Where and how you can get a referral for targeted training at a university. How to get a targeted training referral

10.01.2018 Education

The practice of targeted placement in a university has been preserved since the times Soviet Union. In the nineties, due to the massive closure of enterprises, the “state order” for specialists lost relevance. But in last years An increasing number of applicants decide to take advantage of the opportunity for targeted training, thus providing themselves with more comfortable conditions for admission and a guarantee of further employment.

The target direction is, so to speak, a kind of official request from the state (at the level of local administration) or an interested employer addressed to the university.

In this request, the university is asked to allocate places for the training of specific students in a certain specialty. The target direction is given personally, only to one university and for one specialty. In turn, a student who has received education in the target field is obliged to work for the benefit of the state or in a certain organization for a certain amount of time (usually from three to five years).

It is necessary to take care of obtaining a targeted direction in advance, while still studying at school. There are several ways to get the desired place.

First, find an interested employer who would submit a request to the local administration (or to the ministry of the desired industry) to train the required specialist. Secondly, you can independently submit an application to the municipality, supported by a petition from the school director and various characteristics.

The local administration collects all applications for the future academic year and sends them to universities collaborating with it on a targeted training program. The number of allocated targeted places is determined by the university itself, based on its capabilities and the expected total number of applicants.

An application must be sent to the local administration, indicating the student’s personal data, the number of the educational institution, and the class in which the child is currently studying. You must also indicate your desired specialty and university. A plus will be the characteristics of the student attached to the application from the school director and a petition from an organization interested in obtaining this specialist.

When submitting documents for the target area to the university, the applicant must provide the originals of the certificate, the Unified State Examination result and other required documents. Only in this case will his application be considered. Simultaneous admission in the target direction and on a general basis, although practiced, is not encouraged.

The university must provide confirmation of the provision of places for targeted training before the start of the admission campaign. If there are more people wishing to study in a target program than the number of allocated places, then a competition is held among the “target students,” usually based on the Unified State Examination results. Those who did not pass the competition for targeted training can try to enter the same specialty again, this time with the general stream.

By receiving the target direction, the applicant solves two problems at once. Firstly, the admission procedure is greatly simplified. As a rule, the competition among applicants for the target field is much lower than for the same specialty, but in the main stream. Therefore, for successful admission, a lower number of Unified State Examination points is required. Secondly, training in the target area should theoretically be free.

If the student was sent by the administration, then he is allocated a budget place. If a certain company is interested in a future specialist, then it can cover the costs of training. In this case, an agreement is concluded with the student under which the sending company pays for the studies, and the student undertakes to work for several years in this company after graduation. Well, the second important aspect is the student’s further employment, although in practice the state does not always guarantee getting a job. If the employer is not able to hire a specialist trained by him, then he issues an “absentee slip”, which indicates that there are no vacancies for this specialty.

All the best.

Drawing up any documents, remote assistance, representation of interests in courts, including those from other cities. In personal mail, by phone, responses are paid.

When preparing to enter a university, it is necessary to consider all options. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. A future applicant should know that in addition to commercial and budgetary, there is another option for admission - a targeted direction.

Targeted training - what is it?

A target direction is a so-called official request from an interested employer or state addressed to a university. In this request, the university is asked to provide several places to train students in certain fields. The target direction is issued individually, for one specialty and only in 1 university. The student, in turn, who has received a free education, undertakes to work in a certain organization or for the benefit of the state for a certain amount of time (about 5 years).

Obtaining a targeted direction for training

You need to worry about submitting documents in advance - in the last school year. The person responsible for career guidance for graduates, the director or the class teacher can help in resolving this issue; you can act on your own.

  • The future student must decide on the specialty that interests him and choose the appropriate university.
  • After this, you need to start looking for a company willing to pay for your studies. You must petition his leadership. In most cases, the decisive factor is the place where the parents work: the company tries to accommodate conscientious employees and pays for their child’s education. If a future applicant has difficulties choosing an enterprise, then you can contact the local administration. They always have contacts of organizations that cooperate on employment and training issues with district or city leadership.
  • Submit an application to the local administration, where you indicate the direction in which you want to study. If you were able to independently choose an organization that agreed to pay for the training and accepted an application there, attach it to the application.

How to get a targeted training direction - necessary documents

An application is submitted to the local administration to receive a target referral, which indicates: general education institution, class in which the child is currently studying. The university and desired specialty are indicated. It would not be amiss to attach a reference for the student written by the school director, as well as a petition from an organization that is interested in this specialist.

When submitting documents to an educational institution in the target field, the applicant provides the original certificate, Unified State Exam results and other required documents. Only in this case will his application be considered. Simultaneous admission on a general basis and in the target area is practiced, but is not particularly encouraged.

Pros and cons of targeted training


  • training on a budget basis;
  • 100% employment after graduation from a higher educational institution;
  • providing places for all internships in government institutions;
  • possibility of receiving a scholarship;
  • support and assistance from the organization during training (collection of materials for scientific articles and coursework).


Whatever your plans and wherever you study, after completing your studies, you will have to go to work in the city in which you received the assignment. If a student studies at a prestigious Moscow university, after graduating from which he can be offered a decent job in the capital. However, if the direction for training was issued by the administration of the Irkutsk region, then he must return to the Irkutsk region.

Also, no one guarantees you a high-paying job. You may end up in an organization where you are required to complete training at low wages and lack of career growth.

Please note that with targeted training you will not be able to change your specialty. This is only possible with a close relationship between specialties. You will need to have a serious conversation with the donor organization and provide guarantees of good study.

Try to take advantage of every educational opportunity. If you are a purposeful and responsible person, then you will be noticed in the organization. You will have the opportunity to do good career and receive a decent salary.

Among modern applicants planning to enter universities, the practice of using a targeted direction has become popular. Alas, few are familiar with this method of admission.

Why do you need a targeted referral to a university from an enterprise or organization?

The practice of using targeted areas dates back to the times of the Soviet Union. The meaning of this direction is as follows: an applicant, choosing a specific profession, applies to an organization (enterprise) that provides him with a guarantee of employment and a document for training. This is called the target direction.

In addition to guaranteed employment, an applicant who has a target direction in hand has other advantages:

  • entrance exams to universities differ from ordinary ones in that they represent a special competition, which does not exclude passing exams provided for in the university admission program;
  • the competition in 2017 for this type of admission is 1-2 applicants per place (and this is quite a bit);
  • the opportunity to continue studying in graduate school;
  • completing an internship (of all types) at a selected enterprise;
  • combining study and work (after the third year) with a flexible schedule;
  • obtaining all the optimal conditions for professional and career growth student as a future qualified specialist;
  • training is paid for by the future employer, as an interested young specialist person or cash allocated from the federal budget.

Among the shortcomings, experts cite strict adherence to the conditions specified in the contract, according to which the targeted referral is issued to the person wishing to receive higher education in a certain specialty. Most often, this agreement is concluded on official level between three parties:

  1. Future student.
  2. An enterprise (organization, company, plant, etc.).
  3. Higher educational institution (institute, university, academy).

Although options for a bilateral agreement cannot be ruled out:

  • between the student and the organization;
  • between the university and the enterprise.

This document includes a list of all obligations specified specifically for each of the parties. For example, an enterprise undertakes to pay for a student’s education, and the student, in turn, undertakes to work at this enterprise for five years after receiving his education. This type of training is ideal for those Russians who already have a secondary specialized education and want to improve their qualifications in the specialty they previously acquired.

A feature of the target direction is its personalization, that is, it is issued to a specific person indicating his personal data and only for training in a specific educational institution.

How to get a targeted direction for study in 2017

The future student must decide whether it is worth going to study in the target field before the start of the admissions campaign. If he nevertheless decides to take such a step, he needs to choose a specific specialization and an enterprise that can provide a place for future work. In our country, the target direction can be obtained:

  • at the enterprise itself (organization, factory, etc.);
  • in the local city administration - municipality.

In the first case, an enterprise that has agreed to provide such assistance to a future student in their studies itself sends a corresponding petition to the city administration.

When applying to a company, you should contact its director directly, explain your request and write an official statement. In this handwritten document, the applicant must indicate the full name of the higher educational institution where he would like to study and the chosen specialization. And you will also need to submit a reference from the school to the city administration. After all the described procedures, the future student enters into a standard agreement on targeted training with a federal government body or local government body (or state company, business company, organization). The standard form of this agreement can be downloaded or printed by clicking on the following link http://sovetnik.consultant.ru/files/20150821celevoeobychenie.doc. The registration of contracts is most often carried out before the introductory campaign - from May to July. If the student is a minor, then the contract is concluded in his place by a legal representative, for example, one of the parents.

Is it possible to apply for a targeted application to Moscow universities in 2017?

In 2017, many universities in Moscow are accepting applicants in targeted areas. Thus, JSC Russian Space Systems (RSS) issues targeted directions to those wishing to study at such capital universities as MSTU. Bauman, MEPhI, MAI, MIREA, MPEI, MIIGAiK in thirteen specialties. Areas of training include geodesy, radio-electronic and telecommunication systems, infocommunication technologies, nanotechnology and instrument engineering. But to obtain such a document for training, it is not enough to have the desire to obtain the chosen specialty. To do this, you need to take part in a competitive selection. That is:

  • fill out a candidate form for targeted training;
  • submit to this organization a reference from the place of previous study and information about academic performance, results of passing the Unified State Exam;
  • attend all (!) meetings dedicated to the target recruitment;
  • undergo a special interview.

After such a selection, the future student may be given a targeted direction to study at one of the Moscow universities.