Vinegar soda washing powder. Cleaning carpet with baking soda and vinegar at home.

30.01.2018 Home and life

Cleaning carpets at home with baking soda and vinegar is an excellent alternative to expensive cleaning products. But the main thing is that this method is suitable for giving a “fresh” look to old and musty carpets that have lost the richness of their original colors. And with all this, a mixture of soda and vinegar is absolutely safe for health and cannot cause an allergic reaction. That is, it is suitable even if there are small children at home. How to properly clean a carpet with soda and vinegar at home?

Preliminary preparation

The first step is to remove dust from the carpet. For this, either a powerful vacuum cleaner with a suction power of about 350 W or more (not to be confused with the device’s motor power), or good old-fashioned knocking is suitable. If there are animals at home, it is recommended to comb the carpet or vacuum it with a special turbo brush. There are universal models that are suitable for any vacuum cleaners, but only if the latter’s suction power is over 300 W (approximately 1800 W for a motor or more).

If possible, you should go over the carpet with a steam vacuum cleaner, if the owner of the house has one at his disposal. Such devices are notable for their ability to destroy carpet mites. But they make up almost the bulk of the dust that is formed in the deep tissue layers (applies to carpets with piles over 0.8 cm).

Preparation of soda-vinegar solution

The carpet cleaner itself is a mixture. To prepare it you will need:

  1. 1 Take a glass of warm boiled water (preferably filtered, the filter should contain a minimum amount of mineral impurities).
  2. 2 Add 4-5 tbsp to water. l. vinegar (table 9 percent).
  3. 3 Add 1 tbsp to the resulting mixture. l. washing powder (can also be used for automatic washing machines) and soda. After this, the mixture will begin to actively bubble and foam, so you need to prepare it in a large container.
  4. 4 Mix the mixture thoroughly.

How pleasant it is to walk on a soft, clean rug, to feel your feet sinking into fluffy pile... But to keep the carpet clean, it requires regular cleaning. This is the only way the product will be pleasant to the touch, beautiful to look at and safe for your health. How to clean carpets is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Here we will talk about what cleaning a carpet with soda is, and what objective advantages this method has.

Advantages of dry cleaning soda: a view from experts

  1. Safety. Cleaning a carpet with soda at home has one undeniable advantage - it is environmentally friendly and almost incapable of harming your health. Sodium bicarbonate is a safe, non-toxic compound and, when used wisely, does not cause allergies or poisoning. This makes soda incomparably better than all household chemicals sold in stores. Only hypoallergenic professional dry cleaning products used by serious cleaning companies can compete with it.
  2. Price of soda. This is a cheap product; its cost cannot be compared with any detergent or cleaning product, except, perhaps, laundry soap. Therefore, if you need to save money first of all, then cleaning the carpet with home remedies - soda, vinegar, peroxide - is just for you.
  3. Objectively a good result. Soda cleaning will really help remove a noticeable part of the dirt from the carpet or rug, kill some germs, and also remove strong odors and refresh the brightness of the color. It is also very difficult to harm a carpet product with pure soda - only some paints and fibers can be damaged by the soda solution. Among all folk remedies, this is perhaps the safest for your carpet.

Precautions when cleaning with soda

When planning to clean your rug with baking soda, keep the following in mind:

  • Soda recipes may not cope with heavy stains the first time. If the effect is noticeable, but it seems insufficient to you, simply repeat the cleaning again. This will help you achieve better results.
  • Sodium bicarbonate can still harm some carpet products. In order not to spoil your carpet with unsuccessful cleaning, any product should first be tested on a small area of ​​it.
  • Inhalation of dry soda powder can cause an asthma attack in allergy sufferers and cough in young children, and ingestion of a soda solution leads to an eating disorder. Therefore, while cleaning, send your family to at least another room.
  • When cleaning your carpet at home, do not use hot water or a brush that is too hard.
  • Even with the slightest dampness, the carpet product should be thoroughly dried. Otherwise, fungi and putrefactive bacteria will grow in the damp material, and it will begin to emit a nasty, musty smell. Also, do not walk on the cleaned carpet until it is completely dry - the pile will become compacted and new dust will quickly adhere to it.

Recipe 1. Dry cleaning the carpet with soda

This is probably the easiest way to clean a rug or shag carpet at home. Dry soda, like salt, absorbs odors well, for example, urine, alcohol, animals, etc. But there is an important nuance: the longer the pile, the more powerful the vacuum cleaner you will need. Otherwise soda powder will remain between the villi, over time will become saturated with moisture and make the surface of the product sticky.

Dry cleaning carpets at home with baking soda is done as follows:

  1. Sprinkle the contaminated area or the entire product thickly with dry baking soda powder.
  2. If the stain is still fresh (wet) or the pile is quite long, lightly rub baking soda into the surface of the carpet with the palm of your hand or a dry brush. Be careful with delicate materials - their fibers may “fray” during this procedure.
  3. Leave everything for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Vacuum the product thoroughly until the soda is completely removed.
Recipe 2. Soda solution for cleaning carpets

This method involves moistening the pile, so the rug will have to be thoroughly dried after cleaning. Proceed as follows:

  1. Prepare a soda solution for cleaning the carpet (5 liters of warm water for 0.5 cups of soda).
  2. Pour the resulting product into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray it evenly over the carpet surface.
  4. Wait until the carpet is completely dry. This will take from half an hour to an hour, depending on the material of the product and how extensively you processed it. You should not vacuum over-wetted pile. Firstly, all the solution will not be removed, and the carpet will then become sticky. Secondly, a regular vacuum cleaner can simply burn out due to moisture getting inside.
  5. Vacuum the carpet thoroughly.
Recipe 3: Carpet cleaner with baking soda and vinegar

This option is more complicated than the previous ones. Before you start cleaning, make sure that neither soda, nor vinegar, nor their reaction will harm your carpet. Acetic acid is not as safe for textiles as soda solution. Cleaning is done like this:

  1. Sprinkle baking soda on the carpet, wait half an hour and vacuum (exactly as in the first recipe).
  2. Mix 1 liter of warm water and 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.
  3. Pour the solution into a clean spray bottle.
  4. Spray the carpet lightly without over-wetting it.
  5. Wait another 30 minutes. During this time, the vinegar will refresh the color of the carpet.
  6. Brush the carpet with a stiff, dry brush in the direction of the pile.
  7. Dry the product and ventilate the room.

Recipe 4. Dry cleaning with baking soda and salt

Another simple one safe way quickly clean the carpet:

  1. Mix baking soda and fine table salt in equal proportions.
  2. Sprinkle the mixture over the carpet and lightly rub it into the pile.
  3. Wait 30-40 minutes and carefully vacuum the product.

Salt helps the baking soda eliminate odors and also gives carpeting a fresh shine.

Recipe 5. Cleaning the carpet with baking soda and peroxide

Ordinary hydrogen peroxide is known for its ability to gently remove difficult stains. It is found in many oxygen bleaches and stain removers. Therefore, a carpet cleaning recipe with baking soda and peroxide is suitable for removing old stains and stubborn dirt. True, this method will require more effort and time:

  1. Mix 0.5 cups (about 150 ml) 3% hydrogen peroxide and 2 tbsp. l baking soda.
  2. Apply the mixture to the stains. Then you can continue immediately or wait 15-20 minutes for the active components of the product to take effect.
  3. Use a soft cloth to wipe away dirt. As soon as the cloth becomes dirty, rinse it in warm water.
  4. Clean the desired areas or the entire carpet in this manner.
  5. Wipe the product with a dry cloth that absorbs moisture well (microfiber or cotton cloth).
  6. Dry the pile using a fan.

This way you can even get rid of stains from wine, coffee, berries and some artificial dyes. But be sure to first check how peroxide affects the color of your carpet. Do not forget that this compound exhibits a weak bleaching effect.

The perfect recipe for cleaning any carpet

Listed folk remedies give some results. But if you want your carpet to be truly clean, take it into the hands of a dry cleaning professional. It will cost more than regular baking soda, but the results are worth it:

  • All dirt, stains and odors will be 100% removed.
  • Powerful preparations and steam treatment will destroy all microscopic inhabitants of the carpet - mites, fungi, bacteria, helminth eggs, etc.
  • The use of hypoallergenic cleaning products ensures that the carpet will be completely safe after cleaning, even for animals and small children.
  • Professional equipment will remove all chemicals from the thickness of the carpet without any residue.

In Moscow, high-quality cleaning of any carpets, rugs and rugs can be ordered from the Top Dry Cleaning company:

  • We work 24/7.
  • We give 100% quality guarantee.
  • We carry out all work from home at a time convenient for you.

It is better to clean a heavily soiled carpet at a dry cleaner - the specialists there will remove even large greasy stains. But a carpet that has minor surface contamination can be updated at home. In this case, you will need soda (it will remove dirt), vinegar (it will make more bright color and disinfects the product).

To keep your carpet looking like new, you need to clean it regularly. Make it a rule to do this in spring and autumn - preventive cleaning. But if the carpet is quite light or there are small children in the house, then clean the product more often - once a month.

Do not wear the rug to the point where the patterns are no longer visible. Clean it once a week with a powerful vacuum cleaner. If there are animals in the house, remove hair from the carpet before vacuuming. To do this, use a special brush or sticky roller.

Walk on the carpet in socks or barefoot, not slippers. The latter crush the pile and at the same time the dust that gets on the wool penetrates deep into the carpet.

How to clean a carpet with soda alone

Vacuum the carpet before treatment. Using a household sprayer, lightly moisten it with plain water. Sprinkle baking soda over the entire surface of the woolen product and rub it into the pile with very gentle movements. Leave the carpet alone for 30 or 40 minutes and then vacuum it again. Turn on the vacuum cleaner at the highest power. If the carpet is very dirty, repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

How to clean carpet with baking soda and vinegar

Clean colored carpets with vinegar.

  • Clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner.
  • Sprinkle baking soda evenly over the surface. Rub it into the pile.
  • After half an hour, use the vacuum cleaner again.
  • Dilute 9% vinegar (1 tbsp) in warm water (1000 ml). Pour the solution into a spray bottle.
  • Treat the carpet with acidic water, but not too hard. It should be slightly damp, not wet.
  • After 30 minutes, brush the carpet with a stiff hand brush. Move it in the direction of the pile.

How to clean a carpet with soda, vinegar and washing powder

For a homemade cleaner you will need:

  • water - 700 ml;
  • soda ash - 1 tsp;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tsp;
  • washing powder for colored laundry - 1 tsp.

First in hot water dilute the powder - there should be no grains in the solution. Next, add baking soda and vinegar to the cooled soapy water and shake the mixture well. Pour it into a spray bottle and moisten the carpet with the resulting product. Let the moisture soak in a little (about 15 minutes), and then clean the carpet with a vacuum cleaner.

After any cleaning, update appearance carpet To do this, take an iron with a steamer and, without touching the pile, spray the carpet with steam. Use a stiff brush to lift the lint. Do not walk on the carpet for 10-12 hours. During this time, the wool threads will dry completely, and you will see a completely new bright carpet.

Carpets, rugs and other floor coverings lose their attractive appearance over time: colors fade, stains appear, and sometimes a musty smell. In this case, regular vacuuming will no longer help. You can return the carpet to its original appearance on your own and without much difficulty. All you need to do is have baking soda and vinegar on hand. Today we will talk about popular methods of cleaning carpets with these available products.

Soda and vinegar: advantages and disadvantages

These two substances are often used in households for cleaning and removing stains. Let's look at their advantages and disadvantages as cleaning products.


  • Availability. Baking soda and vinegar are available in every kitchen. In addition, they are distinguished by their low price.
  • Environmentally friendly. Poisoning by these substances or allergic reactions are very unlikely. Even if a small part remains on the carpet, it will not cause harm to human health. They are also safe for pets.
  • Efficiency. The effectiveness of soda and vinegar has been tested by time. With their help you can get rid of stains (including very caustic and old ones), refresh the appearance, restore the richness of colors, eliminate bad smell and even disinfect the surface.


  • Not suitable for all materials. The ability to cause a strong chemical reaction can be harmful to some types of carpet, such as those made from man-made fibers. In some cases, an incorrectly formulated solution leads to discoloration of paints.
  • Not always effective the first time. If the stains are severe enough, several cleaning procedures will be required to completely remove all stains.
  • Specific smell. Vinegar has a very distinctive smell, so it is recommended to clean the carpet in a well-ventilated area. Sometimes the smell can be absorbed, especially into natural materials, and take some time to develop.

How to properly clean carpeting

Cleaning using baking soda and vinegar is not particularly difficult and can be done by any housewife. But still, some rules are worth remembering and following:

  • To clean rugs made from natural materials, such as silk, cotton or wool, use the dry cleaning method. Use wet cleaning only in extreme cases.
  • Before applying the prepared cleaning solution to the entire surface of the carpet, try it in an inconspicuous corner. Especially if you have doubts about the quality of the material.
  • Do not wash the carpet with hot liquid to avoid damaging the pile. You should wait until the cleaning solution cools down or use warm water to prepare it.
  • You should start cleaning the carpet by removing noticeable dirt: shoe marks, crumbs and other debris. Such dirt may dissolve during the cleaning process and be absorbed into the coating. To do this, the carpet is shaken out or vacuumed.
  • There is no need to generously flood the entire surface of the carpet when wet cleaning. It is enough to gently moisten it, giving Special attention contaminated areas. Wet pile will take a long time to dry. In addition, high humidity can cause fungus or a musty smell.
  • To clean carpet, do not use a brush with hard bristles. There is no need to be overzealous with pressure either. It is better to carefully walk over the same place several times.
  • You should not clean the carpet against the pile.
  • Remove fresh stains immediately, without giving them time to soak in and dry. Clean your carpets regularly, don't wait until they absorb a lot of dust and dirt.

Effective ways to clean carpet

For cleaning, you can only use soda, or a specially prepared solution of soda and vinegar. We list the most common methods:

Dry cleaning using soda

A simple and quick option to refresh the surface of the carpet. The cleaning process looks like this:

  1. Remove small debris, crumbs and dust from the carpet using a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Sprinkle baking soda over the surface of the carpet, trying to do it evenly.
  3. Leave the baking soda on the carpet for about 30 minutes.
  4. Vacuum the carpet, collecting any remaining baking soda. Make movements in the direction of the pile.

Dry cleaning can also effectively remove localized dirt. The sequence of actions is the same, only you should carefully rub soda into the stain (by hand or with a brush), moving from the edges to the center.

Wet cleaning using soda

This method of carpet cleaning allows you to thoroughly care for the product, get rid of many stains, and refresh the appearance of the carpet. But you should not resort to this option too often, since many carpets do not tolerate constant high humidity.

The wet cleaning method is as follows:

  1. Prepare cleaning agent. To do this, dissolve 1 cup of baking soda in 10 liters of warm water.
  2. Vacuum the surface of the carpet.
  3. Spray the baking soda solution onto the carpet or carpet. The most convenient way to do this is to pour the liquid into a spray bottle. You can carefully rub the sprayed product into contaminated areas - with your palms, a special napkin or a soft brush.
  4. Leave the carpet to dry. This usually takes about half an hour or a little more.
  5. It is good to vacuum it several times, removing all the dirt and soda.

Combined method: add vinegar

Important: you must first check the interaction between the carpet and vinegar in an inconspicuous corner.

This method is suitable for carpets that have a bad odor and are heavily soiled. The cleaning principle is as follows:

  1. Sprinkle baking soda evenly onto the surface. flooring. Leave it for 30 minutes.
  2. During this time, prepare a vinegar solution: mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar and 1 liter of warm water.
  3. After half an hour has passed, you need to vacuum the coating and spray the prepared solution on it.
  4. Wait another half hour. This is necessary so that the vinegar reacts with the remaining soda particles in the carpet.
  5. Brush dry carpets in the direction of the fibers and vacuum thoroughly again.

Solution with added washing powder

When baking soda and vinegar interact, a chemical reaction occurs that can remove stubborn stains. The addition of laundry detergent will enhance the effectiveness of this mixture.

Instructions for cleaning the carpet:

  1. Prepare a working solution. To do this, you need to take a container with a volume of at least 3 liters and mix the following components in it: 1 tbsp. l. soda, 1 tbsp. l. washing powder, 1 tbsp. l. 70% vinegar essence. Pour in 1 liter of warm water.
  2. Vacuum the carpet...
  3. Apply the cleaning solution to contaminated areas and leave for 5 minutes.
  4. Take a brush with soft bristles and brush the pile.
  5. Wipe the carpet well using rags, preferably white. First, walk over it with a damp cloth, collecting dirt along with the remaining solution. Then wipe with a dry cloth.
  6. Dry the carpet on both sides, front and back.

Vinegar and baking soda against old stains

This option will help get rid of old, stubborn stains on the carpet. In this case, do this:

  1. Dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 4. Apply the solution to the stains.

Rugs and carpets create coziness in the house. True, they get dirty quickly, so you have to find a way to remove the dirt. There are methods in which you do not need to buy expensive sprays or stain removers. To clean carpet at home, use available funds: baking soda and vinegar. According to reviews, they cope with the problem no worse than dry cleaning.

Baking soda and vinegar are the most popular cleaning products

There are many different carpet products sold in stores, but they are expensive and often cause allergies. Using baking soda and vinegar eliminates such unpleasant consequences.

Baking soda and vinegar replace washing, effectively clean the carpet and are completely safe for health.

Soda solution eliminates dust and unpleasant odors. It is suitable for both natural wool carpets and synthetic ones.

Baking soda quickly removes stains from natural and artificial carpets

Vinegar also neutralizes odors well, refreshes color and is not harmful to health. A weak vinegar solution creates an environment that prevents the development of mold.

Important! Before cleaning the carpet, it must be thoroughly vacuumed, first from the back and then from the front.

Cleaning your carpet with vinegar brings back its vibrant colors

Remove dirt using dry soda

This method is good when the carpet is slightly dirty. Dry soda can be used to clean both synthetic and natural carpets.

  1. Sprinkle the surface of the carpet with baking soda.
  2. After half an hour, remove it with a vacuum cleaner.

Dry soda removes minor stains from carpet

This method is especially suitable for woolen carpets, because after wet cleaning their pile may become moldy.

A very simple and well-known remedy, which is assistant number 1, is baking soda. In order to clean carpets, just spray them with a solution of soda and water, and after drying, vacuum them. If there is a greasy stain on the carpet, you need to rub it with dry soda, pouring more of it, when the grease is absorbed, also vacuum it. Simple and effective!

How to clean a carpet with a solution of baking soda and water

This method is perfect for synthetic pile carpets.

  1. Dilute 2 tbsp. l. soda in 1 liter of water.
  2. Pour the solution into a spray bottle, apply to the carpet and leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Vacuum the surface thoroughly to remove any remaining baking soda.

The effect of soda allows you to clean carpets with a slight degree of soiling. More effective are “soda + vinegar” type products.

How to restore the color of your home carpet: a simple recipe for a product based on vinegar and water

This method allows you to refresh the color and neutralize unpleasant odors.

  1. Mix 1 liter of warm water and tbsp. l. 9% vinegar.
  2. Treat the pile with this solution from a spray bottle.
  3. After 30 minutes, brush the carpet with a medium-hard brush.
  4. Let it dry and clean the surface with a vacuum cleaner.

Before using vinegar, be sure to do a preliminary test on a small area of ​​the carpet that is hidden from view.

After applying the solution, thoroughly rinse the dirt with a brush.

This method should be used with caution on artificial fiber carpets. If acetic acid does not destroy wool, it is chemically aggressive towards synthetic fibers and can damage them. Dyes are also able to dissolve under the influence of even weak acetic acid.

Cleaning with vinegar is very good at refreshing the color. First you need to remove the dust, i.e. vacuum the carpet. Afterwards, moisten the brush in a solution of vinegar in the proportion of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water, shake off excess moisture and sweep over the entire surface of the carpet. Cleaning should be done in the direction of the pile.