Is it hard to work as a truck driver? Trucker job, how to get this job

30.10.2017 Career and Work

Experienced drivers hear this question all the time. Unfortunately, most of them say that they would not want to pass on the profession of a truck driver to their children. Yes, a lot of romantic stories fly around her, but in fact this is a very difficult and sometimes dangerous activity. Please note that this work greatly undermines health. In addition, severe winter conditions and, of course, our terrible roads create additional difficulties. And what is worse is a big question.

How to become a trucker - education

You don't need any education to drive a truck. In fact, you can graduate from high school and not go to higher education. However, without a certificate of secondary education, you are unlikely to be taken anywhere. In order to be put behind the wheel of a truck, you need to get a license with the appropriate category for a truck, but better - for a truck with a trailer.

How to become a truck driver - driver's license

Let's say that you are 18 years old and you go to a driving school. We recommend that you open 2 categories B and C at once. It will take time 2-3 months, and for the money $ 300-500.

What to do in the traffic police? First of all, you will pass a theory test consisting of 20 questions. After passing the test, you proceed to the delivery of practical exercises. On a truck, you will have to drive through a closed area: snake and park. Hand over the site and you will be told to drive through the city. You must not make any mistakes.

Let's say you received a long-awaited plastic card with rights to 2 categories. You can drive trucks and drive auto tow trucks, dump trucks, vans, but you cannot drive a truck with a semi-trailer yet. Only after 1 year of proven driving experience of category C, you will be allowed to open category E. With it you will drive a truck with a semi-trailer.

How to become a truck driver - confirmation of driving experience

You have a driving experience with category C for more than a year and want to open category E. Let's define what experience is? Some MREOs require documentary evidence of your work on a truck - they want to see work book with confirmation. These are all their whims, not confirmed by law! If you are required to provide proof, ask for a written waiver.

You are allowed to pass the exam for category E. In a driving school, you will be required to issue an appropriate certificate. The category E exam does not require passing the theoretical part. Practice and only practice. You must ideally complete 2 elements on the court:

  • Put the truck with the back side to the platform.
  • Perform a straight line in reverse.

That's not all. A practical city driving test awaits you. That's it, now you can drive even the biggest trucks.

How to become a trucker - getting started

Most truckers started with a cargo Gazelle and transportation with a radius of up to 150 km from the city. Gazelle has many positive aspects.

  • You can buy a live Gazelle with low mileage for $3,000. This can be done without a loan.
  • Cargo transportation on the Gazelle is much easier to find.
  • Minimal economic risk. Restoring a gazelle after an accident will be very cheap.
  • A gazelle can be driven from a driving category B.

Start with a small truck, bought at your own expense, because it is better to work for yourself, and not some uncle. Pay attention, when working on a Zila or a Gazelle, you will sleep at home at night, because the transportation radius will allow you to return home on time.

If you want to immediately get behind the wheel of large equipment, then start by working in quarries or on dump trucks for snow removal (utilities). You do not want? And you need to start with this, because you are guaranteed to make mistakesthat the big road does not forgive. In the quarry, you will drive with the same trucks, and snow removal is done only at night when the roads are empty.

You can go to some carpool and get a job as an intern. However, even interns are taken on the basis of recommendations or acquaintances. No one knows how long you will be an intern. You will ride on long-haul flights, communicate with drivers, find out work, but no one will pay you money. You must realize that a 20-year-old boy will need to do something impossible to prove his professionalism, otherwise you will not be trusted with an expensive car with an even more expensive load.

Sooner or later, many drivers ask themselves the question: how to become a truck driver? What is better to do to start: work as a hired driver or buy your own truck? And in general, does the work of a trucker guarantee the accumulation of sufficient Money in order to calmly meet old age?

All these questions have been asked more than once by experienced drivers. Unfortunately, many of them said that a truck driver is not the profession that they would like for their children. Of course, she is surrounded by many romantic stories, but in fact, this is hard, and sometimes dangerous work, which, moreover, greatly undermines her health. In addition, Russian roads and severe winter conditions cause additional difficulties. Moreover, which of these is more important is still unclear.

Andrey Alexandrovich, the driver of the DAF, says that young drivers do not understand how hard work is at sub-zero temperatures. If in the summer you can work quite calmly, then in the winter even a simple refueling, for which you need to get out of the cab, causes great discomfort. Another problem may be the untimely replacement of diesel fuel from summer to winter. If this is not done on time, then it becomes simply impossible to start the car, and the car can still break down. It is not uncommon for drivers to change car wheels at temperatures below 30 degrees. Andrei Alexandrovich believes that at a young age you still don’t realize what problems the work of a truck driver threatens health, well, over time, a person simply understands that he is used to driving and does not know how to do anything else.

Truck drivers don't like to talk about their income. However, there are many stories of lucky people who started from scratch and managed to get rich. The economic situation in Russia today contributes to becoming the owner of your own truck. The truck driver from the Moscow region, who wished to remain anonymous, said that he had already thought about this possibility. Today, you can easily take a car on credit or lease, but he does not want to rush into this. Since now he works in a transport company, where a decent salary is paid steadily and without delay, therefore, the man decided not to rush to buy his own truck for the time being, but to save up money and go for a car to European countries, where there is a more interesting and wide choice.

According to many drivers, the most interesting, but also the most difficult, is the work of a truck driver. Alexander from Altai Territory explains that it is not so simple. He says that today many young people believe that once they get the right category in the rights, they will immediately sit behind the wheel of a new car when applying for a job.

They do not understand that it is unlikely that a 23-25 ​​year old guy will be trusted with a tractor and valuable goods. You can get a job at the enterprise where Alexander works only on the basis of a recommendation or a big “connection”. At the same time, most often, at first, newcomers travel as interns: someone is 2-3 months old, and someone is lucky, and after the first couple of flights he is released into independent trip. So, everything depends on the person himself, on his independence, knowledge and ability to solve problems that often arise along the way. Alexander believes that it is necessary to return the old rules and teach truckers separately, because many unprepared drivers go to the track and accidents and other outrages occur.

And according to Sergey from Chelyabinsk, it is better to start a trucker career from the city. Before you get behind the wheel of a large car, it is worth driving a "gazelle" or "bull" for a year. Well, if after that, the desire to become a trucker does not disappear, then you can go to open the category “with a trailer”. After all, it is rightly said that work as a driver for a truck will not appear just like that, it needs a certain amount of experience. Sergey says that before becoming a truck driver, he got a job working for a mining dump truck. Although this is also not an easy task, at least it was not necessary to constantly drive along the highway, and in the event of an unforeseen situation, he could well answer for himself and for the load.

Today he recalls that although difficult, but very useful experience with great gratitude, because everything he learned then was useful to him more than once during long trips.

For Sergey, working as a truck driver was a dream of a lifetime, therefore, having gained experience, the young man found himself another job. He had to make the first flight with a partner, and then the guy was entrusted with not the newest, but quite “viable” car. So today a young man is a tractor driver. Now the owner of the enterprise where Sergey works is completely renewing the car park, buying cars on leasing. Therefore, soon the young man and several other guys from his company will go to improve their skills in service center Scania. The 30-year-old says that if everything goes well, he will switch to international flights soon. So, he advises young guys who dream not just to play on the computer, but to really work as a truck driver, set a goal, open the “BC” category for a start, work hard, and in 5 years they will be able to calmly sit behind the wheel of a truck tractor.

However, Ivan Nikolayevich, another experienced long-distance truck driver, does not quite agree with Sergey's words. He says that out of a hundred young guys there are few such purposeful and hardworking. The guys do not understand that working as a truck driver is not a journey around the world in search of new experiences (for this it is better to use train trips), it is hard and hard work, which most often takes place among forests, steppes and swamps. Even in large cities, the warehouses where the goods need to be delivered are now located on the outskirts, so after unloading you won’t even look at the city (you can’t leave the car, after all). And if the goods need to be brought into the city, then there is also no time for sightseeing: until you choose the right road through the narrow streets, and even with restrictive signs, a lot of time will pass, and a lot of nerves will be spent. Ivan Nikolaevich believes that it is not necessary to fill the guys head with romantic stories. Romance, of course, is present in the work of a trucker, but it is rather a state of mind when a person cannot sit at home, he needs constant movement. So, only the presence of this state distinguishes a true trucker from an "amateur", and nothing can be done about it.

In a conversation with drivers, the issues of relations with road services, traffic police, roadside service, etc. were not specifically mentioned. These topics are quite serious and require a long discussion, so the question: “How to become a truck driver?” experienced drivers found it much easier to answer. Of course, every trucker judges from the height of his experience, which was both positive and not so good. Nevertheless, if young, responsible guys do not join the ranks of truckers today, who will carry goods on Russian roads tomorrow? Here is what long-distance truck drivers with experience say about this:

“If a guy has the rights of a tractor driver, then let him work as a bulldozer driver or something similar. They pay well there, and the work is much quieter. A truck driver is a thankless profession, where sleepless nights await at every step, waiting for cargo in any weather, snow, ice, breakdowns, theft, robbery and a lot of responsibility for the cargo. Moreover, soon they promise to change the rules of transportation, so everything will become much more complicated” Sergey K.

“It’s getting harder for private truckers. Of course, you can buy a car, but will it justify the money invested in the purchase? It is good if the car is not bought on credit or without leasing, if the loss of money will do without new debts. KAMAZ, of course, is a good car, but only if it does not require large additional investments. Any good car costs a lot of money, but you will have to invest in it. And if we add to these investments taxes, the cost of fuel and spare parts, payments in Pension Fund... In short, it's not worth it ... "Nikolai Z.

“According to my wife, I do nothing at work, but only rest. And what: an automatic gearbox with speed setting, cameras monitoring the road and distance, the path in the lane, seats with massage ... You can safely heat coffee in a coffee maker and sit, enjoying the road. Roman B.

Video: Long-range, faulty brakes

Video: Truck "lost"

They also have enough weirdos there too

Profession "truck driver" (truck driver) is not only a job, but also a way of life. Like any other job, it has its pros and cons. I will not list them now, I will only say that when I made my choice five years ago, the pros outweighed, and I decided to master this difficult craft.

Today I am sure that there is nothing difficult either in the work of a truck driver or in how to become one. However, recalling the beginning of the journey, I must agree with the old driver's joke: not a single person has left the gates of the driving school on Scania.

So, you have decided to become a driver of international cargo transportation - this is how our profession is correctly called. Where to begin?

I will start from the very beginning, with obtaining the right to drive category "E" vehicles. To take courses in category "E", you must have open category"C" and proven driving experience of any vehicle(category "B" or "C") for a period of at least one year. That is, if you have category “C” open, you must either have a certificate from your place of work stating that you Last year work as a driver, or have your own car, or drive a car by proxy.

Thus, having studied for a month in courses at a driving school, we, having passed the exam, open the category “E”.

And, of course, here any person has a familiar problem. Lack of practice. Reading job advertisements, we immediately stumble upon a vicious circle. Work, as a rule, is offered only to experienced drivers with experience in international transportation from 3-5 years, but where can I get this experience? To be honest, you need experience. I just don't think 5 years is necessary.

To understand how to drive a truck, what radius is needed in turns, what is the inertia of a forty-ton truck, how to reverse and turn around in big city It only took me a few weeks. And the question of where to get a job in order to get the first experience was decided very simply. I chose an ad with a job offer in Ukraine with a minimum wage, saying at the interview that I agreed to any conditions. Two days later I was already driving under the guidance of an experienced partner. There he met with the material part of the truck. As a beginner, I was given a car that should have been written off 10 years ago.

So, after working for a month and quitting own will, I was sure that I was not afraid of any roads. I just want to add that the reality of the life of a Ukrainian driver with its difficulties, lack of sleep, frost and snow has slightly cooled my desire to become a truck driver. However, I understood that good cars, normal roads and human working conditions exist, you just need to get to them.

Further all along the knurled track. I got a job in a more solid Ukrainian company, I got a newer car. But this is not the main thing. It was important that on each flight I learned a lot of useful things from my experienced colleagues. And about the rules of work and rest, and about the loads on the axles, and about how to properly arrange pallets and fasten them with belts. To tell the truth, you should not listen to everyone in a row, everyone has their own views, but most truck drivers are wise people. Do not know something - ask, a normal colleague will always tell you and help.

After working for about 2 months, I realized that I could handle most of the new and difficult situations. After all, no matter how much experience the driver has, he often finds himself in a situation that he has not yet been in. It is important not to be afraid of anything and calmly, and most importantly, deliberately do your job.

This is where it's time to develop professionally. We are going to courses to obtain a permit for the transport of dangerous goods. This, firstly, will teach you a lot, and secondly, most large Western companies are constantly engaged in ADR transportation, not to mention those that transport tanks. Typically, these courses last about one week.

At the same time we make an electronic tachograph card. Nothing today without her.

Also, it would not be superfluous to say about the knowledge of a foreign language. An international driver is simply obliged to have a basic stock of foreign words and prepared phrases that he constantly uses. And, of course, be able to make simple sentences.

A trucker is a profession that opens up new horizons for you in the truest sense of the word. As a rule, this is a truck driver who transports various kinds of goods over long distances.

You ask who can go to truckers and how to become a trucker? Yes, in principle, absolutely any person. Details of this profession and what are possible options to start doing this, we will consider in today's article.

So how do you become a truck driver?

Trucker, like any other profession, has its pros and cons. Accordingly, you can work in such an area only if you accept all these disadvantages.

First of all, you need to figure out what options for working as a trucker generally exist.

And there are usually only three options:

  • to work for somebody. In that case, you don't need to have anything. Only the desire to work, the experience of driving a class E car. Everything else, namely the car itself, routes and loads, is offered to you by the employer;
  • The second option is to work for yourself. Here things are already more complicated. In addition to the fact that you need to have your own truck (of course, you can rent it, but there are also certain difficulties), you will also have to look for suppliers and carry out all organizational and administrative work. One plus - you will earn many times more, because, after paying the tax and the cost of shipping the goods, you have no one to share with. And all the profit is yours;
  • as an alternative, you can offer one more thing: create your own company, where you will be the leader, and other truckers will deliver the goods. In this case, you will have to spend all day searching for various suppliers and organizing all deliveries on the spot. This will be your work. Your profit will be formed after paying all taxes, the cost of supplying goods and paying other truckers. Needless to say, this option is only possible if there are several trucks. IN this case, the profit will be based on the large supply turnover.

But, let's still consider the first two options, where exactly you will deliver the goods.

What a person who wants to start working as a truck driver should know

  • First of all, the work is not at all easy, as it might seem at first glance.
  • do not think that you eat all day along beautiful roads, no one bothers you, you enjoy life, smoke a cigarette and listen to Chanson radio. Trucker is a rather difficult physical labor.
  • life in the conditions on the road is not so easy. You will have to sleep in your truck (even when it is very cold outside), eat anywhere and anything, be constantly in suspense because of the road.
  • yes, and the trucker's working day is big.

What you need to know before you start working as a trucker, especially before you hit the road

  1. first of all, you need to study the entire regulatory framework for working conditions and delivery of goods, so that there are no pitfalls here;
  2. Be sure to know in detail the route you are taking. For this, there are maps, various navigators, the Internet, and so on;
  3. be sure to be aware of the whole situation on the road: tune the radio wave to such a radio station for drivers, where you will constantly be told about traffic jams and changes on the road;
  4. you need to know in advance where you will eat and spend the night: whether it will be in the car, or somewhere along the road. If on the highway, then you need to know approximately on which section of it;
  5. if you need to spend the night in the car, then it should not be far from the traffic police post and in a crowded place. Your own safety must come first;
  6. beware of random strangers. Never take companions. Of course, this is mainly normal people who really need to get from one place to another, but there are also unpleasant cases. By taking someone on board, you risk both your life and the future fate of the cargo being transported, for which you, after all, are responsible;
  7. always be attentive and careful. Never rely on the capabilities of your body. If you are tired or feel unwell, then you need to stop in time to take a break or otherwise resolve the controversial situation. Remember that timely delivery of cargo, at the cost of your own life, is not needed by anyone. This is silly.

Summing up, we can say that the work of a trucker is not the most difficult job in the world and you can undoubtedly master its nuances. If your character has temper, attentiveness, and most importantly patience, then this profession is what you need. Another point to be taken into account is that most your trucker life you will spend away from your home.

Read more:

If you have reached the age of majority, then for sure, you are in search of a suitable profession for yourself. If you ended up on our website and are now carefully studying this article, then you are probably worried about the question of how to become a truck driver in Russia without experience. In general, in this article we decided to tell you in more detail about this profession. And all our information will be useful, just to the inhabitants of Russia.

Profession - trucker. What you need to know

First of all, people are interested in whether a particular education is needed in this case. And it should be said right away that special education is not required here. However, schooling may still be needed. In addition, in order to start making money as a trucker, you need to get a license with the appropriate driver's category. This category must be: On a truck or truck with a trailer.

If you are over 18, then you must go to a driving school. That's where you get driver license. In this case, it is recommended to unlearn immediately for 2 categories:

  • for a passenger car (category B),
  • on a truck (category C).

On a note! If we talk about money, then for training in two categories at once, you will have to pay from 22 to 30 thousand rubles.

In order to get the coveted rights to study, you need about 3 months. At the end of the training, you must pass the exam in the traffic police. First of all, future drivers take a theory test. This test usually consists of 20 questions. If you successfully answer all the questions, then you will move on to driving. You will pass driving not only on passenger car but also on trucks. Driving is given in a closed area. You will go through all sorts of elements such as:

  • parking,
  • flyover,
  • snake.

If you managed to cope with this task, then you can move on to the next test - this is driving in the city. There, too, you should not make mistakes. After passing this test, you will finally be able to get your hands on a card with categories B and C. You probably understand that after receiving this card you will be able to drive:

  • dump trucks,
  • vans,
  • tow trucks.

However, despite this, you still can’t ride trucks. By law, you can transfer to a truck or tractor only after your driving experience becomes more than a year. But before you start driving a truck, you will have to pass to category E. It is this category that will allow you to drive a truck with a semi-trailer.

How to unlearn for category E if there is more than a year of experience in category C

Such a profession as a trucker implies some subtleties. It is important to know what category of rights is required here. So, category E rights are also needed here. You can unlearn it after your driving experience in category C exceeds 1 year. What is driving experience? Some traffic police officers may require you to provide documents that confirm that you really worked on a truck for a year. It follows that you will have to provide your work book or employment contract.

Other traffic police officers may not need these documents. For them, the information that you passed to category C a year ago will be enough.

Admitted to the delivery of category E.

If you are allowed to pass the exam for category E, then you will need a certificate from a driving school. The category E exam does not include theory. At the site, you must park the element with the tailgate. You will also need to reverse straight ahead. If you were able to cope with the task, then you will be expected to pass the exam in the city. After you pass your driving license in the city, you can legally drive trucks.

Trucker and getting started

If you were able to get a card with the cherished categories and are ready to go to long haul, then it is important to know how to start this work.

  • In this case, young drivers should start with a car - a cargo Gazelle. The radius of such trips should be 100-150 km. Transportation by Gazelle has undeniable advantages.
  • A good car today is possible to buy for 200 thousand or even less.
  • It is easy to find many orders for a gazelle.
  • Savings during renovation. If an accident occurs along the way, then repairing a gazelle can be cheaper than a truck.
  • In order to drive a gazelle, category B will be enough.

On a note! As a car, you can consider a truck - ZIL goby.

Indeed, at first it is best to ride mini-trucks. In this case, you can work for yourself and gain experience. It is easier to work for yourself and you will be able to learn how to solve all the problems that arise on your own.

If you are not interested in small equipment and you want to immediately work on a truck, then try driving a dump truck. Get into public service. For example, you will carry snow or sand there. It is recommended to get this job because in such a situation you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with a heavy truck. In this case, the acquaintance will take place on insufficiently busy routes.

Another option for working on a heavy truck is considered to be an internship in some kind of car depot. Such motor depots are engaged in transportation by vans and trucks at the international level.

It is worth noting that it is extremely difficult to get into such an organization. And all because people are taken there by good acquaintance.

Interns, as a rule, in such companies go on flights with experienced truckers. In this case, you will recognize the roads and get acquainted with the intricacies of work. Naturally, they will not pay much for such work, and how long you will be in this position is also not known. In such a situation, it is worth understanding that you must prove your worth in your 20s so that you can be entrusted with a huge car with valuable cargo.