How to decorate a money tree to attract money. How to form the crown of Crassula (crassula) at home? Where to put the plant in the house

09.09.2019 Trips

The money tree can often be found in home flower beds, on window sills and balconies. It has several names - Crassula and Crassula. This tree-like succulent plant is native to Africa and therefore all its parts are able to accumulate moisture in order to survive drought.

This plant is called money because its leaves resemble coins, and for centuries many signs and superstitions have been associated with it. The theory of Feng Shui, which has become quite popular in Russia, describes its properties especially widely. It is often used when choosing a place for plants. It is believed to help attract money and wealth.

But for this it must be in the right place. Therefore, plant owners often face the question of where to place it so that it brings wealth. Those who adhere to Feng Shui can place Crassula in accordance with its rules, for example, it can be placed in the bedroom, but the plant must be in comfortable conditions for it.

Then not only a spectacular interior element will appear in the room, but also a living talisman to attract money to the family.

Choosing a place for a tree

The money tree prefers bright, warm rooms, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. In an apartment, you can keep the plant not on the windowsill, but on a floor stand near the window. If there is such an opportunity, you can place the flower in a room located on the southeast side.

The plant does well on the south or southwest side. But in this case, you need to place the plant not right under the window, but a little to the side, and shade the glass for spring and summer. Compliance with these rules is the biological need of the plant.

But besides this, many are interested in Feng Shui, and in this theory Money Tree is a very popular subject. Therefore, in order for the family to receive wealth and for the plant to be comfortable, the place for it needs to be selected more carefully. Guided by the following rules.

Wealth Zone

First, you need to determine the wealth zone in the house. It is determined using the Bagua grid. It is a square divided into nine parts. The central square, which is responsible for health, is taken as the main landmark.

The wealth zone will be in the lower right corner of it. The grid is superimposed on a pre-drawn floor plan, with certain cardinal directions. The wealth zone is on the southeast side. But sometimes it turns out that the room where this zone is located is not suitable for keeping a flower there.

Then you can choose another room in the apartment that suits the parameters. If the bedroom is located in a place favorable for the money flower, in the southeast, then this means that there is a wealth zone in the bedroom. This tree can be kept in the bedroom, according to Feng Shui, and it will feel comfortable.

At the same time, it is advisable to make the right color scheme in the bedroom. Under no circumstances should you use red; shades of green, lilac and violet are suitable. The money tree in this case is the main item in the room and will bring not only wealth.

Fresh air

In addition to good lighting, the money tree loves clean, fresh air. Therefore, the room where they plan to place it should be well ventilated. The plant tolerates drafts well, but heat and stuffiness in the room affect it much worse.

Crassula does not do well in dusty rooms, so it should be removed to a place where the minimum amount of dust accumulates. Access to the flower should be open so that it is easy to care for.


A location near an aquarium will be an excellent interior solution and will benefit the plant. The flower can be kept near water and evaporation from the aquarium will create the necessary air humidity.


You can put a money tree in the bathroom. But before that, you need to fix faulty and leaking taps, then, according to the sign, money will not flow away.


Temperature conditions also play an important role in the question of where to place the flower. In private homes, the temperature in different rooms usually varies slightly, and there may be drafts here and there. Therefore, it is better to keep the tree in a room where there are no strong drafts and the temperature is from +19 to +24 degrees. The plant tolerates sudden changes in temperature, but poorly, and this affects its condition.

In an apartment, such a problem usually does not exist, but in such a room the disadvantage is dry air, which also affects the well-being of the plant. You should not place the flower near heating radiators, there heat, dry air and more dust is attracted to this place.

Signs about the money tree

There are many different signs associated with this plant, most of them, of course, relate to material well-being, but besides this,...

  1. A bad sign is the falling of leaves from a tree. It is believed that at the place where it stands bad energy, sometimes leaf drop can be caused by poor maintenance, but in some cases the problem comes out of nowhere. Then you need to put the tree in another place. According to the sign, such a phenomenon can mean a quick loss of money, a reduction in income and financial difficulties.
  2. Not all signs are related to money. The plant is also considered medicinal. According to signs, the plant, with the help of its fleshy leaves, promotes the production of vital energy and in a house where there is such a flower, all family members feel full of strength and more efficient.
  3. The condition of the plant in the house is considered to reflect the financial condition of the family. The more leaves on the plant, the more money there is in the family.
  4. It is recommended to plant the tree in a red pot, and put a few coins at the bottom. Some people place a saucer with coins near the pot, constantly adding them there.
  5. If there are bills hanging on the money tree, which many place there to attract wealth, then in order for money to be kept in the house, these bills must be changed periodically. Waste the old ones and hang up the new ones.

Where should you put the plant if you want to not only create comfortable conditions for keeping the money tree, but also take advantage of it? magical properties and increase wealth in the home.

Then the money tree should be placed in a well-lit, ventilated place where optimal temperature conditions are created for it, and at the same time. If you follow these placement rules, your home will definitely increase happiness and material wealth.

Where to put the money tree (crassula) according to Feng Shui? Is it possible to keep a ficus in the house: folk signs and superstitions Houseplant money tree (crassula): useful, medicinal and medicinal properties How to properly prune a money tree at home

According to Feng Shui, wealth can be attracted to the home with the help of the money tree - the Crassula. This indoor plant activates the energy of success and promotes enrichment. In order for the fat woman to help you decide monetary issues, you must follow several important rules.

Feng Shui experts recommend taking a small sprout of a money tree from the home of successful and rich people, then the plant will be initially charged with the energy of money. This will significantly increase your chances of getting rich. If you don’t have such friends, you can buy a tree at a flower shop. It is better to choose a young plant. This way you can establish a close energetic connection with him.

It is better to transplant the fat plant into a new beautiful green or red pot. Green is the color of growth and development. Red – symbolizes activity and determination. To attract money, use one little trick: when replanting a plant, put a coin in the pot and bury it in the ground. The money will give the fat woman additional strength. Coins can be hung on the leaves of the plant. This should be done when it becomes strong enough. In this case, it is better to use Chinese coins, which can be purchased at any Feng Shui store.

Caring for a money tree is not at all difficult. It needs to be watered about twice a week. This plant is unpretentious; it rarely dies from lack of water or fertilizer. If the money tree begins to wither, then expect financial problems. In the case when the fat woman is actively growing and getting stronger, your financial situation will improve.

Even though the money tree doesn't require much care, you should still give it some attention. In order to attract money with the help of this plant, you need to talk to it as often as possible, thank it for success and profit. The money tree will feed on your positive emotions and kind words, thereby processing them into the energy necessary for financial prosperity.

Sometimes the money tree does not bring the desired result. This happens when it is not in the right place. Where to put the fat woman? Feng Shui experts advise keeping this plant in the southeast part of the house. This is where the zone of wealth and money energy is located.

Many feng shui adherents make their own money tree from wire, beads, ribbons and other similar materials. Such an artificial plant will also radiate the energy of wealth. Usually the money tree is decorated with Chinese coins, cinnamon and red ribbons. By creating this plant with his own hands, a person puts his soul and positive thoughts into it, which charges the talisman with powerful energy. And although this plant is not living, it also requires care. Wipe him often, tell him about your desires, boast about your achievements and dream of new heights of financial growth next to him.

A money tree will be able to attract money into your home only if you believe in its power, follow all the rules of care and start talking about money next to it with a positive intonation in your voice. The tree will grow, and with each new leaf your financial situation will improve. Don't stop caring for your fat cat even when it gets big. And to attract money luck, do not forget to press the buttons and

Talismans for the home come in the form of various products. One of the most popular among them is the money tree, which you can make yourself. This craft is often made from real banknotes. In this case, you can make a topiary or bonsai from minerals, coins, beads and other similar elements. The manufacturing process for many options is relatively simple, but in any case it is painstaking.

What does the money tree symbolize?

Before you make your own money tree from coins, get to know this famous talisman in more detail. It is not only a beautiful interior decoration, but also an amulet with strong energy. This talisman is considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. If you arrange your home according to the principles of the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui, then it is best to place the money craft in the workplace or in the southeastern part of your apartment or house.

How to make a topiary from coins with your own hands

One of the most popular options for crafts in the form of a money tree is a coin topiary. To make it, you can purchase souvenir Chinese coins, which are characterized by the presence of a square hole. To form the barrel, you will need a suitable tube or wire, depending on the size of the future product. Sometimes a real tree branch is used for this purpose. The main element for decorative crafts is often a pot. The barrel is fixed in it using clay, plasticine or glue.

Tools and materials

To create a money tree with coins that brings happiness and wealth to your home, you will need to purchase gold-colored paint. With its help you will give your craft a spectacular and original look. Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • pistachio shells;
  • coins;
  • golden paint, varnish;
  • coil of wire;
  • small pot;
  • FUM (fluoroplastic sealing material): tape or thread;
  • glue;
  • scissors, drill;
  • gypsum mixture.

Step-by-step instruction

First make a hole in each pistachio shell. For this purpose, use a drill. The following steps for making topiary with your own hands:

  1. Make leaves for your future topiary. To do this, cut 15-20 cm of wire and tie it to the shell through the hole made earlier. Prepare 15-20 leaves in the same way, depending on the size of the money tree.
  2. Twist each wire into a spiral. To get a small twig, twist several leaves from the shell together.
  3. You can make a whole branch if you connect 2-3 small ones together. At the same time, try to replicate the structure of a real tree.
  4. After connecting whole branches you will get a small tree. Be sure to wrap the resulting trunk with thread or FUM tape. Thanks to this action, it will be more durable.
  5. At the next stage, apply golden paint to the craft. It is better to use a spray can for this, not forgetting about safety precautions. Place the tree in a secluded place so the paint can dry thoroughly.
  6. Take a small pot and fill it with plaster. Place the wood in it and wait for the material to harden. After this, paint the pot with the same golden paint. Scatter coins in and around the topiary pot.

There is another version of the money tree, in which coins will need to be tied to branches. For this purpose, you will need souvenir coins with slots in the middle. The set of materials is approximately the same as for the previous instructions. Stages:

  1. Tie pieces of copper wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm to the coins.
  2. Next, sequentially connect 5 segments with each other with coins screwed to them.
  3. As soon as you finish weaving the pieces of coins into several large branches, start decorating them.
  4. Since thin wire cannot support the weight of several coins well, additionally reinforce each branch with a piece of wire at the base. To do this, take material with a diameter of 1 mm, fold it in half and, attaching it to the base of the branch, wrap it with dark floral tape. Do this work for each branch.
  5. Then form a single trunk from the branches, securing them with tape. If necessary, also add thickness to it using pieces of copper wire.
  6. Find a plastic box of a suitable shape, fill it with plaster mixture and immerse the wire barrel in it. Fix the craft until the mixture begins to set.
  7. After 20-30 minutes, remove the workpiece and begin shaping the barrel. Give it additional volume by using alabaster, plaster, and cement. Dilute the mixture of these three components with PVA construction glue or stationery glue diluted in water.
  8. Apply the mixture to the trunk and make grooves. Decorate the money tree with coins. If desired, the painting can be done in multiple layers, for example, a layer of bronze and gold paint, acrylic varnish and glitter. The result is an original handmade craft.

Alternatively, you can make your own money tree out of banknotes. This craft will become an original interior decoration and a kind of talisman that will personify well-being and prosperity in your home. If you haven’t found banknotes that you wouldn’t mind using for such a craft, then buy some banknotes at a souvenir shop. Try to prepare as many banknotes as possible so that your homemade money tree looks really rich.

What materials will you need?

First, you should find a suitable foam cone, because... it will be used as the basis for the money tree. In addition, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • clay pot;
  • wooden chopsticks (for example, sushi chopsticks);
  • toothpicks;
  • banknotes;
  • pins;
  • paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • gypsum mixture.

Main stages of creation

The process of creating this money tree is simpler compared to the instructions described earlier. The finished craft can be decorated with bright tags or festive ribbons. Process of creation:

  1. To begin, cut off part of the cone, place it on wooden sticks and place the workpiece in a stand in the form of a clay pot.
  2. Attach the bent money (dollars or rubles) to the cone using pins. This should be done gradually in rows, starting from the bottom.
  3. Sequentially cover the entire cone with banknotes. You can use them in any quantity, the main thing is to make sure that there are no visible voids on the tree.
  4. Cut a star out of paper, glue it to a toothpick and place it on the very top of the cone.

One of the interesting options is a money tree made of beads and coins. With proper and careful approach, you should end up with a bonsai with delicate green foliage, an irregular shape, and a trunk with coins hidden in its crevices. This homemade bonsai can be a real money magnet. Weaving beads will be done using the loop technique. This money tree will make an excellent gift. to a loved one.

What you will need

The key material is green beads. Buy about 100 g of medium-sized Chinese beads (number eight) at once. Additionally prepare:

  • copper wire (thin and thick);
  • an old plate;
  • floral tape;
  • PVA glue;
  • gouache;
  • pliers, scissors;
  • gypsum mixture;
  • alabaster, finishing plaster.

Step-by-step algorithm

Focus on beading. The aesthetics of the leaves and twigs depends on how well you do it. Detailed master class:

  1. Count out 8-9 beads and form a loop out of them. Twist the wire to form a “leg” 1.5 cm long.
  2. On both sides of the first loop you need to make side leaves. To do this, attach 8-9 beads to a 0.5 cm long leg. The result is a finished branch of 3 loops. Twist the wire again to form a stem for the branch itself. This will result in a third-order branch.
  3. Connect three such branches together to get a large one of the second order.
  4. A large branch (first order) will consist of 3 branches of the second order. In total, such a branch will have 9 branches of the third order, to one of which you need to attach a golden coin with a square cutout in the middle.
  5. To make the branch rigid, attach copper wire with a diameter of 1 mm and a length of 10 cm to its base. Fasten the elements with ordinary floral tape.
  6. In total, 100 g of beads will yield approximately 12 large branches. Form the crown of a money bonsai from them: take a frame wire with a cross-section of 3 mm and gradually attach prepared first-order branches to it. Secure them with floral tape.
  7. Bend the wood to make it look more natural. Attach a steel wire loop to the base of the trunk for stability.
  8. To make the money tree more realistic, bend all the branches. The shape of the bonsai can be adjusted with pliers for stability.
  9. Do some plaster casting. Take a suitable form, cover it with cellophane and fill it with a mixture of cement, plaster and sand in equal parts, which must be diluted with water. Place the barrel in the mixture and hold until the alabaster sets.
  10. Once the base has hardened, remove it from the pot, remove the cellophane and cut off any excess.
  11. Cover the trunk and branches of the craft with a mixture of 2 parts alabaster and 1 part finishing plaster, which should be diluted with PVA glue. After a day, apply another layer of the mixture and use the back end of the brush to form a crack in the bark.
  12. Start painting your money bonsai. First, cover the bark with light gouache, gradually darkening it closer to the top of the craft. Then apply a second layer of brown gouache.
  13. Without waiting for the second layer to dry, rub the entire craft with a damp sponge. When the paint is dry, add translucent and acrylic gold leaf.
  14. If the crown turns out to be pale, spray it with varnish and sprinkle with glitter. You can do the same with the trunk.
  15. You can decorate with stones and coins, which must be glued to the trunk with polymer glue.

A miniature tree decorated with paper money will be an excellent gift for the upcoming New Year's holiday and an original addition to any interior. This craft will never lose its relevance. To make it yourself, you will need to prepare banknotes of any currency you are interested in. With the right approach, you will get a craft no worse than those shown in the photos of master classes by experienced needlewomen. DIY money tree - sequence of actions:

  1. If you use standard banknotes, the tree will turn out to be large. Therefore, cut the money “blanks” in half and give them the shape of a pentagon so that you can later roll them into symmetrical bags.
  2. Form each paper bill into a ball and secure the edges with hot glue. Bend the bottom of the blanks. It is difficult to calculate the number of bags needed in advance, so first make about 60-70 pieces. Add new ones if necessary.
  3. To prepare the topiary trunk you will need a wooden stick and decorative tape. An elastic foam ball with a diameter of 2.5 cm will be used as a base - you can buy it at a pet supply store.
  4. Wrap the flat stick in two layers of translucent metallic gold tape.
  5. Pierce the ball with a knife and insert the future trunk into it. For reliability, secure with hot silicone glue from a gun.
  6. At the bottom, where the trunk is fixed, start attaching money bags. Fix them not on the ball, but on the barrel.
  7. Fasten all subsequent blanks together. Don't forget to also apply glue to the place where the bag comes into contact with the ball.
  8. As a result, you should end up with a ball with money bags strung on a golden stick. Do the crown especially carefully, because... This is the most prominent area of ​​homemade topiary.
  9. Find a suitable pot that will be the basis for your craft. Try to make the container yourself. To do this, find a suitable yogurt jar and paint it acrylic paint.
  10. Once the paint has dried, decorate the homemade pot with ribbons and mesh. You need to attach the decor using a glue gun. You can attach a golden bow to the front of the pots.
  11. Mix cement and sand in a separate container (determine the appropriate proportions yourself). Add water until the mixture reaches the consistency of thick sour cream.
  12. Place the prepared solution in a pot and place a topiary there with paper money bags. It is better to fix the tree while the cement-sand mixture dries. You can place a support on it.
  13. Cover the dried mixture transparent glue, then decorate with sand specially designed for this purpose.
  14. After the mixture and glue have completely dried, add decor to the topiary. You can use real foliage, colorful ribbons and bills. Roll up the latter, place them at the base of the craft and securely secure it with glue.
  15. Glue the leaves to the trunk using hot glue. Add a bow to the pot, and you can put a thin golden ribbon around the trunk, securing it in several places.
  16. Sprinkle the finished craft with banknotes with transparent varnish and place it near an open window to dry.
  17. After finishing work, check the stability of the pot. For reliability, finish the edges where the mesh is fixed using hot glue that matches the color of the pot.

One of the unusual ideas for creating a craft in the form of a tree with money is embroidery. For this purpose, cross stitch technology is used. The master class below will be excellent practice for beginning craftsmen. The scheme is relatively simple, so working on such needlework will not take you much time. According to the rules of Feng Shui, the finished picture with banknotes will need to be placed in the southeast of the home, and with coins - on the north side, opposite the door. For embroidery, prepare:

  • floss threads in green, dark green, brown and dark brown;
  • outline;
  • igloo;
  • hoop;
  • scissors;
  • souvenir coins or banknotes.

Circuit and technology

Prepare a canvas for cross stitch, which must first be stretched onto a hoop and carefully secured. Fabric measuring 40 x 40 cm is sufficient. A popular option is Aida 14 canvas. Additionally, please note that if you use paper money for your embroidery, it is recommended to use them in odd numbers. When using metal money, according to Feng Shui, it is recommended to take 9 or 14 coins. Embroidery technology:

  1. Start embroidering from the bottom left cross. Thread a brown thread through a needle and insert it from the wrong side into the bottom left hole of the square.
  2. There is no need to make a knot at the end of the thread, just hold it with your finger when making the first stitch.
  3. Return the needle inside out through the top right hole of the square and pull the thread to the top left corner. After this, thread it again into the lower right one, as a result of which you will get the first cross.
  4. During the described manipulations, the tip of the thread must be securely fixed on the wrong side.
  5. It takes a very long time to embroider such a craft one at a time, so you can sew one row to the end with half-crosses, after which you will need to sew in the opposite direction in the same way.
  6. The contour of the money tree and the bow must be sewn with a stem stitch. For this purpose, bring the thread to the wrong side and make a small stitch. After this, return the needle and thread to the wrong side of the canvas and insert it in the middle of the first stitch.
  7. Carefully make the second stitch in the same way. The peculiarity of the stem seam is that you need to ensure that the stitches are of the same length. Each subsequent stitch must be started from the center of the previous one.
  8. As soon as you finish cross stitching, you can place money on the almost finished craft. Carefully place the paper bills on it, folding each of them like an accordion. Fix the money in the middle, and straighten the ends beautifully. As a result, you will get a tree with leaves in the form of peculiar fans. You need to make 9 such blanks.
  9. You need to place banknotes above the tree trunk so that a semicircular crown is formed. Carefully sew them to the canvas.
  10. In addition to banknotes, you can use special accessories in the form of golden leaves or coins, for example, with Chinese characters - coins with them need to be attached to the embroidery so that the characters look up. It is recommended to place the finished work in a frame under glass so that it is always completely safe.

Often in souvenir shops you can find topiaries from paper money, but it’s best to make such a talisman and decorative item with your own hands. Money is placed under the trunk of a tree or attached to the trunk. For example, you can make about 40-50 bags of paper money, from which you can then form three layers of a Christmas tree: the bottom one will consist of 13 parts, the middle one - of 10, the top - of 7. You can make a ball of banknotes, and then string it on a stick in the form of a trunk. A banknote is not only rolled into a little bag, but also folded into a fan and made into a tube.

A do-it-yourself money tree in the form of a panel with coins is another original version of the craft. On preparatory stage you will need to glue burlap onto the cardboard base of the photo frame using PVA glue, dry it and draw a sketch of the future tree. Prepare coins that need to be degreased - for example, rinse with water and washing powder. To create a trunk using the paper art technique, you will need flagella twisted from paper. It is better to use multi-layer napkins for this. DIY panel making technique:

  1. Fold 2- or 3-ply paper napkins in half so that when cut you have long strips. Pre-mark their outlines on napkins. The suitable width of the strips is 1-1.5 cm.
  2. Cut the strips and start twisting the flagella. To do this, take a piece of paper, dip it entirely into a cup of cold water, wet it thoroughly and remove it immediately. It is not advisable to overexpose, otherwise the paper will swell and lose its shape.
  3. Twist a flagellum from a strip - do it in much the same way as you once rolled a sausage out of plasticine. You need to twist in one direction and preferably at an angle of 45 degrees.
  4. Try to twist each piece as tightly as possible. Then spread the flagella on any surface to dry.
  5. Glue dried flagella from multilayer napkins using PVA glue to a cardboard base. You can fix the workpieces directly on the burlap without first priming the base with napkins. To make the craft look neat in the future, when gluing the outer contours of the trunk, use as little PVA glue as possible and do not go beyond the boundaries of the sketch.
  6. Using a heat gun, start creating the crown of the tree. Following the shape of the sketch you made and selecting coins by size, cover the entire outline.
  7. Then stick on the remaining coins. This can be done in any order.
  8. After using the heat gun, cobwebs may remain on the surface of the coins. Be sure to remove them using a rough brush. After this, send the workpiece to dry.
  9. Once dry, cover the entire surface with black spray paint and wait until everything dries again.
  10. Get busy painting. Lightly dip a sponge into a contrasting color of paint (for example, acrylic bronze) and carefully stamp the entire surface of the panel with it. While doing this, press lightly on the sponge. In order for the product to be neat, the sponge with paint should be almost dry. Before stamping the panel, make a test print on paper to remove excess paint.
  11. When choosing the right color for the primer, experiment on a small mock-up first. This way you can choose the optimal color scheme and at the same time practice the panel stamping technique.


Crassula is called a money tree. Many people associate this houseplant with profit and financial wealth. For example, in Chinese philosophy, the money tree is endowed with magical properties with which you can attract money into your home.

Nowadays, Crassula is one of the most common indoor plants. It is in almost every home. But, alas, this does not bring money luck to everyone, because the money tree requires special care. Remember that this plant is unusual, which means the approach to it should also be unusual.

Money tree: care and maintenance rules

If you want the fat woman to attract money into your home, then you should know about the basic rules for caring for it.

If you decide to buy a money tree, then try to choose the smallest sprout. The smaller the plant, the more likely it is to make you money. If you take an already grown tree, then it will not have any energetic connection with you, since another person grew it.

It’s better not to buy a money tree at all, but to take a shoot from home successful people. Such a fat woman will be pre-charged with monetary energy and will be able to attract finances to you most actively.

The money tree must be planted in a new pot. It's good if it's red. Red is a symbol of development, movement and activity. The power of this color will have a beneficial effect on the growth of the money tree. You need to bury a five-ruble coin in the roots of the fat plant.

Where to put the money tree

You can’t keep a money tree everywhere. Preference should be given to the living room and hallway. Money energy is most active in these rooms. Where exactly should I put the plant? There are no specific rules about this. The main thing is that the fat woman does not stand next to electronic and household appliances. You cannot place this plant next to a TV, radio, telephone, etc., as they will not allow monetary energy to pass through to the plant.

Caring for a money tree includes not only the necessary watering and fertilizing, but also special magical actions that endow this plant with unusual powers.

Every Wednesday you need to approach the money tree and talk to it about your desires and needs. It should know everything you want. Talk to your plant politely and thank it for your successes.

After each salary, take a coin from the amount received and place it in a saucer next to the flower.

When you water the money tree, be sure to wipe its leaves and count them. Imagine at this moment that the leaves of this plant are gold coins.

Feng Shui money tree: how to make it yourself

There is another option to become rich with the help of a money tree. To do this, you will not need a fat tree, but a hand-made money tree. Take a few branches of any tree and let your imagination run wild.

Hang banknotes, coins or gold jewelry on improvised branches and your Feng Shui money tree is ready. Such a tree, of course, does not require special care; it will simply become a symbol of prosperity and financial success. This tree, like the Crassula tree, is capable of attracting money, but it’s just much less hassle. There is one thing: this artificial plant will help you become rich only if you periodically change its leaves and immediately spend the money that was hanging on it.

We hope you found our money tree care tips helpful. And so that financial success is always with you, don't forget to press the buttons and