Open category a with rights. How to open a category in if you already have one with

11.05.2018 Auto/Moto

If the driver already has a license giving the right to drive a vehicle of a high category, then in order to obtain a license of a lower category he will not be required to attend courses at a driving school before opening category “A”, if there is “B”.

How does one receive category “A” when category “B” has already been assigned?

If the owner vehicle intends to open category “A” if there is “B”, then first of all he needs to collect the documents required for this case and, after they are completed, pass the examination tests. The retake includes 2 standard parts: theoretical and practical. Exactly the same principle applies if you need to get a “B” with the current category “D”.

Documents that the car owner must collect:

  • driver's license and coupon;
  • passport;
  • medical certificate;
  • a receipt confirming that the state duty has been paid.

A medical certificate can be obtained at the clinic, according to the standard form. Such a document indicates that such and such a citizen has the ability to drive a car of the specified category. On our resource there is, which the driver must write. In addition, go to the website, where through the search mode you can find the address and opening hours of the nearest registration and examination department of the traffic police. There you will be provided with answers to all your questions and advised on the services you are interested in.

Under what conditions are they allowed to take the exam?

Only persons over fourteen years of age are allowed to attend courses. Citizens over sixteen years of age receive access to the exam itself. A motorist who needs retraining from category “B” to “A” must first undergo a medical examination. When he has a certificate in his hands stating that he can drive such vehicles, he will be given the go-ahead to take the practical exam.

If the applicant does not have a certain category of rights, then he can use the service of taking a theory course according to an individual program. The class will be taught by a private instructor, who must provide a license to conduct this type of class.

Theoretical part

The main goal of this stage is to help the examiner understand how complete the theoretical knowledge of the driver is, in the event that category “A” is opened if category “B” is available for him. When the results are revealed, based on them, the examiner makes a verdict: whether the candidate can be admitted to practical tests.

The subject is given a certain set of tickets, each of which contains 20 questions. The test taker must choose the correct answer from various options.

The content of the questions is not limited to traffic rules. This will ask you to answer correctly about the methods of providing first aid in emergency situations. The examinee may be asked additional questions about the rules by which vehicles are allowed to operate. We must also prepare for questions about the technical side of safe driving; and what can lead to an accident.

It is necessary to remember those parts of the car’s design on which safety on the road directly depends, and be able to talk about their features. A driver who wants to receive a new category must have a good knowledge of the legal aspects of the laws of the Russian Federation in the area that relates to traffic safety.

Practical part

An equipped specialized closed area or a race track are those places that are intended for passing the practical stage of testing to obtain a new category of driver's license. The test subject must prove that he really knows how to drive a vehicle at the proper level. To adapt, he is given the opportunity to ride on the track and try it out before starting the actual tests. But the time for this is very limited: only 2 minutes. If he makes any mistakes during this time, they are not included in the protocol. After the test drive is completed, the owner must indicate that he is ready to take the exam.

Instructors closely monitor how the candidate drives the vehicle. In our example, this is a motorcycle. They see how the examinee switches gears and maneuvers in a deliberately enclosed space. He must do all this at both high and low speed. There are no small details: examiners pay attention to absolutely everything. And how the examinee starts from a standstill, and how he uses the rear-view mirrors. A particular highlight is a test in which the driver must show how deftly he can steer a motorcycle using one hand. As of 2016, the practical portion of the exam is divided into 3 different parts, each of which is divided into numerous tests of agility skills.

Video: Explanation of the exercises of the practical part of the exam for category “A”

In the video you can see exactly what skills are needed in the practical part of the exam for category “A”.

How to prepare for the exam and how it is carried out

Practical tests are carried out according to a sample typical for each specific case. There may be either one driver counting on a new category or a whole group. If there are many candidates, then they are tested in order. Which methods are used depends on the state of the current material and technical base of the driving school. There is no doubt that all machines must be in full working order. This condition must be confirmed by a document stating that a technical inspection was carried out.

Certain requirements also apply to the location where the practical tests will take place. Both the level of lighting and the quality of its coverage are regulated. During the exam, a representative of the driving school monitors how the tasks are performed and writes comments on the exam sheet. For mistakes, penalty points are counted. As a result, their number should not exceed 5. If you managed to fit within such limits, then it means that passing for category “A” in the presence of “B” was successful.

If the examinee makes one inaccuracy while performing a certain exercise from the whole complex, then he is given the opportunity to retake it immediately. If the final assessment is negative, then the driver will need to retake the entire complex after retraining.

The examiner’s work includes careful monitoring of all the actions of the examinee during the practical part, he must record all mistakes made. The final score depends on the number of such errors. The location of the observer can be either on the vehicle itself or nearby. The presence of assistants is also acceptable. If exams are held, these may be employees of educational organizations, trucking companies, etc.

If the result is positive, the driver must contact the traffic police, where a new category will be opened for him. When all the papers are completed, the driver receives the right to operate vehicles included in category “A”.

What do we end up with?

If it is necessary to open category “A”, a driver’s license of category “B” gives the right to skip training courses(applies to both theoretical and practical parts). All you need to do is show your knowledge in the exam. And before the main tests: collect and present the required documents.

With the change in the rules for the distribution of driver's license categories in 2013, many citizens were faced with the problem of a lack of information. Some rules are not entirely clear, which is why a lot of questions are asked on specialized sites. One of the questions is getting category “A” with an open “B”. Let's look at the nuances in our article.

Do I need to go to a driving school again?

The topic of training worries many drivers for several reasons:

Previously, if a driver had the right to drive a car of the highest category, then a lower category could be obtained according to a simplified scheme, as they say, externally. It was that there was no need to undergo additional training. Now this form has been canceled for traffic safety reasons; you will have to study again, but at a motorcycle school.

One thing to pay attention to important detail- age of the applicant. Category “A” has a subcategory “A1”, for which the age is set at 16 years, but for the main one you will need to reach 18 years of age. In addition to the age of the applicants, these categories differ in engine power. “A1” is a category of low-power motorcycles up to 125 m3. In addition, you must obtain a medical certificate.

The exam itself consists of two parts:

  1. theory;
  2. practice.

Please note that the theoretical part is mandatory, since many citizens believe that having category “B” allows you not to take the exam on tickets.

Duration and cost of training

Those who already have category “B” to receive “A” are not exempt from training. It takes place in motorcycle schools in the city that have the appropriate license.

Motorcycle season is hot summer. It's very limited weather conditions, so you need to take care of training in advance. Training conditions may differ slightly by region, but in general they are as follows:

  • the duration of training depends on the number of hours per week, but since 2014 the period has been increased and will be about 2.5 months;
  • You can enroll in the course at any time;
  • the cost of training is about 15,000 - 34,000 rubles, depending on the region.

We get category "A"

In order to receive a new category, you will need to write an application to the traffic police for an additional category in your license. By the way, it is better to take the medical examination while still studying at school if you plan to take the exam immediately after its completion. Training is also carried out in driving schools, if they have a specialist.

Do I need to take a theory exam?

We return again to the topic of passing the exam using tickets. You will have to hand it over, because these are the new rules. The procedure is the same as for obtaining category “B”:

  1. the ticket consists of 20 questions;
  2. if you answer 18 out of 20, this will give you the right to pass the practical part of the exam;
  3. the ticket contains answers to the question posed, from which you need to choose the correct one;
  4. All questions relate to traffic rules on the roads.

Those who have studied theory twice in a specialized school will not have any difficulty coping with the theoretical part.

Practical exam

Having passed the first part, future motorcycle drivers move directly to practice. There is no need to worry here anymore: category “A” is received mostly by motorcycle enthusiasts, professionals who have not yet had the opportunity to shine on the country’s roads and are dreaming about it. You need to take the exam in such a way that the instructor can see it.

The practical exam consists of three groups of exercises:

  • performing acceleration and braking, clearance semicircle, clearance corridor;
  • low speed traffic, rutted road, “snake” traffic;
  • figure eight.

In order to pass this part of the test, you need to complete all groups of exercises.

Required documents

You need to have the following documents with you:

  1. an identity document, it must contain a registration mark;
  2. driver's license (with ticket);
  3. document confirming completion of a motorcycle school;
  4. receipt of payment of state duty;
  5. medical certificate.

The certificate implies a document of a certain form confirming the passage of the commission for the traffic police. Please note that the corresponding category “A” must be indicated. Most motorcycle schools offer to take the exam at the traffic police in an organized manner. This item is included in the cost of training in advance.

If the driver took the exam for category “B” not so long ago, you should carefully look at your medical certificate. Category “A” may also be emphasized there. Additional expenses:

  • medical certificate - from 1500 rubles;
  • duty - 2000 rubles.

Riding a motorcycle without an open category is equivalent to riding without a license, which is why we advise all motorcycle lovers to approach the issue in advance and very responsibly. Today, having a license is necessary even when riding a moped.

Mobile means of transportation are becoming an increasingly popular choice among speed lovers over time. Availability and ease of operation become obvious advantages for those who choose a means of transportation. That’s why situations often occur when car owners decide to expand their fleet by buying different kinds motor transport.

Buying a treasured motorcycle, drivers are starting to think about how to get a license to drive it. Many people are not very keen on the thought of going back to school and going through a new cycle of learning. Drivers will be reassured by the news that, according to the law, if a person has already received a driver’s license of the highest category, then he is already freed from the need to study for a lower category license.

So, if the driver have a category “B” driver’s license in hand, then to obtain category “A” you will have to pass exams - a theoretical part and a practical one. Persons no younger than 14 years old are allowed to take the theoretical part, and people no younger than 16 years old are allowed to take the practical part.

An exception can be made by persons applying to open category “A”, who have not yet passed the theoretical exam for category “B” within three months.

The examination process will be preceded by collection of documents, among which you will need:

  • category “B” certificate;
  • ID card;
  • confirmation of payment of the state fee;
  • passport;
  • a certificate from a medical institution (you will also need a copy of it).

For help The driver is sent for a medical examination, which will confirm admission to drive the corresponding category of vehicles. It is important to check whether the center you contacted for a medical certificate is licensed to examine drivers. If you apply to a private institution, you can ask, after passing the medical commission, to attach to the certificate a copy of the document confirming the licensing of the center.

The list of documents ends with a statement handwritten by the driver. A sample of such an application can be found at the local registration and examination department of the traffic police, where you can also be advised on issues of obtaining rights of a different category.

Theoretical part

Conducting the theoretical part allows you to find out how high your knowledge of the rules is traffic the driver and whether it makes sense to conduct the practical part of the exam. This part of the exam is no different from the one the driver passed when receiving a category “B” license.

On the ticket the examinee will see 20 questions, to which 4 answer options are given. Only one answer from all listed will be correct. In addition to direct traffic rules, tickets also cover areas related to the provision of first aid. It is necessary to have knowledge of the technical intricacies of driving, how vehicles are checked before driving, and the condition of which parts of the vehicle can cause unsafe driving. To pass the exam, you only need to answer 18 questions correctly.

In short, drivers receive all this information and protect their knowledge during training for category “B”. Thus, a confident car enthusiast has no reason to worry before taking the exam. In addition, obtaining a new category of license can be a good help in refreshing your knowledge of traffic rules, which will definitely increase your safety on the road. And it will also be useful to learn about and consolidate regular changes in the rules.

Practical part

On a closed circuit to open category “A” license, the applicant must prove the skill of driving a motor vehicle. Almost always before the test, the driver gets the opportunity to drive the track and get a feel for the vehicle in order to be more prepared to take the test.

However, the rules do not prohibit taking the exam on your own motorcycle, only a driver who already has a category “A” license needs to bring it. Personal transport will also require registration and insurance, with the owner's name indicated.

All exercises required for the exam, are aimed at recording the skills of a motorcycle driver in various situations. This includes control at different speeds, maneuvering in a small space, and changing the gear of a motorcycle. Important aspects are the ability to take off correctly from a standstill and use the side mirrors.

All the exam is divided into three complexes exercises. In the first of them, you will be asked to drive along a wide corridor, a semicircle, and also according to the “Acceleration-Deceleration” pattern. The second complex consists of passing a snake, a narrow “board”, as well as an exercise showing the ability to control a motorcycle at low speed. Well, at the end there remains the last exercise - passing the figure eight, limited by dimensions.

Examination procedure

Any driving school where the driver intends to take the test, must have an acceptable basis for their implementation. This includes both the level of the circuit and the condition of the vehicles submitted for the exam. The latter must have confirmation of a technical inspection, which confirms the good condition of the vehicle.

Also to the quality of the site requirements are imposed on the level of the road surface and the amount of lighting. All of them must meet the standards so that when taking the exam, the test taker does not experience difficulties due to the poor condition of the circuit.

The exam is taken one person at a time, and a queue of everyone who wants to take the test is allowed to form. One examiner monitors the progress of the exam. To describe the exercises, he fills out a special examination sheet.

into it the examiner writes down all comments, including those that entail the accrual of penalty points. A driver can accumulate a total of 5 penalty points to pass the test. There are three categories of errors for which a fine is charged:

  • light, worth 1 penalty point (if the driver did not show a hand signal to start or stop, or did not turn on the low beam);
  • average, for which 3 points will be awarded (after stopping, the neutral gear was not engaged, but the engine was running, or the engine stalled before starting to move, etc.);
  • heavy ones will result in the accrual of 5 penalty points (crossing the marker lines, deviating from the given trajectory of movement or touching the ground with the foot).

If a mistake was made in one exercise from the complex, then the driver can repeat this exercise. But if the results of the complex result in a negative assessment, then it will be completed in its entirety next time.

Issue price

If we talk about receiving category "A" certificates, then we can say that the sum of all costs may be significant. Let's start with the medical commission. The cost varies depending on the type of institution and the distance from the place of registration and ranges from 500–3000 rubles.

State fee for registration of license category “A” is 800 rubles, and for an international certificate the cost is 1000 rubles. A retake of the theory will cost 60 rubles, a new appearance at the circuit for the practical part will cost 100 rubles. And, finally, direct retraining of car drivers to drive motor vehicles. The cost of such training is from 10 to 20 thousand rubles, provided that not every driving school trains drivers for category “A” or trains, but only in the season suitable for training.

To summarize, we can note the following: having a category “B” license in your hands, you have no preparation You can immediately apply for a lower category certificate, that is, "A". And if you just recently received driver license category “B”, then it is better to hurry up and within three months get also category “A” without having to take a theoretical exam. This may not seem very scary, but it will definitely save you time and money.

More recently, the legislative framework regulating the procedure for applying for a category “A” driver’s license has been significantly changed. And now future motorcyclists and scooter riders have many questions. In addition, the means mass media Some aspects of the innovations were interpreted very ambiguously. So it's time to put everything on the shelves.

How to apply for a motorcycle license - category “A”

Let's start with the fact that now there is additionally a subcategory "A1", allowing at the age of 16 years, which provides for the operation of two-wheeled vehicles with an engine capacity of up to 125 cc. cm. To ride more powerful motorcycles, you must reach the age of majority and pass the full category “A”.

How much does training and exam cost?

The spread of tuition prices has a fairly large amplitude. The cost of the course can cost from 4 to 9 thousand rubles. In some cases (for example, elite motorcycle schools), the bar can reach even 20,000 rubles. It all depends on many factors: the quality of the material base, the number of hours of practical training, the cost of fuel, the level of remuneration of professional instructors and whether you have rights in another category. Regarding other legal payments: 1200 rubles. - medical certificate, the same amount - state duty and registration of documents necessary for passing the exam, about 700 rubles. - renting a motorcycle for driving practice and driving a training lap before the test.

Video about the state. exam in the traffic police for category “A”

It makes no difference whether the biker is going to ride. Such data is not included in the certificate, and, accordingly, the same training program and a single fee. It is also possible to pass the internship on your own, that is, not rented, motorized transport. But this does not mean that you drive it directly to the MREO - you need a driver. In any case, there must be compulsory motor liability insurance without restrictions on the number of drivers and a note stating that the use of the vehicle as a training vehicle is allowed.

Passing the exam if you have a car license

If you already have a driver’s license for category “B”, but category “A” is not open, then catching up will be easy. True, this can only be done within 3 months from the date of the previous successful passing of the theory. If 3 months have already passed, then the exam is passed in full - both the theoretical part and the practical part.

What documents are needed

To take the exam, you need to contact the traffic police department at your place of registration and provide the following set of documents:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • a receipt confirming the fact of payment of the state duty;
  • original and copy of a document confirming completion of training courses;
  • medical certificate;
  • driver's license (if you already have one for another category).

How does the exam process work?

Passing the exam itself involves 3 main stages:

  1. theoretical part in the form of testing (answer 20 questions in 20 minutes, 2 mistakes are allowed);
  2. demonstrating your skills on the site;
  3. obtaining the coveted documents confirming the driver’s status.

Well, if everything is more or less clear with the first and last points, then we need to dwell on the phase in more detail.

What does passing the practical part of the exam mean?

If you successfully passed the computer test, answering at least 18 out of 20 correctly questions asked, then it’s time to focus on the practical driving skills acquired during this time.

The first of the three mandatory exercises is a set of the following elements:

  1. overall corridor (movement in a straight line);
  2. overall semicircle (you need to indicate in advance a turn (turn) to the left);
  3. acceleration and deceleration (don’t forget to shift from low to high, from high to low gear and give the brake sign with your hand).

Second exercise:

  • snake (loop between cones);
  • rut board (travel strictly along the line);
  • movement at low speed (traversing the section in at least 5 seconds).

Exercise No. 3 - classic overall figure eight. In this case, the practice is considered passed if all three exercises are completed correctly. Each of the exercises, in turn, is counted if the total amount of penalty points received during its implementation does not exceed five.

So, for gross mistakes that entail a penalty of 5 penalty points, The following shortcomings include:

  • touching the asphalt with your foot while moving;
  • deviation from a given trajectory (figure eight, snake);
  • driving beyond the stop line, marking line, knocking down a cone;
  • no hand turn signal;
  • stopping more than 0.4 m before the stop line.

Average errors (3 penalty points):

  • stalling at the start;
  • failure to engage neutral gear after stopping;
  • belated indication of a left turn with a gesture;
  • failure to change gears where necessary;
  • failure to comply with the time limit (5 s) when driving at low speed.

Minor discrepancies (1 point):

  • failure to turn on the low beam at the start;
  • failure to give a brake signal with your hand (in the first exercise);
  • sudden braking.

At the same time, the program does not provide for riding a motorcycle in the city.

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    If he passed his license, then why not?


    2 years ago you could pass category A at the age of 16 and buy yourself a liter sports bike. and now at least some common sense in the legislation on the safety of DD.