How to remove odor from a washing machine. How to eliminate odor in an automatic washing machine. How to remove washing machine smell?

22.12.2018 Home and life

It is a big mistake of many housewives to believe that a bad smell from a washing machine is only a problem for old appliances. In fact, such a nuisance can happen to any machine if you don’t take proper care of it. Why a foul odor appears from the machine and how to get rid of it is the topic of the article.

How to remove smell from a washing machine - reasons

The smell of mustiness or dampness is emitted by certain microorganisms that can “settle” in any part of the washing machine. For example, fungi and bacteria often settle in the drain hose, rubber seal or filter.

It does not take a lot of time. Just include this household activity in your cleaning routine so you never forget that your device also needs care. Check out some tips now and learn how to clean your washing machine without complications.

To remove mold, mildew, and loosen accumulated dirt inside the machine, simply make a homemade mixture of two cups of distilled white vinegar dissolved in the water inside the machine. Then program the wash cycle, turn on the appliance and wait for the entire process to complete. If your machine is equipped with a hot water system, you can use this feature and clean it more efficiently.

The following factors contribute to the proliferation of such bad-smelling microflora:

  • Frequent washing at low temperatures- microorganisms on dirty clothes do not die and spread throughout the equipment.
  • Spin at low speeds - the machine remains very wet, which contributes to the rapid growth of mold.
  • Storing dirty things in a drum is a green light to all the bacteria that are in pockets and on food stains.
  • Washing things with crumbs, papers, and other debris that have not been removed - dirt particles clump together, settle in the filter and serve as a breeding ground for microbes.

How to remove odor from a washing machine - idle boiling

The choice of anti-odor product and the method of treating the machine depends on the cause and location of its localization. The “idle boiling” mode is an excellent method for getting rid of plaque and mucus accumulation in all parts of the machine. Pour 100-120 g of powder into the drum and turn on the long wash cycle at the most high temperature. You can repeat it twice in a row if the smell is too persistent.

If your car shows signs of rust, it is a sign that the cylinder is damaged. It's necessary to call a technician, but you can remove rust dirt and prevent clothing damage. It is recommended to add a cup of lemon or lime juice to the machine. If you have access to hot water, better. Let the mixing effect inside the attached machine until the entire wash cycle is completed.

Removable parts and complex parts

If your machine has removable parts, remove and wash them one at a time with soap and water as there may be product residue on them. Do a general cleaning of the outside of the washing machine using only the soft side of the sponge and a mixture of water and vinegar. Clean the inner and outer cover, sides, handles and any other container of the machine that is not removable.

How to remove smell from a washing machine - vinegar treatment

Vinegar neutralizes mold and limestone deposits. You need to do the cleaning like this:

  • Pour 400 ml of vinegar into a tray;
  • select the maximum temperature;
  • after 5-7 minutes, stop the machine for 1 hour;
  • resume washing until the end of the cycle;
  • After washing, treat all available machine parts with a solution of vinegar and water (1:1).
  • Clean the filter and wipe the drum dry.

Advice! If the washing machine has not been descaled for a long time, it is better to use 250 g instead of vinegar. citric acid with the same execution algorithm.

The tip for cleaning difficult and small corners should have a toothbrush, swabs and toothpicks. For machines that remain in open laundry rooms, it is always recommended to protect the machine with special plastic covers to prevent dirt accumulation and to avoid excessive sunlight or rain.

The best way to get rid of unpleasant odor V washing machine- This is to do a maintenance clean by running a wash cycle with the sink empty. In addition to cleaning your washer, be sure to use the correct dosage of soap to prevent debris from accumulating inside the washer and causing a stench. So always check the dosage and use the instructions on the label of your laundry detergent.

How to remove odor from a washing machine - treatment with soda ash

The method is suitable for combating mold fungi. The drum, powder container and seal are manually treated with this product:

  • Mix baking soda in water (ratio 1:1).
  • Spread the paste onto the parts of the washing machine and leave for 30-45 minutes.
  • Wash off the soda with a wet sponge.
  • Run a short dry cycle.

In addition to being a nuisance, a smelly washing machine can leave odors on your clothes. With a few simple steps, you can eliminate odors, leaving your equipment well sanitized and ready to use. Below shows what to do to remove bad smell in the washing machine.

How to clean a washing machine

The washing machines worked to remove stains and dirt from our clothes. It's no coincidence that laundry waste ends up accumulating inside the equipment, sometimes causing an unpleasant odor in the washing machine. Knowing how to clean your washing machine is essential to preventing odors as well as keeping your equipment functioning properly. To do this, you can clean the machine as follows.

How to remove odor from a washing machine - cleaning with copper sulfate

Copper sulfate can completely remove the smell of mold. It can also be used for prevention purposes. The machine is processed as follows:

  • Mix 30 g copper sulfate and 30 ml water.
  • Soak a soft cloth in the solution and wipe the drum, tray, door, cuff.
  • Leave the machine for 24 hours.
  • Then run the machine once with the powder and once with just high-temperature water.

One of the reasons why your washing machine smells bad is the accumulation of detergent residue in the equipment filter. Remove the filter and clean it regularly using detergent and hot water. Just remember that filters vary by manufacturer, so it's a good idea to check your hardware manual for specific instructions on how to remove it from your device.

Faulty sewer system - source of odor

Use hot water and a damp cloth to wipe away any remaining soap and fabric softener. If dirt accumulates and is difficult to remove, remove the soap tray from the machine and soak it in a bucket with water and neutral detergent. Then remove the residue with a brush.

How to remove odor from a washing machine - household chemicals

Household products can also help remove the eerie odor from the drum of the machine. For example, you can easily clean your equipment with the following detergents:

  • “Kalgon” - tablets, gel and loose powder that eliminate scale, foreign odors, and bacteria.
  • "Alfagon" is a similar product designed to remove plaque and dirt.
  • “Frisch Active” is a liquid chemical anti-mucus agent in a powder tray, drum, hoses.

Rubber cleaning scheme

Bad smells in your washing machine can also be caused by mold and laundry waste that accumulates in the equipment, inside the drum and around the rubber of the lid. Simply sprinkle some of the product inside the washer and rubber. Then wipe with a clean damp cloth.

After cleaning the machine, leave the lid open to allow the machine to dry completely. Program a quick wash cycle with the appliance empty. Use hot water if your equipment offers this option or add a little white vinegar to the wash to help eliminate mildew and accumulated dirt. This great way to avoid making your machine smelly, so repeat the process regularly, doing maintenance at least once a month.

The simplest solution to the problem of unpleasant odor in the washing machine is prevention. Open the door more often, wash containers, change filters, and your machine will never develop an unpleasant odor.

The first washing machine was invented not so long ago - in 1908. In just 100 years, the unit has become so integral to our lives that today we cannot even imagine how before people washed by hand.

By following these best practices, you'll be sure to avoid smelly washing machines and still ensure that your clothes come out properly cleaned. Be sure to use a reliable laundry detergent to maximize the cleaning power of your washer.

Now that you already know how to take away the stench from your washing machine, why not see other tips from or else. Who has ever set out to wash dishes or a glass and come across a super smelly and disgusting sponge on top of the sink? This is a very common problem found in many homes, especially when you do not have information on how to solve it or how to prevent it.

Where does the smell come from?

But here’s the problem: the washing machine itself began to smell rotten and, moreover, the clothes also have an unpleasant aroma. Why does my washing machine smell so bad? It seems that everything is the same: the modes have not changed, the washing powder is the same, and the machine is not old yet. We will understand the reasons and clarify the situation, how to eliminate the problem and prevent it from occurring in the future.

Synthetic foam sponges are made of polyurethane plastic, oil-based material and other synthetic chemical components, which in addition to difficult recycling are still large deposits of germs and bacteria. This makes them more disgusting than many other parts of the house, such as a toilet seat, a trash can, or even a pail full of used diapers. It's even hard to believe, but it's true!

Antibacterial agent Frisch Aktiv

Remember that when you wash kitchen utensils with this item or clean tables and countertops, keep in mind that it spreads various bacteria everywhere, which can increase the risk of infection and other diseases caused by them. This bad odor from sponges used over the sink means that bacteria removed from dishes containing organic foods quickly develops in them. The stronger the smell, the more likely it is that thousands of bacteria and germs are growing there.

What we're doing wrong: 13 mistakes in caring for your washing machine

The main reason is microorganisms: staphylococci, E. coli, molds and other nasty things. The appearance of a rotten smell from the washing machine indicates that colonies of harmful bacteria have formed somewhere inside the unit. For their reproduction, heat and moisture are needed, and a washing machine in this regard is perfect place. What are we doing wrong? The reasons are as follows.

While the sponge sits there after use, several microbes multiply at an impressive rate every 20 minutes. Therefore, we must take some precautions, which we will cover in this article. To avoid unpleasant odor in your kitchen sink and at the same time ensure the health of your family, you need to be careful while and after using a sponge to wash dishes.

Here are some effective methods to disinfect and prevent the spread of parasites present in food. After using the sponge, it is best to remove any remaining food that may have become trapped. Since bacteria love debris and destroy good moisture, this will prevent bacteria from growing in the bushes.

  1. Closing the door. If you do not leave the loading hatch open after finishing the wash, the moisture inside creates favorable conditions for the development of bacteria.
  2. We save electricity. Washing at low temperatures does not destroy microorganisms - for this you need to heat the water to at least 90°C. Our “favorite” modes with a temperature of 30-40°C create the most comfortable environment for the growth of colonies.
  3. We use low quality powder. The same applies to the rinse aid. A low-quality product does not dissolve completely in water and particles settle on the working elements, drum, and filters of the machine. This plaque is a breeding ground for bacteria.
  4. We do not comply with the dosage. It’s not for nothing that manufacturers indicate dosage regimens on packages. More doesn't mean better. Excess settles on everything it touches - hoses, drum, tray for loading detergents, filters. They also do not rinse completely out of the laundry, making it gray and hard.
  5. We don't check pockets. Random leftover food, candy, crumbs, pieces of paper and similar debris get wet during the washing process and settle in filters, hoses and the rubber cuff of the loading hatch.
  6. Hard water. Various salts contained in tap water settle on the heating element - heating element. And not only salts, but also organic particles. Over time, carbon deposits break off and accumulate at the bottom of the device, where it creates good conditions for the growth of colonies of microorganisms.
  7. The machine was installed unevenly. If the device is tilted, then some of the water physically cannot drain into the sewer and remains at the bottom, where rotting occurs.
  8. We don't clean the filter. When draining water from the machine, large debris and hair are retained by the filter. Residues decompose and may cause a stench.
  9. Do not wash the detergent loading tray. And we don’t even want to look there. But in that slimy coating mold and other abominations multiply.
  10. Do not wipe the drum after washing. And water remains inside. Which then goes out and stinks.
  11. Do not wash the rubber cuff on the loading hatch. And there is a place where all kinds of garbage accumulates. Black mold most often grows inside the cuff.
  12. We store dirty things in the drum. Meanwhile, bacteria on the laundry multiply and emit a stench.
  13. We ignore installation by a qualified technician. There is a possibility that the drain hose is not connected to the sewer correctly. Check: the drain hole should not be higher than 50 cm from the floor, and the hose itself should be fastened in the shape of the letter U, like a siphon under the sink. Otherwise, the smell from the washing machine drum is guaranteed.

More possible reason: problems with public sewerage. If it is clogged, the smell will come not only from the washing machine, but also from the sink, bathtub, and shower stall.

In addition to cleaning the sponge after use, it is also recommended to remove excess water from the sponge and leave it in the sun if possible. This method can only be used if you use non-metallic, non-plastic sponges to avoid any internal accidents. To put this into practice and disarm your bushing, it's very easy.

Wet the sponge completely and, on top of a paper towel, place it in the microwave for one to two minutes. Most of live bacteria will be destroyed during the procedure. To finish, simply remove the sponge and leave it to dry in an airy, dry place before using it. According to experts, this is the most effective method disinfection of dishwashing sponges.

"Weak spots

From the operating errors listed above, we can highlight the main places in an automatic machine where rotting occurs:

  • tray for loading detergents;
  • a channel through which powder or conditioner passes;
  • the bottom of the drum, its walls;
  • rubber cuff around the loading hatch;
  • bottom and inner walls;
  • drain pump filter;
  • water supply filter;
  • drain hose;
  • a heating element.

In most cases, the problem of musty smell from the washing machine is solved by cleaning these elements. But sometimes parts need to be replaced with new ones. For example, if a lot of dirt and mold has accumulated in the corrugated walls of the drain hose, then it is almost impossible to wash them out. It is also better to replace a heavily molded or damaged cuff.

Disinfection in the dishwasher

If you have a dishwasher at home, you can also decontaminate the bushing very in a simple way. Simply place the sponge inside the machine for subsequent dishwashing or drying and leave it there until the cycle is complete. Your bushing will be clean and decontaminated! The tip is to never use the dishwasher for this purpose only, as it can waste water and energy. Therefore, always use the following utensils to disinfect your sponge.

We clean in parts

First things first, you need to clean the areas that you can reach with your hands and the parts that unscrew. Please pay attention to the following places.

  • Powder loading tray. There is a valve inside the tray, usually blue or of blue color. We press on it and, without releasing it, remove the part. Now you need to remove the mucus from the walls. To do this, rinse the tray under running water and apply a chlorine-containing compound such as Domestos. After an hour or two, rinse again with running water.
  • Loading hatch cuff. Gently pull back the cuff. You will see how much debris and mold is hidden in its folds. Use a soft cloth to remove all contents. Now you need to disinfect the part: generously soak a rag in bleach or vinegar and wipe on all sides and inside.
  • Drain pump filter. Usually the filter is located on the side or back wall of the machine. It will take some effort to unscrew it, especially if it has not been opened for a long time. You will need a rag or towel and a container with low edges. Up to half a liter of water may spill out. Wash off all dirt from the filter under running water and screw it back on.
  • Water supply filter. Located in the inlet of the water supply hose. Don't forget to cover cold water! Unscrew the supply hose and you will immediately see the part you need. Rinse the filter, screw it back in, connect the hose and open the water supply valve.
  • Drum . The inside of the drum can be treated with a chlorine-containing plumbing product or any of the compounds described below.

Disinfection with hydrogen peroxide

Avoid using bleach to sanitize sponges in the dishwasher. The tip is to put on hydrogen peroxide or hydrogen peroxide 10 volumes mixed with water. Let the sauce soak for 15 minutes and it will be free of bacteria. You can do this process every week.

When to replace the sponge?

In general, regardless of the type of sponge you have, it is recommended to do an exchange every one or two weeks, always taking into account the frequency of use. To extend the life of the object, you only need to follow the disinfection recommendations that we have shown during this article, which should be carried out for a maximum of two or three days.

5 ways to get rid of smell from your washing machine

How to get rid of damp smell from a washing machine? There are plenty of advertised jars for cleaning washing machines on the shelves. One “but”: the price tags often bite. At the same time, store-bought cleaners contain acids, which are found in every kitchen. So why pay more when you can make your own washing machine odor remover? Both the external and internal parts of the machine can be cleaned using folk remedies.

However, if you find that your sponge is already smelling too much, replace it as soon as possible. After all, a bad smell means there is a strong presence of bacteria in the bush and it can no longer be used. Always wash and rinse the sponge with each use to prevent bacterial growth. If this is not possible, choose to use a paper towel or other disposable materials to clean household utensils, especially if you are using a sponge to wash meat cutting boards or other containers containing raw food such as eggs, and sanitize it immediately after use. These products usually contain high level bacteria and can be quite harmful: always choose sponges made from plant material rather than synthetic materials as they usually contain less bacteria and are also biodegradable and non-damaging environment.

  • The tip should do cleaning with soap and hot water.
  • You have some new sponges to replace in your kitchen.
Sure, this has happened to you more than once: pick up a towel after taking a shower and notice that it smells bad, or realize that it absorbs almost nothing.


Peculiarities . Regular vinegar can remove odor from a washing machine. It will dissolve lime deposits on the heating element and, in tandem with hot water, destroy bacteria and mold. Do not clean with vinegar more than once every six months. Exposure to acid can damage the rubber parts of the machine.

How to act

  1. Pour one glass of acid into the tray instead of powder.
  2. We set the boiling mode, that is, the temperature should be 90°C and above.
  3. We are waiting for the “Washing” stage to end.
  4. Press the “Pause” button.
  5. Let the machine sit for one to two hours.
  6. We start the machine again, the process should continue from the “Rinse” stage.
  7. We are waiting for the end of the program.
  8. We unscrew the drain pump filter and rinse it; pieces of broken carbon may get stuck there.
  9. We start the longest additional rinse mode.

You can also use vinegar instead of mouthwash. You need to pour three to four tablespoons of acid into the conditioner compartment. Replacement will be an additional barrier to the appearance of a putrid odor. You can use apple cider vinegar, then the laundry will have a pleasant aroma.

Citric acid

Peculiarities . Citric acid, which is also likely to be found in the kitchen, can also eliminate unpleasant odors in the washing machine. Such cleaning should not be carried out more than once every four months.

How to act

  1. Pour 100 g of citric acid into the tray instead of powder.
  2. We start the “boiling” program or another with maximum water heating.
  3. We are waiting for the end of the “washing” stage.
  4. Turn on additional rinse.
  5. Wipe the drum and cuff with a dry cloth.
  6. We don't close the door.

If you do a lot of laundry every day, then you can carry out the procedure once every month or two for preventive purposes. But then use not 100 g of acid, but two tablespoons, no more.

Baking soda

Peculiarities . The method will help remove mold even inside the device. Baking soda works well against fungal plaque. If the problem is the presence of black mold on parts, then this is the right recipe.

How to act

  1. Mix a glass of sodium bicarbonate and warm water.
  2. We treat the affected parts with the solution: cuff, tray.
  3. Instead of powder, pour another glass of soda into the tray.
  4. We start the boiling mode.
  5. We launch an additional rinse mode.

Soda can be replaced with copper sulfate. To do this, dilute 30 g in a liter of water and treat accessible parts. The remainder can be poured into the drum and the wash cycle can be started at 90°C.


Peculiarities . Chlorine-containing compounds are the best way to remove odors from an automatic washing machine, thanks to their disinfecting properties. Use any substance-based plumbing product, such as bleach.

How to act

  1. Pour 100 ml of product into the powder compartment.
  2. We start the “boiling” program.
  3. We are waiting for the washing to finish.
  4. Start rinsing.
  5. Wipe the cuff and drum with a dry cloth.
  6. Leave the door open.

According to housewives, such cleaning is accompanied by a strong odor. And chlorine vapors are dangerous to health. Therefore, take care in advance to ventilate the room. And if you are allergic, then it is better to avoid using aggressive methods at home.

Tablets for dishwashers

Peculiarities . Dishwasher tablets are another effective method. Modern products easily remove grease and deposits from dishes, disinfect, and remove odors. This means they can cope with the same problems in the washing machine.

How to act

  1. We put five or six tablets in the drum.
  2. We start the high temperature mode.
  3. Next is rinsing.
  4. We wipe dry the accessible parts.

This method is suitable for light stains or for monthly prevention of scale formation.

Easier to prevent: preventative measures

It is easier to prevent the appearance of vile amber than to get rid of it. Moreover, all the recommendations are easy to implement:

  • wash the powder tray once a week;
  • do not close the laundry loading door;
  • do not exceed the dosage of powder and conditioner;
  • do not skimp on quality powders;
  • wash the hatch rubber weekly;
  • Wipe the drum with a dry cloth after each use of the machine;
  • wash the drain pump filter monthly;
  • Every week run a dry wash at a temperature above 90°C;
  • do not store dirty things in the washing machine;
  • remove everything from your pockets.

If after all the manipulations the question of how to remove the smell from an automatic washing machine is still relevant, there is only one way out - call a qualified technician at home or contact service center. An experienced repairman will be able to reliably determine where the stench is coming from and, if necessary, replace the parts with new ones.

Reviews: “If you take care of the machine, nothing will smell”

I rented an apartment where I also got a “fragrant” washing machine.
It helped to run the machine a couple of times in the “boiling” mode with citric acid.


Calgon helped me get rid of the smell, I already had it at home, I periodically added it to prevent scale, and then I read that it also clears away dirty and soapy deposits, removes smell, etc. I washed it a couple of times and the smell went away.


I have had a washing machine for over 10 years - not a single breakdown during this time. I run it idle (without things) with vinegar every six months. The technician advised during installation. And at the moment the machine is like new. And Colgon really is more of a scam.


If you take care of the machine and wipe all the rubber bands, remove any remaining water and dirt, and clean the filter regularly, then nothing will smell. And the tray where the powder and Conder are poured must be washed, otherwise all sorts of nasty things accumulate and fungus grows. And also, as a preventative measure, once a month I turn the machine to idle at 90 degrees and wash it.


And we somehow started to smell from the pipe where the drain hose passes, although everything was hermetically sealed, and then the machine stopped draining water altogether. It turned out that the drain pump had burned out, the master did everything and there was no more smell!