How to open bosco champagne. Classic way to open. Safe and neat bottle opening option for girls

Question: " How to open champagne?”- probably visited many, especially before the holidays. Some people don't think much of it and open it the way they know how, then put in new glasses or run to get bruise cream for a loved one who's got a champagne cork in his eye. To prevent such incidents from happening and everyone remains intact, you should learn how to open champagne correctly. Although some may find it fun to open a bottle with pops and splashes, it is considered bad manners by etiquette. You need to open a bottle of champagne at home so that the cork emits a light pop, and instead of a jet of champagne from the neck, only light smoke appears. Yes, this is not an easy task and most often depends on the way the champagne is stored.

The experimental liqueur is immediately filled, which is another dose of the same pure wine with added cane sugar - the exact amount varies and is one of every producer's best-kept secrets. Good champagne stays in the cellars for several years. Until the seventeenth century, before English glassmakers came to the slow production of strong glass, the cellars of Champagne were full of men in iron masks, none of whom were famous prisoners.

There was no surprise, the pressure in the bottle was the same as in the tires of the tire, and when it broke, the fragments around them should just have been shining. The first two are the basis of many red wines, but you will only find a hint of the same color in Champagne exclusively. Champagne is always blended over several years, ensuring continuity of quality.

Nowadays, no high-profile holiday is complete without champagne. There are hundreds of brands and names, different tastes and aromas, different prices. There are also fakes, without which not a single popular product can do, therefore it is very important to know how to choose the right champagne.

Real champagne from France will cost quite a lot of money, but it will amaze you with its quality.

The annual winners are produced exclusively by French winemakers, about once every five years. Each producer is required to carry a portion of the wine from such a superb vintage to balance the quality in the worst of times. Nowhere is it written that vintage champagne should be better, often the opposite is true. Not only its content is important, true experts pay close attention to everything, the bottle, the cork. This is important for every good wine, but here it is double. However, the sponge is not produced in that familiar spongy form when it hits the neck of the bottle.

Bottles of real French champagne usually have a footnote that they were produced directly in France, in the Champagne region.

But if you don’t want to shell out a tidy sum for a bottle of sparkling wine, and it would be nice to treat yourself to a delicious aromatic drink, then you can choose one of the cheaper options. But in order not to be deceived, carefully read the label. It should read: "méthode classique" or "méthode traditionnel". Such champagne was produced using the same technology as the expensive one.

They are made from a granular cork tied with three clean test tubes inside. One who comes into direct contact with the drink is called a mirror. There are many different rituals and superstitions in the bay. For example, if she puts it under her pillow and spends three days on it, she sees in a dream the man she is getting married to. It is common to cut out the bottom when a coin is inserted into the cutout. If you donate it to someone you love, they will be lucky as long as they stay in the groove.

In the development of the champagne industry, for unknown reasons, they played a very important, if not decisive role, the role of a widow. With the French equivalent of the word, we still have labels to this day. The most famous of these was Nicol-Barbe Clicquot. She was widowed for seventy years, and then for sixty years she headed the firm, making it one of the largest in the country. He even came up with a manufacturing process called remuage. When she left, she left one of the most important houses in La Champagne to her heirs.

There are several subtleties that you need to know about champagne:

    At any holiday that takes place in the house, the owner of this house must pour champagne to the guests himself, without passing it from hand to hand. This is considered bad manners.

    Dry champagne should be poured exclusively into thin glasses, and sweet semi-dry - into wider glasses.

    Widows knew how to walk. We don't know about right ways opening champagne. The idea of ​​a real kick is completely wrong, and whoever does it is the person who is completely incapable of drinking this noble mok. If someone wants to open a bottle effectively and elegantly, he cuts off the neck with a saber or a special knife, which, however, requires considerable experience and skill. Otherwise, it should be opened in a dignified manner and as quietly as possible. The bottle should be in a tilted position and certainly not on anyone or anything else.

    Do not fill the glass to the very top. The drink should take up a little more than half the glass.

    Often, a regular bottle of sparkling wine is enough for eight servings.

    The quieter you open the bottle, the better.

    Champagne glasses should only be held by the stem. In no case do not hold on to the bowl, as the drink can heat up by hand and lose all its charm and taste.

    First you need to remove the shiny foil, and then the wire basket - agraph. Some sideburns are especially fast and tend to leave the bottle prematurely, so they should be held carefully with the other hand. Others, on the other hand, are clingy and they don't want much. In this case, do not press them with your thumb, on the contrary, gently turn the bottle. It will never break with a cork! Everyone who enjoys this wonderful drink should also have an ice bucket and champagne at home for about an hour before drinking.

    Never put it in the freezer! A quick heat stroke will destroy most of the bubbles and completely destroy the taste of the wine. The corrected but heavily violated rule is also not to combine it with other types of alcohol. You should also pay attention to the choice proper nutrition or additions. Unsuitable ingredients are garlic, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant.

    If you don't want your sparkling wine to foam up a lot when pouring into a glass, then try throwing a piece of ice into it, chatting it there a bit, and only after that pour the champagne.

    It is customary to eat champagne with seafood, desserts, fruits or meat.

    The only correct type of glass for sparkling wine is the so-called flutes. Favorite cubes with a flat bottom are completely out of place. The aroma is quickly lost in them, and the boiling of glasses disappears. The glass should be filled first in about a quarter and then in the mist. There should be enough space to make life easier for him. One who keeps it in his mouth for a long time, with an amazed expression, is not considered an expert, but an ass. The main part of the pleasure is how the bubbles burst in the mouth and then slide down the neck.

    Someone who just smokes cannot experience it. It doesn't make sense to sniff him repeatedly, he's rich enough to suck a bouquet alone, but not in a jar in a glass. From this breath, you know much more about taste than sweet or dry. With a little practice, every capable consumer can distinguish the taste of grapes and some even yeast. The taste of champagne has a great influence on the sugar content. If it is neutral, it will stay dry. But we rarely see him. With an increase in sugar content, the expert is considered to be the highest on an imaginary scale.

And now let's look at the ways in which you can open a bottle of champagne at home as quietly and safely as possible.

How to open?

To open champagne correctly and not splatter all guests before serving refrigerate the bottle. To do this, you need to put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for a couple of hours. You can also use a special bucket into which ice is poured and the bottle is immersed. Putting the bottle in the freezer is completely undesirable, as this may cause the drink to lose its taste.

Also, although in French the word means dry. Next - semi-sweet and finally doo or rich - sweet. All this information can be found on every bottle. A total of 44 sommeliers opened 76 bottles in ten seconds. An attempt to record at the session, as the professional discovery of marshmallows is called, was opened by the minister Agriculture retired Piotr Gandalovi, who also completed the competition. Former Czech Milos Zeman premiered with Ivana's cottage.

The circle consisted of about two hundred participants of the fair, who could taste the wine at the end of the competition. "It's great," one of the patrons commented on the quality. Seam or millet bottle openers require experts to have experience, and the lover's temperature is also important. “If the bottle is warm, most will spit it out, if it is at the right temperature, the wine will stay in the bottle and then people can enjoy it,” said one sommelier.

After you have cooled the bottle and brought it to heat, condensation will appear. It will need to be completely wiped off, and then wrap the bottle with a napkin, covering the label. This is done so that the bottle does not accidentally slip out of your hand. When doing this, try not to shake the champagne, as in this case you will not be able to quietly open it.

Beneficiaries can take part in tastings, workshops or knowledge competitions. Exhibition center fairs in Prague from April to April. The principles of proper wine serving from the moment we pull the cork out of the bottle until we enjoy the wine with our eyes, we do not tolerate wet lips - it would seem quite simple - but one essential fact must be realized: the correct pouring and presentation of the results of efforts many people can crown all their work or ruin their work. So: what are we not doing?

If we order wine in a restaurant, it is the handling of a bottle of wine in the hands of experts. On the solemnly laid out table, we must find a tempered drink glass at an angle of 45 ° from the tip of the knife in order: a glass of water that does not change one by one; white glasses; red glasses; flute for sparkling wine or sparkling wine. We never put two wines in one glass to prevent the taste of drinks.

Start opening by getting rid of the wrapper and wire. Now you are one on one with the cork. Hold it with your thumb and tilt the bottle so that it is not directed at people, glass or burning candles.Now begin to scroll the bottle, not the cork, slightly pulling it down. You can try wrapping the cork in a towel to make sure it doesn't pop out, then you can be a little more daring.

If we prepare a table at home, we always serve the correct glass for each run separately. If we're serving fuller white wines, it's good to open them an hour before to get a richer flavored wine. Quality older red wines are served in a carafe, a glass container into which we carefully pour the wine, which gives it the best flavor thanks to the oxygen. The wine should be fed into the decanter in a slow but steady stream until sediment appears. Decanting as the wine gets more air also softens the wine, so several relatively young wines can be taken.

Keep spinning the bottle until you open the cork. When you open the bottle, start slowly pouring champagne into glasses so that it does not form a high foam. And after that you can enjoy the great taste of sparkling wine. This way of opening a bottle at home is very simple, even girls can handle it.

Decantation is also sometimes referred to as the process of breathing wine. If it pours out of a bottle, it should be poured to see the label. Sparkling wines or sparkling wines that can serve as aperitifs are considered a silent discovery for the honor and art of wine processing. The wine should be opened with a linen cloth, a high-quality bottle opener, carefully so that the cork stopper will gradually come out of the bottle as a whole and not be damaged.

We carefully pour, the bottle should not touch the glass. By the way, wine tasting is the daily bread of many wine experts, so some of their methods can be discarded: first, they look and admire their color: hold the glass in your hand against a bright area. The wine is poured below half the glass, the glass is larger, the smaller in volume. Wine needs space, so we prefer more wine, so the wine will fully develop its bouquet and aroma. Pour the wine into a glass that stands in its place, the only exception is sparkling wine, we can tilt the glass a little.

By the way, open champagne can be stored no more than two days in a cool place, but it will still lose most their taste qualities.

What to do if the cork is broken?

Another popular question: “How to open champagne if the cork is broken?”. There are only three ways in which you can do this:

Visually, we can appreciate the color of the wine and its depth. In white wines, a light color is a sign that it is a relatively young wine, the age of the color of the wine is slightly darker and golden. We can admire the full range of colors such as greenish yellow, straw yellow, golden yellow, yellow with amber tones, etc. with red wines, the color depends on their origin and age - with aging, the color intensity decreases. The spectrum of color tones in red wines is also good: purple tones of red, ruby ​​red, cherry red, garnet red, brick red, etc. rosé wines are salmon, light red.

    open in hussar;

    with the help of a self-tapping screw;

    pull out the cork piece by piece.

How to open champagne if the cork is broken, in Hussar style, we will tell a little later, but now let's look at other ways.

If the cork is plastic, then the bottle should be shaken well so that the cork is knocked out under the pressure of air. Well, if the cork is wooden, then you will have to tinker with it a little. Opening champagne with a self-tapping screw is the best option. For this it is necessary to carefully screw the self-tapping screw into the remains of the cork, then arm yourself with pliers and sharply pull the cork out of the bottle. In this case, the self-tapping screw should be chosen more authentically, and the bottle should be held stronger.

Depending on the color, it is often possible to determine the age, variety, vintage and origin of the wine. It can also be seen whether a clear and bright wine is clear. The wine level seems to glow and shows that the wine is fresh and full. Carbon dioxide in a good mood should form in small bubbles and slowly rise to the surface. Residual sugar and extract increase the viscosity of the wine, the wine is more viscous. On the other hand, alcohol reduces the viscosity of wine.

We easily walk around the wine, the so-called tears of wine stick to the glass, sometimes called the windows of the temple - this is a testament to the viscosity of the wine and its consistency. Let the wine level settle down and take a deep glass a few times to get used to the intense aroma of the wine. Drink slowly, take a little sip of wine, we roll on the tongue. The wine and its components in the mouth create an image that generates the overall taste. After swallowing, we will still see other flavors that have been weakened from the wine due to the warmth in the mouth.

If this option to open champagne did not help you, then you have to sweat. Arm yourself with thin pliers and start pulling out the broken cork piece by piece. You may have to strain the champagne through a strainer, as crumbled pieces of cork will remain in the drink.

We open with a saber in a hussar way

You can also open champagne with a saber in a hussar style if the cork is broken. Only for this you will need at least a saber, as well as a little physical strength and dexterity. In our article, we will describe in detail how to open hussar champagne with a saber.

    A bottle of champagne must be held in your left hand if you are right-handed, and in your right hand if you are left-handed. The drink must be chilled and the bottle must not be wet. It should be held by the bottom, tilted at forty-five degrees.

    Be sure to watch where the champagne cork is pointing. In no case should you keep it directed towards guests or breaking objects.

    Find a good hussar saber, and in the absence of it, you can arm yourself with an ordinary kitchen knife.

    Now you should carefully examine the bottle to find the side seams in it. They need to be targeted.

    Turn the knife with the blade up, with a blunt end, sharply hit the place just below the cork.

Most likely, you will not be able to open champagne at home in the hussar style the first time. Surely there will be around a large number of splinters, splashes and dissatisfied exclamations, but if you practice a little, then one day you will definitely be able to open a bottle of champagne in the hussar style.

There is nothing easier than uncorking a bottle of champagne - everyone knows this, but here's how to open champagne in such a way as to do without injuries and spoiled the mood of the guests present at the celebration?


It was once considered a special chic to open a bottle of champagne as loudly and spectacularly as possible: with a loud pop and a stream of foamy wine from the neck of the bottle. However, this method has several significant drawbacks.

Firstly, it is dangerous, because if not the opener himself, then one of the guests can suffer from a flown out cork. Especially when you consider that the speed of a flying traffic jam is about 120 km / h, this becomes a good reason not to risk your health and mood.

Broken champagne cork

Secondly, there is a considerable chance of damaging something valuable, for example, the favorite service of the owners of the house, or a crystal chandelier, and simply - guests doused with champagne and wallpaper on the wall are unlikely to add goodwill to the holiday atmosphere. And, finally, this method significantly worsens the taste of the drink itself, because when the cork is shot from the bottle, carbon dioxide will also leave the bottle along with the champagne jet, and the champagne will lose a lot in terms of lightness of taste and aroma.

And the drink itself in the bottle is much less than we would like, and in the case of collection champagne, this can be a very unpleasant discovery, because, after all, fireworks are better for sound effects, and wine is meant to be enjoyed his taste, right?

So, let's take a closer look at how to properly open champagne in order to avoid unpleasant consequences. In fact, this process is not as scary as it seems at first glance. And even if you have never done this before, you will certainly be able to cope with the task if you follow the basic rules that will be discussed further.

Proper opening of a bottle of champagne

To make it easier to handle a bottle of sparkling wine, champagne should be chilled before opening. To do this, just put it in the refrigerator for 1.5-2 hours. However, you should not get too carried away and allow the wine in the bottle to freeze until ice appears. This will make the drink taste unpleasant, and simply warming the wine to restore its quality will no longer work.


Since after the refrigerator the bottle will probably fog up in a warm room, it is customary to wrap it in a clean white cloth or towel. It will be most convenient to wrap the napkin so that the label on the bottle is closed. This can also be done in the kitchen, but often it is the process of opening a bottle in front of guests that allows you to bring a festive mood to the feast.

Since it is important for us to open a bottle of champagne correctly - without a loud pop, it is better not to shake or turn the bottle over during preparation. Otherwise, the pressure inside the bottle will increase and it will be much more difficult to contain the cork shot. Sometimes a cold spoon attached to the neck helps to reduce internal pressure, but you can hardly count on its help if you have previously shaken the drink.

cork shot

The next step is to remove the foil from the sealed neck of the bottle. Hold the bottle at an angle of approximately 40°, firmly grasping the area wrapped in the napkin. In this case, it is worth deciding in advance where to direct the neck. It is better that there are no guests or valuable items in the area, this will help insure against accidental injury or causing irreparable damage to property.

Tilt the bottle should be in order to redistribute the pressure of the gas inside the vessel. If you put it straight, then the entire force of internal pressure (and this is several times more than in a car tire) will fall on the cork and the narrow neck of the bottle. In this case, it will be quite difficult to keep the cork. But when tilted, the pressure of the gas will be on the shoulders of the bottle, and the cork will remain under your control.

Once the foil has been removed, it's time to remove the muzzle, the wire frame that holds the cork. As a rule, this design is fastened with a wire loop, which is located on the side and twisted around its axis in a clockwise direction. In order to remove the muzzle, you just need to bend and unwind the loop, and as soon as the wire loosens, remove it. The main thing to keep in mind is that if the champagne is not cooled properly, or the bottle was shaken and turned over, when the wire structure is loosened, the cork can fly out under pressure carbon dioxide. In this case, it is better to insure yourself a little by covering the cork with your palm in the process of removing the muzzle.

And having discovered them, you will need to draw the knife several times along the seam, from bottom to top, using not the sharp sharpened edge of the knife, but the reverse, that is, pointing the tool with the blade towards you. Hold the bottle in this case better closer to the bottom.

Now you should make a sharp, sliding movement with the knife away from you towards the cork, and, without lifting the blade from the surface, hit the top end of the bottle neck with the knife. The plane of the knife should remain parallel to the neck. If everything is done correctly, the cork together with top the neck will fly forward, and the gushing champagne will wash away possible glass crumbs.

Opening sparkling wine with a knife

It is unlikely that you will be able to do this trick cleanly the first time. To master this method, you will need to practice and open at least 5 bottles using a knife. The main thing is that the blow is strong and accurate, then the bottle will not crack in your hands. If you are not confident in your abilities, it may be better to refrain and not risk injury on a holiday. After all, champagne is not enough to open - they still need to be enjoyed. After the bottle is opened, experts recommend not rushing to pour sparkling wine into glasses. It should stay in the bottle for another 1-2 minutes for the carbon dioxide level to return to normal.

It is customary to pour champagne into narrow long glasses, which should be taken exclusively by the stem and held with your left hand (if you follow the etiquette exactly). It is important to follow such rules if you are among those invited to any solemn event with a buffet table. If you put a glass on the surface of a table or counter, then, according to the rules of the same etiquette, you are no longer allowed to take the glass back, even if the glass is still full. It is believed that if you like a drink, then you will hold it until you empty the glass.

They drink sparkling wine slowly, holding the drink in their mouth for some time and enjoying its delicate taste. In no case should you drink it in large sips or do it too quickly, otherwise you risk getting at least a long hiccup, which is unlikely to be appropriate in society.
But if your holiday is not so official and takes place with friends (or good acquaintances), you can offer them to solve the problem of how to drink champagne from a bottle without opening it. This problem even has 2 solutions, and it will be quite interesting if someone will be able to solve them.

The first way to drink sparkling wine from a bottle without opening it is fairly obvious and involves the use of a pair of large syringes. The method consists in piercing a plastic stopper with a needle in the place where it has the smallest thickness and, without removing the needle, disconnect the syringe. Such a move will help depressurize the bottle and reduce internal pressure. And leave the needle so that the plastic fibers do not close back. Not far from the first needle, you should stick the second one, and now you can draw champagne into a syringe and pour it into another container, for example, into a glass. Such a game moment will allow you and your guests to have fun.

However, safety precautions cannot be avoided here either. Before inserting the syringe needle, do not shake the bottle so as not to increase the internal pressure in the vessel. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to make a puncture. In addition, in the process, you should not lean too low over the bottle, it is better to stay close to it. Indeed, in spite of everything, excess pressure does not go away, and therefore during the procedure, champagne can escape from a small hole and get into the face. This is not fatal, but it is still better to keep your eyes.

The second method has a much simpler solution, and just a little ingenuity is enough to fulfill the condition. To do this, you only need a second bottle of champagne, which just needs to be opened. As a result, one, unopened bottle is turned upside down, strictly neck to the floor. It will become noticeable that the bottom of the bottle has a concave, cupped shape - and this is typical for most bottles of this type of wine. Champagne is poured into this recess, and it should be drunk from it. Thus, the main condition "to drink champagne from a closed bottle" is fulfilled.

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