Which nation has better tier 5 aircraft carriers. Aviki

22.09.2019 Internet

Many newcomers to games like World of Bla Bla always have the question of which branch is better to download first, and the question is very reasonable and appropriate. This determines whether the game will work for you at all or not. Still, there is always the possibility of choosing the most nauseating path, which will cause you to get burned and give up on the game.

With World of warships, in my case, this was approximately the case. I was tired of the tanks, I had to play something. I decided to try ships. I played it, but somehow it didn’t go well, most likely it’s not even that I chose the wrong nations and classes, but it’s just the kind of game that doesn’t work the first time. In general, after playing a little, I gave up on the game.

Six months passed and I decided to understand and forgive her again. This time it seemed to go off and drag on, quite a worthy game. Enough with the lyrics, I'm getting carried away.

I will evaluate the 10 levels and their suitability, and not the entire branch.

Best destroyer tier 10

Here I would like to mention 2 destroyers and I downloaded them in parallel.

Shimakaze– a Japanese destroyer, in my opinion the best level 10 stealth attacker, can send 15 surprises at a time with high one-time damage. The camouflage indicator is not the best in the game, but it is enough. Main caliber guns are rarely used, but they are good and can be used to harass enemies with smoke. Meeting with artillery destroyers is contraindicated. The turrets spin poorly and rarely fire. To do this, 2 twin towers stand at the back, and 1 at the front. This was done specifically to better fire while retreating. And the tactic works, especially against destroyers with poor ballistics. My Shima with 10% HP dismantled full Bensons and Gearings. It’s more difficult with the latter, of course, but sometimes it works with inexperienced caps.

Advice. While we are downloading the Japanese destroyers branch, and it is all usable, like the second alternative, we leave destroyers of levels 7 and 8 – Akatsuki and Kagero – in the hangar. Or their parallel brothers/sisters. If destroyers come in as a class, they will be useful to you for ranked battles, if you do not plan to buy premium ships for this. True, the captains will either have to be upgraded again or retrained with Shimakaze.

Gearing- American destroyer, a mixture of a bulldog and a rhinoceros. And hellish guns at close range can also be damaged by torpedoes. Very fast-firing guns, but with poor ballistics. It makes sense to fight against destroyers only at close ranges, but in this case it will burn you out in years. It has two 5-tube devices with nice torpedoes, they are inconspicuous, they float quickly (you can also speed them up with a perk due to the range), they are less noticeable than Shima’s, but they also cause less damage and are average. There is a barrier. The downside is Gearing's low speed. Really nice all-rounder, like his entire line.

A few words about Khabarovsk, a very cool destroyer, but complex, a heavy branch. A destroyer can't handle the job; it's almost a cruiser. I upgraded the branch quickly, because... I was lucky with the introduction of the altervet, some ships got without pumping and I jumped over level 8. A ship for experienced players.

Best Tier 10 Cruiser

ZAO– Japanese cruiser, easy to master, good main battery, glue torpedoes, low visibility, low HP, but not spent so quickly. The citadel is well defended, small and recessed. The overall dimensions are small. For beginners this is it. The leveling up branch is not very stressful, but these are cruisers and you need to come to terms with the idea that sending a cruiser to the port in a salvo is normal.

I first started downloading the branch of Soviet cruisers, it was burning, it was bombing, but I really wanted Moscow. There is so much suffering on the way to it, but it is worth it. It’s also a very good semi-battleship cruiser, but it’s not as easy to use as ZAO, so I recommend downloading ZAO first. Or in parallel.

Best tier 10 battleship

Yamato- a Japanese battleship with excellent armor, main caliber, a very nice battleship. But sometimes it suffers from poor maneuverability and poor air defense, but not every battle has Aviks, but the main caliber is needed in every one.

You can also download the German branch in parallel, leaving Gneisenau and Bismarck in the hangar along the way for ranked battles. Or we buy their premium clones so that there are no problems with the captains. But if you feel sorry for money, like me, then we download caps.

Best aircraft carrier tier 10

Midway- US aircraft carrier. I’m not good at aircraft carriers, but there’s no choice there, 2 branches. Most people recommend it.

Somehow, I apologize that there is a lot about some classes, and little about others. So the footcloth turned out to be long.

At all World game of warships is good, but there are really unplayable ships and you have to waste either your nerves or free experience to get through them.

And one last piece of advice. Download several branches at once, because there are always some promotions, discounts on one branch, then on another. Helps you save money and pump faster. On holidays, you can simply knock down increased experience from ships and thus pump them faster in parallel.

The above is purely my opinion and may differ from the opinions of others. Everyone will decide for themselves which ship is better in WOWS, but advice for a beginner will not be out of place. Have fun playing!

Let's make a reservation: when discussing whose and which ship is better in the World of Warships, we can compare aircraft carrier ships of only two countries - the USA and the Empire of Japan. The British branch is in development and is expected within a year. As for Germany and the USSR, during the Second World War these countries did not have time to acquire an aircraft carrier fleet, which means they do not have one in the game.

America vs Japan

If we take the ships of the initial, fourth class, then in the debate about which is better, the Japanese Hocho wins - unlike the American Langley, converted from a military coal miner, this ship was immediately created as an aircraft carrier. However, at the next levels the picture is not so clear.

The best aircraft carriers in World of Warships in the American branch are those with powerful fighter aircraft. The crown jewel of the US aircraft carrier fleet, the maritime giant Midway even carries jet fighters.

The best aircraft carriers in World of Warships, which are part of the Japanese branch, are not inferior to their American rivals and even surpass them in speed and the number of squadrons. These ships have good armor protection, and their air groups, although smaller in composition, are more numerous.

Let's sum it up

Whose aircraft carrier is the best in World of Warships? It is impossible to answer unequivocally. In terms of the strength of fighter aircraft, the US carrier fleet is clearly the leader. Japanese ships have their own trump card - squadrons of torpedo bombers, whose attacks sometimes leave enemy ships not a single chance.

However, if you play for Japan in World of Warships, remember the weak point of Japanese ships - weak air defense weapons and constantly monitor enemy aircraft.

I haven't talked about Aviks for a long time. I haven’t spoken for a long time, but almost nothing has changed. And it even got worse. Next are my personal impressions. I do not claim to be the ultimate truth.


Good aircraft managers have played enough at the top and/or left for other projects - the quality of players on them, especially at levels 8-10, has noticeably decreased. To the point that an Avik standing still and pressing SOS instead of going full throttle and leaving is now the exception, not the norm.

But not only is the quality, the quantity has also decreased. I meet Avik at levels 9-10 every 3-4 battles. And sharpening specifically in air defense has somehow become ineffective. Many cruisers now sail with GAP, which exacerbates the following problems:

Problem 1. As long as Aviks maintain such a high influence on the battle as they do now, a skilled Avik leader against a non-skilled one will almost always get a victory, and the losing team will best case scenario It will be unpleasant, and at worst - a beating.

Problem 2. Air defense in the new branches is configured rather strangely and this setting is poorly responsive to both gameplay (Grozovoy vs. Fletcher) and historical logic (Henri IV and Saint-Louis). Because of this, the effectiveness of air defense generally fluctuates greatly from ship to ship, and instead of simply understanding that the 10, say, has better air defense than the 9, a good aircraft manager has to learn all this, which makes the learning curve even steeper. And then there’s Midway with its endless planes – no matter how you look at it, it’s quite difficult to lose them all. It’s generally funny - I got to the top and got gameplay that was less deep than at the mid-level.


But with mid (6-7) levels, there is a feeling that Aviks have become better. Perhaps there are more skills here because there are:

a) challenge;

b) the opportunity to do something useful.

But, nevertheless, battles often still take place in such a way that a skilled air driver (or two) simply dominates the entire map.

So that's why everything is bad?

In my opinion, this is because we have entered this situation, and there is no easy way out of it. Because if, for example, you leave influence on the battle, but balance the skill of the pilots, then on the one hand this is hardly possible at all, and on the other hand, the waiting time for the battle will be about twenty minutes.

If you comb the air defense of all ships so that the results are stable, then you get into historicism (some nations had better air defense than others or simply installed more) and in any case there will be someone dissatisfied.

If you reduce the influence of Aviks on the battle, by nerfing Aviks, the Avik drivers will howl. Although in my opinion this is the best option.

For example, you can try to remove the ability of Aviks (at least for all aircraft) to “shine ships” - so that a ship detected by an Avik will be shown on the map, but it will not be possible to aim at it (as during a storm). Or you can further develop this idea by allowing Aviks to launch spotters that will shine as before, but take up space in the hangar and in flight control.

We continue the series of articles about the 10th levels. I sorted out the destroyers, the Aviks had a comparison of branches, now it’s the turn of the cruisers.

Let me remind you that mainly the 10th levels are considered. Why? Because level 7-8 is quite easy to level up, even without a bonus, while level 10 requires effort and/or donation/flags/camouflages/all together. And the 9th almost always plays with tens, there are no ranks for him, and there is no sign of it yet, so there is little point in leaving them in the port, unless, of course, it is an imba that plays better than the 10s (Fletcher or Taiho, for example).

Ships are considered based on flexibility and whether they can bring new experiences to the game.

Des Moines



  • Huge rate of fire with 203 mm guns - 10.9 rounds per minute
  • Excellent air defense from three-inch machine guns
  • Super-heavy BBs that ricochet less than standard BBs of other nations and have good penetration
  • Long American radar - 40 seconds per 10 km
  • 28 mm tip, allowing you to tank with a 380 mm nose (however, at levels 10 not so relevant)
  • Good camouflage - 13.9 km in the database


  • It is very difficult to hit all this stuff at distances above 10 km - armor-piercing ones have disgusting ballistics, and they also differ from land mines both in initial speed and in mass - therefore, the shells have quite different trajectories, which makes it difficult to choose the right lead when constantly switching from one type to another
  • The worst firing range among all heavy cruisers of its class is 15.9 km. Even some 5s have a higher range
  • Air defense machine guns are quickly knocked out
  • No torpedoes

The most similar ship is Cleveland/Minotaur

It would seem that there are a lot of advantages and not so serious disadvantages. But in fact, ballistics practically negates all this - it’s quite difficult to confidently hit 10+ km, and the enemy also has a lot of time to turn and not expose the side. And it’s not very easy to hit a destroyer, even though it has a radar. Therefore, the Des Moines, as a rule, play with invisibility and sit in ambush, waiting for a cruiser that will put them on board (and in battle it’s always just battleships, sadness) or trying to attack from behind the island - although the hinged trajectory helps here.

Need I say that this is not very effective?

In general, he would be better in the cruising meta, but in the world of battleships, which is still observed in 10s, he can be quite sad. Especially without torpedoes - battleships are stupidly not afraid of it.

I wouldn't recommend downloading it. Perhaps it would help Des Moines to be able to choose from three types shells - a super-heavy AP, a land mine and a regular AP (with ballistics like a HE - everything is realistic) - then there would be more flexibility, more opportunity to hit a distant target.


Dhaka in German, and with torpedoes


  • Many guns - 12
  • Powerful armor-piercing - almost 1/5 more damage than Des Moines (albeit with less penetration)
  • Special land mines, with reduced damage, but a built-in inertia - land mines of German cruisers and battleships penetrate quarter-caliber armor, which allows 203-mm HE to penetrate the 50-mm decks of German battleships, Moscow and Yamata
  • Excellent air defense (55s are unhistorically cool, although semi automatic machines, but this is how they were configured)
  • Torpedoes, a lot of torpedoes, with good aiming angles
  • Turtleback armor - will help in close combat against cruisers
  • German GAP


  • Healthy - easy to get
  • Slow - 31.5 knots
  • Noticeable – 16km

The most similar ship is Chapaev with inertia/Hipper

Overall, the Hindenburg is a pretty ok cruiser. Low speed and a good start (925 m/s) dictate the fighting style - throw from afar. Now land mines are good for this.

But in both close and medium combat, he can throw bb and polish it with torpedoes.

In principle, a good option for a beginner - quite comfortable, does not require any special skill for decent results.




  • Huge DPM
  • Excellent visa - 11.5 km in the base
  • Excellent air defense with the longest range
  • Special armor-piercing shells with reduced detonator delay
  • A special British healer with nanomachines
  • Mobility - razors quickly gain maximum speed (built-in upgrade for +50% speed gain for the entire branch)
  • Good maneuverability is also available
  • Smokes/radar - choose one
  • Many good tube-launched torpedoes


  • Large surface weakly protected citadel - there will be a lot of damage, they can attack citadels from short distances any destroyers
  • There are no land mines, which greatly reduces the scope of application - it is enough to put your nose to the minotaur so as not to receive almost any damage (but until the add-ons are knocked out to zero, you can shoot ~1.5k-2k per salvo)
  • Poor ballistics and short range - even worse than Des Moines
  • Small radius smoke
  • The maximum speed is insufficient for a comfortable change of positions - 33.5 knots (and with his style of gameplay you need to change positions quickly)
  • To shoot from smoke, you need someone to shine
  • The air defense can also be knocked out if they start shooting at it with land mines (but usually they shoot with bb - until the introduction of shaved LKs, at least)
  • No barrier
  • Henri-4 can hit the citadel in the nose

The most similar ship is Flint/Des Moines (if Cow is smokeless)/All Shaver/Gearing

The Minotaur is probably the most skill-dependent of the KR-10. Due to the lack of land mines, it is difficult to kill battleships or anything decently armored in general, and only deals acceptable damage to those who turn their broadside towards it. It consistently kills only destroyers.

What can you do with it? It is excellent at killing planes - the minotaur's umbrella can almost solo cover the entire flank due to its range. But it is not as easy for him to fight off a massive raid as for Des Moines/Hindenburg - there is no barrier. If there is no Avik or it works somewhere else, all that remains is to try to deal damage. Since it is difficult to damage the bows of cruisers or battleships on it, then, as a rule, it is worth staying slightly away from the team on it, so that you can throw it at the enemy’s side. Either from the smoke or from behind the island - a canopy trajectory similar to Des Moines allows this to be done.

It must be remembered that the Minotaur is very fragile and can collapse from one volley. And at level 10, many cruisers can highlight it in the smoke. You can also play in support of destroyers - inviz allows you to help your own team heading to the point. In general, you can do a lot of things, but he Very situational and requires good map control, plus quick reactions and decisions. I wouldn’t recommend taking it on for a beginner, but I would recommend it to others if they already have other KR-10s.


Ninja with RPG


  • 12 powerful guns - comfortable ballistics (due to heavy high-explosive shells) and good armor-piercing
  • Best HE damage from the KR-10 and a good chance of igniting
  • Good invisibility - 12.6 km at the base; 9.7 km with all the bells and whistles
  • 10 fast and powerful F3 torpedoes, traveling at 8 km
  • Good mobility and excellent steering time
  • An interesting armor scheme that periodically allows you to tank a seemingly non-tankable


  • The worst rate of fire among the KR-10 is 4.38 v/m. Even a large number of guns don’t compensate for this
  • Torpedoes, for all their speed and power, are relatively short: while most Japanese cruisers can throw 10-kilometer torpedoes a turn from invisibility, Zao cannot do this. And the fact that torpedoes are fast makes them even more difficult to launch.
  • Torpedoes also have traditional Japanese aiming angles - they can be thrown only after almost completely exposing the side
  • Main battery turrets also have poor aiming angles - you need to set the main gun at 45 degrees of the diamond to fire all four (for example, the Hindenburg has 35 degrees)
  • Low HP - 40800. Even less than the Minotaur. And, unlike the Minotaur, Zao does not have nanohealing.
  • Tight towers

The most similar ship is Myoko

However, Zao is a pretty nice ship, I would even say one of the best 10 cruisers. When there was inviso shooting, Zaya was probably the strongest KR10 (and the most annoying). But even now she’s not bad. I roll it with a range mod - firstly, I don’t worsen the turning time of the turrets (at a distance the turning speed becomes less critical), and secondly - even at an increased range - 18.8 km - Zaya throws quite comfortably, thanks to the proprietary Japanese ballistics. But hitting it from such a distance is very problematic. She is also good in invisibility - she can change the flank in invisibility, go aboard an enemy cruiser, sit in an ambush and, in general, with a good game, her low HP is not that much of a problem. Even a destroyer can be drowned in smoke with the help of your excellent torpedoes. The basic style - spinning from afar and throwing from there - is accessible to any beginner, and Zao may turn out to be even more enjoyable than Hindenburg as the first KR10. Yes, and everyone else should get it, in the Japanese branch I didn’t like only Ibuki, and then, rather, because he is the same as the two ships in front of it.

And they also say that it is correct to write Dzao. (nonsense, editor's note - animefucker)


Sniper with color music from above


  • Excellent guns with a caliber of 220 mm - both AP and HE are good, and the starting speed of 985 m/s is unsurpassed
  • Can citadel cruisers from almost maximum range
  • Long Soviet radar - 11.7 km for 25 seconds
  • Small turning radius - 760 m, which is a breath of fresh air after the Soviet line, where the overall radius is about 900
  • Good mobility - 34.5 knots. Comparable to Zao
  • Lots of HP - 65,400
  • Thick deck armor and belt - not all land mines can penetrate the deck of Moscow


  • Healthy - easy to get
  • Terrible visa - 18 km in the database. It can be overexposed by some battleships
  • A huge start at close ranges ensures stable overpends for cruisers
  • But you still can’t hit a battleship in the bow - not the Yamato
  • The only resulting type of activity is to spin around from afar and throw land mines/BB
  • The relative inapplicability of the radar - coupled with the huge detection distance, getting close to the destroyers is not so easy
  • There are no torpedoes - battleships/cruisers just stick to their noses and are not afraid of anything

The most similar ship is Henri 4

To be honest, I hardly travel around Moscow. I don't like her. Similar to Des Moines, she has a distance limit, but a close one. When it reaches about 8 km, its bb turns into a pumpkin against cruisers - instead of a citadel festival, there are a lot of overpends. And if the cruiser turns its nose up, it won’t be able to penetrate it—the caliber is wrong, alas.

What can she do? Hanging out from afar, throwing land mines and waiting to see if any cruiser turned on its side.

But so can Zao and Hindenburg, but they have other ways to play. Moscow has only one. Yes, and it’s normal not to approach the destroyers in order to use the radar - there is no invisibility, they are guaranteed to throw it.

In general, it’s boring for me to play it in the optimal way, and it doesn’t really work for me (I mean the percentage of wins, not the damage). And for its size, it has rather weak air defense. The 45s somehow don’t shoot down at all.

Olso, I still wanted to see Stalingrad in full view, and not this napkin (which, by the way, is classified by the Soviets as average cruiser). (but the Soviets had largely the Omsk classification of ships - editor's note)

I wouldn’t recommend it to a beginner, but Anri would recommend it to others.

Henri IV

Post-war medium cruiser healthy man


  • Powerful 240 mm guns are the largest among cruisers at the level and in the game in general at the moment (we don’t count LCRs and individual non-class uniques like Spee)
  • Both BB and HE damage are remarkable (the best on the level, together with Zao), as is the chance of arson
  • The initial 845 does not seem to be the largest, but due to the heavy projectiles of 220 kg, the ballistics are quite decent. And also, since the starting point is not too high, there are noticeably fewer overpends than Moscow.
  • And another 240 mm penetrates the British cruiser’s nose. At the same time, the citadel
  • There are torpedoes
  • Excellent speed - 35 knots in the base, and with the French afterburner consumables and afterburner upgrade, as well as the flag, you can maintain 44 knots for 4.5 minutes.
  • Good air defense


  • Maneuverability is so-so
  • The air defense is knocked out, and when they knock it out, it remains completely naked - 5″/54 doesn’t knock it down at all
  • Torpedoes are few and weak
  • Not the best visa - 16.6 km (still better than Moscow)

The most similar ship is Moscow/Saint-Louis

When Anri was brought in, I thought it was like Moscow, only worse. But then they corrected the air resistance of the shells, penetration, and added air defense.

And now Henri-4 is Moscow, only better.

As mentioned above, 240 mm can pierce the nose of a British cruiser, which is a surprise for them. Also, by taking the inertia, at the cost of changing the chance of arson from 22% to 19%, you can begin to penetrate 52mm armor with a high explosive, which is enough for German battleships (of which there are a lot), Khabarovsk, Moscow and Yamata (in some places, but Yamat is also enough in random). What makes Henri-4 so far the only cruiser other than the German ones, which also know how to do this (but with a very low-damage landmine). And 44 knots is fun. If used correctly, you can tank well with speed and kite. And catch up with the freaking destroyers. At maximum sharpening, the invisibility becomes 12.7 km, which is tolerable - at least the battleships do not overexpose.

Probably, now I would advise those who play 10s and already have Zao or Hindenburg to try Anri.

He is cheerful and, probably after a long time of waiting, he is the first new KR10 that has finally made me a fan again.