Rafting on the Koiva and Chusovaya rivers. Water route along the Koiva River (Perm Territory) Download the map of the Koiva River

02.12.2020 Animals

Route selection

Region selection

Two previous years we went to Bashkiria (Inzer and Belaya rivers). It is very difficult, expensive and long to get there from Sverdlovsk. The way back is especially exhausting, because. departure is possible only through Ufa, and there are always problems with tickets for passing trains, and there are no direct trains to Sverdlovsk. (For Muscovites and residents of the European part of the country, getting to Bashkiria is easier than for us from Sverdlovsk.) But most of all, we were tired of the heat. Because of the heat, we never even went to the forest. Neither on the mountain, nor for mushrooms or berries, nor just for a walk ... During the day, we sat either in the shade or in the water. But there were still no berries, even though it was hot. Enough of the southern rivers.

Therefore, the area was chosen quickly: the Middle Urals.

river selection we produce taking into account the characteristics of our group, habits and wishes:

1. We are leaving Sverdlovsk, so it is more difficult for us to get to most of the Ural rivers (especially the southern and northern ones) than Muscovites and residents of the European part of the country.

2. The river should be not far from Sverdlovsk - I'm tired of long journeys. One of the participants is not quite healthy, it would be good not to leave the specialist doctor for more than a day or two.

3. Good access to the beginning of the route, because we have a lot of children, women and things, and the men are old and lazy, they don’t like to carry loads on long distances. It would be nice to order a bus from Sverdlovsk to the river.

4. Catamaran of a tourist type, with a deck of boards, heavy. However, it is tradition. It takes time and space to assemble and complete.

5. We carry a lot of cargo with us, the catamaran's low draft, so we pass obstacles more difficult than sports catamarans and kayaks.

Chusovaya we exclude - in front of the Bashkir rivers we walked along it for two years in a row.

Sylva. There have been many times too. There are many villages in the upper part of the river, and below Shamar it is not interesting, however, there are villages there. Prayer with aliens, but passing by the alien landing site the next day, we never saw them. Boring.

Vilva. In the first half of the route there are many rapids, in the second half, on the contrary, there is a swampy channel.

Landmark Duck. Need to think. We were there the only time in 1993 and passed it at the height of the extreme summer flood. What it looks like in a normal summer - we do not know.

Usva and Koiva approximately the same in terms of the set of advantages and disadvantages, but Koiva is a little closer.

Koiva. We write out the advantages and disadvantages in a column.

Advantages (in relation to our group)

Arrival and departure - by direct train, 15-20 kilometers by bus.
Few villages on the route.
There are few tourist groups - the river is not popular with tourists.
When we walked along Koive - in 1991 and 1995, there were a lot of berries.
Haven't been to Koive for a long time (7 years).


In summer, the river is shallow and shallow. We decided that we would pass, because. summer in 2002 came late and until our departure to the river the weather was cold and rainy, there should be more water than usual.

There are few rocks along the banks, few sights - this is not typical for the Urals. But we are not going for beauties, but to communicate with each other. But nevertheless, I want to look at the slides, and climb the hill ...

The route is either very short (~70 km) or too long for us (150 or 190 km). A short route will suit us this year - we are very tired at work.

There is no direct bus from Sverdlovsk. And there is no direct road either! (However, the same can be said about all the rivers of the Perm region.)

The train arrives at the disembarkation station at night, the return train also departs at night. Then walk all day half asleep.

There is a problem with return tickets. But we are used to it. Tickets are bad everywhere.

The drop off station is very small - there may be problems with buying bread and potatoes for the entire route.

general characteristics rivers

Distances along the river from the village. Warm Mountain

settlement Teplaya Gora - 0 km
river Tiscos - 20 km (12?)
settlement Old Beads - 60 km (42?)
Fedotovsky threshold - 93 km
settlement Ust-Tyrym hotels - 118 km
settlement Kusie-Aleksandrovsky hotels - 131 km
settlement Ust-Koiva (Chusovaya River) - 176 km (164?)
Chusovoy - 211 km

The entire route can be divided into three sections:

From the village of Tyoplaya Gora to the village of Ust-Tyrym, the river flows in a wide valley. Mountains usually do not come close to the riverbed. There are almost no cliffs. In summer, the river in this area is very shallow: 20 - 30 cm, there are a lot of rifts and shoals (usually no less than 20 - 50 m), there are very few sections with a depth of more than 50 cm, and places with a depth of more than a meter, probably in general No. Passable in kayaks and inflatable boats, but from the village. Warm Mountain before the confluence of the Tiskos River, a significant part of the way will have to be carried by boats on foot on the water - the river here is very narrow and shallow.

In the area of ​​the village Tyrym valley narrows sharply. The mountains come closer, rocky cliffs appear, although not as high as on Chusovaya. The depth of the river increases to 1 - 1.5 meters, the current accelerates. After the village Kusye-Aleksandrovskoye (for about 20 kilometers) the river winds heavily, there are many islands, meanders, clamps and rifts. In summer, their passage is neither difficult nor dangerous.

The third section of the route is rafting down the Chusovaya. The width of Chusovaya in this place is 50-100 meters, the current is even, there are no rifts, shallows, sharp turns.

River rafting in spring is more interesting, but I didn't go down Koive in spring. Summarizing the stories of my comrades, my observations on the Koiva and my experience of spring rafting on other Ural rivers, I can express my assumptions. The water level in the spring flood is 1-1.5 m higher than the summer flood. The flow velocity is much higher than in summer. The complexity of the route, apparently, rises to the second category of complexity, and clamps below the village. Kus'e-Aleksandrovsky may add "elements" of the third category of complexity. For an unprepared group, the passage of the route is facilitated by the fact that the difficult section does not begin immediately from the beginning of the rafting, but after the group has already gained some experience on a relatively simple section of the river. The greatest danger, as in all taiga rivers, is eroded by floods and hanging over the water (or fallen into the water) trees.

Entrance to the beginning of the route

Railway transport

To the north of the river, at a distance of 15-25 kilometers from it, the Chusovskaya - Nizhny Tagil railway passes. Trains Sverdlovsk - Solikamsk, Moscow - Nizhny Tagil and others pass through it, as well as electric trains from Chusovskaya and Nizhny Tagil (3 - 4 pairs of electric trains per day).

Distances from railway stations to the river (or to the village on the shore):

Art. Teplaya Gora - 1 km
Art. Ust-Tiskos (to the river on rails) - 2.5 km
Art. Beads - pos. Old Biser - 13 km, bus
Art. Pashiya (Gornozavodsk) - pos. Kusye-Aleksandrovsky - 15 km, bus
Art. Chusovskaya (Chusovoy) - 0.3 km

At the Ust-Tiskos station, the Sverdlovsk - Solikamsk train may now not stop. Please check when purchasing tickets. Other trains long distance they stop only in Pashiya and in Chusovskaya (maybe even in Tyoplya Gora).

Motor transport

The road network is very poorly developed and the roads are in poor condition. Topographic maps and road atlases do not correspond to the actual state of the road network. Due to the destruction of industry and Agriculture some roads have become unnecessary, and there is no money to repair the rest. Roads are destroyed and overgrown with forest, bridges are not being repaired. You should be very careful when planning the arrival or departure of vehicles.

The road Gornozavodsk - Biser station - the village of Stary Biser exists. Bus service.

The road Stary Biser - the village of Tyoplay Gora exists, but, perhaps, is passable only for heavy trucks, and the road Stary Biser - the village of Ust-Tiskos, shown on the map, is apparently already impassable.

There are no roads to the east across the ridge in this area.

Buses run infrequently, irregularly and mostly on short routes. Trucks in July are busy transporting local residents to the fields and hay from the fields, drivers rarely agree to transport tourists, and if they agree, they charge rather high prices.


The village of Warm Mountain. The shops. From the station to the river 1 km.

Station Ust-Tiskos. There is no station building. Nowhere to hide from the rain. If you arrive at night, you should immediately go to the river. The rails will lead to the bridge. There is no shop, bread is brought 2 times a week by order (data from 1995). Neither in 1991 nor in 1995 could they buy potatoes. And for bread in 1991, I had to go by electric trains to the east (station European, Ural Ridge, Asian ...).

Station Beads. There is a station building (the waiting room is not locked at night). 3 grocery stores. Bread is brought to one of them daily at 10 o'clock (located in the station building), to another store (100 meters from the station) - not every day. Mail. Buses to the village of Stary Biser (on the river) and to Gornozavodsk. Buses run to Staryi Biser 1-2 times a day, the ticket price is 25 rubles. The bus schedule is given at the end of this report.

The village of Stary Biser (on the river). 2 grocery stores. Bread is brought from Gornozavodsk 1-2 times a week.

The village of Ust-Tyrym.

The village of Kusye-Aleksandrovsky. The village is big, there should be shops. Buses to the Pashiya station (Gornozavodsk city) run 4-6 times a day, the last bus leaves at 19:00.

The village of Ust-Koiva. The village is small. There is a shop. Bread is delivered once a week. The road to Kus'e-Aleksandrovsky (passable for cars).

Chusovskaya station (Chusovoy town). Big city. From the river to the station 300 - 500 meters. From the place of dismantling of watercraft to the nearest store 20 meters (1999).


From the village of Tyoplaya Gora it is quite difficult to get to the mouth of the Tiscos River in summer because of the shallow water. But you can, especially after long rains.

If the alloy starts from the mouth of the river Tiscos, then you have to walk: from the Ust-Tiskos station to the river about three kilometers by rail (in the summer at night you can walk even without flashlights - it's light). We pass over the railway bridge to the other side, and immediately after the bridge on the right (ie upstream) there is a large meadow. You can collect boats. And below the bridge, also on the right bank, there used to be a small clearing on which it was possible to build a raft. Could be wooded.

The village of Stary Biser stretched along the river for three kilometers. Automobile bridge. It is better to stop for purchases (or build) in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe suspension bridge. All shops are located on the right bank. If there is time, while the supply manager buys food, you can walk around the village. Large pond on the river Biser. Dam. Under the dam there is an old factory (built in 1786, a settlement arose around it), now the factory produces cast-iron furnace fittings. By today's standards, the plant is microscopic. You can see everything from the dam. Lespromkhoz. Mail. In the vicinity of the village once mined iron ore for the factory. More recently, marble was mined. White-blue and pink beaded marble was sent to St. Petersburg, and later to other cities for finishing buildings and metro stations. Rock crystal and pyrite are found in the vicinity of the village. [about history - from the book of Toropov S.A.]

A long (more than a kilometer) rift stretches along the village. Water evenly spread between the stones. Bisersky roll is located at the end of the village, behind the bridge. In 1995, boulders with deep holes between them, and in 2002 there were no boulders or holes. Where to share?

Fedotovsky threshold for catamarans and inflatable boats in the summer is not dangerous. You can pass without reconnaissance. You won't be able to pass without hitting the stones. But, since the water drop is small, the flow rate and pressure are not strong, then you should not be afraid of "collision" with a stone. The blow will not be strong, the tilt of the catamaran is not dangerous, but the backpacks, of course, must be tied to the frame with a cord. Kayaks, of course, should be wary of being pressed against a stone, but in extreme cases, the crew will have to "go overboard" - there is a depth of just over half a meter - and carefully guide the kayak. The length of the threshold is about half a kilometer. In the spring, the threshold, apparently, is also not dangerous, because. almost all stones are hidden under water. Previously, in some descriptions, the threshold was called Fedosovsky, and we called it that for about 20 years, but now it is called Fedotovsky in almost all publications and on topographic maps. We have to relearn: Fedotovsky.

Beyond the threshold on the right bank, once upon a time there was the village of Fedotovka - now in its place there is only a large clearing.

Beyond the threshold for 8 - 10 kilometers there are no convenient parking lots. And further, up to Tyrym, there are very few of them.

Ust-Tyrym. They never entered the village. There is a suspension pedestrian bridge, a road to Kus'e-Aleksandrovsky (6 - 7 km). Once a week, a bus to Kusya drives up to the bridge.

Mole rafting of timber from Tyrym was stopped 20 years ago. Below the Tyrym, on the left bank, the remains of an old lumberyard, overgrown with spruce forests, are visible. At the bottom, driftwoods are visible (drowned and still not rotten tree trunks), but they do not pose a danger. In the same area, there is a lot of iron rubbish at the bottom: large-sized parts of machines and mechanisms, wheels, cables, rails ... It is also not dangerous, although it is scary - all this iron has already been "smoothed" many times by floods (and tourists who have passed before you).

There are sufficient parking spaces in this area.

Kusye-Aleksandrovsky village large, stretched along the river for 3-4 kilometers. Almost at the end of the village, a suspension pedestrian bridge crosses the river, and a little further the Kusya river flows. It is better to build or understand here, at the mouth of the river under the dam: a spacious shore, a road nearby, to bus stop several hundred meters. The village has an iron foundry (founded in 1751, produced flat iron and cannonballs), a woodworking plant, and a knitwear factory.

At the end of the village (about a kilometer after the suspension bridge) the river is crossed by a road bridge. In summer, the height of the bridge above the water level is about two meters, but in spring, with high water, you may have to bend down.

The village of Ust-Koiva. The village is small. There is a shop. Bread is delivered once a week (in 1991 it was delivered on Thursdays). The road to Kusya-Aleksandrovsky is passable for cars. Buses may not run at all or run infrequently: once or twice a week. In the summer, there are many summer residents and urban-looking vacationers in the village, most likely from Gornozavodsk.

Mouth of Koiva- delta-shaped, the water spreads widely over the sandbar. Pull again! But this is the last time.

Chusovaya in this place wide and deep. There are many tourists rafting from the upper reaches. There are no interesting rocks - they are all above the mouth of the Koiva. The parking lots are usually busy.

The last decent stop in front of Chusovoy is located about 10 kilometers from the end of the route. It is very simple to understand that it is the last one: from afar it is clear that in the distance a straight section of the river "rests" on a quarry dump of extraordinary height, and at the top, at a height of 50 meters (or even more), continuous work is going on - powerful dump trucks are moving, excavators are moving, they are shining spotlights... The noise is heard from afar, sometimes explosions rumble dully. In the distance, a pipeline crosses the river at a high altitude. To the right is a large football field. This is where you need to get up for the night. Enough space for at least 10 groups.

Individual route details

From options we chose a short route along Koive - from Staryi Biser to Kusie-Aleksandrovsky. We arrived at Bisser station in the early morning and while we were waiting for the shops to open, two guys approached us and offered to take us to the river in a truck. While we were buying groceries and bread, they brought in a broken ZIL-157. Half an hour later we were on the river.

The route ended in Kusya-Aleksandrovsky. The car also found itself. For 250 rubles we were taken by truck to Gornozavodsk.

I do not describe the passage of rifts and rapids, because they are all simple.

But nevertheless, in 1995 we almost turned over. Moreover, both rafts, at the same place with an interval of 10 minutes. It was in the summer (!), with little water, during the day in sunny weather. And although we always tie our backpacks tightly to the frame, some things still got wet. The obstacle was a tree that fell into the water across the channel, as usual - in a clamp, in a narrow channel, with an uncharacteristic discharge of the jet. By that time we had more than twenty years of experience in rafting, including on spring rivers. And on Koive they relaxed. Happens...

Let me remind you again. Usually, the greatest danger on taiga rivers is represented by trees washed out by floods and hanging over the water (or fallen into the water). And they are usually washed in clamps, i.e. just where the current takes you. With a small width of the river, the possibilities for avoiding the obstacle are very limited, especially if such a surprise appears around the next turn at a short distance. Trees hanging low over the water, we call combs - they comb both the raft and the crew very quickly (in one pass). Since combs are dangerous due to their unexpected appearance and unpredictable behavior, it is better to learn in advance how to practice the command "Lie down!" You need to dodge branches, and in no case should you grab them with your hands - you won’t be able to hold the raft: the raft will leave, and you will remain hanging on a branch above a stormy stream. But a tree lying on the water can easily turn the raft over - here it’s how lucky. (Many do not believe that a raft or a catamaran can capsize. It’s easy: the bow runs into an obstacle - a stone or a fallen tree, and under the pressure of the water begins to rise up, while the stern falls a little down, under the water, it begins to flood and melt , the bow rises even higher, and the stern sinks even deeper, the pressure of the water on the stern increases even more ... We sailed in. The process is completed even faster if the raft runs into an obstacle sideways.)

Of course, there are mountains and coastal cliffs, but their height is much less than on Chusovaya. Strange: Chusovaya flows very close (10 - 30 km), but there are coastal cliffs over a hundred meters high, and here, on Koive, rocks are rarely higher than 10 -15 meters.



There are a lot of berries on Koive: raspberries, black currant, redcurrant, honeysuckle, wild strawberry (1991). But this year the summer was late and cold. And even at the end of July, the berries are not yet ripe.

There are very few fish, perhaps due to the lack of deep sections and holes (the river probably freezes to the bottom in winter). A few fishermen from local residents catch graylings on the riffles on the boat.




There are few tourist groups on the river: usually one group per day, although groups of 30 and 60 people were met.

We met an advertisement in the newspaper that some Perm travel company was organizing group trips along Koive from the village. Kusye-Aleksandrovsky to Chusovoy. Cost - 2000 rubles. from a person.

Parking lots are much cleaner than on the more popular rivers. Many parking lots are located on a bank cliff (on a terrace), in a forest and are hidden by trees or bushes. It is difficult to notice them from the river, and since they are rarely visited, the paths, steps and other traces of a person’s presence are hardly noticeable (on Chusovaya and Belaya, trodden roads, visible from afar, lead to the parking lots).

Lots of "spring" parking. It seems that in 3 weeks of spring rafting, more people pass along the river than in 3 summer months.

A lot of deadwood for firewood (after the Bashkir rivers, this pleases).

In one of the reports on Koiva, there was a phrase: "It's time for haymaking, along the banks the locals mow and swear at us - they say you need to work, and you are dragging around here .... What we did wrong to them - they probably envy." - the city dweller, who has never lived in the countryside, is sincerely surprised. Indeed, we didn’t seem to have done anything bad to them, but they are not happy with us ... But we are so good! But imagine yourself in the place of a peasant: for two months without days off, got up at 6 in the morning, walked 10 kilometers on foot to mowing, heat, flies, mow this meadow until sunset, then walk home, then come to ted, stack, transport ... And the kids work too. Look how tired they are and how badly dressed they are! And at this time a company of city loafers is floating along the river, their faces are full, contented, dressed not in a village way, noise, squealing, laughter ... The peasant does not know that we have a vacation only a month a year, that we work (or study ) the rest of the time that we do not have money for foreign holidays. Yes, even if he knew, all the same, his work is very hard, and he gets (if he gets anything at all) for this work just a mocking salary. Often only a cow saves his family from starvation, and the cow must be fed. We often interfere with his work (on his own territory!), We trample the meadow on which he will mow the grass (and the grass trampled by us will not rise for several days, and it will no longer be mowed). Of course, the peasant is afraid that tourists will trample on the already cut grass, and it will not dry out and rot. He is afraid for the safety of the haystacks in which he has invested so much work.

Yes, we ourselves met "tourists" who, in order to sleep one night on soft hay, pulled away a haystack stocked up by a peasant for the winter. They took a lot: you don’t feel sorry for someone else! And they don't understand! Apparently they think it's made for them. Yes, and they will not read this call of mine. Those who themselves know that stealing is bad will read it.

Respect other people's work!

Before you stop for the night in a clearing, look to see if it's mowing, maybe after all put up tents not so beautiful place? It may happen that tomorrow morning you will be awakened by peasants who have come to mowing - there may not be a scandal, but you will not be able to get enough sleep either.

Don't walk in the fields if the grass hasn't been mowed or cleared yet.

Don't touch the hay. It’s better not to approach the haystack at all - it’s someone else’s thing.

On one of the days - in the evening - a local man approached us. He sat with us for a long time, apparently hoping that we would pour vodka. We are talking ... "And I saw how you unloaded yesterday!" We expressed surprise: we started in the evening, it was raining, no one was walking along the path ... "And I was standing there under a spruce. With a gun. I hide it in the forest ..." It turned out that he was guarding his hay in a neighboring mowing - last year, "tourists" burned a haystack at his place. This year, he hung an announcement on a haystack: "Gentlemen, tourists! Please ..." He kept watch until dark, but did not save it: late in the evening a very large group (60 people) passed along the river and camped on its mowing. When in the morning he came to the mowing with a check, he found that these goats had burned the poles with which his haystacks were fenced at the stake. 80 poles! Well, aren't they goats? - the forest is nearby, there is a lot of dead wood, in 10 minutes you can collect firewood for a fire. But even if there is no firewood in the forest, the peasant is not obliged to work for "gentlemen tourists"! Without a fence, the cows will devour and steal his hay, which means that the fence needs to be restored - 2 days hard work... Seeing this, he first dug out his gun, and only then, furious, ran to deal with the "gentlemen." They got scared, started lying about some "other" tourists who arrived at night and left in the morning, promised to pull poles and restore the fence. And they did! - for sixty people it is not long. They got the man drunk. He, gullible, and believed them: - "Good people!" Lucky" good people", could end worse: the peasant's nerves are at the limit: there is no collective farm, no work, family, children, the only breadwinner in the family, recently asked his city relatives to help with mowing, they arrived, but it started to rain, sat idle and left, only I had to feed them, otherwise the hay that I mowed myself rotted because of the rains, and there is no money for a car to take the hay out, and again I will have to invite someone, and the bees have not given honey for three years, even last year's potatoes It's already over, and it won't be long before it will be possible to dig a new one... It's a dead end. Don't be lazy, you work, but you'll never get out of poverty. Either you'll get drunk from hopelessness, or you'll go to jail for killing your master... And the whole village lives like that. Reforms. ..

There are ticks. We caught 5 pieces in 2 weeks. Read more about ticks, their habits and methods of dealing with ticks in my report on rafting on the Belaya River. Here are enlarged scans of ticks caught this year. All ticks are hungry, except for the last one - it was discovered only in the morning, but it is clear that he did not have time to drink plenty of blood ...


See the report on rafting on the Belaya River.

Composition of the group

Golovin Vladimir Vasilievich
Dryakhlova Irina Alexandrovna
Kobylkin Sergey Yakovlevich
Kobylkin Konstantin Sergeevich
Kobylkina Natalia Sergeevna
Kuchkina Irina Alexandrovna
Meller Alexander Leonidovich
Meller Tatyana Alexandrovna

Train and bus timetables

Train schedule for the station Bisser
July 2002
Moscow time

N. Tagil - Chusovskaya 5.10
Chusovskaya - N. Tagil 7.59
N.Tagil - Pashiya 8.37
Pashiya - N. Tagil 12.19
N. Tagil - Chusovskaya 14.53
Chusovskaya - N. Tagil 16.34
Chusovskaya - Warm Mountain 20.54
Warm Mountain - Chusovskaya 21.52
Solikamsk - Sverdlovsk 23.16
Sverdlovsk - Solikamsk 1.25

Bus timetable Gornozavodsk
(at the station square)
July 2002
local time

Gornozavodsk - Kusya
Gornozavodsk: 6.20, 7.40, 9.30, 11.30, 13.30, 15.40, 17.30, 19.30, 21.40
Kusya: 7.00, 8.20, 10.30, 12.30, 14.20, 16.30, 18.30, 20.30, 22.30

Information sources

1. General geographic atlas "Perm region and the Komi Republic", 2001, scale: 1cm - 2km
2. Ryzhavsky G.Ya. Along the Kama and its tributaries. Moscow. Physical culture and sports. 1986
3. Toropov S.A. On the blue roads of the Kama region. Perm book publishing house. 1976
4. Website ... (I didn’t find anything useful, I had to write it myself)
5. Kroki, notes and eye survey of the author, 1991, 1995, 2002

Permission is granted to copy and distribute this report without any restrictions.

Rafting duration: 3 days
Rafting route: village Kusye-Aleksandrovskiy - village Ust-Koiva.
Route length: bus - 420 km, rafting - 42 km.

Rafting on Koive is a great holiday for active tourists who need constant movement with elements of risk and surprises.

Koiva from Permian Komi means “koy” - “splashes” and “va” - “water”. The locals who came up with the name of the river clearly knew about its rebellious temper and swift current. For the most part, this is a mountain-type river, the water in it is clean, and during rafting along the Koive there are many rifts and shoals, which makes it especially interesting and attractive for water tourists. If you do not have enough experience of river rafting, then it is better not to take risks, this trip is more suitable for sophisticated tourists. The banks are covered with coniferous forests, single villages occasionally found along the river. Somewhere in the 19th century, the first diamond in the Urals was found here, after which diamond mining began. The bottom was dug up by a dredge and picturesque islands were left everywhere, overgrown with trees and grass, which now look like natural ones.

Going rafting down the Koive is worth it not only to conquer the elements of the river, but also to enjoy the magical view of nature and its riches. Floating along the river, you will meet many sights that, with their beauty and grandeur, will not leave you indifferent.

Description of the route, the cost of the alloy

The main decoration of the river can be called high cliffs with caves and grottoes:
1. Stone Small Shaitan. High cliff with a flat top and a cave.
2. Strelny stone. A powerful beautiful stone on the left bank of the river.
3. Stone Arched, or as it is called by the people Pechka, inside is the entrance to the cave.
4. Stone Owl, two entrances to the caves, as if someone's eyes are looking from behind the trees.
5. Red stone, majestic and beautiful, from its top you can see a magnificent view of the river valley.
6. The Dyrovaty stone stretches along the river for a distance of more than a kilometer.

Travel program:
1 day (Friday):
17:00 Departure from Perm.
22:00 We arrive in the village of Kusye-Aleksandrovsky. Here on the shore we set up our camp and have supper.

Day 2 (Saturday):
08:00 Wake up and get ready for the rafting.
08:30-9:30 We have a hearty breakfast.
9:30-11:00 Packing up the tents, loading up the gear, rowing and off we go.
11:00-19:00 We start rafting down the Koive. On the first day we will visit the stones "Small Shaitan", "Arrow", "Arch". During one of the stops we will have lunch.
19:00 Set up camp, have dinner. Tourist bath.

Day 3 (Sunday):
08:00 Another rise.
08:30-9:30 After a good breakfast, we begin to prepare for the final day of rafting.
9:30-11:00 We collect our camp, cover the tents, put all the things on the catamarans, and hit the road.
11:00-15:00 Rafting to the village of Ust-Koiva. We make a stop at the stone "Red"
15:00-17:00 We have lunch and start loading onto the bus. If we have free time, we will have time to go to the “Perforated” stone.
17:00 -22:00 We return back to the city of Perm.


Group of 45 people 3690 4920 3050
Group of 44 people 3730 4990 3080
Group of 43 people 3770 5060 3110
Group of 42 people 3810 5130 3130
Group of 41 people 3860 5210 3160
Group of 40 people 3910 5300 3190
Group of 39 people 3960 5380 3230
Group of 38 people 4010 5470 3260
Group of 37 people 4060 5570 3290
Group of 36 people 3990 5540 3190
Group of 35 people 4050 5650 3230
Group of 34 people 4110 5760 3270
Group of 33 people 4170 5870 3300
Group of 32 people 4240 6000 3340
Group of 31 people 4320 6130 3400
Group of 30 people 4390 6050 3430
Group of 29 people 4340 6060 3350
Group of 28 people 4420 6200 3400
Group of 27 people 4510 6360 3450
Group of 26 people 4610 6530 3510
Group of 25 people 4500 6510 3580
Group of 24 people 4290 6380 3330
Group of 23 people 4390 6570 3390
Group of 22 people 4500 6790 3460
Group of 21 people 4030 6430 3440
Group of 20 people 4130 6330 3510
Group of 19 people 4240 6560 3590
Group of 18 people 4090 6550 3670
Group of 17 people 4220 6820 3770
Group of 16 people 4360 7130 3880
Group of 15 people 4390 7340 4010
Group of 14 people 4560 7730 4150
Group of 13 people 4760 8180 4320
Group of 12 people 4600 8700 4120
Group of 11 people 4840 9320 4320
Group of 10 people 4930 9860 4550
Children 3-7 years old 950
Children 8-11 years old 330
Children 12-16 years old 200
Transfer (comfortable bus), excellent three meals a day (meat in the first days (for example: pork, beef, lamb, chicken), stew in last days, vegetables, fruits, natural coffee), services of a tourist instructor (assistant instructors and cooks depending on the group), excursions according to the program, travel accident insurance, rental of public equipment (catamarans, chainsaw, awnings, campfire, etc. .), rental of personal equipment (a place in a tent, a tourist rug, sleeping bag with headrest t .ext-5°С, life jacket), organization of a tourist bath (if possible), minimum lighting in the parking lot (one or more spotlights), camp toilet (one or more).
Attention! For early booking group rafting, You can choose the staff on your route according to your wishes! For example: take an instructor who plays the guitar, instead of an assistant instructor, take a cook.
* The menu is coordinated separately (we feed well).
**The rafting schedule is subject to change
*** Departure time from Perm can be adjusted at the request of the customer!

The Koiva River flows in the Middle Urals, on the territory of the Perm Territory. An excellent river for tourist rafting, although rafting on it requires some experience, since there are many obstacles difficult for beginners on the river (rapids, shivers, clamps, trees that have fallen into the water, combined with a fast current).

The name of the river comes from the Komi-Permyak words "koi" - "spray" and "va" - "water". Those who named the river that way noticed its stormy temper. In spring, the current speed in some places reaches 2 meters per second.

The Koiva is a right tributary of the Chusovaya River. The length of the Koiva from source to mouth is 180 kilometers. The water is clean and transparent. The main tributaries of the Koiva are Tiskos, Kyrma, Biser, Big Tyrym, Kusya. The Koiva River has a mountain character. It is fast, winding, it has a lot of rolls.

The banks of the river are covered with forest, there are few settlements. The largest settlements on Koive are: Teplyaya Gora, Staryi Biser and Kusye-Aleksandrovsky. They are convenient for throwing and throwing. The oldest and largest of them is Kusye-Aleksandrovsky. The iron-working plant at the confluence of the Kusya and Koiva rivers was founded in 1751.

There are beautiful rocks along the banks of the river. They are much more modest than the majestic rocks on the Chusovaya River, which flows very close. However, Koiva is beautiful in her own way! There are few tourists on Koive. Plenty of parking space and firewood.

It is best to raft down the Koive in high water - in May or June, or after heavy rainfall. In summer the river becomes shallow. Especially in the upper reaches. In the spring it is suitable for rafting from the Teplaya Gora station and up to the confluence with the Chusovaya (it is convenient to sail to the town of Chusovaya on the river of the same name).

In summer it is better to start rafting from Kusye-Aleksandrovsky. Nevertheless, even here it will often be necessary to carry out a floating craft aground. In some places on Koive, a dredge took over, leaving behind a dug up channel and islands.

There are several options for the rafting route on the Koiva River. Here are the settlements from which you can start the route and finish it: Teplyaya Gora - Ust-Tiskos - Staryi Biser - Kusye-Aleksandrovsky - Ust-Koiva - the city of Chusovoy (Chusovaya River).

The total length of the route from Teploya Gora to the town of Chusovoy is about 180 kilometers. In the spring, with a swift current, the entire route from Teploya Gora to Chusovoy can be sailed in three to four days.

In the section from the Teplaya Gora station to the Ust-Tiskos station, the Koiva flows for about 8 kilometers near the railway. When casting by rail (section Chusovskaya - Nizhny Tagil), you can start rafting from at least one station (however, the path to the river from Teploya Gora is much closer).

In Kusya-Aleksandrovsky, the waterfall-type discharge of the Kusya River into Koivu is interesting. Some extreme water tourists pass this drain on catamarans. This is quite dangerous and requires a lot of experience.

After the village of Kusye-Aleksandrovsky, the river becomes wider, fuller and calmer. Although there are troubled areas here.

In addition to fast rifts, there are rapids and shivers on Koive. Particularly good are the Fedotovsky threshold and the Kalistratovskaya shiver (both sights are between Stary Biser and Kusye-Aleksandrovsky).

The Fedotovsky threshold does not pose a great danger, however, beginners should be careful to pass it. The length of the Fedotovsky threshold is about 500 meters.

Previously, near this threshold was the village of Fedotovka. Now only a clearing remains from it, the name of the threshold and the tract on the map.

There are two versions of the river's name. According to the first, translated from the Komi-Permyak language, “koi” is spray, “va” is water. As a consequence, Koiva means "splashing water". The second version has a Mansi origin, according to which the name means "bright river".

Description of the river

The Koiva River in the Perm Territory is an important river flowing in the foothills of the Ural Range, the right Chusovaya. It originates in the tract called Blue Swamp, in the spurs of the Bolshaya Khmelikha mountain formation. First, it flows in a southwestern direction to the mouth of the Malaya Voronka River. Then it turns north and flows to the mouth of the Biser River. Then it turns west, flowing into the Chusovaya River, 66 kilometers from its mouth. The length of the river is 180 kilometers, the occupied area is 2250 square kilometers, the average height of the spillway is 359 meters, the slope is about one and a half meters per 1 kilometer.

The main tributaries: on the left bank - Tiskos, Olkhovka, Tyrym; By right side- rivers Biser, Saranka, Kusya.

At a distance of about 90 km from the source of the river, on the right bank, is the village of Biser. It was built in 1786 by the family of the princes Shakhovsky, later sold to the counts Shuvalov. There was a large factory on the Beads River of the same name. It is blocked by a large dam, reaching a height of almost ten meters, a length of almost half a kilometer. It formed a large and beautiful pond, the size of a decent lake. The spillway of the dam is cascading, made of wooden steps. It's quite an impressive building. The plant has not been preserved, it was blown up back in the days civil war.

Going downstream of the Koiva, about 30 kilometers from Biser, travelers and tourists stumble upon the famous two-stage Fedotovsky threshold.

Further downstream, at the mouth of the Bolshoy Tyrym River, is the settlement of Ust-Tyrym. After it, on both banks of the Kova, majestic rocks begin. The most impressive of them is a gloomy 70-meter rock, called the “Shaitan fighter”, located on the right side of the river.

Downstream is the large village of Kusye-Aleksandrovsky. The name of the village was given by a factory built in 1751 by Count Alexander Stroganov. This plant produced various metallurgical products, including cannonballs. Delivery of products was carried out by rafts along the Koive River to the Chusovaya River.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the population of the village reached 2500 people. But during the civil war, the plant was blown up and never rebuilt. The factory pond in the village is small. The spillway is a 4-meter waterfall. During big water, in spring and early summer, extreme sportsmen perform catamaran jumps from it. In the middle of the 20th century, the settlement was the center of the diamond mining industry of the USSR. It housed the administration of Uralalmaz.

Fishing on Koive

According to the fishermen, the fish has become much smaller. Including because the locals abuse its nets when catching it. However, even now you can catch grayling. Dace, pike, perch, chub come across, much less often - roach and ide. In winter they hunt for burbot. Old-timers say that earlier fishing in the Koive River could give taimen, but there is no information that it now lives here.

Rafting on the river Koive, Perm region

Travelers and athletes enjoy spending time rafting down the river. However, they note a drawback - seasonal low water. It ends in May, at the moment when the banks of the river are decorated with blossoming bird cherry.

The best option for rafting in summer is a 180 km long track. It has its beginning from the old automobile bridge of the village of Teplyaya Gora. The route ends where the Koiva River flows into the Chusovaya River, in the village of Ust-Kov. Those who wish can continue their journey, traveling along the Chusovaya River to the city of the same name. In all settlements along the banks of the Koiva there are convenient approaches to water bodies, there are sites where you can collect watercraft.

The first kilometers of rafting are considered the most difficult. In these places, Koiva is characterized by fast currents and winding bends. Later, the channel becomes wider, and the banks are distinguished by beautiful rocks and cliffs. Along the route, you will definitely have to pass the dam, dragging watercraft overland. The river Koiva is very interesting for rafting. This is primarily due to the beautiful shores and its unpredictable nature, which is associated with a tight channel and a fast current. Photos taken on the Koive River are always unique and impressive.

How to get there?

To the places where the journey along the river starts, they usually get by car, namely to the station. Warm Mountain, pos. Old Beads or Kusye-Aleksandrovskoe. It should be borne in mind that the roads leave much to be desired, their quality is low. Those wishing to carry out the rafting usually get by train, the route Nizhny Tagil - Chusovaya or Yekaterinburg - Solikamsk. Stations where it is possible to get off: Teplyaya Gora, Ust-Tiskos, Biser or Pashiya. From the villages of Biser and Pashiya to Stary Biser and Kusye-Aleksandrovsky, there are local bus routes to those places where you can start rafting.

Route: Kusye-Aleksandrovsky village - Ust-Koiva village

The length of the active part: 42 km.

The cost of individual tours is calculated separately!
We are waiting for your call: tel. 234-22-58

You can come by your own transport, leave the car on the territory of the base and get a discount on the tour of 900 rubles.

Tour program:

When the tour starts on Sunday, departure to
10:00 !!! (if you used the services of our transfer Perm-hostel-Perm)
21:00 arrival on the bank of the river Koiva, accommodation in tents
21:30 dinner, meeting with instructors, getting food and equipment. Overnight stay for 3-4 people in tents.

10:00 rise, washing in the river.
10:15 Breakfast.
11:00 Rafting on the river Koiva to the tributary "Shishikha". During the day: optional: excursions to the stones "Small Shaitan", "Arrow", "Arch" (objects are located along the banks of the Koiva River).
14:30 Lunch at the "green parking lot", continuation of the rafting to the "Post" parking lot.
20:30 Destruction of Bivouac. Dinner. Overnight in tents.

9:00 rise, washing in the river.
9:30 Breakfast.
10:00 Rafting on the Koiva River to the confluence of the Koiva and Chusovaya rivers (Former Almazny settlement)
15:00 Dinner. (when leaving on the first day at 10:00 and if the group fits into the schedule) Excursion to the natural monument of the stone "Dyrovaty" (picturesque rock outcrops of carboniferous limestones with a large cave arch 24 m high). + photos for memory on beautiful viewpoints. (Attention! this tour may not be possible due to weather conditions)
18:00 Departure by bus to the city of Perm.
23:00 arrival of the bus in the city of Perm.

Route: p.Tyrym - p.Kusye-Aleksandrovsky

The length of the active part: 15 km.

Cost of rafting on Koive (2 days).

The cost of a standard route for a person in a combined group:
terms: Weekdays weekend
1950 2400
Transfer 1000 1000
for children 3-7 years old 40 %
for children 8-12 years old 30 %
for children 13-16 years old 10 %
Included in the price: 3 meals a day (we cook ourselves)
rental of tourist equipment
instructor accompaniment
excursions according to the program
transfer Perm – river Koiva – Perm

This route can be reached by car.
Leave it on the territory of our Camp site for free.

In combined groups, the route will take place when a group of 18 people is recruited

Tourists are provided with all the equipment necessary for traveling: 6-seater catamarans, oars, life jackets, heat-insulating mats, sleeping bags, 2, 3, 4-person tents.

8:00 Departure of the bus from our office in Perm (53 Sibirskaya St. (formerly Mirabella)
12:30 Arrival at the tourist center “The Lost World” Lunch.
13:30 Transfer to the place of the beginning of the rafting village Tyrym, acquaintance with the instructors, getting food and equipment.
14:30 Arrival on the bank of the river Koiva. Passing a safety briefing.
15:00 Start of rafting on the river Koiva.
19:30 Destruction of Bivouac. Dinner. Overnight stay for 3-4 people in tents.