A mysterious natural delicacy - truffle mushroom. Where do real expensive truffles grow in Russia - places where black and white truffles grow? Mushroom truffle where it grows

21.06.2020 Society and culture

Truffle is a favorite mushroom of all gourmets, proudly bearing the title of the most expensive product in its category. It is valuable for three factors at once: amazing taste, beneficial features and aphrodisiac qualities. Next, we suggest taking a closer look at this mushroom. First, we will tell you and show in the photo what it looks like, what its features are and what its varieties are. And then we’ll figure out how to properly collect the mushroom and where it grows in Russia. But first things first.

The fruiting body of the truffle has a round or tuberous shape and its dimensions resemble a nut. In rare cases, the mushroom is so large that it looks like a full-fledged potato. The outer layer of the truffle can be either smooth, or cut into small cracks, or covered with multifaceted warts. In cross section, the mushroom has a pronounced marbled texture, which is formed by the interweaving of light “internal veins” and dark “external veins”. Numerous spore sacs are located on these veins.

Truffles are primarily known for their culinary properties. They are actively used in many national cuisines for the preparation of sauces, pates, fillings for all kinds of baked goods, and also as an addition to seafood or poultry. The mushroom is often served as an independent dish.

Truffle is valuable and healthy mushroom

Another feature of truffles is useful composition. Mushrooms contain:

  • vitamins of groups C, B and PP;
  • vegetable proteins;
  • antioxidants;
  • fiber;
  • carbohydrates;
  • minerals.

Truffle juice is useful for various types of eye diseases, and mushroom pulp effectively helps relieve gout pain. It is known that ripened mushrooms contain not a large number of anandamide, which has a calming effect on nervous system. In addition, truffles contain strong pheromones that improve a person’s emotional background.

Important! Truffles have no serious contraindications, but their use is possible only if two conditions are met: the absence of an allergy to penicillin and the freshness of the product.

Types of truffles

There are more than a hundred varieties of truffles in the world, which are classified according to three factors: biological group, gastronomic value, geographical group. The most common among them are the following mushrooms:

Growing and collecting truffles

Finding and collecting mushrooms is a very difficult task, since truffles rarely appear on the surface of the soil. And they do not grow in all countries. So, in Russia only a few types of mushrooms are found:

  • Black summer ones - grow on the Black Sea coast and in the Caucasus, mainly in deciduous forests. They often settle in the root system of beech or oak. They can be collected throughout the summer season and at the very beginning of autumn.
  • Black winter - most often found in the Caucasus in forest areas with calcareous soils. Ripen from January to March.
  • White ones grow in several regions of Russia at once: Moscow, Tula, Smolensk, Oryol. They ripen from mid-autumn to early winter, but the most suitable collection period is the second half of October.

Advice. You can recognize an area where truffles are actively growing by the state of the soil and vegetation: the soil in such areas is gray-ashy in color, and the vegetation is somewhat stunted. Also, mushrooms can “give away” numerous midges above the earth tubercles, under which the fruits are hidden.

Truffles are searched for with the help of trained pigs or dogs: the mushrooms have a strong, specific odor that animals can sense even at great distances. It is recommended to carry out a kind of “hunt” at night.

Dogs help search for truffles

Mushrooms should be consumed within 3-4 days after collection. Only freezing or canning will help increase the shelf life of the product.

As you can see, the high cost of truffle is fully justified by its advantages: unique taste qualities, a wide range of maneuvers for culinary experiments, and a positive effect on the human body. And even no matter how difficult the processes of searching, collecting and storing mushrooms may be, all these difficulties absolutely pale in comparison with the valuable properties of the product.

Searching for truffles in Russia: video


Most Russians are accustomed to calling truffles chocolate candies with a characteristic tart taste. However, these candies got their name due to their external resemblance to unusual mushrooms. The latter are considered expensive and are especially appreciated by gourmets. When searching for a delicacy, difficulties often arise because it grows at a depth of 15 cm. If you are interested in the question of where real expensive truffles grow in Russia, then you need to figure out what climatic conditions are suitable for them.

What is a truffle

Truffles belong to the fungi of the marsupial genus, which have underground tuberous fleshy fruiting bodies. Unsightly appearance does not match their excellent taste and aroma. Once you try the delicacy, you will remember it for the rest of your life. It smells like an autumn forest: fallen leaves, earth, wet trees. Fresh truffles have a very strong aroma. Even if cooking is not your hobby, making truffles is easy.

The mushroom is located underground between the roots of beech, hornbeam, oak, birch, poplar, elm, linden, rowan, hawthorn and other trees. As it develops, it pulls all vital elements from the roots without causing any harm to the tree. Truffles love deciduous, mixed forests, soil with lime. Ripening time is from late summer to late autumn. The standard size of mushrooms is 10-15 cm, their weight is up to 500 g. Plants are found in the Volga region, Moscow, Oryol, Vladimir, Samara, Leningrad regions, the Caucasus and the shores of the Black Sea.

What does a truffle mushroom look like?

The fruiting bodies are round, tuberous in shape and have a fleshy, cartilaginous consistency. If we talk about size, it varies from a hazelnut to a potato tuber. On the outside, the fruiting bodies have a leathery layer called the peridium. It can be smooth, cracked, or covered with large polyhedral warts. If you cut the fruiting body, the tissue pattern will resemble marble. The shiny truffle inside has alternating light and dark veins: the light ones are called “internal veins”, the dark ones are called “external veins”.

Why truffle is the most expensive mushroom in the world

Truffles are called royal mushrooms - one of the most expensive. You can find sellers offering a kilo for over $4,000. The value of the product is explained by its rarity, unsurpassed taste and aroma. French and Italian have become famous throughout the world. There are two truffle capitals: Grignan and Aqualagna: the fruits are harvested here practically all year round: in autumn - white, in winter - black, in spring - banchetto, in summer - black summer.

White fruits are exquisite. They cannot be bred; they grow in very limited areas. For example, in Piedmont mushrooms are found only in Langhe, sometimes found in Monferrato, Roero, around Turin. The high price of such products is due to high demand and low supply. They differ in seasonality; they are on sale from October to January (the price depends on the variety). The most expensive delicacy is white. One day, a product weighing 1.2 kg was put up and sold at an Italian auction, its price was 95,000 euros.

Do truffles grow in Russia?

The Russian truffle is called the black summer mushroom - Tuber aestivum (from Latin). They reach a diameter of 10 cm, weight is 400 g. Age is determined by the pulp: its color is whitish, yellow-brown, gray-brown. As the fruiting body ripens, its consistency changes: in young mushrooms it is dense, in old mushrooms it is loose. The taste of truffle is slightly sweet, the aroma is reminiscent of hazelnuts and seaweed. The delicacy is found in Europe, the western part of Russia, under pine, hazel, and oak trees. The fruits can be found from June to October.

Black summer (Tuber aestivum)

This type of fruit is usually called Saint-Jean, scorzone, edible, Burgundy. The ripening period lasts all summer and ends in late autumn. The northern regions of Russia are distinguished by a different fruiting time - from mid-summer to November. Tuber aestivum is found at a depth of 3-15 cm. The fruits are located in groups or singly, form mycorrhiza with beeches, oaks, hornbeams, and are rarely located near birches and pines. They are often found in the southwest of Russia, on the Black Sea coast.

Winter black

The fruit is covered with warts 2-3 cm in size, its diameter reaches 20 cm. The fresh fruit has a reddish-violet tint on the outside, after harvesting the color darkens and becomes black. The truffle pulp is white, then turns gray and becomes gray-violet with many white, yellowish veins. The weight of such a fruit can be more than a kilogram. It often grows in Ukrainian, French, Italian lands. Ideal places for plants - birch, oak groves, beech forests. Active fruiting - from November to March. The truffle aroma is reminiscent of musk.

White truffle

The price of the product is significantly higher than previous ones. Reminiscent of Jerusalem artichoke tubers measuring 5-15 cm. Weight can be more than 1.5 kg. If you go for mature truffles, keep in mind that the surface of the mushroom is felt, while in young specimens it is smooth. When ripe, pits and protrusions appear on the outside, the color becomes light brown, yellowish. The pulp is white, in older fruits it is grayish with yellowish veins. Mushrooms have a nutty aroma. The older the fruit, the stronger the smell. “Tubers” are found in Vladimir, Smolensk, and Kuibyshev forests from late July to early November.

Where does truffle grow in Russia?

If you are interested in where truffles grow in Russia, then go to the Volga region, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Oryol, Samara, Leningrad regions of the country. The ripening period is all autumn months, the fruiting time is the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. The fruits are small in size - about 15 cm, weigh up to 500 g, and grow at a depth of 10-15 cm.

The black variety is considered a summer delicacy. It is found in the Caucasus, on the Black Sea coast, in the Moscow and Vladimir regions. Black specimens like to develop in deciduous and mixed forests with limestone soil, near the roots of oak, beech, hornbeam, and hazel. The diameter of white fruits is up to 10 cm. Ripening and fruiting time is early summer - late autumn.

european part of Russia

Both black (Russian) and white (Polish) fruits are found. The first variety breeds on Podolsk, Belgorod, Tver, Leningrad soil. The Voronezh forest is famous for its large number of delicacies. Near St. Petersburg, black mushrooms are rare, but white variety grows on Oryol and Tula lands. Remember that the warmer the climate, the greater the likelihood of finding a treat.

Caucasus and Crimea

These areas are known for their mild climate: there is everything for the active growth of the delicacy. There are many oak and beech groves concentrated here, which is favorable for the development of mushrooms. Large numbers are found on the Crimean land (steppe regions), the Northern and Western Caucasus, and in North Ossetia - Alania. It is worth highlighting Anapa, Gelendzhik, the village of Abrau-Dyurso, Western Caucasus: Adagum-Pshishsky district.

Delicacy mushrooms in Siberia

Many people, wondering where real expensive white truffles grow in Russia, do not suspect that the delicacy can grow on Siberian soil. The delicacy was first discovered in these places in the 19th century. The fruits grow both singly and in groups; they like to be located in deciduous and coniferous forests. Many porcini mushrooms are found on Tomsk soil. Recently, residents of the region began to collect kilograms of fruits, which is explained by favorable climatic conditions and active fruiting.

How to look for truffles

To find a truffle in the forest, you need to have special knowledge. They are found near tree roots: often found near oak trees. Try to look for fruits not in clearings. Based on practice, such areas are not distinguished by a large number of mushrooms. It is desirable to have black soil with high humidity. Before you go searching, consider the following:

  • Examine the fruits in advance, live or in photographs.
  • Prepare to search for animals: specially trained pigs or dogs are suitable.

To " silent hunt"was successful, focus on some features of the area. The rules for mushroom picking are as follows:

  • The “truffle” region, where the delicacy is located, is distinguished by stunted vegetation and gray-ashy soil.
  • Mushrooms rarely appear on the soil surface (sometimes this happens due to strong wind or heavy rains), so look for them in the ground at a depth of 10-15 cm.
  • Pay attention to the tubercles, they should be dug out.
  • Midges often circle over a place with mushrooms: the larvae feed on mushrooms, so the insects lay eggs nearby.

Features of growth

A favorable place for the development of truffles is a large number of tree roots and soil with loose soil with a large amount of sand and lime. Experienced mushroom pickers say that if you find one specimen, then you need to continue looking for several more nearby. Typically, you can find about 5 pieces. Often truffle develops in families, rarely - alone.

Searching for truffles in the forest

People have been collecting unusual mushrooms for many years. It is important to consider that there are false and real mushrooms. To return home with the desired loot, it is important to follow special technology:

  • Go to the forest where there are beeches, birches, oaks, and hazels.
  • Look for fruits near trees with large roots.
  • If the search is carried out with the help of pigs, then they should be muzzled, because the animals really love to feast on mushrooms.
  • Keep in mind the type of plant: its surface is rough, the flesh has a hard structure. The fruits resemble potato tubers in black or white shades.

Truffle hunting animals

Mushrooms have a very strong odor, which animals can easily detect even from a distance. For this reason, experienced mushroom pickers prefer to keep specially trained dogs or pigs. The latter are able to smell at a distance of 25 meters. Once the aroma is determined, the pig will actively dig for the delicacy. If there is no muzzle, then you need to make sure that the pig does not eat what you find.

As for dogs, they are indifferent to eating treats, so it is not necessary to put on a muzzle before searching. Before using these four-legged “sleuths,” it will take a long time to teach the rules of searching for mushrooms. The dog needs to be trained to smell. If you are planning to buy a trained dog, keep in mind that it costs more than 5,000 euros.

Growing truffles at home

The delicacy is grown at home. If you take into account the recommendations listed above, you will eventually get a great treat:

  1. It is first necessary to create a suitable microclimate, which should be the same in summer and winter. The mushroom does not like temperature changes.
  2. Start purchasing trees: oak, walnut, beech. The roots of the trees must be infected with truffle mycelium. The price of the version with disputes is 10-15 dollars.
  3. Choose places to plant trees: they should be protected from direct sunlight, wind, and animals.
  4. Pay attention to the soil, it should be alkaline. If necessary, add lime to the soil.
  5. Do not use any fertilizers before planting trees because they may negatively affect the development of spores.
  6. Plant purchased trees only after cultivating and preparing the soil. It is advisable to do this in early spring, when the weather outside is stable.
  7. Plant the tree in a 75 cm hole: pour water and only then place the plant in it.
  8. Try not to damage it when planting root system tree. Cover them with soil very carefully, then water them generously.
  9. Sprinkle mulch around the root system of the tree at a distance of 30-40 cm: use oak leaves from last year.
  10. The plants are covered with greenhouse film.
  11. To feed trees, use special ready-made fertilizers (how to use them is indicated on the packages).

Photo of truffle


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Where in Russia do real expensive truffles grow - places where black and white grow?

Truffles are known throughout the world due to their high price and rarity. Truffle is a marsupial mushroom whose body is underground and has the shape of a tuber. They are considered a delicacy and belong to the species Pezizales. At the same time, truffles are often called many other mushrooms that are similar in body shape, growing underground. Among these truffle mushrooms there are also edible ones, but their price is much lower than the type that is called “real truffle”.

The consistency of blue truffles includes small cartilages. They range in size from a hazelnut to a large potato. In this case, the outer part has a dense leathery protective layer; it can be either smooth or have cracks or small growths on it. The cross-section shows that the mushroom resembles a marble pattern; it contains light and dark veins.

The location of their growth depends on the specific species: for example, black and summer species prefer to grow next to oaks, hazel or beech. At the same time, the Limansky species grows next to rowan, poplar or birch. Exists great amount types, each of which has its own special taste and consistency.

If you are a gourmet, pay attention to such delicacies as and - they are also very healthy.

In Italy and France, truffles have been mined since the 15th century. For this purpose, specially trained pigs or dogs are used: their amazingly delicate sense of smell allows you to smell these amazing mushrooms even underground at long distances. In some areas of France, experts also use flies to search: some of the insects prefer to settle directly next to truffles and lay eggs in the soil. This means that if you are observant enough, you can spot these midges and there will be a truffle underground.

Despite widespread misconception, truffles can be grown artificially. The first successful attempt to do this is documented in the early 19th century, when people noticed that truffles only grew near certain types of oak trees. One Frenchman used 7 hectares of his land, planted them with oak trees, next to which truffles were often found, and after some time he received a fairly extensive harvest of these mushrooms.

It was this example that became indicative, and by the end of the 19th century, truffles began to be widely grown under artificial conditions in France. At that time, the grove of these special oaks occupied more than 750 square kilometers, from which up to 1000 tons of crops were regularly harvested.

However, already in the twentieth century, many of these groves were forgotten or abandoned, which was associated with a sharp decline Agriculture. Such groves require close attention: truffle oaks can produce crops for 30 years, after which it is necessary to plant new ones, since the yield drops significantly.

This is precisely what is associated with the current sharp drop in the number of truffles in the world: in particular, French farmers are against growing new plantations, as they are afraid that this will lead to an inevitable fall in prices for this rare mushroom. This makes truffles a truly rare delicacy, as the harvest declines every year. At the same time, they are actively grown in America, Britain, Spain and Sweden.

By the beginning of the 21st century, China became the largest supplier in the world. These mushrooms, which are grown under artificial conditions, are cheaper than the original, but are somewhat inferior in taste. However, these truffles are also popular: in 2005 alone, more than 70 tons of mushrooms were sold from China, of which 40 went to France. Despite the fact that French gourmets vehemently argue that Chinese truffles are completely different from their French counterpart, their popularity has not waned. The Chinese refute this opinion, pointing out that the taste and appearance of Chinese truffles are very similar to French ones. In addition, the Chinese equivalent is cheaper, so Europeans cannot compete on price.


Truffles have a fairly short season in which to collect them: white ones are collected late autumn and before the onset of winter frosts, usually in October. Black truffles are harvested from November to March. Naturally, fresh tubers are the most prized: in regions where they are common or where truffles can be bought, restaurants specially announce truffle season to attract gourmets. Also, a special menu is created for connoisseurs and the best chefs in the world are invited.

The collection is very difficult; specially trained animals are used for it. It is very important to remove each mushroom carefully so as not to damage it. They are searched for by specially trained truffle pigs or dogs. Animals need to be trained for a long time so that they not only find valuable mushrooms, but also can remove them without damaging the roots of the tree and the tubers themselves. It is this practice, which has been preserved from the 18th century to this day, that gives truffle collecting its special charm. In addition, they cannot be found or obtained in any other way, which is another argument explaining their high price. In addition, the rarest white species cannot be grown under artificial conditions.

Beneficial features

At the same time, truffles are not only tasty, but also healthy, as they contain a large amount of vitamins that are necessary for the body of any person. These mushrooms also contain, which help support immunity. Scientists have already proven that mushrooms contain some pheromones that increase a person’s sensuality and emotionality. It is for this reason that they have long been considered a powerful aphrodisiac.

In some regions of the East, the juice obtained from these rare mushrooms is used to treat the eyes.

In Italy, well-known cosmetic companies use extracts from these mushrooms, adding them little by little to their products. It is believed that such cosmetic preparations can fight aging, help fight pigment spots and smooth the skin.

Basic storage rules

Another feature inherent in truffles is that they are very short term shelf life, and to feel the fullness of their taste, you need to eat them only fresh. That is why, as soon as the season comes and mushroom picking begins, they are sold out extremely quickly, to the point that auctions are held for mushrooms among restaurants and connoisseurs. However, these tubers can still be stored for some time: some of them are immersed in oil and then used in sauces as an addition. Sometimes mushrooms are placed in, sometimes even frozen, although such truffles are no longer so highly valued.

Use in cooking

These unique mushrooms are used in a variety of dishes as they can complement almost any flavor. But it is best to use neutral additives that will not overshadow the special taste of mushrooms. Most often they are used for:

  • sauces;
  • pastes;
  • rice;
  • seafood;
  • birds.

At the same time, the dish requires a minimum amount of expensive mushrooms, as they have a very bright taste.

Recipes with truffles

In particular, truffles are sometimes salted. To do this, they are washed well, then briefly boiled in white wine of very high quality. Then they are placed on a sieve to allow excess moisture to drain, placed in jars and filled with high-quality olive or sunflower oil.

Another original way to prepare truffles is to use. To do this, they are briefly cooked in broth, then a glass of champagne is poured in and boiled for about half an hour. Such mushrooms have a special taste, very enhanced by the taste of champagne, so very high-quality alcohol is used for them.

For real gourmets, truffles are prepared in their pure form and served with various kinds of sauces. Cream or wine sauce is best for them. At the same time, truffles themselves are most often used for making sauces, since few people eat them in their pure form. For example, they are used to make a sauce by adding wine and broth. This sauce is suitable for white meat, poultry and quality pates. Truffles are especially valued when added to seafood. The French often combine them with eggs.

At the same time, mushrooms go well with all kinds of fruits, so they are sometimes added to various types of pies. True gourmets will also appreciate truffle sauce served with caviar.

Contraindications and rules for choosing truffles

The use of truffles is contraindicated only for those who have an individual intolerance to these mushrooms. In addition, these mushrooms cannot, or at least are not advisable for, those who have pronounced digestive tract problems. It may well be that the stomach simply cannot cope with these mushrooms. Additionally, you should only buy mushrooms from places you trust, including large restaurants. Mid-level establishments very often offer fakes rather than real truffles, which can result in serious poisoning.

Also Special attention You need to pay attention to the quality of the mushrooms, because occasionally they are grown in conditions where the soil can accumulate toxins or other harmful substances. Considering that mushrooms very easily absorb all substances, this can have a very bad effect on the health of a gourmet.

No matter how much you love truffles, remember that they are quite expensive and too low price from an unverified supplier should alert you.

Not all related species can be eaten, but all true truffles are edible. They have a bright mushroom taste with a specific truffle flavor, which depends on the type: it can be the taste of sunflower seeds or. At the same time, each type has its own distinct aroma. If you put a truffle in water, it will develop the characteristic taste of soy sauce.

Gourmets value the winter, Piedmont and Périgord varieties the most. They grow in France and Italy, as well as in Switzerland, where they are mainly supplied from. In Russia, of the true truffles, only the summer type is found.

The white truffle most closely resembles potato tubers in shape and size, and its flesh has a characteristic light color. It is widespread in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. There are also individual steppe species that thrive in Africa and Asia.

Particular attention should be paid to what exactly is eaten as truffles. Sometimes considered delicacies inedible mushrooms, which look very similar to truffles, as they look like tubers. They have a characteristic bad smell, and they should not be eaten.

However, there are more than a hundred species of these delicious mushrooms, but the most expensive and rare are the black species that grow in France, as well as the white ones, common in Italy. Wherein white look It is the rarest and most prized. It has a brown skin, light flesh with red marbled veins. Their aroma is considered the best among all types.

The price of truffles varies depending on their harvest, which varies greatly from one year to the next. In general, their high price is associated with the difficulties of growing, harvesting and high storage requirements.

The most expensive mushroom, “black diamond” - that’s what they say about truffles. You don’t hear this about every mushroom. Often, apart from the fact that they are very expensive, we know nothing about these mushrooms. So what’s special, besides the cost, about such, at first glance, inconspicuous lumps? Let's find out about this from the article.

What does a truffle look like?

Truffles belong to the category of marsupial mushrooms. All this is due to the fact that their spores are located in the body of the mushroom itself.

The delicacy grows underground. For normal growth, it needs to enter into symbiosis with the tree. The mycelium, as it were, envelops the root system of the tree, so it better absorbs useful substances from the soil.

The truffle does not have a pronounced stem or cap, its body is tuberous. Visually, it is somewhat similar to potatoes. In size, these delicacies range from very tiny (the size of a nut) to larger ones (the size of an orange). Weight ranges from a few grams to a kilogram (but such giants are extremely rare).
The skin, depending on the type, can be almost black or light (white truffles). The pulp also varies in color depending on the type, but in all mushrooms, when cut, it resembles a marble pattern. This product can be consumed raw.

Varieties of truffles

There are more than a hundred varieties of this mushroom, but we will look at the most common ones.

Black summer

Black summer, also known as black Russian, grows in deciduous or mixed forests under the roots of oak, beech or birch. Prefers soil with lime. Distributed in Central Europe, found on the sea coast of the Caucasus. The season for this mushroom is summer and early autumn.
The fruiting body of the summer black is tuberous or round, bluish or brown (closer to black) with black warts. The diameter reaches 10 cm.

The pulp of a young mushroom is quite dense; the older it is, the softer it is. The color of the flesh also changes with age from light to brownish. It tastes sweetish with a nutty tint. The smell is similar to the aroma of seaweed. Summer black is valued less than its relatives, although it is a delicacy.

Black winter

Winter truffles can be harvested from late autumn to March. It grows in Italy, Switzerland, Western Ukraine and in the mountainous regions of Crimea.

The mushroom has a spherical shape up to 20 cm in diameter. The weight of an adult specimen can reach a kilogram or even more.
The outside is covered with numerous warts. The pulp with yellowish veins resembles a marble pattern. It is initially light, but over time it turns gray or even takes on a purple tint.

Has a strong musky odor. It is not valued as much as other “black” relatives.

Black Perigord (French)

The Périgord truffle gets its name from the historical region of Périgord in France. But it is also found in Italy (Umbria), Spain and Croatia. The collection season is from November to March.

The fruit body is tuberous in shape, up to 9 cm in diameter. The color of a young specimen is reddish-brown, while that of an old one is black. The color of the pulp is gray or pinkish over time, with the appearance of spores it becomes dark brown or black, but the light veins remain.
The aftertaste is bitter, and the smell reminds some of chocolate, and for others - expensive alcohol.

This mushroom gets its name from the area where it grows. The Himalayan truffle is a type of black winter truffle. The fruiting period is from mid-November to February.

The mushroom itself is quite small, only up to 5 cm in diameter. Its weight is no more than 50 g.
The peel is dark with small growths. The flesh is elastic, dark purple, almost black. Aroma with pronounced forest notes.

White Piedmontese (Italian)

It is most common in the Italian region of Piedmont and in the regions of France that border it. Most often it grows in deciduous forests under oak, willow, poplar, and occasionally under linden. The collection period is from the second ten days of September to the end of January.

The tubers are up to 12 cm in diameter. Weight is up to 300 g, but occasionally there are specimens weighing up to 1 kg. The surface is velvety, light orange or brown.
The pulp is elastic, can be white or yellow-gray. The veins that form the marble pattern are light or creamy brown.

The aroma of white truffle combines the smell of cheese and garlic.

Did you know? The French account for 50% of all truffles eaten in the world.

White Oregon (American)

This type of truffle can be found in the northwestern United States. It grows shallow in the soil near coniferous trees. It is collected from October to January.

The fruit body is up to 7 cm in diameter. Weight can reach 250 g. The peel is light brown, the flesh is golden brown with light veins.
The aroma of this forest delicacy has herbal and floral notes.


This mushroom grows throughout Europe and in western Russia (up to the Urals). Prefers soil near coniferous trees or oak. Fruits from late spring to August.

The diameter of the tuber is up to 4 cm. The weight rarely exceeds 80 g.

The color of the mushroom is red-brown. The pulp is quite dense, dirty pink or beige in color.
The aroma contains notes of grass, wine and coconut.

Red brilliant is the “brother” of red truffle. It is found in the forests of Europe and Russia, most often under oak.

The underground inhabitants themselves are very small - they do not exceed 4 cm in diameter. Weight - about 45 g.

The skin is beige or brown. The flesh is grayish or brown with white streaks.
The smell of this specimen has wine-pear notes with a light coconut scent.

Important! The deer truffle is the only inedible of all representatives of the genus.

Autumn (Burgundy)

This species, like many others, got its name from its place of growth (Burgundy). Its ripening period is from June to October.

The mushroom has a round shape, not exceeding 8 cm in diameter. Weight reaches 300 g.
As a type of black mushroom, Autumn Burgundy has a dark, almost black skin. The pulp is light brown with light veins.

Autumn truffle has the smell of hazelnut and chocolate, for which it is valued by gourmets.

Chinese (Asian)

This type of truffle grows in southwest China. Prefers cohabitation with oak, chestnut and pine. Its growth period is from December to February.

The diameter of the tuber is up to 10 cm. Weight can reach up to 500 g. The peel is dark and dense. The pulp is elastic, dark in color with gray veins.
The aroma is pronounced only in mature mushrooms. There are cases when truffles are artificially flavored in order to pass them off as Périgord.

Where and how does it grow

Truffles are earth dwellers. They grow underground at the roots of trees. Each species prefers a certain area and trees.

The geography of growth of these mushrooms is quite diverse. They can be found throughout Europe, in warm corners of Russia, northern Africa and western North America.

Most prefer broad-leaved trees - oak, birch, beech, poplar, elm, linden. Some grow under cedar or pine trees.

The underground inhabitant loves a warm, mild climate, so in our latitudes it can be found in the forests of Western Ukraine, in the Crimea, in Russian forests to the Urals and in the Caucasus, as well as in Belovezhskaya Pushcha and the Gomel region of Belarus.

How to search

The delicacy grows underground and is quite difficult to find. But there are some signs that a truffle is hiding underground:

  • the vegetation above the mushroom is sparse;
  • the earth takes on a gray tint;
  • red flies use the fruiting body to feed the larvae, so they swarm around “appetizing” places.
Since the truffle has a pronounced aroma, animals can easily smell it. This feature is used to search for it, attracting pigs or dogs. A pig can smell the aroma of a treat from 20 meters away. Dogs do not eat this mushroom, but to search for it, they are first trained to smell it.

Important! In Europe, a license is required to “hunt” truffles..

Chemical composition

Truffle is dietary product- per 100 g there are only 24 kcal (3 g - proteins, 0.5 g - fats, 2 g - carbohydrates).

These delicacy products contain vitamins C (6 mg), B1 (0.02 mg), B2 (0.4 mg), PP (9.49 mg). You can also find the following elements in it:

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • sodium;
  • copper.

Benefits and harms

The vitamins and minerals contained in these mushrooms have a positive effect on human health:

  • have an antioxidant effect;
  • help accelerate the recovery of the skin from cuts or diseases;
  • prevent the development of malignant tumors in the large intestine;
  • help maintain skin tone, reduce the appearance of wrinkles;
  • have a beneficial effect on the microflora in the intestines.

These mushrooms cannot cause any harm to the human body, and the only contraindication to their use is individual intolerance to this product. Women during pregnancy and lactation, as well as preschool children should refrain from eating truffles.

How to use it in cooking

These mushrooms differ from other relatives in their special taste and aroma. The smell of these mushrooms may have nutty or herbal notes.

Truffle is used as an additive to sauces or as an aromatic spice, but most often this product is served raw, grated and added to the main dish. It is by coming into contact with other products that the aroma of truffles is revealed in full.
The taste of this mushroom is similar to roasted nuts or seeds. It is inseparable from the aroma; gourmets sometimes say that they “eat the smell.”

Why are truffles so expensive?

The high cost of truffles is due to the fact that very few of them are “harvested”. This mushroom does not grow in every forest or even in every region. In addition, it is not so easy to find, because it does not come to the surface. And what completes its uniqueness is that it is a seasonal product.

Add to this a pleasant taste and a breathtaking aroma - and we get a rare, expensive delicacy.

Did you know? The largest white truffle that was picked weighed 1 kg 890 g.

By the way, the cost of white truffle can reach 4 thousand euros/kg. The larger it is, the more expensive it is. The black relative will cost from 1500 to 2500 dollars per kilogram.

There is an opinion that once you try this strange mushroom, its taste and aroma remain in your memory forever. In addition to taste, this product is also very beneficial for the body. Gourmets advise: if you have the opportunity to taste this delicacy, do not miss it.

The cost of Pezizales on the domestic market reaches 100-160 thousand rubles per kilogram.


1. Black summer truffle (Tuber aestivum) is a valuable commercial product. It has high taste and good aroma.

Widely distributed in Europe and East Asia. It is found in the south of the European part of Russia - on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and in Crimea. Forms mycorrhiza (root symbiosis) with many types of deciduous and coniferous trees, prefers oak. Fruits in May-August. Dimensions: 2-10 cm, weight 20-400 g.

Recently, a resident of Chelyabinsk discovered real black truffles in the Chelyabinsk region.And a resident of Tomsk found as many as 3 kg of valuable mushrooms in the forest near the Siberian city.

2. Black autumn truffle (Tuber mesentericum) is a valuable commercial product. It has high taste and decent aroma.

Widely distributed in central and southern Europe. It forms mycorrhiza with many types of deciduous and coniferous trees, preferring oak and pine. Fruits from September to November (under favorable conditions until December). Dimensions: 2-8 cm, 20-320 g.

3. Black winter truffle (Tuber brumale) is a valuable commercial product. It has high taste and good aroma.

Widely distributed in central and southern Europe. In Russia, it was found on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and in Crimea. Forms mycorrhiza with many types of deciduous trees, preferring linden. Fruiting time is December-February (under favorable conditions from August to March). Dimensions: 2-8 cm, 20-320 g.

4. Perigord truffle Tuber melanosporum – the most valuable of the black truffles. It has the highest taste and persistent aroma.

Distributed in western, central and southern Europe. Cultivated. It forms mycorrhiza with many types of deciduous and coniferous trees, preferring oak and hazel. Fruiting time is December-January (from November to March under favorable conditions). Dimensions: 2-15 cm, 20-1150 g.

5. Black spring truffle Tuber malenconii – has no commercial value. Has a pronounced unpleasant smell, inedible.

Quite rare. It is found in the same places as the Périgord truffle (central and southern Europe). Forms mycorrhiza with oak. Fruiting time is February-April. Sizes: from 1 to 4 cm, 5-50 g.

6. Smooth black truffle Tuber macrosporum is a valuable commercial product. It has high taste and good aroma.

Grows throughout Europe. Cultivated. It forms mycorrhiza with many types of deciduous and coniferous trees, preferring oak and pine. Fruiting time is September-November (from August to December under favorable conditions). Dimensions: 2-5 cm, 20-125 g.

7. Himalayan black truffle Tuber himalayense - often passed off as black winter truffle when exported to Europe. It has average taste and a good, but unstable aroma. Unripe mushrooms are tasteless and odorless.

It grows in the Chinese territory of Tibet in the eastern Himalayas. Forms mycorrhiza with Himalayan oak and pine. Fruiting time is December-February (exclusively winter species). Small mushrooms: 1-3 cm, 5-45 g.

8. Black Chinese truffle Tuber indicum – in itself does not have any special taste and has a weak aroma that quickly disappears; Unripe mushrooms have no taste or smell at all. Often artificially flavored and passed off as the much more expensive winter and Périgord black truffles.

Grows in southwestern China. Forms mycorrhiza with oak, chestnut and pine. Fruiting time is December-Feral (under favorable conditions - November-March). Sizes: 2-10 cm, 20-500 g.


1. Winter white truffle Tuber magnatum is the most valuable and expensive of all truffles. It has the highest taste qualities and a strong, persistent aroma.

Found in central and southern Europe. It forms mycorrhiza with many types of deciduous and coniferous trees, preferring oak, hazel and pine. Fruiting time is October-November (under favorable conditions from September to January). Dimensions: 2-15 cm, 20-1125 g.

2. The whitish truffle Tuber albidum is not of particular value, although it is collected in places where it grows. It has average taste and a strong, unique aroma with a hint of coconut.

Found throughout Europe. Forms mycorrhiza with oaks and pines. Fruiting time is February-March (under favorable conditions from January to April). Average sizes: 2-3 cm, 20-45 g, but there are specimens up to 10 cm in diameter and weighing 500 g.

3. March white truffle Tuber borchii – has a medium-expressed taste. The smell intensifies with age.

Found throughout central and southern Europe. Forms mycorrhizae with many foliage and coniferous species. Fruiting time is February-March (under favorable conditions from January). Dimensions: 2-7 cm, 20-250 g.

4. Duron white truffle Tuber excavatum is a not very popular mushroom with a peculiar sweet-spicy aroma. The pulp is very dense. It is not collected en masse.

Found throughout Europe - right up to the Urals, capturing Russian territory. Forms mycorrhiza with many deciduous and coniferous species. Fruiting time is September-November (under favorable conditions from August to December). Dimensions: 1-4 cm, 5-80 g.

5. Variegated white truffle Tuber maculatum is a not very popular mushroom with bitterish flesh and a weak but pleasant truffle aroma. Harvested only for flavoring, in particular for truffle oil.

Found throughout Europe and Russia. Forms mycorrhiza with many deciduous and coniferous species, incl. with fir. Fruiting time is short: late June - early September. Sizes: from 1-2 to 7 cm, 200 g.

6. Moroccan white truffle Tuber oligospermum - collected en masse by the population, but not used in restaurants. It has a weak but pleasant sweetish-nutty aroma, which is somewhat spoiled by the noticeable notes of acetylene.

Found throughout the Mediterranean coast and North Africa. Forms mycorrhiza with oak, pine and cedar. The fruiting time is short - May-June. Dimensions: 2-5 cm, 20-125 g.

7. Tuber puberulum, a pubescent white truffle, has no commercial value. It is edible, but does not have a pronounced taste or smell.

Found throughout Europe to the Urals, in particular in Russia. Forms mycorrhiza with many broad-leaved and coniferous species. Fruiting time: April-October. The mushroom is very small: 0.5-2 cm, 3-20 g.

8. Oregon spring white truffle Tubergibbosum – has a moderately pleasant taste and aroma with a slight hint of spice.

Found in northwestern North America in the USA and Canada. It forms mycorrhiza with various conifers (pseudo-hemlock, hemlock, pine, spruce). Fruiting time is March-May (under favorable conditions from February to June). Sizes: from 1-7 cm, 5-250 g.

9. Oregon Autumn White Truffle Tuberoregonense – The taste and smell are similar to the spring Oregon truffle, but more pronounced.

It is found in the northwestern United States - in the states of Washington and Oregon. It forms mycorrhiza with various conifers (pseudo-hemlock, hemlock, fir, pine, spruce). Fruiting time is October-January (under favorable conditions from September to February). Dimensions: 1-7 cm, 5-250 g.

10. White (Polish or Trinity) truffle Choiromyces meandriformis has a fruiting body with light flesh.

This truffle grows in the forests of Western Europe, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia (it was previously mined in large quantities in the vicinity of Alexandrov and Sergiev Posad).

It is found throughout Europe and in Russia in the Urals region. Forms mycorrhiza with many broad-leaved and coniferous species. Fruiting time is May-August (under favorable conditions from April to September). The mushroom is quite small: 1-3 cm, 5-45 g.

3. Pecan Truffle (Texas Red Truffle) (Tuberlyonii) – has a strong, pleasant nutty aroma with pronounced notes of fresh corn. Cultivated.

Found in the southeastern United States. It forms mycorrhizae with the pecan tree Carya illinoinensis, after which it is named. Less often - with linden and hawthorn. Fruiting time is July-October (under favorable conditions from June to November). Dimensions: 3-7 cm, 45-250 g.

Among the so-called steppe truffles, “tombolans” (genus Terfezia) are also edible. They grow in Southern Europe, North Africa, the Absheron Peninsula in Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh, the Araks River Valley, Central Asia and Turkmenistan ( Terfezia transcaucasica). In the same areas the steppe truffle grows ( Terfezia boudieri).


In France and Italy, truffles began to be hunted back in the 15th century. Moreover, even then they were searched for with the help of specially trained dogs and young piglets, capable of smelling valuable prey at a distance of as much as 20 meters. In addition, in some areas of France, the so-called “fly hunt” is practiced, because a swarm of midges above the ground in the forest reveals the location of valuable tubers. The fact is that flies are from the familyHeleomyzidae lay their eggs in “truffle soil” because their larvae also feed on the underground delicacy.