Mortality statistics of HIV-infected people in Russia and in the world - the spread of the epidemic. Official statistics of HIV and AIDS in Russia (latest data)

HIV statistics in the worldhelps track how many suffer from this disease and search for more effective ways fight him.


HIV infection is a disease caused by the immunodeficiency virus. The disease belongs to the category of slowly progressing. It affects the immune system, as a result of which it develops. The body loses its defenses and ability to resist diseases.

How long do people live with the immunodeficiency virus? StatisticsHIV shows that the average age is no more than 11 years. In the AIDS stage – 9 months. If the patient consults doctors in a timely manner and undergoes antiviral therapy, the life expectancy may be 70–80 years.

The patient's health status also matters. A healthy person has a better chance of long life and successful treatment.

The virus is transmitted through single contact of damaged skin or mucous membrane with the patient’s biological fluids: blood, semen, vaginal secretions. Transmission of infection occurs:

  • during an unprotected
  • during manicure (through unsanitized instruments);
  • during and during (from mother to child);
  • when (if medical staff violates the rules for checking blood);
  • while taking a dose of injecting drugs (through syringes and needles);
  • when breastfeeding.

The virus cannot be transmitted through tears, saliva, insect bites, household or airborne transmission.

Data for different countries

Cause of infection Prevalence (%) Incidence (%) Number of cases per 100 thousand people
through injections 45 23,18 12 977
Sexual relations with drug addicts 8 5,15 3601
Prostitution 9 3,23 905
Using the services of prostitutes 4 4,07 91
Homosexual relationships 5 13,17 983
Injections in a medical facility 1,1 0,58 1
Blood transfusion 1,1 0,22 49

People who inject drugs are most at risk.

Cases of illness among health workers were also recorded. HIV statistics show that the risk of infection in this category of the population is also high. In the United States alone, over the past few years, more than a hundred cases have been reported, 57 of which have been proven.

Indicators for Russia

According to the Ministry of Health, HIV statistics in our country are shocking. There is a real epidemic in Russia. In terms of growth rates in the number of sick people, the Russian Federation will soon approach those of Africa. Statistics on HIV infection in Russia allow us to conclude that 57% of infections occur among heroin addicts through dirty syringes.

WITH HIV statistics by yearreflects the number of people who died from AIDS and are still living with the immunodeficiency virus:

Year Got sick in a year Revealed for all time Died Living with HIV
1995 203 1 090 407 683
2000 59 161 89 808 3 452 86 356
2005 38 021 334 066 7 395 326 671
2013 79 421 798 866 153 221 645 645
2016 87 670 1 081 876 233 152 848 724
First quarter of 2017 21 274 1 103 150 No data 869 998

Regional HIV incidence statistics are off the charts where the largest drug distribution channels are located. The majority of sick citizens in 2016 were in the Irkutsk, Kemerovo, Sverdlovsk and Samara regions. There are at least 1.5 thousand sick people here for every 100,000 people.

The chart shows HIV statistics by region, showing the 10 regions with the highest a large number sick.

HIV statistics in Russia show that the most people infected are in the Irkutsk region. In addition to those listed in the diagram, the most affected include the Moscow, Tomsk, Ivanovo, Omsk, Murmansk regions, Altai region. This also includes St. Petersburg.

From HIV shows an increase in indicators. In 2015, 212,578 patients died. This figure is 12.9% higher than the previous year.

The number of HIV patients in Tatarstan has also increased. Statistics say that in 2015, about 18 thousand patients diagnosed with HIV were identified here. Every year the number of infected people increases by 1 thousand people. The mortality rate among those infected with the immunodeficiency virus has also increased. More infected children were also born.

Most carriers of the virus are people aged 20 to 39 years. The main cause of infection is injection of narcotic substances with dirty syringes.

Russian HIV allows us to conclude that the most a large number of The patients are aged from 30 to 39 years. The vast majority are men. Women are most often infected under the age of 35. At the same time, the number of sick teenagers and 15 to 20 year olds has decreased. The data is shown in detail in percentages on the chart:

Routes of transmission of the disease in Russia

In Soviet times, unprotected sex with students from Africa came first. Today, statistics of people infected with HIV indicate that the largest number of sick people are among drug addicts - 48.8% of total number infected. They become infected when using unsterile syringes. According to the results of studies by city, the largest number of cases among drug addicts was registered in Moscow (12–14%), St. Petersburg (30%), and Biysk (more than 70%).

The diagram shows statistics of HIV patients, displaying the main causes of infection in the USSR and modern Russia for the period from 1987 to 2016:

Indicators in the countries of the former USSR

HIV statistics in Ukraine also not comforting. In six months of 2016, 7,612 people were diagnosed. Of these, 1,365 are HIV-infected children. Statistics show that the main reason is the reduction in funding for programs to combat AIDS.

In total, there are 287,970 patients in Ukraine today. Between 1987 and 2016, almost 40,000 citizens died from AIDS. Ukraine is among the leaders in the spread of the disease in the world.The chart shows which areas are most affected by HIV:

HIV statistics in Belarusrecorded 17,605 patients as of 2017. The prevalence rate is 185.2 per 100 thousand people. population. In just 2 months of 2017, 431 citizens with the immunodeficiency virus were identified. The majority of HIV-infected people are in the Gomel, Minsk and Brest regions. For the period from 1987 to 2017. 5,044 people died of AIDS in Belarus.

In 2016, HIV statistics in Kazakhstan indicate an increase in the number of infected people. During this year, about 3 thousand carriers of the virus were identified, of which 33 patients were children under 14 years of age.


As HIV statistics show in Russia and the CIS countries, the epidemiological situation continues to worsen. Morbidity and mortality rates are very high. It is necessary to strengthen measures to combat the disease in the country, otherwise the rate of spread will continue to grow.

Many countries estimate HIV infection as main problem in the formation of a healthy nation throughout the world. Depending on the economic state of the state, the ability to quickly and accurately detect infected people, timely high-quality treatment of patients, as well as public awareness of the dangers of the disease and prevention methods, the indicator that determines in which country the incidence of HIV (AIDS) is highest.

The popularity of the state in the world community depends on this indicator in the 21st century and the economic growth. Many highly developed countries do not allow entry into their territory without passing the appropriate test, which indicates that the government is interested in the health of its population. IN Russian Federation Every year, every working person is required to take a test to determine the retrovirus in the blood. This allows you to control the disease and take appropriate measures to prevent immunodeficiency. For example, in Belarus, when crossing a border checkpoint, you must document your HIV-negativity. But in Europe they don’t always require this document. In any case, when traveling to another country, you must have such data with you, which is valid for 3 months.

Countries are divided into 3 levels based on the number of HIV-infected people:

  1. States in which the AIDS pathogen is transmitted among men - homo- and bisexuals, drug addicts who use intravenous potent substances. These include the USA, Brazil, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Mexico, Great Britain, Türkiye. These countries have a high rate of infected people per 100 thousand population, which ranges from 53 to 246 patients, depending on the region.
  2. The disease occurs among heterosexuals when the pathogen is transmitted sexually through contact with a prostitute. At the same time, there is a high degree of possibility of infection in people who have many sexual partners. Often such patients are also exposed to sexually transmitted diseases. Similar regions include countries in Asia and Eastern Europe. They have a relatively low rate of retrovirus infections, which ranges from 20 to 50 patients per 100 thousand population.
  3. In China, Japan, Nigeria, and Egypt, the incidence of HIV infection is lower than in other countries of the world. Here the disease is considered imported and is observed most often in prostitutes and people who use their services. These countries have a low infection rate, which ranges from 6 to 16 patients per hundred thousand citizens.

Countries intensively infected with HIV pose a great danger to the world's population. Statistics from such countries show that the incidence of immunodeficiency is growing every year. This suggests that the country is either not fighting AIDS, or the actions taken are not effective. There is a list that includes the most dangerous countries for HIV transmission. The rating below shows the level of danger in them:

  1. SOUTH AFRICA. Has the most high degree infection of the population with a retrovirus. It is believed that approximately a quarter of the population is immunodeficient. There are 5.6 million AIDS patients here. The state has a mortality rate from HIV of about 1 million people per year, 15% of the total number of citizens are infected.
  2. India. AIDS has affected 2.4 million people here. In the country, the mortality index from immunodeficiency varies from 1% to 2% per year, the number of HIV-infected people is 10-12% of the population.
  3. Kenya has the lowest rate of HIV (AIDS) in Africa. Statistics indicate 1.5 million patients. The country has a mortality index from a retrovirus of 0.75 million people, 7.5% of the population is infected with this pathogen.
  4. Tanzania, Mozambique. There are 0.99-0.34 million people with AIDS here, depending on the region. These countries have a mortality rate from immunodeficiency of 0.2-0.5 million citizens per year, 8-12% of the population is infected.
  5. USA, Uganda, Nigeria, Zambia, Zimbabwe. There are 1.2 million people with AIDS. These countries have a total HIV mortality rate of 0.3-0.4 million people per year, 5% of the population is infected.
  6. Russia. There are 0.98 million people living with HIV in Russia. The mortality rate from AIDS reaches a level of slightly less than 3-4% of all cases. The most HIV-infected city in Russia is Yekaterinburg. It is believed that one in 50 city residents is infected with the retrovirus.
  7. Uzbekistan. 32,743 people are affected by the infection in Uzbekistan. Of these, 57% are men.
  8. Azerbaijan. The number of HIV (AIDS) patients in Azerbaijan is 131 people. Of these, 36 are women and 95 are men.
  9. United Arab Emirates. Recently, the detection of HIV infection among Arabs has increased. According to the latest data, the incidence index is 350-370 thousand per 367 million population.

HIV (AIDS) in Kazakhstan

According to the latest report, HIV infections in Kazakhstan account for 0.01%. At the end of 2016, 22,474 cases of infection were registered. 16,530 people with AIDS have been identified. Among the total number, infected men make up 69%, women - 31%. Although females make up a smaller share among those infected, their number is gradually growing. The government is actively involved in HIV (AIDS) treatment in Kazakhstan. The effectiveness of the program is evidenced by:

increasing the number of early detection of patients;

an increase in the number of patients who received antiretroviral therapy;

reduction in the birth rate of infected children.

HIV in the USA

The number of people living with HIV in the United States is growing every year. The country has a high level of economy, which contributes to the early detection of infected people and the appointment of adequate treatment in the initial stages of the disease. This helps reduce the aggressiveness of the virus, prolong life and improve its quality.

How many people are infected with HIV in the USA? In America, immunodeficiency is more common among homosexuals. It is believed that there are about 2.6 million carriers of the infection living in the United States. But the high level of medical care allows such patients to be well taken care of, making their lives the same as those of healthy people.

How common is HIV in Russia?

AIDS in Russia has not yet achieved epidemic status, but growing rates indicate the possibility of rapid progression of infection among people in the country. HIV infection in Russia is considered one of the most dangerous pathologies, because there is no vaccine to prevent it, and only self-awareness of citizens can lead to a decrease in the incidence rate.

Where did AIDS come to Russia? The first confirmed case of immunodeficiency was discovered in Moscow in the family of a long-distance sailor. After a 9-month business trip to hot countries, he was already in his hometown hospitalized in a hospital with Pneumocystis pneumonia, which very often affects infected people due to a decrease in the barrier function of the immune system. The examination revealed human immunodeficiency virus. The man died a few months later, and his family had to move to the other end of the country and change their last names so that ill-wishers would not find them.

Since this period, the level of HIV incidence in Russia has been gradually increasing, violating standard indicators of public health and reducing its working capacity.

How many HIV-infected people are there in Russia? At the end of 2016, the quantitative index among those infected with the retrovirus was 0.98 million. This number is considered one of the lowest in the world, while AIDS mortality in the Russian Federation remains stable at an average level. In the regions of Russia, the situation with HIV incidence is different. This is due to several factors:

  1. Religiosity.
  2. Population of the region.
  3. Economic significance.
  4. Quality of medical equipment and service.

How many people have HIV (AIDS) in Russia? The largest figure is in the Ural Federal District. The incidence rate is the highest numerically among other regions of the country. It is 757.2 infected per 100 thousand population.

The Siberian Federal District has an incidence index of 532 infected people per 100 thousand citizens. Volga Federal District - 424 patients for the same number of population.

Among all federal districts of the country, the North Caucasus Federal District has the lowest indicator, here the level is 58 people per 100 thousand population.

The number of AIDS patients in Russia in the Far Eastern Federal District is 172 infected. How many people suffer from HIV (AIDS) in Russia in the Northwestern region? The incidence index in this district is 407 patients per 100 thousand population.

The number of HIV and AIDS-infected people in Russia is progressing upward every year, so only prevention measures can reduce the incidence among citizens of the Russian Federation.

Thanks to standards for the treatment of immunodeficiency, the state program for detection and therapeutic assistance, the number of patients with HIV infection (AIDS) in Russia has decreased slightly. The rate of births of infected children has decreased, which indicates the early detection of the retrovirus in pregnant women and the provision of correct and effective treatment to them.

Thanks to the simplification of testing for retroviruses and constant screening of the population, the dynamics of HIV disease in Russia tends to reduce mortality rates. Some facts indicate that the number of carriers of the pathogen is increasing. But upon closer examination, it turns out that the number of citizens examined is growing every year, and this leads to an overestimation of the absolute incidence rate.

There is no need to be afraid that there are a million HIV-infected people in Russia. If you adhere to basic personal hygiene and prevention methods, the risk of infection approaches zero. Need to know that the best means protection against retrovirus infection are barrier contraceptives and sterile instruments.

About the HIV epidemic. The virus was detected in 1.8 percent of city residents, that is, 27 thousand people. In general, the entire Sverdlovsk region is in first place in terms of the number of HIV-infected people in Russia. In general, an outbreak of infection was recorded in 10 regions. The number of infected people in the country has exceeded one million. And about half more do not know about their diagnosis. found out whether Russia is facing a large-scale HIV epidemic.

What's happening?

The Sverdlovsk region took first place in the number of HIV-infected people in Russia. In the capital of the region - Yekaterinburg - every fiftieth person is sick. First Deputy Head of the Yekaterinburg Health Department Tatyana Savinova announced this at a press conference in TASS. In total, 26,693 cases of HIV infection were registered in the city. That is, almost 2 percent of city residents are infected. In the Zheleznodorozhny district of the city, more than 2 percent are already infected. About 52 percent became infected through drug use, through intravenous injections, and 46 percent through sexual contact. Now the incidence is growing precisely due to the sexual route of infection.

By criteria World Organization Health Care (WHO), if in a region the virus is detected in more than 1 percent of residents (especially pregnant women), this means that the stage of a “generalized” epidemic has begun. That is, the disease extends beyond the risk groups where it has circulated for a long time. The Yekaterinburg Health Department said that no one specifically declared an HIV epidemic in the city. According to Savinova, the generalized stage of the spread of HIV did not begin yesterday, and there is hardly any point in talking about an epidemic, since it is not a seasonal disease like the flu.

Geography of HIV

According to Rospotrebnadzor, the epidemiological threshold of 1 percent was exceeded in the Kemerovo, Ulyanovsk, Irkutsk, Tyumen regions, Perm region, Leningrad, Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Tomsk region, Altai Territory, Novosibirsk, Murmansk, Omsk, Ivanovo, Tver and Kurgan regions. The leaders are Samara and the already mentioned Sverdlovsk regions. More than 2 percent of pregnant women are infected here.

In Russia as a whole, the number of HIV-infected people has exceeded one million. Experts believe that another 500-800 thousand Russians are unaware of their illness, since they do not consider themselves to be at risk and have never been tested.

AIDS has become closer

Previously, HIV in Russia was considered the lot of marginalized people - drug addicts, prostitutes, homosexuals. But a generalized epidemic means that now anyone can become infected. This is not the flu yet - HIV is still not transmitted by airborne droplets, but in order to guarantee avoidance of infection, it is no longer enough to simply avoid communication with risk groups. Many people do not know whether their partner has been tested for HIV infection or not, or whether he could have been infected in the past. Meanwhile, every fortieth man aged 30–35 years is infected with HIV. Depending on the region, every twentieth man aged 21-40 years is infected. The likelihood of infection is very high.

Doctors recommend being careful not only in choosing partners, but also when seeking medical help. According to Federal Center on the prevention and control of AIDS (over the past five years), there is reliable information about more than 10 cases of nosocomial infection. The department declined to name the regions, “since these incidents are possible everywhere.” The fact is that in order to save money, hospitals are again practicing the repeated use of syringes (even disposable ones can be injected again) and other medical equipment that requires sterilization before use. The identified cases are mainly related to children, since “it is easier to establish the chain of infection in them.” However, experts do not rule out that adults could also become infected in the same way.

What to expect?

According to the AIDS Center, the number of infected Russians is increasing at a rate of up to 10 percent per year. Up to 270 cases are registered per day. 50-60 people die every day. The percentage of people infected in our country is three times higher than in the EU countries. Twice as much as in France, and ten times as much as in Germany.

In October 2015, Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova said that the HIV epidemic in Russia could be out of control by 2020 if treatment coverage is not increased. The UN has adopted recommendations to combat the epidemic. Experts believe that the growth of incidence can be stopped using the “90-90-90” formula. That is, it is necessary that 90 percent of patients know about their diagnosis and 90 percent of them receive the necessary treatment. Then 90 percent of HIV-infected people will not be infectious to others.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, only 19 percent of Russians were tested last year. About 30 percent of patients receive the necessary medications. According to the head of the AIDS Center, academician Vadim Pokrovsky, in order to implement the international strategy, the state must spend at least 100 billion rubles a year. In 2017, 18 billion rubles are allocated to fight HIV - more than five times less.

After reporting an epidemic in Yekaterinburg, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev ordered another 2.28 billion rubles to be allocated from the budget for the purchase of medicines for citizens infected with HIV and hepatitis B and C.

Detection or abstinence?

The mayor of Yekaterinburg, Evgeny Roizman, emphasized that the situation in the city is typical for all of Russia. “We have a very high detection rate,” he is quoted as saying. - That is, we are doing this purposefully. We have strong doctors, we have very strong detection programs. In Yekaterinburg, 23 percent of the population was examined. Meanwhile, in Russia - no higher than 15. That is, we have one and a half times more people examined. And if they investigate at this level in Novosibirsk, Saratov, Samara, Tver, then, believe me, the situation there will be even worse.”

Chief freelance specialist on the problems of diagnosis and treatment of HIV infection at the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Evgeniy Voronin, says that there are only two countries in the world in which the incidence of HIV is growing - Ukraine and Russia.

According to him, the Ministry of Health is confident that “increasing public awareness, increasing testing and maximum coverage of therapy can radically change the situation.” The department hopes that in two years the country will record a sharp decline in new infections.

“There are positive examples,” Voronin emphasized. - In Tatarstan, which is one of the twenty regions in the HIV risk zone, about 30 percent of the population was tested, and more than 60 percent were treated with therapy. And there they really started to decline.”). The concept consists of three parts. The first is abstinence before marriage and marriage no earlier than 19 years of age, when a person has accumulated some life experience,” one of the report’s authors, demographer Igor Beloborodov, told - The second is loyalty. Through social advertising, messengers, and speeches by politicians, the public was given a signal: do not cheat in marriage. And only the third part, and far from the most important, is condoms. If you are crazy and engage in prostitution or use drugs, then at least use protection. Our liberal apologists took only the last part of this entire three-stage system. But there have already been examples of the disastrous consequences of such selectivity. Take two African countries- Uganda and neighboring Botswana. The first diligently used all three methods of prevention. As a result, the incidence of AIDS in Uganda fell threefold from 1990 to 2011. And in Botswana it grew eight times.”

In Moscow, the number of new HIV infections increased by 20% over the year. The disease continues to spread due to insufficient actions of the authorities to prevent it, says academician Vadim Pokrovsky

Growing regions

In Moscow in 2017, 20.4% more cases of infection with the human immunodeficiency virus were registered than in 2016, according to data published in the annual statistical collection of the Ministry of Health.

In 2016 (.doc) 2.4 thousand cases of the disease were identified, and in 2017 - 2.9 thousand. The certificate does not contain statistics on the total number of people infected with HIV. RBC sent a request to the Ministry of Health asking for its provision. The head of the health department, Alexey Khripun, refused to talk to RBC and referred him to the head of the press service. RBC is awaiting a response from the press service of the Moscow Department of Health.

In two regions, the increase in cases of the disease was more than 100%: 151.7 and 133.3% in the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug and the Republic of Tyva, respectively. In Chukotka, the number of new infections increased from 29 to 73 people (the region’s population is less than 50 thousand people), and in Tuva - from nine to 21 (the population is about 310 thousand people). IN Tambov region, the republics of Mari El, Karelia and the Ivanovo region, the increase ranged from 50 to 66%. The Ministry of Health recorded a serious increase in incidence in the Rostov (from 1.6 thousand to 2.1 thousand people), Irkutsk (from 3.5 thousand to 4.2 thousand) and Novosibirsk regions (from 3.5 thousand to 4 thousand people).

The number of HIV-infected people in the Perm Territory and Moscow Region increased by another 400 people on average: from 3.3 thousand to 3.7 thousand and from 2.6 thousand to 3 thousand people, respectively. In another region, the Sverdlovsk region, the number of new infections did not increase: in 2016 there were 6.3 thousand, and in 2017 - 6.2 thousand people.

RBC sent requests to regions where there was an increase in the number of new cases, asking them to explain how local authorities are fighting the spread of HIV.

Lack of prevention

The increase in the number of infected people can be partly explained by an improvement in the quality of testing of the population, believes academician Vadim Pokrovsky. But the main reason is that the preventive measures taken by the authorities are insufficient. “The government is not paying enough attention to regions where the situation has not yet reached a critical level. All efforts are aimed at fighting the epidemic in large cities, which is fundamentally wrong, since it is easier to prevent than to fight another epidemic later,” he said.

To stop the epidemic, Pokrovsky finances the purchase of anti-HIV drugs (the state currently allocates an average of about 20 billion rubles per year for these purposes), improves the availability of condoms and informs the population about ways to protect themselves from HIV.

How HIV spreads

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is transmitted through unprotected sexual contact, when the blood of an HIV-infected person enters the body healthy person, including when transfusing it, using non-sterile medical instruments. HIV infection is not transmitted by kissing, shaking hands, etc. There is one that, without completely destroying the virus, stops its development and makes the infected person harmless to others.

The Ministry of Health counts only those infected who sought help from medical institutions subordinate to the ministry, Academician Pokrovsky explained the difference in the calculations.


The immunodeficiency virus was first identified by scientists in 1983. It was then that the etiological cause of the development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome was established. However, the attention of specialists is still focused on such a dangerous disease as HIV. Statistics show that it is constantly becoming more common. And the saddest thing is that in modern medicine there are no effective methods treatment of pathology.

Basic statistics of HIV-infected people

The disease is constantly progressing and spreading throughout the population. This is officially confirmed by statistics on the incidence of HIV and AIDS. According to the latest data from scientists, today the number of people infected with HIV reaches 40 million people. Of these, 37.5% contracted the infection in the last 2 years, which is about 15 million.

At the same time, the pathology is constantly progressing, new strains of the pathogen appear as a result of modification. This greatly complicates the process of treating patients.

Infection with a retrovirus occurs more often through sexual contact or through the use of unsterile needles, which is often observed among drug addicts. The number of HIV-infected people is constantly increasing, and in order to slow down the progression of the disease, experts strongly recommend periodic testing for AIDS. Early detection allows you to prescribe full-fledged antiretroviral therapy. According to statistics, only 9.5 million HIV (AIDS) patients receive quality treatment, which is less than a quarter of the total number of carriers.

HIV (AIDS) statistics in Russia

In the Russian Federation, the issue of immunodeficiency is especially acutely discussed twice a year - on the Day against this disease (December 1) and in early May, when the Day of Mourning for those killed as a result of infection with a retrovirus is declared.

The statistics of HIV-infected people in Russia is constantly changing, and not for the better. Behind last years The number of infected people has increased significantly and now reaches 250 thousand people. Experts say that the problem is becoming enormous. Today, the infection is mainly transmitted sexually and parenterally.

Statistics of AIDS patients in Russia confirm that the bulk of those infected are young people aged 19 to 29 years. If we take into account injection drug addicts, then of those who sought medical help, 78% of them were diagnosed with the immunodeficiency virus.

During sexual intercourse without condoms, a considerable number of patients are also infected. It is difficult to determine exactly how many people with HIV received the pathogen this way. However, statistics on HIV infection in Russia state that of those infected through sexual contact, more than half are women. This is due to anatomical features. Women tend to have more close contact with body fluids, particularly semen. It contains a high concentration of retrovirus, which is able to penetrate the body through microcracks in the vaginal mucosa that form during sexual intercourse.

A less common method of transmission is from mother to infant. HIV transmission statistics indicate that over the entire period of the disease, more than 6 thousand cases of birth of infected babies were registered. The infants' mothers were women of fertile age.

As for the male half of the population, according to statistics in Russia, about 2% of the stronger sex is infected with AIDS. The age of patients is in the range of 23-40 years. Among them, infection occurred in the following ways:

  • as a result of drug use - 53%;
  • homosexual relationships - 1.5%;
  • with unprotected sexual intercourse - 43%;
  • boys who received the infection in the womb or during childbirth from their mother - 2.5%.

Why is HIV infection spreading so quickly? Statistics confirm that the vast majority of infected people received their “dose” of the retrovirus through a syringe. In Russia, more than half of drug addicts use potent substances by injection, which poses a huge risk, because syringes are almost always used multiple times and for several people.

Additionally, the progression of AIDS can be explained by the lack of a clear program to combat retroviral infection. At the very beginning, when AIDS began to spread in the Russian Federation, statistics showed a sharp jump - an increase in the number of cases. For several years, international associations against immunodeficiency have allocated a certain amount, which was used to provide antiretroviral therapy to patients. When was Russia recognized as a country with income high level, this assistance was withheld, and the funds allocated from the state budget became insufficient to provide quality therapy to patients.

How many HIV-infected people are there in specific regions of Russia?

The situation with the spread of immunodeficiency leaves much to be desired, however, the homogeneity of the disease is somewhat diverse - in the Russian Federation, some regions require more attention from doctors, while in others the rate of transmission of a dangerous disease does not cause concern. According to experts, the saddest situation is observed in the Irkutsk region. Here, retrovirus infection reaches 1.5% of the total population.

How many people have HIV (AIDS) and how does it become infected? More than 75% of patients in this region are infected as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse, with a certain percentage occurring in homosexual relationships. The remaining 25% experience pathology when injecting drugs; a small number occur in children born to HIV-positive mothers.

Also among the leaders in the progression of infection with immunodeficiency are the Sverdlovsk, Kemerovo regions, Perm, and Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug. The statistics of HIV infection in Russia are no more rosy in the following regions:

  • Altaic;
  • Tomsk;
  • Kurgansky;
  • Novosibirsk;
  • Samara;
  • Tyumen;
  • Ulyanovsky;
  • Tverskoy;
  • Omsk;
  • Murmansk;
  • Orenburg;
  • Chelyabinsk;
  • Ivanovsky;
  • Leningradsky.

How many AIDS patients are in the capital of the country can be answered more precisely. HIV statistics in Moscow at the beginning of the 21st century did not cause much concern among doctors, but this picture quickly changed in the opposite side. In recent years, the retrovirus has begun to spread among residents of the capital by leaps and bounds. In 2016, more than 10 thousand infected people were registered. Moreover, half of them received the retrovirus through unprotected sex. 23% of those infected in this way became ill as a result of homosexual intercourse. HIV (AIDS) statistics in the regions of Russia remain unfavorable and require the adoption of certain measures to reduce the rate of spread of the disease.

The situation in the world: how quickly is AIDS spreading?

How many AIDS patients are there on the entire planet, which countries are one step away from developing an epidemic? The number of infected people varies from country to country. The most deplorable situation is observed in Africa, or more precisely in the South. The inhabitants of these regions make up only 10% of the total population of the planet. Moreover, out of the total number of HIV-infected people (about 40 million), 25 million are on this continent. These numbers are shocking.

The most unfavorable statistics of people infected with HIV (AIDS) are observed in the following countries of the world:

  • South Africa - more than 5 million;
  • India - 6.5 million;
  • Ethiopia - more than 4 million infected;
  • Nigeria - 3.6 million;
  • Mozambique - almost 2 million;
  • Kenya, Zimbabwe - 1.7 million infected each;
  • USA - 1.3 million;
  • China and Russia are about 1 million carriers of the retrovirus.

If we take into account the European continent, then approximately half of all infected people are residents of Ukraine and Russia. The main route of transmission of the virus in these countries is parenteral.

The HIV infection rate by country raises fears for the future of humanity; analyzing the statistics, it can be argued that the massive spread is occurring in underdeveloped regions.

According to statistics, in countries infected with AIDS, the leading route of transmission is sexual and parenteral. The danger of the disease also lies in the fact that most patients do not want to believe in infection and refuse antiretroviral therapy. It can take more than 10 years from the infection to the stage of AIDS, but this indicator depends on the immune defense. In the absence of quality treatment, the disease develops much faster and leads to irreversible consequences.

Over the entire period of known immunodeficiency, more than 24 million patients died from it. At the same time, patients who received timely therapy were able to live fully for decades, no different from healthy people.

It is difficult to say exactly how many people are infected with HIV (AIDS), since the pathology is constantly spreading. However, scientists do not lose hope of finding an effective drug and finally defeating the retrovirus.