Which is better Nikon or Canon mirror reviews. Choosing a digital camera: Canon or Nikon?

24.04.2019 Technique

What should a beginner amateur photographer choose? Which brand should you prefer? Answering these questions is not so simple. People often like to compare several models from Nikon and Canon in the same price segment. Then a third player - a Sony enthusiast - can join this pair with his own view of the camera market. However, having limited their choice to a few models, novice amateur photographers look at this problem rather narrowly and do not take into account many more important factors. We will talk about them in our article.

You shouldn’t compare camera A with camera B, pitting them head-to-head.

When you compare one camera to another, one model may have a clear advantage. This is not without reason: manufacturers have never released two completely different models, endowing them with certain advantages over competitors. For example, the Nikon 5300 has a very advanced autofocus system - competitors only have this in the semi-professional segment.

And Sony cameras have a much better video mode and more various kinds of electronic features, filters, and additional functions.

All these advantages in numbers are rarely fully realized by amateurs, but can cause you to jump to a hasty conclusion and lead to a rash purchase. Before you give preference to one or another parameter, think about how important it will be for you when shooting. Remember that most of the time you will be “just shooting” without using fancy AF tracking algorithms or the many built-in filters.

About the complex Nikon menu and the small fleet of Sony optics

After comparing specific models and identifying all possible disadvantages and advantages, buyers like to appeal to opinions read on forums or heard from more experienced friends: about the number of optics in the system, about the features of camera control... There can be a lot of options! But controlling any camera is a matter of habit. In principle, this does not apply to novice photographers, since habit is acquired. It takes years to develop. So the convenience or inconvenience of the interface of a particular model should never be judged based on the opinion of another person. A novice photographer easily adapts to the control features of almost any camera.

With optics it's a little more complicated. When choosing a system, we choose lenses. Sony inherits a large legacy from Konica-Minolta, and Canon has a huge stock of old optics available on the secondary market. It is worth considering here that the matrices of digital cameras are constantly being improved, and a lens that was sharp on a six-megapixel matrix will not demonstrate all the capabilities of a sensor with a resolution of 18 megapixels or more.

Lenses, like cameras, keep up with the times. Any brand from big three There is a full line of optics for every taste and budget. Moreover, the question of whether a manufacturer has a large or small fleet of optics is very ambiguous. It makes sense to consider only lens models recent years releases that meet high modern image quality requirements. And here all manufacturers will have approximately the same set.

Thus, as in any situation, you need to have your own head on your shoulders and not take the word of people who are only slightly more experienced in the matter of choosing cameras. Many problems turn out to be far-fetched and made up out of thin air.

Service availability

Equipment is not insured against breakdowns. Minor drops, dust, moisture, extreme temperatures - all this can cause the camera or its components to fail. In such cases, professionals have a second camera, a spare one, but for an amateur this is a luxury. Through service centers Many amateur photographers passed. It is worth finding out in advance about the availability of a service in your region or city, as well as the quality of the work they carry out. There is no point in additional megapixels or autofocus points if you cannot repair the camera if it breaks, or you can, but with great effort. However, even if there is no service in your city, there is always the possibility of sending the camera to another city. In any case, you will not be left without qualified help, it just may take more time.

Focus on friends

Mirrored, and now without SLR Cameras distributed everywhere. It is possible that you have a more experienced friend or acquaintance who has made his choice and has already acquired his own fleet of optics. In this case, you make your task much easier because you have the opportunity to try this or that camera or lens. Even if you don’t have them yet, you can easily find like-minded people via the Internet. Large communities of fans of this or that brand have long been formed online, and their participants hold regular live meetings. You can also try joining a local photography club by finding it through a local city forum. Oddly enough, choosing a camera “like your friends” turns out to be justified here: they will always help you with advice and let you try an interesting lens for a day or two.

Read tests and reviews

There are many tests and reviews of technology available online today. For example, in our tests we try to pay maximum attention not to instrumental comparisons, but to testing cameras in real conditions. Because we sincerely believe that the main thing is how the camera takes pictures in real life, and not at all measured in percentage difference in noise or other parameters.

Listen to your own taste

Even if you are armed with all our advice and have already made a choice, there is always a chance that something will go wrong. The difference between systems lies not so much in the objective field as in the subjective field. There is no one undisputed leader. Photography is subjective, and you should listen to the whispers of the heart. Whether Canon, Nikon, or Sony, they all have their own philosophy, their own perception of color and vision of this world. Look at the photos and ask yourself if you like them. This, in our opinion, is the most important. You have to like the photos. Your camera should produce “your” color in the pictures, and your optics should paint “your” picture.

Who makes the best DSLR cameras - Canon or Nikon? If there was a clear answer to this question, one of the companies would have dropped out of the market long ago. Indeed, Canon and Nikon produce the best cameras, flashes and lenses, and they have been doing this for decades. Whichever brand you choose, you'll get a broad, well-supported system for every level of development, from beginner to professional. Onliner.by tried to understand the issue by assessing the capabilities of modern SLR cameras of both systems.

In answer to the question in the title, we are not comparing camera to camera, but system to system. Unlike other competitors focused on consumer electronics, both Nikon and Canon have billion-dollar projects in semiconductor manufacturing and space programs.

There is an important difference between the companies: Canon owns a wide portfolio of office equipment and gigantic production facilities, while Nikon's entire business is concentrated on the production of cameras, lenses and microscopes. Thus, one company has a strategic focus, while the other has a tactical focus.

The competitors' histories differ in another key way. Nikon began as a manufacturer of expensive and high-quality cameras for military needs and only with the release of inexpensive DSLRs did it gain consumer interest. Canon began as a manufacturer of cheap analogues of Leica rangefinder cameras and only entered the professional segment in 1970.


Canon and Nikon have the widest ranges of commercially available optics. All modern Canon EF and EF-S lenses have a built-in focus drive and are 100% supported by EOS DSLR cameras. Nikon produces optics without a servo drive; for it you need to choose a camera with a built-in motor, called a “screwdriver”. When it comes to the use of manual Soviet optics and lenses of other systems, adapters for Canon EOS are easier to manufacture and cheaper. Adapters for Nikon require a correction lens in the design - without it it will not be possible to focus “to infinity”.

In general, across the entire range of popular lenses, you will have to pay 15% more for similar models of Nikon optics. Inexpensive Nikon lenses for APS-C SLR cameras are built much better than Canon analogues - they do not creak or play. Expensive wide-angle and standard zoom lenses from Nikon are sharper than their Canon counterparts. The quality of telephoto lenses from both companies is excellent.

The Canon lens line includes such fast portrait models as the EF 50mm F/1.2 and EF 85mm F/1.2. Nikon does not have such high-aperture optics, however, its motivation is in this case decent: the company doesn’t want to produce optics that won’t be ringingly sharp wide open.


Until 2012, Nikon was ahead: the developed 51-point autofocus system performed well in dark and difficult conditions, it easily recognized the right faces and produced 9 out of 10 sharp shots when shooting action. It is for this reason that famous Russian bloggers and photographers Sergey Dolya and Ilya Varlamov decided to change their system from Canon to Nikon.

But in general, Nikon is ahead in the autofocus segment: even the relatively inexpensive D5300 camera has 39-point autofocus. Canon's autofocus often requires some adjustment, even with the EOS 5D Mark III.


Typically, Canon installs 1,040,000 pixel resolution displays on its DSLR cameras. Entry- and mid-price cameras may have a rotating design and touch controls. Also, the screens of all modern Canon DSLRs are made of tempered glass and have anti-reflective and oleophobic coating. The only exception here is the EOS 6D, which received “poor” plastic display protection. The 3:2 aspect ratio allows Canon cameras to fit the frame completely into the screen, and when recording video, have additional fields for settings.

Nikon prefers 4:3 aspect ratio displays. The company's inexpensive cameras receive plastic screen protection.

In terms of image quality at low ISO, color depth and dynamic range, Nikon models successfully occupied the top positions in the rating. The closest competitor, the flagship Canon EOS-1D X, is in 30th place, inferior even to cameras with an APS-C sensor. In practice, image quality at high ISOs is very good from both brands, and it takes some effort to find the difference between similar models.

Video recording

The first DSLR camera with video recording capability was the Nikon D90. The digital film and clip boom really began with the release of the Canon EOS 5D Mark II, the first DSLR to support 1080p video recording. It was used in the filming of House, The Avengers and many other films. Nikon is slowly entering the video industry (for example, the Dexter series was filmed with the D800).

Both cameras are capable of outstanding results in the hands of a professional, but Canon is developing the technology more confidently. The company's new Dual Pixel CMOS sensors finally allow video recording to focus smoothly and hands-free. Only Nikon 1 mirrorless cameras can boast of hybrid focusing.

Country of Origin

Nikon only produces flagship products in Japan, such as the D4S reportage camera. Other cameras are produced in Thailand and China. Canon prefers to produce equipment in its homeland: even the inexpensive EOS 650D is made in Japan. Canon's outsourced manufacturing base is Taiwan, a country with a highly skilled workforce and strict quality control. In our experience, the time from the announcement of the Nikon camera to its appearance in retail sales in Belarus it takes longer, from two to four months. Canon products appear at worst after two months.

Stains on reputation

Both companies have them. The Nikon D600, introduced two years ago, had a problematic shutter mechanism that threw droplets of oil and microscopic pieces of abrading paint directly onto the sensor, which negatively affected the quality of images. The company kept a good face until the very end bad game. The turning point was the defeat of the D600 on Chinese television. The government of the country of victorious communism decided to ban sales of the camera, to which Nikon responded with lightning speed with an action - all D600 owners received the right to a free shutter replacement. For some time, the D800 had low-quality displays that gave a greenish tint.

Canon has been criticized for allergen-fading rubber in the EOS 650D and for design issues with the EOS 5D Mark III. When the display backlight was turned on, the camera changed its exposure settings, indicating that light was leaking inside. The problem was solved in a trivial way - they covered the screen with black tape.

Mirrorless cameras

Canon was the last company to present its mirrorless camera. The EOS M camera has an 18 megapixel APS-C sensor, a line of silent lenses and a compact body. The mirrorless camera immediately got into trouble for its weak battery and slow autofocus. The new firmware completely solved the problem of slowness, but EOS M never saw the love of buyers.

Nikon has perhaps the most authentic take on mirrorless cameras. The Nikon 1 mirrorless cameras include three models - aimed at the amateur, professional and adventure photographer. The latest, Nikon 1 AW1, can shoot underwater and is shockproof.

All cameras feature record shooting rates of up to 20 frames per second with focus tracking and a 1 GB memory buffer. There are 10 lenses available for Nikon mirrorless cameras. It would seem that everything is fine, but the entire line is built on a tiny 1″ CMOS sensor, which is significantly inferior in image quality to APS-C. As we can see, both companies did not succeed in this segment. Sony NEX mirrorless cameras, Olympus and Panasonic solutions look much more interesting.

Entry-level DSLR cameras

The cheapest DSLR brands are built on an APS-C sensor, with a crop factor of 1.5x for Nikon and 1.6x for Canon. To attract buyers, Canon has three baits at once: the world's lightest and most compact DSLR EOS 100D, the inexpensive EOS 1200D and the self-sufficient 18-megapixel EOS 700D with a rotating touch screen and hybrid focusing for video recording.

Nikon in this segment is represented only by the D3300 model, which quickly gained popularity. This camera has 24 megapixels on board, 11-point autofocus and continuous shooting at a frequency of 5 frames per second.

The camera does not have a low-pass filter, which makes it extremely attractive for those who like to photograph nature and cities rich in details.

Since Canon and Nikon have existed, they have been competing with each other for customer attention. And people are usually divided into two camps - the Canon camp or the Nikon camp. Let's try to figure this out, although this is a rather difficult task.

The Canon company specializes not only in the production of high-quality cameras, but also in the production of office equipment. Nikon is engaged in only one area of ​​​​activity - the production of photographic equipment.

A lot of good words can be said about the quality of a particular company, so it can be difficult for people, especially beginners in photography, to understand what is better than Nikon or Canon. Each company has its fans and critics who will argue to the last about their preferences.

If you consider whether Nikon or Canon is better, you should first of all pay attention to the price. The price of Canon cameras has always been reasonable, and this has attracted many customers. Canon lenses are no different from its competitor, but their cost is an order of magnitude lower. This distinction has existed for quite some time and many clients have become accustomed to it. Perhaps this is the company’s policy, but this gives the Canon consumer an additional advantage.

Canon always tries to release its new products for sale. The client does not have to wait long to receive the desired camera. The same cannot be said about its competitor, who is usually slow with its new developments. New Nikon cameras can be purchased only a few months after their development.

Canon pays great attention to video quality in its photographic equipment. Nikon is losing significantly in this aspect of the race. Nikon cameras do not have the same frame rate as Canon and this affects the quality of their videos.

Canon produces photographic equipment with a large number of megapixels, and for many photographers this aspect is quite important.

Nikon lovers will never ask which camera is better than Nikon or Canon. He simply wouldn't trade the brand for anything else for the simple reason that their cameras allow you to take truly great pictures, even if the lighting conditions aren't very conducive to it. If you take photographs in such conditions with a Canon camera, they will never turn out to be of the same quality as Nikon. A small amount of noise is an undeniable advantage of this brand.

Nikon boasts excellent focusing. With such a camera there is no need to turn on manual focusing, which can be inconvenient for a person, especially if he has little practice in photography. The size of the APS-C sensor of this company's photographic equipment is one size larger, which cannot but affect the quality of the photos.

Focusing with Nikon cameras is much more convenient, since they have a sufficient number of autofocus points. But with Canon things are different; with its photographic equipment it can be difficult to focus on any subject.

Canon not only has a lower price, not being inferior in quality to its competitor, but also allows you to install older lens models using various adapters. But this does not mean that Nikon is not doing anything; it is trying to develop more and more additional options, which makes its technology advanced. All these new gadgets help the photographer in his work.

Nikon and Canon flashes differ little in quality from each other. Their matrices are made using the same CMOS technology. Although some Canon cameras still have CCD matrices, which, of course, cannot be compared in quality to the new generation matrices.

Although Nikon loses to Canon in terms of the number of megapixels, the possibility of noise reduction can compensate for this. Although some photographers still prefer to have a sufficient number of pixels. But the matrix has important For the quality of photographs, the resolution will determine how the details will appear in the photograph.


When choosing a camera, any photographer first of all looks at the camera's optics. The lens is always included with the camera, but it can also be purchased separately so that it fully provides the required quality. When purchasing a Nikon camera, you will not be able to purchase a Canon lens; it simply will not fit. But if you use an adapter, you can install a lens from another old brand, for example “Helios” or “Jupiter”. This can actually give a completely different picture to the photographer, so it's fun to experiment with. Both companies can offer this opportunity to experiment with lenses. To do this, you need to purchase an adapter from this company. And I must say that Canon in this case is more friendly, it provides a large number of adapters at a fairly affordable price. But Nikon’s price for such adapters is not much higher than that of its competitor.

As for lenses, both companies tried their best and produced a sufficient number of them. There is a huge variety of optics for portrait, landscape, night and other types of photography. Canon has made a special effort; they have produced a huge variety of lenses at a fairly reasonable price. Nikon sells its optics for several tens of dollars more.


There are practically no differences between companies here; they never save money on electronics. Therefore, their equipment can support any format.


Nikon's exposure metering is sufficient high level, so the images look quite natural. Although Canon is trying to overtake its counterpart in this, making the most convenient measurements for a dark background, backlight or other situations.

The flash on both cameras allows you to take high-quality pictures in the dark. Many people are trying to understand what is better than Nikon or Canon and which of them provides better quality photos. Many people note that the quality of photos taken with a flash from Nikon is an order of magnitude higher than Canon. It was already noted above that Nikon and better level suppression. The Nikon flash can be controlled either automatically or using manual settings.

Manual mode

Both cameras have the ability to change settings independently. White balance is also adjustable.


This option is individual for each photographer. You can never say for sure who is better here; it all depends on tastes and preferences. Although there is no significant difference between the appearance of these two cameras, the body of Canon models is most often made of plastic, so they are lighter. However, don’t think that Canon is losing its quality because of this. The case is made from high-quality plastic that resists impacts well. Its surface does not age for a long time and retains a decent appearance. Nikon bodies are made from more durable materials that have waterproof qualities. The camera from this company is not afraid of bad weather conditions.

As you can see, the equipment of one and another company has many positive points. But if you briefly look at them distinctive features, then you can see that Canon is more convenient for people with large palms, while Nikon is more compact and fits comfortably in small hands. Canon's settings are push-button, while Nikon's are graphical.

If we consider the price, we can clearly see that the more characteristics a particular camera has, the higher its price. This is typical for both one brand and another. Therefore, when looking for an answer to the question of which is better a Nikon or Canon DSLR, it is impossible to focus on one particular brand. It can play the latter role here, since everything depends on the characteristics of a particular camera model.

When considering which is better, Canon or Nikon, you can never say for sure. The equipment of both companies does not compete with each other, and it is quite difficult to compare them. Therefore, the more you are willing to pay, the cooler your camera will be.

It's more important to consider which features you need most and which you can live without. Consider whether you need a camera with all the bells and whistles just to take family photos. If you do not need the video recording function, then only the D5000, 500D, D90 models have this capability. Only Canon can shoot in Full HD mode.

If you are interested in inexpensive but high-quality models, then you should pay attention to the Canon 60D and Nikon D7000. Their price will not exceed 1000 dollars.

The Canon 60D has an 18-pixel matrix, the ability to shoot Full HD video is a definite plus. This camera is equipped with a built-in flash and a convenient large screen that can be rotated. This camera allows you to take many photos and does not require constant recharging. The pictures are quite high quality despite the low cost of the camera.

The matrix has a slightly lower resolution - 16 pixels. HD video shooting is possible. The battery does not discharge for a long time, just like Canon. The screen is big enough. Autofocus, like all Nikon models, is quite good level. The body is made of durable metal alloy. Great for street photography bad weather, as it has a waterproof body.

Nikon D800 and Canon 5D Mark 3 are some of the best cameras from both companies.

Nikon D800 boasts less noise and more pixels. Autofocus works better than in a Canon camera. You can also use autofocus when shooting video. Equipped with an external flash, the operation of which can be controlled. Any lens in the Nikon line will suit this camera.

Canon 5D Mark 3 has the best screen resolution, maximum value ISO. A strong battery ensures long continuous operation. The video has many settings. Light weight, convenience are also positive qualities of this model.

The war between Canon and Nikon fans will probably never end, as these companies continue to produce many different models with a variety of capabilities. All of the above once again confirms that there is no advantage on either side. It all depends on the preferences of the photographer. Regardless of which camera the photographer chooses, much in this matter depends on his skill.

Choosing a camera for personal use is an interesting and creative process. The choice itself already represents a whole educational excursion into the world of digital photography. This does not apply to professionals; they know exactly what they want from a camera. And amateurs will have to decide on the criteria they set for their camera. Comparing cameras from different brands according to certain indicators and helping with the choice is the task of this article.

Nowadays, several major brands are offered for amateur photography:

  • Olympus;
  • Sony;
  • Canon;
  • Nikon;
  • Kodak.

Sony is recognized as a pioneer in the production of high-quality electronics and digital cameras. Traditional quality and fame attracts many, but today this company is increasingly moving into the production of professional equipment. It is characterized by a large number of functions on the camera using electronic technology. A small but verified fleet of optics is also Sony. Also, traditionally, cameras from this company have higher quality video.

Olympus is a relatively recent player in this market. An earlier mistake made by the manufacturer in using its own memory card was quickly corrected. The SD memory card is now universal and is used in cameras from all major manufacturers. Olympus focuses on the production of miniature cameras, big choice cameras for extreme sports, submersible and heavy-duty. The solution to waterproofness and super-strength inevitably leads to some reduction in other important indicators. Additionally, Olympus has its own developed software product for the primary processing of photographs, their marking and storage, as does Sony.

The well-known leader in traditional film photography, Kodak, made an attempt to enter digital photography, but today one can not consider this brand. Some cameras under this brand were made with high quality, but the ever-increasing demands were far ahead of the former Kodak DSLRs. This category also includes other lesser-known brands, such as Fuji, Samsung, Rekam, Pentax.

Two recognized brands of digital photography, Canon and Nikon, offer a wide selection of digital cameras for both professionals and amateur home use. It is these two companies that are worth paying attention to due to the wide range of functions, sizes and costs.

Experts advise you to think about how necessary manual exposure settings, choosing photo parameters, and special effects will be. If you are not involved in highly artistic photography, then most cameras have an automatic mode, which is sufficient for amateur photographs of attractions. There are also several genre modes installed, the choice of which allows you to take a picture of very good quality under various conditions. The pursuit of millions of pixels should also have reasonable limits.

If an amateur photographer is not going to take panoramic photographs, if he is not going to print a poster on the entire wall, then the matrix resolution does not need to be chosen as the maximum one presented. SLR and non-SLR cameras, compact, with increased protection from moisture, with the ability to change lenses - comparing cameras based on these properties is a thankless task, each performs certain functions. The amateur faces a difficult choice.

Selecting a camera by functionality

It should be remembered that the quality of the image is affected by the resolution and size of the matrix. Simply increasing the resolution on an old generation matrix will not give the desired effect. For reference: the existing matrix diagonal sizes in ascending order are 1/ 2.3˝, 1/ 1.7˝, 4/3˝, 1˝, APS-C and fullframe. Resolution is expressed in pixels. The number of pixels determines how much you can enlarge the image on the screen and what size the print can be obtained. Increasing the number of pixels without increasing the area leads to a loss of quality, and, conversely, when increasing the size of the matrix with optimal resolution, more light reaches each pixel, the picture turns out brighter, and sharpness also increases.

A SLR camera has a number of advantages in terms of convenience of frame composition, assessment of the illumination falling on the matrix, and accuracy of focusing. They use larger and higher quality matrices, for example, fullframe has the size of a standard film frame of 24 x 36. Essentially, in the viewfinder of a SLR camera we see what will be reflected in the picture. Undoubted convenience is complemented by improvements in other camera parameters. A DSLR is the most expensive camera.

The best cameras of 2017

The presence of a viewfinder in addition to the display adds convenience when shooting; this factor brings a simple camera somewhat closer to a DSLR in terms of frame evaluation. An important nuance for an advanced amateur photographer is the ability to change lenses. This quality will make the camera universal: from a camera for shooting landscapes and fish-eye panoramas to a “photo gun with a telephoto lens.” Interchangeable camera lenses definitely have optical zoom. Unlike digital zoom, optical zoom does not stretch the image like in a computer, but actually brings it closer. It should be noted that any camera is equipped with digital zoom as an addition.

A number of small but important parameters in handling - batteries, the presence and design of a flash, ports for connecting to a computer or TV, a focusing lever, a zoom lever. And, finally, whether the camera fits comfortably in the hand, how much the owner likes it. Which camera is better is up to the user to decide after analyzing all the above parameters and their aspirations.

Choosing between the two most famous brands

Using the example of the two most popular brands, we will consider the main characteristics of cameras of various classes. It is between these cameras that you most often have to choose. Nikon or Canon? The data is summarized in the table; a random selection of the most typical models in the line was made.

Nikon Coolpix P7100Canon PowerShot G9Canon EOS M bodyNikon 1 V1Nikon D3100 kit 18-55Canon EOS 5D mark II body
Camera typecompactcompactMirrorless Camera(MILC)Mirrorless Camera (MILC)Digital SLRDigital SLR
Matrix size

APS-C (18x13.5)

FHS-C (18x13.5)

Effective megapixels
Maximum photo size3648x2736 pixels4000x3000 pixels5184x3456 pixels3872x2592 pixels4608x3072 pixels5616x3744 pixels
Range of available light sensitivity (ISO) 10-12800
Lens changeabilityNoNoYesYesYesYes
Focal length28-200 mm25-210 mm 18-55 mm
Preset scene programs
Built-in memory 32 MB
Memory card formatSD, SDHC, SDXCCompact flashSD, SDHC, SDXCSD, SDHC, SDXCSD, SDHC, SDXCCompact flash
Built-in flashThere isThere isNoThere isThere isNo
Weight310 g320 g298 g294 g500 g810 g

As can be seen from the table, the camera parameters are largely comparable. The performance of Canon cameras has a slightly wider range. The capabilities compared at the amateur level are the same, but if you need to vary the shooting mode, Nikon provides more. According to the experience of professionals, Canon cameras have the best combination of matrix size and resolution, which produces very impressive results at low levels. Canon cameras come in a wider variety of models.

A power issue can be a deciding factor when purchasing a camera. It’s good when the camera can run on regular batteries, which can be bought at any kiosk. At the same time, the format itself implies the presence of batteries and charger to him. When a camera has a non-standard battery format, a problem with replacing it can disrupt a planned photo shoot, and being away from home can even be akin to tragedy.

The choice may be influenced by which brand friends and acquaintances use. This will help you get to know all the characteristics better, and will also not create problems with changing memory cards or using one software And so on.

Comparison of cameras on forums on the Internet among professionals will never end unambiguously. It all depends on personal preferences, the choice occurs almost on a subconscious level.

Any good camera will give you hours of creative communication with beauty. The choice is yours.

If any of the brands produced truly the best cameras, the second would have simply given up and left the market long ago, unable to withstand the competition. Therefore, we cannot say that Canon is better than Nikon and vice versa. However, there are fundamental differences between the cameras of these two manufacturers, which we will discuss below. Before moving on to the comparison, it is important to understand: we are not going to compare specific models, we will be comparing systems as a whole.

You didn't know: Canon and Nikon are the only brands (unlike their competitors) that have semiconductor manufacturing practices and projects in space programs.

So, on to the comparison.

Canon and Nikon offer their customers huge selection optics. Canon makes EF and EF-S lenses with built-in focus drives, and they are fully supported on all EOS cameras. Nikon, on the other hand, produces lenses without a servo drive, so they are only suitable for cameras with a (built-in motor). If we look at the pros and cons, Canon wins, because the lenses from this manufacturer are cheaper and easier to manufacture. For a lens from Nikon with almost the same parameters you will have to pay 15% more. At the same time, the quality of the lenses from both companies is very, very good.

Picture quality

The picture quality of different cameras is determined using DxOMark tests. Judging by them, Nikon systems confidently win in this case. The test evaluates the quality of a picture based on the information that can be obtained from the pictures.

By image quality at low ISO, dynamic range and depth Nikon colors is undoubtedly in the lead - the first two lines belong to cameras from this manufacturer. The closest competitor is the device that is in position 30. However, in practice, unless you refer to tests, it is impossible to notice the difference in image quality, and you will have to try very hard to find this difference in quality between approximately equal models.


Until 2012, Nikon was a confident leader, if we take this parameter separately. It had a 51-point weapon in its arsenal, which demonstrated excellent results even in difficult conditions. When shooting dynamic objects, it was possible to get 9 accurate shots out of 10. For this reason, many photographers switched to Nikon devices.

However, Canon did not want to give in, and as a result of competition, a camera appeared on the market - a model with 61-point focusing, which automatically adapted to the behavior of the objects being photographed. And now some photographers were again forced to change their religion and switch to a camera.

Still, if we take focusing systems in general, then Nikon is still the leader. Because even inexpensive models like the D5300 use 39-point focusing. But in Canon cameras you often need to tinker with the settings.


The display is such a secondary parameter that I don’t really want to compare them. They do not have any effect on the quality of the image, so the advantage of one of the companies will be very negligible in this parameter.

Canon usually installs tempered glass displays; mid-level or entry-level devices may even have rotating designs and touch controls. All of these are more marketing ploys than truly useful additions. By the way, there is one model (EOS 6D) with a screen with dull plastic display protection. For some reason, all the rest are made of tempered glass and an oleophobic coating.

Nikon makes everything more logical: it puts plastic display protection on inexpensive cameras, and tempered glass on expensive ones. Otherwise, there are no significant differences.


Previously, DSLR cameras were aimed exclusively at professional photographers who used camcorders for video recording. Next, to satisfy the needs of novice photographers and finally extremely stupid questions like: “Why doesn’t he take a video?” Video recording functions have been introduced. The very first DSLR with the ability to record video was Nikon D90, however, the device did not make a splash. The real boom is the emergence Canon EOS 5D Mark II– a SLR camera that supported 1080p video recording.

Nikon D90 - the first SLR camera with video recording

By the way, Canon camera The EOS 5D Mark II was used to record famous TV series such as House. And they filmed Dexter on a Nikon D800.

Both systems show excellent results in the hands of professionals, but Canon is more confidently and quickly developing video technology. New models Dual Pixel CMOS They already know how to focus during video smoothly and automatically.


Oddly enough, the country of production plays a role in our comparison and partly it is not the quality that influences it. Nikon devices are made in Japan, but this only applies to flagship products. Other products are made in China or Thailand. Keono prefers his homeland, and even produces inexpensive cameras in Japan. The springboard for external manufacturing is the country of Taiwan with excellent and highly qualified employees and strict quality control.

Professional DSLRs

Professional SLR cameras are the pinnacle of the evolution of photographic equipment with interchangeable lenses. They are expensive and multifunctional. If you don’t have at least $5,000, then you can’t even dream of buying such a camera.

The strength of professional Nikon DSLRs is their flash performance and perfect metering. Canon has very fast autofocus and lenses with excellent stabilization.

In 2007, Nikon introduced the world to the Nikon D3, which took high ISO image quality to new heights. Then, 7 years later, the Nikon D4s camera appeared, providing a maximum ISO of 409,600 and continuous shooting at a speed of 11 frames per second.

Canon is represented in the major league by two reporter cameras - the 18-megapixel EOS-1D X device (14 frames per second) and EOS-1D C, which “can” shoot 4K videos at 60 frames per second.

Which camera is the best among them is almost impossible to determine. They are for different tasks.

High-end mirrors

Models in this segment are worse than professional DSLRs and are cheaper. In this league, Canon and Nikon only offer full-frame models. The very first of them are Canon EOS 6D and Nikon D610. Both cameras have similar characteristics.

The D610 camera has 24 megapixels, continuous shooting at 6 frames/sec, a water- and dust-resistant body, and two slots for memory cards.

The EOS 6D device has only 20 megapixels, slower continuous shooting compared to its competitor, one memory card and fewer autofocus points. However, there are GPS and Wi-Fi modules. In addition, this camera performs a little better in low light.

Other similar cameras – Nikon D810 and Canon EOS 5D Mark III. The first camera, the D810, is a champion in resolution (36 megapixels). Canon EOS 5D Mark III– 22-megapixel, but it has 61-point focusing and excellent burst speed.

Average price range

Mid-price devices with APS-C sensors. They are distinguished by excellent ergonomics and high-quality, comfortable housings. In this category, Canon offers one of the oldest cameras, the EOS 7D, and the relatively new EOS 70D. The old EOS 7D has 19-point focusing and a shooting rate of 8 frames per second. EOS 70D is a 20-megapixel camera with phase focusing, a Wi-Fi module and a rotating screen, which is not needed at all.

There is also a camera that is close in cost to the Canon EOS 700D (from a lower segment). There is a 39-point focusing system, a rotating display and other goodies.

First level

Entry-level DSLRs are the cheapest devices with a mirror viewfinder and an APS-C sensor. To attract buyers, different companies use different techniques. For example, Canon offers the lightest DSLR in the world EOS 100D, as well as an 18-megapixel camera EOS 700D with hybrid focusing function for video recording and touch screen.

Nikon in this segment can only offer the D3300 model, which quickly gained popularity. This device has 24 megapixels, 11-point focusing and fairly fast continuous shooting with a frequency of 5 frames/sec. There is no low-pass filter, so those who like to take nature photographs with rich details will definitely appreciate it.

Mirrorless cameras

We told you earlier. Canon recently introduced the EOS M model with an APS-C sensor and 18 megapixel resolution. There is even a whole line of lenses for it. However, there is poor focusing and a battery that discharges very quickly.

Nikon offers the buyer as many as 3 models, which are more aimed at amateurs. Particularly stands out Nikon 1 AW1– the camera is capable of shooting underwater, it is even protected from shock.