Spruce diseases and their treatment - what do the beauties of conifers suffer from? Spruce - description, properties, photo. What mysteries does the spruce forest hide? What El looks like

03.03.2020 Style and fashion

Spruce ( Picea) is an evergreen coniferous tree, a symbol of the New Year. Belongs to the pine order, pine family, spruce genus. Spruce height can reach 50 meters, and the life span of a tree can be 600 years, although usually a tree lives up to 250-300 years.

Spruce - description, appearance, photo

At young tree during the first 15 years of growth root system has a rod structure, but then it develops as a surface one, since as it grows older, the main root dies off. In the first years of life, the spruce grows up and practically does not give lateral branches. The straight trunk of spruce has a round shape and gray bark, exfoliating into thin plates. spruce wood low-resinous and homogeneous, white in color with a slight golden hue.

The pyramidal or cone-shaped crown of spruce is made up of whorled-arranged branches growing almost perpendicular to the trunk. short spruce needles located on the branches in a spiral order and has a tetrahedral or flat shape. The color of the needles is usually green, blue, yellowish or dove. The needles remain viable for 6 years, and the fallen needles are renewed annually. Some insects are not indifferent to spruce needles (for example, nun butterflies) and eat the needles so much that brush shoots are formed on damaged spruce branches - very short and hard needles that look like brushes.

spruce cones have a slightly pointed, slightly elongated cylindrical shape. They can reach a length of 15 cm and have a diameter of at least 4 cm. A spruce cone is an axis, and a lot of covering scales grow around it, in the axils of which seed scales are located. On the upper part of the seed scales, 2 ovules are formed, endowed with a false wing. Spruce seeds ripen in October, after which the seeds are dispersed by the wind and remain viable for 8-10 years.

Types of fir trees, names and photos

Today, more than 45 species of spruce trees have been studied, growing in natural conditions and having a trunk height from 30 cm to 50 m, a different crown structure and various colors of needles. Among all representatives of this genus, the most famous are the following varieties:

  • European (ordinary) spruce (Picea abies)

An evergreen coniferous tree, the average height of which is 30 m, but there are instances of 50 m in height. The crown of the spruce is cone-shaped, whorled branches of a drooping or prostrate type, the bark of the trunk is dark gray, begins to peel off with age in plates of small thickness. Spruce needles are tetrahedral, arranged in a spiral on spruce legs. Common spruce forms huge forests in the north-east of Europe, is found in the mountainous regions of the Alps and the Carpathians, in the Pyrenees and the Balkan Peninsula, in North America and central Russia, and even in the Siberian taiga.

  • Siberian spruce (Picea obovata)

Tall, up to 30 meters tall tree with a pyramidal crown. The diameter of the Siberian spruce trunk in girth can exceed 70-80 cm. The needles of the Siberian spruce are somewhat shorter than those of the common spruce, and more prickly. Siberian spruce grows in the forests of the northern part of Europe, in Kazakhstan and China, on the Scandinavian Peninsula and in Mongolia, in the Urals and in the Magadan region.

  • Oriental spruce (Picea orientalis)

The height of the tree varies from 32 to 55 meters, the crown is conical, with densely arranged branches. The bark of the spruce trunk is low-resinous, gray-brown in color, scaly. The needles are shiny, slightly flattened, tetrahedral, with a slightly rounded tip. Oriental spruce is widespread in the forests of the Caucasus and in the northern territories of Asia, forming pure massifs there, or found in mixed forests.

  • Korean spruce (Picea koraiensis)

Quite a tall coniferous tree, reaching 30-40 m in height, with a grayish-brown trunk in color of the bark, with a girth of up to 75-80 cm. Under natural conditions, Korean spruce grows in the regions of the Far East, in China, in the Primorsky Territory and the Amur Region, in North Korea.

  • Ayan spruce (small-seeded, Hokkaido) (Picea jezoensis)

Outwardly, this type of spruce is very similar to the European spruce. The pyramidal crown of the Ayan spruce has bright green, almost non-resinous needles with a sharp tip, the height of the trunk is usually 30-40 meters, occasionally up to 50 m, the girth of the trunk reaches a meter, and sometimes more. Spruce grows in the Far East region, in Japan and China, on Sakhalin and the territory of the Kamchatka Territory, in Korea and the Amur Region, in the Kuril Islands, along the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and in the Sikhote-Alin mountains.

  • Tienshan spruce (Picea schrenkiana subsp. tianschanica)

Spruces of this species often reach a height of 60 m, and the trunk is 1.7-2 meters in diameter. The crown of the Tien Shan spruce is cylindrical, less often pyramidal. The needles are diamond-shaped, straight or slightly curved. Distinctive feature- the presence of anchor roots that are able to bend and cling tightly to stones or rocky ledges. Spruce grows in regions of Central Asia, is widespread in the Tien Shan mountains, and is especially common in Kazakhstan and the mountainous regions of Kyrgyzstan.

  • spruce glen (Picea glehnii)

A coniferous tree with a very dense, cone-shaped crown. The height of the trunk is from 17 to 30 meters, the diameter varies from 60 to 75 cm. The bark is covered with scale plates, has a beautiful chocolate tint. The long tetrahedral needles are slightly curved, sharp in young trees and slightly blunt in mature specimens. The needles are dark green, with a bluish bloom, has a tart spruce aroma. Spruce Glen grows in Japan, in the southern regions of Sakhalin, in the south of the Kuril Islands.

  • Canadian spruce (gray spruce, white spruce) (Picea glauca)

A slender evergreen tree, most often not exceeding 15-20 meters in height, the diameter of the Canadian spruce trunk in diameter is not more than 1 meter. The bark on the trunk is quite thin, covered with scales. The crown is narrowly conical in young specimens, and in adult fir trees it takes the form of a cylinder. The needles of spruce are long (up to 2.5 cm), blue-green in color, have a diamond-shaped cross section. Canadian spruce grows in the states of North America, often found in Alaska, Michigan, South Dakota.

  • red spruce (Picea rubens)

Evergreen tree, 20 to 40 meters high bad conditions growth can have a height of only 4-6 meters. The diameter of the red spruce trunk rarely exceeds 1 meter, and is usually 50-60 centimeters. The crown is cone-shaped, significantly expanding towards the base of the trunk. The needles are quite long - 12-15mm, practically do not prick, as it has a rounded tip. This type of spruce is common in England and Canada, grows in the highlands of the Appalachians and in Scotland, occurring almost along the entire Atlantic coast.

  • Serbian spruce (Picea omorika)

An evergreen representative of coniferous trees, from 20 to 35 meters high, Serbian spruce trees reaching 40 meters in height are very rare. The crown was pyramidal, but narrow, and closer to columnar in shape. The branches are short, sparse, slightly raised upwards. The needles were green, shiny, with a slightly bluish tint, slightly flattened from above and below. This type of spruce is very rare: in its natural environment it grows only in Western Serbia and Eastern Bosnia.

  • Blue spruce, she is prickly spruce(Picea pungens)

a very popular type of spruce, often used as an ornamental plant. Blue spruce can grow up to 46 meters in height, although the average tree height is 25-30 m, and the trunk diameter is up to 1.5 m. Needles 1.5-3 cm long come in different shades - from grayish green to bright blue. Spruce cones 6-11 cm long can be reddish or purple, becoming light brown when ripe. Blue spruce grows in western North America (from Idaho to New Mexico), where it is widely distributed on moist soils along the banks of mountain rivers and streams.

Dwarf spruce, varieties and types, names and photos

Among the huge variety of species and varieties of spruces, dwarf spruces are especially popular - amazing elements of landscape design and a wonderful decoration for every garden. Dwarf spruce is durable, unpretentious, easy to care for. These miniature trees amaze with the magnificence of shapes and colors and fit perfectly into rock gardens, rockeries, flower beds, Japanese gardens. Here are some types of dwarf firs:

Dwarf spruce Nidiformis (Nidiformis)

one of the forms of Norway spruce, a dense nest-like shrub with light green needles, grows up to 40 cm in height and no more than 1 m in width.

the result of a mutation of the common spruce variety Acrocona is an unusual plant of uneven shape, 30-100 cm high and 50 cm in diameter. Small pink cones that form on shoots of different lengths look especially picturesque.

Dwarf Blue Spruce Glauka Globoza (Glauca Globosa)

one of the popular types of blue spruce with a dense, wide-conical crown and light blue crescent-shaped needles. By the age of 10, the tree grows up to 3 m in height and gradually becomes almost round.

a very decorative conifer with a symmetrical pyramidal crown and two-color needles: the needles are dark green above and light blue below. The tree grows up to 3-3.5 m in height, and the diameter of the crown at the base is 2.5 m.

Prickly spruce dwarf Bialobok (Bialobok)

a unique spruce variety of Polish selection with blue, silver and golden shades of needles. The Christmas tree acquires a special decorative effect in spring, when young shoots of a whitish-cream color appear against the background of mature dark green needles. The height of the dwarf spruce is no more than 2 meters.

Where does spruce grow?

The distribution area of ​​this tree is quite wide. Different types of fir trees grow in Europe, America and Asia. The largest number is the common spruce, which grows on the territory of Western European countries, middle lane Russia, the Urals, up to the watershed of the Amur. In the expanses of Siberia and Far East Siberian and Ayan spruce grows, and in the mountains of the Caucasus - oriental spruce. There are species that grow only in certain climatic conditions, for example, the Glen spruce, common on the southern coast of Sakhalin, the Kuril ridge and the island of Hokkaido.

spruce breeding

Spruce is a gymnosperm plant and reproduces with the help of heterosexual cones. Pollen from the male cones ripened in May is carried by the wind and fertilizes the large female cones growing at the ends of the branches. A spruce cone with ripened seeds falls to the ground, from where it is picked up by the wind and carried away for considerable distances. Spruces reach the ability to reproduce by the age of 15.

How to grow spruce at home?

Recently, the cultivation of spruce trees has become popular. household plots or in city parks. To achieve success, it is better to purchase tree seedlings 3-5 years old in specialized stores or nurseries. High quality planting material is supplied in containers with a closed earth root system.

For a good engraftment of seedlings, a site is selected without a high occurrence of groundwater, with light neutral or slightly acidic soil, good drainage is ensured when planting. At first, it is necessary to cover the young plant from the scorching rays of the sun.

Seedling care is quite simple: water once a week, loosen the surface soil layer and remove weeds.

The chemical composition of all trees from the spruce genus is almost identical, and all above-ground parts of the plant are valuable medicinal raw materials due to the presence of many useful substances:

  • vitamins B3, K, C, E, PP;
  • essential oils;
  • phytoncides;
  • tannins (tannins);
  • carotenoids;
  • polyprenols (natural bioregulators);
  • resins;
  • bornyl acetate;
  • copper, iron, manganese, chromium.

The highest concentration of useful substances was found in young spruce shoots, spruce buds and cones, therefore, infusions and decoctions based on them are widely used to treat many diseases, such as:

  • bronchial asthma and viral diseases of the respiratory tract;
  • infectious diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract;
  • neurological diseases (neurosis, plexitis, sciatica);
  • purulent wounds and fungal skin lesions;
  • vascular and heart diseases (hypertension, atherosclerosis).

Spruce oil is an excellent tonic that helps relieve fatigue, fight stress, and normalize activity. nervous system. It is also widely used as a remedy for strengthening hair and fighting dandruff.

Regular use of a decoction of spruce needles (1 tbsp of raw materials per 1 glass of water) strengthens the immune system, cleanses the blood and has a general strengthening effect on the body, especially during the cold season.

Christmas tree, tradition and photo

A beautiful and noble tradition of decorating a Christmas tree New Year goes back to ancient times, when people deified nature, worshiped the forest and believed that spirits live in trees, on which the future harvest and well-being depend. In order to win the mercy of powerful spirits, people hung gifts on spruce, a sacred tree that personifies life and rebirth itself, at the end of December. According to legend, the decorated branches of spruce drove away evil spirits and evil spirit, and also gave the house well-being for the whole next year.

Fashion trend of the 20th and 21st centuries, artificial Christmas tree, has not become a worthy alternative to a living tree, and a good imitation will by no means replace a real forest beauty. A plastic tree is another business industry, and real live Christmas trees for the New Year are the tradition of our ancestors, the true spirit of the New Year and Christmas. Therefore, despite all the convenient innovations, most Russians still want to buy live Christmas tree for the New Year, while state forestries and private nurseries take care of the quality of the most important New Year's product.

  • Thanks to the ability of firs to give new shoots from the roots of a dead tree in Swedish national park is the oldest root system on the planet of Norway spruce, which has an age of more than 9500 years.
  • For a long time, the best musical instruments were made from spruce wood: psaltery, guitars, cellos. Spruce for their creations used Amati and Stradivarius.
  • Spruce forest - the most shady and dark because of the "shaggy", densely dotted with needles spruce paws. Even in the heat in the spruce forest is always cool.
  • For some peoples of Europe, spruce was considered a totem tree: the warriors of the ancient Germanic tribes “caused” the spirit living in the crown, decorating the spruce with flowers and uttering ritual spells before the conquest campaign.
  • Spruce needles are an excellent vitamin remedy that is used to make "green" flour for livestock feed, and tree wood is sometimes used for tanning leather.


Coniferous needles have lost their luster, have begun to crumble and turn yellow? The cause may be fungal diseases and pests. Preventive measures and appropriate treatment will help restore the health of your needles.

This disease is typical only for representatives of conifers, it is provoked by fungal pathogens - ascomycetes. Depending on the nature of the manifestation, several forms of this disease are distinguished.

Shutte on spruce

real schütte- one of the main causes of premature loss of fir needles. The risk zone mainly includes young, as well as weakened conifers. Spruce needles infected with this fungus turn brown, dry out and fall off. Such symptoms can be observed in spring and early summer. But in autumn, the disease manifests itself in the form of small yellow dots on spruce needles, which gradually darken. And on the branches where the needles fell off, black bodies are formed - these are spores of the fungus. In such a cocoon, the fungus survives the winter frosts well, and in the spring crawls out again.

Snow Shutte- this type of fungus can be found on almost all types of conifers, including European spruce, blue spruce, Konik, twisted and ordinary. This disease is especially dangerous for snow-covered and northern regions, where it can even completely destroy spruce. Infection with a fungus occurs already at a temperature of 0 degrees, and very rapidly. The causative agents of this disease of spruces cause browning and death of coniferous needles after the snow melts. During the summer season, the fungus progresses more and more, the spruce becomes first reddish-red, and then light gray, as in the photo. The needles begin to crumble and fall off. By autumn, the spores of the fungus become more visible, dotting the branches with black dots. Favorable conditions for the further spread of the fungus are snowfall and melting in autumn, drizzling rain, heavy snowfalls and a long spring.

For preventive purposes, do not forget to cover the decorative spruces in your garden, especially the Koniku spruce. Although it is considered frost-resistant, shelter for the winter will not hurt it. Moreover, this will also protect Konika from sunburn, which she will help to get from the beginning of February. Use burlap, film, cardboard as a protective material, always leaving the bottom open to avoid debate.

Brown schütte or snow brown mold. It affects absolutely all types of spruce (including blue varieties). It appears in early spring, when the snow begins to melt. Ideal temperature conditions for development are considered to be from 0 to +1 degrees. On dead brown coniferous needles, a black-gray coating and dotted bodies of fungal spores are noticeable. With such a disease, the needles may not fall off for a long time, and thin branches die off gradually. The disease is caused by dense plantings and high humidity.

snow brown mold

Preventive measures include: selection of more resistant coniferous varieties (twisted and European spruce), regular thinning of thickened plantings, timely destruction of diseased fallen needles and dried branches, as well as fungicide treatment. When planting needles, pay attention to the intensity of sunlight on the site. Remember, shady places are ideal conditions for the spread of shutte, especially for small dwarf trees - Konik spruce and prickly spruce. Treatment of fir trees is carried out with copper-containing and sulfuric preparations - 1% Bordeaux liquid, Abiga Peak, Hom. As a preventive measure, use these fungicides for spraying in early spring and fall. With a high risk of infection, the needles are also processed in the summer.

Coniferous needles acquire a reddish tint and crumble? It is worth taking a closer look at the root system. Usually, such signs signal a very unpleasant and dangerous soil disease - tracheomecosis. Most often, this type of disease affects young coniferous plants with a shallow root system and a weak tap root. These breeds include and. Unfortunately, this fungal disease is not treatable, and the spruce dies. The plant must be removed along with the ground and burned, and the very soil where Konika grew must be disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate.

Fungal pathogens of rust infect coniferous needles and shoot bark. Their spores very quickly spread to neighboring plants, causing their significant deformation. Here are some of the most common varieties of softwood rust.

  • Needle rust. The development of the fungus occurs in early spring. Randomly arranged yellow vesicular pustules form on the needles. If the disease is advanced, spruces lose their decorative effect - their needles begin to quickly turn yellow and fall off prematurely.
  • Pine spinner, blister or columnar rust. Infection begins with needles of conifers, and then spreads to the bark of the trunk and branches. In place of the rust-affected areas, resin is released, and yellow-orange bubbles protrude from the cracks in the bark - aetiopustules, they can be seen in the photograph. The mycelium forms thickenings, which eventually provoke the formation of open wounds. Damaged shoots are strongly bent and dry out.
  • Cone rust and spruce spinner. The inner side of spruce scales is affected by rounded dark brown aeciopustules. This results in wide bud opening and seed dissimilarity. If the fungus provokes the curvature of the shoots, this form of spruce disease is called spruce spinner. The main carrier of spores of this fungus is bird cherry.

Rust of firs

For preventive purposes, try to plant conifers away from plants that tend to become infected with rust, such horticultural crops include poplar, aspen, blackcurrant, bird cherry and their hybrids. Carry out constant pruning of affected shoots, cut off dry branches and remove fallen needles in time. Treat spruces from rust by spraying them with preparations Fitosporin-M And Abiga Peak.

Let's start with the most important pest - the spider mite. They affect absolutely all types of cultivated plants. Their main activity is manifested in spring and summer in hot, dry weather. Spider mites feed on cell sap. Their presence is evidenced by the presence of numerous small dots on the needles and an ordinary web entangling the needles. If the spruce is severely affected by this pest, the needles turn completely white and become covered with numerous cobwebs. If you look closely, you can see how the needles move. As a preventive measure against these insects, try to spray the needles more often to maintain constant air humidity.

Spider mite on spruce

To fight, use special preparations for ticks - acaricides Apollo, Borneo, Envidor, Floromite, Flumite, as well as proven insecticides Akarin, Aktellik, Fitoverm, Oberon, Agravertin, treating several times with one of the listed agents.

The most commonly attacked by sawflies is Konika, Serbian, European, common spruce, and can also be found on blue needles. As a rule, spruces affected by these sucking insects are restored the next year. But to whom sawflies really cause significant damage is pines. Sometimes they can form entire nests from their own excrement and the remains of damaged needles. Sawflies themselves also hide in nests, cutting through the tissue of trees with a special nail file, where they lay their eggs.

Finding such a masonry is not difficult; outwardly, the sawfly larvae look like caterpillars. Sawflies are especially active from the beginning of May to the end of June. If you do not start fighting them in time, the branches will soon look burned and eventually die. And getting rid of them is pretty easy. Mechanically remove visible nests along with larvae and spray the coniferous plant with one of the following insecticides - Fury, Actellik, BI-58, Decis.

If you notice numerous passages on the bark of a coniferous tree, it means that dangerous pests - bark beetles - have inhabited your spruce. Laying eggs in the uterine passages, they quickly pupate and, hatching from pupae, gnaw holes in the bark through which they emerge. If bark beetles completely inhabit the entire tree, it dies. Basically, weakened, diseased and drying trees are attacked by these pests. They are especially dangerous for small ornamental conifers such as Konik (Canadian spruce). Good insecticides in the fight against these insect pests are BI-58, Bifentrin, Clipper, Krona-Antip.

Early Hermes - their activity can be observed at the end of June. Features- the formation of small oval galls at the ends of branches. In August, you can see the activity of yellow sherry, you can determine the presence by fairly large green galls. But in late August-early September, late Hermes settle on the branches of conifers, forming large spherical galls. The pests themselves feed on tree sap. The larvae that appear significantly deform the buds of pine and spruce. The outer shell of the Hermes is covered with a strong downy growth, which makes them practically invulnerable. However, among insecticides it is still possible to distinguish worthy high-performance chemicals - Commander And Aktar.

Early hermes on a tree

Another common pest of conifers is spruce aphids. These are small green insects only 1-2 mm long. Settling in colonies, they are able to suck a large number of needle juice. They inflict heavy damage, such as Konika or Canadian spruce, as well as blue needles. You can notice the presence of aphids by the formation of numerous ant nests around the tree. The needles themselves are dotted with yellow spots and dry out. Insecticides help control these pests. Aktara, Match, Dursban. If the damage is severe, the first spraying is recommended Aktara, and with an alternation of 2 weeks with drugs Match and Dursban. As a preventive measure in May-June, spray twice a day Dursban, and also take care of the destruction of ant nests - the main satellites of spruce aphids.

On the territory of the taiga part of Russia, two types of spruce are mainly distributed: Norway spruce or European spruce (Picea abies, Picea excelsa) , And Siberian spruce (Picea obovata) . In the landscaping of cities and household plots, spruce species are often used, which are native to North America and Western Europe: ate prickly ( Picea pungens), Engelman (Picea engelmannii), Serbian ( Picea omorika) and others are attacked by several hundred species of insects and herbivorous mites, many of which are monophages, i.e., they feed only on spruces. Pests inhabit all organs of the tree: buds, shoots, needles, branches, trunks, roots and seeds (cones).

Along with this spruce exposed to many infectious diseases, But among them, the most common and dangerous are mushrooms that affect needles, trunks, branches and roots. These diseases lead to weakening and sometimes death of trees. The infection is transmitted with air flow, water, birds, humans.

Spruce pests

  • needle-eating insects

Insects that damage buds and needles are called needle-eating pests. They are quite numerous and are represented by species from various families of butterflies, sawflies and beetles.

Feeding of needle-eating insects begins early in spring with buds and young shoots. Spruce buds eat away from the inside larvae of spruce bud weevil, spruce bud sawfly and spruce bud moth caterpillar. Eating kidneys from the edges genera Brachyderes and Strophosoma.

In the center of young growing shoots are populated caterpillars of shoot moths and gall midges. Insect-damaged shoots stop growing, thicken, bend or break off.

Damage to needles by common spruce sawfly

Several species feed on needles. sawflies, caterpillars of butterflies from the family of leafworms, wavelets, moths and. Young needles on the apical and lateral shoots are first mined, and then eaten whole larvae of the common spruce sawfly. Mined needles acquire a red-brown color and do not fall off for a long time.

Common spruce sawfly caterpillar

Last year's needles of young spruce trees are eaten two types of sawfly weavers: single and nesting. The larvae of these sawflies live in untidy web nests, consisting of pieces of needles and excrement. The number of sawflies on spruces is most often low, and the degree of overeating does not exceed 30%.

Nun butterfly caterpillar

Significant eating of needles in some years in different regions of the country is caused by butterfly caterpillars-nun, spruce yellowtail and some species.

  • Sucking pests

Sucking pests suck juices from needles, shoots, branches, trunks with smooth bark and even roots. Several dozens of such insects are known on spruce trees, including coccids (scale insects, false scale insects, mealybugs), aphids, hermes and herbivorous mites.

Most sucking pests are small and inconspicuous. They can be detected by sugary (sticky) secretions that cover the surface of needles and branches, or by the presence of galls. These pests during mass reproduction greatly weaken young trees.

Spruce fir hermes gall

At the ends of growing shoots, in galls of various sizes and colors, they live, having a complex development cycle. Some types of Hermes spend part of their lives on spruce, and the other part on larch or fir. The development of one generation of Hermes occurs in galls, which look like small cones of light green or pinkish-green color.

The Gauls abandoned by the Hermes dry up and turn black. Further shoot growth usually stops.

On young firs, juices from needles and shoots are sucked out spruce. The trees damaged by it are covered with the thinnest cobwebs, especially clearly visible from the underside of the branches. The needles turn brown and crumble. The decorativeness of fir trees is sharply reduced. During the growing season, mites form from four to six generations, so the degree of damage increases towards the end of summer.

spruce spider mite

many kinds aphids, feeding on needles and shoots, are covered with light whitish or grayish wax secretions, allowing them to be detected when examining the branches. Juices are sucked from the thin roots of young Christmas trees two types: spruce honeysuckle and spruce root. Root aphids harm mainly seedlings and seedlings.

  • stem pests

A large group of pests of wood and bark of trunks, branches and roots are xylophagous insects are dozens of species from the following families: bark beetles, barbels, borers, weevils, grinders, drillers, horntails and some others. All of them settle mainly on strongly weakened, drying out and dead trees (dead wood, dead wood, stumps, sawn forest). Many are technical pests, gnawing deep passages in wood, reducing its grade or making it unusable.

Resin funnels of a large spruce beetle (dendrocton)

The most dangerous of the xylophages are species that can inhabit living growing, but slightly weakened trees. It belongs to these types. Its settlements on the trunk are easily recognizable by well-marked heaps of white "drill flour" and large (about 3 cm) resin funnels on the bark near the root neck of the trunks.

On the dry sides of living trees they settle horntails, which contribute to the development of rot in wood and the formation of hollows.

Moves of the bark beetle typographer

In the thickness of the bark of large growing trees it feeds cow grinder, whose larval passages do not affect the sapwood and practically do not harm the trees.

In the bark of young, less often middle-aged spruces, late beetle leafworm which is rarely harmful.

  • Cones and seeds

19 species of insects develop in spruce cones - conobionts. This caterpillars of leaf-rolling butterflies, moths, moths, larvae of seed-eaters, gall midges, and grinder beetles.

Insect-damaged buds are often warped, leaking resin drops, and spilling excrement held together by cobwebs. More often than others in young spruce cones develop caterpillars of spruce moth and spruce leafworm. In fallen cones you can find spruce cone grinder. Squirrels, crossbills and woodpeckers feed on ripening spruce seeds.

Spruce diseases

  • Needle diseases

(pathogen - mushroom Lirula macrospora) . Are amazed different types ate. In summer, the needles acquire a brown or reddish-brown color, on its underside fruiting bodies of the fungus are formed, which look like black elongated, flat or convex pads, elongated to half the length of the needles and more.

Common spruce schütte

(pathogen - mushroom Lophodermium piceae) . In summer, the affected needles acquire a red-brown color, on both sides fruiting bodies of the fungus are formed in the form of round-oval, black, convex pads up to 1.5 mm long, separated from each other by thin black transverse lines.

(pathogen - mushroom Rhizosphaera kaekhoffii) . In autumn, the affected needles become light brown or rusty red. In spring, sporulation of the fungus is formed on the underside of the needles, which looks like small black dots arranged in chains along the midline.

Browning (rhizospheriosis) of spruce needles

northern rust(pathogen - mushroom Chrysomyxa ledi) . At the beginning of summer, sporulation of the fungus appears on the underside of the needles in the form of orange cylindrical small bubbles, often completely covering the needles.

Northern spruce needle rust

golden rust(pathogen - mushroom Chrysomyxa abietis) . In the second half of summer, fungus sporulation develops on the underside of the needles in the form of bright orange flat waxy-velvety pads up to 1 cm long.

Needle diseases lead to the weakening of trees, a decrease in growth, and a loss of decorative effect.

  • Diseases of trunks, branches, roots

bacterial dropsy(pathogen is a bacterium Erwinia multivora). There is abundant gumming on the trunks. Later, longitudinal, straight or slightly sinuous cracks form in the bark and wood, from which liquid emerges in the form of black streaks. Affected wood of trunks and branches is saturated with liquid and emits a characteristic sour smell. The needles turn brown and quickly fall off.

Variegated heart rot of roots and trunks(pathogen - root sponge - Heterobasidion annosum ). The rot is sound, variegated, pitted-fibrous, develops in the roots and on the trunks, rising to a height of 3–4 m or more. Affected wood is separated from healthy wood by a gray-violet ring. The fruit bodies of the fungus are perennial, woody, mostly prostrate, brown or brown above, light yellow below. They can be found on roots, at the base of trunks, on stumps.

The fruiting body of the tinder fungus Schweinitz

Brown sound rot of roots and trunks(pathogen - tinder Schweinitz - Phaeolus schweinitzii ). Heartwood brown prismatic rot develops in the roots and butt of trunks, rising to a height of 2–3 m. Fruiting bodies are annual, in the form of yellow or dark brown, funnel-shaped large hats on central legs. They form at the base of trunks, on root paws, on stumps.

White sap rot of roots and stems(pathogen - autumn honey agaric - Armillaria mellea ). The rot is white fibrous with thin black sinuous lines, develops in the roots and on the trunks, rising to a height of 2–3 m or more. Under the bark, white fan-shaped films of mycelium and dark brown, almost black, branching cords (rhizomorphs) are formed, which serve characteristic features illness.The main sign of damage by honey agaric is the fruiting bodies of the fungus, which are formed in large groups on roots, trunks and stumps. They look like annual yellowish-brown hats on long legs.

Films of mycelium honey agaric

Root rot leads to the weakening and drying of trees and whole plantations, contributes to the windfall and the colonization of stem pests.

Variegated heart rot of trunks and branches(pathogen - spruce sponge - Porodaedalea chrysoloma ). The rot is brown with white oblong spots, pitted-fibrous, separated from healthy wood by a brown or dark brown ring, visible on the cross section. Fruit bodies are perennial, woody, prostrate or prostrate-bent, brown or yellowish-brown, fissured. Formed on the stems and on the underside of the branches.

Variegated pitted trunk rot(pathogen - spruce butt tinder fungus - Onnia triqueter ). A yellowish rot with oval white spots develops in the butt of the trunks and in the roots. Fruiting bodies are annual, in the form of brown thin caps arranged in tiled groups.

Brown heartwood sapwood rot(pathogen - bordered tinder fungusFomitopsis pinicola ). The rot is reddish-brown, with cracks filled with whitish films of mycelium, breaks up into small prisms and is easily ground into powder. Fruit bodies are perennial, large, woody, cushion-shaped, hoof-shaped, from light yellow to brownish-gray, almost black in color with a characteristic wide orange or red edge.

Brown finely fissured trunk rot(pathogen - northern tinder - Clymacocystis borealis ). Sound rot develops in the lower part of the trunk, at a height of up to 3 m. The affected wood is brownish-yellow, with numerous cracks filled with white mycelium, breaks up into small prisms and cubes. Fruiting bodies are annual, in the form of light cushion-shaped hats arranged in tiled groups.

Stem rot leads to a gradual weakening of trees, a decrease in their resistance to windbreak, and colonization by stem pests.


Unlike their coniferous counterparts - pine, juniper and fir - Norway spruce does not yet apply to plants used by official medicine.

Norway spruce ‘Compacta’

Most often, gardens and parks are decorated with prickly spruce, European spruce and Serbian spruce, somewhat less often you can see Canadian, black and Engelman spruce.

In our country, this tree is a symbol of the New Year and the main decoration of the winter landscape. However, not everyone knows how numerous types of spruces are.