How are points calculated for admission to a technical school? Passing score, average Unified State Exam score of the university and average passing score for one exam

23.12.2017 Education

In addition to grades in school subjects in the certificate, the average score plays an important role. The calculation of the average score of the school certificate is carried out in a certain way and subsequently affects further education. You can also calculate your GPA yourself. To do this, you only need a certificate, a calculator and knowledge of mathematics.

Calculation of the average score of the certificate

The new type of certificates have an insert containing a complete list of subjects and grades. To calculate your average score, you will need the insert. Follow these steps:

  • count the total amount of items for which grades were given;
  • sum all the scores together (i.e. 5+4+4+5, etc.);
  • Divide the resulting amount by the number of items that were assessed.

An example of calculating the average score of a certificate.

  • number of items – 15;
  • the total sum of all marks is 75;
  • average score = 75/18 = 5.

The average score was 5 - this is the highest average score. Typically, the admissions committee is loyal to applicants who have such an average score in their school certificate.

Why do you need a GPA on your transcript?

Today great importance Unified State Exam scores are used for admission. However, in the case when a large number of applicants with the same Unified State Exam scores apply for the same place, the selection committee, based on the average score of the certificate, screens out the candidates.

Very often, when entering prestigious universities, colleges and colleges in the country, the average score of the certificate should not be lower than 4.5. Otherwise, an applicant with a lower average score will not pass the competition for admission to the educational institution.

But the average score does not in any way affect the receipt of a gold or silver medal, because... If there is a C in the certificate, this is unacceptable.

Unlike the average score of a school certificate, the average score of a university or secondary school diploma does not affect a person’s future fate, and when applying for a job, it does not in any way affect the employer’s decision to hire.

In order to obtain a school certificate and then enter a university, you must be guided by average scores. What does this mean and how average scores differ from passing scores, read in our material.

What is a passing score, the average Unified State Examination score of a university, the average passing Unified State Examination score and the average score on one exam and how to use them to analyze the chances of entering a university.

Passing score of the university in the direction or profile of training

The passing score is the sum of points with which the applicant who scored the lowest number of points was admitted to the university for the field of study or educational program. The passing score is the official indicator of the university, which it submits to the Ministry of Education and Science based on the results of the admissions campaign. To determine the passing score, the sum of the points of all exams for each applicant is determined, taking into account his individual achievements: Unified State Examination exams and exams that the applicant takes at the university, points awarded for individual achievements. The minimum score of an admitted applicant will be called the passing score.

Some universities define the passing score this way - this is the applicant's rating sufficient for admission (it is determined on the day the admission order is issued). An applicant's rating is the sum of points for all entrance examinations for the chosen field (specialty) + the sum of points for individual achievements.

The passing score may be different at the first and second stages of the competition, as well as in the general competition, the competition for targeted admission and those entering without exams.

On the website we indicate the passing score of the general competition at the first stage. At the second stage of the competition, the passing score may be slightly lower. This must be taken into account when analyzing the chances of admission. Also, when calculating the probability of admission to Postupi Online, we proceed from the assumption that the applicant could score maximum amount points (10 points) for individual achievements.

IN official statistics you can see tables with passing scores in areas of training (specialties). Passing scores may be different in one area of ​​study at different faculties of the university. Each area of ​​training has educational profiles (specializations). Sometimes universities indicate passing scores taking into account educational profiles. On Apprentice Online, passing scores are presented with the detail indicated by each university.

Some universities do not indicate passing scores, but provide information about the minimum average Unified State Examination scores or the average scores with which the applicant was admitted to the university.

Average Unified State Exam score of the university

The average Unified State Exam score of a university is determined for the entire university and is official statistics university, which he reports to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation to analyze the quality of admission.

The average USE score of a university is the minimum average score of one USE exam for an applicant admitted to the university. It is calculated as follows: the sum of Unified State Examination points in the exams that are required to participate in the competition for each applicant’s university programs, divided by the number of exams that the applicant must pass.

This indicator is used on the Postupi Online website in the catalog of universities, university pages, and in lists of university departments.

Average passing score for one exam and average passing score for the Unified State Examination

The average passing score for one exam is calculated for a field of study (specialty) or even a profile of education (specialization, education program) based on the data of only admitted applicants as the passing score divided by the number of exams. Only applicants who entered a specific field of study or profile are taken into account.

If only USE exams are required, then the average passing score for one USE exam will be obtained. If university exams are required, you will simply get the average passing score on one exam. The minimum average passing grade with which the applicant entered the university is taken. This indicator is calculated separately for budget programs and programs with tuition fees, full-time, part-time and correspondence programs. The university is obliged to provide the Ministry with information on full-time study. The rest of the statistics are provided by the university at its discretion. The Admission Online website presents the details provided by the university itself.

The average passing score on one exam is often used by universities instead of passing scores.

For the convenience of users in comparing training programs (profiles) on the Apply Online website, we use a single indicator on the forms of lists of programs, programs, lists of program options, and a specific training option - the average passing score for one exam.

When analyzing the chances of admission to Postupi Online, taking into account the average passing score, you need to take into account:

  • These are the indicators of admitted applicants
  • they take into account points for individual achievements
  • These are the indicators for the first stage of the general competition
  • we took into account the maximum detail of data that the university provides publicly
  • These are statistics from previous university admissions

Thus, we give you a tool to assess your chances of admission, which will allow you to navigate and maximize your chances of admission to a university. But this tool does not guarantee your admission; it provides approximate data and helps you simulate admission.

Now, you have the opportunity to communicate directly with university admissions committees and ask them questions that interest you. The answers will be posted not only on the website, but will also be sent to you personally by email, which you provided during registration. Moreover, quite quickly.

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We count the points. Reception pitfalls 2015

If previously graduates could ignore all the admission rules and simply do their best on the Unified State Exam, now this trick will not work. In addition to the Unified State Exam, universities have the right to take into account essays and “individual achievements” - that is, a portfolio.

But all these additional options are not taken into account everywhere and in different ways. Is it possible to compensate for failure on the Unified State Exam in mathematics with a beautiful essay? Or score points for the long jump instead of an oral answer in English? Let's figure it out together!

Essay: +10 points
The first test that graduates will face in December is the final essay. You will have to write it down. The primary grade for the essay is pass or fail. If you fail the exam, you will not be allowed to take the Unified State Exam; you will have to retake it. The recommended length is 350 words. This is one and a half times more than the “Essay” part itself in this article.

The evaluation criteria are:
- correspondence to the topic.
- argumentation. You must cite at least one work. From the school curriculum or not, it doesn’t matter.
- composition. Here you need to competently build arguments, give a beginning and an ending. For gross logical errors a minus is given.
- quality of speech. Here it is important to avoid hackneyed cliches and confusion in terms.
- literacy. It is recommended to give a minus if the essay contains more than 5 errors per 100 words. Punctuation, grammatical, and speech errors are considered.

If there is a minus in at least one of the first two points, the test is given a failure. However, if a student fails the first attempt, they will have two additional dates - the first Wednesday in February and the first working Wednesday in May - to receive a passing grade.

It seems that you can write an essay with a C grade and not bother. But with its help you can add up to 10 bonus points to Unified State Exam results. To do this, when submitting documents, you need to write a statement about taking into account the results of the essay. It will be checked by university teachers. Whether this is worth getting involved with depends on the university you choose.

For example, MIPT simply adds 2 points for essays written with an A, and 1 point for a B.
The Higher School of Economics gives a maximum of 10 points for an essay, but they have their own evaluation system. 4 points for relevance to the topic, 3 for argumentation, 3 for logic and structure, but you can lose up to 5 points for errors.

On the other hand, points are not deducted for unsuccessful essays. So it’s still worth trying to improve your results.

Unified State Exam: +300 points
Last year there were no fundamental changes in the Unified State Exam for schoolchildren. This year there are changes, and they affect all subjects.

Exam questions will no longer have parts A, B and C. Instead, questions will be divided into two groups - short answer and long answer. In addition, the test part, where you need to choose one answer option from the proposed ones, will be reduced. In some cases, for example, in the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, it was removed completely, and in others it was greatly reduced.

The math exam will also change. It is still required, but you can choose a difficulty level - basic or advanced.
“The basic level will be chosen by those who do not need mathematics for admission,” explains the head of the Federal Subject Commission in Mathematics Ivan Yashchenko. - The result on the basic exam will not even be translated into a hundred-point system... And if universities write that a specific specialty requires an Unified State Exam in mathematics, then this is exactly the profile level, do not hesitate.

An oral part will be added to the foreign language exam. It is up to the student to decide whether to take it or not; you can refuse at any time. True, without it you cannot get the maximum score: up to 80 points are awarded for the written part, and up to 20 more for the oral answer. You will have to conduct a dialogue in a special booth alone with a computer, 15 minutes are allotted for everything.

Portfolio: +10 points
It is useless to look for the word “portfolio” in the admission rules. Therefore, there is no need to put all diplomas and certificates from grades 1 to 11 in a folder - only certain merits will be taken into account:
- sporting achievements. This is a victory and medal at the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympic Games, the World Championships, the European Championships, as well as the World Championships and the European Championships. This also includes the presence of a silver or gold TRP badge.
- certificate with distinction.
- participation in volunteer activities.
- victory and medals in school Olympiads.

For all four points you can score up to 10 points maximum. Some more, some less - it all again depends on the university. Each admissions committee decides which applicants to reward. Some need excellent students, others need athletes...
For example, Moscow State University gives as many as 6 bonus points for a certificate with honors. That is, Olympiad participants can take advantage of the discount and enter without competition. But getting extra points for the Unified State Exam is not. Athletes at Moscow State University will be awarded a maximum of 4 points.

At the Higher School of Economics, excellent students will receive much less - they are given 2 points. Just like masters of sports and winners of school Olympiads. The GTO badge costs less, only 1 point. The most profitable thing, of course, is to participate in the Olympics or Paralympics - up to 4 points are awarded for winning or winning.

At the second medical school, the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, athletes are valued much more highly. The golden TRP badge gives as many as 4 points. Despite the fact that you get 5 points for winning the Olympics... But you can get the same 5 points for a certificate with straight A's.

But volunteering for the sake of admission is not profitable. Most universities decided to somehow ignore this indicator. For example, MIPT gives only 1 point for volunteer activities. And the second honey does not reward volunteers at all.

Final score
In this admissions campaign, smart athletes and excellent students will be able to score a maximum of 320 points for everything. Those who graduate from school this year will no longer be able to greatly influence their results - unless they write a better essay. Rushing to pass the GTO standards or sign up for all the Olympiads in a row is stupid. Nothing will work on the first try anyway. And those who already participate in sports and intellectual competitions, they don’t do it for a couple of bonus points. Although in leading universities, where the score is tenths of points, you will have to grab every opportunity to get a bonus.

Therefore, an excellent botanist hardly needs to be trained to meet the GTO standards for the sake of a couple of points, if even a turtle will overtake him in a three-kilometer race. The time and effort wasted is not worth it. But if there is a problem with knowledge, then you can try to balance the result with the help of sports achievements. And take the documents to the university that will give you the most points for “physical education.”

Probably, closer to summer they will start selling fake volunteer IDs and fake TRP badges on the Internet. But even if all these achievements were bought around the corner in an underground passage, they will not greatly affect the final grade. The main score is given by the Unified State Exam, and it is closely monitored. And if you fail it, then even an Olympic gold medal will not save you!

Competition score– this is the maximum number of points scored by an applicant. The competitive score is formed independently by the educational institution for each applicant.

Important! Applicants! Do not confuse the competitive score with the passing score!

Passing score– the minimum number of points that an applicant must score in order to enter the chosen educational institution for a specific field of study or specialty. The passing score is formed during the entrance campaign.

Educational institutions independently set the minimum passing score. This gives the right to “stronger” universities to set the highest passing score simply in order to simplify the processing of applicants’ documents, without accepting documents from applicants with lower scores.

According to the Conditions for admission to educational institutions in 2016, the competitive score will consist of:

  1. ZNO Certificate points,
  2. points for a creative competition (if held),
  3. certificate score,
  4. extra points.

A weighting factor will be applied to each of these components of the competition score.

So, a little math.

KB=(k 1 * P 1 + k 2 * P 2 + k 3 * P 3 + k4 * BA + k5 * OU) *BK,

Where KB– competitive score

k 1,2,3,4,5– competitive score coefficients. Sum of coefficients k 1,2,3,4,5,6 = 1 . Each educational institution is determined individually.

P 1.2- ZNO certificates (first, second subject)

P 3- ZNO certificate (third subject) or assessment of an entrance test or creative competition

BA– certificate score

OU– extra points (if available)

BC - balancing coefficient. Finally, the competitive score is balanced by the regional (RK), sectoral (GC), rural (SC) and priority (PCHK) coefficients by multiplying it by their product, and:

  • RK equal to 1.00 for competitive proposals of higher educational institutions (structural divisions of higher educational institutions, structural divisions of higher educational institutions that are located in a different locality than the location of the higher educational institution) in Kyiv, 1.01 - in the cities of Dnepr, Lviv, Odessa and Kharkov, 1.03 - Donetsk and Lugansk regions, relocated higher educational institutions, 1.02 - in other cases;
  • GK equal to 1.03 for applications submitted by priority 1 for the specialty (specialization) provided for in Appendix 4 of these Conditions, and 1.00 in other cases;
  • SK equal to 1.02 for persons registered in rural settlements who received complete general secondary education in educational institutions located on the territory of rural settlements in the year of admission, and 1.00 in other cases;
  • PCHK equal to 1.10 for persons entitled to priority enrollment in higher medical and pedagogical educational institutions, and 1.00 in other cases.

Let us consider in more detail (with an example) each component of the competitive score:

The weight of each component of the competitive score is determined by a specific higher education institution and varies depending on which of the components of the competitive score is more significant. For each VNO Certificate coefficient will be applied not lower than – 0.2. In addition, the coefficient of the UPE Certificate in a core subject will always be higher than in others .

Average score determined on a 12-point scale, rounded to tenths and converted to a 200-point scale. The transfer of points can be viewed here:. The coefficient that will be applied to the certificate score is Not more than 0.1.

In the case of a creative competition held by an educational institution, points are calculated for the creative competition. But the coefficients, in this case, differ depending on what direction the applicant is applying for. If he enters all areas in the field of “Art” or “Architecture”, the maximum possible coefficient will be applied 0,5 and less. When applying to other areas that require a creative competition, the coefficient will be applied 0,25 and less.

According to the conditions of admission 2017, extra points are the winners of the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian student Olympiads in basic subjects, or the winners of the III stage of the All-Ukrainian competition for the defense of scientific research works of student members of the Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In addition, additional points can be obtained for attending preparatory courses at an educational institution, but the volume of classroom hours must be at least 150 academic hours. hours, and the duration of training is at least 3 months. In addition, points for training courses will be counted only for applicants entering natural, mathematical, engineering and technical specialties. The competitive score coefficient is no more than 0.05.


The applicant enters the direction of “Economics and Entrepreneurship”, specialty “Finance and Credit”. He submitted the following EIT Certificates:

- Ukrainian language and literature – 190 points

- mathematics – 180 points

- history of Ukraine – 170 points.

Average certificate score – 8.9; on a 200-point scale – 170.5

Weighting coefficients (set by the educational institution): Ukrainian language and literature – 0.2, mathematics – 0.4, History of Ukraine – 0.3.

The certificate score coefficient is 0.1.

GK - 1.03 (the applicant enters one of the universities in the Kyiv region)

There is no creative competition for this specialty. There are also no extra points.

We determine the competition score:

KB = (0.2 * 190 + 0.4 * 180 + 0.3 * 170 + 0.1 * 170.5) * 1.03 = 183.39

If an applicant has additional points, for example, 8 points for a prize in a mathematics Olympiad, then the competitive score increases accordingly.

So, as a conclusion, a reminder to applicants:

  1. The results of the external examination are decisive in the formation of the competitive score;
  2. A high score in the core ZNO subject is simply necessary, since it is assigned the highest competitive score coefficient;
  3. The minimum passing score for each ZNO subject is set by each educational institution from 100 to 200 points;
  4. For all additional information about the 2017 admissions campaign, see the educational institution’s website in the “2017 Admission Rules” section.