Five ways to increase your future pension. How to increase your pension?

08.03.2019 State

(based on materials from the newspaper "Bairta" dated October 5, 2012)

For many years in our country, a person did not participate in the accumulation of his own pension, but received from the state a set amount of support after reaching retirement age. And, frankly speaking, this size suits few people. In European countries, voluntary accumulation of pensions is a system that has been established for years and is fully justified. Pensioners from Europe are regulars at seaside resorts, they travel around the world and lead an active lifestyle.

At every seaside resort you can see flocks of smart, happy and inquisitive European pensioners walking along the beach. We, of course, want to be the same in retirement. But how many of us have invested at least some money in private pension funds, and how many of them have tried to take advantage of the state pension co-financing program?

So what kind of program is this? What does it give? How many people in our region have already joined it? We asked the Deputy Manager of the PFR Branch for the Republic of Kalmykia, Evgeniy Apolinsky, to talk about this and much more on the pages of our newspaper.

A lot has already been said about the program of state co-financing of pensions, but let’s at least remember something about it offhand, without any special prompts. Does not work? Is it because we don’t think about our future pension at all now? If only because this very pension, as it seems at first glance, is so far away?

However, than formerly man thinks about his future pension, the more he will have time to do to increase its size.

Some people are sure that in old age they will live not on pension payments, but on their own savings. It's good if that's the case. But practice has shown that 99.9 percent of citizens who have reached retirement age, regardless of their financial situation and position, apply to Pension Fund Russia for pension calculation. And since 2002, Russia has had a system based on insurance principles, which allows working citizens to manage the formation of their future pension themselves.

And how to do this?

Everything is very simple. Several need to be adopted useful tips. Firstly, it is advisable to choose a job that pays a so-called “white” salary, and not a salary “in envelopes”. Because a “white” salary means that the employer makes payments for his employee to the compulsory pension insurance system. And these payments are recorded on the citizen’s individual personal account with the Pension Fund. And the larger the amount reflected in this account, the higher his pension will be.

But work experience is also very important. The longer it is, the higher the future pension.

Secondly, you need to be able to competently manage your pension savings. Today, the funded part of the future pension is formed for working citizens born in 1967 and younger, as well as for all participants in the State Pension Co-financing Program. And people can already manage their pension savings by choosing who will invest and increase them. You can entrust the investment of your pension savings to a state or private management company or a non-state pension fund - whichever you prefer. But at the same time, it is necessary to carefully study information about management companies and non-state pension funds. You need to carefully weigh everything and after that make a decision and make a choice.

Evgeniy Mikhailovich, tell me, how can I find out whether an employer pays contributions to the Russian Pension Fund for its employees?

This can be found out from the annual notices of the Russian Pension Fund, the so-called letters of happiness. You can also find out information about the status of your “pension” account by contacting the Pension Fund office at your place of residence. You can also obtain this information via the Internet on the government services portal

You said that you can also form your personal pension savings through non-state pension funds (NPFs). How exactly?

Very simple. It is necessary to participate in non-state pension programs that are offered by these same non-state pension funds. And even if a person forms the funded part of his pension through the Pension Fund Russian Federation, he can still participate in non-state pension provision by concluding an agreement with any non-state pension fund. This is exactly what Europeans, Americans and Japanese do throughout their working lives. And Russian pensioners should be no worse than all other pensioners on our planet.

Who can participate in the State Pension Co-financing Program?

The program operates in accordance with Federal Law No. 56-FZ of April 30, 2008 “On additional insurance contributions for the funded part of the labor pension and state support formation of pension savings." And all Russians over 14 years of age who are registered as insured persons in the compulsory pension insurance system can participate in this program.

And how to join the Program?

To do this, you must submit an application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PFR). The application form can be obtained from the territorial office of the Russian Pension Fund at your place of residence or downloaded from the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia The application can be submitted in person by contacting any territorial office of the Pension Fund. But this can also be done through your employer.

Evgeniy Mikhailovich, please explain how the Program works?

The mechanism of the State Pension Co-financing Program is extremely simple. If during a calendar year a person makes a voluntary contribution to the funded part of his pension in the amount of 2,000 rubles or more, the state doubles this money. That is, the same amount equal to the voluntary contribution is transferred to the citizen’s individual “pension” account. And it must be said that the maximum state contribution to a citizen’s “pension” account is 12,000 rubles per year.

Contributions can be made in equal payments throughout the year. For example, 200 or 1000 rubles per month. Or one-time payments at any time in the calendar year. For example, 2,000 rubles can be transferred, say, in April and another 10,000 rubles in December. That is, the amount of the annual contribution should ultimately be 12,000 rubles.

Well, very interesting and very tempting. How long has this Program been in effect?

You can join the Program and start paying additional contributions until October 1, 2013. The validity period of the Program is ten years from the date of payment by the participant of the first installment. Whether or not to join the Program is a personal matter for each citizen. But you need to remember that participation in the Program means a future pension with a plus.

I would like to note that residents of Kalmykia received more than 23 million rubles in additional insurance contributions under the program of state co-financing of pension savings.

A total of 4,567 Elista residents and residents of the republic’s districts have joined this program since its launch. Of these, 137 people have applied since the beginning of 2012.

Residents of the Ketchenerovsky and Yustinsky districts of the Republic of Kazakhstan are the most active in joining the Program.

It should be noted that throughout the country, payments by participants in the State Co-financing of Pensions Program exceeded 12 billion rubles, and the number of Program participants is more than 8 million people. This year they have already deposited over 1.8 billion rubles into their accounts.

In general, based on the results of the first three years of the Program, about 10 billion rubles were allocated from the state budget to co-finance voluntary contributions of its participants.

The state takes care of each of its citizens, both in youth and especially in old age. When a person reaches retirement age and loses his ability to work, he goes to the state and receives a monthly pension - cash benefit established size. The average pension in Russia at the end of 2013 is 10,400 rubles. Living on such a benefit is not so easy; pensioners have to deny themselves a lot, and therefore they quickly become one of the most vulnerable segments of the population. Is there any way I can increase my pension?

How is the pension amount determined?

In order to be able to predict the amount of pension due to a person, you need to have an idea of ​​how it is calculated. Currently, the labor pension consists of the insurance part and the funded part:

This is the formula for calculating the monthly pension for persons born after 1967 (for citizens born before 1967, the labor pension consists only of the insurance part). The insurance part of the pension can be calculated as follows:

SCh = PC / T + B, Where

SCH - insurance part of pension;

PC - pension capital accumulated by the employee in the form of deductions from wages throughout his entire career labor activity;

T - number of months during which the person will receive a pension (the so-called survival period). This period is set by the government and is equal to 240 months (or 20 years);

B - the established basic amount of the insurance part of the labor pension, which is added to all pensioners without exception, and in 2014 it amounts to 3,610.31 rubles. This part of the pension is indexed annually taking into account the level of inflation, and can also increase if the person is disabled or lives in the north of the country.

Pension capital - sum Money, which the employee transferred to the Pension Fund for his entire career. There is a special formula for calculating pension capital:

PC = PC1 + SV + PC2, Where

PC1 - estimated pension capital, which was accumulated before 01/01/2002;

SV - amount of valorization- revaluation of the monetary value of pension rights acquired by the insured person before 01/01/2002. It is equal to 10% of PC1, and plus 1% to it for each full year of work experience before 01/01/1991;

PC2 - part of the pension capital that was formed after 01/01/2002. This part is recorded on the personal account of each employee, and therefore does not need to be calculated. Every year, each insured person receives letters from the Pension Fund, which indicate the amount of pension transfers to the person’s individual account.

Thus, general formula The calculation of the labor pension can be presented as follows:

Consequently, the size of the pension depends only on the amount of earnings that the insured person received during his life. The higher the salary, the greater the contributions to the employee’s individual pension account - the higher his pension as a result. Therefore, the government is agitating the population against salaries “in envelopes”. This is primarily in the interests of the citizens themselves - to receive a decent official wages. However, there are now many ways to increase your retirement savings.

Non-state pension funds

One of the ways to increase pension savings is to invest them in Non-state pension funds, which are management companies that manage pension savings of citizens in order to increase them. That is, citizens voluntarily transfer the funded part of their pension to NPFs, and they, by placing funds in assets, pay certain interest, thereby increasing the total amount of savings. On the one hand, such use of part of the pension is more profitable than simply accumulating it in the Pension Fund; and on the other hand, the person cannot see the real benefit, much less feel it in his wallet.

State co-financing of pensions

The state actively encourages its citizens to participate in co-financing their pension, that is, to invest additional funds into the account of the funded part of the pension. Moreover, as an incentive, the state will double the amount contributed by 2 times, but not more than 12,000 rubles. per year (if a person contributed 3,000 rubles, then the state will add another 3,000 rubles; but if a citizen adds 15,000 rubles per year to his savings, then the state will increase them by only 12,000 rubles). From the point of view of the benefits of the insured persons, such a program is dubious; it is much more profitable for people to accumulate money in other management companies at higher interest rates.

Sberbank pension savings

One of the most famous and largest banks in Russia offers its clients services for managing pension savings, or for opening “Pension” deposits with special conditions. The Security Council of the Russian Federation invites pensioners to open a deposit with interest capitalization, for a period of 1 year, with the possibility of unlimited replenishment and withdrawal of funds. There is one BUT: the interest on such deposits is scanty, the annual interest is only 3.5%. This level of income on a deposit is not able to cover even the current level of inflation in the country, and therefore such deposits can initially be considered unprofitable; By investing your pension in this way, you will not increase it, but will only lose part of the amount in the end.

Management companies and pensioners

Capital Financial Corporation Management Company can offer pensioners the placement of funds on favorable terms. If a person has a sufficiently large amount of money, then for this category of citizens there are deposits “” and “” - up to 17% annual return! The client has the right to choose the terms of the deposit - with capitalization or one-time accrual of interest. By investing money in SFK Management Company, pensioners will be able to have additional income in the form of guaranteed interest on deposits!

13:06 - 04.09.2010

There are still many questions in the editorial mail regarding the assignment and payment of pensions. We asked the deputy head of the PFR department in the Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod, V.V. EVSTROPOV, to answer them and give detailed explanations.

- Previously, in order for the pension to be larger, it was necessary to have continuous work experience. Does intermittent seniority matter now?

S. Belova.

Continuity of service is no longer that important. But to receive an old-age pension, a prerequisite is that the insurance period during which contributions to the compulsory pension insurance system were made from your earnings was at least 5 years. And for a large pension, the amount of pension insurance contributions received during your life is important. The future pension can be formed not only through state system pension insurance. In order for the pension to be high enough, you can simultaneously participate in non-state pension programs offered by non-state pension funds. There is also a state pension co-financing program. By voluntarily transferring 12,000 rubles to your future pension fund. per year, you will receive a 100% return on your contribution from the state.

- If a person has not worked at all and does not intend to work, let’s say he takes care of the house, will he be paid a pension?

V. Sergeeva.

People who have no work experience can count on a social pension. It is prescribed for women over 60 years of age and for men over 65 years of age. Its size is small - now it is 2,562 rubles, but since 2010, the financial support of a pensioner cannot be lower than the living wage of a pensioner in the region. For those who have a pension plus other social payments less, a social supplement is established.

- What is the current amount of compensation payments for caring for disabled people? Who can count on receiving it?

P. Gruzdeva.

If you are caring for a disabled person and for this reason do not work, then you are entitled to a compensation payment in the amount of 1,200 rubles. This amount, together with the pension, is paid to the person being cared for.

To the disabled in in this case include disabled people of group I, disabled children under the age of 18, people who, based on the conclusion of a medical institution, need constant outside care, as well as persons who have reached the age of 80 years. It is important to note that this compensation payment is made only to non-working able-bodied citizens.

If you are working or have been assigned a pension, regardless of its type and size, then compensation payment is not provided. These rules were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 4, 2007 No. 343.

The compensation payment is assigned from the month in which the citizen providing care applied for its appointment with all necessary documents, but not before the emergence of the right to it.

If the compensation payment was not received on time, then it is paid for the past time, but no more than 3 years before applying for it. If the compensation payment was not received on time due to the fault of the body paying the pension, then there are no such time limits.

- I take care of my mother, she is over 80 years old. I am able to work and at the same time I am already 55, that is, I have already reached the generally established retirement age. Will the period of caring for a person who has reached the age of 80 be counted towards my insurance period?

N. Bespalova.

Yes, it will, since the period of care by an able-bodied person for a group I disabled person, a disabled child or a person who has reached the age of 80 is included in the insurance period along with periods of work or other activity. Upper age limit after which it is impossible to carry out work activities, norms labor law do not provide. The current pension legislation for including in the insurance period the period of caring for a disabled or elderly person also does not contain any indication of the upper age limit (for example, 60 years for men, 55 years for women), upon reaching which the person providing such care , cannot be recognized as able to work. Therefore, even if you have reached retirement age and are caring for an elderly person, this period will be counted towards your insurance period.

- Will work experience in the territory of the former Soviet republics be taken into account when calculating pensions in Russia? Is it necessary to make inquiries to the pension funds of these states?

I. Borisova.

Clause 2 of Article 10 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 173-FZ states the following: the insurance period includes periods of work and (or) other activities that were performed by insured citizens of Russia outside its borders in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation or international treaties of the Russian Federation. Also, in accordance with Article 29 of Federal Law No. 167-FZ, the period of work and (or) other activities is included in the insurance period in the event of voluntary payment of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. The documents required for pension provision, issued in the proper manner on the territory of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the states that were part of the USSR, or before December 1, 1991, are accepted on the territory of the member states of the Commonwealth without legalization. The specified work experience can be confirmed by records in work book, as well as certificates of the employee’s income for the relevant periods of work. There is no need to make requests to the PF of these states. Regarding the inclusion in the insurance period of work periods from 01/01/1991 to 12/31/2001, we inform you that confirmation of payment of insurance premiums for these periods is required in cases determined by the legislation in force for the specified period, for example, when carrying out individual labor activities . Periods of work after 01/01/2002, i.e. after the entry into force of the Federal Law of December 17, 2001 No. 173-FZ “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, they can be included in the calculation of labor (insurance) length of service, subject to payment of insurance contributions for pensions to the relevant authorities of the country in which the territory of which labor and (or) other activities were carried out.

- What pensions have been increased since July 1, 2010?

T. Sidorov.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 21, 2010 No. 457, on July 1, 2010, social pensions in the Russian Federation were increased by an additional indexation coefficient of 1.0341.

Social pension is one of the types of pension under the state pension provision. This pension is paid to disabled citizens of the Russian Federation who, for one reason or another, have not acquired the right to a labor pension.

When the size of social pensions is indexed, the corresponding state pension benefits assigned under Art. 15, 16, 17, 17.2 of Federal Law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001, namely:

Disability pensions for military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription as soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen;

Disability pensions for WWII participants;

Disability pensions for citizens awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad”;

Pensions for citizens affected by radiation and man-made disasters;

Pensions for long service to citizens from among flight test personnel.

In addition, the amounts of additional monthly financial support and other payments are increasing, the amounts of which are determined based on the size of the social pension. The amount of additional monthly financial support established in accordance with the Decrees and Orders of the President of the Russian Federation has also been increased.

From January 1, 2015, pensions will be calculated according to new rules. Their final version It is currently in the discussion stage. But why was it necessary to change the previous procedure for calculating pensions?

According to the formula in force today, a person’s work experience practically does not affect the size of his pension, says State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection Andrei Pudov. - And this is unfair.

However, the point here is not even about justice and other moral criteria. The pension fund is replenished from insurance contributions paid by employers for their employees. The more people work, the more money is in the accounts from which pensions are paid to those who can no longer work. And we have more and more of them. Accordingly, a person with extensive experience is economically beneficial to the state. These people need to be encouraged and stimulated.

In the new pension formula, the stimulating effect is included in the insurance part of the labor pension. According to the official wording, it is calculated based on the sum of the coefficients of the insured person’s personal participation in the system. To put it simply, the amount of the insurance part of the pension directly depends on salary and length of service. It should be remembered that military service and child care are also included in the length of service.

According to the new rules, the minimum length of service required to receive a pension is planned to increase from five to fifteen years. This increase will occur gradually and smoothly until 2025.

Those who have less than 15 years of work experience are not entitled to an old-age pension. They can contact the Pension Fund for social pension, which is smaller in size. True, this can only be done at the age of 60 for women and at 65 for men.

For everyone else retirement age will remain unchanged,” explains the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation Maxim Topilin. - That is, 60 years for men and 55 years for women.

Moreover, the later a person applies for an old-age labor pension after reaching this age, the higher the amount of his pension will be. It will be profitable to retire later. As Maxim Topilin put it, this is a chance for the middle class to get a normal pension.

But, in addition to length of service, other factors will determine the size of the pension. For example, the amount of salary. The higher it is, the higher the pension will be. The main thing is to remember that only the official, white salary is taken into account. The one with which the employer pays for the employee insurance premiums into the compulsory pension insurance system. In the case of a gray salary - the one in envelopes - no contributions are paid. Consequently, a pension is not formed and does not count towards seniority.

You can now see how your pension will change depending on your salary and length of service and what you need to change in your life in order to receive more in old age using a special program. The so-called pension calculator works in 2013 prices according to the current formula and new formula. As they say, do the math and think about how to continue living. You can find this calculator on the websites: www. and

You will need

  • - passport;
  • - certificate of state pension insurance;
  • - fountain pen;
  • - details of your territorial branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • - money.


First, you need to join the co-financing program. This can be done in two ways. If you are an employee, one option is to contact your employer. His HR department or accounting department will give you a sample on which to write an application. If you are the first person to ask about this issue, they can easily obtain the necessary papers from the Pension Fund branch where your employer is registered as an insured. After this, the company will automatically deduct from your salary the amount of additional contributions agreed upon with you and transfer it to your account with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in addition to deductions which is done for you by law.

Another option, available to everyone, including employees, is to contact directly the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at their place of residence. You will need to have a passport and a certificate of state pension insurance with you. Pension Fund employees will give you an application form to fill out.

If you have not worked anywhere for hire and you do not have a certificate, you will need to start by getting one. To do this, you will have to contact the Pension Fund office at your place of residence or stay. And if you do not have registration, go to the nearest branch at your actual location.

The Pension Fund will also give you details (and most often, a ready-made receipt where you will need to insert the payment amount, as well as your full name, address and signature) with which you can replenish your pension account. You can also find them on the website of your regional branch of the Pension Fund.

There are no restrictions on the amount or timing of payments: at any time during the calendar year and as much as you see fit. If you deposit an amount from 2 thousand to 12 thousand rubles during the year (that is, 1 thousand rubles per month), the state will credit to your account exactly the same amount with which you replenished it during the year.

Pension deductions– these are contributions that are transferred to the account of the insured person from his employer and on personal initiative. Sum pension contributions will ultimately affect the final figure of the pension that the federal budget will pay to the insured person - the pensioner. But how to calculate the amount of pension contributions?

You will need

  • calculator and knowledge of the salary amount of a specific employee


Determine the salary of a specific employee and compare it with the table of contribution rates for the compulsory pension insurance program. This table can be found in the law “On Mandatory pension insurance in Russia". The pension contribution rate will depend on age individual, on the type of organization in which he works, on his annual salary and on the type of pension contributions (insurance or funded part).

Calculate the insurance and savings parts of pension contributions. For example, employee of the X company Ivanov A.V. Born in 1969, he receives a salary of 9,000 rubles. Then his annual salary is:
9,000 * 12 = 108,000 rubles.
According to the table of contribution rates, the employer must contribute a single social tax in the amount of 8% to finance the insurance part of his labor pension.
108,000 * 8% = 8,640 rubles per year or 720 rubles per month.
According to the table of contribution rates, the employer contributes to finance the funded part of A.V. Ivanov’s pension. contributions of 6%.
108,000 * 6% = 6,480 rubles per year or 570 rubles per month.
Thus, from the employer, as a percentage of the salary, the pension fund will receive deductions for Ivanov A.V. at the rate of
720 + 570 = 1,290 rubles.

Calculate your pension deductions that you carry out under special investment programs of the Pension Fund of Russia, in a non-state pension fund or in a management company. These deductions are produced in the form fixed amount or in the form of voluntary investments. A striking example of such a program is “1000 to 1000”, when a private individual contributes 1,000 rubles monthly to the Pension Fund, and at the end of the year the state will double the amount of contributions.

Add up the amount of mandatory and voluntary pension contributions. The total amount will become the annual indicator of pension contributions for each individual individual.


An employee has the right to independently choose a pension fund - whether it is a state structure, a non-state pension fund or a management company - and make mandatory and voluntary pension contributions there.


  • Pension contributions
  • calculate the amount of insurance premiums

You need to think about your future pension while still at working age. Then you will be confident that you have provided yourself a dignified old age. But first you need to at least imagine how much your employer has already transferred to the state to form your future pension. How can you find out how much money is already in your account with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation?

You will need

  • - last letter from the pension fund;
  • - passport;
  • - insurance certificate.


Find the latest information letter sent to you by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation (PF RF). These letters are sent annually to all citizens who have already begun their work experience, but have not yet