dietary recipes, cottage cheese, egg omelet and other products are wrapped in a noria. Such options have nothing in common with Japanese cuisine.


1 tbsp. rice;

0.5 tsp salt;

50 ml vinegar;

0.5 tbsp. l. Sahara;

1.5 tbsp. water.

Cooking method

1. Wash the rice thoroughly and pour into a saucepan. We choose a vessel with a thick bottom and it is very desirable that it has a tight lid.

2. Pour water. We measure strictly according to the recipe; you cannot add excess liquid. If there is not enough water, the rice will come out hard and dry.

3. Bring to a boil, cover and cook for exactly 15 minutes. You cannot cook rice for more than 20 minutes.

4. Turn off the stove and let the rice stand for another 10 minutes so that the remaining moisture is evenly distributed inside.

5. While the rice is brewing, combine the rice vinegar with salt and sugar, put it on the stove, and heat it over low heat until all the grains have dissolved.

6. Pour vinegar dressing into the rice, stir quickly, cool until warm.

Sushi at home: step-by-step Hosomaki recipe

A simple version of sushi at home. The step-by-step recipe uses lightly salted salmon, but you can also use other red fish of your choice.


390 grams of boiled rice;

3 sheets of nori;

150 grams of salmon;

A little wasabi.

Cooking method

1. Place a sheet of nori on the mat in front of you, rough side up.

2. Place 130 grams of boiled sushi rice, spread with your hands into an even layer, leaving a small empty strip on the opposite side. To prevent rice from sticking to your hands, you need to wet them. You can use just water, but more often it is mixed with rice vinegar.

3. Apply a drop of wasabi in a strip where the fish will be located.

4. Cut the salmon into cubes. Lay out in a strip along the entire length of the sheet.

5. Raise the edge of the mat and carefully roll the roll. Cover with a mat and, pressing tightly with your hands, press correct form.

6. Transfer the workpiece to a cutting board. Moisten a large, sharp knife, cut the roll in half, then each part in half again, and then again. You should get 8 identical pieces.

7. Transfer the sushi to a plate, place cut side up, add wasabi, pickled ginger, and serve soy sauce in a small bowl.

Sushi at home: step-by-step Philadelphia recipe

Philadelphia sushi is another very popular option that is easy to prepare at home. The amount of filling is calculated for 1 cup of dry rice. We cook it according to the step-by-step recipe given above.


150 grams of Philadelphia cheese;

300 grams of lightly salted salmon;

Rice is ready;

1 avocado;

1.5 sheets of nori.

Cooking method

1. It is better to use slightly unripe avocados for sushi so that they do not fall apart. Cut it into strips and remove the skin from each.

2. Cut the noria sheet in half, you need 3 halves.

3. Cover a special mat with film. This is very important because Philadelphia sushi is prepared with the rice facing out.

4. Place a sheet of algae on the film, or rather half of it. The rough side should be on top.

5. With wet hands, spread the rice, but not just like that. You need to leave empty seaweed at the bottom. Make a strip of about two centimeters. Place a couple of centimeters on top of the film above the noria sheet. Carefully level and press the rice.

6. Cover the spread rice with the unused side of the mat. Turn over so the seaweed is facing out.

7. Place cheese on the seaweed, then avocado pieces. Carefully roll the roll.

8. Place thin pieces of salmon on film. Lay out so that there are no gaps between them.

9. Place an open roll on the salmon, trim off pieces of salmon that will extend beyond the edge.

10. Fold the edges of the mat and gently roll to give the sushi the correct shape.

11. Cut the roll into pieces and place on a serving plate.

Sushi at home: step-by-step recipe with cucumber and crab sticks

A simple step-by-step recipe for sushi at home with inexpensive filling. It is advisable to take the cucumber young or remove large seeds.


130 grams of cooked rice;

1 sheet of seaweed;

30 grams of cucumber;

20 grams of cream cheese;

3 sticks (crab).

Cooking method

1. Place a sheet of seaweed on the mat.

2. Apply an even layer of rice to the rough side, leaving 1.5-2 centimeters at the opposite end.

3. Now you need to apply the cream cheese strip. We do this at a distance of about five centimeters from the side closest to us.

4. You can add a few drops of wasabi to the cream cheese. It's to taste.

5. Cut the cucumber into strips and place on the cheese.

6. Place crab sticks on top. If they are long, then two pieces are enough. If the sticks are short, then put a piece from the third thing.

7. Raise the edge and carefully roll the roll. Cover with a mat and smooth out into a square shape.

8. Cut into 8 pieces and place on a plate.

Sushi at home: step-by-step recipe with eel

There are several options for filling with eel. It's hard to say which one is worse or better, it all depends on personal taste. Here is a step-by-step recipe for sushi at home with eel and cucumber, sesame seeds (Unagi maki).


Sushi rice (ready);

260 grams of smoked eel;

3 sheets of nori;

2 cucumbers;

Raw sesame;

Wasabi, ginger, soy sauce.

Cooking method

1. Cut the eel into long strips. If the piece is initially short, then you can stack several pieces.

2. Cut the cucumber into thin strips.

3. Eel sushi is made thin here. Therefore, each sheet of seaweed must be cut in half.

4. Prepare a bowl of cold water. You can add a little vinegar to it or squeeze out lemon juice.

5. Wetting your hands, apply a layer of rice to the seaweed.

6. Place eel strips and chopped cucumber.

7. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top of the filling. You don’t need a lot, it should take about a level teaspoon per roll.

8. Roll it into a roll. Level with a mat, cut with a sharp knife dipped in the same water and vinegar.

Sushi at home: step-by-step recipe with flying fish caviar

Sushi with small caviar looks very elegant, they are original and unusual. But at the same time, they are easy to make at home, you just need to get all the necessary ingredients. Additionally, you will need crab sticks for the filling; you can replace it with eel or shrimp, salmon at your discretion, or make sushi simply with cucumber.


Nori sheets;

1 large cucumber;

Boiled rice;

1 jar of caviar;

1 pack of sticks (crab).

Cooking method

1. Boil the rice according to all the rules, there is a detailed recipe above. You will need 2 cups of dry cereal. After cooking, season with vinegar and cool.

2. Cut the long cucumber into strips, remove the film from the sticks, and simply open the jar of caviar. Cut the seaweed sheets in half.

3. Cover the mat with film, put a piece of seaweed, apply a layer of rice, coming out from the opposite side 2 cm above the film.

4. Immediately apply a layer of flying fish roe to the rice. Cover with the free side of the mat, smooth and turn over.

5. Place chopsticks and cucumber on the fox. You can use another filling. For more juiciness, you can add a little melted cheese.

6. Roll the roll, use a mat to give it the correct shape, cut into pieces.

When cooking rice, no spices should be added to the pan. But it is recommended to put a small piece of nori, hold it for a while and take it out. The algae will impart its flavor to the rice.

No need to try to make large sushi, save sheets of seaweed or your time. Such sushi will not be very tasty, and it is also inconvenient to eat.

Sushi or rolls? In fact, there are differences between these dishes, but in Russia they are called differently, which is not prohibited.

To opposite side The sheets stick together normally, leaving an empty strip of algae. For a stronger connection, you can lightly lubricate it with water. But this must be done immediately before twisting.

This spicy and very unusual dish has gained incredible popularity in the world today. That’s why many housewives are wondering: how to make sushi at home? You can prepare this delicacy even without having great experience in cooking, the main thing is to know a few secrets.

The main secret of delicious sushi is preparing the rice correctly. After all, this product is the basis and the taste of the finished dish ultimately depends on its quality. detailed instructions will help you master this simple science.

  • Rinse the rice thoroughly in cold water at least 3–5 times.
  • Fill with clean water and leave for half an hour.

  • Drain the water in which the rice was steeped and add clean water in a ratio of 1.25 cups to 1 cup of cereal.
  • Place on the stove and bring to a boil high fire. Then cook for exactly one minute, and then another 15 minutes at low bubbling, reducing the gas to medium. And don't forget to stir often.

  • Turn off the heat and leave the porridge on the stove with the lid tightly closed for another 10 minutes. The sushi rice is ready.

Having mastered the basics of cooking rice cereal, you can safely tackle the dish itself. Detailed recipes will also tell you how to make sushi at home, taking into account basic Japanese traditions. And small variations on this theme will tell you what and how you can experiment with.

If you decide to cook sushi for the first time in your life, then follow simple recipe and you will have an excellent dish worthy of real samurai.

First, prepare the products:

  • 200 g mackerel fillet;
  • 200 g rice especially for sushi;
  • 6 tbsp. rice vinegar and a little more for marinating fish;
  • ginger root in marinade;
  • a generous handful of salt;
  • 1–2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • soy sauce.


  1. Prepare the rice using the method described above. While it cools, dissolve the salt and sugar in the vinegar. Pour the resulting mixture over the porridge.
  2. While it sits, start preparing the filling. Divide the fish fillet into fairly thick plates (1–2 cm) along the grain. Drizzle the rice vinegar generously over the pieces. Marinate for 15 minutes.
  3. Cover the board with cling film. Place strips of mackerel, top with an even layer of rice. Cover with another layer of film and press down with something heavy. You should spend at least 3 hours under the sushi press.
  4. Remove the top layer of film and use a sharp knife to cut the compressed semi-finished product into small squares. Serve with soy sauce and pickled ginger.

Tip: Before cutting sushi and during the process, wet the knife in cold water. This technique will help you get perfect cubes that are literally one or two bites in size.

To prepare sushi according to the classic recipe, you will have to master the science of making rolls. For a traditional recipe you will need a standard set of products.

According to tradition, the Japanese eat sushi mainly from fresh fish. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to find this high quality product in our stores. Therefore, before making sushi at home, stock up on enough salted, lightly salted or smoked fish.


  • 2 tbsp. Japanese rice;
  • lightly salted red fish (salmon, trout);
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • fetax cheese 150 grams or other soft varieties;
  • 2 tbsp. rice vinegar;
  • 2.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 2 tsp salt;
  • wasabi sauce;
  • pickled chopped ginger;
  • nori seaweed


  • Rinse the rice in water until it becomes completely clear.
  • After this, boil it as described above.
  • While it is still hot, prepare the dressing. Mix vinegar, sugar, salt and heat the mixture over low heat, stirring thoroughly. Just don't bring it to a boil. When the grains of sugar and salt dissolve, remove from heat.

  • Transfer the rice to a cup. If it is too wet, place it in a colander to remove excess moisture.

  • Pour the sauce over the rice. Stir and refrigerate for about 1 hour.

Preparing Other Ingredients

  • While the rice is steeping, cut the cucumber and fish into long slices 1 cm thick.

  • We also cut cheese.

The next step is one of the most important. In fact, rolling rolls is not difficult, you just need a little practice. The main thing is to purchase a special bamboo mat, which is called a makisu. It consists of individual straws reinforced with threads, which allows you to twist tubes of different sizes and shape the finished product at your discretion.

  • So, place a sheet of nori on the makisu with the pimpled side up. Dry seaweed is very fragile, but softens quite quickly, so there is no big problem with rolls twisting.

  • Wet your hands with water, scoop up handfuls of rice and spread evenly over the surface of the seaweed. At the same time, do not forget that on each side of the base you need to leave an empty space of about 1–1.5 cm.

  • Once the rice layer is formed, brush the central part with wasabi sauce. Do not forget that it has a too pungent taste, so you should not overdo it with its quantity. If you don’t want spiciness in your dish, then skip this point.

  • Place fish, cheese and cucumbers, pre-cut into thin slices, randomly over the entire rice base.

  • Now proceed to twisting, helping yourself with the mat. It should be twisted tightly enough so that no voids form in the layers.
  • Be sure to moisten the edge of the nori with water so that it sticks well.

  • Cut the resulting “sausage” into small pieces with a knife. If everything is done correctly, the rolls will be dense and will not fall apart when served.

Homemade sushi with herring

How else to make sushi at home - the recipes will tell you what variations on this theme you can prepare in your own kitchen. For example, a very tasty Japanese dish can be made from rice and herring.


  • 100 g suitable rice;
  • 100 g salted herring fillet;
  • 1 cucumber;
  • soft cheese;
  • nori sheets;
  • 1 tbsp. rice vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp. sesame seeds.

How to cook deliciously:

  1. Boil the rice. If you can’t get a special one, you can use a regular one. The main thing is not to overcook it on the stove.
  2. While the porridge is warm, pour rice vinegar over it and cool slightly.
  3. At this time, cut the herring fillet into thin slices, and the cucumber with cheese into cubes.
  4. Place a sheet of nori on a bamboo mat, smooth side down. Spread the rice in a thick layer, sprinkle with sesame seeds, and top with slices of herring, cheese and cucumbers.
  5. Use a mat to roll a thick sausage and cut it into individual rolls. You can serve with any sauce to your taste: mayonnaise, soy, wasabi, etc.

By the way, you can cook sushi not only with various types fish, but also with any seafood: squid, shrimp, crab sticks. If desired, traditional fish can even be replaced with chicken. The taste will be unusual and very interesting.


  • 1 chicken fillet;
  • olive and sesame oil to taste;
  • 200 g boiled rice;
  • soft cheese;
  • ½ part avocado;
  • fresh cucumber.


  1. Mix olive and sesame oil in a frying pan and fry the chicken fillet in it until cooked. It should first be cut into several long slices.
  2. Cover a bamboo mat with cling film and place boiled rice on top, seasoned to taste with rice vinegar, in an even layer. Cover the top with a layer of nori.
  3. Place slices of fried chicken and long slices of cucumber and cheese in the middle. Place slabs of peeled and sliced ​​avocado on top.
  4. Roll into a tube. Cut the finished sushi into tiny cubes and serve with any suitable sauce.

On days of diet or fasting, you can prepare a dish completely without fish or meat. The following recipe will tell you how to make lean sushi at home.


  • 2 tbsp. cooked rice;
  • 2 tbsp. rice vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. brown sugar;
  • no more than 1 tsp. salt;
  • 400 g fresh mushrooms;
  • nori;
  • 200 g of salad, for example arugula;
  • 3 tbsp. soy sauce;
  • a couple of pieces of pickled ginger.


  1. Add a mixture of vinegar, sugar and salt to the finished, still warm rice.
  2. While it sits, fry the mushrooms in a small portion of vegetable oil. Tear the arugula with your hands.
  3. Place rice in a thin layer on a bamboo mat, top with arugula and mushrooms.
  4. Form a dense sausage and cut it into small rolls.

Step-by-step instructions on how to make homemade sushi (video)

As the latest recipes show, sushi can be made from completely different products. Taking as a basis traditional way you can experiment with combinations and shapes. The main thing is that cooking brings pleasure and then the meal will always be a great success.

The boom and special surge in fashion for sushi seems to have already been left behind, however, having lost casual travel companions, rolls have taken a strong position on the tables of those who really love this light and very healthy food.

At the same time, many roll lovers still refuse to master the art of making sushi at home, believing that it is difficult, energy-consuming and very expensive. This master class is just for those who are afraid and doubtful: I hasten to prove that rolls at home can be simple and inexpensive.

Please note that this is not a sushi making class for professional chefs. I offer an adapted version of rolls that are tasty, healthy and easy to prepare. In addition, all the basic ingredients can be found in the nearest supermarket and you don’t have to worry about where to buy the mysterious sushi vinegar and what to replace the rare rice for rolls with. So, if you're ready, head to the kitchen and let's make some sushi at home!


To prepare sushi rolls you will need:

  • 3 small cups rice;
  • 4 small cups of water;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. table vinegar;
  • 200 g lightly salted salmon;
  • 2 cucumbers;
  • 8-10 sheets of nori;
  • 200 g processed cheese.

Making sushi rolls at home

First - rice. I don’t buy special grains for sushi, which in our realities are unreasonably expensive, I make do with the most ordinary round rice, which can be found in any store. Moreover, I am sure that even specialized restaurants in my city prepare sushi from the same rice that I buy. The secret of stickiness is not at all in the variety, although, probably, in it too. The secret is in the correct cooking technology: a little experience, and you will do it no worse than a professional sushi chef.

So, we take three cups of round rice (I specially stood up and checked the volume of the cup that I use - 160 ml, it is convenient for me, so I give the amount of ingredients for it; if you have other volumes, just change the other components proportionally) and rinse well with running water. Fill with four cups of water and put on fire. Bring to a boil, cover with a lid and reduce the gas to a minimum. Without lifting the lid, cook for 15 minutes. It may take a little less or a little more time - listen to the rice: as soon as the nature of the sound of boiling water changes and you realize that all the liquid has “gone”, turn it off immediately, and do not hold it for more than the specified time. Note the time - do not touch the rice for the next 10 minutes.

While the grain is resting, prepare the sushi vinegar. Again, you can buy it in specialized stores, or you can prepare it yourself. Of course, in the original it should be a special rice vinegar, however, we are talking about an adapted version of the rolls, so I still recommend not to lose your head, not waste your money and make do with what you have on hand.

Mix sugar and salt and pour half a cup of boiling water over them. Stir until smooth and leave to cool. After 10 minutes, add vinegar.

Let's move on to rice again. Open the lid, pour the vinegar evenly over the entire surface of the rice and mix with sharp cutting movements. Close again and leave until completely cool.

The next stage is the actual formation of the rolls themselves, and you cannot do without a special bamboo mat with which you wrap nori into rolls.

So, spread a sheet of nori on the mat. Cover approximately half of the sheet along the long side of the nori with rice - lay out a layer no more than 5 mm thick. It is convenient to place a bowl of water next to you and periodically wet your hands: rice is very sticky, and it is better to work with wet hands.

Along the same long side we lay out the filling - cucumber, cut into long strips, fish and a little melted cheese. By the way, a few words about cheese. In this version, it replaces mayonnaise, which I personally don’t like in rolls. If for one reason or another you do not eat processed cheese, replace it with feta or even not very salty cheese. Well, or take mayonnaise, it's better homemade.

Using a makisu, a bamboo mat, roll the nori, rice and filling into a tight roll. It's not difficult at all - just try once, you'll definitely succeed!

The edge of the nori can be lightly moistened with water so that it sticks to the main part of the roll, or you can simply lay the roll cut side down - and everything will stick together on its own, saturated with moisture from the rice.

Leave the rolls for 15-30 minutes, after which we cut them into portions with a sharp knife.

Serve homemade sushi with soy sauce, pickled ginger, wasabi and lemon. Bon appetit!

In addition to the specified filling, you can wrap the following in rolls:
- any types of fish - both raw and salted, smoked, marinated;
— shrimp, squid, mussels and other seafood;
- avocado, mango, pickled carrots, sweet bell pepper and any other vegetables and fruits to your taste;
— mayonnaise – spicy or regular;
- caviar;
- crab sticks;
- omelette;
- lettuce, green onions and herbs;
- sesame;
- shiitake mushrooms;
- soy cheese tofu, replacing Philadelphia and any other cheeses - both soft and hard.

Sushi rolls at home: Magic Food.RU

People who want to learn how to make sushi and rolls at home find the process difficult. In fact, it's the other way around. The dish, the taste of which we enjoy in restaurants, was invented by chefs from Japan, combining tradition with practicality.

Thanks to the original taste, sushi made from rice and seafood quickly gained popularity around the world. Traditionally, the delicacy is prepared by hand, but some establishments have special automated equipment that copes with the task no worse than a chef. If you think that sushi and rolls are difficult to prepare at home, I will try to convince you by telling you popular step-by-step recipes with video tips.

Rolls are a traditional Japanese dish called sushi rolls. Sushi is a strip of boiled rice to which a piece of fish is tied with a string of dried seaweed.

Having mastered the technique of making sushi and rolls, you will be able to use your imagination and experiment with shapes and fillings, which will help you create unique recipes. It is possible that in the future one of the recipes will become a culinary masterpiece.

Ingredients for cooking

To prepare sushi and rolls, you need a set of products that you won’t find at home. To get started, head to the supermarket and buy the following ingredients.

  1. Special rice for sushi and rolls . Sold in supermarkets in 500 gram bags. Regular rice is also suitable for cooking if cooked correctly.
  2. Nori. Thin sheets of dark green color, based on dried seaweed. Initially, such a sheet resembles parchment, but upon contact with moisture it becomes soft.
  3. Wasabi. A spicy, light green paste made from Japanese horseradish. It differs from ordinary horseradish in its more pungent taste. It's better not to eat pasta with a spoon. When you have it in your hands, you will understand why.
  4. Mirin. Rice wine used in cooking. If you can’t find it, a special seasoning made from wine, rice or apple cider vinegar will do.
  5. Soy sauce. Shades and complements the taste of sushi and rolls. Before putting sushi in your mouth, it is recommended to dip it in the sauce.
  6. For filling. Cooks use fresh or lightly salted sea fish: salmon, eel or salmon. Various types of hard cheese, cucumbers, shrimp, and crab sticks are used. Sushi and rolls offer ample opportunities for experimentation. Mushrooms, chicken, fish roe, red pepper, squid, carrots and omelette are also suitable for filling.
  7. Bamboo mat . With its help, rolling sushi is faster, more convenient and easier.

Now I'll share step by step recipes sushi and rolls that even a novice cook can master. I use them regularly for cooking. I hope they take place of honor in your cookbook.

Classic sushi recipe


  • Rice – 200 g.
  • Mackerel – 200 g.
  • Rice vinegar.
  • Pickled ginger.
  • Soy sauce.
  • Sugar and salt.


  1. First, cook the rice according to the cooking instructions on the package. Add a mixture of salt, sugar and six tablespoons of vinegar to the cooled rice.
  2. Cut the salted mackerel into one and a half centimeter thick strips. Pour rice vinegar over the fish pieces and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Place cling film on a cutting board, top with fish and then rice. It is important that the rice layer is uniform. Place cling film and press something heavy on top.
  4. After three hours, remove the film and cut the fish and rice into cubes two centimeters thick. I recommend cutting the dish with a knife dipped in water.

Video recipe

Agree, there is nothing abstruse or complicated in cooking. I recommend serving it with ginger and soy sauce. Connoisseurs of Japanese cuisine eat sushi with chopsticks. If there are none, pick up the pieces with your bare hands.

Sweet sushi recipe

Now I offer a second recipe with which you can prepare sushi with a sweet taste. I recommend serving this dish at the end of the meal.


  • Chocolate – 200 g.
  • Rice – 200 g.
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Liquorice paste.


  1. Boil rice in water with added sugar and cool.
  2. Melt the chocolate and pour onto waxed paper. Carefully smooth out the chocolate.
  3. Place the cooled rice in an even layer on a second sheet of paper, sprinkle licorice paste on top, and form into a roll. Remove the paper.
  4. Place the roll on a chocolate-coated sheet and roll into a tube. Afterwards, place the culinary masterpiece in the refrigerator for several hours.
  5. When the chocolate has hardened, remove the product from the refrigerator, remove the second sheet of paper, and cut the roll into pieces.

For a sweet option, jam, honey or preserves are suitable. It all depends on imagination, tastes and preferences. Through experimentation you will find the ideal ingredients.

How to make rolls at home

Many Europeans like Japanese cuisine, which brings a new flavor of taste to life along with national traditions. People visit oriental restaurants and order sushi and rolls.

Rolls are a modified and improved version of sushi. Boiled rice along with fish, avocado, cucumber and other ingredients are laid out on a sheet of nori, after which the edible structure is rolled up and cut into slices.

How to pickle ginger for sushi and rolls

Ginger is everyone’s favorite Indian spice, which can awaken the appetite just by its appearance and aroma. If you want to immerse yourself in Japanese culture without leaving your home, pickle ginger correctly.

If the menu includes rolls or sushi, take care of this spicy appetizer in advance. You can buy pickled ginger at any supermarket, but you can make the seasoning yourself.

Classic ginger pickling recipe

When choosing ginger, be guided by appearance. I recommend buying fresh root, it is better suited for pickling. Identifying a good root vegetable is not difficult. It has a smooth, translucent skin that can be easily scraped off with your fingernails.


  • Ginger root – 200 g.
  • Rice vinegar – 0.5 cups.
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. spoon.


  • Peel the ginger root and cut into thin slices. Cover the ginger slices with salt and leave to steep.
  • Make the marinade. Add sugar and a little salt to the bowl with rice vinegar and stir. Boil the contents of the pan until the ingredients dissolve. Wash the infused ginger and pour the marinade over it.
  • After cooling, place the bowl with ginger and marinade on low heat and simmer for half an hour.
  • Transfer the contents of the dish into a glass container and place in the refrigerator for six hours.

If you want to get closer to Japanese cuisine, I recommend coloring pickled ginger pink color using a piece of beetroot. Place it in a container with pickled spice. The beets will color the ginger and soften the flavor. Beetroot juice is used to color horseradish and sweet mastic.

Alcohol based ginger marinade recipe

Some cooks make marinade based on alcohol. For this purpose, you will need several spoons of a strong drink, which will change the characteristics of the flavor essence.


  • Ginger root – 250 g.
  • Sugar – 2.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Vodka – 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Rose wine – 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Rice vinegar – 90 ml.


  1. Wash the ginger root, peel and boil in boiling water for about a minute. After drying, cut into thin slices and place in a glass bowl.
  2. Make the marinade. Mix vodka with wine, sugar and salt, and boil the resulting mixture. Add rice vinegar to the marinade, stir and pour the liquid over the ginger.
  3. Refrigerate until the pickled ginger turns pink.

The appetizer goes well with sushi, rolls, fish dishes and meat. Some kitchen geniuses add pickled ginger to salads to enhance the flavor.

Remember, excessive consumption of pickled ginger leads to bad consequences, represented by intestinal problems.

To be fair, I will note a lot of benefits of pickled ginger. The snack improves digestion, helps cure poisoning and lose weight, increase performance and strengthen metabolism. Ginger normalizes heart function, improves complexion, and removes waste and toxins from the body.