When kundalini awakens. Kundalini Awakening

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Kundalini Awakening

Sometimes the Spiritual Flow rises up the spine like a crawling ant. Sometimes, in samadhi, the soul swims carefree like a fish in the ocean of divine ecstasy. Sometimes when I lie down on my side, I feel that the Spiritual Current is pushing me like a monkey and playing with me happily. I remain motionless. Then the Stream suddenly, like a monkey, reaches Sahasrara (parietal center) in one leap. That's why you see me jump up. Again, sometimes, the Spiritual Current rises, like a bird jumping from branch to branch. The place where he rests burns like fire... Sometimes the Spiritual Flow crawls upward like a snake. Moving in a zigzag pattern, it finally reaches my head and I fall into samadhi. A person's spiritual consciousness is not awakened until his Kundalini awakens.

Ramakrishna, Indian saint

Descriptions of this type of spiritual crisis can be found in ancient Indian literature. Its manifestations are attributed to the activation, or awakening, of a certain form of subtle energy called the Serpent Power, or Kundalini. According to the teachings of yoga, Kundalini (literally, “coiled”) is the energy that creates and maintains the cosmos. In the human body it resides in an unmanifested state at the base of the spine. It has the ability to purify and heal the mind and body, promote spiritual unfoldment and lift a person to a higher level of consciousness.

The sleeping Kundalini was traditionally represented as a snake wrapped three and a half times around a linga, the phallic symbol of the male reproductive force. Situations that can lead to Kundalini awakening include intense meditation, the intervention of an advanced spiritual teacher - a guru - and certain specific Kundalini yoga activities and exercises. Sometimes the birth of a child or passionate sexual intercourse can play a decisive role. In some cases, people experience spontaneous Kundalini awakening; this can happen completely unexpectedly during Everyday life for no apparent reason.

The activated Kundalini takes on its fiery form, or Shakti, and moves up the spine, passing through the channels of the subtle body - a non-physical field of energy that, according to yogis, permeates and surrounds the physical body. By eliminating the effects of past traumas, this current opens seven spiritual centers, called chakras, which are located in the subtle body along an axis corresponding to the spine. In addition to the various difficult experiences that accompany this purification process, people who experience Kundalini awakenings often describe ecstatic states that are associated with achieving higher states of consciousness. Among them, special mention should be made samadhi, or union with the divine, occurs when the process reaches the seventh chakra at the crown of the head (Sahasrara). Although yogis consider this process extremely desirable and beneficial, it is not without dangers. Ideally, people going through the intense process of Kundalini awakening need the guidance of an experienced spiritual teacher.

The Shakti energy moving through the body brings into consciousness a number of previously unconscious elements: memories of psychological and physical trauma and experiences during the birth process, as well as various archetypal images. When this happens, people with this form of spiritual crisis experience a rich range of emotional and physical manifestations called kriya. They experience intense sensations of energy and heat moving up the spine, and their bodies often experience violent trembling, spasms, and twisting movements. Their psyche may suddenly be overwhelmed by waves of strong emotions - anxiety, anger, sadness, or joy and ecstatic delight. Overwhelming fear of death, loss of self-control and impending madness also often accompany extreme forms of Kundalini awakening.

People involved in this process may find it difficult to control their behavior; During powerful surges of Kundalini energy, they often make various involuntary sounds, and their bodies move in strange and unexpected ways. Some of the most common manifestations of this type include gratuitous and unnatural laughter or crying, speaking in unknown languages, singing previously unknown songs and spiritual hymns, performing yoga poses and gestures, and imitating various animal sounds and movements.

The changes in perception during Kundalini awakening can be very rich and varied. People involved in this process often describe vivid visions of beautiful geometric shapes, sparkling lights of supernatural beauty, and complex scenes involving images of gods, demons, and saints. They hear inner sounds - from the simple hum, hum and chirping of crickets to celestial music and a choir of human voices. Sometimes they can smell exquisite incense (some mention the indescribably sweet aroma of divine nectar). Particularly common are intense sexual arousal and orgasmic sensations, which can be both ecstatic and painful. This deep connection between Kundalini and sexual energy is the basis of the yogic practice called Tantra, which uses ritual sexual union as a means of inducing spiritual experiences.

A careful study of Kundalini manifestations confirms the fact that this process, although very stressful and upsetting at times, is inherently healing. Over the years, we have repeatedly observed that experiences of this type are accompanied by dramatic relief or even complete disappearance of a wide range of both emotional and physical problems, including depression, various forms of phobias, migraines and asthma. However, in the process of awakening Kundalini, various old symptoms may temporarily intensify and those that were previously latent may become apparent. In some cases, they can mimic various psychiatric and general medical problems and can even cause misdiagnosis.

Although the idea of ​​Kundalini received its most refined and thoughtful expression in Indian treatises, its important parallels exist in many religions and cultures around the world. One of the most interesting examples is the trance dances of the African Bushmen of the Kung tribe from the Kalahari Desert. They regularly perform rituals that last all night, during which the women sit on the ground and beat drums while the men move in a circle in rhythmic, monotonous movements. One by one, participants enter a deeply altered state of consciousness associated with the release of powerful emotions - anxiety, fear, and anger. Often they are unable to maintain an upright position and are overcome by violent trembling. After these dramatic experiences, they usually enter a state of ecstatic bliss. According to Bushman tradition, this dance releases the cosmic healing power hidden at the base of the spine, called ntum, or simply "magic medicine." This power can then be transferred from one person to another through direct physical contact.

Ideas similar to the concept of Kundalini and the chakra system also exist among the Indian tribes of North America. Among the Gopi Indians, invisible centers of psychic energy are very similar to chakras. Joseph Campbell also frequently noted similar parallel elements in Navajo sand paintings. Ideas related to the teachings of Kundalini and chakras can be found in Tibetan Buddhism, Taoist yoga, Korean Zen and Sufism.

However, the phenomenon of Kundalini activation is by no means found only in Eastern cultures. IN Christian tradition similar manifestations are described during the practice of the “Jesus Prayer” in hesychasm. Moreover, unmistakable signs of Kundalini awakening have recently been observed in thousands of modern Westerners. Gopi Krishna, a world-famous spiritual teacher from Kashmir, who himself experienced a deep and dramatic Kundalini crisis, has been trying for many years to bring the existence of this phenomenon and its importance to the attention of the Western world.

The credit for bringing the concept of Kundalini to the attention of Western professional psychotherapeutic circles belongs to Californian psychiatrist and ophthalmologist Lee Sannella. In his pioneering work “The Kundalini Awakening Experience: Psychosis or Going Beyond” From the perspective of Western medicine, he described the form that Kundalini awakening takes in our culture. Sannella paid Special attention medical significance Kundalini syndrome and noted that it can resemble many psychiatric and even general medical problems, including psychosis, hysteria, visual impairment, heart attacks, gastrointestinal disorders, genitourinary infections, epilepsy and even multiple sclerosis. For this reason, Sannella believes that a medical evaluation by a knowledgeable and experienced clinician is especially important for this type of spiritual crisis.

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Chapter 6. The Awakening of Kundalini in the West In the stories of representatives of Western culture about the awakening of spiritual energy in them, visions of the divine, or immersion in the vortex of a mental revolution caused by Kundalini, one usually hears surprise, puzzlement and excitement.

Kundalini Awakening

What is kundalini? The term kundalini, used by yogis, means the Sacred Fire located at the base of the spine. Kundalini has seven layers; each of these layers has seven sub-layers. Therefore there are forty-nine degrees of her awakening. In other words, the question is not so much whether kundalini is awakened or not, but how much or to what degree it is awakened. Even ordinary people
kundalini is already awakened, but to a very small extent.
What is the importance of kundalini energy for spiritual practice? Kundalini energy allows brain cells to register spiritual, or higher, experiences and impulses. The capabilities of the physical body, especially the brain and nervous system, are increasing. After some time, the person whose kundalini awakened V high degree
, can turn into a genius, a great charismatic leader or a great spiritual teacher. In Egypt, the awakened kundalini energy, rising to the center in the head area, was symbolically depicted as a snake on the headdress of the pharaoh. In ancient times, the pharaoh was presented to his subjects as an enlightened person, advanced along the path of the spirit, a wise and benevolent ruler. In China, a sage who managed to fully awaken the kundalini energy and take control of it was depicted as a man riding a dragon. This is exactly how the bodhisattva Guan-Yin is depicted in some paintings.
In India, the degree of awakening of kundalini energy is symbolized by the number of cobras towering above the yogi's head. The number of cobras indicates the number of already awakened layers of kundalini. Sometimes you can see a statue of a meditating yogi with one, three or even five cobras above his head. However, it is rare to see an image of seven cobras. Seven cobras symbolize a soul that has reached a very high degree of development, for example, a great spiritual teacher. When awakening kundalini is positive and negative character traits of a person appear much more intensely. Kundalini energy is like fertilizer: in the same way that fertilizer stimulates the growth of any seeds found in the soil, kundalini brings to life all the ancient seeds present in a person - both good and bad. Therefore, a person entering the spiritual path experiences a strong internal struggle. incorrect, premature awakening of kundalini is excessive, uncontrolled sexual desire. A person can become a raging sexual maniac. In some cases, a person may develop an excessive sense of pride or even delusions of grandeur. There are many methods to awaken the kundalini energy, but it must be done properly. Proper preparation is necessary. First, the physical and energetic bodies must be cleansed so that the awakened kundalini energy can easily
and move freely without causing harm to the physical body. Second, it is important to regularly practice internal cleansing through character development. This is done by developing virtues in oneself and eradicating vices and bad habits. Third, the higher chakras, particularly the heart and crown chakras, must be activated BEFORE the kundalili energy is awakened. These two chakras are extremely important. Activation of the heart chakra is necessary so that increased intellectual abilities and increased willpower are used properly by a person and without harm to others. Activating the crown chakra allows spiritual energy to descend to (1) safely awaken kundalini energy, (2) awaken it to a higher degree, and (3) regulate kundalini energy. Spiritual energy raises kundalini energy
to the higher chakras and to the crown chakra. IN Indian tradition spiritual energy is represented by Shiva, and kundalini energy is represented by Shakti, symbolizing feminine power.
In the esoteric Christian tradition, spiritual energy is called the “descent of the Holy Spirit”, and kundalini is called “sacred fire”.
In the Bible, John the Baptist says:
"I baptize you with water, but He who comes after me is mightier than I. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire"
In other words, it means that someone will come to give spiritual initiation or impart spiritual power. In Sanskrit, the transfer of spiritual power is called shaktipata. The Holy Spirit is the spiritual energy, while the sacred fire is the kundalini energy located
at the base of the spine. When Shiva and Shakti, or the Holy Spirit and the sacred fire, unite, the spiritual energy awakens the kundalini energy and raises it to the crown chakra, which leads to spiritual enlightenment, or expansion of consciousness. IN European tradition this spiritual energy is called "prince charming"
and kundalini energy is called the “sleeping beauty” or “sleeping princess.” With the prince's kiss, the "dormant" kundalini energy awakens and these two energies rise together to the coronal center. After this, the prince and princess "got married and were happy
throughout life." Sometimes fairy tales are created by great spiritual teachers to convey inner teachings and practices to spiritually mature students. In the Chinese tradition,
In both Buddhist and Taoist thought, the important thing is to "open" the pai hui, or crown chakra, to allow the descent of tian chi, which literally translates as "heavenly energy." This is another name for spiritual energy. When great amount tian qi descends through bai hui, hidden abilities
people are awakening. Comparative study of different traditions will help you understand spiritual truths from a universal perspective, not just from the perspective of one culture. The above examples suggest that truth is universal. Just as the law of gravity is not English, spiritual truths do not belong to any one culture or religion. What is the source of spiritual energy? Spiritual energy descends from the higher soul of man.
The supreme soul receives spiritual energy from his spiritual master, other spiritual masters, high entities, holy angels or great devas. The word "deva" means "shiny". In other words, spiritual energy actually descends from gurus, other spiritual teachers, holy angels, higher entities and, to a certain extent, from one's supreme soul. Therefore, it is very important to turn to them for divine blessing before starting spiritual practice. Spiritual teachers, higher entities and holy angels are “conductors” and “transformers” who lower the intensity of the Divine Energy emanating from the Universal Supreme God. They also help regulate subtle energies, subtle bodies

and physical body in order to achieve the desired results.

Spiritual practitioners interested in a safe and effective method of awakening the kundalini energy are encouraged to use Two Hearts Meditation.<вселенским сознанием>Meditation by Choa Kok Sui

Two Heart Meditation is based on the principle that some of the major chakras are the door to certain levels or horizons of consciousness. The two hearts refer to the heart and crown chakras. The heart chakra is the center of our<эмоционального сердца>or higher emotions, and the crown chakra is the center<божественного сердца>, which connects us with the Divine.
Without activating the crown chakra, a person is unable to experience insight or union with God. However, the crown chakra is activated only after the heart chakra is activated. In other words, only by cultivating higher emotions can a person experience divine love.

When we use the heart and crown chakras to bless the Earth with love
and kindness, they become conductors of divine energies. Blessing the Earth with love and kindness is a form of service to the world. Blessing others
you receive numerous blessings in return.<Отдавая, мы получаем>,
this is the law!

After activating the crown chakra, you proceed to meditation on the Light, on the mantra<ОМ>or<Аминь>and in the interval between two<ОМ>or<Аминь>. Continued concentration of attention and consciousness on these aspects simultaneously leads to insight or samadhi!

Who should not practice Two Heart Meditation:
persons under 18 years of age, people with heart disease, hypertension, glaucoma, severe kidney and liver diseases, heavy smokers, pregnant women.

Positive effects of meditation

Many people who regularly practice Two Heart Meditation have experienced the following positive effects of meditation within a short period of time:

Increased intuition

Enhanced healing abilities

A sharper and more organized mind

A feeling of inner peace, love, kindness and mercy.

The best spiritual service.

A brighter and more balanced aura, enlarged chakras.

Better contact with the soul, unity with God.

Safe stimulation of higher level clairvoyance.

Strengthening physical health.

Success in life with less stress.

A more complete personality.

Method (concise description)

1. Exercise for five minutes to cleanse and charge your energy body.

2. Sit in a comfortable position, your back should be straight. Place your hands on your knees, palms up. Close your eyes, press the tip of your tongue to the upper palate.

3. Say a prayer for Divine blessing: thank God
And higher power for guidance, help, protection and insight.

4. Activate your heart chakra by focusing your attention on it.
Remember the happiest moment in your life and slowly experience a sincere feeling of bliss, tenderness and love. Imagine the Earth in front of you the size of a small ball. Bend your arms at chest level with your palms facing away from you. Feel how love flows from your heart through your arms, through your palms and envelops the small Earth in front of you. Bless the entire Earth and all things with love, kindness, great joy, happiness, divine peace, mutual understanding, harmony, good will and the will to do good. You can use the words of the prayer of St. Francis of Assisi. Your blessing may be directed toward a single nation or a group of nations.

5. Activate your crown chakra by focusing your attention on it,
and bless the whole earth and all things with love and kindness. Allow yourself to become a conductor of divine love and kindness, great joy, happiness, mutual understanding, harmony and divine peace.
Share these feelings

with little Earth in front of you. When blessing, feel the meaning and effect of each word.

6. Meditate and bless the Earth with love and kindness through the heart and crown chakras simultaneously. This will align the two chakras and make the blessing more powerful. Slowly lower your hands to your knees.
7. Gently imagine a shining white or golden light on the top of your head.<ОМ>
For a few minutes, keep your attention on this light, on inner silence and on the feeling of bliss. Repeat the mantra softly to yourself<Аминь>or<ОМ>or<Аминь>. During meditation in the interval between two<Отпустите>simultaneously keep your attention on the light, on the silence and on the feeling of bliss.

body. Continue for approximately 10 minutes.

8. Carefully return to your physical body. Raise your arms again to chest level, palms facing away from you. To release excess energy, bless the Earth with light, love, kindness, peace and prosperity. Continue for several minutes until your condition stabilizes. You can also send blessings to specific people, your family or friends, but only after releasing the excess energy.
9. After meditation, you need to thank God and your spiritual guides

for divine blessings.

10. Shake your whole body about 30 times, massage different parts of the body, then exercise for a few minutes.<Чудеса через праническое целительство>This will reduce the possibility of excess energy accumulating in various areas of the body.<Медитация на двух сердцах с самоцелением>(Material taken from the book



During this meditation, the heart and crown chakras are highly activated first. Then a large number of spiritual energy descends down and reaches the base of the spine, partially awakening the kundalini energy to more high levels, takes control of it and lifts it up to the higher chakras and to the crown chakra. While meditating on two hearts, you may feel pressure on your head from above. This sensation is caused by the descent of spiritual energy.
You may also feel the energy moving up your spine.
This is the rise of kundalini. When the kundalini energy reaches the crown chakra,
Some meditators may feel as if their head has exploded or is about to explode, or that it has become a fountain of light.
Other meditators may feel the energy pulling them upward. Some people may “see” stars and galaxies during meditation or feel
that their consciousness is expanding to encompass the entire cosmos. If during meditation
Something similar will happen to you, don’t be alarmed. What could happen to you
worst case scenario? Nothing. You will simply have an interesting spiritual experience.
When you meditate, you must observe the state of your body.
If pain or intense pain occurs in your body, stop meditating immediately. Take a few days or even a week off. If your body becomes overheated, stop practicing for a week or more until your condition returns to normal. If you feel very weak, this does not mean that you lack energy. Rather, a large excess of energy has accumulated in the body.
This can cause damage to the spinal cord and brain. It can also damage the energy channels, or nadis. This method stimulates predominantly the lower chakras and can lead to strengthening of a person’s base character traits. This is not advisable. An example is the case of one yogi. The yogi was sitting on a chair, and suddenly the chair underneath him fell apart. The yogi fell and hit the base of his spine on a stone. He felt a sharp pain, followed by a rapid movement of energy up his spine. Unfortunately, this incident led to the development of excessive sexual desire over a long period of time. The yogi is relatively lucky that his spine and nervous system were not harmed by an accidental kundalini awakening. Another example is the case of a woman who fell on her buttocks while taking a shower. She felt intense pain and energy moving up her spine.
She developed chronic fatigue syndrome, which cannot be treated.
This is one of the symptoms of kundalini syndrome. The patient may feel excessive chronic fatigue, but in reality there is a large excess of energy in his body. Another method of awakening kundalini energy is to use special Hatha Yoga techniques. At good practice Under the guidance of a knowledgeable teacher, this method is relatively safe, but it is slow.
It is inferior to advanced spiritual practices in terms of power and speed.
Other methods of awakening kundalini are the use of visualization and mantras and stimulating the kundalini from below to raise it upward. These are ancient methods. They lead to excessive awakening of the lower nature of man, if a person
did not go through deep internal cleansing. These methods are not suitable for modern life. We are constantly exposed to excessive sexual stimuli, as well as other stimuli that create an immoderate and obsessive desire for material wealth. Feature films often use obscene language, demonstrate violence, and promote individualism
and selfishness. In ancient times, nothing like this existed. These methods are not suitable for spiritual practitioners living in a modern social environment.
Master Choa Kok Sui 1. 1.

Self-realization - Kundalini awakening

Kundalini is the energy that, when awakened, unites all the chakras and gives us Yoga, i.e. “union” with the All-pervading energy of Divine love. In the human body, It is present in the form of energy threads intertwined like a rope. The number of threads is 21 to the power of 108. Kundalini is our own Mother. This is living energy, She knows everything about each of her children. She has the ability to think and make decisions, i.e. possesses superconsciousness. As an aspect of God, She is the primordial, transformative, healing force designed to bring our human system to an optimal state of existence. She is pure, nourishing love. Each of us has a Kundalini and She is our Divine Mother. Her attention is drawn to us from within around the clock. Kundalini knows everything we do. Kundalini is also called the energy of pure desire.

“The power of Kundalini is Her absolute purity, auspiciousness, holiness, chastity, self-respect, pure Love, non-attachment, care, enlightened attention. All this gives you joy. How every mother wants her child to be joyful, and everyone accessible ways strives to give joy to her children, so Kundalini has one power - to give joy to her children, and she does this.”

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi,

founder of Sahaja Yoga

The awakening of Kundalini energy represents the phenomenon of Self-Realization or “rebirth”. When awakening, Kundalini rises along the spinal column, passes through all the subtle centers and crosses the limbic region of the brain, connecting a person with the all-pervading energy of the cosmos. This achieves a state of meditation,
those. a state of awareness without thought in which cosmic knowledge is reflected
on the central nervous system, allowing one to perceive Reality.

In the Christian tradition, this phenomenon is described as “baptism of spirit and fire.” The awakened Kundalini really looks like tongues of flame and has the properties of fire, but does not burn, but coolly pacifies a person with the help of vibrations of the Holy Spirit (Paramchaitanya).

When this energy is not awakened, it is in a coiled state (Kundalini is translated from Sanskrit as “coil”, in the masculine gender - kundal, in the feminine gender - kundalini) is located in the triangular sacral bone at the base of the spine (in Latin it is called “Sacrum” - Os Sacrum, meaning that it is the most sacred part of the human body. “Sacrum” is translated from Latin as “sacred”). The ancient Greeks knew about this, and therefore they called it "Hieron Osteon", they attributed supernatural powers to it. The Egyptians also knew the special value of this bone and considered it as a location of special energy. In the West, the sacrum is symbolized by the sign of Aquarius and the Holy Grail, the Vessel of Living Water.

Kundalini, which nourishes the tree of life within us, is coiled like a snake, which is why She was called “Snake Energy”.
Being in this bone in a curled up sleeping state, nothing can threaten Her, because She is protected by the energy of the first chakra - muladhara - chakra. Some people incorrectly believe that Kundalini resides in the first chakra.

This is wrong, Kundalini is located a little higher (the area above the muladhara - the chakra is also called “muladhara”). Awakening, Kundalini rises along the central energy channel. When self-realization is achieved, the Kundalini energy reaches the top of the head and is felt like a cool breeze above the head.

Kundalini in different traditions
In India, people have known about Kundalini since ancient times. This energy is described in detail in the Amritanada Upanishad, Kundalini Yoga Upanishad, Gerendra Samhita, Markandeya Puran.
Guru Vashishta stated that Kundalini is the source of absolute Knowledge. Awareness of the presence of the primordial Kundalini energy within the human body, as the sages and saints believed, was the highest knowledge. Kundalini and chakras were also described in the Vedas. The great sage of Ancient India Adi Shankaracharya mentioned it a lot. Saint Kabir wrote about her in his poems. Guru Nanak Dev said,

that when the six chakras are all aligned in one line, Kundalini relieves you of all disturbances (Guru Granth Saheb). Lao Tzu described Kundalini as the "Spirit of the Valley" which is immortal. Moses saw this Energy in the form of a burning bush.
They passed it on to only a few of their disciples.

One can find Kundalini symbols in many other cultural traditions, such as the Mercury Serpent, which is a symbol of Alchemy. The Gnostics referred to the snake to describe the spinal cord. IN Ancient Greece and later, in Roman mythology, one finds Asclepius, the god of healing. He was imagined holding a scepter intertwined with a snake (sometimes two). Why did the Greeks associate this symbol with healing? The scepter represents the central core of the human body or the spinal cord. In Rome, the role of Asclepius was represented by Mercury, who held the Scepter of Healing, called “Cadesius”. One or two coiled serpents intertwined around the scepter represented the Kundalini, which spirals up the central subtle channel in a helical motion.

In the West, many religious systems also spoke about Kundalini.
Christians call it a reflection of the Holy Spirit within us.

In Islam, Kundalini is spoken of as a mystical animal - Borak. The Koran talks about Rukh - the holy breath of Allah.

Carl Gustav Jung said that “kundalini, in the language of psychology, is what motivates you to go on your greatest adventure... It is the quest that makes life livable, and that is Kundalini; this is a divine impulse."

Seraphim of Sarov spoke about Kundalini as the true goal of Christian life. The ancient epic of the North American Indians, the Hopi, also describes Kundalini.

Kundalini Awakening

Awakening Kundalini is one of the most mysterious processes. Previously, this process was accessible only to a few, which gave rise to many ridiculous ideas about Kundalini. Some believed that this energy was associated with sex, others attributed
She has various mythical abilities. With the onset of Satya Yuga, the awakening of Kundalini is available to everyone; for this it is only necessary to manifest Pure Desire. Kundalini can be awakened in two cases:

in very rare cases spontaneously, as a result of the personal spiritual effort of a person directed towards God (as, for example, with Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy);

a true spiritual teacher in the form of a priceless gift to a person who has expressed a desire to receive Self-Realization.

To obtain self-realization, you need to show desire and turn it to someone who can give self-realization (teacher, guru). In this case, his personal presence is absolutely not necessary. In our time, the only such teacher is Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the founder of Sahaja Yoga.

Once awakened, Kundalini cleanses the chakras, gives knowledge of our inner nature, calms the mind and solves all types of mental, emotional and physical problems. It establishes a connection between the individual consciousness of a person and the universal Divine consciousness, which exists in the form of all-penetrating ultra-subtle vibrations that fill the entire universe visible to us. After Self-Realization, vibrations can be felt as a cool breeze on the palms, fingertips, head, or as coolness directly inside the body. After the awakening of Kundalini, a person is no longer isolated from the Universe, no longer limited by his own mind.
He receives a connection with a higher Consciousness. A person feels a sense of completion, fullness, the meaning of life is acquired, and many spiritual and everyday issues become clearer. This Energy is the answer to our spiritual quest. Kundalini, rising, gives peace, prudence, self-control, contentment, joy and even more: crossing the brain, It gives us thoughtless awareness in which we can perceive Reality directly, without allowing our thoughts to cloud it, It helps us to be aware of ourselves in pure silence of consciousness without thought. It's truly an amazing experience. Awakening Kundalini makes it possible for spiritual development, and this development itself is carried out by maintaining Kundalini in an awakened state, which is achieved through simple meditation. We are in this world based on our experiences, memories and emotions, on our thoughts
and plans. The Sushumna energy channel, which gives us intuition, evolutionary development and spirituality, works very weakly and unconsciously before the awakening of Kundalini. With the awakening of Kundalini, we have new method actions, a new way to live, communicate, develop. She gives us Yoga, i.e. "union"
with the all-pervading energy of Divine love.

You can have a spiritual experience with your participation right now
and get Self-Realization without leaving your computer screen.
To do this, you will need 10 - 15 minutes of time and the desire to know your spiritual essence. You will find that Kundalini is the coming out
beyond everyday life an experience that is difficult to describe in words.

How to get self-realization, i.e. awaken Kundalini?

Quite simple. With the help of Shri Mataji's photography you can achieve this in 10 - 15 minutes. This is not some complicated process available to just a few - anyone can do it!

There is a lot of material to develop spirituality and perceive the reality that lies behind the physical bodies. On the spiritual path we must walk together and help each other in achieving this understanding, but humanity must know the truth before everyone awakens the Kundalini energy and rejoice as a result of enlightenment.

What is Kundalini? The study of mystical literature and traditions of the people showed that Kundalini is called differently. It has been a universal phenomenon in esoteric teachings for three thousand years. Descriptions of Kundalini-type experiences have been found in the esoteric teachings of the Egyptians, Tibetans, Chinese and Indians. In the Bible, Kundalini is translated as “the solar principle in man” and there are references to it in the Koran.

There is a mention of a similar phenomenon in the works of Plato and other Greek philosophers, alchemists (the Sorcerer's Stone), as well as in the works of Kabbalistic, Rosicrucians and Freemasons.

People have had knowledge of Kundalini for a long time and many have made efforts to preserve it for future generations. It is great that so many people have kept the knowledge of Kundalini, and that this legacy of energy can be passed on to subsequent generations. This requires an open mind to believe in this etheric, awakened energy.

What is Kundalini?

People who want to live in harmony with themselves, but are burdened with many responsibilities every day, should combine Kundalini methods of working with mind, spirit and body?

  • Yoga poses (asanas);
  • Breathing (pranayama);
  • Meditation;
  • Sounds and vocals (mantras, bhajans);
  • Hand gestures (mudras).

The coordinated work of all five methods helps to develop creative energy and awaken hidden potential. It is hidden in each of us at the base of the spine and is called the first chakra, or Muladhara.

Kundalini pranayama - translation of an ancient treatise

Through the practice of yoga, this energy begins to vibrate and is directed upward along the spinal column, near which the other chakras are located. There are a total of seven chakras, each responsible for some mental function.


Kundalini yoga helps awaken the dormant energy within us and improve its flow, so that life becomes fuller and happier. In practice, this comes down to relaxing the body and mind, getting rid of negative energy, forgetting about injuries, accidents and establishing internal control.

As a result, peace, balance, self-confidence are restored, and the shackles that prevented you from fully using the potential hidden within you are thrown off.

With better mental well-being and spiritual connections:

  • health improves;
  • blood circulation is stimulated;
  • blood pressure stabilizes;
  • organs are enriched with oxygen;
  • you are full of energy and get sick less often.


  1. Flexibility and elasticity of the body.
  2. Blood circulation and oxygen saturation improves.
  3. Increased resistance to infections.
  4. Resistance to stress.
  5. Getting rid of negative thoughts.
  6. Inner peace and self-acceptance.
  7. Belief in your abilities.
  8. A feeling of harmony and unity with the world and other people.
  9. Spiritual energy - holy fire

Grand Master Choa Kok Sui once said, “The purpose of awakening Kundalini energy is to renew your body and brain.”

What is Kundalini energy? It is present in every person, but remains dormant until puberty. It provides the necessary energy that the body needs to initiate and maintain the changes that occur during adolescence. The place of this sacred energy is at the base of the spine, above the first chakra.

It brings the energy of transformation into our soul and body, giving a deep change in personality. More and more people are tasting this energy, their consciousness and mind lights up like a candle - it does not sleep. But you should also know that areas that were unknown to you until now are also awakening. The old system expands and deepens, and this does not happen in a few days or weeks, but from the moment you begin a more conscious journey, courageously and honestly discover true faith in your own potential.

Shiva and Shakti

Yoga philosophy mentions two powerful energies: Shiva and Shakti. While Shiva is a masculine energy, Shakti is a feminine energy. Shakti is energy in the physical world, the spiritual world is connected with the energy of Shiva, therefore Shakti is the material equivalent of Shiva. Shiva is amorphous, then Shakti is closely connected with the body.

Kundalini is one of the forms of energy that works in harmony with the form that manifests itself in the physical body.

Theological schools respect the energy of the Holy Fire, which requires the awakening of Kundalini and ultimately allows practitioners to register inner experiences as well as reach higher levels of consciousness.

The book “Mystica” (Mysticism) describes the awakening of energy: “When Kundalini leaves the lower parts and begins to rise, the body becomes cold and lifeless. The yogi begins to feel chills, shakes and tosses violently. He feels a huge amount of cold or heat, he hears strange sounds, but harmless. Sees Various types lamps that turned on the light inside. It may last a few minutes or be fleeting. The goal is to raise Kundalini in the crown chakra, where it will connect with Shiva, the masculine pole, and bring enlightenment.”

The heart chakra, under the influence of energy, expands and opens towards the divine world. The throat chakra opens and increases the ability to express oneself.

Awakening the Serpent

The Upanishads describe the Kundalini energy as a coiled snake at the base of the spinal cord, waiting to be awakened. There are various references to the Blessed Energy not only in the Upanishads but also in other religious texts and symbols. Even the tale of Sleeping Beauty, according to many, carries a reference to the Kundalini energy lying like a princess.

The prince is the personification of strong spiritual energy, and the ascent of Kundalini occurs with a kiss.

The opportunity to experience bliss and achieve enlightenment through deep meditation, this is all awakening. Grand Aster Choa Kok Sui, founder of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga, recognized that energy is necessary for the renewal of brain cells and the physical body.

Grand Aster Choa Kok Sui, speaking about the awakening of Kundalini, compared it with new technologies and said that the evolution of the soul should be accompanied by the development of the body, like the development of a computer software must be accompanied by the development of computer technology. We are not using the latest program on a computer that is ten years old. They are not compatible.

Awakening is that key and that compatibility. Our inner experiences go unnoticed, and we will not be aware of them until our brain is not sufficiently developed.

49 Layers of Spiritual Awakening

Kundalini energy has 7 layers and 7 sublayers. The awakening of this powerful energy provokes the rise of Kundalini from the base of the spine, tuning the main meridians and reaching the crown chakra or the Sahasrara chakra, which is located above the head. Fully awakening of Kundalini includes all 49 words. A natural question for practitioners arises: how many degrees of kundalini awakening have they gone through?

Using an inappropriate method to awaken Kundalini leads to a lot of negative side effects, and is often referred to as Kundalini syndrome, which includes the following symptoms:

  • physical pain;
  • rash;
  • increased body temperature;
  • emotional imbalance;
  • sexual fantasies and even hallucinations.

Attempted unauthorized access

The role of the first chakra is to protect the spiritual energy of Kundalini. It can allow or deny access to awakening. You will immediately understand the reaction of the chakra to an unauthorized access attempt: tremors, heat waves in the body, pain, anxiety, fear, etc. This occurs because the nervous system reacts by convulsing and using more energy from the parasympathetic system in response to improper access.

It is worth recalling that Kundalini can only awaken in the presence of a spiritual person or another person who has awakened Kundalini. Unauthorized access by people to sacred energy threatens pain, strange behavior and, in severe cases, mental illness.

This should be understood in such a way that human beings were created with great love; no natural operation causes pain for us:

  • Job;
  • breath;
  • swallowing;

A similar thing happens with Kundalini, where there is pain upon awakening, spirituality ends there.

How to start a practice

To start practicing Kundalini yoga you do not have to be athletic or fit. What is Kundalini? This type of yoga is for everyone without exception - from children to the elderly. Anyone can take part in the exercises and workouts with an instructor or do them at home, no matter what stage of life they are in, how old they are, where they come from or what their religion is.

What really matters in this practice is a sincere desire and real commitment. Since most elements are performed with your eyes closed, don't worry about making a mistake or doing something wrong. Awakening the kundalini energy in you teaches you to listen to your body's signals, respect them and respect its limitations. Therefore, if any asanas seem technically difficult or tiring for you, you can always stop doing the exercise or reduce the load.

Help people awaken their Kundalini

The greatest benefit comes from supporting and explaining to people the complex process between the spiritual and physical body. You shouldn’t scare people with contact, you just need to explain the meaning of the higher consciousness that is hidden in every person. After the awakening of Kundalini, amazing things often happen to people, the mind can manifest itself in different ways, sometimes simply stunning. In this case, the support of an experienced instructor is important in order to minimize the workload. It is more difficult to find language with people with strong convictions and a different worldview.

Kundalini expands consciousness, which creates the basis for further experiments in the field of transpersonal states of consciousness. This expands a person’s ability for spiritual growth through energy, cleansing of the body, creative expansion, and great benefits.

With the help of spiritual energy, a person transforms for the better, he becomes loving and compassionate. Kundalini is very often compared to a mother, because her work is similar to the care of a mother, who is gentle, loving, caring. It is very difficult to describe the process of awakening and the state, just as it is difficult to describe love - it must be felt.

You need to experience this state in order to feel how you are filled with a boundless ocean of love - this is the only way to recognize yourself and feel Kundalini.

Spiritual awakening opens us to spiritual life, and the energy brings us into a state of clarity, in every sense of the word. Clarity comes to you - who we are... and not just what we see through the prism of our own position.

Signs of awakening

To awaken energy, the yogi meditates, and then lifts it and carries it throughout the body. But not all types of yoga are designed to awaken. The first sign of awakening is a feeling of warmth at the base of the spine. It can be intense heat or pleasant warmth. The energy begins its journey through the subtle system parallel to the spinal cord. This creates sushumna, which is the main axis and intersects Ida and Pingala, arranged in a spiral. During awakening, Kundalini activates the chakras.

Analyzing the symptoms characteristic of awakening, three groups of people can be distinguished.

  1. Very bad people who revere Hitler. They will not receive self-realization and Kundalini will not be raised among them.
  2. People having problems and Kundalini cannot pass through all seven chakras. There may be problems of different nature(feelings of guilt, inability to forgive someone, etc.). In this case, awakening may take some time, but the probability is high.
  3. These are those whose energy rises without serious obstacles, the whole process takes a split second and is practically invisible to the mind.

One of the signs of awakening is that a person feels inner peace, joy, sometimes even cries with joy, the mind calms down and the person feels better. Physically, Kundalini works in us like a cool breeze on the palms and at the top of the head. If Kundalini encounters an obstacle at the beginning of its ascent, then you can first feel the heat, which sometimes turns into cold.


People with awakened Kundalini are not those who think that they have caused the energy, but those who begin to perceive environment in a new way, and their spiritual awakening does not go unnoticed, it cannot be hidden from others. They have just freed themselves from the debris of karma, from the slavery of darkness. Signs of Kundalini awakening and spiritual enlightenment are manifested in words, thoughts, and actions. Courage, creativity, motivation to help others, forgiveness, compassion begin to dominate in them; they cannot ignore suffering. They look younger due to awakened chakras, oxygen absorption increases, with the help of which prana increases in the body and affects the nerve channels, renewing and rejuvenating the body.

Kundalini awakening gives people something more than mediocrity:

  • brilliant ideas;
  • beautiful poetry;
  • creation;
  • something new makes a person a pioneer of new roads and strengthens faith in spirituality.

Kundalini opens:

  • wisdom;
  • strength;
  • raises unknown knowledge.

These are not just flows of energy from internal channels, this is the feeling that a person is a child of God.

How are classes conducted?

A typical Kundalini yoga class lasts about 90 minutes. It begins with an initial mantra, then moves on to a warm-up to prepare the body for physical exercise. The next part is kriya, during which practitioners perform a specific set of asanas. All classes are held to the accompaniment of mantras. After this, rest and relax, asana Shavasana (lying on your back).

The final stage of the classes is meditation with elements of mantras, mudras and pranayama. And the very last thing is the final mantra.

How to prepare for classes

Before your first practice, you need to purchase a typical set of yoga accessories:

  • rug;
  • comfortable cotton clothes;
  • light blanket (to cover yourself while resting).

Eating stops 2-3 hours before the start. The use of alcohol and drugs is especially prohibited, since the “holy fire” wandering in the body, under the influence of the asanas performed, can get out of control.

People who have health problems, especially the musculoskeletal system (spine, joints), should consult a doctor before participating in yoga classes.

Pregnant women and those who are menstruating are required to inform the trainer about their condition, and then he will personally select an individual set of asanas for you.

How to safely awaken kundalini?

What is kundalini? The term kundalini, used by yogis, means the Sacred Fire located at the base of the spine. Kundalini has seven layers; each of these layers has seven sub-layers. Therefore there are forty-nine degrees of her awakening. In other words, the question is not so much whether kundalini is awakened or not, but how much or to what degree it is awakened. Even among ordinary people, kundalini is already awakened, but to a very small extent.

What is the importance of kundalini energy for spiritual practice? Kundalini energy allows brain cells to register spiritual, or higher, experiences and impulses. The capabilities of the physical body, especially the brain and nervous system, are increasing. After some time, a person whose kundalini is highly awakened can turn into a genius, a great charismatic leader or a great spiritual teacher.

In Egypt, the awakened kundalini energy, rising to the center in the head area, was symbolically depicted as a snake on the headdress of the pharaoh. In ancient times, the pharaoh was presented to his subjects as an enlightened person, advanced along the path of the spirit, a wise and benevolent ruler.

In China, a sage who managed to fully awaken the kundalini energy and take control of it was depicted as a man riding a dragon. This is exactly how the bodhisattva Guan Yin is depicted in some paintings.

In India, the degree of awakening of kundalini energy is symbolized by the number of cobras towering above the yogi's head. The number of cobras indicates the number of already awakened layers of kundalini. Sometimes you can see a statue of a meditating yogi with one, three or even five cobras above his head. However, it is rare to see an image of seven cobras. Seven cobras symbolize a soul that has reached a very high degree of development, for example, a great spiritual teacher.

A person whose kundalini is awakened to a high degree can turn into a genius, a great charismatic leader or a great spiritual teacher.

When kundalini awakens, the positive and negative character traits of a person appear much more intensely. Kundalini energy is like fertilizer: in the same way that fertilizer stimulates the growth of any seeds found in the soil, kundalini brings to life all the ancient seeds present in a person - both good and bad. Therefore, a person entering the spiritual path experiences a strong internal struggle. Therefore, it is very important to practice internal cleansing.

One of the side effects of improper, premature awakening of kundalini is excessive, uncontrollable sexual desire. A person can become a raging sexual maniac. In some cases, a person may develop an excessive sense of pride or even delusions of grandeur.

There are many methods to awaken the kundalini energy, but it must be done properly. Proper preparation is necessary.

First, the physical and energetic bodies must be cleansed so that the awakened kundalini energy can move easily and unhindered without harming the physical body.

Second, it is important to regularly practice internal cleansing through character development. This is done by developing virtues in oneself and eradicating vices and bad habits.

Third, the higher chakras, particularly the heart and crown chakras, must be activated BEFORE the kundalili energy is awakened. These two chakras are extremely important.

Activation of the heart chakra is necessary so that increased intellectual abilities and increased willpower are used properly by a person and without harm to others. Activating the crown chakra allows spiritual energy to descend to (1) safely awaken kundalini energy, (2) awaken it to a higher degree, and (3) regulate kundalini energy. Spiritual energy raises kundalini energy to the higher chakras and to the crown chakra.

In the Indian tradition, spiritual energy is represented by Shiva, and kundalini energy is represented by Shakti, symbolizing feminine power.

In the esoteric Christian tradition, spiritual energy is called the “descent of the Holy Spirit”, and kundalini is called “sacred fire”. In the Bible, John the Baptist says, "I baptize you with water, but He who comes after me is mightier than I. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire." In other words, it means that someone will come to give spiritual initiation or impart spiritual power. In Sanskrit, the transfer of spiritual power is called shaktipata.

The Holy Spirit is spiritual energy, while sacred fire is kundalini energy located at the base of the spine. When Shiva and Shakti, or the Holy Spirit and the sacred fire, unite, the spiritual energy awakens the kundalini energy and raises it to the crown chakra, leading to spiritual enlightenment, or expansion of consciousness.

In the European tradition, this spiritual energy is called "prince charming" and kundalini energy is called "sleeping beauty" or "sleeping princess." With the prince's kiss, the "dormant" kundalini energy awakens and these two energies rise together to the coronal center. After this, the prince and princess “got married and were happy all their lives.” Sometimes fairy tales are created by great spiritual teachers to impart inner teachings and practices to spiritually mature students.

In the Chinese tradition, both Buddhist and Taoist, it is important to "open" the pai hui, or crown chakra, to allow the descent of tian chi, which literally translates as "heavenly energy." This is another name for spiritual energy. When a huge amount of tian qi descends through the bai hui, a person's latent abilities are awakened.

Comparative study of different traditions will help you understand spiritual truths from a universal perspective, not just from the perspective of one culture. The above examples suggest that truth is universal. Just as the law of gravity is not English, spiritual truths do not belong to any one culture or religion.

What is the source of spiritual energy? Spiritual energy descends from the higher soul of man. The supreme soul receives spiritual energy from his spiritual master, other spiritual masters, high entities, holy angels or great devas. The word "deva" means "shiny". In other words, spiritual energy actually descends from gurus, other spiritual teachers, holy angels, higher entities and, to a certain extent, from one's supreme soul. Therefore, it is very important to turn to them for divine blessing before starting spiritual practice.

Spiritual teachers, higher entities and holy angels are “conductors” and “transformers” who lower the intensity of the Divine Energy emanating from the Universal Supreme God. They also help regulate the subtle energies, subtle bodies and physical body in order to achieve the desired results.

Spiritual practitioners interested in a safe and effective method of awakening the kundalini energy are encouraged to use Two Hearts Meditation. During this meditation, the heart and crown chakras are highly activated first. A large amount of spiritual energy then descends and reaches the base of the spine, partially awakening the kundalini energy at higher levels, taking it under control and lifting it up to the higher chakras and the crown chakra.

While meditating on two hearts, you may feel pressure on your head from above. This sensation is caused by the descent of spiritual energy. You may also feel the energy moving up your spine. This is the rise of kundalini. When kundalini energy reaches the crown chakra, some meditators may feel as if their head has exploded or is about to explode, or that it has become a fountain of light. Other meditators may feel the energy pulling them upward. Some may “see” stars and galaxies during meditation, or feel their consciousness expanding to encompass the entire cosmos. If something like this happens to you during meditation, do not be alarmed. What's the worst thing that could happen to you? Nothing. You will simply have an interesting spiritual experience.

When you meditate, you must observe the state of your body. If pain or intense pain occurs in your body, stop meditating immediately. Take a few days or even a week off. If your body becomes overheated, stop practicing for a week or more until your condition returns to normal. If you feel very weak, this does not mean that you lack energy. Rather, a large excess of energy has accumulated in the body. Pause your spiritual practice for a week or more until you feel better, and continue to exercise daily to get rid of excess energy.

Another method of awakening the kundalini energy is to strike the tailbone. However, this method is highly not recommended. This can cause damage to the spinal cord and brain. It can also damage the energy channels, or nadis. This method stimulates predominantly the lower chakras and can lead to strengthening of a person’s base character traits. This is not advisable.

An example is the case of one yogi. The yogi was sitting on a chair, and suddenly the chair underneath him fell apart. The yogi fell and hit the base of his spine on a stone. He felt a sharp pain, followed by a rapid movement of energy up his spine. Unfortunately, this incident led to the development of excessive sexual desire over a long period of time. The yogi was relatively lucky that his spine and nervous system were not damaged as a result of the accidental awakening of kundalini.

Another example is the case of a woman who fell on her buttocks while taking a shower. She felt intense pain and energy moving up her spine. She developed chronic fatigue syndrome, which cannot be treated. This is one of the symptoms of kundalini syndrome. The patient may feel excessive chronic fatigue, but in reality there is a large excess of energy in his body.

Another method of awakening kundalini energy is to use special Hatha Yoga techniques. When practiced correctly under the guidance of a knowledgeable teacher, this method is relatively safe, but it is slow. It is inferior to advanced spiritual practices in terms of power and speed.

Other methods of awakening kundalini are the use of visualization and mantras and stimulating the kundalini from below to raise it upward. These are ancient methods. They lead to excessive awakening of a person's lower nature if the person has not gone through deep internal cleansing. These methods are not suitable for modern life. We are constantly exposed to excessive sexual stimuli, as well as other stimuli that create an immoderate and obsessive desire for material wealth. Feature films often use obscene language, demonstrate violence, and promote individualism and selfishness. In ancient times, nothing like this existed. These methods are not suitable for spiritual practitioners living in a modern social environment.

» How to awaken Kundalini?

How to awaken Kundalini?

One must be completely desireless and full of Vairagya before attempting to awaken the Kundalini. It can be awakened when a person rises above Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada and other shortcomings. Kundalini can be awakened by rising above sensual desires. A yogi with a pure heart and mind, free from passions and desires, will be rewarded with the awakening of Kundalini. If a person has an impure mind and forcibly awakens Shakti through Asanas, Pranayama and Mudras, he will break his legs and fall. He is unable to climb the ladder of Yoga. This is the main reason why people go astray or get bodily disorders. There is nothing harmful in Yoga. People must first purify themselves, then with the help of the knowledge of Sadhana, under proper guidance, they must engage in regular, gradual practice. When the Kundalini is awakened, many temptations arise on the path of the Sadhak, and without purity the Sadhak will not have the strength to resist them.

Knowledge of theory is as important as practice. Some people think that theory is not needed. They give one or two rare examples to prove that Kundalini was awakened by those who knew nothing about Nadis, Chakras and Kundalini. It could be by the grace of the Guru or just by chance. Everyone cannot count on this and neglect the theory. If you take the example of a person in whom Kundalini has been awakened by the grace of the Guru and give up the practice, you will waste time in searching for such a Guru. A person with a good knowledge of theory and persistent practice will quickly achieve the desired goal.

Hatha yogis can awaken Kundalini with Pranayama, Asanas and Mudras; Raja Yoga - through concentration and mental training; Bhaktas - through devotion and complete self-denial; Jnani - with the help of analytical will; Tantrics - with the help of Mantras. Kundalini can be awakened by the grace of the Guru (Guru Kripa) through touch, glance or Sankalpa. The awakening of Kundalini and its union with Shiva in the Sahasrara Chakra causes the state of Samadhi and Mukti. Samadhi is impossible without awakening Kundalini.

For only a select few, any of the above methods are sufficient to awaken Kundalini. Most people should combine different methods according to the strength and position of the Sadhak on the spiritual path. The Guru will determine the true position of the Sadhak and prescribe an appropriate method that will successfully awaken the Kundalini within short term. This is similar to a doctor prescribing a certain medicine to a patient in order to cure the corresponding disease. One medicine cannot cure all the diseases of different patients. Likewise, one type of Sadhana may not be suitable for everyone.

Today many people naively believe that they have achieved purity. They fall into the error of choosing certain methods, neglecting many of the most important points of Sadhana. These are poor, self-limiting souls. Self-confident Rajasic Sadhakas choose exercises according to at will, perform them irregularly and give up all exercises when they encounter serious difficulties.

When Kundalini is awakened, Prana rises up the Brahma Nadi along with the mind and Agni. You must raise it to the Sahasrara Chakra with the help of special exercises like Mahabheda, Shakti Chalyana, etc.

Once it awakens, it will pierce the Muladhara Chakra (Bheda) and through various Chakras should be brought to the Sahasrara. When Kundalini is in one Chakra, intense heat is felt in it, and when it leaves this center and goes to another Chakra, intense cold and lifelessness appears in the previous Chakra.

Freedom from anger, Kama, Krodha, Raga and Dvesha, possession of a balanced mind, cosmic love, astral vision, supreme fearlessness, desirelessness, Siddhi, divine intoxication and spiritual Ananda are the signs indicating the awakening of Kundalini. When it is at rest, a person is aware of the world and his surroundings. When she awakens, he dies to the world. He has no body consciousness. He reaches the state of Unmani. When Kundalini moves from Chakra to Chakra, the different levels mind, and the Yogi acquires psychic powers. He controls the five elements. When it reaches the Sahasrara Chakra, it enters Chidakasha (space of knowledge).

The awakening of Kundalini Shakti, her union with Shiva, the enjoyment of nectar and other moments associated with Kundalini Yoga are described in the Yoga Shastras and have been misinterpreted and taken by many in the literal sense of the word. They believed that simply the sexual union of Shiva and Shakti was the goal of Kundalini Yoga. After misinterpreting the yogic texts, they start offering flowers and worshiping their wives with lustful desires. The term “Divine intoxication comes from drinking nectar” is also misinterpreted. They drink a lot of wine and other alcoholic drinks and imagine themselves enjoying Divine ecstasy. This is just ignorance. They are absolutely wrong. This type of worship and union is not Kundalini Yoga at all. They turn their attention to the sexual centers and destroy themselves. Some stupid young people practice one or two Asanas, Mudras, a little Pranayama for several days and imagine that Kundalini has risen to their necks and pretend to be great yogis. These are pathetic, self-limiting souls. Even a Vedantist (student of Jnana Yoga) can acquire Jnana Nishtha only through the awakening of Kundalini Shakti, which lies dormant in the Muladhara Chakra. It is impossible to achieve a superconscious state or Samadhi without awakening this primordial energy, no matter what type of Yoga is used for this: Raja, Bhakti, Hatha or Jnana Yoga.

It is easy to awaken Kundalini, but it is very difficult to carry it through the various Chakras to Sahasrara. It requires a lot of patience, perseverance, purity and regular practice. The Yogi who raised it to the Sahasrara Chakra is the true master of all powers. Usually Yoga students stop their Sadhana midway due to false Tushti (satisfaction). They imagine that they have achieved the goal when they receive some mystical experiences and psychic powers. They want to display these powers in front of the public to gain Khyati (reputation and fame) and earn money. This is an unfortunate mistake. Only complete realization can bring final liberation, perfect peace and Supreme Bliss.

The following will describe one by one the various methods of awakening Kundalini through Hatha Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga and Jnana Yoga. Some students will not be able to achieve perfection with just one method. For the vast majority of people, a harmonious combination of all methods is necessary. In the following pages I will tell you about various exercises for awakening Kundalini. If you are wise enough, then after reading various exercises you can easily choose the right method of Sadhana that suits you best and will bring success.