Rules for registration and filling of the work book. Employment history

22.12.2017 Career and Work

Some employers, taking on a particular position young man, do not rush to wind up on him work book. This is motivated by the fact that the newly minted employee must pass a probationary period, or they refer to the lack of book forms. Or even do not focus on this issue at all.

By working without a work book, you thereby "help" the employer to break the law. And you also expose yourself to the danger of receiving in the future not all the pension due to you, which is calculated based on the total length of service. Namely, all entries about work are made in the work book, including the terms of work. The work book must be issued in the personnel department (OK) of the enterprise where the young specialist begins his career. Forms of books for newcomers to work can be allocated by the employer free of charge or for money. In this case, the fact of payment must be confirmed by a cashier's check, if the payment goes through the cash desk of the enterprise, or by deducting a certain amount from wages. In the second case, this should also be documented.

Often, the employer company does not purchase work books for its young employees - then you will have to buy it yourself. They are sold in stationery stores in departments where accounting forms are sold.

The entries on the first page that the employee makes must be checked by the young specialist and certified by his personal signature. This:
  • Full Name;
  • Date of Birth;
  • Education;
  • Speciality;
  • Date of filling out the work book;
  • Surname and signature of the person who issued the work book.

The rules for maintaining, filling out and issuing work books to employees of enterprises or firms are described in the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation “On approval of instructions for filling out work books”.

As you can see, it is very easy to start a work book if you have officially got a job. The main thing is to focus on this moment on the day you are hired and oblige the employee to write out your personal work book.

A work book is a document accounting for the work experience of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Registration of a work book upon employment, as well as its subsequent filling and preservation takes place in the personnel department of the organization, in the absence of such an obligation lies with the head or a person authorized by him. The question of how to issue a work book is very important, since this affects the registration of an employee's pension upon reaching a certain age.

When hiring a new employee for a vacant position in an organization, it may be necessary to initially draw up a record of work experience. How to issue a work book for the first time?

Entry in the work book about hiring and transfer to another position

The book of accounting for seniority contains three paragraphs. Initially fill in the title page on the basis of the passport provided by the employee:

  • full date of birth;
  • specialization;
  • education;
  • date of issue of the book;
  • accompanying signatures and explanations;
  • company seal.

This is followed by filling out for the first time a paragraph that contains data on employment. All entries are made with one type of ink of the same color. Use to indicate dates Arabic numerals. Abbreviations are excluded, the data is recorded in full and in legible handwriting.

Rules for issuing work books

Every responsible employee of the personnel department should know how to properly draw up a work book. Each column is filled with the utmost care and accuracy.

Be sure to stamp the employment data page with the full name and address of the business. If there is no stamp, the necessary information is entered manually.

The rules for issuing work books include making notes about the employee's awards and regalia, which are confirmed by relevant documents and certificates. It should also be noted who made the award. Cash bonus payments in the work book are not indicated.

Sample work book

When filling out the information about employment in full, you need to paste a special insert. It is forbidden to make entries related to the employment paragraph on other sheets.

How changes are made to the workbook

Erroneously entered data cannot be painted over or erased. The mark "corrected to believe" is also excluded. Possible which carried out at the last place of employment.

Decor title page workbook is a very important point. If it is subject to correction, for example, a surname, then irrelevant information is carefully crossed out with one line. New data is entered from above. On the back cover of the employee's seniority record book, indicate the documentation that served as the basis for the changes. Footnotes are certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of the head. Further adjustments are made to indicate the correct mark below, without crossing out the previous entry.

The correct execution of the work book directly depends on the accrual of pensions to citizens in the future.

If a mistake was made at the previous place of work of citizens when entering information into the work book, then a written confirmation of the previous employer will be required for correction. Any correction of the data should be made only after previous post declared invalid.

Rules for the design of inserts of work books

Sometimes the question arises of how a work book is drawn up if one of the paragraphs is completely filled out. In this case, you need to add a paragraph. The insert is pasted into a certain section or at the end of the work record book of the employee. After such manipulations, a mark is made in the work book, which informs about the addition of an insert, indicate its serial number. An example of registration of a work book shows that an insert presented separately from a work book is not valid.

If a work book is lost, then it is not enough just to issue a new document. It is necessary to issue a duplicate, for which the employee must apply. The personnel department prepares the document within 15 days. The duplicate document indicates the total length of service of the employee, up to current moment employment. They transfer special marks, for example, about rewarding.

How is part-time employment and dismissal in the work book

Where to apply for a work book while working at two jobs? Labor record, indicating part-time work, is done at the main place of employment. Often, part-time work is formalized in the form of an employment agreement.

Data informing about the transfer of an employee, dismissal, part-time employment and other changes related to his employment are entered in the third column of the paragraph of information about work. They also indicate the nuances associated with changing working relationships.

On the day the employment relationship is broken between the employer and the employee, the latter is given his work book. If the employee did not pick up his documents, he is sent a notification that he needs to pick up the documents or agree to their mailing.

Unclaimed seniority records are stored in the personnel department for 2 years, after which they are transferred to the company's archive.

In order to avoid misunderstandings, you should be very careful about the rules for registering a book of accounting for the length of service of citizens.

The work book is the main document containing legally reliable information about the work and experience of the employee. We'll consider important questions regarding the types and options for their registration, the issuance of originals and duplicates, as well as the nuances of registration when working with foreign citizens.

The article discusses important issues related to the types of work books and options for their execution, the issuance of originals and duplicates, as well as the nuances of issuing this document for foreign citizens.

From the article you will learn:

How to accept a work book from a hired employee

The employer is obliged to accept and start a newly hired employee within the first five days after he began his activity in the company. Consider the question of how to accept a document from an employee for storage, in what cases he can get it in his hands and what to do if there is no book.

The employee does not have a work book

The applicant at the stage of employment is required to present a work book (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). When accepting it for subsequent maintenance and storage, it is necessary to check that the last note in it is the mark of dismissal from the previous place of work. Its absence means that the employee is still working on from the previous employer, or the fact that the employer simply did not make the appropriate mark.

In such cases, a specialist can be issuedat the same timeor he must ask the former employer to properly formalize his dismissal.

Example 1

If we are talking about part-time work, the work experience must be kept by the employer at the main place of work. The main employer can also make a mark on part-time employment after the employee presents papers confirming the part-time job.

Example 2

An employee can receive his labor in his hands only in two cases: upon dismissal and for processing payments for mandatory social insurance including for retirement. Until January 1, 2015, this was not possible - the employee was given only a copy or an extract issued in the prescribed manner. Personnel workers of some enterprises themselves brought the papers of their employees to Pension Fund.

The act of destruction of the damaged form of the work book of the employee

Today, in order to receive original papers with information about work experience in hand, an employee can write an application in any form with an explanation of the reasons. He is obliged to return them to the employer within three working days after the Pension Fund returns the papers (part four of article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Application for the issuance of an employee's work book

For registration and accounting of papers received by employees of the enterprise, there should be a separate journal, the form of filling it out is arbitrary. Use the unified form for this and inserts in them are not allowed, since there are no corresponding columns in it. This book provides for only one option for registering the issue - upon dismissal of an employee.

Journal of the issuance of work books

If the employee, having received the papers, returns them later than the established three-day period, bring him todisciplinary responsibilityit is impossible, but in order to make sure, in the PVTR it is possible to stipulate a return period and make it obligatory for employees to collect certificates from previous places of work in case of its loss.

Copy of work book

When an employee needs a document for other purposes, you can give him a copy. The employer is obliged to issue it upon a written application of the employee within three days from the date of application (Article 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). You need to copy all the pages on which there are records. Each must be certified with the inscription “True” or “Copy is correct”, indicate the position of the person who made the copy, put his signature with a transcript and date of certification. The signature can be certified by the seal of the enterprise, intended specifically for such purposes.

Employment records by years

Having received the document from the employee, the first step is to check its authenticity. In addition to finding out which series a document belongs to, you need to pay attention to its external signs. Consider how they differ, how to check and take them into account.

Rumors that work books will soon be canceled have been going on for years. Personnel officers are worried, not really understanding how office work will be carried out in this case. But, being aware of how the preparations for this event are going, you can be sure that the adaptation will take place without any problems.

The procedure for receiving a work book

Check the work book for authenticity, exclude the acceptance of invalid or fake documents.

Check compliance with the order of procurement and accounting of forms.

Collect all the documents necessary to confirm the length of service, check them for compliance with the new legal requirements.

Check the entries made in the work book for compliance with the established rules for maintaining this document, if errors are found, make adjustments in accordance with these rules.

On the one hand, theoretically, the work of personnel officers with the abolition of books should be simplified. There is no need to purchase, register and account for forms, organize storage, archiving and disposal. But many doubt that the abolition in practice will lead to a simplification of the workflow, there is no guarantee that it will not be necessary to introduce other documents to confirm work experience.

What documents can confirm the work experience of an employee

  • Originals of employment contracts concluded with previous employers.
  • Official certificates, properly executed, issued by government organizations or previous employers.
  • Extracts from instructions and orders duly certified.
  • Personal accounts and copies of pay slips confirming payroll.
  • Documents confirming the fact of payment by the employee of social insurance contributions.
  • Other documents such as military ID, etc.

With a high degree of certainty, you can establish authenticity, knowing the numbers of these documents assigned in different years and their main attributes. The table below provides a list of regulations that may be useful to personnel officers when authenticating (Section II of Order No. 91).

How to check a work book

Before an inspection can begin, an order must be issued. There is no unified form for it, so you can compose it in any form.

Order on the verification of work books

The first step is to determine if a valid form has been used. The purchase of forms directly from Goznak or official distributors (clause 3 of the Procedure approved by Order No. 117n) is the responsibility of the employer (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and often the purchase is entrusted to inexperienced specialists. Not having necessary knowledge, they can acquire fake forms, but you can verify their authenticity, having an idea of ​​​​the protective elements characteristic of different periods. This does not apply to the series from 1938, it does not have protective elements.

The check is carried out in the following order:

Check the form for compliance with the form valid at the time of registration.

Find out the publisher of the form (only the Goznak factory).

Check the series of the work book, it must correspond to the year of registration (see table below).

Check that the same series and number are indicated on all pages of the document; page numbering must be consecutive.

If the verification is carried out by several people, its result may be drawn up not in a report, but in a protocol. The tables below show the series of main documents and their inserts according to the year of issue of the forms.


Year of issue


Year of issue

Existing types of work books

Labor books of the 1938 model

In addition to the series and numbers, authenticity can be appearance document. Thus, documents of the 1938 model, approved by Decree No. 1320, have a dark purple outer sheath made of leatherette. Such a document was issued to workers and employees and, despite the absence of security signs, they were practically not forged. Distinctive feature there are also bilingual forms (Russian and the language of one of the 14 union republics). The title page has a simplified look - there is no coat of arms of the USSR on it (it is on the cover), there is no number and series, the employer's seal was not affixed. The date of birth of the owner contains only the year, and the dates indicated in the information about employment were entered in the format year, month, day.

Labor books of the 1973 model

In 1973, Decree No. 656 approved new sample. Its cover can be made of green leatherette or blue cardboard. The latter need to be checked especially carefully, among them fakes are most common. In addition to the type of cover, when checking this series, you need to pay attention to the years of issue, especially the late 1980s. These documents were drawn up by workers and employees, from the protective signs it should be noted the winding lines, clearly visible through the light. The forms of this series were bilingual, the coat of arms of the USSR was on the cover and title page, the number of pages was increased compared to other types of books. A series and number are affixed to each spread, three lines are allocated on the title page for entering personal data. The mark of the Goznak printing house is affixed on the last page.

Sample work book 1973

Labor book of a collective farmer, sample 1975

Collective farm workers were issued a work book of a collective farmer of the 1975 model, approved by Decree No. 310. Its cover is made of green leatherette. Winding lines visible through the light were also used as protection elements. Bilingual forms, in which membership in the collective farm was calculated in workdays. If such a book is presented by an employee when applying for a job, you should not continue to use it - it is better to issue a duplicate. Entries made in the language of one of the Union republics must be duplicated in Russian.

A sample of the work book of a collective farmer in 1975

Opening of the work book "membership in the collective farm

The current form of the 2003 sample was approved by Decree No. 225. Its cover is made of gray leatherette. It is issued upon initial employment for all employees who sign employment contracts with Russian organizations and enterprises. In addition, permanent missions and foreign companies operating in Russia also issue work books of this series to their employees.

  • the inscription "Employment book" glowing in ultraviolet rays;
  • a seam that prevents the replacement of sheets;
  • watermarks in the form of the TK abbreviation on each page.

Each spread has a series and number, the coat of arms of Russia is on the cover and title page, the mark of the Goznak printing house is on the last page.

Work book sample 2003

Opening of the work book "information about work

If the work book is invalid

In the event that the check showed that one of the employees had a fake or invalid document, it is necessary to inform him of this fact. The employee must write an application addressed to the head of the enterprise (part five of article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) with a request to issue him a new document. In this case, a duplicate cannot be issued, since the original document is issued on a fake form.

How to write an application for a new work book

Application for a new work book

To describe the reason why it is necessary to issue new papers, it is better to indicate a “form of an unspecified form”. To confirm the previous experience, the employee can go to court or collect supporting documents from previous employers.

Director of Actual Management LLC Ekaterina Shestakova draws the attention of personnel officers to the fact that most of currently used forms (with the exception of the 1938 series) have an increased level of protection against forgery. But there are no clearly established regulations by which the identification of fakes is carried out.

Yevgenia Simakova, an expert of the Kadrovoe Delo magazine, advises in practice identify authentic forms on the following grounds:

  • manufactured at the Goznak factory;
  • the number and series correspond to those assigned at the time the document was drawn up, the same on each page;
  • page numbering is sequential.

How information about education is entered on the title page of the work book

How to enter information about education correctly if the document is issued for a fifth-year student of a state higher educational institution: “incomplete higher education” or “incomplete higher education”?

If the student has already completed three full courses, the “incomplete higher” mark is entered in the “Education” line (clause 2.1 of the Instructions for filling out, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of October 10, 2003 No. 69, hereinafter - Instruction No. 69).

How to make corrections to the education mark on the title page?

In accordance with clause 2.4 of Instruction No. 69, records of education cannot be corrected, they can only be added by adding new information, without crossing out the previously entered ones. If, for example, in the line "Education" there was an inscription " secondary vocational", After it you need to put a comma and write " higher professional" (clause 2.1 of Instruction No. 69). It is not necessary to certify the additions made.

An employee is registered for work who no longer has space left to make new entries in the “Job Details” section. An insert is sewn into the document, at this moment the employee has an average professional education(on the title page of the book is “average general). What to write on the title page of the insert?

The title page of the insert contains information that is relevant at the moment. It should indicate the education that the employee currently has.

What is the word order when making an entry about dismissal

How to correctly formulate the mark of dismissal: “the employment contract was terminated by own will(employee's initiative)" or "fired voluntarily (employee's initiative)"? When a link is given to an article Labor Code- grounds for dismissal, what is the sequence of presentation of the wording? If an employee quits of his own free will, how is it correct to refer to the Labor Code: “Article 77, part one, paragraph 3” or “paragraph 3 of part one of Article 77”?

When making a record of dismissal, it is necessary to be guided by Article 84 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and give a reference to the applicable norm of the law in the following sequence: article, part of the article, paragraph of the article completely without abbreviations.

For example: “Article 77, part one, paragraph 3 of the Labor Code Russian Federation". In this case, any wording can be used: both “terminated at the initiative of the employee”, and “dismissed at his own request”.

How the years of service in the army are reflected in the work book

How is military service calculated? How are the entries numbered correctly: 04 or 4?

The terms of service in the ranks of the armed forces are entered in accordance with the dates indicated on the military ID. Records are numbered with a serial number from 1 to 9 without zeros: 1, 2, 3, etc.

Documents for the employee were issued in 2002. They contain several entries, but there is no record of contract service in the army from 1998 to 2000. Is it necessary to reflect this period?

Yes, the period of contract service in the army must be reflected, and the absence of a record of this is a violation committed by the personnel worker who issued the document. When making an entry, put down the serial number, indicate the current date of making, in column 3 write: "From ... to ... he served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." In column 4, indicate the military ID, its series and number as the basis document.

After demobilization, the employee got a job at the first place of work, where he was issued a work permit. After the admission record, a note was made about the transfer to another unit. How to correct the situation and correctly enter a mark on military service?

Such a mark can be made under the following serial number.

How to make adjustments if an employee's personal data changes frequently

An employee often changed her last name due to marriage. As a result, there was no free space left either on the title page or on the inside cover, which indicates on the basis of which personal data was corrected. How can I correct the name in this case?

All changes in personal data must be reflected on the title page without fail. You can use the top or bottom margin of the title page to make corrections. Old data is crossed out with one horizontal line, new ones are written above them (clause 2.3 of Instruction No. 69). A certification inscription is made on the inside of the cover, the authenticity of which is confirmed by the signature of the employer and the seal of the enterprise. If there is no more room on the front inside cover, you can write on the back.

How to change the name of the enterprise when renaming it

How to correctly enter the abbreviated name of the organization in the papers? Should it be in parentheses?

The mark containing the name of the enterprise is not numbered. The name is indicated in the same way as it is written in the statutory documents. If they contain both the full and abbreviated names of the legal entity, both of them must be indicated. The abbreviated name must be written below the full one, while brackets and quotation marks cannot be used.

For example: Limited Liability Company "Television Systems Studio" OOO STVS.

How to reflect the fact of renaming the company?

If during the period when the employee worked in the company, it was renamed, in column 3, in a separate unnumbered line, the inscription is made: "Organization "A ..." from 05/12/2016 was renamed (transformed) into organization "B ..." (Section 3.2 of Instruction No. 69). This mark must be included in the documents of all employees.

If the name of the organization specified when applying for a job has changed several times over the years, how can it be corrected?

Name changes must be made promptly and in a timely manner. But if this has not been done, enter only the current name. At the same time, please note that the specified name of the enterprise must match the details that are reflected on the seal certifying the fact of dismissal.

How to make corrections in the work book

When making a record of dismissal, the date of the order was indicated with an error. How to indicate in the book that it is invalid?

Contribute new record under the next number. In column 3, write: “The entry for No. ... is invalid” (clause 1.2 of Instruction No. 69). Indent one line below, enter the correct entry.

The currently liquidated organization made a mistake in the name of the specialist when filling out the document for the first time. What documents must be submitted to establish its ownership?

In the case when the surname of the employee did not change and it was a typo that was made, it is no longer subject to correction. The employee needs to issue a duplicate.

How to fix incorrect numbering, for example, if one number is duplicated twice. What to do if you made a mistake and made an entry about the award not in the work book, but in the insert?

Duplication of record numbers is not considered an error, leave it as it is. Recognize the entry made by mistake in the loose leaf as invalid and make the correct entry in the section "Information about awards". Indicate the name of the enterprise in it, put the following serial number and enter the information.

The applicant presented the document, in its insert the numbering of entries starts anew from No. 1. The dismissal record made in November 2003 contains the following information: “dismissed under article 31 of the Labor Code (the organization has already been liquidated). There are other records of dismissal under Article 80, and not in accordance with paragraph 3 of the first part of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. What should be done?

In this situation, you have two options.

The first is to leave the entries made earlier unchanged, hoping that the FIU will not find fault and will not consider errors of principle, since such errors were common in the period 2003-2004. Second: cancel the old form by crossing out all the remaining blank pages in it and make a note about the issuance of a duplicate. In the duplicate, indicate the total total experience. This option seems to us the most preferable.

Our holding includes enterprises that have the form of ownership of CJSC and LLC. The personnel specialist, making an entry, made a mistake, indicating that the employee was dismissed by transfer from an LLC to a CJSC. But in fact, he continues to work in LLC. How to proceed?

In accordance with paragraph 1.2 of Instruction No. 69, an erroneous entry may be invalidated.

Since the section "Information about work" ran out of free space, and the personnel officer did not notice this, a record of admission was made in the section "Information about the award". The error was discovered only a year later. How to proceed in such a case?

Issue an insert for the employee and make a record of employment in it. The entry made in the section "Information about the award" should be invalidated.

When filing an employee's dismissal, I did not notice that there was no record of the transfer to another position (the manager was promoted to the position of head of sales). A record was made of the dismissal, a certifying signature and seal was put. The next entry contained information about the admission in the order of transfer to a subsidiary (I also maintain it). At this point, the error was discovered. How can it be corrected?

Now it is not possible to correct the mistake made. The only acceptable way out, in our opinion, is to wait for the moment when labor Relations with this employee will be terminated. It is necessary to make a record of the dismissal, and then re-open the block of records of this employer, to which the employee was transferred. Indicate in the title its full and abbreviated (if any) name. Put the following serial number, indicate the date when the employee was promoted, and in column 3 - information about the transfer to another position, and in column 4 - the name and details of the base document. In order not to forget to do this, put it in a work memo, it will also come in handy if subsequent entries are made by another personnel officer.

Conducting scheduled inspection, found the following error: the worker was employed as a locksmith, but in fact he has been working as a turner all this time. There is no translation record. How to proceed in this case?

Make an entry under the following serial number with the current date, in column 3 make an inscription: “From such and such a date he was transferred to work as a turner”, indicate the category. In column 4, indicate the name and details of the document according to which the transfer to another position was made.

How to correct mistakes made on the title page

The title page has an incorrect date of birth. How can I make corrections if the initial registration was carried out at our enterprise?

We are hiring a new employee. Only the year of birth is indicated on the title page of the presented papers (without date and month).

The personnel officer, who does not have sufficient experience, also made a mistake when making corrections. The incorrect entry was crossed out by him, the correct data was entered. On the inside of the cover, he made a reassuring inscription: “information about the date of birth has been changed on the basis of the passport ...”, the company’s seal was put on. How to proceed in this case? During the initial registration, incorrect information about education and specialty was entered. Can this error be corrected?

It is forbidden to make any corrections on the title page, with the exception of those relating to changes in personal data, such as surname or name. In these cases, the employee will need to issue a duplicate, their issuance is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225 “On work books” (hereinafter - Decree No. 225).

How is the length of service reflected in the work book

The employee found her document, dated 1998, which she considered lost. It contains records of experience not taken into account in the new document issued in 2001 to replace the lost one. The employee wrote a statement with a request to bring the information about the experience into line. How to do it right?

Nothing needs to be added to the new document, it should be maintained in the usual manner. The first document must be canceled by crossing out the remaining blank lines and deposited with the employee. When applying for a pension, she will have to present both documents to the FIU, and her length of service will be taken into account in full.

If an employee's profession qualifies for early retirement, do I need to write its name on the title page in full?

For example, an electrician for the repair and installation of cable lines, constantly employed in soldering lead-lined cables and cables with polyethylene and PVC sheaths (according to list No. 2). In such cases, the name of the profession and specialty is written in full, in accordance with clause 3.1 of Instruction No. 69. If this is not done, the employee may have problems with the Pension Fund when applying for an early pension.

What to do if there is no seal on the title page of a book issued in 1991 by an enterprise that has been liquidated at the moment?

This can be a serious problem, since if there is no seal of the enterprise that issued the work book, it is considered invalid. An employee can make an attempt to find an enterprise - the successor of the liquidated organization. The current employer has the right to issue a new document to the employee from the moment he is hired - article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows this possibility. Naturally, the worker's experience in the first book will be lost.

The employee's previous employer first made a record of part-time admission, and then that he was transferred to the main place of work. There is no record of dismissal. The company was liquidated. What is the right thing to do in this situation?

There is hope that the employer, when liquidating the enterprise, handed over documents on personnel for archival storage. Let the employee go to the archive. The certificate issued by the archive will become the basis for the FIU to set off the experience.

How to make corrections to the incorrectly indicated name of the former employer, if it is not possible to find it?

You can't fix anything here - this period will not be counted when calculating a pension.

In the 1970s, the employee worked in an anti-hail expedition on the territory of the Tajik SSR. The document does not contain a note that he worked in the field, so there was a refusal to apply for an early pension. How can such a problem be solved?

The employee must apply to the organization from which he was sent on an expedition. He must be issued certificates confirming the field experience, from which he will submit to the FIU. If this organization has been liquidated, you can send a corresponding request to the archive. Certificates issued by the archives are recognized and accepted by the FIU.

How to issue a duplicate work book

Let the employee apply to the last place of work with an application for a duplicate of the established form.

The employee received the original document in hand for presentation to the social service. He fell into the hands little child, which tore the pages starting with section 2 - "Award Details". Is it necessary in this case to issue a duplicate to the employee or is it enough to sew in an insert?

In this case, it is necessary to issue a duplicate in the manner prescribed by Resolution No. 225.

A new employee, getting a job at our enterprise, presented two books, a sample of 1973 and 2003. From the records made in them, it can be seen that he got a job on them one by one. What should we do?

It is necessary to leave only one document to the employee. Which of the two depends on when he applied for a job for the first time and which particular sample was considered valid for that period. If the initial registration took place before 2004, you can leave a document of the 1973 sample, if after the beginning of 2004, then it is better to leave the one on which the coat of arms of the Russian Federation stands.

Another document must be canceled by crossing out all empty lines and blank pages in it. The employee must receive it in his hands and keep it until he needs to draw up a labor pension. It is necessary to explain to the employee that it is in his interests to contact his former employers and collect the missing certificates from them, on the basis of which he will be able to confirm his length of service in full.

How to get a work book for a foreigner

We have two employees - citizens of the former Soviet republics - Ukraine and Belarus. At the Ukrainian woman, the form of the Ukrainian sample was carried out first in Russian, and later in Ukrainian. The Belarusian uniform of the republican sample was originally issued in the Belarusian language. The personnel officer who worked before me saw fit to continue to keep them and made appropriate entries in them. What was the right thing to do?

Forms of samples installed in the former Soviet republics on the territory of the Russian Federation are invalid. According to Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer must keep work books for each employee who has worked for more than five days, in the form established by the Government of the Russian Federation. All foreigners working at the enterprise must have documents of a sample approved by Resolution No. 225.

Is it possible to make current entries in Soviet-style forms owned by citizens of the former republics of the USSR?

Forms valid during the Soviet period are considered valid and do not need to be exchanged.

Reference materials:

  • b. make an entry on the back cover of the work book;
  • c. draw up an insert in the work book.

3. In what case is NOT a duplicate of the work book issued:

  • a. there are corrections in the original document;
  • b. there is an entry in the original document that has been declared invalid;
  • c. the original was damaged by a worker.

4. Where should the seal of the organization be affixed when issuing a copy of the work book:

  • a. only on the first and last pages;
  • b. on all pages of the copy;
  • c. on all pages where there is enough free space for printing.

5. What is reflected in the section of the work book "Information about awards":

  • a. cash bonuses for success in work;
  • b. victories in corporate competitions;
  • c. assignment of state awards and honorary titles.

Increasingly, there are cases when applicants prefer to do without a document in which all information about professional activity. That is, to apply for a job “informally”. And in vain. This document is your guarantee future pension. Therefore, you should worry about this in advance. In addition, it is not the employee, but the employer, who should take care of how to start a work book.

The rules for issuing this document are described in the instructions of the Ministry of Labor of Russia. Therefore, both the employee and the employer will have to spend part of their free time studying it. So you will only win, being already savvy in this matter. Document execution is performed only for employees of the organization who carry out labor activities for more than one working week

Many workers very often ask themselves the question of what is the right thing to do: start a work book in a new version or leave the old one? The answer in this case is the following: there is no need to change the old document.

If an employee has employment experience for the first time, then the work book is drawn up strictly with him. For it you will have to pay an amount equal to the price of the document form. Payment is either paid to the cash desk of the enterprise, or withheld from the future salary.

The procedure for issuing a work book

  • title page)
  • job details)
  • award information.

Title page

Contains such information about the employee as:

  • Date of Birth)
  • availability of education, profession, specialty.

All of the above information is entered in accordance with the records available in the employee's passport or other document confirming his identity. Most often, this is a citizen’s military ID or documents, for example, a certificate, containing reliable information about education. At the very bottom of the same title page, it is imperative to put the date of making all entries.

All these rules are clearly spelled out in the instructions of the Ministry of Labor of Russia. You can find answers to all your questions about how to start a work book for the first time in it.

After all the information is entered, everything should be carefully reviewed and checked for errors and shortcomings, only then sign and stamp.

Job details

This rather large section already consists of four points, or a graph:

  1. column called "record number")
  2. date of)
  3. the column in which information related to the reception, transfer and other movements is entered)
  4. a column containing information about the documents that served as the basis for making an entry.

As for the first column, it indicates the number of the entry made in order, in the second - the date when the applicant was hired.

When hiring an employee, the manager must enter the full name of the organization and, if available, the abbreviated name in the third column. It should also be noted here what position the employee was hired for, in what specialty, profession, and always taking into account qualifications. Before starting a new work book, the employee must provide all relevant documents in originals.

In the event of a transfer or dismissal, an entry is made in the third column solely on the basis of an order or instruction issued by the employer. The date and number of the relevant document must be noted in the fourth column.

All entries should be made only in full form, without any abbreviations.

In the event that an employee leaves of his own free will or in connection with a reduction, the corresponding entry must be made on the same day, but no later. In other situations, information in the work book is noted after the employer issues an order and throughout the first working week.

Unfortunately, it also happens when an employee dies. Then the head must enter in the document on professional activity all information about the termination employment contract with a former employee. And all documents, including the work book, should be handed over to relatives or, if they wish, sent by mail, but only against receipt.

Awards and distinctions

The last item is the rules for entering information about possible employee awards. In this section, the manager or another person who is trusted, for example, a personnel officer, must mark all types of awards. They also include the government. This also includes certificates of honor, and special awards, incentives, but only if any are provided.

Remember that with constant bonus payments, which are required under the terms of the employment contract, there is no need to mark this in the document every time. Also, information related to various kinds of penalties is not reflected. The only exception is the layoff of an employee.

How to avoid mistakes

The main thing that should be understood and remembered by the employee and the employer equally: the work book is a kind of mirror of all professionally accumulated experience, and its calculation is carried out on the basis of the indicated dates.

Sometimes employers are faced with the fact that the applicant cannot provide labor. The leader in this case does not know what to do next. To the question: do we start a new work book for a new employee, we can answer in two ways:

  1. If the job seeker has lost his job, and he cannot provide certificates from previous jobs, then they start a new job, as if he is getting a job for the first time.
  2. If the applicant can provide documents about previous jobs, then a duplicate of the lost labor should be issued to him at the very last place, and your organization has nothing to do with this.

If an employee is hired for the first time, a work book is also required. In addition, if the admission was carried out on the basis of a part-time job, the manager has the right to enter the relevant information, but only if there is a certificate from the main place of work.

The employer must remember that any violation of labor legislation is fraught with the imposition of an administrative fine. Do not underestimate the work of such bodies. The amount of the fine can be different, it all depends on the degree and type of violation. Here are some examples:

  • the imposition of a fine on persons holding a certain position who were previously subject to punishment for such actions contrary to the law)
  • in addition to a fine, the inspector has the right to prohibit the exercise of any labor activity up to 90 days)
  • the imposition of a fine, but not on an individual employee, but on the entire company - the amount of such a fine ranges from three hundred to five hundred of the minimum wage.

Filling out the work book is carried out exclusively in Russian, if employment takes place in Russia. If the employee is hired on the territory of the republic that is part of the Russian Federation, then the registration takes place in Russian and the language of this autonomous republic.

Every time a manager or an authorized person enters information into a document on hiring, dismissal or transfer, it is imperative to notify the employee about this against his signature, and only after that mark everything in a personal card.

The employer needs to know in which case it is necessary to start a new work book for a new employee. It is strictly forbidden to demand from an employee who gets a job for the first time a form of a document on professional activity. After all, these forms are subject to strict reporting.

After the proper execution of the work book, the future employee is obliged to study and check all the records, and only after that sign the documents. In conclusion, it is necessary to register the work book in a special book for recording the movement of work books.