Seeing a dead child in a dream who comes to life. Scary! Why do you dream of a dead child? You dreamed that the child died during birth

27.06.2019 Society and culture

For a parent, his child is the most important person on the ground. See night story, in which he dies is incredibly painful. In general, the death of children in dreams is unnatural. That is why such dreams cannot be ignored. This article will discuss why a dead child dreams.

For a parent, his child is the most important person on earth

The dream book gives the following interpretation of the image of a deceased child in dreams:

  1. A stillborn baby symbolizes the dreamer's aspirations and desires. Most likely, not everything in a person’s life turns out as originally planned. His wishes do not come true, and all his goals are unattainable. However, if a child resurrects in a dream, this is a sign that life will soon get better.
  2. Newborn children who die in a dream can portend misfortune with the dreamer's children. The dream book warns about the need to show more attention to your children.
  3. To see a dead child who has been resurrected means to realize an unattainable goal.
  4. If a woman dreams of a dead baby, this means that her child may have health problems. If on the eve of such a dream the baby fell ill, and the decision was made to treat him at home, it is worth playing it safe and showing the sick child to the doctor.
  5. Seeing a child die in a dream means ignoring the problems of your adult children. The dream book recommends being more attentive to your children, because they probably need parental love.
  6. The dreamer dreamed of someone else's dead baby - a long-awaited change in the weather will come.
  7. The image of a dead baby calling for itself foreshadows trouble for the dreamer.
  8. An acute illness will arise for someone who had a dream in which a long-dead child offered to eat together. The danger of death threatens the dreamer who accepted this invitation and ate with the deceased.

Dead children who come to life often dream of new and interesting adventures.

Child in a dream book (video)

Why do you dream of dead children?

The dream book foretells favorable life circumstances for a person if the image of a dead child comes to him in his night dreams.

  • A child died from a lightning strike or during a thunderstorm - there will soon be a new addition to the family. Perhaps the dreaming woman is unaware of her pregnancy. In this case, the dream book is in a hurry to please her!
  • Watching the death of an unfamiliar baby means experiencing indecision in real life. The dream book recommends gaining self-confidence before taking on an important task.
  • The dreamer must take responsibility for organizing an important event that is planned for the coming days. This is exactly what the image of a dead child means.
  • Watching a child's death throes means an indifferent attitude towards one's own children.
  • The image of a hanged baby can cause a lot of anxiety in the dreamer, but the dream book does not foretell any catastrophe. Perhaps a person will face a number of difficulties at work, but he will definitely cope with them.

The dream book foretells favorable life circumstances for a person if in his night dreams the image of a dead child comes to him

Very important has the image of a resurrected baby. Such a dream can be interpreted as follows: the dreamer will complete even the most hopeless undertakings.

Seeing the birth of a dead child in a dream

  1. If a person sees a dream in which the birth of a child ended in tragedy for him, that is, death, his plans clearly need careful revision. In general, giving birth to a child means coming face to face with serious trials.
  2. If the birth process took place in water and a dead child was born, the dreamer will receive good news.
  3. The woman dreamer gave birth to a long-awaited child, who died immediately after birth - she will soon face serious troubles. There is a risk of injury, so it is important to take care.

If a person sees a dream in which the birth of a child ended in tragedy for him, that is, death, his plans clearly need careful refinement

Holding the body of your dead child in your arms and mourning him is taking raising your children too seriously. The dream book recommends that such mothers give their children more freedom.

Why do you dream about someone else’s dead child?

  • The image of a deceased baby, unfamiliar to the dreamer, has negative interpretation for entrepreneurs and people leading labor activity V commercial firms and corporations. This dream means that soon a person will have to face significant obstacles that will negatively affect his future work activity. The Dream Interpretation recommends temporarily suspending work, otherwise there is a risk of bankruptcy.
  • After such dreams, you obviously won’t have to wait for happiness in life. This image foreshadows the dreamer a lot of troubles related to both his work and relationships with others. Therefore, if on the eve of such a dream a person had some important event planned, it should be postponed.

The image of a deceased baby, unfamiliar to the dreamer, has a negative interpretation for entrepreneurs and people working in commercial firms and corporations

A more responsible approach to money is required from those who in their dreams fed an unfamiliar deceased child. The dreamer may become bankrupt if his attitude towards money continues to be careless.

Seeing a dead boy or girl in a dream: what does it mean?

The gender of the deceased baby can largely determine the interpretation of the dream.

  1. A dead girl in a dream symbolizes the dreamer's anti-spirituality. We are talking about his lack of moral principles, ideals and values. Perhaps, on the eve of his dream, a person committed an act that few can call correct. He could give a friend, steal a wallet, influence someone to get into an accident, etc. IN in this case, the dead girl is the embodiment of purity and injustice, and such a dream is a sign. The dreamer must change himself and his attitude towards life.
  2. If this image was seen by artists, then its meaning also symbolizes a stop in spiritual growth, but it has a different nature. The creative dreamer has probably lost inspiration and the desire to “create.”

The gender of the deceased baby can largely determine the interpretation of the dream

The dead boy is a financial image. The more pity the dreamer showed for the deceased child, the more he suffers from shopaholism. The dream book recommends not to waste funds.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of a dead baby?

As you know, women are more emotional than men, so it is mainly they who give meaning to dreams. Pregnant representatives of the fair sex are especially worried about their night visions. Having seen a dream in which a baby dies, a girl can really begin to panic, because she will probably think that this is a sign foreshadowing the death of her unborn child.

However, such a pregnant woman does not carry any negativity, so all expectant mothers can breathe a sigh of relief. The most important thing that a girl should remember after waking up is that she should not succumb to such provocations of consciousness. accurate interpretation image of a dead child, you need to remember the details of the dream.

Why do dead people dream (video)

There are quite a few interpretations, but even if the interpretation of the dream is positive, you should not relax and lose vigilance. Why? Yes because death little man is unnatural in nature, especially in dreams, therefore it is an alarming sign that must be taken seriously.

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Dreams about a dead child leave behind an unpleasant feeling long time, and few people expect anything good from such a dream. To confirm or refute this information, it is necessary to correctly interpret what you saw.

Why do you dream of a dead child?

If someone else’s dead child appeared in a dream, this is a negative sign indicating the approach of serious troubles and various kinds of disappointments. Don't worry, because this will not affect children in any way. The dream book says that the things started in the near future and the plans set will not be realized. Seeing your own dead child in a dream means you should protect your child, since he may become seriously ill or get into some serious trouble. Night vision, where a dead child suddenly came to life, indicates the presence negative influence from the outside. You should be on guard, because someone may get involved in a dubious matter.

One of the dream books contains information that if you see a dead child in a dream, it means it’s time to accept your own hidden potential. If this happened due to illness, this is a signal that it is worth analyzing your social and psychological life, this is important for a harmonious life. Looking at a dead newborn means you should prepare for the fact that all plans will not be implemented as originally intended. Be prepared for the fact that what happened will greatly upset you. If you had to give birth to a dead child in a dream, it means that you will soon be able to get rid of existing troubles. A night vision where you are trying to feed a deceased child serves as an indication that you should be more responsible about material spending. Seeing a dead girl means that at the moment there are problems in spiritual development. First of all, this applies to creative people.

Sometimes in a dream a person can see a dead child. Such a dream can scare anyone. However, the interpretation of what you see does not always promise trouble in real life. It is important to take into account the details of the dream, the personality of the deceased baby, as well as the peculiarities of the sleeper’s perception. Let's try to figure out why a dead child dreams.

A deceased child often appears alive in a dream in order to warn the sleeping person about family problems. If you dream that he died from a serious illness, in reality this portends danger to the dreamer. When a child dies right in front of the dreamer, the person will be disappointed in his own future.

If you suddenly dreamed about your own small children dying, the meaning is the opposite, and in reality they will live a long, happy life. When the dreamer sees adult offspring deceased, this symbolizes their imminent marriage or marriage in real life.

Video “When you have prophetic dreams”

From this video you will learn when and why you have prophetic dreams.


Another of famous dream books– medium Hasse – interprets the death of one’s own son or daughter, which a person dreams of, as a warning about injury and the appearance of diseases in reality. Moreover, the scale of the troubles will depend on the age of the children: the younger they are, the more serious the consequences of the dream will be in reality.


When a lifeless child appears in a childless woman’s dreams, she should expect positive changes in real life. Sage Navi believes that if the dreamed baby is alive in reality, then the sleeping person in reality will be in danger.

Other interpreters

According to interpretation esoteric dream book, dead children can be dreamed of when the weather changes. If they are alive in reality, such a dream promises the father to receive support from loved one, and for mothers such dreams foretell success in business. If the baby is a relative of the dreamer, the dream warns that you need to be more careful with the people around you. When a dead man calls the dreamer, and he goes after him, in reality this foreshadows illness.

Another of the dream books - the universal one - contains information that a person may dream about dead children other than his own in order to warn him about problems that will arise in real life and will not be associated with his own children.

Astromeridian's Dream Book explains that visions of dead children symbolize the sleeper's anxiety about his own future and even fear of it. Such dreams show that a person was unable to realize his plans. When a dead person is resurrected in a dream, this means that the dreamer has not yet lost hope of achieving what he wants. If your own adult children appear dead in dreams, this is a sign that parents pay little attention to them, and the situation urgently needs to be corrected.

Dream subjects

A woman should not be afraid of dreams involving dead children, as they often promise positive changes in life. Let's look at a few popular scenarios:

  1. If a pregnant woman dreams of a child who died in the womb, this is not a bad sign. When a newborn is covered in blood, in reality the girl who saw such a dream can count on the support of blood relatives.
  2. When you dream of a stillborn baby, the dream promises girls a long-awaited pregnancy. If you dreamed that the birth took place in water, in reality the dreamer will receive important news.
  3. A dream in which the fetus died in the womb informs the dreamer that in real life he should reconsider his plans and make adjustments to them.

A deceased girl may dream of sad events and experiences, and the appearance of a boy in dreams should be regarded as a warning about financial difficulties in reality. When twins or twins dream of being lifeless, this means that any interpretation of the dream should be exaggerated several times. You dream of your own children being dead to a long, prosperous and prosperous life, of strangers - to the elimination of obstacles on the way to the implementation of your plans and the successful completion of affairs.

If the sleeper saw a dream in which he kills a small child, this means that in reality he spends too much money, having a modest income.

If the dreamer held a corpse in his arms, he needs to stop caring for and controlling his own children. When in a dream a sleeping person talks to a dead person and follows him, in reality one can expect illness or even death. Seeing many dead children in a dream means committing a large number of errors.

If the baby in your dream was in a coffin, in real life you should prepare for quarrels with people around you and failures. If the coffin is red, this promises the sleeping person success in business and their successful completion. Hanging children symbolize minor troubles at work or in the family. If the dead person was on the floor, you should prepare for the arrival of relatives. Seeing a lifeless body in a vacant lot means receiving good news from loved ones. A person dreams of drowned people as a sign that he is trying to get rid of the influence of a person who has designs on him.

Decoding any dream depends on a number of details that should be correctly analyzed and taken into account. Bad dreams They should not be interpreted in reality as negative, since dead children often symbolize the receipt of something long-awaited, and also promise pleasant events.

When going to bed, many people hope to have good dreams. But unfortunately, they see dream of the dead children. Of course, such dreamers would like to know why they had such a dream. To understand this issue, you will need to study all its aspects in detail, paying attention to even the smallest details.

You need to clearly understand that if a person dreams of a dead child, then it is worth preparing for the troubles that already await the dreamer on the threshold of his home. Perhaps nothing will happen but it still doesn’t hurt to analyze the dream in detail:

  1. If you carefully study the decoding of such dreams, then parents should understand that such a dream acts as a sign that signals that they need to be more attentive and monitor their own children and cannot ignore them.
  2. If you dreamed of a dead girl, then unsuccessful deals await you; they carry absolutely no prospects. But there is no need to be afraid, since these transactions will not bring significant harm to the general way of life.
  3. It also happens that you dream of a baby lying in a coffin - this is a sign that there is every chance of facing serious problems, since in general such dreams indicate bad news.
  4. If a pregnant woman dreams of a newborn covered in blood, then this is not bad sign. Such a dream indicates that a woman can always count on support from friends and relatives.
  5. When you have a dream that the fetus died in the womb, this indicates that the dreamer must reconsider all his plans; perhaps they are no longer as significant as they seemed before.

Seeing other people's dead children

If you had a dream where other people’s dead children appear, then most likely the person is constantly in stressful situations. In this case, the dream may indicate that you should reconsider your life.

If you dream of a dead baby with tears in his eyes, then this indicates that that you may soon suffer from a serious illness and it is better to prevent it by going to the doctor for examination.

If in a dream a newborn dies or is already born dead, then this means that failures await you in business sphere. Therefore, before making new partners and signing any contracts, it is recommended to analyze the current situation in detail.

When someone else's child is dreamed of dead, the dream indicates to the dreamer that for a long time he has not decided to change his life, and it is high time to do this. As soon as you try to take the first step, you can make sure that everything worked out for you, now luck is on your side again.

When sleeping with dead babies repeats itself several nights, you may want to consider being more attentive to your children. After all, parents often forget that every child needs not only affection, but also attention, which sometimes parents do not provide.

Dead babies

If the dreamer is interested in why dead babies dream, then he will need to carefully study the dream book, paying attention to even the most small details dreams. It is details like these that can completely change the meaning of a dream, transforming it from a harbinger of misfortune into a sign of impending good fortune.

Try not to take the dream literally, as suspicious people often do. If in a dream the dead baby is not your child, then most likely the dream reflects real fears, perhaps you are haunted by doubts and there is uncertainty about your own success. In this way, the subconscious makes you understand that you need to try to change yourself, become more confident, and then everything will work out for you.

If a person sees a dream about the death of a neighbor’s son, then An important event awaits you soon, for which you need to carefully prepare.

When you dream of a dead baby that the dreamer has never seen before, this is a signal that very soon serious difficulties will begin in life, but they will in no way be related to children, so you shouldn’t take everything literally, just be a little more careful.

The meaning of sleep during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a difficult period for a woman, because it is accompanied not only by bright and positive emotions, a wonderful mood, but also a feeling of fear, which can manifest itself in dreams.

Therefore, almost all dream books insist that pregnant women should not take dreams associated with the death of a baby as a tragic sign. After all, such dreams come to those who constantly think and worry about the health of the unborn baby.

But of course, this is not the only explanation for why a pregnant woman dreams of a dead child. If the baby’s body is stained with blood, then this is a sign that close women are ready to make every effort to make the process of childbirth and caring for the baby easier for her.

In addition, the birth of a stillborn baby in a dream can also act as auspicious sign. Such a dream may indicate parting with the past, now you are beginning to new life, in a word, is a chance to start everything from scratch.

If you regularly see a dead child in a dream, but you manage to resurrect it, this is a sign that very soon in real life you will be able to get pregnant and give birth to a strong, healthy baby.

Other interpretations

A dream about the death of your child always horrifies, parents begin to worry greatly, and emotional mothers do not know what to think now. No one denies that seeing such a dream is unpleasant, but know: in most cases, it indicates that changes will soon begin in your life, and not a tragedy will occur.

The plot of the dream plays an important role, which is why it is so important to take into account its details; only in this case can you understand and understand Why do you have dreams like this:

Nobody argues It's always scary to see dreams like this. But you should not get hung up on this and perceive the situation positively, because usually the death of loved ones, especially children, is interpreted positively.

Those people who are not superstitious will never take such dreams seriously. Of course, if you do not belong to this category, then you should pull yourself together and reconsider your views on your life. It should be remembered that this is just a dream, not real life.

That you or someone close to you gave birth to a stillborn child. Do not rush to despair and overwhelm yourself by imagining the horrors that the vision warns you about. Let's figure out together what your dream could mean. We all understand that seeing your child dead in a dream or giving birth to a dead child in a dream is the worst nightmare for any girl.

Most often, this is seen by pregnant girls who are preparing to become mothers in the near future. This happens against the backdrop of experiences, and before we talk about what it means to dream of giving birth to a dead child, let’s find out what dreams of childbirth mean in general.

Having studied the opinion in different dream books, we can say that a dream about childbirth most often has a positive character. If she is in labor, then her upcoming birth will be easy. After this she will recover quickly. But mostly women in pregnancy have dreams about childbirth because of excitement. Give them of great importance not worth it.

A non-pregnant woman dreams of childbirth as a sign of new ideas, inspiration, new knowledge, family happiness or success. If someone gives birth in your dream, it means that something new will appear in your life. The feelings you have at this moment mean a lot. These feelings will be caused in you by the new thing ahead of you.

If in a dream you gave birth to a son, then this means good luck, a dream come true, and also an increase in your wallet.

If you dream that you delivered the baby, then this portends your pregnancy. This is what Freud's dream book says.

Why do men dream about childbirth?

Men dream of childbirth as a sign of news, good or bad, depending on how it went. For any dreamer, heavy ones foreshadow failure, and light ones foreshadow upcoming joy. If a man dreams that he is giving birth, this means that he will have to give his all in some task in order to achieve his goal.

Why a dead child?

Let's go back to unpleasant topic about dead babies. As we have already said, many women dream of childbirth, as well as the birth of a stillborn child, because of strong anxiety about the upcoming process in reality. Dream books say that you shouldn’t worry about one dream. Psychologists confirm: in night visions we often see what worries us. There is no need to worry that a dream will turn into reality just because of one vision; it is better to surround yourself with positive emotions and prepare for the arrival of a new family member. Think about how beautiful and healthy your baby will be, and put away the dream book with bad meanings.

But if the dream left an indelible impression, if after such a vision you have lost the desire to sleep, and bad thoughts and bad premonitions do not leave your head, it is better to consult a doctor, if necessary, undergo an examination and once again make sure that the baby in your tummy is absolutely healthy and a healthy one will be born. Checking the condition of a pregnant woman once again won’t hurt, but at the same time it will reassure the expectant mother, putting her in a positive mood.

If you dreamed that you gave birth to a stillborn child, remember, maybe you recently had conversations about this or you saw somewhere a colorful picture on this topic. There are often cases when, against the backdrop of a strong impression, the sleeper receives eerie pictures. If you are a very impressionable person, avoid such conversations so as not to worry about trifles.

Dream about giving birth to a still child for men

As already mentioned, dreams about the birth of a still child can come to men. In this case, the child symbolizes the idea, idea or plans stuck in the head of the sleeper. Most likely, the sleeper often thought about this, and perhaps before going to bed he thought about how to achieve his intended goal as quickly as possible. Such a dream for a man suggests that deep, in his subconscious, he doubts his abilities or the means to achieve it, and is not sure of the need to go towards the goal.

In this case, we can only advise one thing: if you had to give birth to a stillborn child in a dream, you should postpone your plans for later and work on your weaknesses. Perhaps the dream is warning you that you did not notice an error in your plan somewhere. Double-check everything very carefully or seek help from more experienced people. Simple actions will help you regain faith in yourself, and double-checking everything once again will not harm your ideas. Measure seven times, as they say.

Relationship collapse

So what can the birth of a dead baby seen in a dream portend? Sometimes such a vision speaks of the imminent collapse of relationships that, like shackles, prevent one from moving on, keeping one in one place, preventing the individual from growing and developing. You will have such a dream if you yourself understand that your love boat is doomed, but you are still trying to sail in it. In this case, the vision suggests that you should not hold on to what is not there, let go of the relationships that drag you down or prevent you from moving on. Nerve cells yours are not made of iron. Please note that after this dream the sleeper is promised a new acquaintance. You won't have to wait long after the breakup.

Family dream book

If a girl dreamed that she gave birth to a stillborn girl or boy, and she has recently been thinking about settling down and starting a family and children, then such a dream tells her directly: you are not ready to lose the freedom that you have now. Family life and children are a big responsibility that you have not yet grown up to. With the advent of a child, you will have to turn your usual way of life upside down and rebuild it, but you are not yet ready for such life turns. There is nothing wrong with this, the main thing is that your unpreparedness and fear of responsibility do not drag on.

dead child

A dream in which you see a dead newborn does not mean at all that the plot can come true. He warns: big changes of a negative nature await you. Also, a dream with a dead baby suggests that a person is not sure of what he is striving for. Rethink your goal, re-prioritize, reconsider your point of view and means of achievement, and boldly go into battle.

Women with adult children

If your children are already big and you are not in an interesting position, a dream about the birth of a still child suggests that you should take a closer look at your children. There is a high probability that troubles await them, such as bad company or health problems. Talk to your child frankly, win him over so that he can trust you, and then you will be able to protect him from bad influence from the outside.

Death of your child

If during sleep you had the feeling that this child was yours, already living in reality, then know: dreams about death are interpreted exactly the opposite. Your offspring will have a long and happy life. If your child is sick, and you dreamed that you gave birth to him or he died soon after birth, it means that your child will soon recover and everything will be fine.

Feed the dead

If in a dream you dreamed that you were trying to feed a dead newborn child, your own or someone else’s, then in reality you should be more responsible about your financial situation and senseless waste of money. If you spend your money more rationally, avoiding unnecessary purchases and unnecessary luxury, you will be able to avoid the lack of money that awaits you.


If in a dream you managed to find out the gender of a newborn child, then we have another interpretation given in several dream books. A dream about giving birth to a dead girl is a bad sign for creative people. Such a vision promises stagnation in creativity, a long pause in business and a long wait for at least a drop of inspiration. Perhaps it hints that it is time for the dreamer to rest.

For business

If you had a dream about giving birth to a dead boy, the warning does not promise anything good. The dreamer will face failure, especially if he is an individual entrepreneur or businessman. A person faces financial difficulties and huge problems in running his affairs. Dream books say that after such a dream it is better to suspend your activities, not schedule any events, and not think about new startups. Plans ahead of time are doomed to failure, leading to a mountain of consequences.

Since we have figured out what it means to give birth to a dead child in a dream (dream books give a detailed interpretation of such a vision), let’s find out whether the interpretation depends on the day of the week.

From Monday to Tuesday

From Monday to Tuesday, your dreams are influenced by militant Mars, in which case a dream about the birth of a stillborn child is an important warning for you. You should definitely listen to him. Big troubles are coming if the meaning of your dream is negative. And as they say, “misfortune does not come alone,” there is a high probability that, among other things, a number of failures await you, for which you need to be mentally prepared.

From Tuesday to Wednesday

Most often, on this night you have not just one dream, but a whole kaleidoscope of events, a lot of people and situations. Dreams this night are under the auspices of Mercury; they will tell you not about your future, but about you, about your character, about what kind of person you are from the outside. If the dream is bad (about the birth of a stillborn child, for example), Mercury conveys to you: it’s time to reconsider your relationship with the people around you.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday

This night is a sign that drastic changes will burst into your life like a destructive whirlwind, most often related to work, career, and study. This is either a sharp rise - a promotion, an acquaintance, a bonus, or a sharp decline, right up to dismissal. Personal life and dreams on this night rarely concern health.

This night is under the auspices of Jupiter. It is better to listen to dreams this night, as you can often see in them advice, the correct or most profitable path to a career, to occupations, to hobbies, to achieving long-set goals.

Decline or rise, of course, depends on good dream was or bad.

From Thursday to Friday

On the night of Venus - that's when you really dream prophetic dreams. Dreams dreamed under the auspices of Venus come true quickly, maybe even the next day. If you see something good and want to see it come true, don't tell anyone about your vision.

But if you gave birth to a stillborn baby in a dream, this is a bad dream. Visions of the dead and deceased in most cases are a bad sign. And if you had such a nightmare on this day, it does not bode well. Soon you or your loved one will face illness, death, or serious injury. But do not despair, because dreams are only warnings from our fate, which gives us a chance to fix everything. To avoid troubles, live a quiet, calm and measured life for the next few months, so that sleep remains just a dream.

From Friday to Saturday

Under the auspices of Saturn, we have dreams not only about ourselves, but also about our loved ones. So pay attention to the people around you. If your dream was bad, for example, you saw the birth of a stillborn baby, do not despair. To avoid troubles in store in the future, and these are most often troubles in the family, the collapse of a career, the collapse of a dream, try to be cheerful, live positively, be kinder and make new acquaintances.

From Saturday to Sunday

In a dream from Saturday to Sunday, you need to pay attention to the faces that you dreamed about. In a difficult situation, you can rely on the people you dreamed of.

Handsome and vivid dream on this day foreshadows the beginning of a white streak in life. Most likely, you will draw a lucky ticket, you will be pleased with your loved ones or success at work.

A dream with a bad meaning, in particular the birth of a stillborn baby, on this day warns that in the near future you will spend too much effort and energy in vain. Reconsider your behavior style, maybe you should become active in other areas?

From Sunday to Monday

Dreams this night do not carry any secret meaning, and the likelihood that they will come true is one percent. You shouldn’t attach importance to them, even if they are very bright or very bad. There is nothing to be afraid of, just as there is nothing to rejoice at this night.


Remember that your way of thinking is built on emotions, so any nightmare in which the death of a child is present terrifies you, you begin to be nervous and afraid for your children. If you dreamed that you gave birth to a stillborn child in your sleep, do not rush to interpret your dream negatively. Remember it in detail, remember what you thought and talked about the last few days. Try to sort your dreams out of dream books as correctly as possible.

And we advise women in this position not to succumb to the provocations of the subconscious at all, we are all worried about the birth of a new little man, but while he is under your heart, try to surround yourself, and thus him, only with a good mood, positive emotions and the joy of the upcoming meeting with him.