White mushroom - types. Where to find porcini mushroom and what to do with it Porcini mushroom and its types

21.06.2020 Business
  • Division: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Subdivision: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Class: Agaricomycetes (Agaricomycetes)
  • Subclass: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Order: Boletales
  • Family: Boletaceae
  • Genus: Boletus (Boletus)
  • View: Boletus edulis (Porcini mushroom)



(lat. Boletus edulis) - a mushroom from the genus Borovik.

The color of the porcini mushroom cap, depending on the growing conditions, varies from whitish to dark brown, sometimes (especially in pine and spruce varieties) with a reddish tint. The shape of the cap is initially hemispherical, later cushion-shaped, convex, very fleshy, up to 25 cm in diameter. The surface of the cap is smooth, slightly velvety. The pulp is white, dense, thick, does not change color when broken, practically odorless, with a pleasant nutty taste.

The porcini mushroom has a very massive stalk, up to 20 cm high, up to 5 cm thick, solid, cylindrical, widened at the base, white or light brown, with a light mesh pattern at the top. As a rule, a significant part of the leg is underground, in the litter.

Spore-bearing layer:
Initially white, then successively turns yellow and green. The pores are small and round in shape.

Spore powder:
Olive brown.


Various varieties of porcini mushroom grow in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests from early summer to October (with breaks), forming mycorrhiza with various types trees. It bears fruit in so-called “waves” (in early June, mid-July, August, etc.). The first wave, as a rule, is not very abundant, while one of the subsequent waves is often incomparably more productive than the rest.

It is popularly believed that White mushroom(or at least its mass release) accompanies . That is, if the fly agaric goes, so does the white one. Whether it is true or not, God knows.

Similar species:

When young, it looks like a porcini mushroom (later it becomes more similar to). Off white gall mushroom It is distinguished primarily by bitterness, which makes this mushroom completely inedible, as well as by the pinkish color of the tubular layer, pinkish flesh (unfortunately, sometimes too faintly) at the break, and a dark mesh pattern on the stem. It can also be noted that the pulp of the gall mushroom is always unusually clean and untouched by worms, while in the porcini mushroom, you know...

And - common oak mushrooms are also confused with porcini mushrooms. It should, however, be remembered that the flesh of the porcini mushroom never changes color, remaining white even in soup, which cannot be said about actively turning blue oak mushrooms.


It is rightfully considered the best of mushrooms. Can be used in any form.

Growing porcini mushroom

Industrial cultivation of porcini mushroom is unprofitable, so it is bred only by amateur mushroom growers.

To grow, you must first create conditions for the formation of mycorrhiza. They use garden plots on which deciduous and coniferous trees are planted, characteristic of the mushroom’s habitat, or natural areas of the forest are identified. It is best to use young groves and plantings (at the age of 5-10 years) of birch, oak, pine or spruce.

IN late XIX- early 20th century In Russia, this method was widespread: overripe mushrooms were kept in water for about a day and mixed, then filtered and thus a suspension of spores was obtained. It was used to water areas under trees. Currently, artificially grown mycelium can be used for sowing, but natural material is usually taken. You can take a tubular layer of mature mushrooms (6-8 days old), which is slightly dried and sown in small pieces under the soil litter. After sowing the spores, the harvest can be obtained in the second or third year. Sometimes soil with mycelium taken from the forest is used as seedlings: around the found porcini mushroom, a square area of ​​20-30 cm in size and 10-15 cm deep is cut out with a sharp knife. For sowing with mycelium or soil with mycelium, pre-prepared compost from fallen oak leaves, clean horse manure and a small addition of rotten oak wood, watered with a 1% solution of ammonium nitrate during composting. Then, in a shaded area, remove the layer of soil and place humus in 2-3 layers, sprinkling the layers with earth. The mycelium is planted on the resulting bed to a depth of 5-7 centimeters, the bed is moistened and covered with a layer of leaves.

The yield of porcini mushroom reaches 64-260 kg/ha per season.


You can write a novel about the porcini mushroom. Write, but not write: the porcini mushroom still won’t fit into the framework of the novel. Beautiful mushrooms a lot, but where else can you find a mushroom that makes you want to sit down and die peacefully, because nothing will be better? With white it's easy. You just need to find...

- antipode. The toadstool exudes aesthetics, the toadstool is impeccable in every detail... but for some reason it doesn’t please. (Although, of course, it’s clear why.) Porcini mushroom is a completely different matter. Not always correct, not very elegant, simple.

Worms love porcini mushrooms. Sometimes it’s a fungus the size of a fist, but it’s already rot. It also happens differently: the mushroom is healthy, but almost clean, almost, but not quite: sometimes it seems that the worms have already eaten, hatched into flies and flew off to other mushrooms, but this one perked up, tightened the worm passages and began new life. Is this real? Who knows. However, what difference does it make: if there are no living worms, then it doesn’t matter who ate it before me.

White mushroom is very common in different countries. It is popular due to its excellent taste, aroma and nutritional value. Porcini mushroom can be canned, pickled, dried and prepared in any other way without losing taste and aroma. The mushroom contains a number of useful substances, proteins, vitamins and minerals that benefit the body.

But the mushroom can be dangerous - it has a poisonous counterpart, which inexperienced mushroom pickers can confuse with edible. To prevent this from happening, you need to study in detail the exact description of the porcini mushroom, find out where and when it grows, and also become familiar with the differences between poisonous twin mushrooms.

White mushroom description.

The porcini mushroom is part of the Borovikov genus, the Boletaceae family. To date, it has managed to spread across all continents. Even though there are several varieties of porcini mushroom, they still have similar characteristics. Let's look at the general description.

The porcini mushroom belongs to the category of tubular mushrooms. It can easily adapt to any type of soil, except those saturated with peat.

In addition, the fungus is able to grow on the surface of wood. The best taste is found in those mushrooms that grow in birch and spruce forests. Mushrooms growing in pine groves lack a characteristic aroma and may be less tasty. There are many popular names. The porcini mushroom is known by the following names:

  • capercaillie;
  • boletus;
  • bear bear;
  • yellowtail;
  • grandmother;
  • cow.

How to distinguish a porcini mushroom?

In order not to confuse the mushroom with any dangerous and poisonous species, you need to know the basic external signs by which it can be distinguished. Let's look at them.

  1. Hat.

First of all, pay attention to the hat. It can be from 7 to 25 cm in diameter. In old mushrooms, the fleshy cap is cushion-shaped, while in young mushrooms it is hemispherical. The color of the surface of the cap may differ depending on the area in which the mushroom grows and its varieties. As a rule, the cap is white to dark brown.

On the underside of the cap there is a tubular layer, which must be white. The main difference is that the pulp of the porcini mushroom is white when cut, and does not change color over time, unlike its poisonous counterpart, the cut of which darkens and becomes pinkish-brown.

  1. Leg.

The base of the stem is slightly widened, up to 7-8 cm in diameter, and closer to the cap it narrows to 5 cm. The color of the stem is white or light brown with a noticeable mesh pattern on the surface.. Most of the mushroom stem is hidden underground. It can reach a maximum height of 25 cm, but, as a rule, its height ranges from 7-12 cm.

  1. Controversy.

It is important to pay attention to the shade of the spore powder - it should be olive or brown. The spore-bearing layer is white, but then turns yellow. The spores of the porcini mushroom are spherical, small and light in color.

Where does the porcini mushroom grow?

As a rule, porcini mushrooms are collected after the rains, starting in June and ending in mid-autumn. Most porcini mushrooms can be found in August-September, after light rainfall followed by sunny weather. For rapid growth of mushrooms, moisture and warmth are needed, so you need to look for porcini mushrooms in dimly lit clearings in forests and groves. You can find porcini mushrooms in the following places:

  • in a birch grove;
  • in the middle of a spruce forest, a pine forest, under a juniper bush;
  • in the thickets of oak trees;
  • under a beech or hornbeam.

The porcini mushroom grows in partial shade, as it requires warmth for its development. You can often find this mushroom in the middle of grassy meadows and on forest paths overgrown with greenery. As a rule, it does not grow alone - near the discovered porcini mushroom, there will be another 5-10 similar mushrooms nearby, growing within a radius of 2-3 meters.

Dangerous double.

Beginning mushroom pickers should be careful, because in the forests you can often find dangerous mushroom, which in the initial growth stage can be very similar to white in external characteristics. We are talking about the so-called gall mushroom, or mustard mushroom. It looks exactly the same as the porcini mushroom, but has several significant differences.

Firstly, in the cut you can notice a change in color - from white to pink or even brown-brown.

Secondly, unlike porcini mushroom, which has a delicate, nutty taste, gall mushroom is bitter. Another difference is the shade of the tubular layer. In the false, poisonous porcini mushroom, the tubular layer has a pinkish-brown tint.

The benefits and harms of porcini mushroom.

Porcini mushroom is very popular among chefs, as it can be used to prepare a lot of different useful and delicious dishes. In addition, porcini mushroom has some healing properties, so extracts from it are sometimes used to create natural preparations.

Due to its low calorie content and high concentration of nutrients, porcini mushroom is considered an indispensable product for people who control body weight. But not everyone can use this product. Let's look at the list of beneficial properties and contraindications. So, what are the benefits of porcini mushroom?

  1. Relatively low calorie content - about 25 kcal per 100 grams of product.
  2. Vitamins A, B1, C, D are contained in high concentrations. In addition to them, the mushroom pulp also contains other vitamins, but in less significant quantities.
  3. Eating porcini mushrooms helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. Thanks to the presence of rutin, ascorbic acid and lecithin, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened and the accumulation of harmful cholesterol on them is prevented.
  4. Porcini mushroom is recognized as effective in preventing the development of cancer problems.
  5. In addition, pharmaceuticals use the ability of porcini mushroom to gently cleanse the liver and gall bladder. The product has a mild hepatoprotective effect and is indicated for minor disorders of the liver and gall bladder.

But we must not lose sight of the fact that eating porcini mushroom can be dangerous for the body. The harm of this product is that it contains chitin in high concentration. This substance has a detrimental effect on the digestive system, and in some cases can cause exacerbation of chronic diseases. The product is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, children under 12 years of age and people with chronic diseases of the stomach and pancreas.

White mushroom photo.

The porcini mushroom, which is also called boletus, belongs to the Boletaceae family. The porcini mushroom has many popular names. It is called belovik, bebik, belevik, cow-cow, zheltyak, medvezhanik, pechura, borovik, cow, cow, truthful, dear, undercow and other names. This is one of the most valuable mushrooms.


The cap of the mushroom has an adherent skin; its color can range from brownish-red to almost white. With age, the color of the cap becomes darker.

Young boletus mushrooms have a convex cap, and as the mushroom ages it turns into a flat-convex one (rarely prostrate). The diameter of the cap can reach 10-25 centimeters. The surface of the cap can be both smooth and wrinkled. The tubular layer is 1-4 centimeters thick and has a notch near the stem. It is distinguished by its light color, the presence of small round pores and is easily separated from the pulp.

The stem of the mushroom is quite massive, at first it is club-shaped or barrel-shaped, but as it grows it becomes elongated. Its height is 10-20 centimeters, and its thickness is from 3 to 10 centimeters. The outside of the leg may be white, brownish, or less commonly reddish. Most often, on its surface there is a network of veins of a lighter shade.

The pulp of the porcini mushroom is fleshy and juicy; in young mushrooms it is white, in older mushrooms it is yellowish and fibrous.

The average weight of boletus is about 200 grams, but huge mushrooms weighing several kilograms can also be found.


Depending on the type, porcini mushrooms differ in mycorrhiza, fruiting season, growth characteristics and other characteristics. There are four independent types of boletus and many forms.

The types of porcini mushroom are:

  1. Spruce - the most common, with an elongated stem and a brown cap, grows in the spruce forest, fruiting bodies appear from June to October.
  2. Birch - a lighter (almost white) cap, distinguished by its growth under birch trees.
  3. Oak - brown caps with a grayish tint, mushrooms with loose flesh, grow in oak forests.
  4. Pine - a large cap of a dark color, often with a purple tint.

Among these species there are subspecies, the most common of which are:

  • Maiden;
  • Polish;
  • Reticulate;
  • Beautiful.

Porcini mushrooms have the following forms:

  • early (appears in May),
  • late (begins to appear in August),
  • smooth-legged (without meshes on the legs),
  • pink-footed,
  • lemon yellow
  • olive brown,
  • special (purple hats),
  • bluish (when pressure is applied to the tubular layer, a slow bluish appearance appears),
  • orange-red,
  • light bronze,
  • dark bronze,
  • false purple,
  • Arctic,
  • mesh.

Where does it grow

White mushroom is widespread in Russia. It grows well on sandy, loamy or sandy loam soil, that is, on soils that drain well and are not waterlogged.

Porcini mushrooms are found on all continents of the northern hemisphere.

Fungi typically form mycorrhizae with trees such as oak, pine, spruce and birch.

You can find porcini mushrooms in coniferous, mixed and deciduous forests. In summer it is found in young groves and plantings, and in autumn - deep in forests, next to abandoned roads, paths and old trees.

Porcini mushrooms do not like damp places, but prefer the presence of lichen or moss cover. Most often, boletus mushrooms grow in forests where the trees are more than 20 years old.

It is believed that boletus mushrooms love light, but mushrooms can often be found in a very dark place. If the year is fruitful, then the amount of light does not affect the porcini mushroom, but in years when unfavorable conditions interfere with a large harvest (for example, heavy rainfall, low temperatures at night), many boletus can be found in open areas that warm up well.

How to find in the forest

You can go into the forest for porcini mushrooms as early as June and look for boletus mushrooms until mid-September.

Early forms of boletus may appear in early May, and in warm climates, fruiting bodies appear not only in September, but also in October. You can find porcini mushrooms after rain, but boletus mushrooms are often hidden from the eyes of mushroom pickers in fallen leaves and mosses. You can also find porcini mushrooms in wet warm places, and on illuminated lawns warmed by the sun.

If you find a boletus and have already put it in a basket, do not rush to leave, but rather carefully examine everything around, because such mushrooms very often grow together with a “family” of up to 20-40 pieces.

Carefully inspect areas near spruce, pine, oak, birch and hornbeam trees. Anthills and red fly agarics can also tell you about the close proximity of boletus mushrooms. These are frequent companions of the porcini mushroom.

Watch the video to see how porcini mushrooms grow in families. It is extremely rare to find such a quantity of porcini mushrooms in a small area.

Collection Features

Fruiting of porcini mushrooms is divided into three stages:

  1. Rarely and singly they are found already at the end of June (they are called spikeworts).
  2. The second stage is the mushroom harvest in mid-July (such porcini mushrooms are called stubble mushrooms).
  3. Mushrooms also appear en masse towards the end of August and early September (these mushrooms are deciduous).

The optimal temperature for the appearance of boletus mushrooms in summer is +15+18 degrees, in autumn - +8+10 degrees. Both significant precipitation and night/day temperature changes prevent the development of porcini fungus. The most favorable conditions for the appearance of fruiting bodies are short thunderstorms, warm nights and fog in the morning.

How to choose and where to buy

  • You can buy porcini mushrooms in stores, markets, and also from mushroom pickers.
  • Try not to buy mushrooms in a dubious place, for example, near the road, because you will not be sure where they were collected and whether they contain harmful substances.
  • When buying boletus mushrooms, inspect the cap, stem, plates, skin and pulp.
  • If you notice wrinkles, suspicious plaque or mold, postpone your purchase.
  • Fresh mushrooms are distinguished by their smoothness, uniformity inside, and tight fit of the cap to the stem.
  • Smell the mushrooms - they should not have an unpleasant odor.


  • Porcini mushroom is one of the best mushrooms eaten.
  • The most massive growth of mushrooms in temperate climates is observed in August.
  • Boletus mushrooms have the property of stimulating digestion.
  • Also, the substances contained in the porcini mushroom have antitumor properties.

Nutritional value and calorie content

In 100 gr. fresh mushroom contains:

  • 34 kcal;
  • 3.7 g protein;
  • 1.1 g carbohydrates;
  • 1.7 g fat.

Chemical composition

The composition of the porcini mushroom is quite complex and provides it with healing properties.

The fruiting bodies contain a lot of:

  • Belkov
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • Dietary fiber
  • Polysaccharides
  • Lecithin
  • Vitamins (PP, carotene, C, B1, D, E, B9, PP, B2, B6)
  • Mineral salts (sodium, calcium, potassium, sulfur, zinc, phosphorus, iron, etc.)
  • Antioxidants and other active substances.

One of the porcini mushroom alkaloids is hercedin, known for its anticancer effect and ability to resist angina pectoris. This substance reduces heart pain and strengthens the immune system.

Beneficial features

Porcini mushrooms have the following medicinal properties:

  • Pain reliever;
  • Bactericidal;
  • Tonic;
  • Antitumor;
  • General strengthening;
  • Wound healing;
  • Antifungal;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antiviral.

In addition, they affect the body in the following ways:

  • Dilatation of blood vessels;
  • Decreased blood clotting rate;
  • Cleansing blood vessels from plaques in atherosclerosis;
  • Blood thinning;
  • Decline blood pressure;
  • Reducing pain during angina pectoris;
  • Restoration of impaired metabolic processes;
  • Removal of harmful substances, for example, carcinogens and heavy metal salts;
  • Improved digestion.


You should not eat porcini mushrooms if:

  • Acute diseases of the digestive system
  • Gout
  • Under 7 years of age

Mushrooms take a long time to digest, so it is recommended to eat them in small quantities, supplemented with vegetables.

Since any mushrooms absorb substances from the soil, you cannot collect porcini mushrooms in industrial areas and near highways.


In cooking

  • The fruiting bodies of the porcini mushroom have very high nutritional and taste qualities.
  • These mushrooms have been used in cooking since ancient times.
  • They do not need to be boiled first.
  • You can use the mushroom in fresh, adding it to the first and second courses.
  • Porcini mushrooms are also dried, salted, pickled and frozen.

Prepare with porcini mushrooms:

  • snacks;
  • soups;
  • pie fillings;
  • salads;
  • mushroom caviar;
  • second courses;
  • casseroles;
  • sauces (go great with rice and meat).

How to clean

Before cleaning, soak the mushrooms for about an hour. cold water, this way you will partially get rid of forest debris. When catching mushrooms from the water, clean them of contaminants and cut off dark areas. When cutting mushrooms in half (small) or into several pieces (large), check that they are clean inside.


The maximum beneficial properties are preserved in dried mushrooms, which is why this form of porcini mushroom is most often used in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Dried mushroom powder is added to various ready-made dishes.

When dried, porcini mushrooms do not lose their color and aroma. Such mushrooms can be stored for a very long time, and their nutritional value surpasses all other methods of preparing boletus mushrooms.

The calorie content of dried mushrooms is higher than that of fresh ones - 100 grams of mushrooms contain about 282 kcal.

Dried porcini mushrooms are very healthy. Of these, up to 80% of proteins are absorbed by the body. Such mushrooms are rich in riboflavin, carotene, vitamins D, B1 and C. Dried mushrooms also contain a lot of hercedin and other beneficial substances that give dried boletus mushrooms antitumor properties and the ability to treat angina pectoris.

Dried mushrooms are hygroscopic, so they require storage in a dry and ventilated place where there are no temperature changes, otherwise there is a risk of getting a damp and moldy product. It is best to place such mushrooms in cardboard containers or paper bags.

Dry mushrooms should not be stored together with pickles, fermented foods, nuts, fruits and fresh vegetables. Damp mushrooms need to be cleaned of spoiled ones and then dried.

Dried porcini mushrooms can be stored for up to a year, but they can be placed in the freezer, which will extend this period. The use of dry mushrooms includes boiling, stewing, frying, adding to soups, sauces, main courses, and fillings.

You can dry porcini mushroom:

  1. In the microwave. After placing the chopped mushrooms on a dish, set the power from 100 to 180 W. Turn on the cooking mode for 20 minutes, then ventilate the oven for 5 minutes and repeat cooking two or three times.
  2. In the oven. Place the chopped mushrooms on parchment and dry them with the oven door slightly open at +50 degrees for about 6-7 hours.

Please note that in the second case the oven door must be slightly open. When the door is closed, the mushrooms will give out juice and it will not be possible to dry them properly.

Another way is to dry it over the hob. For all the details, see the following video.


To marinate mushrooms you will need:

  • 2 kg fresh boletus
  • 500 ml water
  • 120 ml 6% vinegar
  • 10 bay leaves
  • Onion head
  • 1/2 tsp. spoons of black peppercorns
  • 2 table. spoons of sugar
  • 4 table. spoons of salt
  • Cloves and pepper

After cleaning, washing and cutting the mushrooms into equal parts, boil them in water to which a bay leaf has been added for about half an hour. After placing the mushrooms in a colander, add spices, sugar and salt to the remaining broth. Put the broth on the fire, and when it boils, add vinegar and return the mushrooms. Cook for another 10 minutes, remembering to remove the foam. In prepared jars (scalded), place onion, cut into rings, at the bottom, and then mushrooms. Fill the containers with marinade, close the lids and store in the refrigerator.

You can watch the recipe for pickled porcini mushrooms in the following video.


When the water boils, cook the porcini mushroom for about 20 minutes. After placing them in a colander, let the liquid drain from the mushrooms, and then place the mushrooms in a heated frying pan. You can pre-sauté the onions. You need to fry the boletus mushrooms for about 15 minutes.

Frozen and how to freeze

Porcini mushrooms tolerate freezing well and, when frozen, are used to prepare soups, caviar, pies and other dishes. There is no need to defrost the mushrooms at all. They are poured into a frying pan and kept covered until they are defrosted.

How to freeze

There are several ways to freeze boletus mushrooms:

  1. Peel and chop the washed fresh mushrooms, then place in a colander or sieve, place in bags or containers and place in the freezer.
  2. First boil the mushrooms in unsalted water for 5 minutes. After draining the water and keeping the mushrooms on a sieve, wait until they are completely cooled and place them in the freezer.
  3. Pre-fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil. The mushrooms in the frying pan will lose excess moisture and turn golden brown, then you need to wait for them to cool, put them in trays or bags and send them to freeze.
  4. Pre-fry the mushrooms in the oven. No oil, salt or other ingredients are needed for frying on a baking sheet.

Some more tips for freezing porcini mushrooms:

  • Cut the mushrooms into slices about 5 mm thick.
  • Make sure the mushrooms are well dried before placing them in the freezer. If you freeze them wet, the mushrooms will stick together and turn into an icy lump, which will affect their aroma and taste.
  • To avoid having to freeze mushrooms several times, immediately lay them out in portions - in each container or each bag, put mushrooms for one preparation.
  • Lay out the mushrooms in a not very thick layer.
  • If you freeze mushrooms in a container other than a bag, fill it completely to leave a minimum of air inside.
  • Do not store porcini mushrooms near frozen fish or meat.
  • Mushrooms can be stored for up to a year. The defrosted product is used immediately.

Boiled and how to cook

Before cooking, boletus mushrooms are cleaned and washed well. Then they are placed in a saucepan and filled with water, which will completely cover the mushrooms.

How long to cook porcini mushroom? Approximately 35-40 minutes, removing foam periodically.

If the mushrooms are dried, then first they are soaked for two to three hours, taking a glass of water for each handful of raw materials, and then boiled for about 20 minutes. In a double boiler and multicooker (baking mode), boil the boletus mushrooms for about 40 minutes.

Grilled mushrooms marinated in parsley

You will need:

  • 600 grams of porcini mushrooms
  • Two or three sprigs of parsley and thyme
  • 50 ml olive oil
  • 20 ml lemon juice
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Pepper and salt
  • 100 g lettuce leaves

Fry peeled and sliced ​​mushrooms in olive oil (20 ml) on a grill pan on both sides. Place the fried mushrooms in a container, where you add the rest of the ol. oils, thyme and parsley (chopped), garlic (chopped), lemon juice, pepper and salt to taste. Leave the mushrooms to marinate for two hours, and then serve, adding a green salad to the dish.



  • 120 g green salad
  • 300 g porcini mushrooms
  • 100 g tomatoes
  • 50 ml olive oil
  • 30 g butter
  • 80 g parmesan
  • Garlic clove
  • sprig of thyme

Wash and dry the lettuce leaves, tear them with your hands, and season with olive oil. oil, add tomatoes cut into slices. Wash the peeled mushrooms and boil for 5 minutes in salted water, then cut into cubes and fry to drain. oil, adding garlic and thyme to the pan. Add the mushrooms to the salad and tomatoes, and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese before serving.

Cream soup

For creamy cream soup you will need:

  • 150 grams of fresh porcini mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and champignons
  • 200 g potatoes
  • 100 g onions
  • 200 ml cream
  • 40 ml vegetable oil
  • 1 liter of water
  • Garlic clove
  • Pepper and salt

Place peeled potatoes, cut into cubes, in a saucepan with vegetable oil and fry a little. Add peeled and chopped onions to the potatoes. After 5 minutes, add mushrooms and a clove of garlic, cut into large pieces, into the saucepan. After frying for another 5 minutes, add water and boil for 15 minutes. Next, you need to grind the dish with a blender, return it to the saucepan, add salt, pepper and cream to the soup, and then bring to a boil.

Baked mushrooms with cheese sauce


  • 200 grams of porcini mushrooms
  • 150 g cheese
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 2 sprigs thyme
  • 1 sprig green basil
  • Garlic clove
  • 50 ml olives oils
  • Pepper and salt

Boil the washed, peeled mushrooms in water with salt until tender (10-15 minutes), then cut into thin slices and fry for about 1 minute. oil, adding thyme and garlic to the pan. First place the mushrooms in the baking dish, and then the cheese mixed with the yolks. Bake everything in the oven until golden brown. To serve, garnish with basil.

In medicine

Porcini mushroom can be used in the treatment of:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, for example, angina pectoris and hypertension;
  • intestinal infections;
  • impotence;
  • weakened state;
  • headaches;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • vein diseases;
  • tumors of the female reproductive system.

Consumption of porcini mushroom is a good prevention of the development of malignant tumors, stroke and heart attack. This mushroom is especially recommended during the recovery period after surgery, fatigue or illness.


Using an aqueous extract of porcini mushrooms, applied externally, you can treat various skin diseases, such as ulcers, frostbite, burns and others. This extract is also good for skin care - when you treat your face with it, you will notice that the skin cleanses, becomes velvety, and wrinkles are smoothed out.


Powder from dry porcini mushrooms effectively copes with long-term non-healing wounds, bedsores, ulcers and similar skin problems. The affected areas should be sprinkled with powder several times a day until recovery.

To strengthen the body

To get a remedy from porcini mushroom that helps with weakening of the body and sexual disorders, take 500 grams of dried raw material and grind it into powder. Add sugar (50 grams) and vodka (30 ml) to the mushrooms, dilute with a little water. This product should be stored in the refrigerator. It is recommended to take it before meals twice a day - at morning time and in the evening. A single serving of the mixture is a tablespoon.

Alcohol tincture

It is effective for all diseases mentioned above.


  • The caps of porcini mushrooms need to be washed and dried, and then placed in a liter jar, filling it to the top.
  • Mushrooms are poured with vodka, tightly closed and left for 14 days in a dark place.
  • The product is filtered and squeezed out, after which it is stored in the refrigerator.

To take this tincture, you need to dilute one teaspoon of it in cold boiled water. Take before meals twice daily for 1-3 months. If you need to treat thrombophlebitis or varicose veins, the tincture can also be rubbed into problem areas.

How to grow

Boletus mushrooms are not grown commercially. Such mushrooms are bred only by amateurs. personal plots with conifers and deciduous trees or in a designated area of ​​the forest.

To grow porcini mushroom, you need to create conditions in which mycorrhiza forms. It is optimal to grow mushrooms in young plantings and groves (5-10 year old trees) with oak, spruce, pine or birch trees:

  1. To get the spores, you will need overripe mushrooms. They are placed in water for a day, and after mixing and filtering, the resulting liquid with spores is watered over the areas under the selected trees. The harvest with this cultivation will appear in the second or third year. Also, for sowing, you can remove the tubular layer from mature boletus mushrooms, dry it a little and place it in the soil in the form of small pieces.
  2. Another way to grow porcini mushrooms is to use soil containing mycelium taken from the forest. Having found a boletus in the forest, you need to use a sharp knife to cut a square of soil around it with a side of 20-30 centimeters and remove it to a depth of 10-15 centimeters. You can also purchase mycelium that has been grown artificially. In both cases, you need to remove a layer of soil from the site, fill the hole with several layers of humus, interspersing them with soil (horse manure, rotten oak wood and fallen oak leaves are used for humus). The mycelium or soil with mycelium is placed on a bed at a depth of 5-7 cm, after which it is watered and covered with leaves.

Watch the following video about growing porcini mushrooms at home.

  • Mushrooms are allowed to be eaten during Lent, so in Catholic countries, dishes with mushrooms are more in demand than in Protestant countries.
  • In Italy, it is prohibited to independently collect porcini mushrooms in the forest; to do this, you need to obtain a special permit.
  • In 1961, a boletus was found that weighed more than 10 kg. The diameter of his cap was 58 centimeters.

The most valuable and desirable of all edible species, the famous porcini mushroom or boletus is tubular and belongs to the Boletaceae family. An incredible variety of dishes can be prepared from fragrant, strong boletus mushrooms - they are delicious in soups and solyankas, stir-fries and pies, pickles and marinades.

There are about twenty varieties that differ in the color of the fruiting bodies and the distribution of the root system of a particular tree species.

Main types of porcini mushrooms

A classic species, which is popularly nicknamed “Colonel” - honoring the most important and best of its relatives. The chestnut-brown cap is convex, then flat-convex, cushion-shaped, rarely prostrate, reaches a diameter of 25–30 cm. Giant representatives are known - with a cap diameter of up to 45 cm and a weight of up to 2–3 kg. The surface is smooth, sometimes uneven, grooved or covered with tubercles. The peel separates poorly, the color is variable - it changes color to light chestnut or acquires a purple hue, the tone is lighter along the edges.

The leg is up to 18–20 cm high, thick, strong, up to 10 cm in diameter, barrel-shaped. The color is creamy brown with a slight red tint, the surface is mesh. The tubes are white, then olive-yellow. The pulp is tight, white or creamy, just under the skin - reddish-purple, does not darken at the break. The taste is neutral, soft, the aroma is weak, mushroom, becomes stronger when cooked and dried.

The chocolate-brown cap is first hemispherical, then rounded-convex, and can acquire a dark purple tone, lighter at the edges. Diameter - up to 25 cm, the skin is smooth or fibrous, slippery in damp weather, glossy, matte in sunny weather. The leg is round, tuber-shaped, up to 15 cm high, the surface is mesh, brown.

The tubular layer is creamy white, yellowish, and later with a greenish tint. The pulp is milky white, pinkish at the surface, and more friable than the birch variety. The aroma is nutty or mushroom, the taste is sweetish.

The large, fleshy fruit body is of excellent quality and has a rich flavor. The cap is hemispherical, then slightly convex, up to 15–22 cm in diameter, slightly furrowed, slippery in rainy weather, glossy in dry weather and prone to cracking. The skin color is light, matching sunny birch trees, often creamy or slightly brownish.

The leg is dense, up to 20 cm high, smooth or tuber-shaped, creamy brown, with brown spots. The surface of the cap is covered with a light mesh. The tubular layer is white, then yellowish. The pulp is firm, milky white or creamy, and does not darken when broken or dried. The taste is neutral, the smell is weak, mushroom, when dried it is brighter and thicker.

The hemispherical cap, up to 25 cm in diameter, is brown in color and darker than that of the birch species, with a grayish tone and chaotically scattered light gray spots. The surface is smooth or bumpy.

The leg is long, up to 22 cm high, tight, thickened near the ground, tuber-shaped, the skin is grayish-brown, maybe slightly darker than the cap, covered with a creamy mesh. The white pulp is not as dense as that of other boletus mushrooms; it is loose, has a neutral taste, with a barely audible mushroom aroma.

Porcini mushroom (Boletus reticulatus)

Strong beautiful view with a hemispherical cap, which then becomes convex, up to 30 cm in diameter. The skin color is light brown or brownish. The surface is smooth, feels like felt, and is prone to cracking in a grid pattern. The leg is tight, fleshy, thickened at the bottom, brown in color, the surface is covered with an expressive cream mesh.

The tubes are creamy white, later acquire an olive tint, and then become brownish-brown. The pulp is fleshy, whitish-cream, does not show a different color when broken, the surface has a brownish tint. The taste is soft, sweetish, mushroom aroma.

White mushroom dark bronze (hornbeam) (Boletus aereus)

The cap is dense, round, later cushion-shaped, the skin is velvety, the surface is mesh, sometimes granular, dark chocolate color, almost black. The stem is strong, smooth or rounded-tuberous, brown, with a cherry tint, covered with a creamy mesh.

The tubes are light beige or whitish, then yellowish, turning green where touched. The pulp is firm, milky white, does not acquire a different color when broken, the taste is soft, neutral, and the aroma is mushroom.

Semi-white mushroom (Boletus impolitus)

This rare species of the Boletaceae family is edible and good in marinades, soups and pickles. The cap is round, then rounded-convex, uneven, up to 15 cm in diameter. The skin is silky-velvety, from yellowish to creamy-brown in color, brownish along the edge. In rainy weather it is slippery, in sunny weather it is glossy. The leg is long - up to 15 cm tall, tuber-shaped, later elongated, cylindrical, color varies from chestnut-brown to yellow, uneven color, sometimes reddish with spots and stripes. The surface is fibrous, with a flaky or fleecy coating underneath.

The tubular layer is golden, then greenish. The pulp is firm, milky white or creamy, after yellow tint, golden at the surface and at the stem, does not darken when broken. The taste is sweetish, the aroma is slightly sour.

Articles about other mushrooms common in middle lane Russia, see the section “Mushrooms”.

Places of distribution and time of collection

An amazing white mushroom in all its diversity of forms grows everywhere - in gloomy spruce forests, sunny pine forests and under slender light birch trees. The appearance varies depending on the variety and place of growth, but an experienced mushroom picker, who knows where and what species to look for, will never be left empty-handed and will definitely pick up a basket full of famous boletus mushrooms.

Spruce porcini mushroom grows in groups in dense spruce forests, most common in temperate climates, appearing after mushroom rains or fogs. You can find it not only in natural forests, but also in parks, artificial plantings under spruce trees, less often under other coniferous and deciduous trees. In dry regions it prefers shady, moist thickets; in overly humid and cold forests it often settles on open, sun-warmed edges. Harvesting time occurs at the beginning of summer and lasts until October; the mass harvest is harvested in late August and early September.

In pine forests under pine trees growing on sandy loam soils, as well as moss and lichen soils, it grows singly or in groups. pine white mushroom. It is also capable of forming mycorrhiza with spruce, oak, chestnut and hornbeam. The collection season is from early July to late October; it is found even after the first frost. The fruiting bodies are collected while the tubular layer is cream-colored and has not yet turned green, and the pulp is still dense.

Birch view grows on any soil except acidic peat bogs, in birch forests and birch-aspen forests. It grows singly or in small colonies; it likes to settle on forest edges, clearings, in young plantations, and along forest roads. Collection time is from July to mid-October, including the period after early frosts.

In deciduous forests, in the shade of leaning oak trees, an experienced mushroom picker will find grayish caps oak type. It grows in large families, preferring temperate latitudes and neutral soils. Collected by cutting off the cap along with top part legs, from early summer to mid-October.

Reticulated white mushroom grows under the canopy of deciduous trees - chestnuts, oaks, hornbeams, beech trees. Under the same tree species it is also found dark bronze look, which especially often settles under dense hornbeams, for which it received its second name - hornbeam. Both species live on the edges and lawns; they do not like acidic soils, preferring neutral or alkaline ones. The net mushroom is considered one of the earliest, appearing as early as the end of May. Hornbeam is harvested later - starting in July; fruiting of both species continues in waves, more massively after mushroom rains, and lasts until October.

Rare plants grow on moist loams of deciduous forests in river floodplains. semi-white bolet, most often small groups are found under oaks, hornbeams and beeches. Collection time is June-October, but due to its rarity, it is collected carefully and moderately.

Doubles and false species

Porcini mushrooms, due to their prevalence and variety of forms, can be confused with some inedible and even poisonous species. The most unpleasant finds are satanic and gall mushrooms.

An extremely dangerous, bright species loves to settle in forests under beeches, oaks, hornbeams and chestnuts. The cap is rounded-convex, up to 22 cm in diameter, dirty gray in color, with a slight reddish tone. The tubes are yellowish, then red-brown, and where touched, a bluish-green color appears. The leg is stocky, up to 15 cm high, in the shape of a rounded tuber. The surface is mesh, yellow in the lower and upper parts, and brick-red in the central part.

The pulp is firm, creamy, darkens when broken, the aroma is weak, later very unpleasant, reminiscent of the smell of rotten meat or missing onions. Distinctive feature In addition to the fetid odor, the flesh at the break slowly turns blue or red. Very toxic, consumption of the smallest amount can cause serious poisoning.

The inedible species has a bitter taste, but is not poisonous. The cap is hemispherical, up to 15 cm in diameter, velvety, brownish or chestnut in color. The thickened leg is beige-brownish, darker at the top - black-brown, covered with a mesh pattern. The tubular layer is creamy, then pink, turning brown where touched.

The pulp is dense, whitish-cream, turns pink when cut or does not change color, and is odorless. The taste is bilious; once in a dish, even a small particle will give it strong bitterness. Grows in coniferous and mixed forests from July to October. The difference is the pinkish flesh and bitter taste. In addition, insects do not like tasteless pulp, and fruiting bodies, even old ones, are rarely wormy, which can serve as an indirect sign and should alert you.

Beneficial features

Porcini mushroom is a highly nutritious, valuable forest species that perfectly stimulates the digestive processes and is suitable for dietary nutrition and diversity in the diet of recovering patients as a source of essential proteins, vitamins and microelements.

After processing the fruiting bodies - drying, pickling, preparing hot dishes, the pulp proteins acquire a high level of digestibility, which reaches 75–80%.

Active biological substances were found in the tissues, which have powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, inhibiting E. coli and other pathogenic bacteria. The antiblastic effect manifests itself in improving the condition of people suffering from cancer.

Since ancient times, mushroom infusion has been used as a remedy for frostbite, calling the healing liquid “living water.” It is enough to apply a cloth moistened with the infusion to the damaged area twice a day to relieve inflammation and stimulate healing.

The specific bitterness of the gall fungus is used in folk medicine for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and gall bladder, as having a choleretic effect.


Porcini mushrooms are an amazing gift of nature; many useful substances are present in concentrated form in their tissues. The ability to accumulate elements can be harmful - fruiting bodies collect and retain heavy metal salts and toxins, like a sponge. Old specimens are especially prone to this, so collecting them is undesirable.

In addition, you should refrain from quiet hunting along highways and near factories, and when leaving the city, you need to find out in advance how the wind rose is located and avoid directions where the wind carries industrial emissions.

Reduced acidity of gastric juice, metabolic disorders and pancreatic function are also contraindications to the consumption of these saturated foods.

Recipes for cooking dishes and preparations

Universal boletus mushrooms are excellent in any dish - they make an excellent roast, and they are delicious stewed with vegetables and sour cream. A fragrant, healthy soup or hodgepodge will amaze the most picky gourmet with its smell and taste.

After boiling and lightly frying the caps and legs, they are crushed and mixed with sautéed onions and prepare an exceptional – hearty and fragrant filling for pies.

Porcini mushrooms are good in all preparations - they retain their nutritional value in marinades, pickles and preservation, but the most common and recognized method of preparation is drying. Dried fruiting bodies do not change color, the pulp remains deliciously creamy, the smell becomes stronger, and the digestibility of proteins is maximum.

For cooking you will need: 0.5 kg of porcini mushrooms, 0.2 kg of pickled cucumbers, small onions, olives, tomato paste, butter, bay leaf, black peppercorns, salt.

The fruit bodies are cleaned and washed, cut into small pieces, boiled over low heat for one hour and placed on a sieve. Chop the onion, fry it, add 2 tablespoons at the end tomato paste. Cucumbers and boiled fruiting bodies are cut into cubes, everything is added to the broth, spices are added and salted.

Boil the solyanka for 15 minutes, add 50 g of olives before finishing cooking. Place a little sour cream on a serving plate and then pour in the hot dish.

Dried porcini mushrooms

The fruit bodies are wiped with a clean cloth and cleaned, cutting out damaged areas. Very large specimens are divided into parts, small ones are left whole. Dry in the sun or in the oven.

Oven drying

Place them on sheets with the caps facing up, place them in the oven or oven, open the door slightly and dry them at a temperature of 45–50°C. As soon as the pulp dries slightly, the temperature is increased to 70–75°C. During the drying process, the mushrooms are stirred and turned over.

Sun drying

Choose a well-ventilated sunny place and hang porcini mushrooms, evenly strung on twine. They are removed at night, since the hygroscopic pulp will absorb night moisture, and light drizzling rain or morning fog can completely ruin the workpiece. Properly prepared mushroom drying remains plastic and does not crumble. It is convenient and practical to carry out two stages of drying: in the first period, 1–2 days in the sun, and then bringing it to readiness in the oven or oven.

Store drying in hermetically sealed containers - enamel or glass. For better preservation, packaged in liter jars, sterilize at 90°C for one hour and seal.

Video about porcini mushrooms (boletus mushrooms)

The strong porcini mushroom, which grows everywhere throughout the warm period right up to frost, is one of those rare, desirable species that will delight the most discerning connoisseur. The stately noble boletus has not lost the glory of the best forest mushroom, for centuries occupying the golden first place among all mushroom diversity and remaining the most enviable prey.

All fans of mushroom growing probably know what a porcini mushroom looks like, but for those who do not know how to distinguish edible from inedible, this article will be useful, which describes the porcini mushroom in detail, provides its photos and main types.

Using the information from this article, you will learn to distinguish edible mushrooms from false ones, learn about the main types and characteristics of porcini mushrooms, and learn where and when it is best to collect them.

What does a porcini mushroom look like?

Porcini mushrooms are considered the most delicious and aromatic, in addition they also have high nutritional qualities. This favorite of mushroom pickers is easily recognized by its large, fleshy cap and thick stem (Figure 1).

Note: Depending on the age and place of growth, the color of the cap can vary from light, yellowish to dark brown. The surface of the cap is pleasant to the touch; its upper skin is tightly attached to the pulp, so it is quite difficult to separate it.

In dry weather, the cap dries out, becoming covered with a network of deep wrinkles, and during rain, a thin layer of mucus forms on it.

Figure 1. Appearance of boletus mushrooms depending on age

A ripened specimen has dense, juicy white pulp, which with age becomes fibrous and acquires a yellowish tint. Distinctive feature its leg is barrel-shaped or club-shaped, which becomes cylindrical as it matures. As a rule, at the base of the cap, the stem is covered with a network of light veins that almost merge with the main background of the skin. In this case, the leathery ring on the leg is missing.

You will find collection tips in the video.

What are the types?

Among the wide variety of porcini mushrooms, both edible and poisonous species are distinguished. Experienced mushroom pickers are well aware of these edible species(Figure 2):

  • Dark bronze;
  • Summer white;
  • Birch;
  • Borovik;
  • Dubovik;
  • White pine mushroom.

The most popular types of porcini mushrooms with photos and descriptions will be given below.


Experienced mushroom pickers know what a porcini mushroom looks like, but for beginners in this business it makes sense to give detailed description and external features of each type.

Dark bronze gets its name from the color of the cap, which in a young specimen has a dark chestnut tint, changing with age to bright chestnut or copper brown. The skin of the cap is never slimy, even in wet weather.

Note: The leg when young is painted in pale pink tones, when mature it darkens to wine pink and pink-brown shades.

The flesh of the cap of young specimens has the same wine shades, the flesh of the leg darkens slightly when cut, but does not turn blue, it has a pleasant mushroom smell and a sweetish taste.

The color of the summer cap has many shades: from coffee to ocher, sometimes with light spots. The hat itself is soft suede to the touch; when it dries, it becomes covered with deep cracks, forming a mesh pattern on the surface. The leg is light brown, light coffee in color with a brownish mesh pattern at the bottom, fluffy and white at the base. The flesh of the leg does not change color when cut and remains creamy (white). It has a pleasant aroma and sweetish taste.

Birch has a smooth cap of yellow-brown, often uneven color, which becomes slimy in rainy weather and becomes dull when dry. The skin of the cap is firmly attached to the flesh, so it is impossible to remove it. The dense leg is fleshy, decorated with a pale mesh pattern in its upper part, and does not change color when pressed. The pulp is white, juicy, fleshy, has a pleasant smell and sweet taste.

Figure 2. Main types of porcini mushrooms: 1 - dark bronze, 2 - birch, 3 - boletus, 4 - pine

The boletus is distinguished by a bare, sometimes thin felt cap, the color of which can vary from almost white to brown.

Note: In damp weather it becomes covered with a thin layer of mucus, in dry weather it becomes dull or shiny. The base of the leg always remains thickened, and its general color can match the color of the cap, being only a shade lighter.

In addition, in its upper part it has a clearly defined mesh. The boletus pulp is strong, fleshy, and does not change when cut. In its raw form, boletus does not have a pronounced specific odor, which only appears when dried and cooked. The taste is also weakly expressed.

Dubovik has an unevenly colored velvety cap that is sticky in wet weather. Within one cap, different shades can be combined: from yellow-brown to brown-gray. The surface peel of the oak tree is not removed. The leg bears a brownish-red mesh pattern with elongated loops on a general yellow-orange background. You can often see red spots on the middle part of the leg and green spots at its base. The pulp is fleshy, yellowish in color, acquiring a bright blue-green hue when cut, which gradually turns black. Dubovik has neither a special smell nor an unusual taste.

The thick and short pine-like stem is crowned with a cap, which can be either smooth or scaly, wrinkled or lumpy, becoming slightly slimy in wet weather and matte in dry weather. The color of the cap ranges from dark brown to chocolate brown with a purple tint. Usually the cap is lighter around the edge (from pink to white), the skin is not removed from it. The leg is covered with a reddish mesh, clearly visible in the upper part. The pulp is juicy, white, pinkish under the skin of the cap, has a pleasant mushroom smell or resembles the smell of a toasted nut. When cooked, the sweetish taste is slightly pronounced.


Porcini mushrooms are quite widespread almost all over the world, even in hot Africa. Thus, the dark bronze boletus can be found in oak and beech, hornbeam and chestnut forests in Europe, North America and Africa. In our country, boletus mushrooms prefer the Transcaucasus, growing there from June to September.

Note: The names of some species directly indicate their habitat. Thus, birch grows exclusively under birch trees, both in forests and groves, and along roads throughout Russia from June to October. Pine grows, respectively, in pine forests, less common in spruce and deciduous forests of the northern regions of the European part of Russia and in Siberia. Oak trees feel comfortable in oak forests in the Caucasus and Primorsky Territory, as well as in the central zone of the Russian Federation and in the southern regions, while spruce trees prefer fir and spruce forests, where they appear in June and bear fruit until autumn.

As is known, they have a variable growth cycle, which depends on climatic conditions and the place of growth. In regions with a warm climate, they appear as early as June and bear fruit until November. In the northern regions, their harvest can be harvested in June - September, while they appear en masse only in August. Representatives of the genus grow in entire families or colonies. You should know that they all quickly lose their beneficial features after cutting. Therefore it is necessary to as soon as possible after collection, process to preserve maximum amount micro- and macroelements.

Biological description

The porcini mushroom is a representative of the Borovikov genus. Its tubular stem is barrel-shaped, always thickened at the base. The surface of the leg is painted white, sometimes with a brown or red tint; it is covered with a network of white veins, more noticeable in its upper part.

Depending on the age of the mushroom, the shape of its cap changes:

  • In young specimens it is convex, and in mature specimens it is spread out.
  • The cap is smooth to the touch, slightly wrinkled. In damp weather it becomes slightly slimy, in dry weather it becomes dull and slightly cracked.
  • The color of the cap can vary from light to brown shades. The older the specimen, the darker its cap.

They have juicy fleshy pulp, which grows into fibers with age. Its color is white, yellowish with age, and does not change when cut. This species is also characterized by a faint odor and a slightly pronounced taste, which are more pronounced during cooking.

Where does the porcini mushroom grow?

Porcini mushrooms can be found on almost all continents except Antarctica and Australia. They grow in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests (Figure 3). Most often they can be found under oaks, birches, beeches, hornbeams, spruces, pines, fir trees, as well as on mosses and lichens.

Figure 3. Main growing areas

They are found extremely rarely in the tundra and forest-steppe, and are completely absent in the steppe. They take root well different types soils, excluding swamps and peat bogs, where the ground is waterlogged. They love places well lit by the sun, although they can grow in partial shade, but at low daily temperatures their growth slows down.

False white mushroom: photo and description

It happens that the baskets of inexperienced lovers of “silent hunting” end up with specimens that are very similar to white ones, but in fact are their poisonous “doubles”.

Without sufficient experience and the necessary amount of theoretical knowledge, it is quite easy for a person to make a mistake. After all, false whites grow in the same places as edible ones, and in close proximity to them. That is why it is necessary to learn to distinguish between real species and their poisonous “doubles” (Figure 4).


To learn how to accurately recognize inedible doubles, you need to familiarize yourself with the photo and description of the false mushroom and its main types.

The most dangerous to human health and life are bilious and satanic (Figure 5). Gall , called bitterling, it is found on well-warmed sandy or loamy soil at the edges of coniferous forests. Therefore, it is easy to confuse it with pine, although it looks like oak.

Note: It received its second name as a result of the fact that earlier mushroom pickers tested its edibility by tasting it, because a specific bitterness appears within the first ten seconds, and during heat treatment it intensifies many times.

And yet, if you doubt its edibility, learn to test it using less risky methods. Pay attention to its appearance. The gallstone looks impeccable because due to its bitter taste, neither animals nor insects eat it.

Figure 4. The main boletus twins and their characteristics

Satanic is similar in appearance to oak, and can be found in warm oak forests, next to linden and hornbeam trees. And although the scientific literature classifies it as conditionally edible, you should know that consuming it raw is extremely dangerous, since even a young specimen produces a sufficient amount of poisons to harm human health and life.


In addition to the same place of growth, the gall mushroom is similar in appearance to the edible one. It has the same convex brown cap and a cylindrical leg thickened at the base with a network of veins. The difference lies in the color of the tubular layer: in the gall layer it is pinkish or dirty white, which is not at all characteristic of the present one. Yet the main difference is the very bitter taste.

As for the Satanic one, its cap is quite pleasant to the touch and can be colored either gray or olive green. brown colors. Just as in the case of bittergrass, you should pay attention to the color of the tubular layer.

Note: In the poisonous satanic one, it is painted in bright colors: orange, red. Also characteristic feature called the bright red color of the mesh on the leg.

In addition, the flesh changes color when cut - from yellow or white it turns blue within a few minutes, and it is advisable to check the mushroom right in the forest. You should also be wary bad smell rotting onions, characteristic of overripe specimens.

What is the difference

Although edible whites are represented by several species, each of which has its own notable characteristics, there are a number of characteristics common to all true species:

  • Their tubular layer can only have a white, yellow or olive color, while the bitterling plates are colored in pinkish tones, and the tubular layer of the satanic has bright orange-red shades.
  • Edible specimens have dense pulp without a pronounced taste or smell; in poisonous specimens it is watery.
  • The pulp does not change its color at the break even during heat treatment. But the pulp on the cut of the gall fungus acquires a pinkish-brown tint. Satanic changes the cut color to purple.
  • Among other mushrooms, forest dwellers often leave traces of their vital activity on white mushrooms, using them as food or as a place to breed offspring.

Figure 5. The main types of inedible porcini mushrooms: 1 and 2 - gall, 3 and 4 - satanic

No matter how large the mushroom is, give preference to smaller, but younger specimens, because it is well known that what older mushroom, the more hazardous substances it accumulates.

Polish white mushroom: photo and description

The Polish white mushroom is quite rare, and therefore is extremely popular among mushroom pickers. In addition, it contains very a large number of useful elements.

Using the photo and description of the Polish mushroom, you will learn to easily find it in the forest (Figure 6). to his appearance it is similar to the usual one: the same brown cap of different shades, slimy during the rainy season and dry the rest of the time; its skin is also difficult to separate, and the cap itself in mature specimens has an outstretched shape. Upon closer examination, you can notice some differences, for example, small clusters of tubes yellow color on a stalk, which, in turn, is colored in tones from light brown to red.


Lovers of Polish mushrooms know that when harvested they can change the color of the cap and stem from brown to bluish. This occurs when pressed down and is absolutely safe.

In addition, you should know that there are no poisonous counterparts of this species in nature. Even the dangerous satanic mushroom has such obvious differences that it is impossible to make a mistake when collecting Polish mushrooms.


A remarkable feature of the Polish mushroom is the fact that it grows only in forests with clean ecology, therefore, even growing to large sizes, it does not accumulate radiation and toxic substances. For this reason, even overgrown representatives of this species do not pose a danger to human health and life.

Figure 6. External features Polish mushroom

They are found singly or in groups in the European part of Russia, in the North Caucasus, as well as in Far East and in Siberia. They prefer coniferous, less often deciduous forests, where they grow mainly on sandy soils next to pines, spruces, beech, oak, and European chestnut. The harvest can be harvested from June to November, when other tubular species are practically no longer found.

Borovik: photo and description

Often all porcini mushrooms are called boletus mushrooms. Their distinctive feature is a massive fruiting body, where the cap looks like a pillow, and the leg has a thickening in the middle or at the bottom (Figure 7).

The surface of the cap can be either completely smooth or velvety, and the surface of the stem can be fibrous or covered with scales. Boletus has white flesh, which may turn blue (red) or remain white when cut.


Thanks to his useful composition(vitamins A, B1, C, D, iron, calcium) boletus is widely used in medicine and pharmaceuticals.

Powder made from boletus is used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, anemia, as well as for the normal functioning of the heart muscle and improve immunity, vitamin deficiency and chronic fatigue syndrome.


Boletuses are common on almost all continents. They can be found in both deciduous and coniferous forests near oaks, hornbeams, beeches, pines, and spruces. Moreover, they can grow either singly or in entire colonies. It is noteworthy that the weight of individual solitary boletus mushrooms can reach up to 3 kg, although they bear fruit for a fairly short period of time - only 1 week.

Figure 7. What boletus looks like and where it grows

You should know that in young specimens the cap and stem are valued equally, while in older specimens the stem becomes coarser and loses its nutrients, so only the cap is suitable for cooking.

More information about porcini mushroom, its types and search features is in the video.