How to replace baking powder to make baked goods tasty and fluffy? Baking powder and soda powder: comparison, differences, interchangeability.

24.03.2018 Food and drink

Airy and fluffy baked goods are the dream of any housewife. You can surprise guests with such a culinary product or please your family and friends on a warm family evening. Unfortunately, an attempt to prepare a masterpiece will not be successful if the recipe does not include baking powder. Now, getting this component is not difficult; it is sold in finished form in almost every grocery store. However, several decades ago it was not on sale, and women also surprised guests with their lush pies. Until now, many housewives know how and what to replace baking powder with.

Baking soda and citric acid

Soda is a universal product. He simply must be present on the kitchen table of every housewife. However, soda itself cannot loosen the dough. Because baking soda is an alkali , then to react it must be mixed with products that contain acid. For example, this applies to “ lemon acid" . In addition to these two ingredients, you will also need a small amount of flour. It is necessary to prepare a container for preparing the recipe in advance. This procedure consists of several stages.

  • The container must be rinsed and wiped dry;
  • You should put 12 teaspoons of flour in it;
  • You need to add a little soda, about 5 teaspoons;
  • The white mixture should be diluted with 3 teaspoons citric acid;
  • All contents must be mixed, then, after closing the jar, shake thoroughly.

The baking powder for the dough is ready and can be used immediately after preparation.

Baking soda and starch: baking powder substitute

There is no baking powder in the house, but there is starch? Great, you can also use this component to create a dough leavening agent by mixing it with baking soda. The preparation procedure consists of only three stages.

  1. Place dry starch in a container in the amount of 10 tablespoons;
  2. Add 5 teaspoons of soda to it;
  3. To it you need to add three teaspoons of citric acid.

After cooking, just like in the first recipe, the mass must be thoroughly mixed. The last ingredient can be replaced with acetic acid or ground cranberries. When preparing baking powder, you should always remember that the amount of starch should be twice the volume of soda.

Such a simple composition can be prepared from available materials. It is great for making fluffy charlotte or lump-free pancakes. Many people recommend extinguishing it with vinegar first. But, after this, you will have to increase the volume of the white powder mixture itself.

Thus you can ruin the taste of the pie.

Features of dough preparation

  • In baking powders homemade Only dry ingredients should be present. Not the slightest bit of liquid should be allowed in, otherwise carbon dioxide will begin to be produced. Accordingly, it is better to use citric acid in powder form;
  • If you need to prepare a large volume of product for repeated use, it is recommended not to stir the entire composition. It can only be stored in the refrigerator;
  • For one-time use, just mix one teaspoon of each product;
  • The amount of soda also directly depends on the main recipe. If a pie or other culinary product contains chocolate, honey and nuts, then its amount must be halved;
  • On the contrary, you can increase the amount of soda if the dish is prepared from kefir, yogurt and any whey;
  • If the cake contains citrus components, then soda alone can act as a leavening agent. In this case, there is no need to extinguish it first.

Advantages and disadvantages of baking powder

Many housewives with extensive experience make baking powder themselves, not because there is nothing else in the house. The reason for this decision was a number of other advantages.

  • IN home recipe You won't find any additives or chemicals. It will contain only natural products. The same cannot be said about store-bought baking powder. As a rule, manufacturers try to saturate it with food additives and not very useful components;
  • The housewife does not have to guess what to make baking powder from. She herself will know its composition perfectly well;
  • In addition, this is also an economical option; each component must be present at home. Even if you don’t have it, you can buy it; most of it will remain for preparing other dishes;
  • You can prepare any amount of the ingredient to raise the dough. This recipe is especially used in confectionery companies, where there is a large amount of work;
  • A pie with the addition of homemade baking powder always turns out much fluffier and tastier.

There are also several disadvantages of baking powder, which is prepared at home.

  • It's not suitable for those watching their figure. The store-bought product contains 22 fewer calories;
  • It will take time to prepare it, which cannot be said about purchased baking powder, which just needs to be added to the dough;
  • It is not profitable to cook it yourself even if the housewife rarely prepares pies, pancakes, rolls and other flour products.

Experienced confectioners have a negative attitude towards all food additives; in their opinion, a dish will be rich and tasty only if it is completely prepared according to a home recipe.

The effect of baking powder on human health

Baking powder itself does not affect the human body. It only enhances the taste and visual qualities of the dish. But if used frequently, it can be harmful to health.

  • First of all, the figure suffers. Baking powder can increase the calorie content of the product;
  • Store-bought baking powder may contain dye and modified additives. They increase acidity levels. Accordingly, if it is used frequently, problems with the digestive tract may occur;
  • Some people are intolerant to the product. Accordingly, after its use, a fermentation process may occur.

Much more harm can be caused by a product that contains chemical impurities. When buying it in a store, you should carefully read its composition. Better yet, cook it yourself. You should remember the rules for storing baking powder. The container in which it is located must have a tightly closed lid and be in a dark and cool place. The shelf life can be several months.

If you want a delicious pie, but there is no product in the house to raise the dough, then this is not a reason to forget about your plans. You can always find something to replace baking powder with. Easy recipe It will only take a few minutes to prepare, but it will give the hostess a rich dish that will be pleasant not only to look at, but also to taste.

Video about substitutes for baking powder

Not a single flour product can be imagined without baking powder. He is responsible for splendor, as well as beautiful appearance aromatic and delicious homemade baked goods. But what to do when you urgently need to prepare a pie, pancakes or cupcake, but there is not a single gram of the miracle ingredient left in the house? What food products can replace it? This article will help the housewife find an excellent alternative to ready-made baking mix.

What is baking powder?

Baking powder is an essential ingredient for making fluffy baked goods. The principle of its action is based on the formation of bubbles carbon dioxide, which are evenly distributed throughout the dough during baking.

You can find ready-made baking powder on sale, which consists of:

  • citric acid;
  • soda (baking soda);
  • flour or starch.

Advantages and disadvantages of baking powder

Like any other ingredient, baking powder has its advantages and disadvantages. Before using it to prepare homemade baked goods, you need to familiarize yourself with them in order to exclude the possibility of harm to the body of each member of the household.

Among the advantages are:

  • product ready to use;
  • affordable price;
  • With its help you can prepare fluffy baked goods.

Significant disadvantages:

  • the composition contains substances that are not very beneficial for the body (for example, sodium hydrogen phosphate, sodium bicarbonate, etc.);
  • the use of modified starch, which is included in the powder.

If a housewife urgently needs to prepare homemade baked goods, then it is best to buy baking powder, which will consist of soda, citric acid and flour.

Baking powder at home

To prepare a classic homemade baking powder you will need:

  • 125 g soda (baking soda);
  • 250 g cream of tartar;
  • 20 g ammonium;
  • 25 g rice flour.

Based on the fact that not every housewife has all the necessary ingredients in her kitchen, it is worth using two other methods.

Homemade baking powder from simple products: for preparation you will need:

  • 12 tbsp. spoons of flour;
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of baking soda;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of citric acid.

Flour can be replaced with powdered sugar, starch or any other filler.

A simple baking powder: you only need baking soda and 9% vinegar to prepare it. By mixing these ingredients you can get a sizzling liquid that will act like a regular baking powder. The dough will turn out fluffy and porous.

Secrets of making baking powder

From many years of culinary experience:

  • homemade baking powder is prepared both for the preparation of specific baked goods and in reserve. The only requirement is that all ingredients must be dry so that they do not lose their quality;
  • vinegar can be replaced with freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • Baking soda should only be added to dough that contains fermented milk products.

Based on the information received, we can conclude: every housewife (even an inexperienced novice cook) can independently prepare homemade baking powder from available ingredients. Try one of the proposed options, and your baked goods will always be fluffy and beautiful.


  • Citric acid
  • Wheat flour

How to replace baking powder in baking

Often the recipe contains baking powder. It is very easy to use and makes the dough much more fluffy and porous. And it can be very disappointing when all the ingredients of a dish are there, but it’s gone. And here the question arises, what replaces baking powder at home, what can replace it in baking, because you are so reluctant to run to the store for such a small thing. Therefore, it is important to know what you can replace baking powder with.

But purchased baking powder can be easily replaced. And all the ingredients are at your fingertips. This is flour, soda and citric acid. The main thing is to mix these ingredients in the correct proportions.

The ratio of flour, soda and citric acid should be 12:5:3. These can be teaspoons or tablespoons. The main thing is to maintain the correct proportion. The finished mixture can be stored in a tightly sealed jar for up to 2 months and used as needed. That's all the tricks you can use to replace baking powder for dough.

So, we offer you a simple way to replace baking powder for dough and how to do it correctly.

What can you use to replace baking powder when baking? The pastries are aromatic, sweet, fluffy, delicious. The holidays are incomplete without this confectionery product.

And on weekdays we often enjoy pancakes, muffins and similar delicacies.

Today there will be no problem going to the store and from a huge amount suggested to choose what you can afford and like. Only any chef will assure you that homemade baked goods are much tastier and healthier.

There are countless recipes for baking flour sweets. The basis for them is a standard component that allows baked goods to grow in size. Baking powder is considered such an indispensable ingredient.

True, he is not always present in the house. Don't have time to run to the store to buy something? Don't be upset. You can find an alternative. Looking for a replacement familiar homemade products will come to the rescue.

Baking powder for dough acts as a kind of air filler. It helps baked goods rise, fluffy and expand in volume.

The whole secret of this product is that during cooking the component may not react with other ingredients of the dough. The powder itself consists of rice flour, baking soda, cream of tartar and ammonium carbonate.

It is the last component that begins to release during cooking. This makes the baked goods fluffy and voluminous. It is not easy to prepare such a powder at home. Therefore, you can use a replacement.

Replacing baking powder for dough

1. Soda + citric acid. Everyone knows about the universal method - soda slaked with vinegar or acid. Only this is a wrong option. It is not thorough and will only spoil the confectionery product.

The fact is that the hissing reaction should occur during dough kneading and baking. If you extinguish the soda right away, it will react to certain stages and the baked goods will only have a soda taste.

The correct version includes the same components, only in a different variation. You need to take soda and citric acid in dry powder.

No liquid, so as not to speed up the reaction of carbon dioxide release to the desired moment. While kneading the dough, it reacts with the dry ingredients. Then everything happens correctly and naturally.

2. Flour + baking soda + citric acid. You can make a homemade baking powder substitute earlier. To do this, combine flour, soda and citric acid powder. The proportions, respectively, are 12/5/3.

During the preparation of such a powder, no moisture is allowed. Otherwise, the product will react before the dough is prepared.

This analogue of baking powder is stored in a glass jar, which is tightly closed so that no moisture or foreign odors seep inside. Keep the container in the refrigerator.

3. Starch + soda + citric acid. As an alternative to the previous recipe, starch is added instead of flour. It is taken twice as much as soda is required. The cooking and storage process is the same.

4.Soda slaked with vinegar. In some cases, the presence of liquid to extinguish soda is acceptable. For example, if you are preparing pancakes, pancakes or charlotte. Then the soda can be extinguished with vinegar, lemon juice or diluted in a glass of boiling water.

You need to act immediately. As soon as the sizzling reaction begins, quickly combine with the dough and bake the goodies.

5. Soda without additives. Baking soda is the base of homemade baking powder. It can be used individually, without additional components. For it to react, it needs an acidic environment.

If the basis of the dough is an acidic product - kefir, yogurt, sourdough - then soda will fizz perfectly with their help. Citrus fruits also act on soda in the same way. Their presence in the pie recipe will also allow the soda to react flawlessly.

It is important to know that you need to add a little more homemade baking powder than the recipe requires.. Because it is natural and does not contain harmful chemicals that speed up the reaction.

Real housewives often use homemade baking powder. They do this for reasons of utility.

This miracle powder has its own positive features:

  • Naturalness. It does not contain harmful impurities, dyes, or chemicals.
  • Compound. The housewife can treat all family members with baked goods without fear, since she knows the ingredients that are present in homemade baking powder.
  • Financial benefit. If you calculate all the costs of preparing a product at home, it will turn out to be much more economical than buying it in a store.
  • Homemade baking powder will allow the cake to be fluffier, airier, and tastier.

The negative characteristics of the homemade sizzling component of baked goods are as follows: harmful to the figure, time-consuming to prepare, unjustified preparation if the housewife rarely bakes a pastry.

To replace store-bought baking powder, you can do without soda and the other components mentioned above.

For example, a good lifting ingredient is . If the recipe does not spoil the baked goods, then you can add a few spoons. Sparkling water works the same way.

An alternative to soda is alcoholic drinks. Even vodka is a good variation. Only for aromatic confectionery baked goods is it better to use tasty liqueurs. They will add excellent taste and fragrance to your masterpiece.

There are plenty of options for replacing purchased baking powder. Trust that the homemade alternative is healthier and more effective.

Experiment with all sorts of variations - try the full range of confectionery flavors.

There are a lot of secrets that make baked goods fluffy. One of them is loosening the dough. Most often, baking powder is used for this purpose. We will tell you how to replace baking powder if you don’t have a store-bought product on hand.

You can replace baking powder with a soda-containing mixture.

Baking powder for dough is replaced with soda if there is honey, kefir or cocoa in baked goods

How does baking powder work?

Baking powder (backpulver) is a mixture of salts, acidic and basic, and a neutral separator. The invention of the dough-rising ingredient is attributed to the Englishman Alfred Bird. However, the chemist had many competitors and followers, so now there are several recipes for baking powder.

Buckpulvers from different companies differ in components and proportions. Manufacturers, trying to keep the recipe secret, do not always accurately indicate the composition on the label. The classic combination is:

  • cremortartara – 250 g;
  • table soda – 125 g;
  • rice flour – 25 g;
  • ammonium carbonate – 20 g.

The ability of baking powder to loosen dough and give baked goods a porous, airy appearance is based on the release of carbon dioxide. The appearance of bubbles occurs when heated as a result of the reaction of creamtartar with ammonium and soda. Rice flour or powdered sugar are introduced into the composition to prevent interaction of the main ingredients in a dry state.

When preparing homemade baking powder from these ingredients, first add soda and ammonium to the jar. Next add flour. Cremortartar is added last. In order not to disturb the layers, the jar should not be shaken. It is advisable to do no more than 500 g of backpulver at a time. Store the powder in a dry and dark place in a closed container.

How to replace baking powder at home

In the absence of baking powder, the dough is usually loosened with soda. Such a replacement does not affect the quality of baking, provided that the dough contains enough ingredients for an acid reaction.

Baking soda interacts best with fermented milk products, fruits, juices, honey, molasses, eggs, and cocoa. If there are few such ingredients, sodium bicarbonate is added to dry flour, and vinegar, lemon juice or acid is added to the liquid components of baking.

How to replace baking powder with baking soda?

Baking powder is added to the dough at the rate of 10 g per 400 g of flour.

Soda is taken 2–3 times less.

It is noteworthy that you can replace baking powder with pure sodium bicarbonate, but you cannot do the opposite. If the recipe calls for baking soda, that is what you should add.

A solution to the problem of replacing baking powder for dough can be mixtures based on sodium bicarbonate. For example, you can get 100 g of homemade baking powder by mixing 60 g of starch, 25 g of soda and 15 g of citric acid. If desired, starch can be replaced with flour: wheat, rice, corn.

So, there is no clear answer to the question of how to replace baking powder in baking. Under certain conditions, soda, as well as mixtures based on it, can be an alternative to baking powder.