This document defines. Is it possible to deregister a car if it was sold and the new owner disposed of it or dismantled it?

23.12.2017 Auto/Moto

Recently, deregistration of a car has become irrelevant, since recently direct re-registration to a new owner has been available when selling a car. However, if there is such a need, then deregistering a car turns out to be much easier than putting it on.

Take off vehicle registration is necessary at the place of its registration in the Interdistrict Registration and Examination Department. The law guarantees that your car will be deregistered within one working day. The owner of the car must have the following package of documents: the original and a copy of the passport, TIN, notary permission, if it is not the owner who deregisters the car, but an authorized person who only represents the owner in the State Traffic Inspectorate, license plates, technical passport, receipts for payment of the transport fee for two last year. If you need to deregister a car that was purchased on credit, you must provide documents from the bank branch confirming full repayment of the debt.

Submitting an application to deregister a vehicle at the MREO. Attach copies of the package of documents to the application, in addition, receipts for repayment of possible fines.

Carrying out the necessary payments at the bank branch at the MREO. In addition to the main payment “deregistration of the vehicle,” you will have to pay for the services of a forensic expert who will inspect your car. Here you can pay off the debt on the transport fee, if this payment has not been made before.

Next, your car will be inspected by a specialist to ensure the originality of the license plate units. After this procedure, you will be given a verification and technical inspection certificate.

After the entire package of documents has been collected, you need to remove the registration numbers from the car and submit it to the same department where you submitted the initial application.

After deregistering the car, you will receive the following documentation: registration certificate, registration card, transit numbers, vehicle payment receipt.

Please note that when deregistering a car, MREO employees do not have the right to demand payment of possible fines. An examination is also optional. IN in this case The vehicle is subject only to inspection.

The procedure for the alienation of vehicles in our country is regulated current legislation. Car owners often ask the question: is it necessary to deregister a car when selling it and what is the procedure for completing the documents? This issue is regulated by the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of August 7, 2013 (registration No. 605), which introduced new regulations on October 15, 2013.

This document defines:

  • procedure and rules for conducting registration actions;
  • the amount of the state duty and the grounds for its collection;
  • deadlines for the implementation of procedures by officials of internal affairs bodies.

The order is intended to simplify the process of removing and registering a car in various cases to save time for citizens.

Is it necessary for a car owner to deregister a car for subsequent sale?

Comment from a specialist from the Avtoskupka company:

“The answer to this question is contained in the mentioned regulations. Unlike previous editions of this document, the car owner is now freed from the need to deregister the car. The new rules have made the procedure more convenient for both the seller and the buyer.

The process of re-registration of a car now looks like this:

  1. The seller and buyer contact a specialized company, whose specialists prepare the appropriate agreement.
  2. Both parties sign the document, after which it comes into force. The vehicle and money are transferred.
  3. The new owner of the car contacts any of the registration and examination departments to re-register it.

Important! In accordance with the current regulations, the owner of the vehicle does not need to deregister it. Now the new car owner must complete this action within 10 days.

  1. If this does not happen within the prescribed period, the previous owner receives grounds to contact the traffic police to deregister the car.”

List of documents for execution of the contract

To sell a car, it is now enough to draw up a contract in simple written form. Its registration is carried out on the basis of the following documents:

  • passports of the seller and buyer;
  • car registration certificate;
  • vehicle passport;
  • in the absence of the owner - a general power of attorney addressed to his representative.

When drawing up a contract Special attention Care must be taken to accurately enter data into the document. Errors in its preparation may serve as grounds for refusal of registration and other registration actions.

Advantages of cooperation with the company "Avtoskupka"

Selling a car (especially) is not an easy matter. "Avtoskupka" takes care of this hassle and buys used cars in any condition and any year of manufacture. Cooperation with the Avtoskupka company has a number of advantages:

  • Fair valuation of the car (including with an appraiser visiting the client).
  • Urgent redemption for cash.
  • Redemption of damaged cars with evacuation.
  • Legal execution of the transaction.



Letter of Rights

How to write off a car for scrap (dispose of) without documents and license plates and how to remove a car from the traffic police register if the car itself is missing

In 2012, state-subsidized car recycling ceased to operate. In accordance with it, car owners entered into a recycling agreement with official dealers and, on the basis of this, received a discount on the new car they purchased. Now how can you recycle your car profitably? How to dispose of a car without documents and license plates? How to dispose of a car at the traffic police office if the car itself is not available? The answers to these questions are in our new article.

Car recycling is supported by major automakers. At the moment, many of them are implementing corporate fleet renewal programs to fuel demand for new cars. They provide the buyer with the opportunity to hand over old vehicles for write-off and purchase a new car in accordance with special offers or promotional conditions. All details can be found in the showrooms of official dealers, as well as on the websites of automakers. But how can you write off a car if you don’t plan to buy a new one? In such cases, it is recommended to adhere to the following algorithm.

How to recycle a car

How to write off a car as scrap if such a fee has not been paid? In this case, the disposal of cars is paid according to the company’s prices. However, many organizations do not charge money for their services, because the vehicle to be written off has a certain cost, which includes the price of tires, metal, battery and other components.

Often, recycling an old car involves covering the payment for the organization's services with the amount of compensation for the vehicle. Such a scheme is fixed in the agreement. Therefore, before writing off a car as scrap, you must first inquire from the chosen company about the availability of compensation and the procedure for paying it. Before writing off a car, be sure to think carefully, because subsequently you will not be able to restore the destroyed property.

So, formally, cars are written off even if the owner presents only a personal passport and an application. If you do not have the other documents and license plates listed above with you, then it is enough to simply explain the reason.

Transfer of the car to the selected organization for the purpose of disposal

Agree with the company that disposes of cars about the time of handing over the car. After completing the procedure, the organization issues a disposal certificate to the former owner. This document confirms the actual destruction of the car.

If you do not want to go through all these procedures, you can contact an intermediary. He knows very well how to write off a car and will do everything on his own.

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How to deregister a car without documents


A situation often arises when the owner sells a vehicle under a “general” power of attorney. At the same time, he negotiates with the buyer about compensation for transport tax. After some time, the acquirer “disappears”, and the owner continues to pay tax, because the car has not been deregistered. And here the question arises: how to deregister a car without documents?

In order not to spend money on taxes, owners can only formally write off cars. This is the solution to the question of how to deregister a car without documents. To do this, an application is submitted to the traffic police to deregister the car due to disposal. After this, a restriction is imposed on the car, and its actual owner will not be able to undergo a technical inspection or sell the vehicle.

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