Practical guide: lychees as they are.

02.10.2018 Food and drink

Lychee fruit: composition and beneficial properties. Lychee fruit in medicine and cooking. How to eat lychees

Lychee is an unusual and even outlandish name for us, and those who hear it for the first time will not immediately think of a tropical fruit. And this fruit, like many previously unknown fruits, is not only tasty, but also healthy.
What is lychee

Optimal conditions for planting. Temperature: It likes warm but not dry regions. It prefers easily depleted lands. He can adapt to different types soils: - ferralitic soil of the high plateaus - sandy sandy soil of the east coast - alluvial soil.

You can grow pink bay on sloping soils. However, installing an immuvium is necessary to preserve fertilizers in the soil. Immuvium design: dig perpendicular to the slope to obtain a flat surface with an area of ​​1 m². We dig drainage channels around the perimeter of the planting area, installing a plant barrier on the sloping edge to retain nutrients.

What are lychees? This is the name of a tree from the Sapindaceae family: this family is very large - there are about 150 genera in it, and there are many more species - as many as 2000. The vast majority of these species grow only in the tropics: in America, Asia, Africa, but in Australia there are not so many of them .
Here we will tell you a little about the types of lychees that grow in Asia. This fruit has other names: “lisi” and “liji”, and from these names one might think that its homeland is China.
Perhaps this is so: in Ancient China Lychees were actually consumed - mentions of this are found in documents dating back to the 2nd century BC. Then the fruit came to neighboring countries, and there it was also appreciated - they began to grow it throughout Southeast Asia, and then on other continents.
Lychee came to Europe much later - only in the 17th century. For the first time Europeans were able to read it detailed description in the book of Gonzalez de Mendoza, a Spanish writer interested in the history of China. He wrote that lychees are similar to plums, and you can eat as many of them as you like - there will be no heaviness in your stomach. Therefore, one of the names for lychee is Chinese plum, and these fruits are grown today in many countries - even in the southern states of the USA.
Lychee fruits are small, ovoid or oval, up to 3.5 cm in diameter, and weigh - at most - about 20 grams. The peel of the fruit is dense, pimply and lumpy, rich red in color, and is separated from the pulp quite easily. The pulp in lychee fruits is very interesting - jelly-like, with a white or cream tint, and inside it there is a large seed Brown. The taste of this pulp is very pleasant and refreshing - sweet and sour, and the aroma is not inferior to it - you want to inhale it again and again.

Clearing the land. Large trees should be removed to prevent plant growth. Complete clearing of the land will allow for more uniform plant growth in the area. Residues from cleaning should be set aside for use on site. The cleanup work involves cutting down the plants that exist on the land.

Pink Bay is multiplied by cutting as well as sowing seeds. For propagation by cutting, cutting occurs after picking the pink berry to identify those with large fruits and to avoid taking cuttings coming from male feet. Multiplying cuttings is the most widely used.

Composition and beneficial properties of lychee fruit

The Chinese often call lychee the “eye of the dragon”: white flesh, dark seed. Lychee has a very rich vitamin composition and many beneficial properties. It contains a lot of useful clean water, quite a lot of complex carbohydrates, there are proteins, some fat and dietary fiber. The amount of sugar in lychee fruits depends on the area in which the fruits grew, as well as their variety: it can be about 6-14%.
Vitamins – C, E, H, K, group B; minerals - potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, iron, iodine, manganese, copper, zinc, fluorine. There are few calories in lychee, but more than other similar fruits - about 76 kcal per 100 grams. There is much more vitamin C in lychee than other vitamins, and potassium comes first among minerals - so lychee fruit is very useful for heart patients.
The Chinese have always believed that its use helps the heart, and today in China it is used to prevent cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, and also to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the body.
Lychee has a tonic effect on the body, and in Eastern countries it is also considered a strong aphrodisiac - Hindus even say that lychee is the fruit of love. It quenches thirst, relieves constipation, normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines, and helps to lose weight. Consumption of lychee is recommended for anemia, liver and pancreas diseases, gastritis, peptic ulcers and diabetes.
In combination with lemongrass and other medicinal herbs, lychee is used in China to treat cancer. Lychee peel is also used: a decoction from it helps prevent the accumulation of fluid in tissues and improves body tone.

Picketing Pickets represent the site of a future plantation. The planting should be aligned along the length and width of the area. Pull the rope to align the landing pins, Place pins every 5m to align the rope, Repeat the operation throughout the entire section. Hole Improves root development and improves water infiltration and air circulation. During the hole, the first 25 cm of soil is placed on one side of the hole. The remaining 25 cm of land is placed on the other side. The first 25 cm of soil is immediately placed back into the hole, the deepest 25 cm of soil is mixed with manure.

Lychee fruit in medicine

Eastern medicine especially often uses lychees to treat diseases of the kidneys, liver and lungs - these organs are considered the main organs by Eastern specialists.
Lychee improves the functioning of the kidneys and liver, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lungs: this fruit is recommended for bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis. For diabetes, it is enough to eat 10 fruits a day to normalize blood sugar levels.

Once these steps are completed, filling should be done immediately to avoid soil compaction, which is a concern for root development. Filling should be done immediately to avoid compaction of the soil, which is a disruptive factor for root development. Filling must be done in the stock to avoid water stagnating in the hole.

Planting Remove the bottom of the plastic pot with a knife, cut it lengthwise and avoid damaging the roots, remove the pot, cut a hole the size of the pot, place the plant in the hole. Cover the base of the plant with a layer of soil without overcrowding. The shadows should not be too thick.

Many countries in Southeast Asia make good money by growing and selling lychees. For example, in Thailand the share of exports of this fruit is quite most among all the others: the areas where lychee grows are constantly increasing - growing lychee is profitable because it is stored for a long time and can be freely transported to other countries.
You can feel the real taste of lychee only by tasting the fresh fruit, but even in dried, frozen and even canned form, these fruits retain many of their beneficial properties. Frozen lychees can be stored for more than a month, and at the same time they will not lose their taste and healing qualities.
Lychees are also grown in Vietnam - in the northern regions, and are also exported to many countries around the world, including Russia.
When you buy lychees in a store, pay attention to the color of the peel of the fruit: dark peel means that this fruit was removed from the branch a long time ago, and it is tasteless, and there is little benefit in it. The skin of the fresh fruit is red, soft, but not too soft, and does not have any damage.

Young plants will gradually become accustomed to daylight and will especially benefit from solar radiation for photosynthesis. Pink Bay blooms from February to April. Even in the year of planting, the pink bay begins to grow; By the third and fourth years the bay becomes noticeable.

On the east coast of Madagascar, the harvest phase remains during a period when rainfall is abundant, which destroys the seed coat and reduces the quality of the Rose Bay. The harvest occurs in two periods: the first - from December to January, the second - from April to June. The harvest is better during the second harvest.

How to eat lychees. Lychee fruit in cooking

Eating lychees is very easy: you need to wash the fruit, remove the peel, and put the pulp on a plate. Lychee fruits can remind us of cherries in some way - the seeds are pulled out of them like seeds. You can add peeled lychee fruits to champagne - it will turn into an amazing drink.
Lychee is added to desserts and sauces, ice cream and drinks, it is used as a filling for pies, and enterprising Chinese have learned to make wine from it. Lychee goes well with fish, chicken and even pork; You can serve lychee with pates and fried dishes, and it’s always good in salads.

The yield per leg ranges from 500 g to 2 kg. Peak yield is achieved after five years of planting if the site is well maintained. The most mysterious one in the kitchen: You usually find them in a Chinese restaurant as a dessert, but we assure you that lychees are much better.

They now grow all over the world and are a tropical fruit that is quite affordable and ideal for fresh winter or fruity fruit juices. They grow in clusters and ripen mainly in late autumn. Much more than a Chinese dessert: lychee fruit is highly nutritious, full of vitamins and antioxidants and friends nervous system.

Pancakes with fruit filling

You can prepare different dishes, but we suggest you try fruit filled pancakes as a dessert. At first glance, the recipe seems somewhat exotic, but today it is not difficult to buy any fruit, so it’s worth a try - children will especially like it.
You need to take a little flour - only 150 g, one whole egg and one yolk, 300 ml of coconut milk, banana, papaya and mango - 1 piece each, passion fruit - 2 pieces, and lychee - 4 pieces. In addition, you will need lime juice, 2 tbsp. liquid honey, 3-4 fresh mint leaves, 1 tbsp. powdered sugar, a pinch of salt and vegetable oil for frying.
Sift the flour, add the eggs, and then, gradually adding coconut milk and butter, knead the dough. Cover it and leave for half an hour. Prepare the fruit filling: mix peeled and chopped banana and papaya in a deep bowl, pour over lime juice, stir, add chopped mango and passion fruit, lychee and honey. Bake 8-10 thin pancakes from the prepared dough, put the filling in the center of each, roll the pancakes into a cone, place on a plate, sprinkle powdered sugar and garnish with mint.
You can also make homemade ice cream with lychee: it will resemble what is prepared industrially, but will be much healthier and safer. 1 kg of lychee is peeled, cut, seeds removed, mixed with the juice of 5 lemons and ½ liter of pineapple juice. Prepare gelatin in advance: soak the plate for 10 minutes in cold water, squeeze it out, and then dissolve it along with sugar (250 g) in some lemon juice, and also add it to the lychee. Mix everything well and put it in the freezer in a plastic container. After a few hours, the dessert is ready.
Are there any contraindications to eating lychee fruit? Surprisingly, there are practically none: lychees can be harmful only if there is an individual intolerance, but they should also not be abused - in this case allergic reactions may occur. Children can eat these pleasant-tasting fruits little by little - no more than 100 grams per day, otherwise they may develop acne on their skin. In adults, with excessive consumption of lychee, the oral mucosa suffers.
Author: Gataulina Galina

How to peel and store lychees

They are filled with minerals such as potassium and magnesium and are recommended if you have problems with digestion: the fiber present in the fruit helps the digestive process by stimulating stomach juices. To consume and puree the sheets, simply grind them by pulling the peel with your hands. The pulp is juicy, you can suck the path or help with a teaspoon, but beware of the seed. To find out how to comb them by hand, watch the video below.

To preserve lychees, keep them at room temperature. They also last for a dozen days, don't be fooled by the changes in shell color, always open them before throwing them away and check, if they're white they're good. When you select them, make sure they are not completely ripe: touch them and if they are still a little tough, they can still be kept for a few days.

“The pulp is like grapes, the skin is like dragon skin, and the taste and aroma are unique.” This is not a description of berries from fantasy, these are lychees, one of those unusual overseas fruits that attract the attention of buyers with their exoticism.

What is lychee

In the southern part of China, evergreen trees of the Sapindaceae family once appeared, on which small, elastic fruits the size of golf balls grew in clusters, like rowan or viburnum berries. A little later, the plant gained popularity in neighboring countries, and now grows in hot, tropical climates. Lychees are those same fruits. The small size of the fruit does not affect the taste sensation in any way: it contains a whole berry cocktail.

Lychees are ideal in desserts, but there are many more ways to use them in the kitchen or even in drinks. Great way Eat lychee pureed or in the spin: the fruit is actually quite sweet, and its natural sweetness will make your drink very tasty. If you want a vegetarian smoothie use coconut milk, otherwise normal milk will be fine. For two smoothies, simply use 10 fruits. For an antioxidant blend, add red fruits, which also add an unforgettable pastel pink color.

The sweetness of this fruit goes hand in hand with desserts; For this natural purpose, use the juice and keep the fruit for garnish. Among the most delicious recipes you can find on the Internet. One of those fruits that you know about the fame that crosses the market or some store, but you don't have the "courage" to take it without knowing the properties and properties. Let's find out what it tastes like, how it is eaten and why it can be useful at the table.

The fruit has many names: liji, lyzhi, Chinese plum, dragon's eye. Beneficial features It was recognized in many countries: the seeds were used to combat neuralgic pain and other diseases. The fruit contains vitamin C: its amount in juice and pulp exceeds the daily requirement by 20%. The benefits of the product are obvious: this fruit is indispensable for boosting immunity. It also contains a lot of fiber - this is useful for those who are on a diet.

This exotic fruit also comes from China, also called lychee, and belongs to the Sapindace family. It grows on a tree that can even measure a dozen meters, adorned with long evergreen leaves. Check in bunches and by the end of autumn it is ripe and ready to taste, then we will know why and how.

For those who do not know this fruit well, it is difficult to distinguish the varieties in circulation, but there are also more than 40, you notice this by looking at the color, both the skin and the pulp. Sowing is a painful key in the case of why, once it is done, before we can take the fruits of our work, they can take 10 years, plus the first fruits will be quite bad and only in time, autumn after autumn, will they be tasty.

What does lychee look like?

Chinese lychees (litchi) are pale red or red fruits, with rough skin, similar in appearance to raspberries, only much larger in size. Inside there is transparent white, juicy pulp with a large seed, because of the shape of which the fruit is called the “dragon's eye” (if you look at it even in the photo, you can find a resemblance to the pupil of an animal). Those who wonder « how to peel lychee? People often ask about the bone - can it be eaten? A categorical no, it is inedible and can be harmful.

Therefore, the plant requires patience and optimism, the shortcut is a grafting method. Once we have the first Lychee in hand, also called Chinese grape or Chinese cherry, we can caress the thin green crust, if it is still drizzling and it has turned red, inside there is a rather large core around which it is located. Cellulose, white.

China, from where it originates, together with India, is the largest producer of Lychee in the world, we in Italy are only at the beginning, and in the south there is only the cultivation of the "Bengal Mauritius" species. We cannot judge it if we catch it and eat it from the sour, only at the peak of its ripening does it acquire its true and pleasant taste, before we feel it gelatinous and it looks soft. If we miss the time, the fruit will not continue to ripen, if it is still in the plant, we try not to expose it to too cold temperatures.

How to clean lychee correctly

An important nuance: unripe Chinese plums taste bitter. Before peeling lychees, be sure to check for ripeness. Ripe fruit is very easy to peel with your hands: the peel is just lifted and easily removed. Problems can arise if you peel a fruit that is overripe: the skin becomes denser and comes off less easily - in this case, you cannot do without a sharp knife.

Separated from the plant, Lychee remains consumable for a week, until the shell becomes too dark: if it is still fresh and smelling pink, snag it, cut it halfway to eat it. Lychees can be eaten serenely in modest quantities without worrying about side effects, but those who need more attention include people with diabetes. Cutting these fruits can cause nosebleeds and sore throat.

Imagine eating a special grape if you have lychee in your hands, with a delicate flavor and a little acidity. Red or pink, rough on the outside with shiny "pimples", this fruit hides particularly fleshy, white, translucent, juicy and sweet flesh, but be careful because there is also a hazel and is not edible.

To quickly and correctly peel the fruit at home, check out some practical advice:

  1. Take a cutting board and a sharp serrated knife.
  2. The fruit is placed on a board, cut around the circumference so that the blade reaches the middle. You need to cut very carefully.
  3. The fruit is carefully separated from the skin and the thin inner film is removed.
  4. The bone needs to be removed - it will not be needed.

The topics were not yet known, but today we know that they contain 82% water, 0.8% protein, 1.3% dietary fiber, 15.2% sugar, 0.4% fat and 0.4% ash. From these antioxidants to these anti-tumor effects, properties we couldn't imagine were contained within its rough shell. At the same time, potassium and magnesium make it great for the heart, copper for circulation.

Vitamin C, in addition to protecting against influences, also makes us anti-tumor and strengthens the immune system. The high digestibility and digestive properties of lychees are due to the nutritional fiber they contain, which can stimulate the production of gastric juice, then there is potassium from its contribution to the prevention of hypertension. Polyphenols and proanthocyanidins contained in this fruit, in combination with vitamin C, have antitumor properties.

How to eat lychees

The most common ways to consume liji are:

  1. You can eat the fruit in its pure form - it tastes like grapes, just as juicy, with a sour taste and a pleasant aroma.
  2. Chinese plum can be added to salads: it goes well not only with exotic fruits, but also adds a fresh note, for example, to chicken salad.
  3. The fruits are used as a base for aromatic sauce, delicate jelly or syrup.

Video: how to peel lychee

Lychee is a fruit with Far East and Southeast Asia, known as Chinese cherry. When the skin is removed, the flesh is whitish and contains a large kernel. Finally, there is great anti-inflammatory and digestive power, as well as an antioxidant. The casting plant is well suited for growing in our country, especially in the south, although in fact the ideal climate for its cultivation would be the humid subtropical zone. The fruits are harvested, once ripe, in the spring.

If you want to grow the Lycino plant in Italy, it is important to pay attention Special attention in winter, when the plant is very young and protected from heavy rains, which usually occur simultaneously with the flowering period. However, as far as sowing is concerned, the ideal period is at the end of February. In summer, water them well and fertilize them with a mixture of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.