Effective methods for identifying lies. FBI lessons: how to understand that you are being deceived

10.10.2019 Health

Recognizing lies is a whole science, let's try to master at least its basics.

Tell me the word “cheese”...

To one degree or another, we all have the ability to recognize deception. Observant people cope especially well with this. After all, it is the discrepancy between verbal (that is, verbal) and nonverbal (facial expressions, gestures) behavior that indicates that we are facing a liar.

For example, joy is one of the most desirable human emotions. To each to a normal person I would like not only to experience it myself more often, but also to see the reflection of joy on the faces of relatives and friends. But, unfortunately, joy is not always sincere. And although sometimes even insincere joy is better than outright hostility, it is often important for us to know whether the joy written on the faces of others is really not a mask?

A situation familiar to everyone: you come to visit, the hostess opens the door and says in a cheerful voice that she is extremely glad of your visit. But something confuses you, something tells you that if you are welcome, then “not to the fullest.” Where do the doubts come from? There is something “wrong” in the expression of the hostess’s face, it seems that she is being forced to say the word cheese (a proven method to portray joy on her face), but she cannot do it.

In fact, most people tend to trust not words, but facial expressions. And it is right. After all, controlling facial expressions is much more difficult than speech. A simple example. Sadness, disappointment, and fatigue are “written” on the face of someone close to you. "What happened to you?" - "I'm great!". But you understand that this is not true, just like in a situation when someone complains of being unwell and lacking money and at the same time this person has a smug, joyful expression on his face...

The Science of Smiling

Let's try to take a closer look at the faces of people who are completely sincerely happy. Are there any common features their joyful smiles? The corners of the lips are pulled back and up, the cheeks are raised, the nasolabial folds go from the nose to the edges of the mouth (that is, down), the crow's feet near the eyes rise from the outer corners of the eyes to the temples, the lower eyelids are raised.

Of course, in order to correctly and quickly “read” facial expressions, practice is needed. The more often you communicate with different people, the faster you can work it out.

But let's return to our hospitable (or not so hospitable?) hostess. Are her eyebrows too arched and raised? Do horizontal wrinkles cross your forehead? Is the lower jaw dropped in such a way that it appears as if the lips have lost their defined shape? Finally, the upper eyelids are excessively raised, and the lower ones, on the contrary, are lowered? No doubt she is surprised, and her words that you were eagerly awaited are not true. Most likely, you were invited to visit, and then forgot about your invitation. What to do? Act according to the circumstances - after all, sometimes an impromptu can be much nicer than a planned polite visit.

Of course, both surprise and joy can be mixed with any other emotions. For example, the nose is wrinkled, the upper lip is raised, the lower lip is slightly pushed forward. This is already disgusting. A couple more minutes and perhaps you will hear the fatal words addressed to you: “Who are you? Bye Bye!".

Polygraph error

Today, many experts believe, it has become much easier to recognize a lie, because a variety of technical means have come to the rescue, and first of all, a lie detector, or polygraph. And what?

Do liars tremble and speak “the truth, the truth and nothing but the truth”? Not at all. Firstly, you and I are mostly interested not in solving crimes, but, as a rule, in ordinary everyday lies. Secondly, there are no compact pocket polygraphs in use yet, and you can’t demand that everyone immediately undergo a test.

In addition, the vaunted polygraph does not recognize the lie itself, but only excitement, which the specialist must interpret. But often a person tells the truth and is worried that they may not believe him.

For example, when a polygraph test is carried out literally on the eve of execution by electric chair (and such cases are known to American justice) - who wouldn’t worry in such a situation? And, on the contrary, highly qualified intelligence officers, whose training program includes practical classes on the topic “How to deceive a polygraph”...

When they tell a lie, they do not show their excitement.

Everyone has had to lie at least once in their life. Well, such a phenomenon as self-deception is familiar to everyone. Even the most truthful of us in childhood, at the request of our mother, kissed a nasty aunt or in adolescence feigned joy when receiving some kind of “encyclopedia of a good child” as a gift instead of a live dog. A certain amount of lies is “built into” the foundation of our social structure. You can't do without it. But it's a matter of moderation. No wonder American psychologist Arnold Goldberg said: “Like the truth, lies have their own norms and their own pathology.”

Personally, I try not to lie. But sometimes, in order not to spoil the relationship with a person, it is better to simply keep silent about something or, so that the person does not worry too much, to downplay it. Everyone does this, one way or another, and you can’t do without it in life. It's even necessary sometimes. Still, it’s better not to lie. Let's live honestly!

In this article we will discuss nonverbal signs of lying. I'll tell you how a man's body during a conversation signals that he is trying to deceive you. You will learn how the posture, gestures, gaze and voice of a liar changes. By following my recommendations, you will learn to recognize lies and learn why it is important not to give away your suspicions right away.

Confidence is a necessary component of a strong union. Statistics say that men cheat almost twice as often as women. To trust or verify is a personal choice for everyone. Undoubtedly, being deceived is very unpleasant, so it is important to be able to recognize the markers of lies.

It also happens that trust is lost, but everything can be fixed. For strong and loving relationship important .

What indirect signs will help you spot a liar? Firstly, these are non-verbal signals: posture, gestures, facial expressions, gaze. Secondly, this is the manner of speech: volume, timbre and even the number and duration of pauses in the conversation. And thirdly, these are seemingly insignificant details of his story. Below we will consider each point in more detail.

Learn his body language

The body of a liar involuntarily gives signals to others that the person is being disingenuous.

  • Pose. Pay attention to what position the interlocutor takes. If a man is sitting, his arms and legs can be crossed, and the posture as a whole can be called closed. If you are talking while standing, then the person who is trying to deceive you tilts his body a little back.
  • Movements. Top part The deceiver's body is most often tense and motionless, while the legs are actively moving. A man may twitch his leg, shake it - all this indicates that he is trying to deceive you.
  • Gesticulation. When we emotionally describe something in a conversation, our hands involuntarily help us convey impressions through gestures. But a liar behaves differently, since it is impossible to indicate a lie with gestures.

The deceiver’s hands are busy with something else: the man pulls and scratches the tip of his nose, rubs his palms, straightens his hair, touches his face, covers his mouth with his palm.

  • Sight. Usually in a conversation people look into each other's eyes. A person who wants to deceive you will avoid direct gaze. Psychologists say that deceivers often look away to the left or up, blink more often or, on the contrary, do not blink at all and look very intently.

When a person lies, his pupils constrict. It’s difficult to notice, so don’t stare intensely into your partner’s eyes. You will involuntarily give away your suspicions, and the man will understand on a non-verbal level that he should be more careful. If you want to see through a deceiver, watch him gradually.

  • Smile. We have all noticed how the eyes of a person who smiles sincerely and from the heart glow. But a cold gaze, raised corners of the lips, or, on the contrary, a too wide, unnatural smile clearly betray a liar. In addition to a smile, nervous giggles and insincere, feigned laughter will help you spot a deceiver.

Notice what and how he says

Even the most skilled speaker is unable to control his voice if he has to spontaneously come up with lies on the fly.

  • Voice. When deceiving, a person always speaks louder than usual, and the timbre of his voice changes. A liar speaks more slowly than usual, drawing out his words and being distracted by his watch, phone or a sip of coffee in order to gain time and successfully get out.

  • Confusion in indications. Spontaneous lies are always forgotten very quickly. If you suspect that your partner is deceiving you, gently find out the details in a conversation. In two days the man won’t even remember what exactly he lied about. Most likely, he will be confused and give completely different information when you ask him again a few days later.

This tactic will only work in the case of a spontaneous lie. If a partner has thought through all the details of his deception in advance, he will repeat them in all subsequent conversations.

  • Munchausen complex. If you notice that your partner often deceives you in small things, then he is capable of big lies. Unless, of course, he suffers from mythomania, or the Munchausen complex.

People with this trait tend to regularly and enthusiastically distort facts and lie about even the most insignificant things. Moreover, they themselves sincerely believe in the alternative reality that they create with the help of lies.

  • The topic of conversation. Spontaneous lies are always stressful. If you suspect that your partner is trying to deceive you, try abruptly changing the subject. A liar will gladly support such an initiative, just to distract himself from his own lies.

If a man is telling the truth, he will be unpleasant that you spontaneously left the topic. In this case, your partner will try to return your attention to the subject of the conversation.

Don't give away your suspicions

Remember that you are not the only one watching the man. If your partner is deliberately deceiving you, he will unconsciously try to track your reaction to his words. Your task is not to give away your suspicions. Only in this case will you be able to find out whether there are reasons not to trust the man.

Develop dialogue. If you realize that the man just lied, continue the conversation. Don’t get hung up on lies and don’t try to catch all the markers of deception at once. You will see much more if you can convince your partner that you did not notice the lie.

Don't interrogate or incriminate. A barrage of questions and attempts to catch your interlocutor in a lie will alert him and push him away. It’s better to continue the friendly conversation, but notice and remember the voiced inconsistencies. Later, you will be able to analyze the information and understand whether there was a deception.

Answers on questions

My husband constantly deceives me in small things. Nothing serious, but these little daily lies are terribly annoying.

Pay attention to how you become aware of these lies. Perhaps there is excessive control over the husband, and with the help of such small insignificant deceptions he is trying to win at least part of his personal space.

If he is simply a pathological liar, you have two options: come to terms with and accept this feature, or have a heart-to-heart talk. Perhaps a frank, confidential conversation will help your spouse understand how his behavior is interfering with your relationship.

I know for sure that the man lied to me, this is indicated by many facts and inconsistencies in his stories. I tried to discuss the situation, to which he refuses, says that I am paranoid and even gets offended with the words “How can you not trust me?” How to get him to admit to deception?

By accusing you of being excessively suspicious and expressing resentment at your lack of trust, a man is manipulating you. He tries to take the conversation in a different direction, making you feel guilty for daring to suspect him of lying.

Calmly say that you have nothing to feel guilty about, but you have facts that directly indicate deception. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to come to an agreement with a manipulator. Therefore, if your partner deceived you on a grand scale and got away with it, be prepared for the lie to be repeated more than once.

In the family, I distribute expenses and control income. Previously, my husband’s salary came to the card, and I could track the amounts through Internet banking, but at his new job he is paid in cash. For several months now he has been giving away an amount much less than what he was promised when he was hired. When I ask where the rest of the salary is, he claims that he gave me everything, but I feel some kind of omission. How to bring it to clean water?

Either he is actually paid less than promised, or he is withholding part of his salary. In the first case, you can ask him to show the payslip. If he refuses, this may indicate that he is keeping part of the money for himself. There are two possible scenarios here: he either secretly saves money (which, in general, is normal - to want to manage your finances), or spends this money on something.

Pay attention to your husband's behavior. Do you know where and with whom he spends time? Try to find out what or who he spends part of his salary on. As a rule, women's intuition allows them to very subtly sense changes in their partner's behavior. Trust yourself. If you suspect deception, have a heart-to-heart talk with your husband and pay attention to the markers of lies in the conversation.

Watch this video from practical psychologist Nadezhda Mayer. Nadezhda will tell you how to survive betrayal loved one. Find out how to behave if you decide to forgive a man and save the relationship.

What to remember

  1. The liar's posture can be described as "closed".
  2. The deceiver's hands touch the face, hair, tug or scratch the tip of the nose, and cover the mouth.
  3. When a person lies, he looks to the left or up, blinks too often or, on the contrary, does not blink at all and looks intently into the eyes.
  4. A crooked smile, nervous chuckles and feigned laughter are clear markers of lies.
  5. When deceiving, people speak louder and slower than usual.
  6. If, after asking a question, a man is distracted by his phone, watch, or asks again - this is an obvious “symptom” of deception.
  7. Pay attention to the details - in a couple of days the deceiver will give completely different information.
  8. A barrage of questions and attempts to instantly catch a man in a lie will alert him and scare him away. You will learn much more if you can convince your partner that you did not notice the deception.

There is a scam, there is a scam, there are scams everywhere! Such phrases can be heard from literally every beginner who has become interested in making money on the Internet.

Why is this happening? It’s simple: a person is not yet familiar with online earnings and often runs into them, since scams are promoted en masse at every step.

Today I'll tell you 7 ways to spot a scam on the Internet:

#1 There are no comments, forum or blog on the site

It's simple: if the scammer doesn't want users to leave negative reviews, it does not include a comment system, forum or blog on the site in which you can discuss or comment on an article or news.

Although this point can be bypassed:

  • Write positive reviews in advance and disable comments, or make the comment you leave visible only to you.
  • Moderate comments. For example, you leave a positive or neutral comment, it appears on the site. You leave a negative one, saying, “This is a scam and they scammed me,” and the moderator successfully deletes it.

#2 Domain registration date

Many scammers on the site write that the project has existed for 2 years and if they were a scam, they wouldn’t have lasted even a month and blah... blah... blah...

In this case, you can manually check the domain registration date. To do this, we will use the service https://www.reg.ru/whois/

If a site claims that it has existed for 4 years, but the domain was registered only 3 months ago, then it is clearly not telling the truth.

Although this method can be bypassed. You can buy a domain name from someone that is already “aged”. Thus, the domain may have been purchased 15 years ago, but the scammer’s website was installed only 5 days ago.

#3 They promise BIG money today

Everything is clear here: if you are offered to earn $50, $100, $666 already today Tomorrow- this is a signal that something is wrong here. I think you are no longer 7 years old, and it is clear that there is NO quick and at the same time big money. At the moment, this type of divorce is very popular. “How to beat an online casino” . Many people have probably come across similar video instructions:

#4 There are no contacts on the site

Fraudsters do not often leave contacts in the form telephone number, company or office address. Usually they are finished with a mailbox. Less often icq or skype. If you have contacts, I recommend it call this person or 1 time meet, especially if in this type of earnings at the initial stage you need to deposit a large amount of money.

#5 Reviews about the site

Look, there should probably be reviews on the Internet about a specific site. If negative ones are often encountered, then this is another sign that this is a scammer. If you managed to find 1 negative review among 100, and the site owner was able to comment on it and resolve the current situation, then this is normal! Everywhere there are people who always don’t like something and are constantly dissatisfied with something.

#6 Website design

A controversial issue: if a website about making money on the Internet has a bad design, it’s a scam. Personally, I’ve come across a dozen really useful websites about making money, where the design is disgusting or old from the times of the USSR.

At the moment, scammers are trying to disguise themselves well, and sometimes order website design from professional designers! As a result, a person is attracted to the site, he is “led” and ends up scammed. And write negative feedback This is not possible on this site, since there is no comment system, blog or forum on it.

That's all for today. If you have anything to add to the article or have any questions about scammers and scammers, ask in the comments. Unlike them, I have a comment system.

People lie for various reasons: some - to avoid punishment, others - so as not to upset their interlocutor with the sad truth, others want to embellish reality and increase self-esteem. Still others lie to gain sympathy and benefit.

Thus, lying is a means of manipulation. Some people lie simply because they cannot help but lie, and these are pathological liars. Psychologists say that in 10 minutes of conversation almost everyone modern man will tell a lie at least three times.

And people also lie in different ways. The lies of some are immediately visible. Others have become so adept at lying that what they write is easily mistaken for the truth. As they say, a mosquito won't hurt your nose. They look straight into the eyes of their interlocutor and lie so convincingly that, it seems, they themselves begin to believe what they made up. “He lies and doesn’t blush,” or “If he lies, he’ll get it inexpensively,” they say about such people.

Liars are perceived as something unpleasant and unclean. After all, by deceiving, they put the interlocutor, who believes them, in a stupid position: “They are hanging noodles on his ears, but he is hanging on his ears.”

Everyone has an interest in learning how to recognize liars. After all, by believing them, it is easy not only to find yourself in a humiliating position, but also to harm your career, ruin personal relationships, or make a decision that will negatively affect your destiny.

How it was before...

What is a lie, what are its moral and psychological aspects? These questions were of interest to ancient philosophers, in particular Aristotle and Plato, who already at that time were developing recommendations for recognizing lies and measures to prevent its spread. They noticed that a person’s mental experiences are reflected in his physical state. This observation began to be used when it was necessary to find out whether a person was lying or not.

For example, in Ancient India During interrogations, the suspect had to beat a gong before each answer to a question. It was believed that a person who is about to lie will hesitate to answer, which will lead to a failure in the blows. And this will indicate that the answer should not be trusted.

In some South African tribes They came up with their own method for identifying liars. All the suspects sat in a circle, and the tribal leader walked around them and sniffed each one in turn. Whose smell of sweat was stronger was accused of deception. After all, as you know, a thief’s cap is on fire: if you’re nervous and sweaty, it means you have something to hide.

Ancient Chinese They noticed that a person’s throat becomes dry from excitement. This happens because saliva stops secreting. Dry rice flour was offered as a lie detector, which the suspects had to chew well. Anyone who could not do this due to lack of saliva was condemned for concealing the truth.

Whether a person was lying or not was also determined by his pulse rate. This method was practiced on Middle East, in particular when trying to determine adultery and establish the name of the lover. One person kept his finger on the suspect's pulse, while another listed the names of possible lovers. It was assumed that with the “correct” name, due to strong emotional stress, the woman’s pulse would increase significantly, which would give her away.

IN Ancient Sparta Boys who were preparing to become warriors were accused of deception if they turned pale when asked if they were scared. The question was asked while they were standing on the edge of a cliff. If he turns pale, it means he lied and is not worthy of being a warrior.

Those whose hands began to tremble when answering one of the questions were also called liars.

With the development of technology, methods for identifying liars have become more civilized. Various lie detectors have appeared that record cardiovascular activity, respiratory parameters and other physiological parameters. This data was then processed, and a conclusion was made whether the person was lying or not. For the first time in practice, such a device was used by the famous criminologist Cesare Lombroso in 1881. The device was called a hydrosphygmograph - it recorded changes blood pressure suspect as he answers questions.

For the same purpose, all kinds of truth serums and elixirs of truth, which include psychoactive substances that loosen tongues, have been and are being created.

It's written all over your face that you're lying

To find out whether a person is lying or telling the truth, lie detectors are now also used, but their use requires the consent of the suspect. Of course, in Everyday life none of us can use such a device.

But the conclusion that emotional experiences are reflected in a person’s behavior is useful to us: his facial expressions, gestures, voice, and gaze change. This means that by being observant, we can independently recognize a lie.

To help us, there are many popular books written by psychologists who tell us how to interpret this or that gesture in order not to let ourselves be fooled.

American psychologist Paul Ekman knows everything about lies. “Fool me if you can,” he says in his book "The Psychology of Lies." He tells in detail what microgestures and microexpressions can be used to determine that a person is lying. His conclusions are based on personal observations. For example, he repeatedly watched a video of a woman who assured that she would never attempt suicide again. They believed her, but she did it again and was never saved. Paul Ekman wanted to discern the slightest signs of falsehood in her behavior that went unnoticed, so as not to miss them when working with other patients who were prone to suicide. And he succeeded.

"Know a liar by his facial expression"- that’s the name of another of his books.

The book by Maria Malyshkina “How to recognize a liar by body language” is also worthy of attention. Practical guide for those who don’t want to be deceived.” A person who masters the techniques of nonverbal communication, studies body language, facial expressions and gestures, will be able to guess the thoughts and intentions of the interlocutor, understand what he is really thinking about, whether he is lying or telling the truth. This means that his chances of influencing the situation will increase, the author writes.

Some signs of a liar

You can only say that a person is deceiving you if you observe several signs at once, and not just one individual one.

So, a person is lying if:

  • tilts his head sharply
  • stands motionless
  • involuntarily touches any part of the body,
  • touches his mouth or covers it with his hand,
  • it becomes difficult for him to speak,
  • either he talks too much
  • often point to something.

When a person lies, he tries to hardly gesticulate, and often abstracts himself from the interlocutor, hiding behind a table or computer.

Words, words, words again...

True, some American and English psychologists, researching the topic of whether it is possible to identify a liar by gestures and facial expressions, have concluded that universal body language is a myth. There are no common signs that invariably appear in all people who tell lies. When someone lies, they look straight into the eyes, and someone looks away, some blush, others turn pale, others giggle, and still others pull their ears. Thus, it is impossible to talk about any universal method that helps to expose a liar to clean water. It is important to pay attention to a combination of signs, including what and how a person speaks.

Their research was of interest to intelligence officers conducting random checks of passengers to ensure the safety of air travel. These employees took special courses where they studied bodily psychology and, to identify liars, relied exclusively on body language, first of all paying attention to suspicious signs that indicate excitement: nervousness, fussiness or, conversely, equanimity or elation. However, psychologists recommended that they also pay attention to how and what people say, how their behavior changes when answering questions, and look for a weak point here. Figuratively speaking, to find and remove from a building such a brick, without which the entire building will collapse.

So, these psychologists advise:

Ask direct questions

For example, “Did it really take you two hours to get there?” or “What is the purpose of your trip?” etc. If a person has something to hide, he will not answer such a question right away. He will ask a counter question to move the conversation in a different direction, ask again or remain silent, pretending not to hear. After all, he needs to buy time to come up with a suitable answer.

Ask unexpected questions

If we suspect the interlocutor is lying, an unexpected question for him will help us understand whether this is so. For example, with such a question you can return him to the beginning of the story, when he, most likely, has already forgotten what he said there. The purpose of an unexpected question is to confuse the likely liar and throw him off his “legend”.

Clarify small details

They are the ones who catch people who lie. Only experienced liars who have something to lose think through their deception in detail. But various petty liars do not take the trouble to make the deception absolutely reliable and do not care about the details.

Having discovered that we are being deceived, we should not immediately put the deceiver in his place. Of course, he will start to get out and come up with something new to justify himself.

Let's give him the opportunity to talk, because, inspired by the fact that they believe him, he will lose his caution and say even more crazy things. And we can finally be convinced that we have before us a person who is lying deliberately and who cannot be trusted.

It is curious that liars are detected more quickly by those people who themselves like to lie. Obviously, because they also resort to similar techniques. Well: “A fisherman sees a fisherman from afar.”


Pay attention to how the person speaks. The speech of one who deceives can be saturated a huge amount facts that are not directly related to the topic of conversation. By giving meaningless details, they want to make you believe what they are talking about.

If a person repeats your question before answering, this indicates that he wants to gain time. He needs it in order to come up with a “plausible” answer to asked question.

Regard constant jokes instead of a direct answer as an attempt to hide reliable information and an unwillingness to tell you the truth.

Pay attention to how the voice sounds. Typically, for people who cheat, it sounds higher and louder than usual, and their speech speeds up. The body itself can also tell a lot. The one who lies has his arms and legs crossed on their own. Most often this is an uncontrollable phenomenon. A person who deceives has practically no gestures. He keeps her under control. Once he starts gesticulating, it will be difficult for him to continue lying.

In a person who deceives, emotions appear with a certain delay. This is due to the fact that he is focused on his own and only superficially follows the conversation.

If you suspect a person of lying, look at him point blank and state quite firmly that you doubt the sincerity of what was said. Or react ironically to what you hear and try to interrupt the dialogue several times with unexpected questions. Such actions will help you understand the sincerity of a person, and you will be able to more confidently identify the fact of a lie.

Another hallmark of a lying person is that when talking to you, he touches his nose or face too often. Also, frequent coughing while looking to the side indicates deception. The person feels like he is deceiving you. And so he tries to keep his hands busy and pass the time to figure out how to do it more believably.

A deceiving woman fusses a lot, constantly adjusting her clothes and shaking off specks of dust that are visible only to her. Suddenly, in the middle of a conversation, he may begin to preen himself, adjusting his hair or makeup.

When a man cheats, he may scratch his nose, touch his face all the time, open his mouth slightly, or, conversely, compress his lips tightly. Excitement and tension are felt in speech, the tone of voice can change sharply for no apparent reason. Often a cheating man will mark time, or make some backward movements, as if trying to hide.


  • How to understand that you are being deceived?
  • How to understand that you are being deceived? How do men lie? How do women lie?

Women try to establish a trusting relationship in a couple. They see men as support and support, rely on them, expecting support in return. And many overly frivolous representatives of the stronger sex take advantage of this. They deceive their other half, realizing that they are completely trusted. And yet they remain unpunished for a long time.


A man skilled in deception is not so easy to expose. But there are still enough signs by which you can understand that your partner is not very reliable. And the very first of them is failure to fulfill what was promised. A man who doesn't take relationships seriously lies about everything, even in small things. He will promise to buy bread and forget about it. He will say that he will return from work at seven in the evening, and will arrive after midnight. He will offer to spend the weekend together and disappear without explanation. All these actions very clearly show that the man does not value relationships. He is indifferent to a woman’s feelings, he considers himself practically free, and is hardly ready for family relations. You shouldn't try to build something serious with such a man. He is only suitable for the role of a visiting lover during the absence of a truly reliable and honest partner.

The second sign of that is his imaginary forgetfulness. A person who tells a lie does not remember it. And if there are a lot of lies, a man will definitely get confused. And then he can be caught. If some conversation or fact has raised doubts, you can return to it after some time, for example, in a week. If new details begin to emerge, the story is very different from the previous one, most likely the man is deceiving. If this is not an isolated case, it is worth thinking about whether a relationship is needed in which there is no responsibility to the partner.

You can tell that a man is deceiving by his facial expressions. Shifting eyes, looking at the floor, hands in pockets or crossed over the chest - all these are signs that the partner is not completely frank. This can be found out more accurately by continuing the conversation on a topic that is unpleasant to him. If he got angry, left, stopped talking, it means he’s definitely hiding something.

A man’s lack of desire to discuss serious issues - further relationships, feelings, inattentive listening, disinterest in the opportunity to get to know a woman better through her hobbies and hobbies - all this indicates that the man is not committed to a long-term relationship. And this, most likely, means that he will consider himself entitled to deceive. When a man doesn’t care about a woman, he simply doesn’t think about it, forgets what he promises, changes his plans without consulting her. Sometimes he deceives unconsciously, simply not understanding how important his words are to his other half. This lack of seriousness of a man can be temporary - at the initial stage of the relationship. Or maybe constant, being one of the properties of his character. It is very important to recognize this as early as possible in order to decide in time whether to continue this relationship.