Dream Interpretation ex-boyfriend cries in his sleep. What is the dream of a crying ex-boyfriend

19.08.2019 Auto / Moto

Some dreams are quite symbolic and come to a person in order to guide him on the true path, to become a valuable clue. Why dream of crying ex-boyfriend, can this vision be considered a good sign, portending an imminent reunion?

What if you dream of a crying ex-boyfriend?

A crying ex-boyfriend in a dream is a symbol of understatement, incompleteness. If a girl has such a vision, she should analyze past relationships. Most likely they are not completed. When parting, all points were not placed and close people did not say something to each other. The sleeping woman needs to think carefully about how she feels about the former, whether she wants to return him.

Such dreams always indicate the presence of experiences in real life. If a girl feels that passion can still flare up between them, you need to take the first step and, at a minimum, talk with your ex-boyfriend, talk about what worries her. Do not be afraid of such activity. The vision indicates that the dreamer is still not indifferent to the young man. Perhaps he does not want to continue communication, but he cannot forget his former passion.

What you see should not be taken seriously if, quite recently, a girl met her ex by chance. Most likely, the vision reflects her feelings and desire to reunite with her loved one, the desire to fix something, to return the faded love.

If a girl dreams that her ex-boyfriend is crying and begging her to return to him, this portends a quick meeting. People who were once in love with each other will finally be able to meet and talk. The guy will really be interested in resuming the relationship.

If a girl dreamed that her ex was crying, and she was hugging him, in real life the young man would need the help of a dreamer. It is, of course, not about financial support. The sleeping woman should try to find out through friends how she is doing. former lover. If any negative events have occurred in his life, it is worth calling and offering help. Often such dreams portend the illness of the guy's relatives, serious financial difficulties, or even problems with the law. In any case, understanding from loved ones will not be superfluous in this situation.

What portends?

To see your ex-lover crying in a dream, but walking arm in arm with a beautiful lady, is to lose him forever in reality. IN this case the girl should not even think about the fact that something could improve between her and this young man. It's time to realize that everything is over. Most likely, the guy already has another. To see an ex-boyfriend in a dream crying in a cart of his house is to learn something new about him in real life. In the near future, this person will make himself known. The information received will greatly surprise the sleeping person.

Crying together in a guy in a dream - in reality, realize your attachment to him. The dreamer will want to return her ex-lover and she will make every effort to do this. Calm down a guy in a dream - in real life, cool off towards him. Such visions prophesy the imminent beginning of a new relationship. The dreamer will forget her former lover and plunge into a whirlpool of new passions.

If a girl dreams that her ex-boyfriend is crying, it means that not everything is over between them. Some words were left unsaid. Perhaps one of the former lovers has warm feelings towards the person with whom he was once close and wants to return his former emotions, passion and love.

Former young man or ex-husband, which appeared in a dream, symbolizes your excessive passion for the past.

This is what keeps you from moving forward, from developing as a person; ex love does not want to give in to love real place in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time has come for a change of priorities, the collapse of former ideals.

After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, and in all areas of life.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Longo

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Dream Interpretation - Guy, young man

Handsome and slender messenger of heavenly seer Forces;

Angelic image;

Vital forces, active energy for a man, the dreamer himself (based on appearance and behaviour).

For a girl dream of marriage;

For a woman, the appearance of a spiritual helper;

Maternal or sexual urges. Ugly-looking everything is bad.

See extras. Dictionary "mythological" (demon, demon, angel of death).

Interpretation of dreams from

Crying in a dream is an ambiguous symbol. Such a dream can carry both negative and positive meanings. Moreover, crying is one of the few signs of dreams when the foreshadowed events can reach a fairly large scale. You should very carefully approach a dream in which a crying man appears.

What is the dream of the ex-boyfriend in the dream book? To events that will remind the past. Given value very similar to the interpretation of a dream about a former man, only it has a more romantic connotation. Often dreams - one of the two of you constantly thinks about the past days.

In a dream, seeing a friend's ex-boyfriend - an unpleasant story will remind you of yourself. The daughter's ex-boyfriend is nostalgia, longing.

It is likely that the former caused you such painful and excruciating mental trauma that they are still fresh to this day - subconsciously you play this situation again and again.

I dreamed that the former was getting married, I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend with a new girlfriend- jealousy; new novel.

At the subconscious level, you really want to know how the personal affairs of your Former are. You yourself created this night story with your thoughts about the fate of your Former.

I dreamed that the ex-husband was crying- Trouble with ex-husband.

Probably, a subtle psychological connection has been preserved between you and the once beloved man. The dream gives a forecast that not the most joyful and pleasant events will happen in the life of the Former - try to warn him about this.

The appearance of a former lover in a dream often causes anxiety and indignation, especially among girls and women who at the moment have not found their soul mate.

The most disturbing dreams about a former loved one are those in which he, without explaining the reasons, leaves or talks about breaking up with you. In part, such a dream symbolizes the psychological fear of losing the most valuable and dear.

If an ex-boyfriend often dreams of you in various situations, you should think about the fact that perhaps your feelings are still alive and his character takes most your thoughts.

However, it is important to correctly interpret your dream, since small nuances and details are very important. If you trust folk signs, any person who appears to you in a dream will certainly think about you. And if this person is your ex-lover, this cannot please. The fact that a man who was once close to you remembers and thinks about you is the most pleasant interpretation of sleep.

When you see in a dream how your husband is crying, the dream is trying to focus your attention on the little things that you are in this way. Everyday life do not attach importance. Most likely, you have noticed that your husband is worried or upset about something. There is a high probability that your relationship or the well-being of the family is at risk, the dream book warns.

If you saw your son crying in your dream, the dream book believes that right now he needs your support or advice, not daring to actually cry into his vest. Spend time together for a walk or for a heart-to-heart conversation.

When dreaming of a stranger crying, the dream book reminds that such wonderful qualities as selflessness and the ability to empathize with others are not always appreciated. It is possible that someone intends to take advantage of your kindness.

What is the dream of a crying guy whom you know well, the dream book explains his need for emotional release. It is possible that he was simply tired of being alone with his problems, only you can only guess about this in a dream.

If you dreamed about how the ex-boyfriend was crying, the dream book promises that your quarrel will be resolved in the most incredible way. In the near future, it will turn out that the cause of your quarrel was just an unfortunate misunderstanding.

When dreaming about how a loved one cries, the dream book warns of a possible brewing conflict. A careless word or a misunderstood statement can lead to a serious disagreement, mutual disappointment. Feminine flair and wisdom will help smooth out sharp corners.

IN modern world for the interpretation of dreams, a variety of dream books are used, which, at times, offer original and unusual designations.

A crying husband speaks of your desire to manipulate others and keep everything under total control. You are selfish and ambitious, and do not suffer from the syndrome of dependence on the strong half. Neglect of moral aspects and the opinions of others does not limit in making decisions that subjugate the situation and people.

In church and cemetery

Former, Former boss, Former returned, Former lover, Former director, former house, Former Friend, Former Marries, Former Son-in-Law, Former Colleague, Former Lover, Former Lover, Former Lover, ex boy, Former young.

An attack by a husband, a young man dreams of troubles, most likely, pleasant ones.

Psychologists say that our dreams are our experiences, impressions or happening events. It often happens that a former lover dreams of women who live with a thirst for revenge for a broken heart. They want to see him suffer or make him regret leaving them. You constantly draw a picture of such a situation for yourself, for example, when he saw you, and his heart beat with renewed vigor, but you are already cold and unapproachable. Your imagination realizes such a situation in a dream. Or imagine yourself getting out of a limousine in a chic dress, happy, and he goes to the meeting in shabby clothes, tired. Such thoughts visited many, which were embodied in a dream.

You should also pay attention to the situation in a dream. Seeing an ex-boyfriend in a dream in a different context completely changes the meaning of the dream. Hot showdowns indicate that feelings have not completely cooled down yet, so you sometimes think about him. Kisses and hugs - to the fact that you are not averse to resuming a relationship.

Dear readers, what can you say about the former relationship in a dream? What are your observations?

  • Skidan Ilona Petrovna

    Psychologist, Interpersonal Relations Specialist. Specialist from b17.ru

  • Anna Dashevskaya

    Psychologist, Skype consultations. Specialist from b17.ru

  • Makarova Inna Yurievna

    Psychologist, Emotionally-shaped psychotherapy. Specialist from b17.ru

  • Kirill Budkevich

    Psychologist, I make dreams come true at a similar price. Specialist from b17.ru

  • Andronova (Volokhonskaya) Marina Sergeevna

    Psychologist, Psychoanalyst. Specialist from b17.ru

  • Slobodyanik Marina Valerievna
  • Dulepina Olga Alexandrovna

    Psychologist, Certified Gestalt Therapist. Specialist from b17.ru

  • Frantsev Maxim Leonidovich

    Psychologist. Specialist from b17.ru

  • Andreeva Anna Mikhailovna

    Psychologist, Clinical psychologist oncopsychologist. Specialist from b17.ru

  • Darondov Ivan Valerievich

    Psychologist. Specialist from b17.ru

This dream is difficult to interpret unambiguously. On the one hand, if a person cries in a dream, this means strong feelings, losses and losses, and on the other hand, good news and a pleasant resolution of difficult circumstances. However, the dream book writes that interpreting a dream in which a woman cries is much easier than if you witnessed male tears.

Therefore, in order to understand why a crying man is dreaming, you need to pay attention to the general impression of a dream or circumstance. Because the representative of the stronger sex in tears can show various aspects of his life, both positive and negative. This is what a crying man in a dream means most often.

Great grief and bitter loss

The dream book gives this meaning to dreams in which there is an element of mourning, a funeral, a cemetery, or something black. These dreams come unexpectedly and, in addition to your relative or acquaintance, there is also a woman almost always there. She also cries and worries about something. The dream interpretation interprets such a dream as a sign of great grief and unexpected loss, very painful and incomprehensible.

To see how an acquaintance or friend cries, especially at the coffin or on someone's grave - unfortunately and great feelings in his house. Especially if in a dream there is a cut down tree, a dead person, a corpse, blood or a coffin, as well as artificial flowers. The dream book interprets this dream to mourning in the house, sudden death, both of this person and his loved ones. Several colors of red mean murder, like a butcher with an ax or a maniac in a dream. Bitter crying at the grave or at the coffin means a strong loss, worries and tears in the house.

If a man whom you know and who is alive roared, then the dream book writes that in the near future a strong loss, great grief and tears will await him. Such a dream often turns out to be prophetic.

Why dream that a dead man is alive in a dream and cries bitterly? This dream means grief for you and your environment. Especially if the deceased was kind to you and was a good friend or relative. Father in tears or grandfather why dream in a dream? Both dead and alive, it means trouble and trouble for you or common relatives. The dream interpretation interprets this dream to quarrels in the family, problems and troubles with children, as well as to grief that can happen.

To see how a deceased relative cries, who drank or was a drug addict during his lifetime, what is this for? Books on the interpretation of dreams write that he needs to be remembered in the temple. By the way, this dream does not portend troubles and troubles, on the contrary, the dream book writes that after such a dream you will have a bright streak in life.

Why dream that a strange man with whom you are not connected love relationship, crying? Dream books predict great grief and trouble for him or his family. They can be fatal. If you had to see a friend or his woman in a dream several times in tears, then such a dream means trouble in his house, serious illness injury, accident, or even violent death.

Therefore, it is necessary to warn the person whose wife cried in a dream about troubles and try to persuade him to cancel trips and various affairs. He is in danger of a great misfortune and a life catastrophe if he does not cancel all risky enterprises.

Boyfriend, husband or loved one

Seeing in a dream how your former admirer is crying is to his repentance. Most likely, a black streak is going on in his life now, so he suffers a lot and wants to return old relationship, but pride or realities do not allow it. A dream in which not your man is crying, but a person who looks like him always means great surprise.

Some books say that soon you will find out about his wedding or engagement, or he will make a hasty proposal, which he will greatly regret. Another dream book writes that seeing the tears of a loved one is to his weakness. Most likely, he will drink heavily and suffer from alcoholism, but in any case, life will not turn out the way he wants.

To see how the woman of your ex-boyfriend is crying - to his betrayal of her. If at the moment he is your lover, then perhaps the wife is aware of his relationship on the side and she suffers greatly about this. To dream in tears of your rival or the girl who took away your man, boyfriend or lover - you can rejoice. Nothing will work out for her and because of this she will suffer greatly. He will return to you soon.

If in a dream your man comforts a woman in tears, who is your girlfriend or sister, or maybe a rival in love, they will soon be together and there will be a strong passion between them. To cry in a dream yourself and see how your loved one wipes your tears - expect good news and quick consolation in grief.

Why dream that your lover's wife is crying very hard? Break up with him. In reality, she suffers greatly and can harm you, and you will have to pay dearly for the suffering of others. Therefore, try to end the relationship, especially if for you they are just a game and entertainment, but not love. Seeing the tears of a former admirer or husband - he repents and wants to return.

Dreamed of a former boyfriend

Psychologists warn that visions of former passions can provoke conflicts with a man who is caring for a sleeping woman today. This is natural. After all, she constantly compares her gentlemen: the current and the former. The partner feels this and expresses dissatisfaction.

Sigmund Freud emphasizes that yesterday's lover is dreamed of by young ladies who are afraid of betrayal and betrayal. If this gentleman is angry and shows a feeling of jealousy, then in reality, he considers you a decent, honest woman.

A bad dream in which a recent admirer looks downcast, tired. This vision can predict a disease, one of the sleeping family members.

If a girl is passionate about memories, then she dreams of past relationships. The question immediately arises, why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming? The dream shows a subconscious comparison of the current relationship and the past. In this case, you need to regret less committed actions. It makes it difficult to start new life. You should also control thoughts and conversations with your loved one, so as not to provoke a quarrel.

Also, a dream can mean an unconscious fear of losing the value of life. If in reality there is no loved one, then the dream book speaks of unresolved feelings. Might be worth reconnecting. Various nuances of sleep can create different interpretations. It is important to consider all points. But the general folk omen says that any person who comes to you in a dream thinks of you.

In a dream, see an ex-boyfriend

Dream Interpretation Tsvetaeva warns that if a former boyfriend had a dream, then you need to be careful in your actions. Perhaps you will commit a frivolous act, for which you will have to pay.

  • Kisses mean that soon you will have to be very surprised.
  • Why dream of having sex with an ex means an aggravation of a long-standing conflict.
  • If an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband is exhausted in a dream and looks sick, then in reality either you or one of your relatives will become seriously ill. Possible disease, chaining to the bed.
  • If you part in a dream, it means that soon you will meet a new acquaintance.
  • Quarrel too good sign dream book talking about happiness in personal life.
  • The fight talks about what young man a sense of ownership reappeared.
  • If former lover wants you back, then expect a pleasant surprise.
  • The death of an ex-boyfriend speaks of an imminent wedding and the birth of children.
  • Sigmund Freud argued that such a vision speaks of the fear of betrayal of the current young man.
  • If an ex-boyfriend accuses you of infidelity in a dream, then in reality he will show respect.
  • The English dream book warns against the effects of magic on you. It is especially necessary to be wary when a man shows passion.
  • If you are in a relationship and you dreamed about past moments with your ex, then in reality you and your companion lack romance.

After the dream in which you talked with your ex-lover, are you sad and a little sorry that the dream is over? This means only one thing - you are still living in the past, dreaming that your relationship with your former gentleman will be restored. And everything will be as before ... Remember! This is an extremely harmful attitude that prevents you today and now from arranging your own personal life. Dozens of worthy guys pass by you, who do not pay attention to you, because you look at the world with detachment. And even more so, you do not see them, plunging into dreams of the past.

So why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming? The interpretation of the dream book depends on your actions, emotions, and the response of the former boyfriend.

Predictions from various sources

The classic dream book prophesies the one who kissed while sleeping with the former young man, extreme amazement, surprise. But if it didn’t work out with kisses alone, and intimacy happened, then the dreamer will have another, painful showdown, about a long-standing quarrel. If a quarrel occurred in a dream, then in reality the girl is lucky in matters of the heart.

In a dream, did your former gentleman fight? This means that the current one will begin to show his character, command you, be jealous, like an owner. In the dream book of Tsvetaeva, it is indicated that the ex-boyfriend may dream of some rash act that the sleeping woman will have to regret. In the Modern Collection of Dream Interpretations, a vision of the feelings of a former boyfriend is interpreted as surprises and surprises. Moreover, it is not known whether they will please you, or, on the contrary, upset, scare you.

A nightmare about the death of an ex-boyfriend, a dream book foreshadowing happy event in the life of a sleeping girl. She will soon get married and give birth to her first child.

Why is he dreaming?

Girls who are still experiencing a breakup sometimes ask the question: why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming? They supposedly don't want to hear anything about him. And even more so to think and endure his "appearance" in night dreams. Be patient, as soon as you meet a worthy man, this vision will stop bothering you.

What if a heart friend from the past, in a dream, says goodbye to you and explains why he is leaving? Psychologically, the dreamer is tense, she is afraid of losing something expensive and valuable.

If the same person dreams with a certain frequency, then think: were you in a hurry with the decision to break off the relationship? He, according to the interpreters, just wants to return to the past. By folk beliefs, the dreaming person thinks about you. And if you saw in a dream the object of your former passion, then most likely you will be glad that he is still not indifferent to you.

But among the British, this same vision is interpreted as a terrible sign, warning that spiteful critics are plotting against the dreamer, who do not disdain even turning to sorcerers and witches for help. Why dream if you have already cooled down, but your ex-boyfriend is still burning with passion.

Modern interpretations

IN modern dream books there is such an explanation: the ex-boyfriend is dreaming if you lack romance and sensuality in today's relationships. The only advice is, try to diversify your intimate relationship with the boyfriend that won your heart today.

Had a dream that a recent beloved has already managed to find a new darling and even get married? Then, waking up, be sure to forgive someone for minor sins and even serious offenses.

What is the dream of a former lover with whom they did not complete the conversation? If the dreamer was the initiator of parting with him, then the meaning of this plot is direct and clear. She needs to come up with a reason to meet and talk heart to heart with the hero of yesterday. Explaining to him that they are now just friends, but not lovers.

Did you dream that the guy you were friends with died? This is a dream book warning of danger. But if he helps and supports, then in reality everything will succeed, it will work out in the best way.

An interesting interpretation is offered to the vision of how you met ex-man but did not recognize each other. The dream interpretation portends serious changes in the fate of the dreamer and her former lover, or predicts their rendezvous.

Treason prophesies a dream that they received a gift from the former. But hearing the voice of a once beloved man on the phone in night vision is not bad at all. The dream interpretation suggests that he still loves, and I really want to meet and discuss something.

Seeing your first love in a dream is a dream of pure, romantic, easy relationships that you had in your youth.

A nightmare that you kill an ex-lover, oddly enough, prophesies good luck. If you are thinking about something, make global plans, decide or start implementing them immediately. You'll be lucky!"

How to define a prophetic dream

After interpreting a dream, we think about when dreams come true. Whether a dream will come true or not depends on what lunar day he had a dream and on what day of the week. Let's look into moon calendar- what is the phase of the moon today and what lunar day.

Comparing data on lunar day and by the day of the week it can be assumed whether the prophecy of sleep will come true.

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Had a dream about a guy crying, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why the guy is crying in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I broke up with my ex-boyfriend a little over six months ago. A couple of days ago I dreamed that he was standing with me at my apartment with red eyes, he was crying, and I was wiping his tears. This is where the dream ended. What does it mean??

    before that, we met for a short time, then we had a fight and sent each other, now each other in an emergency. we didn't talk anymore. his name was Mityai, in a dream he asked me to come up to him, I asked: why? he told me to take the bracelet, although he showed me the watch, I said: no, no thanks, and then he will cry, I went up to him and wanted to wipe my tears, but he had the feeling that he was afraid of me, but still I wiped his tears and hugged him, and then kissed him on the cheek 4 times, but he was simply dumbfounded, then I asked him: what is it with you, he answered something, but I don’t remember.

    I came to new class and there was a guy who I really like in life. And then he ran from the break to the class, sat on the floor, I played a joke on him and he cried. I came up, hugged him, stroked his back and said everything wakes up well and kissed him on the cheek.

    I don’t remember the dream from the very beginning, but I probably remember the more important part .. My young man has a birthday, and I forgot to congratulate him and generally forgot about his birthday .. I am sitting in an unknown place, somewhere on the beach, and behind me the forest. It was night. But besides me, there were many more people on this beach and in the forest .. I was sitting alone, but then I got up and was about to leave from there, when I heard a painfully familiar voice .. This was not an appeal to me. But it sounded like this: “What kind of birthday is it if my girlfriend is not around.” The phrase was accompanied by crying .. I decided to go back and find out who was speaking, because it was a very familiar voice. I go up to the guy who said this, turn him around and see my young man in front of me, in tears. I was surprised and my heart pounded harder and began to cry, fell to my knees, hugging my face with my hands .. (My young man lives in Ukraine, and I'm in Russia, we still can't see him.)

    In a dream, they began to sort things out with the person I love, and all this first happened in the bathroom itself with foam, etc. Then he was either offended or something and ran to the balcony and wanted to jump (and we were high), as a result, he sat on the balcony, I ran to him and he was crying. I comforted him and at that moment I woke up.

    I dreamed that I began to sort things out with a former young man, after which he began to tell me that I didn’t understand anything, that he was very bored and couldn’t forget me, his eyes watered, and then he began to whisper that loves and that if it weren’t for the circumstances they could start a family, after these words I sat down next to him, he grabbed my hands, and I kissed one of his hands on this I woke up
    what could that mean?
    had a dream from Thursday to Friday, broke up about three years ago, two years already in a relationship with another

    I dreamed of a guy that I like (cute), at first we stood with someone else, then we got upset and went to the kitchen, I followed him, he told me that the girl had left him and started crying, and I hugged him.

    Hello Tatiana.
    In general, I remember that there were 4 of us and we were drunk. We sat on the sofa ... Me, my girlfriend, he and his friend. I was kneeling on the floor and my hands were on the bed ... And HE was sitting with his back to me and shaking ... and his friend he said something to him ... Then he turned sharply and approached me. His face was all in tears. It felt like he wanted to say something, but could not ... And I was already ready to forgive him ... I wanted to say that nothing was needed to speak ... but did not ... And the dream ended

    I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend that it was as if we were at some kind of holiday, and he was sitting, sitting on the couch and I decided to go up to him and spoke to him, he began to cry and tell that he used to have a lot of money, and not now, and no one even gives him cigarettes, they say no one needs him without money, I began to feel sorry for him and persuaded him to go to the store, and we went to the store.

    My boyfriend and I did not see each other for 3 months (it was not possible because we live in different cities)
    relationship on the verge of breaking
    dreamed in a dream
    that I talked to him on the phone
    it was night
    I don't remember exactly what they were talking about.
    but then I accidentally drop the call
    call him
    and he is in tears (I thought that I left him)
    very a strange dream

    I’m dreaming that I’m being taken on a gurney, I don’t see anyone from people, I see only white walls and a ceiling, then it turned out that I woke up in the hospital ward, I saw 2 girls and a boy, we became friends, then there was a quarrel and then, as if I get up and say goodbye with them and the boy gets up and says you don’t want to say goodbye to him, I turned around and there stood the boy whom I love, he hugged me tightly and after that I push away from him something I say to him and then I say forgive me but I need to go away I'll take care of him and tears flowed down from him

    I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend ... He was sitting with some guys, in some room I didn’t know ... He talked about me, that he was very sick, that he realized everything ... In general, he sat and sobbed ... Why dream about it, Tell me please

    We broke up with a young man two years ago, or rather, he left me by SMS, I agreed. And we were together for 4 years. It's just that our relationship has outlived its usefulness and I was not against it. Although I was waiting for him to return .... A year ago, he found another and lives with her, now they will have a child. I, too, have been with another for two years. And now, for the past year, I have had dreams that in a dream I express to him all my grievances, which I didn’t say when parting. So today I dreamed that I told him how insulting it was for me that everything turned out like this, and tears flowed from him and he closed his eyes and was silent ...

    i was a guy saw my ex-boyfriend with a stranger they were lying on the same bed opposite they asked me to take a picture of them suddenly he turned out to be naked I slapped him but he didn’t say anything and he had a tear

    i had a dream that my ex-boyfriend was crying in a dream and saying “I don’t love her, not out of love with her”, I said “everything in the past can’t be returned” ... in fact, we broke up half a year ago, he left me and went to another

    Hello! I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend was sitting on the windowsill and I was joking a little over him, then I noticed that it somehow hurt him and he began to cry. I hugged him from behind and also began to roar, then he turned and began to wipe my tears.

    at my last place of work, I met one guy there, a friendly contact began to curl up, I can even say great things, a couple of times he tried to show me quite open empathy, but in public (in the office), he could only exchange jokes with me, but in general then I heard rumors that he was still a womanizer, but after my departure I dream of him quite often, and not in a good mood, but as if he were crying or suffering for me, well, in general, he misses me, I wonder what it all means ?

    My parents and I went on vacation somewhere. and my girlfriend was also there my friends we played batsketball. we almost didn’t see the girl, I wanted to go for a walk to see, but we didn’t succeed, she was always busy. once she went to her sister’s room for a birthday and sat there all day. I went outside for a walk there I met a friend, he said that she wants to enter the cadet school and he said that you are naive or gullible, you will tell you and believe me, but I didn’t say that he won't fool me. I then wrote to her on the Internet that I was tired and, as usual, offended. Yes, and her phone was cut down or cut down before going to her sister. we met, I told her that I was tired that you weren’t with me, I missed you that you didn’t tell me anything. She said that I don’t trust you, and I cried out of resentment that I’m trying and she doesn’t appreciate it, doesn’t notice it. then my mother came up to me and reassured me, I told her how insulting it was and woke up.

    I broke up with my boyfriend a year ago, he already has a new girlfriend, I have a new boyfriend. And I dreamed the following: I was near the library or something like that, the guy’s girlfriend came up and jokingly asked me to give something to Kolya (former), after which Kolya came up to me and also asked her to give something, also jokingly ( maybe they played “I’m not talking to you”), after which I said “guys, you are together, together, tell each other yourself”, and I noticed that after the words “you are together”, Kolya shed a tear and immediately wiped. What could this mean?

    dream” I woke up, went to the store. But as it turned out, an ordinary store, Maria - ra, did not look like an ordinary store! When going to the store there was a cafe, but there was always a "Cosmetics" store.
    On the second floor, there was a hotel. Although there have always been departments for children, Novex, and all that.
    But there were not any departments, instead of them there were rooms (numbers).
    I lived from some rooms, and my ex-boyfriend lived next door (I still care about him)
    I don’t remember how I ended up in his room, we sat with him and talked about me, he asked how I was? I replied that I felt bad without him, that I had gone through a lot, I missed him. When they put me in the hospital and immediately told me to have an operation, then I realized that I wanted to see you and your support. And then he cried so hard that his eyes were red and he himself was red and burns to me that he is very sorry that he was not there, and asks for forgiveness.

    I was walking at night with my boyfriend and our friends, I noticed that the young man began to ignore me, didn’t come up to me, didn’t notice, didn’t talk, I wanted to go home, I thought he was taking me, but they just went on walking, but I went with them
    Then we went to the house of a friend, everyone stood and talked, I started to take offense at the guy, I was about to leave, but he caught up, hugged me, and started crying, at first I thought that he was on purpose, and then I noticed that he really had tears, He said he loves and apologized..

    Why did I dream of an ex-boyfriend? if I don’t think about him at all, since I have another man and I’m married.
    In a dream, the former first saw me and smiled, hugged and kissed, and I refused him, said that I couldn’t be with him and he cried, and said that he didn’t have time to ask for forgiveness and it was too late, he wanted to kill my husband, threatened So. I tried to calm him down and woke up. From Friday to today I have had a dream, and often comes in a dream. What does it mean?

    I was walking on the way home, when suddenly there was a flash and I was told unknown man in a dream that I died. Then I got into a distorted black and white cozy place and there, in the distance, my ex-boyfriend was sitting and crying, then he said something, but I could not hear it.

    i dreamed that we were arguing very much, I kicked him out, yelled at him that we were breaking up, go away, but he sat and said wait a little more. Then 5 minutes passed, and I see he was crying with big tears, I felt sorry for him, I began to come up and express everything, why like this, that's why like that, etc. after that, he became somehow kind and sweet, every time he called me affectionately, and when I quarreled with my sister, one friend wanted to come up to me, but my boyfriend said everything, don’t go to her. and won't bother you.

    I had a dream about my ex-boyfriend, we met by chance, although we live in different cities, I walked past, smiled, he said hello and I said hello, then he called me, I turned around, he ran up to me and started crying, said that I was right and his feelings for I didn’t get cold, and that he wants to be with me, tears also began to roll in me and I hugged him
    then we were already together, and he kissed me for the first time in a dream
    we never really kissed

    My friend dreamed of a guy who I really like .. We (with our company) wanted to take a general photo ... the guy, Makim, who I like .. cried .. and told my friend that he was in trouble ... I came .. asked him what it happened .. he laughed and said that he just wanted me to come ... I said let's take a picture and he replied: let's go, darling .. although we don't even meet

    i dreamed of my girlfriend's boyfriend who sobbed and talked about mad love for my girlfriend. but who, because of his mother, has to marry another ... his mother also saw. the mother of the girlfriend and the girlfriend herself ....

    A familiar young man, to whom I was not indifferent, hugged me from the back, lamented and cried. And before that, in a dream he was hysterical and told me to leave, then he abruptly ran to me, I felt his hugs from my back and some strange crying very strongly.

    I dreamed of a boy that I liked. He was walking with friends and I see that he can see the lines of tears in the light, I wiped them off for him. Then it turned out he needed to fix his jaw. He approached. to me and gave the phone. He said that everything you need is there, and he went to the doctor. There was that he really liked me. And then I woke up. Supplement In life, he hates me can not stand