Where can I quickly get a medical record? How to make a work book

15.11.2018 Documentation

Citizens often wonder where to start work book? This can be done upon first employment. The employer is obliged to issue this document to the employee in his actual absence. As a rule, he approaches the employer with a statement.

Sample application

The application indicates the reason for the absence of the document (did not work previously).

Not everyone knows at what age you can get a work record book. It is issued from the moment a citizen begins to officially work. As a rule, people over 16 years of age are hired. But, according to Article 63 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, children under this age can get a job. However, for this you need to obtain permission from the teenager’s parents and guardianship authorities.

Second work book

The question of how to get a second work book arises before a citizen when he:

Decided to hide unpleasant facts from his professional activities from the employer;

Trying to change profession;

I lost the first form and don’t want to waste time looking for it;

Trying to get two jobs at the same time.

Only legal way creating a second form means writing a statement to the employer about the loss of the first copy.

If the lost document is subsequently found, it will have to be accepted and continued to be maintained. The second copy will need to be destroyed.

If the words about the disappearance turn out to be a lie, the employer has the right to dismiss such an employee for providing knowingly false information and concealing documents. Therefore, before you think: “Can I get a second work book?”, you need to find out about responsibility for the decision made.


What happens if you get a second work book? Here are some options.

    A citizen who knowingly provides false information when applying for a job may be dismissed on the basis of paragraph 11 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Since tax deductions are made at one place of work, it is worth knowing that if a person works somewhere else, the second employer will have the right to recover the amount tax deduction from such an employee in court.

    When applying for a pension, the Pension Fund will not accept a second document on the person’s length of service.

    A citizen may be forcibly recovered from compensation payments that he received under sick leave, because temporary disability benefits can only be received at one place of work. Attempting to receive benefits in two places at once can be regarded as illegal enrichment.

    A person can be brought to criminal liability under Articles 159 and 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Of course, it is difficult to call the second form fictitious if entries were made in it according to all the rules by employees of the HR department. But the fact that it is a second document acting as the first is illegal.

If you need an official medical record for 1 day, you should seek help from private organizations. In this case, it will be possible to bypass bureaucratic delays and tedious waiting in lines. In this case, you can start working the very next day. This document will contain the conclusions of all doctors and the results of medical examinations.

In most district clinics, processing these papers will take several days, so many people prefer not to waste their time, but to immediately use the services of specialized clinics.

How we are working:



Examination by a specialist

Registration of medical books


Satisfied client

Make a medical record in one day officially

Name of service Cost of a medical book
, for catering workers, for workers of educational institutions, for workers in the service sector, utilities from 1500 rub.
For food workers: , meat workers from 1500 rub.
For workers in the medical services sector from 1500 rub.
Renewal of medical record with certification and hologram from 1200 rub.
Six-month extension of medical tests from 1200 rub.

In order to make a medical book in one day, you need to contact the Panacea clinic. You will receive an official document that will contain the conclusion of all doctors, as well as original holograms indicating the authenticity of the examinations performed. We work with a team of qualified doctors who are responsible for fulfilling their obligations, so you can get examined quickly. The cost of the services we provide is the most affordable - it varies depending on the industry in which you plan to work.

Officially order a medical book in 1 day

At the PanaceYa clinic, a medical book is completed in 1 day for all clients. We guarantee high-quality results and a responsible approach to fulfilling our obligations. In order to use the company’s services, just call the phone number listed on the website.

All documents we issue are original. They differ in the following features:

  • The document number is printed in standard black font.
  • Availability of a special approved seal.
  • Hidden security marks are visible under ultraviolet light.

The “1-day medical book officially” service is an excellent opportunity to receive an official document indicating a satisfactory state of health in the shortest possible time. By contacting us, you can also order delivery services. The courier service delivers throughout Moscow and the region prior approval with the customer.

In addition, we provide services for renewing documents, even if they were previously issued by another organization. We also offer favorable terms of cooperation for companies whose personnel require periodic medical examinations. Specify in more detail this information You can contact the company managers.

If you are getting a job for the first time, then your work book must be made at the enterprise or company. This means that it is the first employer who is obliged to issue this necessary document.

Previously, work record forms were always available in human resources departments (HR) in all organizations and enterprises. Today, the practice has become fashionable when, when applying for a job, a young specialist must bring a blank book form, i.e. he must buy it himself. Forms are sold in all stationery stores or bookstores where there are departments selling accounting forms. It is very rare, but there are cases that a new employee is offered to buy a work book form directly from OK. Then the fact of purchase is documented by a cash receipt or a certain amount is deducted from the first salary.
  • The purchased work book is filled out in the human resources department of the employing enterprise. The job entry is made on the basis of the employment order. The book says:
  • from what date the person was hired;
  • the name of his position;
  • the name of the department where the work will take place;

number and date of the employment order. Before filling out information about the work, the HR specialist must fill out the first page of the book and give it for signature young specialist
  • . General information about the employee should be indicated here:
  • His date of birth.
  • Information about education - which educational institution the young specialist graduated from.

After this data is placed the number when the work book is filled out, as well as the position and surname of the person filling out the book (OK employee).

If on the first day of work you were not offered to review your work record book, you have every right to remind the HR department about this. Sometimes OK employees answer that they will open a book later - by doing this they are flagrantly violating the law. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the document regulating the rules for maintaining labor records in Russia. This is the Decree of Mitrud and Social Development of the Russian Federation

Are you looking for where to buy a work book with experience? Do it with us and you will 100% get a decent job! 8-965-191-54-09 - Call!

Creating a new work book:

The price of a finished work book is 2500 - 4500 rubles.

(depending on the number of organizations) With this service you can simply buy a work book with work experience.

Your specialty and work experience depend on the parameters you request.


The work book is the main document confirming the official work experience of each employee. It is mandatory for every employee of an organization or enterprise. The labor record contains such notes as: data on the employee’s acceptance into the position, promotions, promotions and awards for the time he worked in the organization, as well as data on the reason and date of dismissal.

If you have the necessary skills and abilities, but cannot document this because you worked under an employment contract or without a work book at all, we will select the necessary length of service for you and make the necessary entry in the work book. To do this, you need to provide your data (full name, date of birth), work experience, name your profession for inclusion in the work book. And we will select for you an organization that matches your work profile. You can be sure that your new employer will have no doubts about whether or not to hire you. The correct execution of work books is an important aspect to which we pay special attention.

You can buy a work book with experience in Moscow, as well as in other regions. And remember: a work book is the main document for employment!

Cost of the employment contract (with confirmation) 3000 Making changes to the work book (change of position, increase in length of service, removal of unnecessary organizations, dismissal under article):

The service is relevant for people who have been laid off from a vacancy where the previous employer, in order not to pay appropriate compensation, fired you under an article that prevents you from getting a new job. Our employees will make all necessary changes to your work book. At the same time, we will completely retain all previous jobs. At the request of the client, we can change the length of service, the position held, or add new organizations. The cost of work depends on the number of organizations and the year of issue of the labor form.

Restoring a work record:

The price depends on the number of organizations - 500-1000 rubles.

(for each organization + cost of work book)

If you have lost your work book or it was stolen from you, we will help you restore the data that was in it. To do this, you need to have a photocopy of the lost work book or at least know the name of the organizations where you worked and the approximate terms of work. Often, this service is used by people who need a duplicate work book to get a second job. We guarantee that we will make a completely similar work book, retaining all the necessary data. You can also buy a work book with a record that our managers will offer you. Even if you do not live in Moscow to

to buy work experience, you just need to fill out an application and we will send the work book by mail.

Package of documents (for obtaining a loan): Copy of work record book + 2NDFL certificate 7000 rub.

(the price depends on the number of organizations in the work book where you supposedly worked. Accordingly, the more organizations in the work book, the higher the likelihood of receiving the desired loan)