How to find out the results of the Unified State Exam in society. How to find out the result on the exam

19.08.2019 Education

Having passed the exam, everyone is looking forward to the results and wondering how and where to find out the grade and scores received. Schoolchildren and other Unified State Exam participants can obtain the necessary information in several ways, but it should be remembered that each region provides information according to its own scheme.

Information stands at school to find out the results of the Unified State Exam

Each region of Russia sets its own deadlines for summing up results. The maximum verification period is 12 days after passing the exam. There are schedules for issuing individual USE results, which indicate the processing time in the region and the date when the result will be reported. The school will post a list where next to your name you will find out the grade and number of points in the subject.

You can also contact teachers who will inform you about the exam results, mistakes made, etc. If you do not agree with the result, you have the right to appeal.

Find out the result of the Unified State Exam through education authorities

IN regional body The education department has information stands where the results of exams are also posted.

If in your region these authorities have a special website, then you will receive the necessary information there. To do this you need to register on the site.

PPE and place of obtaining a pass for the Unified State Exam

Each region organizes its own exam scheme for people who have already completed school. Results can be obtained at the exam locations or where you received your exam pass.

Find out the result of the Unified State Exam through the regional information processing center

Most regions have their own websites where the results of exams are published. These are free online services where the necessary information is provided based on personal data. On the Internet you can find a list of RCIO sites.

To find out the exam result, you must enter a code that confirms your identity:

  • Registration code, which is indicated in the Unified State Examination pass.
  • Passport data, namely series and number.
  • If another identification document was presented when applying for admission to the exam, its number is indicated.
  • Your SNILS number.

It is not recommended to use third-party sites or enter your passport data into them. This may be a scam site. At the school or exam admission point, find out the website of your regional center in advance.

Once you receive your results, you can appeal if you disagree with your scores. But this must be done within three days after the official publication of the results.

On the Internet there is official portal of the Unified State Exam. This portal allows the student or his parents to understand whether the required test has been passed and what its result is.

Unfortunately, not every region of our country decides to publish information about the results of the Unified State Exam on the specified website. If you cannot find your information, then you need to find a website in your region with information about the results. For example, for graduates of the Vladimir region, a link to the site where you can find out the results of the Unified State Exam using passport data is listed below - in the Sources section.

What information must be provided to find out the results of the Unified State Exam?

In order to find out the necessary information based on the results of the Unified State Exam, you must indicate the following data on the official website:

  • registration code or passport number (indicated without series);

  • region of your residence, for example, Moscow.

Required information may vary on regional websites. So, for example, on the website of the Vladimir region, a graduate will only need to indicate the series, passport number and subject in which the Unified State Exam was taken.

In what time frame can I find out the results of the Unified State Exam based on passport data?

On average, such periods are at least 9 days for compulsory subjects - mathematics and Russian language. And for the exams that the graduate himself chose, less time is needed - about 7 days.

Participants in the procedure can receive information about their scores and grades within a few days after passing the exam. For different disciplines, the testing time is set individually. For example, the Unified State Examination is checked within 6 days. But only 4 days are allotted for checking examination papers in other subjects. To know Unified State Exam results possible in the following ways:

  1. Study the records on the information boards of your educational institution. Each school posts announcements about student grades immediately after they appear on official resources.
  2. Contact educational institution, which issued the pass for the exam. This rule applies to Unified State Exam participants who are not graduates of this year.
  3. Obtain information at the exam reception point.
  4. Study the information stands at the regional education department.
  5. Go to the official website of the RCIO in your region.

The fifth method can be called the fastest and most convenient. However, not all USE participants have the opportunity to find out grades in this way: some constituent entities of the Russian Federation do not have such websites. Those who are interested in the question of how long it takes to publish exam results should remember the following: informing examinees by region occurs during three days after grading. For remote areas this period may be extended.

However, regardless of the conditions, USE participants must receive information about grades no later than 12 days for exams in Russian and mathematics, and no later than 9 days for exam tests in other subjects.

Students of secondary educational institutions taking trial Unified State Exam, can also find out the ratings on the regional RCIO website. To check your results online, you must enter a special code. It may be the series and number of the passport, the registration code indicated in the pass, or the SNILS number.

Many graduates of past years wonder How long are USE results valid?. Those who passed the exams a year ago and did not enter the university do not need to retake them again. Moreover, the 2013 Unified State Exam results will be valid until 2017. Accordingly, the certificate of USE results for 2014 can be used until 2018. Receive a document indicating the points for the Unified State exam, schoolchildren can in their secondary education institution. For other persons who have passed the Unified State Exam, a certificate is issued by the local education authority.

Unified State Examination results 2014

The Ministry of Education and Science announced the 2014 Unified State Exam scores. The picture turned out to be not entirely rosy. In general, the Unified State Exam passed worse than in 2013. However, education industry officials were sympathetic to this negative indicator, explaining this by the fact that the exam itself began to be conducted more objectively.

Unified State Examination in mathematics and Russian language 2014

Schoolchildren's knowledge in mathematics turned out to be 10 points worse: the national average is 40 points. Although this is twice as much as the minimum threshold that had to be overcome to obtain a certificate.

However, in the Russian language, current high school students showed an insignificant difference in results: only a little over 1 point. In place of 63.94 points demonstrated in 2013, this year GPA was 62.5. The number of graduates with maximum scores in the Russian language is no longer off the charts. All data must undergo analytical processing before the fall of 2014. The minimum requirement for the Russian language was also reduced from 36 to 24 points. Otherwise, according to officials from Rosobrnadzor, many graduates might not receive their coveted high school graduation document at all.

According to Livanov, in 2013 only 11 thousand schoolchildren did not cross the minimum barrier, which amounted to 1.5% of total number all graduates. If the previous minimum of 36 points had remained in 2014, then there would have been 28 thousand people or 4.2% of graduates without a certificate.

However, the minimum limit was lowered to 24 points in 2014. 10.5 thousand graduates failed to overcome it, i.e. about the same in percentage, as in 2013.

Other Unified State Exam subjects

As for all other subjects, there is also a downward trend in indicators. For example, knowledge fell by 9 points over the year, it decreased by 13 points, a slight drop of 5 points was noted, the indicators also decreased by 5 points, knowledge deteriorated by 6 points.

In the humanities, knowledge deterioration was noted by 12 points, 10 points, and underachievement by 7 points and 6 points, respectively.

There is also a general decrease in graduates who have gained a large number of points in all subjects. There were 65 thousand fewer schoolchildren who received between 80 and 100 points: 115 thousand in 2014 instead of 180 thousand in 2013. Only 3,500 graduates were able to score 100 points, instead of 9,000 eleventh graders in 2013.

Low scores on the Unified State Examination were shown mainly by students from weak schools. In order to somehow rectify the situation, the Ministry instructed the regions to develop special programs that provide support for such schools and their students.

In addition, the department understands that a negative factor influencing the result is the psycho-emotional state of the student during the testing process. To avoid or at least reduce Negative influence This factor, the official promises to remove the feeling from the student that this is his only chance. To achieve this, it will be possible to take the test within school year and retaking it again.

It is known that in 2015 some amendments will be made to the procedure for conducting mandatory exams. The Unified State Examination in Russian and mathematics will become two-level. The form of passing examination tests for each student will be determined by choosing a university. To enter the humanities, you will need to pass Russian at the profile level, and mathematics at the basic level. Technical universities, on the contrary, will need a specialized certificate in mathematics and a basic certificate in Russian. This measure should contribute to improving the average USE results in compulsory disciplines.

Livanov also noted that holding the Unified State Exam is a big waste Money for the state. Thus, 1 billion 163 million rubles were spent on holding the exam in 2014. Unlike last year, in which the examination cost only 500 million rubles, in 2014 a couple of positions were added, due to which the entire certification process became more expensive.

First, widespread video surveillance was introduced in schools where the exam was held. For this purpose, 40 thousand cameras were purchased for the amount of 600 million rubles.

Secondly, the increase in price occurred due to transport costs that were required to transport exam papers to the regions. 63 million rubles were allocated and spent for this.

The 2015 Unified State Exam results can be found on the following resources:


new technologies” (RTsOI St. Petersburg)

Novosibirsk Department of Education
Nizhny Novgorod Ministry of Education http://minobr.

Samara Ministry of Education and Science of the Samara Region http://www.educat.
Chelyabinsk Ministry of Education and Science http://www.


Omsk Ministry of Education http://www.mobr.


Rostov-on-Don Ministry of General and Vocational Education

There is also an official information Unified State Exam portal, where you can view the results: (the portal is currently inactive, but it will resume its work during the period of passing the state exam).