Recipe for pear jam with citric acid. Jam from whole pears with tails in sugar syrup - a simple step-by-step recipe with photos for the winter

23.04.2018 Food and drink

Do you love jam and don’t know how to make it? We offer several recipes for how to cook with lemon. This sweet delicacy will be a good treat for tea and an excellent filling for pies.

Pear jam with lemon

For this recipe you will need:

  • kilogram of pears;
  • kilogram of granulated sugar;
  • one lemon;
  • glass of water.

Of course, we all know that most often jam is cooked in large quantities for preservation in jars. Therefore, do not be confused by the small proportions of the recipe. You can always increase them in accordance with the number of pears that you plan to process. Give preference to ripe and firm fruits.

Cooking technology

Wash the pears, peel them, remove the seeds and cut into large (2-4 pieces) pieces. Wash the lemons and place them in boiling water for a few seconds. Then cut into circles. Remove the seeds. After this, pour boiling water over the lemon slices and cook for about 3 minutes. Drain the broth and pour it in. Cook a little - you should get sugar syrup. Place lemon slices and pear pieces into the container where the jam will be cooked. Pour syrup over fruit. Leave them for an hour, then put the heat on low and cook until the pear slices become translucent. Place the prepared pear jam with lemon into jars, which should be pre-sterilized. Roll up the lids and leave to cool.

Pear jam with lemon and grapes

This recipe will require the following ingredients:

  • sweet light grapes (seedless raisins) - about 200 grams;
  • lemon or orange;
  • 1-1.1 kg granulated sugar;
  • 2/3 (about 150 grams) water;
  • kilogram of pears

Cooking technology

Again you will need ripe but firm pears. You can replace the lemon with orange according to your taste. Or you can put both fruits. Wash the pears, cut them into halves or quarters, and remove the core. Then into smaller slices. Peel the grapes and rinse in a colander. Prepare the syrup. For a small amount, you can use a stainless steel pan. Pour water into it and put 600 grams of granulated sugar into it. Place the saucepan on the stove, the heat should be moderate. Stir until the mixture comes to a boil. As soon as the sugar dissolves, the syrup will begin to boil. It is at this moment that you add pears and grapes to it. The boiling has stopped - you can increase the heat. After the jam has boiled again, cook it for about 10 minutes. Add the remaining sugar and cook for another hour. Don't forget to stir. Now it's time to put the orange in a saucepan. For better juice release, roll the lemon on the table. Cut off the top, pierce the pulp with a knife several times - the juice will come out better. Squeeze it into the pan. If you are afraid that the seeds will get in, first squeeze the juice into a separate container, and then pour it into the pears and grapes. The jam with lemon should boil for about 10 minutes. Prepare jars and lids. Now you can pour pear jam with lemon and grapes into jars.

Pear jam in a slow cooker

You will need:

  • half a kilo of ripe and firm pears;
  • half a kilo of granulated sugar;
  • lemon;
  • half a glass of plain water.

Cooking technology

Peel the pears and remove the core. Cut the fruit into slices. Place in the multicooker bowl. Sprinkle with sugar. Cut the lemon into mugs or slices and add to the pears. Pour water. Close the lid. Set the "Baking" program. Time - 20 minutes. This is followed by the “Quenching” program. Time - 1 hour. Once the jam is ready, you can put it in jars.

Limonka is a pear variety that was developed by Ukrainian breeders many years ago. Thanks to their high endurance, such trees can easily withstand harsh winters and after a maximum of 8 years they begin to regularly produce abundant harvests in the form of small fruits with fairly dense pulp. They can be consumed raw or used to prepare other foods. Limonka pear jam is very tasty. Moreover, it can be prepared in different ways.

Repeated cooking

Any housewife knows that pear jam, as a rule, turns out to be quite sweet. To make the taste less cloying, many people cook it together with other fruits or use various additional ingredients. So, Limonki will be truly tasty if you take the following products for work: per kilogram of fresh fruit - half a liter of water, one and a half kilograms of sugar and a pinch of citric acid.

The cooking process in this case will be quite long:

  1. First, you need to wash the pears well, cut each one into four parts and carefully remove the seeds from them.
  2. Boil water in a basin, place the prepared fruits in it and cook for 5 minutes.
  3. Then the food should be placed in a colander and wait until the excess liquid drains.
  4. At this time, you need to prepare syrup using the water in which the pears were boiled. To do this, add sugar to it and cook the mixture until it completely dissolves.
  5. Pour hot syrup over the fruits and leave for 4 hours.
  6. Cook the mixture for 6 minutes and leave again, but for 12 hours.
  7. Repeat this procedure 3 more times. As a result, the fruit pulp should become transparent.
  8. Citric acid is added at the very end of cooking.

The finished product can be used immediately or, rolled into jars, for long-term storage.

Simple and fast

You can make jam from Limonka pear much faster. For this you will also need a basin, a wooden spatula and the following components: 2 kilograms of pears, 2 glasses of water and 2.5 kilograms of sugar.

This jam is prepared in three stages:

  1. Clean pears must first be inspected, removing rotten areas, and then cut into thin pieces. It will take a lot of time, but the result is worth it.
  2. Place the products in a bowl, cover with sugar and leave for a couple of hours until they are covered with juice. True, Limonki have quite hard and slightly dry flesh. Therefore, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result. If there is not enough liquid, you can add a little water.
  3. Place the basin on the stove and bring its contents to a boil, and then simmer for an hour over low heat. Next with finished product you can do anything.

If you want the pieces to remain intact at the end, it is better to do this in three steps. Every 20 minutes the mixture should be removed from the heat and allowed to cool slightly.

Jam in jelly

For gourmet sweet tooths, you can offer not quite ordinary Limonka pear jam. The fruits acquire an original taste if cooked in apple jelly. To do this, you need to take: for 0.5 kilograms of pears - 1 kilogram of apples, 0.7 kilograms of regular sugar and a pinch of vanilla sugar.

In principle, everything is not so difficult:

  1. The first step is to prepare the syrup. To do this, pour 400 grams of sugar into a glass of water, boil, and then cook with constant stirring until a clear solution is obtained.
  2. Wash the pears, and then, freeing them from seeds, cut them randomly into pieces.
  3. Pour the prepared syrup over the products and leave in this position for 10-12 hours.
  4. Wash the apples, remove the seeds and carefully cut off the peel. After this, they need to be filled three-quarters full with water and boiled for 20 minutes.
  5. Pass the products through a sieve, and then pour the remaining sugar (regular and vanilla) into the resulting puree and cook it for the same amount.
  6. Place the pears into the prepared jelly and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.

If you do not allow a strong boil during cooking, then such jam will turn out almost transparent and will have a pleasant amber color.

Jam with lemon

If the fruit harvest turned out to be a success, then you can try different options for preparing the popular dessert. To make interesting jam from Limonka pear, the recipe should be supplemented with citrus fruits. To do this you will need: per kilogram of juicy pears - 1 large lemon, a glass of water and a kilogram of sugar.

The preparation method is partially similar to the previous version:

  1. The washed lemon must first be doused with boiling water to remove the bitterness.
  2. Cut it into rings, each of which is then divided into 4 parts.
  3. Remove all seeds.
  4. Place the ingredients in a saucepan, add a glass of water and cook for 3 minutes.
  5. Remove the lemon pieces with a slotted spoon and prepare syrup using the broth.
  6. Peel the pears, removing the skin and seeds.
  7. Cut the pulp into slices and place them in a deep saucepan. Cover the top of the food with slices of boiled lemon, pour syrup over everything and let stand for 60 minutes.
  8. After this, they need to be cooked for an hour over low heat, remembering to constantly stir and skim off any foam that forms.
  9. After a thirty-minute break, cook the food for another 1 hour.

The cooled sweet mass will be a great addition to baked goods, hot tea or ice cream.

Fragrant slices

Everyone has their own idea of ​​dessert. Many people, for example, prefer to make Limonka pear jam in slices. As a result, they retain not only their shape, but also their natural aroma. For this recipe you need to take: a glass of water, as well as 4 kilograms of sugar and pear slices.

It’s easy to repeat this method:

  1. First, you need to make a thick syrup from sugar and water. The flame should be relatively small to prevent burning.
  2. Add pre-prepared fruit slices to the syrup and cook them for an hour over low heat after boiling. The pear pulp should not be allowed to fall apart. Otherwise, the result will not be jam, but jam.
  3. Remove the pan from the stove and let the food cool until the next day.
  4. The next day, repeat the cooking process for 40 minutes.

After this, the jam should stand for a while so that the taste is more balanced. It can then be used either as a dessert or as a filling for open or closed pies.

Whole fruits

The dessert looks very impressive when you prepare jam from whole Limonok pears. True, eating them will not be so easy. Nevertheless, this option is worthy of attention. To work, you will need the following ingredients: for one and a half kilograms of sugar - 2.5 kilograms of pears, half a teaspoon of citric acid and 650 milliliters of water.

The recipe seems complicated only at first glance:

  1. First, the fruits must be washed thoroughly, and then each of them must be pricked in several places with a needle.
  2. Place the prepared fruits in a saucepan.
  3. Prepare syrup from sugar and water with constant stirring.
  4. Pour it over the pears and set the pan aside for 5 hours.
  5. After this, cook the mixture for 15 minutes and then leave it alone again for the same time.
  6. Repeat these steps three times.
  7. On last stage you need to add citric acid.

The finished dessert must cool well before you can start tasting it. Such a “creation” can be stored in a cellar or refrigerator.

Technology - to help

What else does Limonka pear go with? Winter jam will taste better if you add oranges to the recipe. The aroma of these citruses will pleasantly transform the dessert. Moreover, you will need a minimum set of products: 0.5 kilograms of pears and oranges and 1 kilogram of sugar.

To make your work easier, you can use a multicooker for cooking:

  1. First of all, you need to chop the products: cut the pears into slices, and the oranges into half circles.
  2. Place them in the multicooker bowl, set the “Stew” mode and set the timer for 90 minutes. In this case, it is better to remove the steam valve.

The beauty of this method is that the hostess practically does not need to do anything. The cooking process is taken over by the device. At the same time, you have absolutely no fear of food burning. The multicooker bowl ensures that this will never happen. The finished jam can be immediately put into jars and rolled up. The container must be sterilized beforehand.

Original combination

Those who like to experiment can be advised to try making another interesting jam from Limonka pear. A simple recipe allows you to get a very unusual result. You only need four components: for 800 grams of pears - 150 grams of honey, 400 grams of sugar and 2 drops of vanilla essence.

The process takes place in several stages:

  1. First, you need to wash the fruits, and then, after removing the stems, seeds and core, cut the pulp into fairly large squares.
  2. Place them in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar and leave for two hours. There will be enough time for the juice to stand out. In this case, the sugar should completely melt.
  3. Add honey and cook 4 times for 15 minutes, letting the mixture cool completely in between.
  4. Vanilla is added at the very end.

If the product is planned for long-term storage, then it should be put into jars and rolled up. The jam should cool gradually. To do this, it is better to cover it with a blanket. It will take at least 4 hours.

Option for small pears

How else can you make jam from Limonka pears? Small and unripe fruits are usually used whole. After heat treatment they completely retain their shape. As an option, a method is suitable that requires the following ratio of products: for every 400 grams of pears - a glass of water, 5 cloves and 2 glasses of sugar.

The essence of the method is quite simple:

  1. The first step is to wash the pears well.
  2. After this, they should be placed in a basin and cooked until they become soft. You will have to boil it several times. Only then will it be possible to remove the peel.
  3. Drain the broth, then measure out the required amount, mix it with sugar and, adding cloves, prepare an aromatic syrup. The solution should not be too thick, otherwise the fruits will turn out hard and become very wrinkled.
  4. Combine the pears with the syrup and cook until they become transparent.
  5. Let the food sit for a few days and then reheat.

As a result, the syrup should thicken well. Soft and transparent pears will look very beautiful in it.

Minimal control

Experienced housewives claim that the easiest way to make jam is from Limonka pears. There is one unique way to do this. The biggest challenge here is preparing the fruit. The rest of the process goes on by itself. The set of ingredients is minimal: products (pears and sugar) must be taken in a 1:1 ratio.

The work begins with preparing the fruit:

  1. Washed pears should be cut so that the slices are almost transparent.
  2. Place them in a deep saucepan. It would be better if it was aluminum. This will avoid possible burning.
  3. Sprinkle the ingredients with sugar, shaking the container constantly.
  4. Place the pan on the stove and turn the heat to low. First, you will need a spoon to thoroughly mix the fruit. Later it will no longer be needed.
  5. Cook the food under the lid for 3.5 to 5 hours, without bothering with constant stirring.

This method is very convenient if making jam is not the only thing the housewife is currently doing.

For every taste

Everyone chooses for themselves, Limonki. Some may doubt it, but a very tasty dessert is obtained if the starting ingredients are: 3 kilograms of sugar per bucket of fruit, half a liter of table vinegar, a little cinnamon, 4 bay leaves and 10 peppercorns.

This jam is prepared using the following technology:

  1. The pears must first be washed and dried, and then pricked with a regular fork or needle.
  2. Make syrup from sugar and vinegar.
  3. Place the fruits in a bowl and add the remaining ingredients.
  4. Pour syrup over everything and let cool well.
  5. Cook three times for 30 minutes, constantly taking a twelve-hour break.

The process must be continued until the syrup reaches the desired consistency. The taste of these pears is simply amazing. And all this thanks to the use of unusual ingredients in the recipe. This product will definitely be appreciated by those who love zest and individuality in desserts.

The taste and aroma of pears has been familiar to everyone since childhood. But the product is perishable, so making jam from it is one way to prolong the pleasure of the delicacy for some more time.

There are many recipes for making flavored jam. In some of them, pears appear “solo”, and in some - surrounded by other fruits. An ingredient such as lemon is a universal addition to many dishes. And pear jam was no exception. The delicate aroma and piquant sourness will highlight the sweetness and softness of the pear.

Pear jam with lemon slices

To prepare this delicacy you will need pears, sugar and lemon (1 pc). Take the first two components 1 kg each. During the preparation stage, all fruits should be thoroughly washed. Cut the lemon into thin rings, and remove the peel, core and slice the pears. Place the lemon in a separate bowl and pour a glass of boiling water. Then put it on the fire and boil for 3 minutes. Pour the resulting broth into a large bowl and add sugar. Next, put it back on the fire and cook the syrup. Cut the cooled lemon rings into 4 parts and add to the pears. This is also where you send the cooled syrup. After an hour, start cooking the jam until the pears become transparent (about 2 hours or a little more).

Pear jam with lemon in the form of a homogeneous mass

Prepare 3 lemons, 2 kg of pears and 2.5 kg of sugar. Pears should be washed thoroughly, all unattractive areas on the skin should be removed and the fruit should be cut into large cubes. You also remove impurities from the lemons and pass them through a meat grinder. After this, combine the ingredients to get a fruit mixture. Cover it with sugar and leave to steep for 3 hours. Before doing this, make small punctures in the pear pieces - this will allow the fruit to release juice faster. After the allotted time, mix the resulting composition, put it on the stove and bring to a boil. Cook the jam for about an hour over low heat.

Pear jam with lemon with lemon zest

This recipe requires 2 kg of pears and sugar, a bag of vanilla sugar and the zest of 1 lemon. Wash the main ingredient – ​​pears. Remove the stems from the fruits, and then cut them into 4 parts. Pears should also be cored. Combine fruit with sugar, pouring it over layers of pears. Leave the resulting composition overnight (12 hours). This time is enough for the fruits to release juice and the sugar to gradually dissolve. In the morning, separate the pears and the resulting syrup. Place the latter on the stove and boil for 20 minutes. Add pears, vanilla sugar and lemon zest to the cooled syrup. Bring the mixture to a boil again and leave it to cook for 15 minutes. Delicious jam is ready.

Pear jam with lemon and lemon juice

Prepare 1 kg of peeled pears, 800 g of sugar, 0.5 kg of lemons and 100 ml of water. To add a subtle aroma, use cinnamon and cloves. You start by preparing the syrup. Bring the water to a boil and add sugar. When the latter dissolves, squeeze lemon juice into the mixture and turn off the stove. Leave the syrup to cool (up to 40 degrees). At this time, take care of the fruit. Cut the pears into small pieces or neat slices. Place the slices in the resulting syrup and leave them there for 13 hours. From time to time the composition should be stirred smoothly. When the allotted time is up, place the treat on the stove and boil the mixture. Add spices and leave for another 12 hours. Afterwards, boil the jam again for 5 minutes. Repeat the manipulation 2 more times. The total jam preparation time is 3 days.

Far-sighted and pragmatic housewives often have shelves with winter preparations filled with substantial volumes of raspberry jam (arming ourselves against colds), traditional currant and stone fruit jam, and everyone’s favorite strawberry and cherry jam. Another thing is pear jam with lemon - branded, valuable and limited, from the category “for a special occasion,” including the fight against off-season blues. The display front in the buffet is for him!

When preparing pear and lemon jam, funny metamorphoses occur. It would seem that the light flesh and peel of the fruit will determine the final shade, but gradually and literally before our eyes the brew turns pink, from transparent and “frivolous” it turns into crimson. With an almost neutral aroma, delicate pears take on the invigorating freshness of citrus fruits, thicken the syrup, create an enveloping and jelly-like texture, and the added spices enrich the taste clearly but unobtrusively. With flavorings, options are possible: in addition to the star anise we chose, warm cinnamon and, conversely, with a candy-like chill, cardamom, seductively sweet vanilla and even a branch with camphorous, coniferous notes of rosemary are suitable.

Let us note that our version of a viscous pear-lemon delicacy is for adherents of “mature” taste. It contains not only the usual sweetness, but also a tart, completely without harshness, a sort of muted bitterness, plus the above-mentioned spicy “trail” of star anise. For the sake of children and conservatives, exclude both star anise/anise and citrus peel, remove the zest into thin shavings and squeeze out a drop of lemon juice - then the jam will receive the tonic sourness of a tropical fruit and at the same time remain quite “predictable”.

Preparation time: 360 minutes / Quantity: 800 ml


  • pears 800 g
  • lemons 200 g
  • sugar 600 g
  • star anise 2-3 stars

How to make pear and lemon jam for the winter

Before slicing, wash all the fruits, wipe them or dry them by laying them on a towel. Cut out the core of the pears and discard them.

Since our fruits are too soft, overripe, flowing sweet juice straight into the palm, there is no point in standing on ceremony and trying to keep the pieces intact - in any case, when cooked, the pears will spread out into different-sized “shreds”, but thereby create the slightly viscous, thick consistency we need. Therefore, we confidently divide into medium-sized cubes or, as in our step-by-step recipe, into longitudinal slices. The hard skin should be cut off, but the thin, tender skin can be left. If you decide to make jam exclusively in slices, choose strong, as they say “wooden” varieties.

We also cut pure citrus fruits into slices or circles and as thinly as possible - be sure to remove the seeds (!), they can increase the bitterness. Place in a bowl after the pears. Let us remind you that for a moderate lemon presence, zest and fresh juice are sufficient. In this case, you are insured against any bitterness and unusual taste. Also, chopped lemons, like oranges, are soaked in cold water- the bitterness of the peel goes away, and dense, glowing candied fruits remain in the cooked jam.

We fill our assortment with the entire norm of granulated sugar, shake lightly and cover with gauze, which perfectly allows air to pass through, stimulating the oxidation process, and at the same time protects from random insects and dust. Leave it alone at room temperature for the next 4-5 hours. It is important that the maximum volume of liquid is released and the sugar is completely dissolved - a lot depends on the specific fruit. Periodically lift the fabric and check the condition of the workpiece, or leave it overnight and cook it in the morning.

After making sure that the sugar crystals have disappeared, there is a lot of liquid, and pieces of citrus and pears are floating, we send the basin to the top heat, set the mode to high temperature. We flavor it with natural spice - throw in two or three stars of fragrant star anise.

Boil, reduce heat and at moderate bubbling, stirring occasionally, cook for about 45-60 minutes. In a wide container, moisture evaporates faster and the syrup thickens.

The color intensively changes to dark burgundy, the pears soften and mix with the syrup, and the lemon slices become transparent “glasses”.

Don’t forget to clean the jars and lids with baking soda in advance. winter preparations. Transfer the still hot homemade pear jam with lemon into stored containers, seal it tightly and cool.

We take the sealed pear-lemon jam to the pantry for storage, and immediately serve the jar “for testing.” To accompany it, cheeses, pancakes, cottage cheese, and even break white bread, and even better - a cup of freshly brewed tea. Let the aromas of summer not leave you all year round!

How to make pear jam: classic recipe, pear jam with lingonberries, lemon, grapes and poppy seeds from the magazine "site"

Pear jam is one of the delicious preparations for the winter. There are a huge variety of recipes for preparing this aromatic delicacy: pear jam, pear jam, jam from whole fruits, pear confiture... from different varieties pears, with the addition of fruits, berries, spices and wine. You can put peaches, bananas, melon, pineapples, cranberries, currants, and lingonberries in pear jam. Ideal spices include cinnamon, lemon zest, cinnamon, mint, anise, cardamom and rosemary. For added spice, you can use turmeric, chili pepper, ginger, lavender and saffron. But vanilla goes especially well with sweet pear. It should also be said that ripe fruits of autumn varieties with dense pulp are more suitable for making pear jam.

Pear jam: recipes

Recipe 1.

You will need: 2 kg of sugar, 2 kg of pears with firm flesh, 3 glasses of water.

From thoroughly washed pears, cut off the skin, remove the seeds and cut into cubes about 1 cm thick. Pour the water into a saucepan, let it boil and place the fruit slices in boiling water. When the water boils again, reduce the heat, blanch the pears for 15 minutes, then remove the pan from the stove, carefully pour the water into a thick-walled pan in which you will prepare the jam, and cool the pieces of fruit - to do this, fill them with cold water. Pour sugar into the decoction of pears, put the pan on the fire, let the water boil, skim off the foam, then place pear slices in the hot syrup and leave at room temperature until cool. After 3-4 hours, put the saucepan back on the fire, and when its contents boil, cook for 10 minutes, stirring gently. Then cool the pears again and boil again for 10 minutes. A total of 4-5 such “approaches” need to be done until the jam is ready. This can be determined by its appearance: The pear slices should become translucent. Place the finished treat into sterile jars and roll up.

Recipe 2.

You will need: 2 kg of pears, 2 glasses of water, 2 medium lemons, 2.4 kg of sugar.

Pear jam will acquire a refreshing citrus aroma and a pleasant light sourness when adding citrus fruits - lemon, orange or lime. We will learn how to make pear jam with lemon. Wash the lemon thoroughly. Cut clean, seeded and peeled pears into large slices. Put the water on the fire, let it boil, put the lemons, cut into slices and peeled from seeds, into it. Boil for 3 minutes. Strain the resulting citrus decoction, put it on the stove again, add sugar and prepare syrup. While it is hot, pour it over the pears and leave for 2 hours. Cook the jam over low heat, periodically skimming the foam from the surface. The jam is ready when the pear slices become transparent and the syrup thickens slightly. Place it in prepared jars and seal with sterile lids.

Recipe 3.

You will need: 500 g of light grapes, 1.5 kg of pears, 200 ml of dry white wine, 150-250 g of sugar (depending on the sweetness of the fruit), 1 coffee spoon of cinnamon, 1 sprig of lavender.

Peel clean pears, remove the core, and cut the pulp into slices. Mix sugar with wine, let it boil and stir until sugar dissolves. Now you can add fruit and cinnamon. Cook the pears in a sling for no more than 15 minutes over low heat. When the jam has cooled (after about 3 hours), put the pan on the fire again, bring its contents to a boil, add a sprig of lavender (you can wrap it in a piece of gauze and tie it with a thread, so that later it is convenient to remove it from the syrup) and cook for 5 minutes. And the next one is the third approach, which is also the final one. When the jam has cooled completely (it is advisable to wait 3-4 hours), remove the lavender from it, bring to a boil and package in sterile jars. Pear jam can also be prepared in a slow cooker.

Recipe 4.

You will need: 2.8 kg of hard pears, 2 kg of sugar, zest and juice of 2 lemons, 1.5 kg of lingonberries.

Rinse the lingonberries and place in a sieve. From clean, peeled pears, cut out the middle so that the “tails” remain intact. Do not throw away pear peelings. Cut the pulp into slices. Cut the zest from the lemons, squeeze out the juice, sprinkle it over the pears, place in a large deep bowl or vat, cover with film and let “rest”. Place the lemon zest, pear peelings and lingonberries in another pan, add 600 ml of water, and when it boils, reduce the heat, cover the dish with a lid and cook, stirring regularly, for no more than 20 minutes. The lingonberries need to turn into mush. Cool the resulting mass, pass through a fine sieve, transfer to a bowl with pears, add sugar and place on the stove. Stir until the sugar has completely melted. Cook for 30-40 minutes, skimming off the foam, until the jam thickens. Pour the finished confiture into sterilized jars and seal tightly.

Recipe 5.

You will need: 2 kg of soft ripe (maybe even a little overripe) pears, 3 boxes of cardamom, 4 large lemons, 2 kg of sugar.

Remove the seeds from the cardamom pods. Wash the lemons, dry them and remove the zest. Wash the pears, remove seeds, remove the skin (if the fruits are too soft and it is impossible to peel them, cook directly with the skin), cut into small slices and place in a thick-walled pan in layers, interspersed with sugar. Cook the fruit over medium heat, and when the sugar is completely dissolved, reduce the heat and simmer for about half an hour (until the pear is soft). When the jam has cooled, puree it using a blender, then rub through a fine sieve, put back into the pan, add lemon zest and juice. After boiling, cook the jam over low heat, stirring continuously, for about 4 minutes, add cardamom seeds (discard the boxes), cook for another minute and remove from heat. Pour the hot jam into sterile jars and roll up.

Recipe 6.

You will need: 2.4 kg of sugar, 4 kg of pears (you can take wild pears), 1/3 coffee spoon of citric acid, 3 clove buds, 800 ml of water.

Wild pear jam turns out very tasty, with a pleasant sourness and piquant aroma thanks to cloves and citric acid. And small pears look very beautiful in a glass jar. Wash the game birds, prick them in several places with a needle and place them in a thick-walled pan. In a separate bowl, boil the syrup from water and sugar, pour it over the fruit and let it sit. When the fruit mass has cooled, place the pan on low heat and cook the wild meats for 10 minutes. When the jam has cooled completely, boil it again for 10 minutes, and do this several times. Add citric acid and cloves at the very end. Place the finished jam in a sterile glass container and seal for the winter.

Recipe 7. Pear jam with poppy seeds

You will need: 4 tablespoons of light liquid honey, 2 kg of pears, 2 teaspoons of poppy seeds, 5 boxes of cardamom, vanilla on the tip of a knife.

Remove the seeds from the cardamom pods and pound them in a mortar. Wash the pears, remove cores and peels, place in a thick-walled pan, add honey and crushed cardamom seeds to the fruit, place the pan on low heat and cook, stirring constantly, for about a third of an hour (cooking time depends on the type of pear; it is important that all juice). The jam is ready when a drop of it does not spread on a cool saucer. At the very end of cooking, add vanilla, add poppy seeds and cook for a couple more minutes. Poppy seeds can be replaced with sesame seeds or chopped nuts. Walnuts and pears go especially well with pears. almonds. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars.

Amber pieces of juicy fruit soaked in aromatic spices in translucent syrup look so elegant on the tea table! And the taste of this dessert is simply divine: bright, rich, honey-sweet. It can be added to porridge, used as a filling for pies, or simply served with tea. Prepare pear jam at home, let it bring a piece of summer to your home in the cold snowy winter. Enjoy your cooking and delicious tea!