How to learn to quickly type on the Russian keyboard. Education software

29.09.2019 State

To learn how to touch type, you need to practice every day. If you work on the computer a lot, this skill will develop on its own. After a while, you will notice that your fingers themselves find the right buttons on the keyboard. And for this you don't need to look at her. And also online services that will help you with your training. With them you will quickly master touch typing.

To learn how to quickly type on a keyboard, you need to be patient.

First you need to sit down correctly. Find a comfortable chair or armchair. It is advisable that it have armrests. Keep your back and neck straight, but do not strain. Don't hunch over. You can lean on a chair. The monitor should be directly in front of you - at eye level or slightly below. Don't put it too close. The optimal distance is 50–70 centimeters. If you don't see the text, increase the font size. Of course, you can sit in a way that suits you: cross your legs or lounge in a chair. But if you get used to working in the wrong position, problems with posture will appear.

To learn how to quickly type on a keyboard with both hands, you don’t need to sit at a computer for days. A few classes a day will be enough. Rest every 30–40 minutes. A keyboard trainer develops muscle memory, not builds muscle. Some keys have relief. Remember where the “protrusions” and raised buttons are. Try to find them blindly.

Hand position

Now place your hands on the keyboard. This is also part of learning.

  • Thumbs up on the space bar.
  • Index fingers - on the “A” and “O” keys (Russian layout). They have protrusions in the form of horizontal lines.
  • The middle ones are on “B” and “L”.
  • Unnamed - with “Y” and “D”.
  • Little fingers - on “F” and “F”.

This is the initial position for which the keyboard trainer is designed. Use all fingers while typing. Press the buttons that are in line with the “starting position”. For example, for the middle left hand these are “U”, “B” and “C”. For the nameless right - “Shch”, “D” and “Yu”. Function keys (Ctrl, Shift, Enter) are intended for little fingers.

After pressing the button, return to the starting position. Look only at the screen. By touch, look for convex keys and relief. Of course, you can type however you like - even with two fingers. But this way you won’t be able to type quickly. Therefore, it is better to stick to the rules.



The keyboard solo is perhaps the most popular exercise. At first there will be simple lessons: printing individual characters, repeating words. Then the tasks will become more difficult. The program contains useful articles and tips. You will be shown how to hold your hands correctly, how to use all your fingers, how to concentrate. The course was developed by a journalism teacher.

There is a rating system. After each lesson, you are given points from 1 to 5. You can repeat lessons, hone your skills until you get an A. The utility is paid. They give you a demo version to try out. , is this teaching method suitable for you? Although there are also hacked programs on the Internet.

"Solo" will help you quickly learn to type on the keyboard. The simulator provides a course of 100 tasks. Each of them contains 5–7 lessons. Sometimes they need to be repeated to consolidate skills.

  • Effective training system.
  • Five-point rating system.
  • You can replay tasks.
  • The application is paid.
  • Takes up a lot of space.
  • Contains “useless” information: anecdotes, reviews and letters from users.
  • Lessons will quickly become boring. Please be patient to complete the course.

Also a paid utility. But she has a different approach to learning. There are no activities or letter sets in VerseQ. They show you how to position your fingers to type correctly on the keyboard, and give you the finished text. But these are not ordinary words. The application has an algorithm that will allow you to remember the buttons. The simulator adjusts the training program taking into account your mistakes. Each time you get a new set of symbols.

  • No need to repeat lessons.
  • There are no boring and monotonous tasks.
  • The developer claims that the user will learn to quickly touch-type in just 15 hours.
  • There is an online version - VerseQ Online.
  • The application is paid.
  • Not suitable for beginners. You immediately start with complex texts. No preparation.

With this utility you won't be bored. It has a nice interface and funny soundtrack. And it's free. You complete tasks and improve your typing speed on your keyboard. The difficulty gradually increases. You can make a schedule and keep statistics. Add accounts for other users.

  • The utility is free.
  • Learning is accompanied by fun sounds.
  • Working with different layouts: Russian and English.
  • There is a help sheet with useful tips.
  • There are statistics, you can plan classes.
  • If you don't need music and sounds, they will be annoying.

It is both a coach and a game. In it, a green ball “runs away” from monsters. Its speed depends on how fast you type on the keyboard.

  • Distributed free of charge.
  • Bright design.
  • Game component. You are not typing, but trying to “save” the ball.
  • No statistics or ratings.
  • No training or help.
  • High speed levels.

Online services


A simple online trainer without background, music or sounds. There is no unnecessary information. Just you and the characters. After registering, take a test task to see how fast you can type.

  • Minimalism.
  • There are general statistics.
  • Boring design.


Means "All 10 fingers". Reminds me of "Keyboard Solo". There are global and personal statistics. Upon completion of the training, you will receive a certificate that can be attached to your resume or portfolio. On the website you will find instructions with pictures. It tells you how to sit down, how to hold your hands, which fingers to press the keys with.


The Klawagon Race simulator is an online competition. You are racing against other users. Whoever types the text faster wins. You gain experience, set records. You can “buy” new cars. There are several modes. Information about them is in the “About the game” tab. This is not a training service. But it is suitable for practice.

Fast typing speed is a useful skill. It will be useful both in work and in life. Gradually it will develop on its own. But you can use keyboard trainers.

The speed of completing a task on a computer may depend not only on obvious factors: processor performance or, roughly speaking, human intelligence. Sometimes the most limiting factor is purely mechanical work, namely typing on the keyboard. Thoughts go far ahead, but fingers do not have time to fix the text. This situation is obviously faced not only by writers, journalists, programmers, but also by all those who have to type text with two or three fingers without taking their eyes off the keyboard.

It is surprising that the ten-finger touch typing method, discovered back in the 19th century, is now many times more relevant for every active computer user. Its skillful use can significantly reduce the time spent entering text.

The review includes keyboard trainers, each of which has at least one distinctive feature among programs of this kind. Therefore, when choosing a simulator, you can be guided by the review headings.

"Keyboard Solo": a reliable all-rounder

“Keyboard Solo” is the most versatile keyboard trainer, so it’s worth starting the review with it. In addition to Russian, English and German, the course “Taming the Numbers”, which will be useful, for example, to accountants. The universal edition includes Russian, English and digital layouts.

The first impression after installation may be skeptical: too informal approach. However, the further the user moves away from the beginning of the course, the more meaningful these digressions become. They allow you to take a break from fairly monotonous exercises. Perhaps the greatest benefit from the text material is recommendations on correct pressure, posture, and correct technique, which is important for touch typing with ten fingers. Looking ahead: only Solo provides this information evenly throughout the course.

Before performing the exercises, you need to do a warm-up, which helps you adapt to Solo. In real time, as well as after training, you can view the statistics: GPA, typing speed, number of errors. Statistics are available not only for exercises, but also for days; you can use them to track the dynamics of exercises.

Keyboard training does not contain meaningful phrases; these are pre-prepared “synthetic” expressions - unlike, say, the VerseQ discussed below, where the typing string is generated based on user errors. By the way, in Solo, mistakes are extremely unwelcome; you often have to redo the task several times. The requirements for passing are strict, the exercises become more complicated with each new level, of which there are about a hundred. Yes, apparently, it’s not for nothing that the program includes psychological tests.

The program's interface makes an ambivalent impression. Comparing with previous versions of “Keyboard Solo”, it cannot be said that the new interface, designed in gray and green tones, has significantly improved the ergonomics of the program. On the one hand, it is quite convenient to use; all settings and elements are well documented in the help. But you can find fault with the fact that the virtual keyboard does not indicate which finger to press this or that key; no hints are displayed during the exercise. As a result, without sufficient experience, you need to return to the description of the exercise.

VerseQ: learning from our mistakes

The most important thing in the description of the program is not that the user will be able to touch-type “literally in an hour” (according to the author of the simulator). Another thing is attractive: VerseQ uses algorithms in training that are not based on “coaching”, and also does not “punish” for mistakes made during exercises. Moreover, the course is based on user errors and problematic phrases, in which, according to statistics, difficulties most often arise. Moreover, according to the plan, the user will not learn about his mistakes from statistics; VerseQ quietly adjusts them to further exercises. Despite this, general statistics are displayed both during training and as training dynamics by pressing F9.

Three operating modes are available - with German, Russian and English layout. There are no introductory exercises; in addition, all the letters of the alphabet are already involved from the very beginning. However, you should not expect that the text you type will be meaningful: as a rule, these are repeated combinations of letters that are phonetically related (they can be pronounced). The technique is based not only on pressing, but also on transitions between keys.

A distinctive feature of VerseQ is a moderate “tone” of presentation, a soothing color scheme and a neutral design in general. It is unknown how much effort it takes to leave the program in a state of irritation. By the way, if we talk about the price issue, in “Solo on the Keyboard” a warning about the unregistered version appears after each exercise, in VerseQ - only at the beginning of the program launch.

All the most important information is collected in a concise help file: how to use the program correctly, teaching methodology, keyboard techniques. Perhaps what is missing in this simulator is more detailed instructions for working with the exercises, as is done in “Solo”.

Typing Master – a classic of the genre

By and large, this simulator could not be included in the review, since it does not support the Russian-language layout, but still: a) it is useful for improving touch typing skills in Latin in English, Spanish, German, French or Italian; b) Typing Master is an excellent example of a structured, calibrated course.

Not every user will like the strict approach and conservatism of Typing Master; at the same time, compared to Solo, the program is presented even more concisely. Typing Master offers the following courses:

  • Touch Typing Course - directly, a course on touch typing
  • Speed ​​Building Course - increasing speed
  • Numbers Course - a short course on typing on the top number row
  • Special Marks Course - an express course on additional symbols: brackets, mathematical signs, etc.
  • Numeric Keypad Course - course on using the numeric keyboard

Each course consists of theoretical and practical blocks. At the beginning of the exercise, the time required to complete the task is indicated, and you are also asked to select the difficulty (from 90% to 98% of correct hits). In the mode of learning new keys (“new keys”), the letters to be typed are in no way related to each other phonetically, but in the “drill” mode you need to enter words: there are separate exercises for words, sentences, and paragraphs. At the end of the task, statistics are displayed, from which you can find out which keys cause the greatest difficulty.

Additionally, it is worth noting TypingMaster Satellite - an assistant that works in the background and tracks errors made, and also creates individual exercises for the most complex combinations.

The interface was created by developers who pay attention to detail. First of all, it is very intuitive and literally explained which finger to press this or that key, with the accompanying keyboard diagrams. It is very useful that errors on the keyboard are displayed in the form of crossed out keys (other simulators do not have this, which leads to several repeated errors after one incorrect press).

TypingMaster does not allow you to deviate one step from the given program and is somewhat reminiscent of dry language grammar courses. However, this cannot be called a disadvantage; rather, it is a characteristic feature of this simulator, which will either deter the user or push him away.

Stamina - freedom of action

After getting acquainted with Typing Master, Stamina turns out to be the most “frivolous” simulator in the review. The program will not appeal to users who find the developer's sense of humor inappropriate and at the same time are entirely committed to learning the ten-finger typing method. Lack of seriousness begins with help, all kinds of comments and ending with voice acting. There are special complaints about the sound expressed by visitors on the program's home page. This point can be fixed with a patch or through the “Censorship” option in the Stamina settings.

Despite the above, you should not draw hasty conclusions and ignore the simulator. Just pay attention to the variety of training modes - “Lessons”, “Phrases”, “Letters”, “All symbols” and “External file”. Of greatest interest are the lessons that are divided into basic exercises, letter combinations, numbers and symbols. Regarding the lessons with the numeric keypad: the developer states that he “did them without really trying” and invites users to participate in the development process themselves (quote: “Can you do something smarter?”).

Unfortunately, the author of Stamina placed the program with its wide capabilities in an inconvenient shell, so when starting the simulator it is not entirely clear how and in what sequence all this functionality should be accessed. On the other hand, the help quite clearly explains the course methodology, basic concepts, typing techniques (position of fingers on the keyboard, etc.). Particular attention is paid to an alternative method of placing fingers on the keyboard.

The keyboard simulator can also be recommended for working with the Ukrainian or Belarusian layout (this is something you won’t find in other simulators). The basic distribution contains lessons in Russian, English, Ukrainian, and it is possible to include phrases in other languages.

Thus, the main feature of Stamina is the freedom of action provided to the user. Therefore, you can perform the exercises in any order and create your own course. The downside of the method is that it is unknown how quickly concrete results can be achieved with this approach.

Klavarog - online training

Klavarog is a self-sufficient online simulator, indicating that the project can exist and develop through donations. And the development progress is actually noticeable if you look.

In Klavarog, similarly to Stamina, there is no set sequence such as step-by-step exercises from simple to complex. The simulator fixes errors and adds problematic words to each generated line of text (the principle of operation is similar to both Stamina and VerseQ).

It is convenient to navigate the keyboard layout using the color scheme; it can be enabled in the program settings (the “fill” icon). A very useful hint in the form of a hand is which finger to press the desired key (a similar feature was noticed only in Typing Master). Experienced users can turn off all hints or switch to Zen mode, where there are virtually no distractions.

In addition to standard courses with Russian and English layouts, there are courses on digital layouts, Esperanto, and the programming languages ​​PHP, Python, SQL, XML/XSLT. Dictionary exercises are worth special attention: you need to enter the correct translation of a word from the available options. If the word is chosen incorrectly, you must enter it three times. This way, you can kill two birds with one stone: your keyboard and language skills improve at the same time. However, due to the fact that the set of words is generated by the program, it is quite easy to guess the correct translation.

Unfortunately, this keyboard simulator does not allow you to record results, track statistics and skill development. In general, it would be nice to be able to create an account on the site - technically this can be done.

You can make your suggestions for the development of Klavarog on the page.

Bombina: a simulator for the little ones

“Bombina” occupies a free niche where there are no competitors. This simulator is designed to teach schoolchildren (or rather, even children of primary school age) the ten-finger touch typing method.

The program shell is “cartoonish” and should be evaluated by children. However, adults may also have reasonable complaints. The interface is not intuitive in all places, and it will seem inconvenient that the navigation elements or, for example, the “Start” button at the beginning of the exercise are not clearly marked enough: you have to look for them. For example, who would have thought that the image of a rag is the local analogue of the “Exit” button.

Questions arise about the method of operation of the simulator: how training occurs, what parents and children should pay attention to. It turns out that there is quite detailed help that exists separately from the program. It is recommended to start “Bombina” with an introductory course, where finger positioning on the keyboard is explained in detail and a description of the keys is given. Then you can move on to the exercises. If in other simulators the emphasis is on transitions and keyboard chords, here you need to pay attention to the jumping “chips” and repeat their movements.

Bombin has difficulty levels that affect the number of mistakes allowed in the exercise. You can activate automatic transition from one difficulty level to another: it will work after successfully completing the exercise with a high score at least three times.

As a result, given that the program has many interactive elements and modes (there is even logic game), it can be recommended for teaching children computer basics. At least Bombina would be a smarter choice than the endless string of casual games.

Table 1. Comparison of keyboard trainers by functionality

Name of the simulatorTerms of distributionKeyboard supportTraining modes
SharewareRussian, English, German, Italian, digitalWarm-ups, tasks, exercises, exam
TrialRussian, English, GermanExercises
TrialEnglish, Spanish, German, French, ItalianExercises, games, tests
FreewareEnglish, Russian, Ukrainian +“Lessons”, “Phrases”, “Letters”, “All symbols”, your own text
DonationwareRussian, English, digital, Esperanto, phonetic +Training, initial, speed, vocabulary, programming
Freeware (1 user), shareware (multi-user version)Russian, EnglishExercises, games, your own text

Today, almost everyone needs the ability to quickly and competently type on a keyboard. But how to learn this? Many people who want to learn the techniques and techniques of high-speed typing go to courses, trainings, and spend money (often quite a lot) on a variety of simulators and lessons. In fact, there is no need to shell out money for advertised training materials. You can learn to type quickly and competently with both hands on your own and absolutely free.

Below will be discussed free programs learning speed typing, techniques and tips are given for quickly acquiring this valuable skill. But first, a little information about the benefits that this skill gives a person.

Why learn speed typing with two hands?

The first and main benefit is a reduction in time costs. This skill is invaluable for people who type large texts every day. The simplest example: fast printing will increase productivity, and then the earnings of a copywriter. This skill is equally useful for writers, editors, executives in various fields of activity - in general, for everyone who deals with letters and numbers.

Also, the ability to type quickly will allow you to type text more rhythmically, and this will significantly reduce fatigue from prolonged work. Moreover, when your fingers begin to “fly” freely over the letters, and the text is typed as if by magic, this helps you enjoy the process.

Attention! For job seekers, the ability to type quickly will serve as a trump card that will help them get ahead of competitors and get a coveted place or position.

Another plus fast printing- the ability to keep up with your thoughts. This is very important for those who create texts. Why? Because sometimes interesting thoughts are lost in that split second when a person is looking for the right key on the keyboard.

And the skill of fast typing will help you take care of your eye health. Because vision is overstrained when, during work, the eyes run from the monitor to the keyboard and back.

Methods for learning speed typing on a keyboard

Basic rules for touch typing:

  1. The first thing you need to do is remember the layout of the keys. Here's an exercise that will help. For 10–15 seconds, look at one of the rows of the keyboard on which the letters “live.” It is best to remember row by row from top to bottom. After time has passed, take a piece of paper and try to write down on it the order in which the signs are located. Repeat the action for each row for as long as necessary to memorize. The goal will be achieved when the set of letters begins to be reproduced automatically in the mind or on a piece of paper.
  2. The second stage of training is typing the alphabet on the keyboard in order, from a to z. You need to repeat this exercise until it works out at a good speed and without errors.

Advice. Choosing the right tool for those learning to touch type is also important. An ergonomic keyboard is ideal, on which the buttons are divided in two, for each of the palms. But a simply curved keyboard will do.

The correct posture is also very important, which, in principle, differs little from the ideal posture of a student at a desk. Don't hunch over, sit too close or too far, or cross your legs. Your back should be straight to help maintain good posture.

Today, many people type quickly enough with several fingers - and believe that this is enough. However, touch typing with ten fingers is much faster. Therefore, when learning to speed type on your own, you need to try to use all your fingers.

Many quick typing programs “assign” their own keys to each individual finger. This helps a lot, although it is a little difficult at first. But when the adaptation period passes, the two-finger printing method is forgotten. It is important to avoid returning to the previous style of typing.

When starting to learn the skill of touch typing, it is better not to rush. It is clear that speed is of paramount importance, but haste creates typos - and time is wasted editing them. Therefore, it is much more important to practice regularly and develop rhythmic typing.

How to type with ten fingers?

Touch typing is, roughly speaking, typing with all your fingers without looking at the keyboard. The brushes rest on the buttons in a special way. Their bases should be placed on the front edge of the keyboard or laptop case. The hands need to be bent as if there were balls in your hands.

You will need to get used to the correct placement of your hands.

The arrangement of letters on the keyboard is not at all random. It is based on determining the frequency of key use. And this principle is designed specifically for the touch typing method!

On any keyboard, the buttons are arranged in 6 rows. The top one, with hot keys, is rarely used. Some people love the next “digital” series, and some don’t. “Those who don’t like” the upper numbers can use the side block instead, located to the right of the main one.

The classic way to place your fingers on the keyboard looks like this:

  • Right hand. The little finger is on the letter “F”, the ring finger is on “D”, the middle finger is above the letter “L”, the index finger is above the letter “O”;
    Left hand. The little finger is on the letter “F”, the ring finger is above the “Y”, the middle finger is on the “B”, the index finger is on the letter “A”;
    Both thumbs are on the spacebar.

At first, to control the placement of your hands, you should always “catch” the letters “O” and “A” with your index fingers. Gradually your fingers will get used to it, and the need for support will disappear. This will be a transition to a qualitatively new level of skill.

How to remember all the buttons on the keyboard? This is a long process of hard training for each finger. You should start with the index finger right hand, then go to the left index, then to the right middle - and so on to both little fingers. You can try to type texts right away, but this may increase your learning time. The ideal material for training is the “dictionaries” for each finger, which are equipped with all keyboard simulators.

Also, during the learning process, it is important to monitor the rhythm of typing and the correct striking technique of the fingers. The first point is all clear, but what kind of striking technique is this? It's simple: your fingers should touch the keys easily and quickly, and then immediately return to their place.

What programs can help?

  1. "Stamina" is a free simulator that helps you master ten-finger typing.
  2. “Solo on the keyboard” - developed by an employee of the Department of Journalism of Moscow State University, it helps you learn quickly and easily.
  3. VerseQ is a very popular touch typing training program. Its developers promise that the skill will be developed from scratch in fifteen hours of training.

The touch typing technique is based on the fact that a set of keys is defined for any finger. All learning this skill is simply a process of developing muscle memory with your fingers. Therefore, in order to be able to quickly and without errors type text with both hands, you need to really want it and work hard.

How to learn to type quickly: video

What is the “touch typing method” and what is it used with? This is the process of typing text on a computer without the user switching their gaze from the screen to the letters of the keyboard.

This method will be useful not only for people who write a lot, but also for ordinary users who, for example, use social networks and search queries. And this is definitely about you, right?

What are the advantages

For the first group of people, the touch typing method provides a significant advantage - you will be able to type two to three times more, since you will not waste time looking for the letters you need.

The second group will not have to worry about their health - this method will perfectly protect your eyes from unnecessary strain. Since laptop/PC screens are usually higher and further away than the keyboard, the eyes constantly have to refocus, and, as a result, they become overloaded and get tired faster.

And one more important point for absolutely all people who use computers is posture. The correct body position when working at a computer: shoulders back, neck slightly tilted back, back straight. When we type incorrectly, the body strives to bend closer to the keyboard, hunch over, and every day it gets closer and closer to scoliosis.

Negative taste

The downside of learning this method is that you need to properly control your nerves. When you just start learning, your eyes drop to the keyboard of their own free will, and this is terribly annoying. And also mistakes. At first they will be at every step.

But this is just a negative aftertaste, not even a residue. And the aftertaste will quickly pass when the first results appear. The main thing is to be patient and remember that Rome was not built in a day.


In this article I will tell you about touch typing methods on the qwerty keyboard, since it is the most common in the world (99.9%). But, if you are the lucky 0.1% who have been chosen from above to type on a different type of keyboard, don’t despair. There are other ways to learn online.

Usually, all touch typing methods on a qwerty keyboard come down to two.

Keyboard trainers

Using them, very often you do not reach the end of the “training” due to nervousness and slight rage from the fact that you still either make mistakes or spy on them. This method is good for people with nerves of steel. If you are one of those lucky ones, then I suggest you take a look at a few proven simulators.

They all work on pretty much the same principle, so just pick your favorite.

  1. All 10 are quite nice and easy to use, free.
  2. Clavarog is simple, without unnecessary bells and whistles, free.
  3. Stamina - positions itself as a simulator for the older generation, but in fact it is also suitable for the younger generation, it is free.
  4. “Solo on the Keyboard” is beautifully designed, has plenty of humor, but is not free. 600 rub. for one language. Although, if you really want, you can find it in a free version (Say-Hi in no way promotes Internet piracy, an alternative option is offered for those who REALLY want it).
  5. Virtuoso is rightfully considered the most strict and tough teacher in teaching touch typing. In order to move on to the next task, you need to complete the current one very well. Free, can be found on the Internet.

Taping letters on the keyboard

This method is more suitable for those who are already more or less accustomed to the arrangement of letters on the keyboard, but out of habit constantly lower their eyes to peek just in case.

It is quite easy and simple - you cover the letters of the keyboard with an opaque adhesive material (duct tape, adhesive tape, etc.) and use your memory at the motor level. Simply put: relax and your hands will do everything for you. But, I repeat, this method is for those who have good typing skills on the keyboard.

One more way

There is another way, less popular. You need to print out and place a diagram next to the keyboard that shows which finger is responsible for which zone.

The advantages of this method: you can peek, you don’t need to specifically memorize this pattern or others and waste time on different exercises.

This works through the same fine motor skills, memory, and the brain’s ability to develop skills. If you really control the movements of your fingers and adhere to the zones indicated for them on the keyboard - within a month or two of daily use of this technique, this skill will be consolidated, and you will type without any problems.

And, of course, if you start to get too nervous, feel a headache and/or pain in your eyes, this means that your body is overtired. Be sure to take a break and, if possible, try to continue the next day.

Good luck, dear readers!

I’ll repeat my advice once again: read all 3 lessons first, and only then plan your teaching of touch typing.

Remembering the correct finger movements to the keys

Sit up straight without tilting your head. Your hands and elbows should be level with the keyboard, parallel to the surface of the table, and your legs placed on the floor should be bent at the knees at a right angle. Shoulders and arms are relaxed. At first, pay attention to the correct fit Special attention. The ten-finger touch typing method is based on the constant position of the hands relative to the keyboard and assigning the fingers to certain letters. Only touch typing allows you to type quickly on the keyboard.

Place your right hand with the index finger on the O key, the middle finger on L, the ring finger on D and the little finger on F, and the left hand with the index finger on A, the middle finger on B, the ring finger on Y and the little finger on F; thumbs over the longest key – the space bar. Raise your hands above the keyboard by 0.5–1 centimeter as if you were holding a tennis ball or an orange in each hand, and relax. They now occupy the main position, that is, a position that must be maintained during work. It’s easy to avoid imprinting the letters by hitting the indicated keys with all your fingers several times. Remove your hands from the main position, and then return them and do the exercise without looking at the keyboard. Return to it during the learning process over and over again until you achieve automaticity in your performance. It is by placing your hands blindly in the main position that you begin all your first lessons. The reference points will be: for the fingers of the left hand - the A key, for the right - O. On some keyboards they are marked with small tubercles. It's easier to learn with them.

If you don’t have bumps on the keys, then you can create them using any hardening glue or melted nylon. Place these small but finger-tangible marks at the edge of the keys closest to you.

Print the letters of the main position one by one. Under the left hand you will get FYVA, under the right - OLJ. While typing, try to capture in your memory the sensations that arise when you move your fingers. After each blow, replay it mentally. From the main position, hit the P key with the index finger of your right hand and return it back. The finger should make a sharp blow, rebound and return to the main position. Non-working fingers are relaxed. Make sure that the brushes do not move to the sides. In exactly the same way, hit the P key with the index finger of your left hand. From the first lesson, you should understand the importance of the position of your fingers on OLJ and FYVA and the obligation to return them here after each blow. Keeping your hands in the main position, repeat the exercises done in your mind.

You need to quickly remember the location of the letters on the keyboard and assign them to specific fingers, for which we will use ideomotor training. It significantly improves the quality of printed work and significantly reduces the learning curve for touch typing. Ideomotor training (ideomotor) is an almost ideal means for effective (that is, for fast and high-quality) learning in other types of activities.

With the index finger of your right hand, hit the H key and return it to its place. Repeat what you did in your mind. In the same way, hit the G, T and L keys with this finger. In all cases, including in subsequent exercises, immediately reproduce the movement of each finger mentally. With the index finger of your left hand, hit the keys I, M, K and E in turn. Try to imagine the entire process of typing each letter literally until your muscles twitch. Print with the right middle finger W and B, with the left finger - U and S, with the right ring finger Y and Sh, with the left finger - C and Ch, with the right little finger Z, E, Z, X and B, with the left finger - Z and J. Return to the letters of the main position again . When typing them, try to remember the movements of your fingers both visually and in muscle-spatial sensations. But now repeat mentally not once, but three times. Do the exercise again with all the letters: hit once and mentally reproduce three times, keeping your hands in the main position. Make sure that only the working finger is tense. The hands should only make vertical movements, otherwise the fingers will lose their main position. Perform all exercises rhythmically, without rushing.

In the initial stage of training you should achieve the following:

firstly, be able to place your hands in the main position automatically and not move them while working;

secondly, know the location of letters on the keyboard perfectly;

thirdly, remember the movements of the fingers to each key;

fourthly, all exercises, including mental ones, should be performed only rhythmically, that is, at the same speed.

To quickly memorize the keyboard, we use our imagination and senses. Imagine that your index fingers and the keys attached to them Green colour, the middle fingers with their keys are red, the ring fingers are blue, and the little fingers are yellow. Look at the picture.

Perhaps for you the best option the color arrangement will become the same as the colors in the rainbow and physics. It is suggested by the famous phrase: Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits. It is easy to remember the order of colors by the first letter of the words.

But in in this case The keyboard is painted in four opposite colors. The opposite of red is green, and blue is the opposite of yellow.

Repeat the exercise by typing all the letters and mentally repeating them three times. But now you should try to imagine the fingers and keys in color. Imagine as vividly as possible that the left green index finger hits the green E key and returns to its place above the green A key. Do the exercise in a similar way with all the letters. Do mental repetition with your eyes closed. If difficulty arises, look at the picture. When you finish the exercise, repeat it again.

Use the following technique. Tie (not tightly!) your fingers with red, yellow, green and blue threads and work with them. Don't take them off after exercise. They will remind you of the need to practice regularly without the keyboard. You can also mark your nails with pencils, felt-tip pens, paints or varnishes.

Imagine that all the keys on the top row are triangular, below them there is a row of square keys, and at the very bottom there are round keys. Work both on the keyboard and mentally in accordance with the rules outlined, trying to fix the difference between the keys in your mind. It will be better understood if you draw letters enclosed in geometric shapes on paper. In addition, let us again use a logical rationale. A triangle can be thought of as the outline of a cone. At its base is a circle. In the normal position the cone stands, that is, at the very bottom there is a circle, and at the top the point is a triangle. Let us consolidate the above with the following addition. To convert a triangle into a circle, you need to add a fourth corner to it and, having obtained a square, round the latter. This means that the square in any case can only be in the middle.

Look at the keyboard and imagine that the bottom row of letters is cold, with needle-sharp, icy protrusions, the main row is smooth and pleasant to the touch, and the top row is hot and soft, like cotton wool. I think in this case it will not be difficult for you to guess the course of the logical justification. Liquids, including water, have a colder temperature in the lower layers. The surface of liquids is smooth, and above it there is evaporation, steam, which is easily associated with cotton wool. Use logical justifications that are convenient for you, easy to remember. This way it will be remembered faster and more firmly.

Do the previous lesson again. Do not hurry. Try to evoke the necessary sensations in your fingers in full. Don't forget to repeat three times mentally. Our exercises focus on motor, visual and tactile memory. But perhaps you should also involve hearing, smell or taste. After all, every person is individual. Think about which senses help you remember better, and tailor your activities to suit your personal abilities. Rely on your own logical justifications, which are indisputable for you. Be sure to achieve a clear difference in the sensations of both rows and keys.

The sooner you learn to evoke vivid and accurate mental images of finger movements towards fixed letters, the faster you will master high-speed typing. And vice versa. The longer you can't imagine, the longer period will go into training, since movement is controlled by the mind. Create in your head in a day or two a clear picture of the actions of all your fingers with precise muscle and spatial sensations during their movements - you will be able to type quickly.

Let's move on to an activity that will allow you to take a little break. Stand up straight, bend your arms as if you are about to type. Imagine yourself as the yellow little finger of your left hand. You are hanging over the yellow square key F. Jump forward and slightly upward onto the yellow triangular key Y. Pause a little and imagine a large soft and hot key under your feet. Return to your original place. While jumping with the little finger of your left hand, perform movements similar to those you do when typing. Jump back and, as it were, a little down on the yellow round key Y. Feel the cold of the prickly ice floes beneath you. Go back. Jump up and imagine that you hit the F key. Do the exercise by simulating the movements of all your fingers. If you are not tired, repeat again. During the exercises, the fingers whose movements you imitate exactly repeat the actual movements at the keyboard.

Don’t be afraid to look frivolous when doing the “I am a finger” exercise. Do it regularly, and you will remember the placement of letters and finger movements faster. Unusuality is one of the most effective conditions quick and lasting assimilation.

In our classes we go from memorizing the location of the keys to remembering the correct finger movements. Until you have mastered your fingers (like musicians), you should not type anything other than the exercises of the first lesson. If a student starts typing without first establishing the correct movements, a blurry picture of the actions is created in his head. After all, every wrong movement of an untrained finger leaves a mark. The mind, where many imprecise movements of the finger are imprinted, and not one verified one, cannot send correct commands. Consequently, in such training both its duration and numerous errors are programmed. I hope you now understand why traditional touch typing training takes so long.

Without thoroughly establishing the correct movements of all fingers to the keys assigned to them, you cannot begin typing words and sentences. When teaching, use the most effective techniques memorization: repeat everything you do immediately, then after 15–20 minutes, then after a few hours and a day. Plan your activities according to these guidelines. One lesson should last at least 20–25 minutes. Spend at least an hour studying every day. And it’s better to have two or three short lessons a day, separated by time, than one long continuous one. Don't overwork yourself. Alternate practicing at the keyboard with the “I am a finger” exercise. Be sure to fulfill one more condition for quick and lasting memorization: be in a good mood! Get rid of negative emotions - they contribute to the duration of any training. Smile more often! Ask yourself (especially on the road, in line) funny questions like: “Who does the green thumb go to? Which red keys greet the red guest with warm hugs? Before each exercise, tune in to a major mood.

If your hands are tired, clench your fingers into a fist and straighten them sharply, lower them down and relax. Do 8-10 times. Massage your hands with movements reminiscent of putting on tight gloves.

During the learning process, shift the emphasis to memorizing spatial-muscular sensations. Looking at the sign that needs to be imprinted, you should already feel it as a completely precise movement of a very specific finger. And the basis of these sensations should be verified real movements at the keyboard. Only alternating work at the keyboard with mental repetition will allow you to place your fingers quickly.

Sitting at the keyboard, type all the letters at a very slow pace. Focus your attention on the working finger. As if enter it mentally and remember its movement from beginning to end. Understand for yourself: how far to the left (or right) it moves from the main position, which keys it passes over, which muscles work. Feel and remember the difference in finger movements as fully and clearly as possible. Realize each finger as a unique individual.

You need to remember which finger moves to which key. Try to make the memorization process active, that is, through recall, with the help of ideomotor training. Do it at any time, even on public transport. Make sure that a picture-scheme clearly emerges in your head: the connection of a specific finger with certain letter-keys, that is, the finger - its letters and accompanying muscle movements. During the day you probably have at least several periods when you can do ideomotor training without compromising other activities. Do it several times a day for a week, and you will learn to type quickly in a short time.

Let's move on to punctuation marks and numbers. Let's use our imagination and senses again. Look at the picture of the colored keyboard and do the exercises as you did before. Your key layout may be slightly different. But, having before your eyes a diagram of their distribution and knowing the basic principles of learning, you will be able to place your fingers correctly on any keyboard. Now we will use both hands. The fact is that after punctuation marks there is always a space. Let's say you are typing a period. Hit the key with it and immediately with the other hand (edge thumb) – using the space key. Mentally repeat everything three times. Do the same with all punctuation marks. During the exercise, try to remember spatial-muscular sensations.

For many people who work at a keyboard, they often have to type English words. Link Russian letters with English letters located on the same keys. And you will increase your typing speed on both keyboards. The more connections a letter and its corresponding key have, the faster and stronger the memorization. Connections built on many feelings and logic are the most reliable, especially if they are developed consciously through the active activity of the mind. The huge mistake in the existing methods is that they do not create unmistakable and solid differences between the keys and movements towards them, either visually or in spatial-muscular sensations. In the student’s memory, all keys exist as a homogeneous mass with subtle differences. But with extremely weak guidelines in the subject, it is very difficult for a person to remember and retrieve from memory what he is learning. As a result, a large number of time, and the skill acquired in this way disappears quite quickly during a break. Whereas with complex and poorly distinguishable movements, it is necessary to rely on the creation of various connections in memory, on a significant expansion of meaningful differences in it, in this case, in the location of the keys and in the movements of each finger towards them.

Despite all the seeming attachment of learning to the keyboard, in reality you can always study without it. Do this in any environment. But be sure to follow the rules for successful ideomotor training (10 points), which are outlined in the introductory part. Keep a good mood, and success will follow! Try to make learning quick, but also rely on the strength of memorization. After all, you do it for yourself and forever!