Where is the best place to put a Christmas tree in the house? New Year tree according to feng shui

18.08.2019 Psychology

So, you have already prepared your home for the New Year - you cleared away all the rubble, did a general cleaning, decorated the house with New Year's garlands and rain. Now it’s time to put up and decorate the Christmas tree, which creates that very feeling of magic and joy of the New Year’s holiday.

Some people, wanting to prolong the feeling of the holiday, keep the tree for months until it completely falls off. But our advice to you is - don’t wait until the tree dries out, throw it away early, otherwise it will attract negative energy into the house instead of favorable energy. If you want the holiday feeling to be in your home for as long as possible, then in this case it is best to buy an artificial Christmas tree. High-quality artificial Christmas trees will serve you for many years, and in appearance they are almost no different from real Christmas trees, and some are significantly superior to them.

In which zone is it best to place a Christmas tree?

It is worth remembering that when bringing a green beauty into the house or installing an artificial spruce, we, even if short term, but we change the feng shui of our houses. A Christmas tree with balls and garlands brings a lot of yang energy into the house. But that's not bad at all. You and I already know that good Feng Shui loves balance and harmony. And in the winter season, yin energy reigns here - frozen water, darkness, cold. A little more yang energy in the house will not harm us, but on the contrary, it will normalize the balance between yin and yang. So don't be afraid to create a bright and shiny environment in your home. On frosty winter days this is not only possible, but even necessary.

Now let’s think about where to place our beautiful Christmas tree. To do this, it is necessary to remember the zones and sectors of Ba Gua, their favorable and unfavorable elements, as well as favorable shapes, colors and, of course, dangerous angles and symbols.

The most suitable place for the Christmas tree will be the southern zone of the room or house. Because the main element of the southern sector is fire, and the Christmas tree with its garlands, balls and pointed shape is precisely the symbol of fire. By placing a Christmas tree in the southern part of the house, you will strengthen the southern zone, and it is responsible for recognition and glory.

If you place the tree in the southern sector, then our advice to you is not to overload the tree with all kinds of decorations and tinsel, as well as blue toys. It’s better to decorate the Christmas tree with candles and red balls, then New Year will definitely bring you success and good luck in all matters.

But if you can’t place the tree in the southern sector, don’t be upset. You can put a New Year's tree in any other sector, the main thing is to decorate it correctly, and then you will certainly be able to change your life for the better.

Therefore, we continue to explore the sectors and zones of Ba Gua.

In the southwestern sector the tree will stand almost correctly - the fiery energy will not harm this zone, but, on the contrary, will feed the Earth, which is the owner of this zone. Choose toys for this sector in yellow, pink and red. Large silver balls should not be hung. Also hang a garland on the tree and turn it on as often as possible. The southwestern sector is the sector of love and relationships, so Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will come in handy, or some other paired figures. With this we will not only decorate the Christmas tree, but also activate the love sector.

If you are going to place a Christmas tree in the West or North-West, then remember that the Metal element is responsible for these sectors, and the Christmas tree, which is the element of fire, is not desirable here. But if you decorate it with gray, silver, yellow, white and gold balls, you will introduce metallic energy into this sector, and it will help you in creative matters.

Northwestern sector considered the most important thing in the house, because... he is responsible for the availability of support and help from others. Therefore, a Christmas tree standing in the northwestern sector should be decorated with bells and New Year's angel toys, then next year you will be guaranteed friendly help.

In the northeastern sector decorate the tree the same way as in the southwestern zone. Just instead of paired figures, hang a toy globe on the Christmas tree - this will help the younger generation with their studies. And if you want your life in the new year to become more interesting and sparkle with new colors, then decorate the Christmas tree with a string of pearls.

Christmas tree located in the eastern zone will strengthen your marital status. Just don't decorate it with pointy toys and a spire. Disguise the Christmas tree needles under the rain and garlands.

For south-eastern sector the warnings are the same as for the eastern one. The best decoration for the Christmas tree would be all kinds of coins, fish and garlands of beads. It would be good if these beads were made from precious stones. Because the southeastern sector is responsible for the well-being of your family, and if you place a Christmas tree in this sector, it will help strengthen your financial position, especially if you decorate it with coins wrapped in foil and tie its branches with red ribbons.

Well, if you want the Christmas tree to bring you a little bit of everything, then place it in the sector that is most favorable for you, and place spruce branches in other areas.

Now that the tree is placed in the sector you need and decorated accordingly, it’s time to think about what we want to make during the chimes and, most importantly, how to make a wish correctly so that it comes true in the New Year. After all, if you know how to make wishes correctly, then even the most unrealistic, seemingly impossible wishes can come true.

Now we are approaching the most important thing that can happen in New Year's Eve- to the expectation of a miracle, to the belief that on New Year's Eve our dreams and desires will come true, and we would really like all your wishes to come true in the new year. But in order for this to happen, you need to call on all the positive and good energy, and Feng Shui talismans will help you with this.

Feng Shui talismans for making New Year's wishes come true

Every desire and dream has its own material carrier. A change in circumstances can always be explained by completely logical connections. Remember what the wizard said in " Old-old fairy tales" - "when there are matches, there is no need to waste magic on producing fire out of nowhere."

We suggest you use Feng Shui symbols instead of matches to energetically saturate your homes and apartments. Why symbols? Because Feng Shui is essentially a science of symbols, a language of symbols. And if you learn to understand this language, you can easily create your messages and requests to the Universe using symbols. But to learn this, you need to remember one of the basic rules of Feng Shui. And this rule sounds like this: like attracts like.

So, there are symbols that generate energy that attracts, like a magnet, certain events, situations, people, etc. In other words, our Feng Shui talismans are a kind of activators that attract certain energy to us. And what symbols can do depends not only on their material and form, but also on the energy that we endow them with, our thoughts, desires and ideas.

Therefore, choose those talismans that you personally like.

The meaning of Chinese symbols

In principle, all the symbolism of China contains at its core a double concept - the picture itself denotes an object whose name contains benevolent concepts - happiness, health, love, longevity. If we place a figurine bat, which in Chinese is called “Fu” - happiness, then we will create a kind of magnet for the subconscious, in which there is a reflection of “happiness”. This principle is always used when we create good Feng Shui in our home. If we surround ourselves with favorable symbols, then we will create a harmonious environment that changes our life the way we want it. Therefore, place talismans of happiness in your homes and believe that in the new year it will definitely knock on your home.

And now we will tell you how to correctly make a wish on a magical New Year’s Eve.

Basic principles of making wishes

  • When making a wish, never use the particle “not”. For example: “I don’t want to be fat!” It’s better to say this: “I want to be slim, beautiful, healthy and blooming!” and some of this will definitely come true.
  • Before you make a wish on New Year's Eve, you should think about how it should come true. For example: “I would like to go on a trip around the world,” but you can go on a trip around the world not only as a tourist, but also for work, for example. Therefore, it is better to make your wish like this: - “I want to go on a big beautiful ship on a trip around the world with…. - and complement your desire with other details.
  • When you make a wish, believe without a doubt that your wish will certainly come true. You should not have any doubts about this. And after your wish is made, release it into the Universe and forget about it for a while.
  • Visualize that your wish has already come true. For example, if you want a luxury car, imagine its color, interior, how you will sit in it. Visualize everything down to the smallest detail.
  • Remember to say positive affirmations out loud. speedy execution desires.
  • Make yourself a symbol of a fulfilled desire. For example, a key or some kind of figurine. And carry this symbol with you until your wish comes true.

The process of making a wish is quite long, but in order for the wish to come true quickly and easily, all people need to act differently.

For example, if your zodiac sign is Aries, Sagittarius or Leo– then your assistant in making your desire come true is fire. To make a wish, choose a time when no one will disturb you, preferably in the dark. Light a candle and make wishes while looking at the candle flame. Write down your wish and if you want something to go away from your life, then immediately burn this piece of paper. And if you want something new to come into your life, then read your wish by candlelight as often as possible.

If you are Cancer, Pisces or Scorpio, then your assistant is water. And you will have to make a wish on the bank of a river or any body of water. Make a wish, write it on a piece of paper, make a boat out of paper and set it adrift.

If you were born under the sign of Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn, then food and money will be your helpers. Make only one wish at a time, holding a coin in your hands, then carry the coin with you until the wish comes true. But remember that during this period you should not lend money to anyone.

If you are protected by signs such as Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, then your helpers in fulfilling your desire are cheerful friends, air and clouds. If you want to make wishes, then gather a large, cheerful company and make a wish during the general fun. You can make several wishes. You can also make a wish in the fresh air, looking at the sky.

And we want to wish you that all your wishes come true, regardless of when and where they are made, that the coming year will be successful, that the mood will always be festive. But the most important thing is that we wish you that warmth and comfort will always reign in your family.

New Year's celebrations are quickly approaching. Very soon, a fragrant and elegant Christmas tree will sparkle in every home - a beauty. The numerous toys hanging on it, flickering lights, beads and candies makes everyone simply glued to the spot at the sight of such magic. The Yellow Earth Dog, which has assumed its rights and responsibilities, will also appreciate your efforts and give you and your family good luck, luck in all your endeavors, health and prosperity. However, some of us, dear friends, still strive to adhere to the rules of Chinese geomancy - Feng Shui. This is science and art in one guise, which helps to arrange all things in our home so that the mysterious forces of the earth, in other words “qi”, balance everything and put it in proper order, thereby attracting prosperity in all spheres of life of each person, happiness and prosperity. If you want to plunge a little into the world of Chinese wisdom, then our article will tell you something about it. You will learn about great ideas on where to put a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui for the New Year 2019 to acquire the cosmic breath of life - “qi”. You can apply the knowledge gained both at home and at work.

We put up a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui - the golden rules

Do you believe in the science of arranging things in the right place to attract wealth and good luck? We are talking, of course, about Chinese geomancy. You may not believe it, but it really works. Check at least even the placement of the New Year's tree.

  • So, if you place it in the western part of your home, then according to Feng Shui, throughout the New Year 2019, fun and good mood will reign in your house. If you place a New Year's tree in the eastern part of the apartment, then expect improved health and excellent well-being.
  • A tree placed in the southern part of your home promises you the opportunity for career growth and many prospects for improving your well-being.
  • In the north of the room, the Christmas tree that you install there will bring a lot of good and joyful news to your home. Of course, all this wisdom makes sense if we are talking about living pine or spruce, since the plastic analogue does not have such energy.

An artificial beauty is not suitable to be placed anywhere. If the main attribute of the holiday is green, then place it in the southeast or east of the room. Such placement will bring good luck in the New Year 2019 to the residents of the house, but placing an artificial tree in the northern part of the room will cause trouble and worries. If the artificial “tree” is shiny or of a different color, then it is appropriate to place it according to Feng Shui in the center of the room on a hill - a table or cabinet. Try to do this, and you will create a cozy atmosphere of general well-being in your home.

If the tree is large, above 160, then you can place it anywhere, but it would be especially appropriate to place such a tree in the center of the room. A living tree is a powerful source of energy while it is alive, so the spruce will attract a bright and good mood to your home. However, be careful - when the spruce begins to fade, this will affect the energy. Therefore, after the holiday, either move it to a corner of your home, or do not forget to throw away the tree. By the way, according to Feng Shui, keeping a gradually dying living tree in the house for a long time is not good. Therefore, careless lazy homeowners who do not take it out until spring risk attracting a lot of quarrels and troubles to their homes for the New Year 2019.

We put it so that it is convenient

Where to put a New Year's tree so that it brings only pleasure and bright emotions, and not inconvenience? If your living space is small in size, then it makes no sense to place the Christmas tree in the center of the room. You will constantly catch it, and there is a high probability that before the New Year 2019 the main attribute of the festival will be knocked down more than once. Install a Christmas tree in the corner - it will give your apartment a cozy look. By the way, an excellent alternative to a large one for a small home is pine or spruce branches. You can build a New Year's ikebana and display it on festive table, decorated with rain and light garlands. Another a good option For those who live in a small space, this is a small artificial spruce.

If you live in a small living space, then of course, the most the best place To place the Christmas tree according to Feng Shui, this is the center of the room. Around her, children will be able to dance in circles and have fun. However, placing a coniferous tree in the corner would also be a good option; it’s a win-win option! If you have the opportunity, then purchase a large, even spruce and decorate it in the best traditions.

By the way, you should not place a living tree for New Year 2019 near heating devices - it will quickly shed its needles and dry out. On the contrary, let the place where the Christmas tree will please your eyes be slightly cool, and create the humidity yourself.

How to decorate a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui

Not only the placement of a Christmas tree in your home for the New Year 2019 should comply with wise rules feng shui, but also its direct decoration. It is from the colors in which you decorate your pine tree that the invisible forces of “qi” will stir in certain areas of your life. Whether it’s love, or career, finances, health, children and much more. To understand these Chinese wisdom, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following rules regarding purely New Year’s decor:

  1. Love. If there is no true strong love in your life, then you simply need to start looking for it and attracting it on the eve of the New Year celebrations. According to Feng Shui, your Christmas tree should be located in the right corner of the house and decorated with everything that at least slightly reminds you of passionate feelings. It could be silk ribbons, romantic bows, shimmering pink beads, red Christmas tree decorations in the form of hearts and balls, figures of girls and boys looking languidly at each other or kissing passionately. Decorative crafts made with your own hands from warm materials at hand will look very nice.
  2. Material wealth. You have a difficult situation associated with an unstable financial inflow, then we will make some efforts and direct the energy forces of “qi” in the right direction. To do this, we transform our Christmas tree placed in the left corner with golden and silver tones. It could even be coins wrapped in foil, walnuts wrapped in the golden glow of spray cans, mechanical garlands that captivate the eyes of every resident and guest with the light of “sun flares”. In general, everything that sparkles and warms with warmth must be brought into your home. So for the New Year 2019 you will have harmony in every corner of your room interior.
  3. Career. You need to advance your career or develop your family business, then place a feng shui tree for the New Year holidays right in front of the entrance to the room. Decorate it with bright and creative hand-made toys. Rest assured, this will certainly help you and will not keep you waiting long.
  4. kids. In order for your family to have a long-awaited addition, feel free to place a coniferous tree in the right corner of the room and dress it up with colorful candies, tangerines, small soft toys, dolls if you are expecting a girl, cars if you are pregnant with a boy, and, of course, bright cute balloons in fancy polka dots, bows, balls and more. Decorate everything with rain, tinsel and serpentine curls, sprinkle with sparkles and confetti. Ready! The stork will definitely look into your window with a surprise!!!
  5. Friends. You are a sociable person, but you lack loyal and good friends in your social circle, then decorate the Christmas tree according to Feng Shui in a rather original way, with the help of your friends. When your friends come to visit you, let them bring with them one Christmas tree decoration, and you, having collected a decent box of decorations, hang them on your pine or spruce tree. In this way, the energy of your acquaintances will be combined with yours and will develop into a strong, reliable friendship. But only people should be truly open and bright.

With the help of such simple and simple tips, you can create a wonderful atmosphere in your home that will reign throughout the New Year 2019.

Video: decorating the New Year tree according to Feng Shui

We put up a Christmas tree if there are children or animals in the house

If the house is inhabited not only by adults, but also by little tomboys, your relatives or furry ones, then the first question that should arise is not where to put the Christmas tree according to Feng Shui for the New Year 2019 for beauty and well-being, but how to position it correctly. Of course, the tree needs to be secured! In addition, toys should be soft or plastic so that the baby does not break them. Children, like animals, love to pull on wires or tear off garlands, so keep this in mind when decorating. Pay attention to the wires from the garlands - they should be well insulated, fully operational and located so high that children cannot reach them.

According to Feng Shui, all objects in the house should be arranged relative to the cardinal directions. Then the energy is directed in the right direction and ensures the fulfillment of desires. Have you thought about where the green beauty should stand? Ideally, the tree should stand in the most empty corner rooms or apartments. In this case, nothing will interfere with the free movement of positive energy that attracts The tree of Life. But, if you have priority goals and desires, experts recommend using Bagua grid(correspondence between the cardinal directions and zones of the house according to the theory of Feng Shui - Note)

  • Do you want to attract in the New Year financial prosperity? Place the Christmas tree in the south-eastern part of the room.
  • Dreaming about fame and popularity? Place the Christmas tree in the southern sector.
  • For those who want to improve personal life , it is necessary to place the Christmas tree in the southwestern sector.
  • New addition to the family a spruce tree decorated in the western part of the room can attract.
  • There are many who wish travel and it’s easy to find new friends by putting up a Christmas tree in the northwest.
  • Do you dream of advancing in career ladder? Your tree should be in the north.
  • Would you like to receive new knowledge and experience? The Christmas tree should be located in the northeast.
  • If it's a priority healthy energy in the family, then it is worth putting the Christmas tree in the eastern part of the room.

In the very center? No, not the place!

Where you definitely don’t need to put a Christmas tree is in the center of the apartment. According to the theory of harmonization, a spruce installed in the center of the room will bring with it leapfrog of events, confusion and disorder.

If you just can’t decide where exactly to put the Christmas tree, then choose the most important direction, and “complete” the rest of the moments in life that need improvement with the tree’s paws. Outside front door It’s good to hang a New Year’s fir wreath - it will attract good luck and prosperity to your home.

Feng Shui in the Year of the Dog

Dog talismans in Feng Shui are usually complex. For example, a dog with a coin in its paws, a bar of gold in its paws, a dog on a chest, etc. These talismans protect the family nest and help the owners live in love and prosperity.

Or maybe pine?

The classic spruce with a pronounced triangular shape carries two elements - wood and fire (triangular silhouette). Pine with its soft forms will carry within itself half the fire energy than in the case of spruce.

How to decorate a Christmas tree according to Feng Shui?

The top is usually a star or pointed spire. It originally symbolizes the Star of Bethlehem, which led the Magi to the newborn Jesus. IN Soviet years In our country, the star on the Christmas tree acquired a different meaning and turned red. If you want to be guided through life " happy Star“, decorate your Christmas tree with a star, and what color it will be is not so important.

For the Tree of Life to bring good luck in all directions, the colors of all magical elements must shine on it - Fire, Water, Metal, Wood and Earth (red, blue, white, green and gold).

  • Fire Symbols - red decorations, as well as candles, a cockerel or the sun help achieve your goal without noticing obstacles.
  • Water Symbols - blue decorations, wavy in shape and “aquatic” in meaning (fish, shell). Such figures will strengthen peace in the family.
  • Metal Element attracting success in money matters– these are all kinds of coins, as well as silver, gold and white balls.
  • Tree is responsible for creativity, and can be present on the Christmas tree in the form of wooden toys and green color.
  • Earth element Gives stability and self-confidence. It can be symbolized by ceramic figurines.

It is curious that tinsel, a golden “rain”, which is not given much importance, in the East is considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. So don’t forget to generously decorate the Christmas tree and your apartment with “rain”! Feng Shui masters also approve of garlands of light bulbs, candles and sparklers.

Do a general cleaning of your home in advance, go through all the cabinets and bedside tables. Do not feel sorry for old things, because when they leave the house, negative energy disappears and is replaced by positive energy. Then the house and its inhabitants will be cleansed both spiritually and physically.

A few days before the holiday, do a wet cleaning and wipe off the dust. Just before New Year's Eve You should not throw trash out of the house or clean up, so as not to throw away your financial well-being. If you want to improve your financial situation, then you need to decorate your house with silver and gold accessories.

New Year tree according to Feng Shui

A green and fluffy Christmas tree is not only one of the important symbols New Year's holidays, but also capable of attracting good luck and love, money and career, if you place it correctly according to Feng Shui.

Choosing the right location starts with entering the room. It is from this point that you will need to look at space.

The Christmas tree should be decorated with coins, bills, and gold bars. The more there are, the better. It is better to hang toys on red threads, which effectively activates fire element. Chinese money coins are the main attribute of wealth, so you should put or hang as many of them as possible.

Where to put a Christmas tree to attract love

If you want to meet your love or simply make your intimate life bright and stormy, then the Christmas tree should be placed in the far right corner.

To attract love, you need to decorate the Christmas tree with shiny toys, silk ribbons, heart-shaped toys, as well as all kinds of paired symbols. Try to hang identical toys next to each other. It is better to tie paired toys with ribbons or ropes in order to secure the bonds as much as possible. Red and all its shades are preferred.

Where to put a Christmas tree to attract money

If you want to improve your financial well-being, then you need to place the tree in the opposite corner from love (in the far left corner).

Choose gold or silver New Year's decorations. Find interesting bright details, such as chocolate coins) and the more such coins there are on the tree, the better for your future well-being. You can also wrap one branch of the Christmas tree with banknotes to make a money tree element.

According to Eastern philosophy, career and financial well-being are two different things. When attracting financial well-being into your life, we are not always talking about success at work. You may receive an inheritance. If you are interested specifically in moving up the career ladder, then the tree should be placed directly in front of the front door on the opposite wall.

Where to put the Christmas tree so that everything is fine for the children (to get pregnant)

To get pregnant and safely give birth to a child, place the Christmas tree in the near right corner.

Be sure to decorate the Christmas tree with sweets and soft toys. If there are already children in the house, then let them decorate the New Year's beauty themselves, and you supervise the process.

Where to put a Christmas tree to attract friends

If you want to attract good friends and influential patrons into your life, and become famous in society, place a Christmas tree in the near left corner. It will have a very good effect if you ask your friends to give you some kind of toy to decorate the Christmas tree. If you are looking forward to making new acquaintances, be sure to hang items on the tree that are associated with a person (a tie, an expensive pen).

Where to put the Christmas tree for optimal harmony

If you want a little bit of everything, then you need to place the Christmas tree exactly in the center of the room. This way you will be able to strengthen every area of ​​your life.

It is necessary to decorate with the corresponding symbols of each sphere of life described above on those branches that look at the corresponding angles.

The tree must be firmly and evenly installed. Under no circumstances should she fall over on her side, because her dreams will be weak. If the tree is alive, do not forget to add water to it so that it lasts longer.

If for some reason you cannot put up the Christmas tree in accordance with the rules, do not be discouraged. Take fresh fluffy branches of the Christmas tree and make them a New Year's bouquet. Place the bouquet in a vase, and the vase in the place you need. According to connoisseurs of Eastern philosophy, the effect will be the same.

Let us remind you once again:

  • to attract wealth to your home, place a Christmas tree in the south-eastern part of the room;
  • to strengthen family ties and get rid of quarrels, place a Christmas tree in the eastern part of the room;
  • to gain recognition and bask in the rays of glory in the new year, place a Christmas tree in the southern part of the room;
  • to be healthy, place a Christmas tree in the center of the room;
  • to get pregnant and safely give birth to a child, place a Christmas tree in the western corner of the room;
  • to climb the career ladder, place the Christmas tree in the northern part of the room;
  • To learn new things and gain wisdom all year round, place a Christmas tree in the north-eastern part of the room;
  • to travel a lot and meet new people, place a Christmas tree in the northwestern part of the room.

It is very important to remove the Christmas tree from the house in time if it is alive. This should be done as soon as you notice that the needles have begun to fall off, since a tree that is falling off is a source of negative energy.

What is the most striking symbol of the New Year and Christmas holidays? Of course, a green and fluffy Christmas tree, decorated with toys and sparkling rain. Felled in the forest or artificial, it doesn’t matter. It is important that it is from the appearance of the Christmas tree in the room that we understand that the long-awaited New Year is about to come, and it is under it that children (and adults) will find the most desired gifts - in a word, complete positivity.

Have you ever thought about where your green beauty should stand? It turns out that Feng Shui masters pay attention to this moment Special attention. In their opinion, a properly placed Christmas tree can not only give you New Year’s joy, but also attract additional luck into your life this year in the area of ​​your life you desire.

So what do you want for the coming year? Love, money, respect, children's well-being, career?

Attention - the countdown starts when you enter the room. The entrance is the starting point, and we look from there.

If you need love

If your task in the new year is to meet or develop love relationship, make your intimate life brighter and more stormy, your corner is the far right. For love, Feng Shui advises decorating the Christmas tree with shiny crystals, silk ribbons, hearts, heart-shaped toys or paired symbols, this is when two balls, cones, icicles hang side by side, and best of all, intertwined with ropes or threads for fastening. The color of the Christmas tree decorations is red and pink, the top of the tree should be voluminous, the same plush heart, a large ball of tinsel.

If you need money

If you set yourself the task of financial well-being, Feng Shui wealth, you need to activate the corner, the opposite of love, that is, the far left one. Jewelry should be accented with gold or silver tones. A simpler option is to use chocolate coins in shiny wrappers, which are sold literally everywhere before the New Year. In addition, you can make butterflies from banknotes or wrap them around Christmas tree branches, connecting them with a paper clip or a bow, you get something like this Money Tree

, which will bring you financial success in the New Year.

If you need a career

Please note - career and financial well-being are different. Finance can also be an inheritance. And a career means moving up the career ladder. What is the shortest path to your business goal? In a straight line, of course. If you want a career, place the tree right in front of the entrance to the room. You need to decorate it in the style of the work where you plan to advance - brightly and shockingly if the work is creative, strictly if it is a serious business. How did you decorate the Christmas tree in your office?

If you want to get pregnant or all your thoughts are about children Children - near right corner.

If the New Year in your family is primarily a children's holiday, or, alternatively, you want to get pregnant in the New Year, the place for the Christmas tree is immediately on the right. Also decorate the Christmas tree - toys, all sorts of sweets, and if there are children in the house, be sure to make simple toys together, for example from pine cones and colored paper, and let them hang them on the Christmas tree themselves. Just don’t trust the garland to anyone, after all, the most important decisions should be made by present or future parents. Well, if you want to get pregnant, hang angels or an image of the Madonna and Child.

If you want to travel

If you place the tree on the right, not in the corner, but in the middle of the wall, you will activate the travel and mentor zone. Accordingly, you need to decorate it accordingly. If you plan to travel, hang travel symbols on your tree, such as an Eiffel head if you dream of going to France. These could be tickets, photos of places you want to visit, and any other items that remind you of your desire.

If you want to have more friends Place coniferous beauty there if you want to get friends, influential patrons, or become more famous in society. The greatest effect will be if you ask all your friends to give some toy from their home for your Christmas tree. And if you want new acquaintances, hang on the tree items that you represent with these acquaintances - for example, an expensive pen from a “future patron”, a coin from a potential sponsor, a pair of tie pins, if you want more friendship with men. In a word, find that little thing that, in your opinion, the person with whom you want to be friends should have. And it’s even better, of course, to invite the people you want to visit one of holidays- fortunately we've been walking for almost 2 weeks - and get to know them better.

If you put the tree in the middle

It may seem that the most effective method- put the tree in the middle. Thus, you can strengthen almost every aspect of your life by hanging several enhancing symbols there. At the same time, you need to hang symbols no longer looking from the door, but on those branches that look at the angles you need. A round dance around such a tree will be most effective. Another thing is whether you have enough strength and energy to do “everything and everything”, won’t it turn out to be a race for two birds with one stone... As a rule, only very active and purposeful people, and for those who are not confident in their ability to break through any wall, it is still better to focus on one thing.

If the corner you need is occupied

It happens that the situation at home does not allow you to place the Christmas tree in the right corner.- it’s not scary, take a few fluffy branches, weave them into a New Year’s bouquet/wreath and place them in a vase (hang on the wall) in the place you need, decorating them with the necessary symbols, this will also have an effect.

What to do when the holiday is over

And in conclusion. The New Year has passed, the Christmas tree has been removed, the New Year's interior of the apartment has changed to a normal one, but is it worth refusing help? higher powers? Of course not. We put or hang a large, strong and beautiful flower in the place where the Christmas tree was, add a couple of good luck accessories to it, and Feng Shui will work all year round!

Regina Raitova All rights reserved