Implementation of egais. EGAIS - unified state automated information system

27.07.2019 Society and culture


EGAIS: a chance to be useful

Six years ago, the Unified State Automated Information System provoked the largest collapse in the legal alcohol market, whose interests it was intended to serve. Recently, the state decided to give EGAIS another chance to become a “big brother” for participants in the alcoholic beverages market and justify investments in its creation by extending the system to the retail trade of alcoholic beverages. Kommersant newspaper correspondent OLEG TRUTNEV assesses the chances of her relaunch.

The idea of ​​creating a system that would control the movement of alcohol from the manufacturer to the counter came from Russian authorities in 2005. At that time, even according to the most optimistic estimates, the share of illegal vodka in Russia was at least 40% of the market. Concerned by this fact, the government pinned its hopes on the system as the main cure against “leftist” vodka.

The ancestor of EGAIS was the Unified System for Accounting for the Movement of Alcoholic Products (ESUDAP), which tracked alcoholic products in the excise warehouses operating at that time: there an additional regional special mark was affixed to the bottles in addition to the federal mark applied at the manufacturing plant.

This system, in fact, was not unified, since the data from the bottle that was entered into it was available only to the territorial body of the Federal Tax Service of a particular region. The Atlas Scientific and Technical Center, a structure of the FSB, was entrusted with transforming the ESUDAP into the Unified State Automated Information System. His task was to develop software(software) and equipment for a system that would collect information about all alcohol produced, the alcohol obtained from it and its further movement through the wholesale and retail chain. To do this, all participants in this chain had to be equipped with additional equipment - metering meters. The EGAIS operation scheme was conceived as follows. A counter at a distillery records the amount and concentration of alcohol produced, which is sent, for example, to a vodka factory, where the counter there records how much vodka is produced from the alcohol produced. Next, the plant requests permission from the EGAIS server to apply barcodes to federal special stamps, which contain all the information on the bottles on which these stamps will be affixed. The next stage of the EGAIS operation is recording information about the shipment of bottles to the wholesaler, who, in turn, reflects in the system data on their delivery to the retail operator, and, finally, the latter reports on the volume of alcohol received and sold. This control mechanism virtually eliminated the possibility of illegally produced alcohol reaching consumers. It is clear that the system could not solve the problem of selling alcohol by hand or past the cash register.

The horrors of our town

It was decided to introduce EGAIS in stages. From January 1, 2006, alcohol producers were supposed to begin producing products with excise stamps of a new type with the EGAIS barcode, and from July 1 the system was supposed to start functioning. The fact that problems with the innovation could not be avoided became clear at the end of 2005. As always, we were let down by the clumsy bureaucratic apparatus, which was unable to ensure the preparation of all the necessary regulations on time. For example, documents from the Federal Tax Service approving the list of software and hardware for manufacturers - modem, computer and software - appeared only in mid-December. Other regulations, including the resolution on the issuance of excise stamps for Russian manufacturers and importers, were also not ready on time due to delays in the adoption of amendments to the legislation. Thus, despite the fact that the manufacturers installed expensive equipment (for one production site it cost about 500 thousand rubles) and were ready for Day X, the authorities were unable to ensure the launch of the system within the deadline they themselves had set. But most main problem EGAIS became its technical imperfection.

Unfortunately, STC "Atlas" turned out to be far from Microsoft in creating software, so from the very beginning of its use its product produced one failure after another: EGAIS servers froze, electronic invoices with data on the shipped goods did not reach the distilleries to the manufacturers, but from those - to wholesalers, etc. The result of all these problems was that alcohol factories were forced to stop production twice in 2006 - at the beginning of the year, when there were no new excise stamps, and after July 1, when the Unified State Automated Information System, in fact, refused to work.

The culmination of the collapse was the disappearance of alcoholic beverages from retail. Realizing that alcohol was about to become a scarce commodity, which would only benefit those they wanted to overcome, the authorities decided to transfer the work of the Unified State Automated Information System to manual mode until its work was debugged. Invoice numbers were allowed to be entered on a paper form, which was then taken to the territorial body of the Federal Tax Service, where it was certified, and then sent to the counterparty - the recipient of the consignment of goods. As a result, alcohol returned to the shelves, and its producers began to count losses: according to expert estimates, in the first year of EGAIS operation alone they amounted to $2.5 billion - and this does not take into account the costs of installing equipment. Not everyone was able to recover from the losses - some manufacturers, mostly small companies from the regions, were forced to leave the market.

And it’s hard to carry, and it’s a pity to throw it away

Having seen the consequences of the introduction of EGAIS, the authorities decided to spare trade: wholesalers were freed from the need to work with the system in 2008, and the invention of Atlas did not reach retail operators at all. However, the work of EGAIS only in factories lost all meaning: after all, if you have an underground workshop with a printing house, then what prevents you from supplying the “products” produced there to some nearby small store, the owner of which will gladly share with you the margin from the sale of goods with unpaid excise tax. However, manufacturers connected to the Unified State Automated Information System were also able to produce “illegal” alcohol; they could purchase unaccounted alcohol and not turn on the system, producing products on the so-called third shift. The result was an offensive paradox: only legal market participants, for whose benefit the system was conceived, suffered from EGAIS.

Over time, the authorities themselves admitted that EGAIS is useless. In 2007, in his report, the auditor of the Accounts Chamber, Valery Goreglyad, stated that the country “lacks effective state control over the processes of the alcohol market.” But the most terrible blow to the reputation of EGAIS in 2009 was dealt by the then President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev: at a meeting with business, he, to the surprise of many, questioned the feasibility of the continued existence of the system, saying that even before its introduction he had “full confidence that it won't do anything."

However, the state still did not dare to abandon the Unified State Automated Information System. A huge amount of money was invested in the development of the system and its further refinement, so obviously no one wanted to admit that it was a waste of money. It turned out like the famous joke about a suitcase without a handle: it’s hard to carry and it’s a shame to throw it away.

Having preserved the Unified State Automated Information System, the state began to think about other ways to combat the illegal market: new reforms in the industry were launched after the creation of an industry curator under the government in the person of federal service Rosalkogolregulirovanie (RAR). In addition to tightening control over the issuance or renewal of licenses to production and wholesale companies, she, in particular, proposed introducing minimum retail prices (MRP) for vodka, cognac and other strong alcohol.

Work on mistakes

However, successes were achieved in the fight against the shadow market of PAP - even its critics admitted this. In February this year, the agency announced that the share of the illegal vodka market now stands at 24%. Even if this figure is correct, the regulator still has no reason to rejoice. For comparison, in the tobacco market, with an also constantly growing excise tax, the share of counterfeit products does not yet consistently exceed 1%.

RAR was also concerned that in connection with further government plans to increase excise taxes on alcohol, the demand of our population, which is not the richest in the world, for alcohol of dubious origin would increase. It was these considerations that motivated the department in April last year to return to the idea of ​​extending the Unified State Automated Information System to the wholesale and retail chains. Having received the blessing of then Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, RAR developed a plan for the phased introduction of EGAIS into trade. Again, they decided not to touch the wholesale link for now, which is probably justified: if the system knows the exact number of bottles of alcohol produced and can track them at the stage of sale to the end consumer, then checking their movement through wholesale intermediaries does not make much sense. In order not to step on the rake of 2006, this time it was decided not to rush and to abandon any mandatory deadlines for the implementation of EGAIS among retailers. For now, PAR is ready to connect them to the system exclusively on a voluntary basis. As part of the first stage of testing of EGAIS at the beginning of the year, RAP found 11 volunteers from small stores in the Moscow region, who were compensated for all costs of installing the necessary equipment. It consisted of a GSM module and a scanner, which were connected to the most common cash register AMC-100K. With their help, products processed at the checkout were sent to servers connected to EGAIS. The RAR assures that they were satisfied with the results of the experiment: during its implementation, the system not only did not fail, but also managed to identify 434 cases of products passing through the cash registers of the tested stores with the repeated use of the same federal special brand. If EGAIS becomes mandatory for retail, liability in such cases will be borne by a specific retail operator who was unable to track the entry of illegal products onto his shelf - it does not matter whether he had malicious intent or not. Now the RAR wants to check how EGAIS will work in large retail: for this, the department plans to hold negotiations with federal chains in the near future. At the beginning of August, the Kommersant newspaper already surveyed several large retailers about whether they were ready to participate in experiments with EGAIS. Surprisingly, everyone expressed readiness for this, agreeing that test use of the system would help avoid possible collapses in the future.

Test in the general store

Even if the results of the EGAIS test at large retailers turn out to be as good as in 11 stores near Moscow, it will be premature to talk about the system’s readiness for a full-scale launch in retail. The biggest headache for RAR will be the question of how to implement EGAIS in rural stores, where, according to the Center for the Study of Federal and Regional Alcohol Markets (CIFRRA), about 30% of all alcohol sales in the country take place. Unfortunately, unlike alcohol, Internet penetration in non-urban Russia still leaves much to be desired, and without it, the functioning of the Unified State Automated Information System at points of sale is impossible. RAR sees two options for solving the problem. The first is for rural store owners to equip them with a satellite dish with a receiver that allows them to work with the Internet. Another option for the regulator seems more suitable from the point of view of possible costs: remove data on the sale of alcohol from the cash register to a flash device, which can then be delivered, for example, once a week or a month to the nearest computer connected to the Internet. RAP will be able to see how well it all works when it again tests the Unified State Automated Information System in any particular region. The final transfer of the system for retail from a test mode to a permanent one can only take place after the preparation of appropriate amendments to the legislation, which, according to deputy Viktor Zvagelsky, will happen no earlier than the end of 2013. However, even if RAR manages to achieve what Rostelecom has not yet succeeded in - internetizing rural Russia, it is hard to believe that rural retail businesses will not continue, having access to EGAIS, to sell illegal alcohol past the cash register. With increasing excise taxes and, as a consequence, minimum retail prices, illegally produced vodka and liqueurs will continue to be a hot commodity in rural areas. But it will be the task of law enforcement agencies to combat this; EGAIS will fulfill its mission.

What is EGAIS?

The abbreviation EGAIS stands for Unified State Automated Information System. This is a software and hardware complex created to ensure state supervision over the production and circulation of alcoholic beverages.

According to the adopted law, all retail outlets engaged in the sale of alcoholic beverages are required to install a program at the cash registers that allows them to broadcast information about the alcohol sold into a unified system (EGAIS).

Entry into force of the law on EGAIS

The system is currently operating in test mode, but in the very near future the sale of alcohol without this software module will become illegal. Effective dates:

  • by November 1, 2015 - software for EGAIS operation must be installed at all wholesalers of alcoholic beverages;
  • by July 1, 2016 - all retail will fall under the law. With the exception of rural settlements, for which the law comes into force on July 1, 2017.
  • Beer and other fermented drinks will be controlled by EGAIS from July 1, 2016.

Using the EGAIS system at retail outlets

Today, only strong wine is marked with a two-dimensional barcode. But by the time the law on Unified State Information System comes into force, the corresponding label will appear on containers with low-alcohol drinks. A PDF417 2D barcode is applied to the label, which encrypts data on the bottling date, manufacturer, license and other parameters.

After this, each event indicating the sale of alcohol is recorded in the EGAIS system, with the direct participation of a 2D code scanner. The data is read by a two-dimensional scanner and transmitted through the EGAIS software module to the server of the federal service for regulating the alcohol market. Control over the circulation of alcohol occurs virtually “live”.

So far, the system is not widespread, but several trading giants are already using it - X5 ReteilGroup, the Magnit and Dixy store chains.

Who is exempt from the need to connect to EGAIS?

At the legislative level, it is possible to sell alcohol without the Unified State Automated Information System only in small settlements, the number of which does not exceed 3 thousand people. Also, catering establishments are not covered by this law.

However, these assumptions will be relevant only until 2017. By that time, connection to EGAIS should be carried out both at public catering points and in remote areas.

Do I need to join today?

By connecting to EGAIS today and before the law comes into force, enterprises will have access to the system’s personal account with the ability to maintain their own records of sales of alcoholic beverages.

Advantages of using EGAIS?

An undoubted advantage for points using EGAIS is the fact that the buyer can verify for himself the quality of the purchased products, and in the future add the store to the list of trusted and reliable sellers. This happens as follows: when selling a product, the cashier gives the client a receipt, which indicates the code by which the sale of alcohol is registered in the Unified State Automated Information System. And when using mobile application, the buyer can independently identify the legality and quality of the goods he purchased using the code.

Technical requirements for working with EGAIS

  • PDF417 2D code scanner;
  • Installed EGAIS software module;
  • Cash register software compatible with EGAIS software;
  • Internet connection with a speed of at least 256 kbit/s;
  • Crypto key with built-in PKI/GOST crypto provider;
  • Reinforced qualified electronic signature.

Is a strong electronic signature required?

From January 1, 2014, all reports provided by organizations via electronic communication channels are signed only with an enhanced qualified electronic signature. Such a signature has a certificate from an accredited certification center responsible for its authenticity. It is formed using cryptographic tools approved by the FSB.

If your system fails

A failure may occur, for example, when the Internet connection is disconnected. Then the EGAIS program switches to offline mode. In this case, all barcodes read are accumulated in the memory of the cash register software and hardware system, and when problems with the Internet are corrected, all information is sent to the server automatically. No more than three days are given to resolve the connection failure. This period is set for the duration of the EGAIS test mode, in which this system currently operates. After the law regulating the work of the Unified State Automated Information System comes into force, this period may be changed. Whether it increases or decreases will depend on the quality of communication at the store’s location.

The full list of 2D barcode scanners can be viewed by selecting “2D” in the filter (enable “advanced search”).

Below is a small list of barcode scanners suitable for working with EGAIS.

New Argox scanner for reading both one-dimensional and two-dimensional barcodes. And the built-in decoder is responsible for deciphering the read code. This versatility makes it indispensable for performing a wide range of tasks.

The Honeywell Voyager 1400g is a no-compromise 2D barcode scanner. This scanner is capable of reading poor quality 2D barcodes as well as barcodes from mobile device screens.

The DS 4208 barcode scanner provides the uniquely fast barcode reading speeds found in laser scanners, allowing you to read 2D barcodes without sacrificing scan quality or performance.

The Motorola DS9208 allows you to scan barcodes from a variety of media - from paper labels to screens mobile phones. You can freely scan any 1D or 2D barcode.

The Gryphon™ 4000 series of scanners are premium data acquisition devices for general use. Crafted by professionals, the Gryphon™ 4000 imager combines advanced 2D code reading technology with intelligent motion detection to deliver ease of use and unrivaled performance.

The DS 6700 Series All-In-One from Motorola Enterprise Mobility Company™ can be used as a one-dimensional (1D) or two-dimensional (2D) barcode scanner, as digital camera or document scanner. The DS 6700 is designed to meet the diverse everyday needs of a wide range of businesses, combining a built-in 1.3 megapixel camera with extensive scanning capabilities and digital image conversion technology.

Cipher1504 is a handheld, high-performance 2D barcode scanner. This model perfectly combines simplicity, reliability and high performance, with a good price-quality ratio. Thanks to a high-quality photo reader, you can scan 1D or 2D barcodes of various densities with high accuracy.

Motorola DS457 is a stationary barcode imager that provides high speed and excellent scanning quality for almost any type of barcode, namely: linear (1D), two-dimensional (2D)

The MS3204 is a high-performance scanner that is quick to set up and install. It has a multi-plane scanning raster, which eliminates the difficulty of orienting the scanner in space and allows you to adjust its location in only one plane. Featuring a robust, rugged housing, reinforced exit window, built-in beeper and interface options, the MS3204 allows you to quickly and confidently integrate high-performance 1D and 2D data acquisition systems into most self-service scanning systems.

The compact 4980 photo scanner is designed for high-speed scanning of any linear, two-dimensional barcodes, as well as PDF codes. The scanner is housed in a lightweight and durable portable case. The scanner has an elegant design and, thanks to its smooth shape, fits seamlessly into the work environment.

The Honeywell Vuquest 3310g is a compact photo scanner designed for intensive scanning of all 1D, 2D and PDF barcodes. The scanner is housed in a lightweight and durable portable case. The scanner has an elegant design that fits seamlessly into a retail environment.

This model is the world's first model in the class of single-plane scanners with image technology of omnidirectional barcode scanning.
This revolutionary scanner will expand the capabilities of existing point-of-sale scanners by combining the performance of a laser scanner with the ability to read 2D characters.
The 3200 VSi uses image technology and new software developed by Datalogic Scanning to improve performance when reading corrupted and low-contrast codes.

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The essence of the EGAIS system

The law states that all companies engaged in the production and sale of alcohol, fur or wood are required to connect to the Unified State Automated Information System. In case of failure to connect, the violator falls under an article of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which involves the imposition of a fine in certain amounts.

Separate fines are imposed:

  • for individual entrepreneurs;
  • for legal entities.

However, fines are far from the only consequence of ignoring the requirements of the law. If you do not connect to EGAIS, the supplier will sooner or later stop shipping products to you. Experts believe that in the future, working in the system will become a licensing requirement.

EGAIS as a system for accounting for excisable goods.

If initially the system was used only to account for the turnover of alcohol-containing products, then, subsequently, this system began to be used to account for fur and timber. At the same time, mandatory reporting on excisable goods was introduced through legislative acts and immediately across the entire market. Those. The fact of shipment of each batch of excise goods during production or wholesale sales is recorded by the supplier by sending an invoice to the EGAIS system, and recipients note the arrival of this batch at their place. Consequently, all facts of product turnover will be reflected in the Unified State Automated Information System. From a retail point of view, any store must transmit information about the sale of each unit of goods.

Sales journal

By connecting to EGAIS, you can avoid keeping a paper sales log. Once connected, it will be conducted using the capabilities personal account, V in electronic format and automatically.

Possible problems

If there is a problem with EGAIS, trading may stop. One of the most common failures is that the system cannot transmit information to the online server. If this happens, the system goes into offline mode: information will be accumulated for three days, which will then be transferred to the server after troubleshooting. It is important to understand that if problems persist for more than three days, activities with goods subject to accounting must be suspended.

Getting started with the Unified State Automated Information System.

To start interacting with the system you need to:

Connection diagram:

Receive an electronic digital signature for EGAIS on a medium

Install the FSRAR-Crypto 2 component to work with the EGAIS portal

Generate an RSA key

Set up an accounting system for interaction with UTM

Install the Universal Transport Module (UTM)

Install the necessary equipment at the points

Every outlet selling alcohol must have a PTC or FR that can print QR codes. In addition, you need a PC with a 32-bit operating system (at least Windows 7 Starter). The enterprise must have an Internet connection with a speed of at least 256 kbit/sec. To log into the system, you need to use cryptographic equipment, a scanner on a cash register, etc. The software itself is free for the company.

One of the most important points in the work of EGAIS is reading the code from the product. After all, if the barcode cannot be read, the seller does not have the right to sell the product. A bottle that has an incorrect or damaged code must be returned to the base or written off as a loss. That is why all goods need to be double-checked at the receiving stage - scan literally every bottle. Only then will you protect yourself from possible problems with the sale of alcohol.

When working with the system, each market participant, regardless of the form of organization and type of excisable goods (be it fur, alcohol or wood), is required to have an electronic signature to establish document flow. The digital signature must be qualified and issued only by an accredited certification center.

Receive an electronic signature for a unified automated information system in our company. Our managers will advise on all issues and help prepare a package of documents to obtain a signature.

Example of EGAIS in retail: alcohol

After connecting to a unified accounting system, the retailer needs to receive the goods. After receipt, the number of bottles in the traditional and electronic invoices must be verified with the actual volume of goods. The electronic invoice arrives on a PC on which a special program with EGAIS is installed. If everything matches, the purchase is recorded.
What to do if tax stamps are damaged? In case of visible damage, you must either reject the entire invoice or issue a discrepancy report. Then transfer the data to the cash register application.
Let us further find out how the sale of goods containing alcohol is carried out in EGAIS. The buyer hands over his purchase to the cashier, who reads the code with a 2D scanner, and the bottle with alcoholic contents is added to the receipt. The cash register software creates a special file and sends it to the so-called UTP - universal transport module. This application sends and receives encrypted information from the servers of the Federal Service for Alcohol Regulation. The server sends a receipt with the digital signature of the point of sale and a barcode back to the cash register, and the check is closed.
After the sale, the buyer is given a receipt with a 2-dimensional barcode, which confirms that the fact of sale was indeed recorded and transmitted to the system. By reading the code with a smartphone, anyone can verify the authenticity of the product.
Another advantage of the system is the EGAIS declaration: you can prepare and submit a declaration on alcohol turnover with a few clicks of the mouse.

Rules for the sale of beer that came into force in 2016

Another case when it is necessary to transfer information about purchases to EGAIS is the sale of mead, poire, cider, beer drinks and beer. This is mandatory from January 1, 2016.


From the beginning of this year, forests will also be taken into account in the EGAIS system. On February 1, those responsible for maintaining the state forest register were trained and received the status of master users. In turn, master users became teachers for other users. It was from the master user that one could obtain his personal access - login and password.

Frequently asked questions about EGAIS

What to do if there is an Internet outage at a retail outlet?

When the Internet is turned off at a retail outlet, the sale of alcoholic beverages can continue: the goods are recorded automatically in the EGAIS program. When the network resumes operation, sales data will automatically be transferred to PAP.

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To obtain an electronic digital signature for Unified State Information System and obtain detailed information on all questions of interest, you must contact specialists. This can be done by filling out the appropriate application, the form of which is posted on the company’s website. During the working day, the duty manager will call you back at the number indicated in it and provide detailed information about the procedure for purchasing functionality.

Contact a specialist

Get an electronic signature for EGAIS

Pickup location

To obtain an electronic signature, a representative of the organization must personally appear at the registration office of Astral-M LLC and provide all the necessary documents for concluding a service agreement.


Office hours:
Monday – Thursday from 9.00 to 18.00 (no lunch)
Friday and holidays from 9.00 to 16.45