Who is a young specialist in the field of education. Young teachers: benefits, payments, mortgage programs

13.10.2019 Trips

Lifting payments are called payments that are provided to young specialists. These include people who have graduated from a higher educational institution. After receiving the certificate of completion and for the entire next year, their status does not change. To receive it, a university graduate, after the final exams, must legally go to work as assigned.

If this does not happen, the status “young specialist” is not assigned. Labor relations arise between the company and the employee, which are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 70. In this case, the young staff starts work without passing a probationary period.

Payments to young professionals

A young specialist can count on a one-time payment. The amount depends on the region of his residence. The conditions for providing compensation are specified in:

  • regulatory legal acts. Each city in the Russian Federation has its own laws regulating payments. For example, in St. Petersburg, tariffs and corresponding amounts are prescribed in the Social Code;
  • contracts of organizations where the employee went on assignment;
  • regulations on the status of a specialist, which is established both within a certain enterprise and at the regional level.

Social support is provided to the most in-demand, but least protected areas of activity. Teachers and healthcare workers receive it. Payments are made not only in a lump sum. Young professionals in the field of education can receive a monthly salary increase.

The legislation of the Russian Federation also provides for payment upon termination of the employment contract. If a young employee wants to resign under Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, he will have to return previously received funds back to the state budget. Lifting allowances have been paid since 2012 to young personnel who graduated from universities in 2011 and later. Graduates who have graduated from college or school and have received secondary specialized education can also count on this type of payment.

Important! Resolution No. 821, adopted on June 22, 2012, states that young graduates must receive monetary compensation during the first working month. The amount of allowance is affected by the chosen specialty and place of work. The project was created in order to encourage new personnel to work in their profession.

If an employee plans to move, then you will not have to count on compensation. The distribution program sends him to where he lived before entering the university.

Amount of lump sum payments in 2017

Program for young doctors “Zemsky Doctor”

Law on “Compulsory health insurance in Russia”, adopted on November 20, 2010, provides young graduates who have received medical education with monetary compensation in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles.

Doctors who wish to work in rural hospitals are paid for the purchase or construction of their own housing. The conditions for receiving funds under the program are specified in clause 12.1, art. 51 Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. Diploma of graduation from a higher medical institution.
  2. The specialist's age is no more than 50 years.
  3. Moving for permanent residence to a rural area from another region with subsequent employment.

Compensation is for graduating physicians only. Specialists with secondary medical education do not have the opportunity to receive funds under the Zemsky Doctor program. In addition to a university diploma, a young doctor must complete an internship and be fully prepared to work without mentors.

To receive a one-time payment, the employer must contact the local center administration with an application. Payment of compensation is carried out at the expense of the Federal Fund. It is recommended to check the specific date for receiving compensation at the local MHIF office.

Payments to young teachers

The amount of lifting payments is influenced by the region of employment. The conditions for receiving one-time funds are the same throughout the Russian Federation:

  1. The young teacher's age is 30-35 years.
  2. Availability of secondary specialized or higher pedagogical education. The institution where the future teacher studied must be accredited by the state.
  3. After graduation, a specialist must get a job in a government organization within 3 months.

The status “young specialist” is assigned once every 3 years. The legislation provides for cases of extension of this status:

  • maternity leave;
  • urgent military conscription;
  • full-time postgraduate studies.

Funds are issued to young specialist teachers:

  1. One time. The amount is paid depending on the future place of work: from 20-100 thousand rubles. Once a year for 3 years, the specified amount is transferred to the employee’s account. The cost of compensation depends on various factors: the average salary in the region of employment, standard of living. Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk and Ufa organized a program for young personnel: 1 year of work - compensation in the amount of 40 thousand rubles, 2 year - 35 thousand rubles, 3 year - 30 thousand rubles. The highest payments are provided to teachers working in the capital - 100 thousand rubles. A specialist teacher employed in St. Petersburg is entitled to compensation of 63 thousand rubles.
  2. In the form of a bonus to the existing salary. For Moscow, this is a 40% increase for holders of a blue diploma, 50% for a red one.
  3. Mortgage on preferential terms. Part of the loan funds is financed from the regional budget.

In the regions there is a program for young teachers who have moved to work in rural areas. Compensation to teachers is paid based on an application submitted to the local social security authority.

Procedure for receiving payments and taxation

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the employer who has provided a place to a young graduate issues raise payments. The benefit provided by the state to support new personnel is not taxed. The most important condition for receiving a lift is working in your specialty.

There is a program for preferential housing purchases. To participate in it, you must have worked in the organization for at least 5 years and need good living conditions. The documents must be accompanied by a certificate of absence of own housing or a document reflecting the need for improvement.

The disadvantages of this program include:

  1. High down payment - 30%. The employer can contribute these funds for the employee, subject to monthly deduction of the debt. Other terms of agreement between employer and employee are possible.
  2. Typically this program is aimed at people living in rural areas.


To receive compensation payments, a specialist must write an application upon employment. The employer prepares an order for payments and informs the employee about it. The employee examines the document and signs.

Required documents:

  • application signed by the employee;
  • a copy of a university diploma;
  • copy work book, notary certified. It must contain the date the employee was hired by the organization.

Based on the above documents, compensation is paid to teachers and doctors.

Other benefits for young professionals

In rural areas there are not enough qualified specialists, which is why benefits are introduced for them: increased salaries, partial payment for housing, payment of utility bills at reduced rates.

There is an additional program to support young graduates. To participate in it, you must contact social authorities after completing the distribution work. Under this program, a specialist can apply for the purchase of subsidized housing in the same area. Documents required to participate in the program:

  1. Statement.
  2. Passport.
  3. Diploma of secondary specialized or higher education.
  4. Children's birth certificate.
  5. A certificate confirming the need to improve living conditions (issued based on an inspection of housing by a special commission).
  6. A certificate from the bank confirming the availability of funds to make a down payment.

Important! Young teachers can count on purchasing housing with the help of the state. A mortgage on preferential terms involves partial payment for future housing, the purchase of an apartment at a reduced price, and a loan to pay off mortgage interest.

In some regions, young graduates are entitled to financial support at the beginning of their careers, an annual bonus, and discounted travel on public transport.

Young specialists are people who have completed a full course of higher and secondary specialized education. The young specialist remains so for the next year from the moment he received his diploma. To obtain this status, it is necessary to undergo training exclusively on a full-time basis and at the expense of the regional and federal budget.

The graduate must undergo final certification, after which he is awarded a state diploma.

Is there a concept of “young specialist” in current labor legislation?

— As such, the concept of “young specialist” does not exist in the current labor legislation. But the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Part 4 of Art. 70 provides that it is impossible to establish a test for persons who have graduated from primary, secondary and higher institutions vocational education who have state accreditation and enter work for the first time in their specialty within one year from the date of graduation from the educational institution.

Who is a young specialist and what is he entitled to?

“Federal legislation does not provide for bonuses and benefits for young specialists,” says Olga Efimova, an expert at the GARANT Legal Consulting Service.

Young specialist in education - Question No. 36710

In the current Federal legislation (the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code, Federal laws adopted on regulatory issues labor relations) there is no such thing as a “young specialist”.

However, the concepts of “young specialist” and “young worker” are used in various regulatory legal acts regulating labor and other directly related relations involving young professionals.

Young specialist, or Admission without testing

In September, after final exams and a short summer vacation, the personnel departments of companies will begin to be “besieged” by a special category of workers - young specialists. Perhaps one of them will become your employee. Today we will talk about the features of hiring yesterday’s graduate, as well as the preparation of his personal documents.

Having chosen one or another applicant, the company's management, as a rule, experiences slight doubt: “What kind of specialist comes to the company? How effective will his work be?

Traditionally ends in June-July academic year in all universities of the country, hundreds of thousands of yesterday's students are rushing to look for work. All of them are young professionals.

A young specialist is considered an employee who has received primary, secondary or higher vocational education, and first entered work in the acquired specialty within one year after graduating from an educational institution.

What is a young specialist entitled to?

Before the adoption of the current Labor Code, graduates were considered young specialists educational institutions secondary and higher vocational education. Today, the Labor Code does not contain the concept of “young specialist”.

Since it is now difficult for young graduates without experience to find a job, the state is trying in every possible way to facilitate their employment. State concessions are designed to compensate the employer’s costs of maintaining an essentially unprofitable category of young employees.

Before the adoption of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, young specialists were people who graduated from educational institutions of secondary and higher professional education.

The previously effective Labor Code of the Russian Federation separately stipulated a number of legal measures aimed at increasing social security when entering work for the specified category of persons after graduating from educational institutions. These included, in particular, provisions according to which persons who graduated from these educational institutions were provided with work in accordance with the acquired specialty and qualifications on the basis of agreements concluded by them with employers, or on the basis of agreements on the training of specialists concluded by educational institutions and employers (Part one of Article 182 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and the employer’s refusal to hire graduates of these educational institutions in accordance with these agreements could be appealed directly to the court (Part four of Article 182 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Part three of Article 210 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Features of payment of allowances to young specialists

Lifting payments are called payments that are provided to young specialists. These include people who have graduated from a higher educational institution. After receiving the certificate of completion and for the entire next year, their status does not change. To receive it, a university graduate, after the final exams, must legally go to work as assigned.

If this does not happen, the status “young specialist” is not assigned. Labor relations arise between the company and the employee, which are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 70. In this case, the young staff starts work without passing a probationary period.

A young specialist can count on a one-time payment. The amount depends on the region of his residence. The conditions for providing compensation are specified in:

  • regulatory legal acts. Each city in the Russian Federation has its own laws regulating payments. For example, in St. Petersburg, tariffs and corresponding amounts are prescribed in the Social Code;
  • contracts of organizations where the employee went on assignment;
  • regulations on the status of a specialist, which is established both within a certain enterprise and at the regional level.

Social support is provided to the most in-demand, but least protected areas of activity. Teachers and healthcare workers receive it. Payments are made not only in a lump sum. Young professionals in the field of education can receive a monthly salary increase.

The legislation of the Russian Federation also provides for payment upon termination of the employment contract. If a young employee wants to resign under Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, he will have to return previously received funds back to the state budget. Lifting allowances have been paid since 2012 to young personnel who graduated from universities in 2011 and later. Graduates who have graduated from college or school and have received secondary specialized education can also count on this type of payment.

Important! Resolution No. 821, adopted on June 22, 2012, states that young graduates must receive monetary compensation during the first working month. The amount of allowance is affected by the chosen specialty and place of work. The project was created in order to encourage new personnel to work in their profession.

If an employee plans to move, then you will not have to count on compensation. The distribution program sends him to where he lived before entering the university.

Amount of lump sum payments in 2017

Program for young doctors “Zemsky Doctor”

The Law on “Compulsory Health Insurance in Russia,” adopted on November 20, 2010, provides young graduates who have received medical education with monetary compensation in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles.

Doctors who wish to work in rural hospitals are paid for the purchase or construction of their own housing. The conditions for receiving funds under the program are specified in clause 12.1, art. 51 Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  1. Diploma of graduation from a higher medical institution.
  2. The specialist's age is no more than 50 years.
  3. Moving for permanent residence to a rural area from another region with subsequent employment.

Compensation is for graduating physicians only. Specialists with secondary medical education do not have the opportunity to receive funds under the Zemsky Doctor program. In addition to a university diploma, a young doctor must complete an internship and be fully prepared to work without mentors.

To receive a one-time payment, the employer must contact the local center administration with an application. Payment of compensation is carried out at the expense of the Federal Fund. It is recommended to check the specific date for receiving compensation at the local MHIF office.

The amount of lifting payments is influenced by the region of employment. The conditions for receiving one-time funds are the same throughout the Russian Federation:

  1. The young teacher's age is 30-35 years.
  2. Availability of secondary specialized or higher pedagogical education. The institution where the future teacher studied must be accredited by the state.
  3. After graduation, a specialist must get a job in a government organization within 3 months.

The status “young specialist” is assigned once every 3 years. The legislation provides for cases of extension of this status:

  • maternity leave;
  • urgent military conscription;
  • full-time postgraduate studies.

Funds are issued to young specialist teachers:

  1. One time. The amount is paid depending on the future place of work: from 20-100 thousand rubles. Once a year for 3 years, the specified amount is transferred to the employee’s account. The cost of compensation depends on various factors: the average salary in the region of employment, standard of living. Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk and Ufa organized a program for young personnel: 1 year of work - compensation in the amount of 40 thousand rubles, 2 year - 35 thousand rubles, 3 year - 30 thousand rubles. The highest payments are provided to teachers working in the capital - 100 thousand rubles. A specialist teacher employed in St. Petersburg is entitled to compensation of 63 thousand rubles.
  2. In the form of a bonus to the existing salary. For Moscow, this is a 40% increase for holders of a blue diploma, 50% for a red one.
  3. Mortgage on preferential terms. Part of the loan funds is financed from the regional budget.

In the regions there is a program for young teachers who have moved to work in rural areas. Compensation to teachers is paid based on an application submitted to the local social security authority.

Procedure for receiving payments and taxation

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the employer who has provided a place to a young graduate issues raise payments. The benefit provided by the state to support new personnel is not taxed. The most important condition for receiving a lift is working in your specialty.

There is a program for preferential housing purchases. To participate in it, you must have worked in the organization for at least 5 years and need good living conditions. The documents must be accompanied by a certificate of absence of own housing or a document reflecting the need for improvement.

The disadvantages of this program include:

  1. High down payment - 30%. The employer can contribute these funds for the employee, subject to monthly deduction of the debt. Other terms of agreement between employer and employee are possible.
  2. Typically this program is aimed at people living in rural areas.

To receive compensation payments, a specialist must write an application upon employment. The employer prepares an order for payments and informs the employee about it. The employee examines the document and signs.

  • application signed by the employee;
  • a copy of a university diploma;
  • a copy of the work record book, notarized. It must contain the date the employee was hired by the organization.

Based on the above documents, compensation is paid to teachers and doctors.

Other benefits for young professionals

In rural areas there are not enough qualified specialists, which is why benefits are introduced for them: increased salaries, partial payment for housing, payment of utility bills at reduced rates.

There is an additional program to support young graduates. To participate in it, you must contact social authorities after completing the distribution work. Under this program, a specialist can apply for the purchase of subsidized housing in the same area. Documents required to participate in the program:

  1. Statement.
  2. Passport.
  3. Diploma of secondary specialized or higher education.
  4. Children's birth certificate.
  5. A certificate confirming the need to improve living conditions (issued based on an inspection of housing by a special commission).
  6. A certificate from the bank confirming the availability of funds to make a down payment.

Important! Young teachers can count on purchasing housing with the help of the state. A mortgage on preferential terms involves partial payment for future housing, the purchase of an apartment at a reduced price, and a loan to pay off mortgage interest.

In some regions, young graduates are entitled to financial support at the beginning of their careers, an annual bonus, and discounted travel on public transport.

Government Russian Federation and local municipal authorities are interested in ensuring that graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions are employed. To achieve this goal, introduced benefits for young professionals both from the state and from the authorities of local city and village administrations.

In this article we will look at what benefits are provided for young professionals what is needed to obtain them and how to obtain the status young specialist to receive benefits.

Who is considered a young specialist according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation in Article 70 introduces a ban on employers establishing probationary periods for graduates of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, which they graduated less than a year ago. This is the only benefit for young professionals established Labor Code RF. Moreover, federal-level legislation does not in any way regulate benefits for young specialists, and even the very definition of “young specialist” status is not spelled out either in the Labor Code or in other federal-level laws.

However, in regional legislation, benefits for young professionals are presented more widely, and the main criteria for receiving such benefits are highlighted there. The criteria, that is, for determining the status of a young specialist, include the following:

  1. The age of a specialist is up to 35 years in most regions and up to 30 years in some;
  2. Compulsory education received in an educational institution with state accreditation through the full-time education system. To receive benefits, specialists with initial professional, secondary professional and higher education, that is, lyceums, vocational schools, technical schools, institutes and universities. In addition, in some regions it is customary additional condition to receive benefits - training on a budgetary basis;
  3. Employment is required immediately after receiving a diploma in public sector enterprises.

Since benefits for young specialists are left to the regional authorities, the benefits themselves, one-time payments and other social support measures at state-owned enterprises are mainly determined by intradepartmental industry agreements. In the non-state sphere, support for young specialists is carried out independently by enterprises on the basis of internal regulations.

Thus, in many cases, support for specialists is provided at enterprises independently, so it is better to find out all the information about support measures when applying for employment; in particular, this information should be published in the collective labor agreement of the enterprise. There is also often a document such as the “Regulations on the status of a young specialist”, which specifies the conditions for graduates to receive benefits, their working conditions, the amount of payments and the conditions for receiving them.

Age limit for young specialist status

Depending on the region of employment, the age limit at which an employee still has the right to enjoy benefits as a young specialist is set to 30 or 35 years. The status of a young specialist is assigned once and is valid for up to 3 years from the date of assignment.

However, there are exceptions in which the status of a young specialist is extended to 6 years. It could be:

  • When studying in graduate school or postgraduate study on a full-time basis;
  • While in
  • While on compulsory military service.

Social support for young professionals

Mostly measures to support young professionals are established by regional authorities by internal legislative acts. If you look at it, all social support comes down to providing young professionals with the following guarantees:

  • Guaranteed one-time payment for initial employment after graduation;
  • Compensation for using public transport;
  • Providing young professionals with corporate housing or providing subsidies for the purchase of an apartment (as an option, providing a loan for the purchase of an apartment or house on preferential terms);
  • Reimbursement of expenses for maintaining children in kindergartens (in whole or in part);
  • Providing an interest-free loan for starting a business.

The highest percentage of benefits received are among young professionals employed in the public sector of healthcare and education.

Thus, in the Decree of the Moscow Government “On measures to provide teaching staff to educational institutions in Moscow” No. 172-PP dated March 23, 2004. criteria have been established according to which the status of a young specialist and, accordingly, priority in receiving benefits is given to specialists who meet the following conditions:

  1. Availability of higher pedagogical or secondary vocational education;
  2. Age not older than 35 years;
  3. Start of professional pedagogical activity no later than 3 months after graduation.

At the same time, the main thing here is age and work in pedagogy. For example, a school teacher under the age of 35 has every reason to be considered a young specialist and enjoy all the benefits provided, regardless of the fact that his diploma may have nothing to do with pedagogy.

It is interesting that for St. Petersburg, the age limit established by the Law of St. Petersburg “On measures of social support for employees of state educational institutions” No. 107-27 of April 3, 2007, is only 30 years. The same age limit is established for young specialists in the city of Saratov, in accordance with the Law of the Saratov Region No. 96-ZSO “On social support for young specialists of public sector institutions of the Saratov Region” dated August 3, 2011.

As we can see, measures for social support for teachers are published in the form of city or regional laws. Therefore, the situation with support for young specialists in a particular region can be clarified by the education department of your region of work.

For young healthcare professionals, the situation is not so encouraging: benefits for young doctors are provided by the state only when they move to work in rural areas. Then, according to Federal Law No. 326-FZ of November 29, 2010 “On Compulsory Health Insurance in the Russian Federation,” young specialist doctors are entitled to benefits if they meet the following criteria:

  • Employment and living in rural areas;
  • Age up to 35 years;
  • Employment contract, concluded for a period of 5 years.

Benefits and payments for young specialists in the field of education and pedagogy

As we have already mentioned, for specialists in the field of education, the status and benefits for university graduates starting their careers are established not by federal, but by regional legislation. For Moscow and St. Petersburg this process goes like this:

Benefits and payments to young specialists in pedagogy and education in Moscow:

A young specialist in education in Moscow receives a one-time cash payment, and in addition to it - a salary increase in the amount of 40% of your rate. Graduates receive a 50% bonus, also for three years from the date of first employment.

Muscovites also receive compensation for 50% of the cost of travel on public transport in the amount of 15% of the rate.

However, the additional burden is not taken into account in calculating additional payments. When working one and a half or two times, the teacher will receive additional payments only for one.

Benefits and payments to young specialists in pedagogy and education in St. Petersburg:

In St. Petersburg, the situation is different: salary supplements are not provided in the northern capital, however, upon employment, specialists have the right to one-time payments in the amount of:

  • 6 basic rate units for all specialists who have graduated from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions with a state diploma;
  • 8 basic rate units for excellent students who graduated with honors.

Transport costs are reimbursed at the rate of 50% for any public transport, except taxis, for all young professionals under 30 years of age during the first three years of work.

To receive the required payment, you must submit an application to the Department of Education of St. Petersburg or the social security authority.

Social support for young healthcare professionals

Social support for young doctors is established at the federal level, but only for doctors working in rural areas. Federal Law No. 326-FZ determines payments for doctors who moved to work in rural areas in the amount of up to 1 million rubles under the all-Russian social program “Zemsky Doctor”. To receive payment, a necessary condition is to conclude an agreement with the local administration at the place of work in a rural area.

A prerequisite for obtaining allowances is a higher medical education and work in the specialty in rural areas for at least 5 years. If the contract is terminated before the expiration of 5 years, part of the amount received is returned. To support young doctors, the state also undertakes to provide them with housing, either by providing an apartment or house for living, or by providing land plot for the construction of a house, or by compensating part of the loan or loan amount for the purchase of an apartment (house).

A million rubles in advance are not taxed, since they have target direction This money can be used either to reimburse part of the loan from the state for the purchase of housing or to repay the mortgage loan with funds under the Zemsky Doctor program.

Regional initiatives for social protection of medical workers

To attract specialists to work in rural areas regional authorities establish additional measures. For example, in the Pskov region, measures to support not only doctors with higher education, but also specialists with secondary education are legislatively enshrined. For them, additional lump-sum payments are established in the amount of: